Sequel Chapter 20: Finale: Under The Sakura Blossom.

When The Flower Blooms

“Get in!”  Eric commands Wendy to enter a black car that is waiting for them.

“What are you taking us?” Wendy asks calmly. Wendy decided to keep her calm even though she is capable of punching Eric right on the face now or even kill him with her bare hands, but she doesn’t want to do it in front of her daughter.

“If my sisters died, I will not forgive you ever.”

“Why do you care about your sister so much? Where were them when you were depressed about your ex breaking up with you? It was me who stand by your side, comfort you. That child, is the prove of my love for you.” Said Eric.

“You me!”

“So what are you going to do about it? We both were intoxicated that time and police won’t believe your story even if you have evidence against me.” said Eric. He reaches for Wendy’s hand, Wendy swatted his hand away “Do not touch me.” she said.

Eric scoffs and leans back “Let’s start again Wendy, you, me and our daughter, together we can be a happy family.”

“I already had my happy family and you ruin it for me!”

“With that woman? What’s her name? Irene? You know I can just snap my fingers and order people to kill her…so it’s your choice Wendy, me or her. If I can’t have you, then no one can.” Said Eric.


Irene couldn’t stop trembling, Yeri tried to calm her “Unnie, Wendy is going to be okay.” Said Yeri.

“I have a bad feeling…” said Irene “I know Wendy, and before she goes, she said something absurd and I don’t like it.”

“Hey, we’re going to find her okay?” Seulgi looks through the rear mirror to assure Irene of Wendy’s safety.

“Thanks Seulgi…but Joy and Yeri, you guys should have stayed…”

“And let you go with Seulgi alone? What if the situation got dangerous? Who is going to protect you and Seulgi? At least with me and Yeri tag along, we can wait in the car and if anything goes wrong we can just call for help.” Said Joy.

“Thank you…”

“No Irene…we should say thank you…if it wasn’t for you and Wendy…I wouldn’t be brave enough to express my love and I probably going to be that problematic alcoholic idol, because the love of my life married to someone else.” Said Seulgi while looking at Joy with that ‘I-love-This-Girl-That-I-could-die-for-her’ look on her face with disgust Yeri.

“Eyes on the road Ms Kang…” said Yeri, breaking the lovey dovey moment of the newly wed.


Seunghee reloaded her gun while Henry drive in full speed, they are getting closer to Wendy. Seunghee notices the discomfort on Ryujin’s face “You okay?”

“Yeah, just my shoulder…”

Seunghee sighs and she takes a look on Ryujin’s shoulder “It’s dislocated.” Seunghee search for something in the car and she found a foldable umbrella “Here bite on this.”


“Just do it.” Said Seunghee and without warning she pops Ryujin’s shoulder right back in and the poor teenager screams for her life.

“At least tell me when you’re gonna do it!” said Ryujin.

“If I tell you, it won’t work.” Seunghee winks and she pats Ryujin on the shoulder that she just fixed.

“Henry, how long are the distance?”

“12km, we’re near, but it seems like they are heading toward the airport…”

“Hmm, can’t do…pull over.” Said Seunghee.

“But if…”

“If they are heading to the airport that’s mean we’re not going to catch up with them, Eric probably planning to take Wendy and Iris away, back to the state maybe.”

“Then we shouldn’t pull over! We need to get there before they get there!”

“I know you are worried Ryujin, trust me on this, I know what I’m doing.”

Henry pulls over to the side of the road and Seunghee asks him to change place with her. Henry was perplexed by his boss instruction but he didn’t ask much and exchange places with her. Seunghee floors the accelerator and speed ahead, Henry almost had a heart attack at Seunghee reckless driving. Seunghee gives Henry her phone and told her to contact all of their men to go to the airport and stops Eric at any cost.

“But boss! If you do that, you’ll violate the code!”

“The code is not important! My sister’s life and my niece’s life cost more than that code!”

“They will kill you if you violate the code.”

“So be it.” Said Seunghee.

“What code are you guys talking about?!” Ryujin asks because she is confused of all that is happening.

“The international underground organization code, us Mafia can’t attack the people that is not in our turf…violation of the code, is for the leader to be…”

“Kill…” Henry finishes Seunghee’s sentence “More precisely…they cut off the head of the leader who defy this code.” Said Henry.

Ryujin went silent at the facts, she was too stunned. She knows about that the Mafia and Yakuza can’t invaded each other turf, but she didn’t know that it applies here in Korea. Ryujin looks up when Seunghee calls for her name “I promise I will save your mother and sister, no matter what it takes Ryujin.”

“That’s why Ryujinie…whatever happen, I don’t want you to come out from this car okay?” said Seunghee.


Eric, Wendy and Iris reached the airport, Eric drags Wendy out from the vehicle, and he causes Iris to wake up. When Iris sees Eric, she cries out loud and throws a tantrum. Wendy tries to calm her daughter down but Eric was having none of it, he almost wanted to slap Iris but Wendy stops him. Wendy glares at him with rage in her eyes, if gaze could kill, Eric would have been dead.

Eric clear and pull out his gun, pointing it at Wendy asking her to walk toward the private jet that is waiting for them. “Get in and silent her!”

“If this is the way you’re going to treat Iris, then I am not giving her to you!”

“Oh screw you! Like you know how to take care of a child!”

“I raised her alone, for 3 years, without anyone’s help. Don’t try to judge my mothering skill…” said Wendy angrily.

“Mommy…I wanna go home…” little Iris cries in her mother’s embrace.

Wendy rocks her and gently whispers to her “Mommy will get you home…close your eyes until mommy ask you to open it, okay?” said Wendy because she saw one of her Mafia member standing near the stairs of the private jet, she knows her sister must have instructed for their men to come and rescue her. She doesn’t want Iris to see the brutality that is about to happen so she asked her to close her eyes.

Wendy takes a deep breath and she dashes toward Eric and head him. Eric falls to the ground and he drops his gun. Wendy’s men take out their guns and start shooting at Eric’s men. Eric was bewildered at the sudden attack from unknown people. He kicks Wendy on the shin and causes Wendy to tumble down. Wendy protected Iris’ head from the impact. She tries to get the gun but Eric gets up and steps on Wendy’s hand. He takes the gun and aims it at Wendy. Wendy’s men saw their boss are held captive, they stop attacking Eric’s men and drop their weapon.

“Who the these guys?” Eric asks.

“Shoot him! Don’t care about me just shoot him!!” Wendy instructs her men but none of them dare to take the action because Eric is holding their boss at a gun point, anything could go wrong.

Seunghee and the others arrived at the location, they rush to the location and see that Eric had Wendy at a gun point and Iris is crying in Wendy’s arms.

“Eric!” Seunghee calls for that man.

“Who are you guys?!”

Henry steps forward calmly “You are holding the Son’s family heir, any wrong move, you and your family are going to get annihilate.”

“Hahahah!! Funny! Don’t you know who my dad is?!”

Seunghee scoffs when Eric pulls the ‘My-daddy-is-someone-important’ card to threatened them, Seunghee doesn’t know why Wendy never told him that she’s actually a Mafia boss’s daughter. Seunghee smiles and Wendy knows what that smiles mean, whenever her sister got into a really bad mood, that creepy smile will appears. But before Seunghee could do anything, Eric pushes Wendy and grabs Iris with him. He runs away with Iris, Seunghee halts her men from firing at them because she’s afraid that it might hit Iris.

“Iris!!” Wendy screams for her daughter.

“Mommy help!!!” Iris cries from distant.

Seunghee runs after Eric and instructs her men to stop him in whatever mean but make sure they don’t hurt Iris. Wendy tries to get up but she realized she sprained her ankle, she looks up to Henry helplessly, Henry assures her that he will catch him and told her to wait for them inside the car, Ryujin is in there too.

Ryujin who witnessed everything that happened, gets out from the car and she runs to Wendy’s side. The mother daughter hugs each other, and Wendy is glad that Ryujin is safe. Ryujin cries and she apologizes, if she didn’t stupidly try to attack Eric, all of this won’t happen. Wendy told Ryujin that it was not her fault, Ryujin is her daughter too, she will do anything for her safety.

“Mom you wait here. I will go after him.”

“No Ryujin, it’s dangerous.”

“Iris is my sister…I will go, just wait here!” Ryujin ignores Wendy’s plead and she grabs the gun that’s laying on the ground and run after Eric.

Wendy gets up and she limps toward the car, she opens the trunk and takes out a first aid kit. She opens up the cooling pack and bandage it to her ankle. She was alerted by a car coming toward her, she squinted her eyes and sees Seulgi and Joy.

“Oh no…”

Seulgi stops the car when she saw Wendy, Irene couldn’t wait until the car fully stop to jump out from the car and runs to Wendy. She throws herself into Wendy’s arms and hug the latter tightly “Irene I told you to stay at home didn’t I?!”

“I’m sorry but, I’m worry you know?! Where’s…where’s Iris and Ryujin?”

Wendy kisses Irene then she says “Wait here, I’m going to get them. Seulgi, Joy, Yeri, please make sure Irene stays here!” and she left after that.


Seulgi holds Irene backs when Irene tries to run after Wendy. “Seulgi, let me go!”

“No, I can’t!”


“Eric stops!” Seunghee shouts.

Eric had run to the top level of the airport where the recreation park is and all of the crowd scramble when he randomly shoots into the air. He alerted the security and police to come to the scene. Seunghee told her men to make sure no one is going to disturb them.

“Get back! Why do you want to destroy Wendy’s happiness by taking away her one and only happiness? I thought you said you still love Wendy? If you really love her, shouldn’t you let her be happy?” Seunghee tries to negotiate with the fellow when he is standing at the edge of the building. She was scare that he will jump down with Iris in his hand.

“But does she loves me?!” Eric shouted.

“Eric! You needed Iris to inherit your fortune right? So let’s talk things out!” Wendy begs him.

“You know what? I don’t even care about that fortune, I can build my own empire, for 3 years Wendy, I can’t move on! Then when I came back, I learned that you had a daughter but no husband, and I am 100% sure that Iris is my daughter as well!”

“You me, then you tried to kidnap Iris, you even hurt my other daughter! What more do you want Eric?”

“Isn’t it obvious? I want you back! I don’t care about Iris or my father’s money! I just want you!”

“If you want me then let Iris go…I’ll go with you…” said Wendy as she tries to persuade Eric. Wendy is convinced that Eric is not in his right mind. The Eric that she used to know wasn’t compulsive like this.

Eric goes nearer to the edge and threaten to drop Iris down and everyone panicked. He then laughs and he looks down on Iris “Iris you see, all these people love you, but no one loves your daddy…”

Iris brawls in Eric’s arms and she tries to break free from his hold but Eric hold her tighter refusing to let her go. Wendy got panicked when she sees her daughter squirms in the hand of her ex and they are so near to the edge of the building. The security guards have all gather around the area because it was a restricted area for unauthorized person and they are trespassing, but Seunghee had her men guarded the area so no one can interfere them. Irene reached that area and she almost screams when she saw what happened.

“Irene, please just stay here!” Yeri tried to stops Irene from entering the area because she knows Wendy will panic if Irene is there, then she needs to worry about Eric shooting at Irene or injuring Iris.

“Iris is fighting for her life over there!” said Irene as she snatches her hand away from Yeri’s grip. Seulgi tries to block Irene but Irene pushes her away. Irene tries to get to Wendy by squeezing between the crowds. “Wendy!!” she calls for the latter. Wendy turns and she’s got scared for a moment.

“Irene get back!” she instructs but Irene refuses.

“Mamarene!!” Iris yells for Irene, “Iris! Mama is here!” said Irene.

Eric points his gun at Irene and Wendy immediately stand in front of him to block his view of Irene “If you want to shoot someone, shoot me.” said Irene.

Everyone that is present there start to shouts and running for their live when Eric point his gun over at the crowds’ area. Ryujin quickly get to Irene and asks Irene to get down. “Irene unnie, please stay away, we don’t want you to get hurt!” said Ryujin.

Eric puts down his hand and whisper something in Iris’s ear “Iris, who do you choose? Your mommy or your mamarene?”

Iris looks at Wendy and Irene simultaneously and her eyes are blurred by her tears. She shakes her head and looks at Eric with her cute pout and teary eyes “Iwis don’t want to choose.” She said.

“Fine I will choose for you.” Said Eric and he raises his gun and fires a shot. Everyone screams, Wendy remain there unmoved, she was surprised that she wasn’t harm, it was until she saw who stands in front of her “IRENE!!”

