Suyin Moment

Love=Mission Impossible HIATUS


Ri In sat on the deck of her room. Her eyes gaze deeply into the starlit sky. She leaned against the stoned wall and sunk deep into her thoughts. “Ri In?” Junsu’s soft voice echoed through the dark room. “Yes?” She turned her head around to see who it was. “Oh… Junsu-sshi. What’s wrong?” She asked as he entered the room and took a seat beside her. “Should I be asking you that?” He smiled at her. “Wae?” She looked back. “Are you homesick?” He asked. She sighed, “A bit… but it doesn’t matter…” She said. Junsu’ urge to touch her was tempting. He wanted to pull her into his embrace so badly but he cowered out. Instead, he gently laid his hand on top of hers and gave it a simple caring squeeze. “I know how you feel, but I’ll be here to listen to you if you need me,” He affectionately said. “I’m just scared. What if I’m not ready?” Her eyes welled up with tears. He lightly chuckled. She pouted and leaned her body against his chest, catching him by surprise. His cheeks flushed a tint of red. “You’ll be ready. Did you forget who’s training you?” He lightly laughed, pulling her close. She giggled. “One badass dolphin, that’s for sure,” She flicked his forehead. “Ah!” He playfully yelped. “So you’re feeling better?” He smiled charmingly down at her. “The guys are starting a movie, come join us!” He stood up and lent her a hand. “Sure, it better not be a scary movie!” She grabbed his hand and stood right up. “Big baby!” He , holding her hand securely as they left Ri In’s room.


They walked in the living room just as the movie was starting. “Ri Innie!” Changmin waved childishly at her. Yoochun, along with Yunho and Jaejoong raised an eyebrow at the sight of the two, holding hands. “What were you guys doing in there?” Yoochun had a very mischievous smirk on his face. Junsu glared at his friend menacingly. Yoochun wagged his eyebrows in a greasy way in response. Ri In cluelessly looked back and forth between the two guys. “We were looking at the stars and then we talked a bit,” She innocently said with a smile. “Hmm… did you guys…” Jaejoong’s eyes never left the conjoined hands, Ri In followed his intense stare to see her tiny petite hand, cradled by masculine, strong and vein-popping hands. She pulled her hand away and hurried to an empty seat beside Yunho, flustered. Junsu blushed but angrily glared at his chuckling friends. He took a seat beside his greasy friend Yoochun. Everyone got comfortable and paid attention to the screen. Yunho and Ri In would whisper to each other when something funny happens and Junsu’s head would snap over to stare at them. Jaejoong watched Junsu and Ri In more than he would watch the movie, he found the interaction more entertaining.


Chomp, chomp.


Jaejoong silently growled from the noise Changmin made when he stuffed his face with a handful of popcorn. “Yah, can you chew with your mouth shut!?” Jaejoong snarled at Changmin but he got popcorn thrown at him in return.


*“Yunho Oppa, will I ever learn that jump kick?” Ri In pointed to the handsome spy on screen. Yunho nodded, “Of course, you’re our talented little grasshopper!” He encouraged her. She giggled. “Yah! Quiet down, you’re disrupting the movie!” Junsu angrily whispered. “Yah, what’s the point of whispering when it’s just as obnoxious as your yelling voice,” Yoochun bluntly said. Junsu glared at Yoochun when Yunho and Sae Rin burst into a fit of laughter. “Shut up!” Junsu snapped and returned his attention to the screen. Well at least tried to.




Yo! I added a paragraph lolz.

Not really much but like I said. I still have that writer's block. :(

I hope to get some inspiration soon.

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Dailycommenter #1
I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description
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I love this fic. my goodness. please don't stop or give up this fic! it's soo good!!! post soon! ^^
Oh, OK. The moment was so cute!!!! The way you described it was very intense and interesting. Hope there will be more SuYin! Oh, and yes, I am scared that you will change the main characters into YooYin, JaeYin, ChangYin(dunno what's it called) or YunYin(still don't know whats that called). Update Soon!
that was soooo cute ! =) hehe , i hope the guys can do some match making session for junsu and ri in. lol.
--XOXOJinnii #5
Hahaha.. Junsu oppa is so funny! He could've just asked her about how she was feeling or something like that.. lol.. commenting over will continue later!! POST UP SOON^^^^
Yay! You updated! Its OK if you have school to tend to. Just as long as you don't abandon this fanfic. Poor Junsu, he is experiencing looking at Ri In and the other members together. Aww. Update when you can! :]
--XOXOJinnii #7
LMBO!!! I simply adore this ff... Its so funny how the guys change personalities when Ri Innie unni is there.. SUYIN MOMENTS!! I simply love, teehee.. Junsu needs to get out of that cold weird personality, it doesn't match him, well the weird part of it.. lol.. MINNIE!!!!!! I cannot believe that minnie got hurt =[ lol.. update soon, or whenever you can!!! ^^
like the update :) is there gonna be a love triabgle in this? update when you can ^_^
Aww! So cute! Junsu was boiling with anger. LOL. But it seems that Jae Joong is tooo close with Ri In. I was really happy when you updated so can you please update soon? ;]