Irene had rushes to protect Wendy when Eric raises his gun, and when he fired the shot Irene leaps forward to block the bullet from hitting Wendy. The bullet penetrated Irene on her back but it didn’t hit her on any important part that causes fatality. Iris was horrified, she starts to cry and kicking. Irene falls to the ground but before her body slams to the hard cold concrete, Wendy catches her.

“Why?” Wendy asks in tears, Irene caress Wendy’s cheek “Because you are all that I got now…” said Irene as she gasps for air. “Save…I..ris…” Irene said before she passed out.

Eric observes the scene in front of him, a sense of guilt and jealously arise in his heart. “In the end…you just wouldn’t feel the same way as the way I feel about you.” Said Eric softly.

“Unnie…” Wendy calls for her sister softly. Seunghee went to Wendy’s side and Wendy asked her to hold on to Irene. Seunghee saw the murderous rage in Wendy’s eyes, she holds on to Wendy’s arm and warn her to not do something stupid. Wendy gives her sister a soft smile as she slowly moves Irene to Seunghee’s lap.

“You know why I couldn’t feel the same way like the way you feel?” Wendy questions Eric.

“Mom…” Ryujin steps forward to Wendy to stop her but Wendy pushes Ryujin aside gently. The look in Wendy’s eyes scared Ryujin.

“You’re a ing lesbian!” Eric insults Wendy.

“I will never love you because you’re not Irene…and even if I like you, you aren’t my type either, the main reason I dated you because I wanted to fill the void that I felt after my ex dumped me. I was just using you, and I wanted to break up nicely with you because you treat me nicely, then you drugged me and me just because I couldn’t give you what you wanted. Women are not the object for guys like you to satisfied their lust! I did even consider to have a family with you back then! But after what you did I can’t forgive you!!”

“Then let’s start over again Wendy! I promised this time I won’t be a jerk to you anymore!”

“No. You had your chance. I’ve found my happiness but you hurt them, I won’t forgive you for that.” Said Wendy firmly.

Eric smack his lips upon Wendy’s answer. He puts down his gun and holds Iris by her collar and hangs her over the edge. Wendy screams for Eric to put Iris down, she didn’t think that he will go to such extend, because Wendy still believe the Eric that she knows is still somewhere in there and he wouldn’t hurt his own daughter.

“Eric!! Put her down!!”

“You said I’ve hurt the one that you love, I guess, I missed one.” He said before he drops Iris from the 5th floor of the building. “IRIS!!” everyone screams for the little girl’s name. A rush of wind pass by Wendy and Wendy was horrified when she saw who it was “RYUJIN!!”

Ryujin leaps and catches Iris before they plummeted to the ground with a loud thud. Everyone screams and Wendy loses her cool. She charges toward Eric and she takes the gun that Eric had put down and without hesitation she shot Eric on the chest in a close range. Seunghee instructed her men to go down and check on Ryujin and Iris. Eric died on the spots and Wendy discarded the gun and sprints down to the lower ground to check on her daughters.

Seulgi offers to take care of Irene and asked Seunghee to go and calm Wendy down before Wendy went rampage. Seunghee thanks her and she move the unconscious Irene to Seulgi’s lap. Yeri had contacted ambulance earlier, so they waited for the ambulance to reach the airport and take Irene away. Seulgi instructed Joy to call for another ambulance for Ryujin and Iris. After Joy called the ambulance, Joy went to Seulgi’s side and she gently Irene’s hair “Will…will they be okay?” Joy asks Seulgi in tears. Seulgi only could shrugs, she hopes that Ryujin and Iris are okay, but she knows, anyone who jumps from that height probably won’t even survive. Seulgi pulls Joy and Yeri closer and she let them cry on her shoulder.


Wendy reached the lower ground and she can see that Ryujin is laying on a pool of blood, Iris is crying nonstop on top of Ryujin as she begs for her sister to wake up.

“Jinnie unnie!! Jinjin unnie!!”

One of the security tries to take Iris off the seemingly lifeless Ryujin, but Iris kicks them away and hung to her sister’s body. Wendy can feel her feet getting weak with every step and she falls on her knees just a few step away from Ryujin’s body. Iris saw her mother, she runs toward her and begs Wendy to wake her sister up. Wendy could only hug Iris because she doesn’t know what to do.

The paramedics reached the area, they pushed the crowd away to make space and check on Ryujin. The paramedics takes Iris away from Wendy to check on her as well. Wendy was helpless and she couldn’t even react when Iris screams for her. Seunghee reached her sister’s side and she hugs Wendy, trying to comfort her. Wendy screams her grief out while cling tightly onto her sister’s shoulder. She watches the paramedics carries Ryujin onto the stretcher.

The police came to the scene and apprehended Wendy and her sister. Wendy didn’t even resist when the police handcuffed her. All of the mafia gang members are carried out by the policemen. Henry managed to run away to hide, he wasn’t being a coward, but he just tried to find a solution to help his boss out of this situation. Now that he doesn’t know if Ryujin survived it or not, he cannot imagine what Ryujin’s grandfather reaction is going to be. Henry smacks himself across the face to make himself focus.

“Rosé!” he said when he remembered that Rosé’s sister is a lawyer.


Irene slowly opens her eyes and she was greeted by a white ceiling. It was cold and she can hear her own breath, and she noticed the oxygen mask that was on her. Irene tries to remove the mask but a hand stops her she turns to look at the person. It was Suzy, the Empress of South Korea, her cousin.


“Rest unnie, you’re still unwell.” Said Suzy.


“You’re at the royal hospital. You’ve been bed ridden for a week…”


“I know you wanted to ask about Wendy…”

“Where… is she?”

Suzy ignores her cousin and turns her gaze to the door, she sighs and calls out for the figure that’s standing behind the door “Come in.”

Seunghee came in with Naeun by her side, but there is no sign of Wendy. “Where is Wendy?” Irene asks again.

“Irene…Wendy…when you get better, we will bring you to her okay?”

“What about…Iris…?”

Naeun and Seunghee exchange gazes “Iris is safe…but Ryujin…”

“Ryujin what?”

Suzy urges Seunghee to tell Irene the truth or else Irene won’t feel at ease and it may disturb her healing process. Seunghee takes a deep breath and tells Irene what happened after she was shot and passed out.


Irene runs out from her room in her hospital gown, even though she is still weak but nothing is going to stop her from seeing Ryujin. After Seunghee explained to her what happened, Irene was infuriated and she was too shocked to listen to the rest and dashed out her room. Irene reaches Ryujin’s room, and she sees Iris soundly sleeping on the couch on Lia’s lap. However, Irene’s heart is broken when she sees Ryujin’s condition.

Ryujin survived the fall, but the doctor told them that the chances for her to wake up is close to none and even if she wakes up from her coma, she will never be the same ever again. Her spinal cord is severely injured during the fall. She may lose ability to move her limbs and might need life support her whole life. Lia notices Irene standing by the doorway. The girls look sullen, her eye sockets are sunken, she looks like a living corpse.

“Lia…” Irene’s voice trembles when she calls for the latter.

“Unnie, why don’t you come in, it must be cold wearing only that hospital gown, here, take this blanket.”


Lia gently moves Iris head of her lap and she approached Irene to wraps her with the blanket to prevent her from getting cold. Irene holds onto Lia’s shoulder as she cries, Lia only could comfort her by rubbing her back. There is no word that Lia can say to ease the pain that Irene is feeling, because she herself couldn’t believe what happened to Ryujin, and she passed out once the police had told her Ryujin’s condition. However, Lia believes that Ryujin will wake up one day.

Iris woke up and found that Lia is no longer beside her, she panicked but when she saw Irene standing beside Ryujin’s bed, she starts sobbing up. Lia went back to Lia’s side and pick her up but she winces as her abdomen still hasn’t fully healed. Iris gently pushes Lia away and apologizes “Unnie, I’m sowwy, you’re hurt, Iwis can walk by myself.” Said Iris.

Lia put Iris down and Irene’s heart broken when she sees the little girl limping toward her. Irene couldn’t bear to watch the toddler limping, so she rushes to her side. Irene hugs Iris and she cries, both of them cries together.

“Mamarene don’t leave me…” Iris cried.

“Mama promised you mama won’t leave you anymore. I will always be here for you.” said Irene as she kisses Iris all over her face. Irene gets up but she apologized to Iris for unable to pick her up because of her injury. Iris smiles and tell Irene that it’s okay, and she limps back to the couch and climbs up the couch and she sighs.

Irene turns to Lia she rubs Lia on the forearm to give her support “Seunghee and Naeun refuse to tell me what happen, can you tell me what happen?”

Lia face change when Irene asked her. Lia notices that Seunghee, Naeun and the Empress of South Korea were standing outside of the room. Lia goes to Seunghee and she ask if Seunghee can take care of Iris for a while. Seunghee nods, she rather staying behind taking care of Iris than breaking down the news to Irene. She doesn’t want to see Irene broke down when she learned what Wendy had decided to do. Seunghee did try to appeal to Suzy but Suzy said she cannot help Seunghee with her request because it contradicted with her responsibility as the Empress. Seunghee feels bad for letting Lia to break it down for Irene, she knows Lia is not the right candidate to do so, but Lia is the only person she could count at.

Lia request for a wheel chair for Irene because she is still not well, and still weak. The nurse quickly provides her one. Lia pushes Irene to the garden and they stop nearby the lake. Lia sits on the bench looking over to the blue sky across the lake. She then turns to Irene and gently touch Irene’s hand. “Unnie, this isn’t easy for me to say but…you might not be able to see Wendy unnie every again.”

“What…what do you mean?” the tears begin to build in Irene’s eyes, she is afraid of the worst.

“Wendy unnie volunteer to pay the price for violating the International Underground Organization code. Seunghee was going to offer herself to redeem the name of the Son, but Wendy unnie decided to replace her.”

“What are you talking about Lia?!”


Irene turns to the voice that’s calling for her and she cries tear of joy when she recognizes the face “Wendy…” she cries out.

Behind Wendy stand Seulgi, Joy and Yeri. Irene tries to get up from her wheel chair but she was stop by Lia, and Wendy rushes to her side “Please just stay here, you are still weak…” said Wendy.

“Lia said I wasn’t going able to see you again…” sobs Irene.

Wendy and Lia looks at each other and Wendy nods at Lia, telling her that she will take over from here. Lia excuses herself and she joins the Red Velvet members to the bench nearby just so they could give the couple some time.

“Look Irene…I only got a week left before they take me away…”

“What…are you saying? Can you just be honest with me? Everyone is trying to play guessing game today! I can’t stand all of this anymore Wendy. Ryujin is in coma, Iris is hurt and now Lia is telling me that I might not be able to see you again and you appear…”

Wendy shushes Irene with a hug, and she rubs Irene’s back “Hush, everything will be okay, I promised. Listen to me I only got a week to spend the time with you and the others. Irene…we violated the code of conduct, the council wanted my family to be strapped of the Mafia and Seunghee they demand Seunghee unnie’s head. It was Ryujin’s grandfather who saved us, he justified against our action to break the code. The council agreed to let my family go as long as one of the member pay for the price…”

“And the price is?” Irene’s voice starts to trembles.

“My father and Ryujin grandfather able to negotiate with the underground council. I am safe from death penalty but, they are going to do an exchange, there’s a gang leader that they need to bail out of jail, and I have to take over his place in the prison.”

“What does that mean? I…still don’t understand Wendy.”

“Simple word for you to understand, I am going to take his place in the prison and finish his sentence for him.”

“For…for how long?” stammered Irene.

“I don’t know…they never told me how long am I going to stay there in his place…”

“But…I need you…Iris and Ryujin they need their mother…how could you agreed to what they said?” Irene cries.

“We will meet again, I promised.” Said Wendy as she Irene’s hair and holds Irene in her arm. “I hurt a lot of people Irene…I should be the one who protected Ryujin, Iris and you, but I let all 3 of you get hurt, and even Naeun gets hurt because of me. Maybe I shouldn’t have Iris, then maybe whatever happened wouldn’t happen, maybe I shouldn’t have adopted Ryujin and made a promise to her Yakuza family that I will take a good care of her.” Wendy pauses for a while to take a breather, she was getting emotional. She reaches for Irene’s hand and kisses it “I am sorry Irene…I couldn’t be the person that can make you happy. I only made you cry and hurt you. Maybe I shouldn’t have fallen in love with you….” sobs Wendy.

Irene cries with Wendy too, she hits Wendy on the shoulder continuously, she doesn’t even care if Wendy feels painful or not, she just continues hit her on the shoulder and then she slaps Wendy over and over again. Wendy didn’t react to any of the physical attack, she knows she broke Irene’s heart and she knows how hard it is for Irene to accept.

“I don’t want to hear you say such thing ever again! Iris is a blessing for you, Ryujin came into your life for a reason! And falling in love with me is not a mistake or a crime. I don’t want this depressed Wendy! I want the Wendy that I used to know, the happy, sappy and always cheerful Wendy. We all love you Wendy…please don’t say anything like that.”

Wendy holds Irene in her arms, letting the latter to cry on her shoulder. She felt guilty for what happened, if she had a choice, she would run away right now to a place that no one knows them. “Irene-ah…you still remembered the promise I made to you? If I return safely, we’ll get married…Once you check out from the hospital, let’s go register our marriage!”

“Yes, let’s do it.” Said Irene with a grin on her face. She isn’t happy but she wanted to spend the time wisely with Wendy. She knows she can’t do nothing to stop what the council had decided and she also knows that if she begged her cousin to help her in this situation, Suzy will only just say that the monarchy cannot interfere in the crimes world. She accepts whatever decision that Wendy makes.


From the distance, Seulgi, Joy, Yeri, and Lia watched the couple expressing their feeling and grief to each other. Seulgi feels bad for Wendy, even though she is still mad at the fact that Wendy killed her cousin. Even though Eric deserved to be punished but when Wendy shot him dead, Seulgi couldn’t help but to feel angry at Wendy. Eric was her one and only cousin that she is closed with.

Wendy contacted Seulgi to meet up in the morning, but Seulgi refused at first because she was still holding grudge over the death of her cousin. Wendy apologized to Seulgi, and she explained to Seulgi her current situation, so Seulgi agreed to meet with her.


“Glad you came Seulgi.” Said Wendy.

“Speak.” Seulgi speaks with a slight tense tone, but she felt guilty after she noticed Wendy’s state. She was handcuffed and she looked hollowed and there are a bunch of black suit men guarding her. Wendy flashes Seulgi a sad smile.

“I know, you’re mad because I killed Eric, I wouldn’t said he deserved to be dead, but…if you’re in my situation, you’ll probably do the same thing. He throw his own daughter from the fifth floor, you’ve seen what he did too, and you’re at the scene weren’t you? When I saw Ryujin leaped forward to catch Iris and shielded Iris from the impact, I lost my control and temper. I snapped and I killed him without thinking…I was wrong in that sense and you can call me a murderer if you want.” Wendy stops talking and she kneels down in front of Seulgi.

“I beg for your forgiveness.”

Seulgi quickly ask Wendy to get up “Get up, please don’t kneel in front of me…I forgive you.” said Seulgi.

Wendy gets up and wipes away her tears, she turns to one of the men in black and requested for her handcuffed to be taken off and they did. “Son Wendy, you only got 1 week to finish whatever that you need to finish.” Said one of the men.

“Yes, I know that.” Said Wendy and they let her leave with Seulgi. Seulgi looked at them confusedly, she doesn’t understand what is going on. Wendy links her arm with Seulgi and she leads her away from the place. “I will tell you in the car.” Said Wendy.

They get to Seulgi’s car and Wendy explains to Seulgi what happened. “Seulgi…I am truly sorry for what I did to your cousin, and I am paying for my crime now.”

“I thought Alice bailed you out from the crime? The court rules out the intention murder because you are trying to defend yourself?”

“My family crime…You know my family is one of the Mafia gang, and we’re breaking the turf rules and code. The council decided to bail out an ex criminal boss and I will take his place to finishes his sentence, no matter how long it takes.”

“You’re going to leave Irene and your daughters?!”

“It is better this way than to have my sister’s head to be chopped off for the crime that isn’t hers. It was all mine. I broke the code when I decided to live here, and start my family here and even adopted the Yakuza’s granddaughter.”

“Who is Yakuza’s granddaughter?”


“Your family is seriously weird, a mafia, a yakuza and a princess…”

“I know…I need to get to Irene…I only got 1 week to spend with my family…”

“What are you going to do?” Seulgi asked.

“First, I want to get married to Irene, registered our marriage and I’ve already asked Alice to prepared the adoption paper for Irene to adopt Iris and Ryujin…second, I am going to transfer all of my trust funds to Iris…she will be my beneficiary…”

“What about Ryujin? Have you seen your daughter’s condition? Doctor said the chance for her to wake up is near to zero and if she wakes up, she can’t move lower half of her body…because…”

“Her spinal cord was severely injured…I know…” Wendy cuts Seulgi off “I’ve already transfer half of my trust fund, all of my properties and assets to Ryujin’s name. If I can, I would want to exchange place with her…the moment Ryujin leaped to save Iris…my heart stopped. I am willing to do anything to make Ryujin wake up and able to walk again. I’ve already met with the Empress for that matter, she promised me that she will monitor Ryujin’s progress and keep me updated in the prison. All of this problem started from me…I am a bad luck to those who are close to me…may be this is the best way for me to keep those who I love safe…” said Wendy.

Seulgi sighs and she puts her hand on the steering, looking into the empty space “You’re not a bad luck Wendy…Irene unnie told me, you gave Ryujin home when she has no one that she can call a family, despite she still has her grandfather, and you gave Irene something that she lost back then, love… It was so bizarre how she never met you before but she knows everything about you when she woke up from her coma. I didn’t believe her at first but after I’ve seen the way she looked at you and willing to even risk her life for you…I believe that whatever happened in her dream world when she was in coma is real. This is going to sound weird but, maybe whatever happened in her dream is the memories of her from another universe. I believe it was her destiny to meet and fall in love with you, no matter where or when… and without your intervention, I probably won’t end up with Joy. Thanks to you, I am not a happily married woman.”

“Glad that you have your happy ending…”

“You are more than worthy to have a happy ending for yourself Wendy…”

Wendy looks into the empty void trying to reminisces her life in the past few months, she was happy, she was content, she has everything that she needs. The only regret that she has now is, she didn’t pop up the questions to Irene earlier. Now she only has 1 week to spend with her.

“I had my happy ending but I ruined it, so now I want to fix that.” Said Wendy.

End of flashback.

Knowing how they might not be able to see Wendy again because Seulgi did a background check on the criminal that the underground council wanted to release from the prison and Seulgi found out that the criminal was an ex mob boss that killed a congress member back in the 00s and he is serving a life sentence. So Seulgi knows Wendy refuses to tell her or Irene how long is she going to serve in prison.

“Seulgi?” Joy calls for her wife and she snakes her arms around Seulgi’s waist and rested her chin on Seulgi’s shoulder.

“Wendy life is so sad…it makes me want to cherish you more.” Said Seulgi.

“Why are you saying things like that?” Yeri questioned.

“It’s nothing…” Seulgi quickly change the topic “Let’s leave them alone and let’s go to get some ice cream.”


Ryujin’s Room

After Wendy send Irene back to her room, she goes to Ryujin’s room to visit her. However, she makes sure that Seunghee had brought Iris to other room because she isn’t prepared to see Iris yet. Seunghee complied and she brings Iris to the children nursery to give Wendy and Ryujin some privacy.

Wendy stands beside Ryujin’s bed, her eyes are filled with tears. She doesn’t even care to hold it in and let it falls down her cheek. She was emotionless as she watched how Ryujin’s small body is tape with various tubes and she is fighting for her life with the life support that doctor had installed on her body. Wendy approaches Ryujin closer, and she rubs her daughter’s hand “Jinnie-ah…why did you do something so stupid like that…”

“I think Ryujin would probably say something like ‘it is better to have me like this than to lose both of your daughter.’…”

Wendy turns and she was greeted by an old man, it was Ryujin’s grandfather. The two exchanged bow, and Wendy offer a seat for the old man but he refused, saying that he only plan to stay there for a while.

 “My stupid granddaughter never wants to listen to me. I thought by casting her out from our house, she will learn and beg me to take her back, but she decided to never return. She is just like her mother, stubborn. I told her to not married that Korean guy, but she ignored me and married him…but I am grateful for that because he was a good man, and he helped me a lot in building up my empire…and he gave me Ryujin. When her parents died, she didn’t even shed a tear, the only time I see her shed tears is when I forced her to come back with me, but she refused and she told me that she already found a family that welcome her, and your name came out of . When she mentioned your name, I was thinking, a Yakuza and Mafia living under one roof, how are they going to survive? It turned out, Ryujin is happier when she was with you than when she was with me…I failed her as a grandfather. I was supposed to be protecting her and give her a home, but I pushed my virtue and my lifestyle onto her…never asking her how she is feeling about taking over the Yakuza one day…” Ryujin’s grandfather stopped talking and he turns to Wendy, putting one hand on Wendy’s shoulder.

He sighs with a smile “Your father came to me and begged me to spare your life for what you did to Ryujin. I know it wasn’t your fault, I’ve seen the evidence that Ms. Alice Park gave me, but I was angry at you for making a promise that you will take a good care of my Ryujin and you won’t let anything happened to her. You broke that promise. Then your father told me…”


“Please Oya-bun! The council is after my daughter’s head, and you’re the only person that can help her…I know, when Wendy said she wanted to adopt Ryujin, I was against it too, but seeing how Wendy is happy with Ryujin around, I realized that maybe I wasn’t a bad idea at all…Wendy had never been genuinely happy after her mothers died… you know the feeling of losing a daughter…so please Oya-bun…please convinced the underworld council to lessen the punishment on both of my daughters… especially Wendy…” Wayned begged the Yakuza lord on his knees. He had to threw away his dignity as a Mafia leader and his men were ashamed of him when he decided to kneel to beg the Yakuza.

“Ryujin is hospitalized and the doctor told us he doesn’t know when Ryujin will wake up! Your daughter promised me that she won’t let any harm come to my Ryujin when she decided to adopt her! Now see what happened?!”

“If you were in Ryujin’s situation I think you will understand…Ryujin is a brave girl, she jumped to save her sister…she jumped to save her family. And tell me if that is not a Yakuza way?! The Yakuza! The Mafia! We all have the same rule! No family members are going to be left behind. Iris is Ryujin’s family, Wendy is Ryujin’s family! What she did is something that I think none of us in this room would do! Ryujin lost her mother once, don’t let her lose another one…Oya-bun please…”

End of flashback

“…you are loved by everyone around you, Son Seungwan. I gave my words to the council because I didn’t want Ryujin to hate me when she wakes up and you are dead. Be grateful that you are given the second chance…” Ryujin’s grandfather stops talking and he looks at the clock on the wall “Ah, I need to go now…”

The old man walks away with his walking stick, but before he steps out of the room, Wendy calls him out and kneel with both of her knees “I am sorry Oya-bun…and thank you…for everything.”

The old man only replies Wendy with a “hmm” and proceed to leave the room leaving Wendy kneeling and had her head on the floor as well. Wendy gets up and watched at the empty hallway, she wipes away her tears and she turns back to Ryujin.

“Ryujin…I don’t know if you can listen or not, but I need you to wake up. I am going to go away for a very long time, and as my oldest daughter, I need you to be there for your sister and your new mom. I am going to get married to Irene and she is going to officially adopt you and Iris…so please Ryujin…wake up. You’re the only person I can count on…” Wendy stops and she takes a deep breath while trying to hold in her tears.

Wendy takes Ryujin’s phone that was on the bedside and she starts to do a video recording of herself and she says “I know it’s going to be hard for you when you wake up and you probably couldn’t move your lower part of your body…doctor said that you are going to be paralyze for the rest of your life…but Ryujinie, I’ve already paid a hefty price to the hospital to do a research to help you walk again…so please…don’t give up. I don’t know how long am I going to be away, so I need you to be there in my place, take care of everyone… I am sorry for all that happened, I wasn’t a good mother, and I should have tried my best to give you the best. Maybe I was too young to be a mother, especially for a 16 years old like you…in a few more months, you’re turning 17 Ryujin, and I won’t be there to wish you or bake you a cake like how we always go. I wanted to wish you an advance birthday wish…I love you Ryujin…how I wish I have the power to turn back the time and instead of letting you jumped, I should be the one who jumped…you’ve proven yourself as a good sister and daughter but I haven’t got the chance to prove that I am a good mother. So the last thing that I can give to you is, my café…you’ve always told me how you like to cook and do pastry, so it’s all yours. I’ve created a trust fund in your name as well, the Son maybe a stripped off from the Mafia’s clan but we’re still wealthy you know, so you don’t have to worry about money. I love you 3000, not I’m going to make it better… I love you 6000 Ryujin…”

Wendy ends the recording and she rename the video as ‘Wendy Son’s Last Message’. Wendy kisses her fingers and transfer the kiss to Ryujin’s head by tapping her gently on the forehead.

“I love you…Ryujin.”


Wendy goes to the children nursery room to check on Iris and she sees that Iris is asleep on Naeun’s lap. Naeun asks if Wendy wanted her to wake Iris up but Wendy told Naeun to just let Iris sleep. Wendy approached them slowly, and carefully because she is scared that she will wake Iris up.

Wendy Iris’s hair and she kisses her on the cheek. The thought of leaving behind her daughter starts to makes sadness swell in Wendy’s heart. She softly whispers her apology to the little one for not being a good mother and for unable to save her from the monster that created her and tried to killed her.

Seunghee comes in and she taps her sister on the shoulder. Wendy turns and she hugs her sister. She whimpers as she tries to muffles her cries. “You sure that you don’t want to say your last good bye to Iris?” Seunghee asks.

“No…I wasn’t fit to be her mother at all…when she was born, I tried to give her up…and then I failed to protect her…she doesn’t have to know where I’d go…just tell her that I left her and Irene is going to be her new mom…” said Wendy.

“You’re going to make she hates you…” said Naeun.

“I wanted her to hate me, so she won’t misses me when I’m gone.” Said Wendy.

She looks back to her daughter who sleep silently on her half-sister’s lap, she wanted to touch and hugs her daughter but she knows if she does that, it will be harder for her to walk away. So she gets up on her feet and walks out from that room. Naeun asked Seunghee to go with their sister. Seunghee follows Wendy out and Wendy couldn’t stop her tears from falling. She cries out loudly at the corridor. Seunghee pulls her sister into her arms and lend her shoulder for her sister to cry.

“Seungwan…let me do this…you should be happy with your family.” Seunghee said.

“No unnie…I am the root of all this problem so I will take the punishment for the crime that you didn’t do. You broke the code for me, and how do you want me to see you get punished for that?” said Wendy.

Seunghee was really against the idea when Wendy proposed to the council that she should take her sister place as she was the real reason why the Son family broke the code. Seunghee keeps silent when their father shushed her during the meeting with the council. The council accept Wendy’s proposal with the addition that the Son family is removed forever from the Mafia organization and instantly Seunghee is dropped down from her responsibility and position as the Mafia groups’ leader. For Seunghee, who never likes being a Mafia, it was a blessing but she couldn’t be happy when her sister’s life was at stake.

“Unnie, you got what you wanted, Ryujin’s grandfather came earlier and he told me to be grateful for my second chance…the good thing is the council decided to not chopped my head off and yours, and we are liberate from the Mafia’s ties…isn’t this great?” said Wendy.

“You always see everything on the brighter side…” said Seunghee with a sigh “The wedding…how do you want to plan it?”

“I’m going to make it as small as possible and as private as it can be.” Said Wendy.

“And we’re not invited?”

“Sorry unnie…as much as I want to spend more time with you and Naeun…but I need someone to take care of the kids…I’ve spend a lot of times with them and now, I need to focus on Irene…on the time I have left.”

Seunghee taps her sister on the shoulder and wishes her luck. “Enjoy your time with her while you can…”

“Yes unnie…”


Irene check out from the hospital that evening, she wanted to stay around with Ryujin and Iris but Seunghee told her to go with Wendy. Irene was confused when Wendy refuses to go see Iris and says goodbye. The two got into a taxi and Wendy told the driver to go to the address she gave.

“I thought we are going home?” Irene asks.

“We are…” Wendy smiles and she kisses Irene’s hand.

They reached at a huge house by the seaside. Wendy carries out Irene’s bags from the trunk and she tips the taxi driver. She carries all the bags on one side just so she could hold Irene’s hand on the other side. “Come on, let’s go.”

“This is?”

“This is going to be our new home, Mrs. Son…” said Wendy with a slight teasing tone.

“Hey, why do I have to be Mrs. Son and not you be Mrs. Bae?” Irene teases back, but actually she doesn’t mind, who is going to take who’s surname, as long as they are together,

“Let’s be Mrs Bae Son then~ come on Irene! I gotta show you around! You’re gonna like this house for sure!” Wendy gently tugs Irene with her to enter the house.

The modern design of the house wowed Irene, she used to live in the old traditional palace and her apartment is just a normal 3 bedrooms’ apartment though it was luxury apartment but it has nothing compared to the house that Wendy just bought for them. (Okay, let’s imagine the new house is like the one in the parasite movie, if you ever watched.)

Wendy lead her to their bedroom and when she opens the door Irene was amused but the sea views that she can see from her room. Wendy hugs Irene from behind, but she makes sure she does is gently so she won’t hurt Irene’s wound. “Do you like it?” Wendy asks.

“I love it…but…but Wendy you hate the sunlight, and you prefer to have a shaded room…”

‘I know, but I know how much you like a room with view, so…I can compromise a little about being in a lit room…and you’re always tell me that I was the ‘Sun’ in your life, no pun intended, so in this room, you’re going to get all the ‘Son’ that you need in your life!!”

Finally, the reality begins to sink into Irene’s mind. Wendy only got a week to spend with her, and after that she doesn’t even know if Wendy is going to come back or not. She turns around and wraps her arms around Wendy’s neck and stares into her brown eyes.

“Our time is limited…so…why don’t we…skip the marriage vow and go straight to the first night.” Said Irene.

“Oh yeah…you missed my body more than you miss me?” Wendy joked.

“If you’re going to be away for a long time, you have to satisfied me Wendy.”

A sly grins appear on Wendy’s face, she uses her leg to close the door behind them and she locks the door. Irene yelps when she feels Wendy’s strong arms suddenly yanks her off the floor and carries her to their bed. Wendy gently lays Irene on the silky bed. She takes time to admire the woman beneath her, she wants to imprint Irene’s beauty in her mind because she knows she isn’t going to see or feel Irene ever again after 1 week. Wendy knows that she had to serve for a life time in the prison, but she keeps her silent, giving everyone hope that one day they will meet again. Wendy didn’t have the heart to tell everyone the truth.

Irene who notices that Wendy hasn’t done anything but stares at her. She touches Wendy’s face and she asks “Wendy, are you okay?”

“Hmm? Yeah…I’m okay, it’s just…oh god…I missed you.” Said Wendy and she buried her face deeper on Irene’s collar bone and she take a deep breath to smell Irene’s because she knows she is going to miss her smell so much. Irene feels ticklish by Wendy’s breath that hits her on her neck.

“Wendy! That’s tickle!”

Wendy continues to lay on top of Irene unmoved, Irene let Wendy to do so without saying a words. Irene wraps her arms around Wendy’s waist and pull her closer enjoying her warmth. They stay in that position for a few minutes until Wendy remembers that Irene’s injury, she quickly jumps up and apologize “Your back! I’m sorry!”

“It’s okay, it wasn’t painful…come here Wendy, lay beside me.” Irene invites Wendy to lay down beside her and she did. Irene lays side way so that she can face Wendy and so does Wendy.

“It’s funny how fate play jokes with us…” said Irene as she caresses Wendy’s cheek “In my dream, I lost you then I met you again…and we got married, then I lost you again because I woke up from my dream…and this time…we’re getting married but I’m going to lose you again…and now, if this is a dream, I wish for it to stop right here at this moment…”

“Hey, you’re not gonna lose me again, because…” Wendy pauses and she puts her hand on Irene’s chest “Because I will forever be in here…in your heart. I promise you, we will meet again…I just don’t know when.” Wendy almost chokes on her own tears when she speaks.

Irene puts her forehead on Wendy’s forehead and she smiles “I will wait for that day.”

Wendy smiles and she leans forward to claims Irene’s lips. The kiss was soft and full of passion. Wendy deepened the kiss and her tongue beg for entrance which Irene gladly accepted. Things are getting heated, clothes are scatter around, moans and pants are echoing in the bedroom. Wendy planted kisses all over Irene’s body, claiming it as hers by marking it with hickey. The sun is slowly seating down as the lover continues their love making session, they pour out their feelings through their touch and their kisses.


Seulgi and Joy reached their home after they drive Yeri back home. Seulgi throws the car key on the coffee table and she sits herself down on the couch, propping her feet up on the coffee table and sigh heavily.

Joy goes to the kitchen and pour her wife a glass of wine. She gives it to Seulgi “Here, you seems stressed lately, hope this can calm you down.” Said Joy.

Seulgi thanks her wife and she takes a sip of the wine. “This taste good…” Seulgi said.

“Seulgi…I…I know that Wendy killed your cousin…and and…your family hated her after what happened…though it was clearly your cousin’s fault for whatever that happened. I just want to know if you are still mad at her?”

Seulgi looks around the house, the house that Wendy gave them as their wedding gift. To be honest, with her income as an idol, even if she works for a long time, she knows she couldn’t afford such a luxury house. The house even has a huge garden and pools. Seulgi owe Wendy a lot, even if she wants to be mad at Wendy, she always gets reminded by how Wendy had helped her. Seulgi smiles and she turns to her wife “No…I forgave her.”

Joy was happy that Seulgi decided to forgive Wendy. For the past few days right after the incident, Seulgi was in the foul mood, and today Joy was glad to see that Seulgi can smile again. Joy jumps into Seulgi lap and wraps her arms around her wife’s neck. The couple kiss for a while and when Seulgi broke the kiss she suddenly pop the question “You know this is a very big house, how about we invite Yeri to live with us…or maybe…we can…have a baby together…” said Seulgi with a blush.

Joy was surprised at the sudden request, but she does not mind if Seulgi wants to have baby because she likes kid and she is more than willing to have a family with Seulgi if that is what she wants. Joy also prefer to have Yeri live with them than she lived alone.


The next morning

Irene woke up to a cold bed, Wendy was not beside her and she panicked. She gets up and see that the time is almost 9 am. “How long have I been asleep?” she asks herself. She sees herself under the sheet and the memories of the previous night came back. She blushes when she remembers the moment. It was not the first time they slept together but last night it was different. More emotions were pour out with every touch and kisses.

Irene gets up and she goes to the bathroom to take a shower. When she stands in front of the mirror, she sees all the hickey Wendy left on her neck and her collarbone. She gasps and screams Wendy’s name. Irene likes to wear something of that is off shoulder because Irene is confidence with her shoulder and she likes to show it off but now with all this hickeys that Wendy left, there is no way that she can wear something off shoulder for meantime.

Wendy comes rushing to the bathroom when she heard Irene screams for her name “What is it?!”

“This!” Irene points at the hickeys “Do you have to left so many on my body?” said Irene in angry tone.

Wendy tries to holds in her laughter, she thought it was something serious, turn out it was only about the hickeys. “You didn’t complained last night.” Said Wendy and it makes Irene blushes even harder.

“How am I going to hide all this?”

“You don’t have to~ so that everyone will know you are mine~ ehehehehe.”

“Son Seungwan!”

“You can cover it up with a makeup or something! Quick get ready Irene! I am preparing us breakfast by the beach! Please wear the white dress that I put in the wardrobe! Love you! See you at the beach!” said Wendy as she kisses her on the cheek and left the bathroom. Irene sighs and she examine the bluish marks on her body. She sighs again and gets on the shower.


“What happened?” Alice asked as she munch on the blueberry scone that Wendy made.

“Nothing, I thought it was a bug or something like that, but it turns out just because she saw the marks I made on her.” Said Wendy.

Alice and Rosé choked on their scones when they heard what Wendy said. “Oh My God! Please keep that info to yourself Wendy! You don’t have to share it to us!” said Alice horrified.

“Hey Wendy~ everything is ready! The decoration is ready, and the altar is ready~ but are you ready?” Jisoo teased Wendy.

Wendy had called Jisoo, Jennie, Rosé, and Lisa to come over to be her witnesses and Alice to officiate her wedding. She wanted to get it done as fast as she can and does not want to drag for any longer.

“I am ready Jisoo…”

“That’s good…but why didn’t you want to invite others to witness your happy moment?” Rosé asked as she grabs for another scone.

“I don’t need to make it grant. As long as we are official and she signs the adoption paper, we’re all good.”

Rosé and Jennie burst into tears thinking of Wendy’s fate and Wendy could not help but to sigh “Can you two stop?” Wendy asked.

“Just that your life…it’s…it’s… so sad…” Rosé sobs.

“Today is my happy day, so can you two stop be so sappy?”

“I can’t believe that you’re going to leave us…” Jennie cried, “After all that you’ve been through…” she added, “Wendy unnie, you deserve to be happier!”

“Stop it Jennie, I’m only going away, not dead.”

“I know…”

“Hey babe, don’t ruin the happy atmosphere!” Lisa tries to stop her girlfriend from ruining Wendy’s happy day.

Jennie’s gasps caught Wendy’s attention. She turns to the direction that Jennie is staring and hangs low as she watches Irene walks down gracefully from the stairs. The white dress hugs her body perfectly. Wendy can see every curve of Irene’s body and she smirks when she sees that Irene took time to cover up her hickeys.

Irene was confuse on why are JenChuLiChaeng present. Then she sees the decorated wedding arch that is facing the blue ocean. “Wendy?”

“I’m sorry that I didn’t tell about this, but they are here to witness our wedding…And Alice is here to officiate the wedding. Seulgi, Joy and Yeri are on their way to come here.”

“What…what about Iris? Our family? You didn’t invite them?” Irene questioned.

“I want it to be just us. I know that having them will mean a lot but right now, I don’t think that having them around is necessary…we’re running out of time Irene…and I want to spend it all with you…”


Jisoo was getting frustrated at Wendy who was struggling to tell Irene the truth so she marches forward and spill it all out to Irene “Wendy doesn’t want to see Iris because she thinks that it’s better off for Iris to hate her than to miss her!”

“Why would you want to do that? Why would you want your own child to hate you?”

“Irene…listen…I don’t know for how long I will be gone. That is why I arranged for us to register our marriage today, and Alice had prepare the adoption paper for you to official adopt Iris and Ryujin and be their mother.”


Wendy grabs Irene’s hand and she leads her toward the table that she had set with several of Irene’s favourite food “Let’s eat…” she said.

Irene silently sit down and join them for the breakfast, the sun is shining brightly and Irene notices how Wendy glows in the sunlight. A sense of sadness hoover over her, the thoughts of not being able to be with Wendy for a long time scared her. She holds Wendy’s hand and Wendy smiles at her “I know that you’re gonna scold me for what I did, but trust me Irene, it is better if Iris hate me than she misses me…so if she asks, just told her I went to somewhere far away.”

“I’m not going to scold you…I got no time to get angry at you, we’re running out of time, like what you’ve said. Let’s enjoy this moment together.”

Jennie and Rosé start to sobs again “You guys are so sweet.” Said Jennie “Unnie, I am truly happy or you.” Said Jennie some more.

Lisa takes the napkin and use it to wipes Jennie’s tears “Babe, you’re ruining your make up!”

“Fix it for me!”

Jennie and Lisa’s banter somehow able to make the atmosphere turn bright again. Soon the Red Velvet comes and joins them for breakfast. They chit chat and talked about their past and what are their plans for the future. Irene enjoys the companies of her friends, she somehow wished that Wendy’s family could be here with them, but she decided not to question Wendy’s decision anymore. She just want to focus on what is in front of her now and in her present.

“Oh unnie! We went and picked up a wedding dress for both of you!” said Yeri excitedly.

“I told you we don’t need it! We’re just going to sign the paperwork and that’s it~” said Wendy.

“Hey~ it’s your wedding! You two deserved to look beautifully after all what happened!” argued Yeri. “This is your moment, everyone is deserved to be a treated like a queen on their wedding day~ I know the people present is limited~ but hey, we’re here to make it happen! We have Rosé here to sing your wedding song! We have Alice to officiate your wedding, and we have Jisoo unnie to be your bar tender. You got me to be your wedding MC~ and we’ve got Lisa there to be your photographer~ we’ve got Jennie unnie to do your makeup and hair and dress you up~ then we’ve got Joy and Seulgi unnie to be the bridesmaid~ so we can pull this off~” said Yeri.

“Yeah! Let’s work this out!” Joy agreed with what Yeri said and they high fived each other.

“Okay! Let’s get the work started!!” Jennie grabs Irene’s and Wendy’s hand and drag them back into the house.

“I’ll go get my camera.” Said Lisa.

“I’ll go buy us drinks!” Said Jisoo.

“Then what are we gonna do?” Joy and Seulgi asked.

“You two go and help Alice unnie to decorate this place!”

“I’ll go get my guitar!” Said Rosé and she follows Jisoo to their car to get her guitar.

“We need decoration items if we want to decorate this place! Do we have the wedding cake? We gotta have a wedding cake what about flower bouquet?” Joy panicked.

Seulgi puts her hand on Joy’s shoulder to calm her down “Calm down Sooyoung-ah, list down all the things that we need and then we can go out and buy them.”


Joy drags Seulgi with her back to their car and they say they will give Jisoo a ride since they needed to buy decoration too. Yeri and Rosé discuss about how to narrate the wedding and what song that Rosé should sing during their wedding.


“Okay! Unnie I brought along wedding dresses which I think will look good on both of you…but wait…we need to separate you two.” Said Jennie and she pushes Wendy to the other room.

“Is this really necessary?” Wendy asked.

“It’s tradition~ the couple are not allowed to see each other before the wedding ceremony, so you gotta stay in this room unnie! I will get Yeri to dress you up and get your make up done!”

Jennie left the room before Wendy able to ask her a few things. Wendy sigh and she looks at the dress that Jennie shoved to her. Wendy is not keen on dressing up, she is more comfortable with jeans and shirt, but what Yeri said was true. Everyone deserved to feel happy and treated like a queen on his or her wedding day.


The Other Room

Jennie strips Irene off her white dress “You’re going to love this wedding dress unnie! Actually, Wendy unnie called me and said that she wanted me to make you a wedding dress way before the incident happen. I think she was thinking to propose to you, but then…I feel sorry for both of you unnie…” Jennie starts to sob.

Irene squeezes Jennie’s hand that was on her shoulder “Don’t be…today supposed to be my happy day so please don’t cry Jennie.”

“I’m happy that you’re finally found your soulmate unnie, but I’m sad that…” Jennie stops and she wipes away her tears “Let’s get your makeup done, and stun Wendy unnie!” Said Jennie as she change the topic to avoid any unnecessary emotion ride. The two cousins hugged, Irene helps Jennie to wipe away her tears and she told her that she needed to fix her makeup again now that she had ruined it with her tears.


Alice, Joy and Seulgi decorated the beach with the decorations that they just bought. Seulgi even bought a helium canister for the balloons. Rosé decided to put down her guitar and she helped the other to decorate. They put out chairs that they got from Wendy’s storage and decorate it with pink and blue ribbon.

Jisoo was busy trying out different mix of drinks at her makeshift bar that she made. Rosé and Seulgi remind her not to get drunk before the ceremony started. Rosé asked Seulgi to drive her car to the beach so they can use the car speaker as their PA system. Joy bought a few matching dresses for all of them to wear.

“Purple? Why purple?” Jisoo questioned when Joy handed them the dress.

“Because purple is Irene unnie favourite colour.” Replied Joy.

“Is that why Yeri chose Purple to be her representative colour in the group?” Rosé chipped in.

“You can say that, she’s just trying to get Irene to dote on her a lot.” Said Seulgi sarcastically.

“Okay, stop it guys, let’s go and get change quick! It’s almost 6pm and the sun is going to set soon!”


Yeri just done with Wendy’s make up and she was utterly satisfied with her work. “Your skin is so good Wendy~ maybe because the fact that you rarely wear makeup, that’s why your skin is flawless.” Yeri complimented Wendy.

“Thanks. I appreciate your compliment.”

Yeri sat next to Wendy, she sighed heavily as she turned to Wendy “I feel bad for what happened Wendy. It wasn’t even your fault.” Said Yeri.

“What happened isn’t my fault, but letting Iris and Ryujin got hurt is my fault.” Said Wendy with a sad smile on her face. “Yeri-ah…”


“Can you promise me one thing?”

“Promise you what?”

“That you will always be there for Irene during my absent.”

Yeri nods in agreement, and they sealed the agreement with a handshake and a hug. Yeri shed tears as they hugged “You’re a good person Wendy…I’m glad that Irene marries you.”



Lisa was laying on the ground so that she can take a good picture of Irene from a certain angle. The camera clicks nonstop, and Lisa could not stop asking Irene to pose for the camera. Jennie had to stop her girlfriend from taking more pictures because it hinders her task in getting her cousin ready.

“Honey, can you stop for a moment? The girl need a little breather too~”

“I just want to capture the right moment babe~” said Lisa.

“I think you have enough photos now, why don’t you go and take Wendy’s photo? She’s in the other room, she’s the bride too!” Said Jennie.

“Oh yeah! I’ll go!”

The room is silent after Lisa left, leaving the two cousins smiling with each other. Jennie checks on her older cousin for the last time before she hugs her “I’m happy for you unnie.”

“Thank you Jennie…”

“I hope that you will be okay…”

“I will~ I’m getting married to the love of my life, and I got 2 kids whom I love so much. Moreover, I got you, and Yeri, and Suzy by my side. I am happy with my life…”

Jennie knew Irene was lying, there is no way that the fact that Wendy is not going to be around her is going to affect her, but she knows Irene is a strong woman. She fights for her right to be free from the monarchy. She fights for the life that she wanted. She fights for the people around her. Therefore, Jennie knows Irene is going to be fine even if Wendy is not there beside her. Irene wipes Jennie’s tears and she hugs her cousin tightly. They were interrupt by the knocks on the door and Jennie opens the door.

“Jennie, the others are getting ready! Here is your dress! Joy decided for all of us to wear the same dress.”

It was Rosé at the door, handing Jennie the dress. Jennie took the dress and thanked her best friend. She asked Rosé to keep an eye on Irene because she did not want Irene to go to Wendy’s room and break the tradition. Irene rolls her eyes at her cousin’s controlling manner.

“You look beautiful unnie~”

“Thanks, Chaeyoung.”

“Are you nervous unnie?”

“Well…I am…though this isn’t my first wedding experience…I mean…ceremony. You…you get the picture.” Said Irene.

“Aren’t it gonna be awkward for you and Wendy unnie? I mean your exes are out there too.” Rosé bluntly blurted out and a piece of cloth landed on her face.

“Can you be a little sensitive Chaeng ah? How can you be so blunt, blurting out something like that?” Jennie scolded her friend.

“Oopsie…I’m sorry unnie, I hope you are not mad?”

Irene laughs at Rosé’s reaction “It’s okay, we’re friends with our exes now, so it’s not a big deal~”

“I’m done! We should get ready for the wedding! Is Wendy readied?”

“Ah yes she is, Yeri and Wendy had gone to the beach. Only left us.” Rosé replied.

“Alright! Let’s go unnie! Let’s put up your veil and we’re ready to go!”


Wendy patiently await for Irene at the simple altar that the girls had made. Alice could not help but to smile at Wendy’s nervous expression.

“It’s okay to feel nervous Wendy~” she teased.

“I hope I don’t screw it up…” Said Wendy.

Wendy saw that Seulgi and Joy run pass her and she wanted to turn but Alice stopped her. “Nu-uh, you’re not supposed to see the bride until the ceremony really started.” Said Alice.

“I’ve already seen her this morning, what differences does it makes?” Wendy chided.

“Just comply with the tradition Wendy~”

Rosé came running down and she almost stumbled down the stairs but luckily Lisa was there to catch her. The duo run together to the altar. Lisa stops right in front of Wendy and takes Wendy’s pictures. Rosé went to Seulgi’s car and she asked Jisoo to help her to start it up and she connected her phone Bluetooth to the car audio system and start to play the wedding march music.

Wendy can feel her hands getting sweaty from getting nervous. She takes a deep breath and slowly turns to face Irene’s direction. Irene’s beauty stunned Wendy. Irene has always been beautiful, and she is like a goddess in Wendy’s eyes. Wendy appreciated that Jennie chose the perfect wedding dress for Irene. It was like those traditional long dresses, but rather it was a knee level dress.

Joy and Seulgi lead in the front and they scatter the flower petals along the aisle. All of them decided to go barefoot since the wedding is on the beach and Wendy did not want any sands in her house. Jennie and Yeri walks alongside Irene, guiding her. Irene cries a little because she when she walks down the aisle during her failed wedding ceremony with Seulgi, her father could not be there to walk her down. Then today, she is going to get married with the one she truly loves, her father is not going to be there for her too. She knows her father loves her, and she knows he would be there for her if she wanted him to.

When Irene reaches Wendy, Jennie and Yeri slowly let go of their arms and handed Irene’s hand to Wendy.

“She’s all yours now Wendy…you better treat our cousin right!” Said Jennie and Yeri.

“I will.” Said Wendy firmly as she takes Irene’s hand. She can see the tears in Irene’s eyes, so she lifted the veil to reveal Irene’s face. Wendy gently wipes away her tears and kisses her on the forehead “You okay?” Wendy ask.

Irene nods and she smiles “Yeah. I’m just happy!”

Alice clears to get the couple’s attention. They turn to Alice and Alice smiles at them “Shall we begin?”


Even though the wedding is simple, but everyone managed to shed tears when Wendy said her wedding vow. Everyone cheered happily, when Alice declared that now Wendy and Irene is officially wife and wife. The couple kissed to seal their wedding vows and Alice proceed the ceremony with the adoption documents signing. Irene trembled when she holds the pen to sign the paper. Once she signed the documents, she knows she will officially become Iris and Ryujin’s mother. She looks at Wendy for reassurance again, because after a few days, she is going to raise the kids alone, without Wendy beside her.

“You will be a good mother Irene. I know…because you love them just like how I love them.” Said Wendy.

Irene takes a deep breath and she signed her name on the paper. “Congratulation Irene, you’ve just become a mother of two.” Said Alice as she enclosed the files.

Yeri and Jennie hug Irene as they congratulate their cousin for her marriage. Lisa calls everyone to take a group photo together. She set her camera up on a tripod and set the timer. Lisa almost tripped when she tries to run back to the group to take her place and poses.

“Say Kimchi!!”



The girls party hard at the after party. Although it Rosé was the one who warned Jisoo to not get drunk but Rosé was the one that got so drunk till she passed out. Wendy told them that they could stay for the night. The house has plenty of guest rooms that they can use. Jisoo carried Rosé to one of the guest’s room while the others continue partying and dancing. Seulgi got emotional when she sang a wedding song dedicated to the newly wed.

The party lasted until midnight, and everyone is getting tired so Wendy asked them to go and have a rest at the guest’s room. She told them she could clean up the mess because the girls had done so much for them. Wendy told Irene to go get a rest while she cleans up the beach. Irene hesitated at first but after Wendy whispered something to her, she shyly walked away. Yeri and Joy refused Wendy’s advice and they help her to clean up everything. “It’s your wedding night unnie, so go, I think Irene is waiting for you.” Said Joy with a wink to tease Wendy.

Wendy blushed and her face was redder than a tomato. She bows to apologize to the group but Seulgi told her off and asked her hurriedly to go to her wife’s side. The Red Velvet members together with Lisa, Jennie and Alice helped to clean up the mess and take off the decoration.

Wendy nervously walks to her room where Irene is waiting for her but then she was startled but the suddenly loud moans coming from the guest’s room.

“Oh yess Jichu unnie!!”

“Do you like that my Chaeng Squirrel??”

Wendy gets even more flustered upon hearing her friends having in the room. She was utterly disturbed but her curiosity overpower her so she decided to peek through the slightly ajar door.

“Yes unnie that’s the spot!!” Rosé moaned.

“Harder unnie! Harder!”

“I don’t wanna hurt you…”

“Just do it harder!!”

“Fine fine…geez who would have thought the drunk you is so demanding, it’s like being with a different person.” said Jisoo to the drunk Rosé.

Wendy wanted to smack herself on the head when she realized that her friends were not having . Jisoo was sitting on top of Rosé back massaging her and not what she thought what they are doing. Jisoo noticed Wendy was peeking at them and a sly smile appears on her face “Unnie, you’re a ert~” Jisoo calls out to Wendy.

“I thought…”

“You thought we were doing the 18sx stuff huh? We are not that type of girls Wendy.”

“Well Chaeyoung was…doing some weird noises…so I thought…well never mind. I’m sorry for what I did. You two carry on, and please keep it low!! You’re going to make a lot of people to misunderstand and it is very disturbing!”

“Not if you’re not a ert!” Jisoo tries to defend herself.

Wendy just walk away with her face beet red. Wendy mutters curses under her breath but she cannot hide the fact that she is so turn on right now and she cannot wait to get to Irene. She reached her bedroom. She clears and slowly opens the door. Irene was backing the door and Wendy can see her delicate shoulder and back. Irene left the light turn off but the light from the moon illuminate the room and it kind of reflected on Irene’s skin, which makes Irene skin almost seem to be glowing in the dark.


Irene jumps when Wendy suddenly calls out her name. She quickly wipes away her tears and smiles at her wife. She could not believe that now Wendy is officially her wife and she has not used to the thought that Wendy and her are now married couple.

“Irene? What’s wrong? Are…are you crying?”

“It’s nothing, I’m just happy that now I can call you my wife.” Said Irene.

Wendy closes the door behind her and she rushes to Irene’s side. She sits beside Irene and pulls her into her embrace “You’re lying…Tell me what’s wrong.”

“It’s nothing Wendy…really…today you make my dreams come true…1st you made me your wife…then 2nd you made me a mother of two wonderful kids. I am happy Wendy…but if our family can be here to witness our wedding, I will be happier…” said Irene “But I know it’s it will be hard for you to say your goodbye if they are here.”

Wendy gently squeeze Irene’s body against her “I am sorry if you are not satisfied with our wedding ceremony…”

“No! I didn’t mean that. I am satisfy with our wedding, don’t get me wrong. It just feel incomplete…” Said Irene.

“I know…it does feels empty without our families beside us…but as long as I got you beside me, I am complete…”

“Even without Iris?”

“You, Iris and Ryujin, you guys mean the world to me. I am glad that once I am gone, Iris is in a good hand, and Ryujin is safe. I made a promise with your cousin, she will help me to monitor Ryujin’s progress and she will pay for half of the medical research to get Ryujin to walk again. I know Ryujin will wake up one day, so Irene promise me you will never give up on her.”

“I will not…”

Wendy rested her chin on Irene’s shoulder and they both look at the moon that shiny through the window. “You know, I never really show how much I love you.”

“You’ve shown me enough.” Said Irene and she cups Wendy’s face. “Now what matter the most is for us to appreciate the time we have left.” Said Irene.

Wendy smiles and she buried her face deeper into Irene’s neck “I love you so much Irene…”

“I love you too…”

They stare at each other longingly and then both leans forward to claims the lips that is eagerly waiting for each other. The moon becomes their witness of love. It was their first night as wife and wife, so Wendy make sure that the moment will be memorable for both of them.


After done cleaning the beach, the Red Velvet members, Jennie, Lisa and Alice decided to stay at the beach for a while because they were mesmerize by the sky that is fills by millions of stars.

“It’s so beautiful…” Said Jennie and then she was blinded by a sudden flash, so she turned to the direction “Honey! Please don’t secretly take my picture!” she scolded Lisa for taking her picture.

“I cannot stop myself from doing that, because you look so beautiful.” Said Lisa with a wide grin on her face. Lisa put away her camera and she lays down on Jennie’s lap. Alice was silently judging them by the side, but when she turned to the other couple (JoyGi) she was even more disgusted when she saw that Joy sitting on Seulgi’s lap and had her arms wraps around Seulgi’s shoulder. She thought Yeri can sympathize with her but she was wrong when she saw Yeri was busy video calling someone on her phone and it was Kim Saeron. For a moment Alice feels like she is a third wheeler, despite the fact that she always third wheel her sister whenever Jisoo was around but this time she really feels like a useless third wheeler.

Alice pours herself a glass of champagne and cheers to herself “Here goes to another single years for me.”


A Week Later

The time passed by so fast, like it was only yesterday that they got married and now it is time for Wendy to go. Wendy wakes up early that morning, and she goes to the balcony to wait for the sun to rise. It will probably the last time she sees a sunrise. She feels bad for lying to Irene, she knows she was giving Irene a fake hope by saying that she will come back. She knows that she will never able to get back to her family anymore after today. She wanted to see her daughter so much but she knows if she meets her, it will be hard for her to say goodbye and let her go.

Wendy feels a pairs of hand wrapping itself around her waist. She smiles when she feels the heavy breath tickling her on her neck “Why are you up?” Wendy asks.

“Because I was cold and you weren’t there to warm me up.” Said Irene.

For the past few days, Irene enjoyed being able to wake up next to Wendy. She enjoyed that she gets Wendy attention all for herself, she felt bad when she enjoy it too much without the kids around. Irene tightened her hold around Wendy’s waist as she remembers today is the day Wendy is going to be taken away.

“I want to see my family for the last time.” Said Wendy.

“But I thought…you don’t want to see Iris? I thought…you said you wanted Iris to hate you?”

“I don’t want to have the regrets if I don’t say my goodbye to Iris…” Said Wendy.

Irene did not say anything. She rested her head on Wendy’s back and listen to her wife steady heartbeat “It is your decision to make Wendy. I will always support whatever decision you make.”



“Neh~ Aunt Hee, when can I meet Mommy and Momrene?” Little Iris whine to her aunt.

Seunghee did not have the heart to break little Iris’s heart so she keep on lying to her, telling her that she will meet her mother soon. “Soon Joohyun ah…soon”

Seunghee had been regularly bring Iris to the hospital so she can company Ryujin when Lia and her friends go to school. The queen also come by to check on Ryujin. Seunghee was honour that the queen wanted to befriend someone like her. Suzy smiled at Seunghee, she said she owe Wendy big for what she had done for her cousin. If it was not for Wendy, Irene probably would not wake up from her coma, even if she did, she will not be like how she used to be.

“Do you believe in parallel universe, Ms Son?” the Queen asked.

“Parallel universe?”

“When my cousin woke up from her coma, and she came to me, she told me that she had the longest dream ever and she can even tell every detail of that dream precisely. Everything that happened in her dream did somehow happened in this world…What if it was not a dream but her memories from her another universe. I was glad that she managed to find and fall all over again for the same person that she fell in love with in the other universe.”

Seunghee chuckles and she shakes her head “That is the most bizarre thing that I ever heard, but you know what? Maybe you’re right.”

The queen smiles at the ex-Mafia boss and they then turned their eyes to Iris who is lying beside Ryujin and reading her fairy tale book to her sister. Seunghee still could not forgive herself for could not act fast enough during that fateful event that almost got Ryujin killed. Seunghee hated her position as a Mafia boss, she agreed to take over her father position because she was did not want her sister to take over the position. She knows Wendy is not as strong as she is when it comes to emotion control. She was glad that the council decided to revoke her position and give it away to her other cousin, Jessica Jung.

“Aren’t you going to ask me why I didn’t want to help Wendy out even though Irene begged me to?” Suzy suddenly popped the question out catching Seunghee off guard.

“We are criminal and you are the regal, what your people would say if you helped us. I understand the dilemma that you’re facing now my Queen, I understand.” Said Seunghee.


Irene and Wendy reached the hospital, and they are holding hands. Irene could feel Wendy’s hand palpating. Before they could step into the hospital building, a group of men in black approaching them.

“Son Seungwan, your time is up…”

“Can you give me 10 more minutes? I just to go and meet my daughters for one last time.”

“We’ve given you enough time, come on let’s go.”

Irene tightened her grips on Wendy’s hand. Wendy gently rubs the back of Irene’s hand with her thumb. Wendy gives Irene a sad look. She hugs Irene and whispers something to her “Tell Iris and Ryujin that I love them…take care of them for me.”

“Wait Wendy, no…” Irene tries to clutch on Wendy’s shirt, unwilling to let her go.

“It’ll be okay…” Wendy pushes Irene so that she can see her wife’s face clearly “They have you, and you have them…”

Irene reluctantly let Wendy goes, but she stops Wendy in midway and she kneeled down to begged the men to let Wendy see Iris and Ryujin before she goes with them. “Please let her meet with our daughters for the last time…Please!”

“Irene get up! Don’t get disgrace yourself to beg these people!”

“At least tell Iris that you love her for the last time…” Irene cried. “I know that we are not going to meet again, I know that the person that they are going to exchange you with is a criminal that is on his life sentence! I know everything Wendy! But I keep my silence because…because I didn’t want to ruin our happy moment together…”

The leader of the men in black signal his men to retreat and he said to Wendy “1 hour…”

Wendy thanks him and she rushes to Irene to get her up on her feet. She hugs Irene tightly “I’m sorry Irene…I should have told you.”

“Go and meet your daughters…” said Irene softly.

“No…let’s go meet our daughters.” Said Wendy.


“And they live happily ever after~~ the end!!” Iris finishes her story and closes her book. She flip over and lies on her stomach as she stares at her sister. “Jinnie unnie~ Iwis is lonely…unnie, wake up and play with Iwis~”

The sound of the room door being slide open makes Iris turn to the door direction and her eyes grow bigger when she saw who stands at the door. “MAMA!!!” she screams and she jumps down from Ryujin’s bed to run toward her mother.

Seunghee and Suzy turns their head toward the door. Seunghee was glad that she gets to see her sister again. Then Suzy noticed that her cousin was there and she noticed the sadness in her cousin’s eyes. The smiles on Suzy’s face faded.

“Mama!! Mama where did you go? Mama no love Iwis anymore?”

Wendy could not hold her tears, she bawls her eyes out, and she kisses Iris all over as apologized to her little baby. “Mama is here now baby…”

“Mama don’t weave Iwis….”

Wendy’s chest tightened when she heard Iris’s pleads. She keep silent and she hugs Iris tightly, not wanting to let her go. The scene is so heart breaking that Seunghee decided to leave the room. Suzy follows the older woman to exit the room, as she too did not have the heart to watch the heart-breaking scene between the mother and daughter.

“Iris…Iris, listen, from now on, Irene will be your mommy okay?”

The little girl pouted, “Mama don’t want to be Iwis’s mommy anymore?”

Irene crouches next to the duo and she puts her hand on Iris’s head “Wendy will always be Iris’s Mama…but because Mama and Momrene is married so Iris can call me mommy too.”

Iris gasps in happiness when she heard the news “Weally?!”

“Yes Iris…mama and momrene is married.” Said Wendy to her daughter. Iris hugs Wendy and Irene tightly in excitement and happiness. “Iris, listen, I need you to listen to me carefully. Mama is going to be away far away, and mama don’t know when mama will come back, so mama want Iris to listen to mommy okay?”

Iris quiver in sadness when Wendy said that she is going to be away for a long time. Iris did not throw tantrum this time, she just silently rested her head on Wendy’s shoulder. Wendy lifts Iris up and approaches Ryujin’s bed. Wendy seated on Ryujin’s bed, watching her eldest daughter fighting for her life with all of the life support attached to her. With her free hand, she holds Ryujin’s hand, and gently rubs the back of Ryujin’s hand with her thumb.

“Iris…when Jinnie wake up, Iris have to promise that Iris will love Jinnie no matter what happened to Jinnie unnie alright?”

Iris sadly nods her head. Wendy gets up from the bed and passes Iris to Irene “Can you hold her for a second?”

Irene takes Iris from Wendy without asking anything. She watches as Wendy kisses Ryujin on the forehead and she can see Wendy’s tears dropping on Ryujin’s cheek. She wipes her tears and forces a smile when her eyes met with Irene. She proceeds to take Iris from Irene and kisses her daughter.

The door opened and it was Lia. “Wendy…unnie….?”

“Hi Lia…how are you?”

“I’m good…” Lia replied and the atmosphere turned awkward for a while until Lia opens to speak “Wendy unnie…”


“When…when Ryujin wakes up…I want to marry her…”

Wendy was startle by the sudden request for Lia “Huh?”

“I am…asking for your daughter hand in marriage.” Said Lia confidently.

Wendy turns to Irene for assurance and Irene nods at her. Wendy turns back to Lia and she smile “Then, I am counting on you to take care of Ryujin for me.” said Wendy.

“Thank you unnie. I promise you I won’t disappoint you.” Said Lia.

Wendy reaches for her and they exchange hug “Take care of them for me Lia.” She whispered. Lia nods in her warm embrace and Lia could not help but to hide her face in Wendy’s shoulder to hide her tears. Lia knows what is going to happen to Wendy after she demanded Seunghee to tell her what happened. Wendy wipes Lia tears away and gently kisses Lia on the forehead. It was hard for her, but she knows it is going to be harder for her family and friends.

Wendy sees that the men are standing by the door waiting for her. Irene is trying hard to hold herself back when she knows that her time with Wendy is up. She wanted to lunge toward Wendy and stop her, and commanded the men to back off and leave them alone. Irene wished that she still had her position as the princess of the country. Only then, she has the power to release Wendy from the unfair punishment. Irene saw Suzy behind those men. Suzy shakes her head to signal her cousin not to make any radical move. Irene only can clenches her teeth and look away.

Wendy put Iris down and urge her to go to Irene. Iris clutches tightly on her mother’s shirt, refuses to let go. “Ma…ma…” she cries.

“Mama have to go Iris…you will be good right?”

Irene goes to Iris and she gently pick her up so that Iris can let Wendy go. Wendy tries not to touch Irene because she knows if she touches her, she will probably break down. Wendy turns away quickly and surrendering herself to the men. They handcuffed her and Irene quickly covers Iris eyes, because she did not want to let the kid to see her mother being carry away like a criminal.

Seunghee stops the men from taking her sister in the hallway. “Ms Son, we had an agreement, you are spare because your father need you to lead your family when he is gone, and Ms Wendy here, volunteered to take your place…please don’t try to hinder our job.”

“Let me have a last word with my sister.” Said Seunghee.

“Unfortunately, you can’t. Wendy’s time is up.”

“Wendy…I will take care of everything while you’re away…I promise.”

“DAMN YOU SON SEUNGWAN!!” Shouted Naeun as she runs toward Wendy. “You still got something that you need to settle with me, I will wait for you and we will settle it once and for all.” Said Naeun.

Seunghee slaps Naeun on the head “Now is not the time for you to be saying those!”

The sisters managed to make Wendy laugh at their antics. Seunghee sighs in relieve when she sees her little sister is smiling again. “Good bye Seungwan.”

“See you when I see you…Unnie…and you too Naeun…” and with that, Wendy got carry away by the men. Seunghee and Naeun watch silently as their sister get carried away. The silent is deafening, Seunghee had never like the hospital. She had bad luck with the hospital, their mothers died here, and then now, her sister is going away forever. She cursed the hospital in her heart. She wanted to curse her family for being involved in the underground world but she knows, it was not her fault that she is being born into a family of mafia. It was not her father or mother fault for giving birth to her too.


Seunghee runs into Ryujin’s room when she heard the faint voice that sounded like Ryujin’s voice. Lia, Irene and Iris is already by Ryujin’s bedside, so Seunghee knows she did not hear it wrongly. “Ryujinie?”

“Seunghee, Ryujin…she spoke…” Irene was overwhelm by hearing Ryujin’s voice.

“Ryujinie, can you hear me? Lia, call the doctor!”


15 Years Later

Irene woke up early to prepare breakfast for her daughter. Today is Iris’s 18th birthday and it is her graduation day too, so Irene wanted to make her something special for breakfast.

“Morning mom…” Ryujin greets her mother.

“Morning Jinnie~”

“Grandma~~~” a cute little girl greeted Irene.

“Morning~ Haru~~” Irene greeted her granddaughter. Haru is Lia’s biological daughter, whom she conceived through a donor. Ryujin and Lia wanted to have their own daughter and not adopted, so Lia volunteer to be the one who carried the baby.

“Haru-ah~ Can you help to wake up your aunt Iris?” Asked Lia to her 7 years old daughter.

“Ohkay~” said the little girl as she runs off to her aunt’s room.

“Today is Iris’s graduation, will you be there at the ceremony later Ryujin?”

“Yeah, I’ll be going, Haru too…I’ve called her school.”

Over the past 15 years, a lot had happened. Ryujin woke up from her coma, a day after Wendy was taken away. Ryujin watched the video that Wendy recorded in her phone. She showed no expression but deep down Irene know Ryujin was sad.

It took her 4 years to be able to walk on her own feet again. Ryujin kept the secret that she was able to walk again from Lia, who was her fiancée at that time. After graduated Lia went to Canada to pursue her study. She was reluctant to leave Ryujin at first but Ryujin and Irene urged Lia to go and Ryujin promise that she will wait for Lia to comeback. Irene ensured Lia that Ryujin is in a good hand, she will take care of Ryujin in Lia’s place. Beside, Ryujin is her responsibility too. Wendy had given her parental rights to Irene, so Ryujin is officially Irene’s daughter too.

Lia came back for Ryujin and they got engage instantly. After bring engage for over a year, Ryujin popped the question and they got married in a small ceremony with close friends and family attending their wedding. Ryujin surprised Lia when she stand up on her own two feet during the vow exchange. Everyone who attended the ceremony cried for the lovely moment. Irene gave Ryujin the freedom to leave the house and start living her own life with Lia, but Ryujin refuses, she said that now that Wendy is gone, she would be the one who is going to protect both Iris and Irene. Lia agreed with Ryujin and they stayed together with Irene in that huge house by the beach.

The Red Velvet went for indefinite hiatus, because Seulgi and Joy wanted to focus on their marriage life. Then Yeri focused on her producing skill and now she is one of the top paid producer of SM entertainment. After Wendy gone, Wendy hand over her ownership of SM to Jisoo and that makes Jisoo the owner of SM and YG entertainment. Despite being in indefinite hiatus, Seulgi and Joy started their own Youtube Channel that capture their daily marriage life. They gained millions of subscribers over a month and the paycheck that they got from Youtube is far more than what SM gave. The fans were initially angry at RV decision to go hiatus, but they forgive them after seeing how free the girls are after they went on hiatus. Fans get to see Seulgi sillier side through Joy’s daily Vlog of her wife. Seulgi and Joy still stay in that house that Wendy gave them, but Yeri was no longer with them after Yeri move in with Saeron. Fans were wondering about Yeri and Saeron’s relationship but Yeri prefer to keep it private. Seulgi and Joy adopted a dog and a cat instead of adopting human because they do not think they are ready to be parents yet. Fans love them even more, now that they are free to do what they want. Jisoo told them that they are welcome to make a comeback anytime that they want.

As for Jisoo, she and Rosé had finally settled down and they bought a house in Australia, so that they can go to Australia to visit Rosé parents anytime they want. Rosé worked together with Jisoo in YG entertainment as one of the producer and composer. Jisoo gave her wife the position of the Coo of YG entertainment. Together with Jisoo, Rosé work hard to clean up YG after the mess that Jisoo uncle Yang Hyunsuk had done to the company. Now YG regain its position as one of the top three of South Korea Entertainment Company together with SM and JYP.

Lisa and Jennie got married too and they reside at Lisa’s hometown, in Thailand. Jennie decided to leave her life back in Korea and follow her wife to open up a cozy café back in Thailand. The couple had adopted three kids, which named Lex, Leon and Jessie Manoban Kim. It was Jennie decision to follow Lisa back to Thailand and stay there. Jennie parents accepted their daughter decision and they occasionally come to visit their daughter and their grandchildren. Jennie is happy with her humble life with Lisa in Thailand. Jennie was born rich and she had always feel empty in her life until she decided to follow Lisa. She loves the culture, she loves the people, the weather might be a little too hot but she loves it there. For once in a lifetime, Jennie feels content with her life. Her anxiety problem is gone and she certainly feels happier.

As for Irene, she is trying to live her life to the fullest. Iris was there to keep her accompany and she does not feel lonely at all. Irene had officially taken over Wendy’s business and improved the recipe. Irene managed to open a few branches all over Korea and open a few franchises in Japan, China and other Asia country. Ryujin was appoint as the Managing Director of the café when Irene decided to retire early to focus on writing her book. Irene wanted to write a book about her love story. She retired from managing the café and becomes a full time homemaker who stay at home and take care of her children needs. Lia sometimes felt sorry for letting Irene does the house chores alone, but Irene understand that Lia is a busy woman with her work as a English lecturer at JYP University. When Haru was born too, Irene had been the one who take care of the little girl. Therefore, Haru is closer to her grandma than her own mothers.

For the rest of the Itzy, Yeji graduated and she decided to enrol into a military academy and become a lieutenant. Yeji and Chaeryoung dated for a while back when they just graduated from high school, but broke up when Yeji could not make time for Chaeryoung after she enrolled into the military academy. The two of them thought it would be better if they take a break from their relationship. They did not get back together though, though they occasionally hooked up together, but both prefer to not tie down to any commitment. Yeji did not want Chaeryoung to be tie to her because she knows her work commitment will sometimes relocate her to places far away from Chaeryoung and she does not want Chaeryoung to quit her job as a dance instructor at JYP Entertainment. As for Yuna, she becomes a renowned actress after she was scouted into JYP entertainment after her graduation. She made her international debuts by joining the Hollywood. She was living her best life, living in the LA, mixing around with the upper echelon of the Hollywood stars. She would return to SK once a while to catch up with her friends.

A loud scream comes from Iris’s room. Irene shakes her head at the loudness in early morning. Ryujin also shakes her head because she knows exactly what is going to happen later. Haru comes down running from Iris’s room and she jumps into Lia’s lap hiding herself from her aunt.

“Yah!! Shin Haru!!” Iris comes running toward the dining room. Her shirt is all wet and she was enrage “Yah! Haru! Why did you pour water on me?!”

“You didn’t want to wake up!” Haru retorted.

“But you didn’t have to pour the water on me! My hair is wet and my bed is wet!”

Irene puts her hand on her daughter shoulder and push her toward the dining table and pushes her down to make her sit down “Calm down Iris, come on and join us for breakfast, today is your graduation day right? Eat up and then go and get ready~”

“Yes mom…” Iris sighs and start eating breakfast Irene made. “Jin unnie, can you tell your little brat to stop playing so harsh on me…”

“That little brat is your niece~ and Iris, you always did the same thing to me when you were younger. I guess this is what you call as karma.” Ryujin replied with a snicker.

Lia listen to her wife and her sister in law banter and she could not help but to smile. Lia wipes Haru’s mouth as she gets sloppy eating her jajangmyeon. “Iris are you nervous for your graduation?”

“Not really…” said Iris as she chow down her noodles.

“I heard that you are going to be the valedictorian.

“Well of course~ I’m the top in my whole school~”

“Heh…snobbish…” Ryujin replied.

“Yah! Unnie! I’m just keeping the family tradition alive~” replied Iris. It is true, her mother, Wendy was the valedictorian too, and then her sister Ryujin was one too. Irene only smiles at her daughter, watching her eating her meal. As Iris grows up, she looks more and more like Wendy. Her face, her voice, even her attitude is a mirror of Wendy. The only thing that differentiate Iris and Wendy is their height. Iris is the tallest one in the household at 167cm.

Iris noticed the sauce on the corner of Iris mouth and she takes a tissue to wipe it off. Iris taken aback by the sudden movement from Irene. “Mom! I’m an adult now! I can take care of myself!” Iris whined.

“You will always be my baby okay! Look at how you eat! How am I not going be not worrying about you going to study abroad after this?”

“Mom!!” Iris whined again.

Lia looks at the time and she gasps “Aah! We’re gonna be late! Jinnie yah, I’m gonna go get Haru ready!”

Irene looks at the clock and she was surprised too “Iris quick! We are going to get late!”


Dream High School

“Oh my god is that the queen?!” Jiu gasps when she spotted the queen of SK attending their graduation ceremony.

“Yeah she is.” Dami replied.

“We are so honoured to have her here with us! By why is she here?” said Sua excitedly.

“Her niece is in the same batch with us.” Replied Yoohyeon.

“Her niece?”

“Yeah, Iris Son Joohyun is her niece.” Said Gahyeon.

“Iris is?!!!” Sua and Siyeon yelled, because they had been a bully to the girl by making her do errands for them.

“Told you not to bully her.” Handong told the duo with a smirk.


Before the ceremony begins, Iris excuses herself to relax her mind. She had always put on a brave façade in front of her schoolmates but deep down she was just a normal girl. Iris escape to the school garden to take a breather. She enjoys the school garden so much because the flower there remind her off her mother a lot.

“Ma…I wished you were here…there’s so much that I wanted to tell you.” She said to the flower.

Iris smiles when she remember a certain memories when she and her mom used to go to the park for a walk and they always pick up some flower on their way back because Iris wanted to give the flower to Ryujin and her school teacher. It is spring now and all the flowers that the gardening committee had plant starts to bloom beautiful in her school garden. Iris takes a deep breath, and she decided to go back to the hall, but she halted suddenly when she heard someone calls for her name. The wind gently rustle the tree branches and Iris yelps when her skirt got flipped by the wind.


“Yah where is Iris?!”

“She said she needs to get some air!”

“The ceremony is going to start soon! We need her!”


“Iris, you’ve grown.”

Iris agapes, she could not believe what she just saw. It was like seeing a ghost. “Ma…ma”


“Iris Son Joohyun…” the teacher announced Iris name but there was no sign of her. The teacher calls for her name again and there is still no sign of her. Everyone starts to murmur and wondering where the school top achiever gone to.

Irene and Ryujin got worried when they did not see any sight of Iris among the students. Iris is pretty tall so it is easy to spot her, and she dye her hair blue for her graduation day, so it will be easier to spot the girl.

“Ryujin…where is Iris?” Irene asked her eldest daughter.

“I…I don’t know…” Ryujin replied and she looks over to her wife and daughter. “I will go look for her.”

Irene stops Ryujin from leaving, despite that Ryujin can walk now, she still cannot walk for too long or stand for too long and she still needs her cane to walk. “I will go find Iris.” Said Irene and she excuses herself.


“Ma…I thought you were…you said you were…I…” Iris was speechless to see her mother standing in front of her.

“Wendy has finished her sentences, so she is free now.”

“Aunt Hee?”

“Don’t you have a graduation to attend Iris? They are calling for you.” Said Seunghee to her niece.

“Ah yes…ugh but…I ugh…” Iris was reluctant to go back to the hall because she wanted to be there with her mother.

“Go on Iris…I will still be here when you’re finish. I will watch over your graduation.”

Iris walks away from her mother but she halted and she turns back to run to her mother and hug her mother tightly. “I missed you so much Mama…” she cried. Wendy returns the hug and gently her daughter’s hair. “I miss you too little pumpkin, happy birthday Iris-ah…you’ve grown so tall now…” said Wendy with tears in her eyes.

Wendy wipes away her daughter’s tears and then she urges her to go back to the hall. Iris nods and she grins at her mother. Nothing much has changed only a few wrinkles are visible on her face. Wendy urges Iris to go because she can hear the teacher are calling for her from the school speaker. Iris sprints toward the hall and she looks back to wave at her mother. Wendy waves back at her daughter and Seunghee can see how proud Wendy is at her daughter.

“She had grown up so much…” Said Wendy.

“Yeah, even taller than us.” Replied Seunghee.

“I wished that I was there during her growth period…”

“It was never too late to show your daughter your love Seungwan ah, beside Irene did a good job in raising two of them. Come on, let’s go inside.”


Irene goes out to the school garden to look for her daughter but there was no sign of Iris there. Irene continues to look around and a glimpse of someone who looks like Wendy caught her attention.

“Wendy?” she asked herself. She decided to follow that person but she stops when her phone rang.

“Hello?” Irene answered the call.

“Mom, Iris has return back to the hall. Where are you? You’re going to miss Iris’s speech.”

Irene looks at the direction of where she saw Wendy and there was no one there. She shakes her head. It must be her mind playing tricks with her she thought to herself. “I’ll go back.”


Iris apologized to her teachers and fellow schoolmates for causing them to wait. She said she had butterflies in her stomach so she needs to go take a fresh air. In her speech, she said that no one is perfect in this world. Iris proceed to tell the whole school about her mother whom she looks up to. She said even though her mother could not be there for her, but she knows she is watching for her somewhere and a mother will always pray for her children. She said she does not need anything in life as long as she has her family. She teared up in the middle of her speeches, but everyone cheers up for her, making her smiles at all the support that she has. She puts up her hand and congratulate her batch for graduating this year.

Irene was proud of Iris for what she had achieved. After Wendy gone, Iris become very quiet, it took her quite sometimes to gain her momentum and confidence. Irene is proud of what Iris had become. The shy young girl had become the bold and able to speak up for what she thinks is right. Something that she knows Iris inherited from Wendy.

All of the crowds stand up to congratulate the graduating class. Lia and Haru helps Ryujin to get up to applause the students. At the corner of Irene eyes, she saw Wendy again, among the crowds. Irene excuses herself and follows that person.

“Wendy?” Irene calls out for that person, but there was no response. As the crowds are marching toward the students to congratulate them. Irene was obstruct from reaching to the person that she thought is Wendy. Irene tries to push herself toward to get out from the crowds. Irene looks around and saw that the person is walking out from the hall. Irene decided to follow.

That person stops at the garden, nearby the flowerbed and the Sakura tree. The person turns and Irene gasps.

“I missed you.”


“I’m back for real this time Irene…I’m not going anywhere.”

Irene forgets about everything and she runs toward Wendy’s embrace. The warmth is still the same as 15 years ago. Wendy does look a little older but she is still beautiful in Irene’s eyes.


The day Wendy was taken by the underground organization, Suzy decided to go and meet with the underground leaders. She felt guilty that she could not help her cousin even after Irene did so much for her. Irene even agreed to get her name dropped from the heir to the throne just so Suzy can take over the throne.

Suzy and Seunghee met with the leaders and they come up with an agreement. Wendy only will be replacing the criminal that they wanted to bail out until after he finishes his business and then he will resume back his sentences. The leaders agreed, after Suzy agreed that she is going to give protection for the underground organization, as long as it is not regarding drugs. One of the leader however refused to idea and suggested that Wendy only will be release if the criminal that they want to bailed dies, but no one is allow touching him, or try to assassinate him. Initially Suzy was doubtful of the agreement, but Seunghee urges her to agree with the agreement. It is a take it or leave situation, they only can rely on their luck.

Seunghee and Suzy decided not to tell anyone about the agreement and only keep it to themselves. Seunghee asked why Suzy wanted to help all of sudden. Suzy told Seunghee that she owe her life to Irene and her father. If it were not because of them, Suzy would not be here. Luck was on their side, after 15 years, the criminal that Wendy replaced had passed away after he got involved in a mob fight. Seunghee was delighted, and coincidentally, it was her niece birthday too. This is going to be the best birthday present for her niece.


Seunghee watches Wendy and Irene reconcile under the Sakura blossom. She cannot stop but to smile at the scene. Seunghee knows how much Irene had missed Wendy for the past 15 years. People around her urges her to move on, because they keep on saying that Wendy will not return but Irene refuses. Irene said that maybe Wendy would not come back but Wendy had given her a family.

“Enjoying the scenery?”

Seunghee was surprised by Suzy’s presence, she turns and smiles at her “Isn’t it wonderful?” she asked.

“Indeed.” Suzy replied with a smile. “I’ve never seen a love so strong like those two…” Suzy added.

“Yeah…me too.”

“Maybe we should plan a proper wedding ceremony for the two.”

“Yeah, but before that…what about ours?” Seunghee teased Suzy.

Suzy playfully smacks Seunghee on the shoulder.

After the downfall of the Son family, Seunghee no longer wanted to lead family business and Wayne allowed her illegitimate daughter to take over the family business. Even if Naeun was born out of wed lock, but she is still a legal Son after all. Seunghee resorted to become the Queen’s personal bodyguard. For the past 15 years, the queen and the bodyguard relationship develop into something romantic, but Seunghee knew that as the queen, Suzy needs an heir to continue the bloodline to the throne. Despite that, Suzy is married and she already had a son that one day will continue her reign. The marriage was a diplomatic marriage. She never had feelings for her husband, and her husband knew it too. She knows that as a queen knows it was wrong for her to be in love with her bodyguard, but the duo keeps their relationship a secret.  

The queen and the bodyguard continue to watch the Son family reunion. Irene and Wendy were join by Iris whom come to look for them. Then there was Ryujin and her family. Ryujin breaks down in tears when she sees her mother again after 15 years. Wendy cries when she sees that Ryujin is walking again, and she seems healthy. Suzy did wrote to her constantly when she was in jail, to update her about Ryujin’s condition. Ryujin proudly present her daughter to her mother. Wendy greets her granddaughter and she was surprised that Ryujin and Lia would want a daughter together because she thought Ryujin and Lia as the type that prefer to have animals as their children. Wendy thanked Lia for giving Ryujin a family.

The last bud of the Sakura flower blooms at the family reunion. A soft wind blows and Wendy look up to the sky. She smiles when she sees the flower petals slowly falls on and land on Irene’s head. She takes it off Irene’s head and gently her wife’s cheek. The yearning she had held for 15 years are finally fulfil.

“Iris looks a lot like you.” Irene said to her wife as she rested her head on Wendy’s shoulder while watching Iris busy taking pictures with her friends.

“Yeah, but she acts like you…when she was giving her speech…she sounded like you.” Said Wendy back.

Irene tilts her head up and stares at Wendy “I miss you so much Wendy.”

“I missed you too…and this time I’m not leaving anymore. I will always be beside you and our family…forever.”

How Wendy get out from the prison did not bother Irene at all, she does not want to know. What is important now is Wendy is here with her and her kids. That is all she needs. Underneath the flower blooming, they exchange their vow again and seal their vow with a kiss.

The End

A/N: I am so sorry for dragging!! I was having a hard time to finish this story. I wanted to finish it with a happy ending, but at the same time I want a sad ending! I hope you guys like this ending. I will be honest with you guys, I lost my interest half way through writing this ending, but I try to push myself to finish it! Now it’s my time to focus on my other story. I am sorry if the ending is not satisfying enough. I will try my best on my future story. I am glad to have this journey with you guys. I guess this is a good bye to this story. I’ll see you on the other stories~ *kneel and bow* Thank you!! Oh, do tell if you guys are interested in a spinoff story of any one of the couple from this story. Do tell me. I will see what I can do.

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Chapter 67: wow this story is like a roller coaster 😭 I'm glad it ended happily 💖💙
Chapter 49: Who does Wendy have children with???
Chapter 46: Here I thought previously Irene would really move on to someone new 🥲
Chapter 45: I actually don't like it when Irene moves on from Wendy 🤧😩
Chapter 44: Impossible. I cried at this part 😭
Chapter 31: I'm curious about Wendy's health check results
Chapter 27: very domestic 🤧
Chapter 24: Irene's father is annoying 😒
Chapter 23: oh my gosh the story is getting more intense