Sequel: Chapter 11: Saving JoyGi

When The Flower Blooms

6 months have passed since the Ryujin incident. She was discharged after being observed in the hospital for a month. Iris bawled when Ryujin returned home and she didn’t even want to leave her side. Ryujin let Iris sleep with her whenever she wants because Iris is scared that she is going to lose her sister. Wendy didn’t agree at first but after the siblings persuasion, she agreed. Irene frequently visited the family, she and Wendy had come clean with Ryujin, saying that both of them are in a relationship. Ryujin acted like she was mad but then she gave them her blessing. Ryujin is happy for her mother to finally move on from her past.

Irene decided to work with Wendy in her café, and with her help, Wendy’s business’s bloom, more and more people are coming to their café. Some recognized Irene, they asked her if she still works with SM and RV, and Irene answered them that she is no longer working with SM or RV. She also told them that the rumour about Seulgi and her had broken up is true.

Some fans were devastated at the news of the breakup, but they wished her the best in her life. Irene was a little worried about RV, they had been on a hiatus for almost 2 years, it started when she got into coma last year. When Ryujin was hospitalized, she saw the news about Seulgi going out with Sungjae, but then the next day, SM denied the rumor. SM stated that Seulgi met with Sungjae to wish him luck in his relationship with Joy. Fans bought the story, but Irene knows it’s not a romantic meeting but it’s not a friendly meeting either. She tried to contact Seulgi but she never answered, even Joy doesn’t know where she is. But Seulgi texted Joy and Yeri before she went missing, she told them she wanted to rest her mind and don’t go look for her. She will come back when the time allows.

“What’s with the long face?” Wendy’s voice manages to bring Irene back to her senses.

“Oh, it’s nothing…” Irene lied.

Wendy pulls Irene on her waist and makes the older girl face her. Their bodies are pressed together and Irene couldn’t stop herself from blushing “You can’t lie to me Irene-ssi...I know something is bothering you…” said Wendy and she starts to kiss Irene on the neck, which made the girl moan a little.

“Stop it!” said Irene and she pushes Wendy away “I’m trying to cook here!” Irene protested.

“Come on Irene~ we hadn’t done it like for a week~” Wendy whines cutely at her girlfriend.

Irene turns back and gives Wendy a quick kiss “You promise you will wait right?”

“If the kids are your concern, maybe we can go to your apartment~” said Wendy while back hugging her girlfriend.

“Are you going to leave Iris alone?”

“Since Iris is sleeping in Ryujin’s room, I’m not worried about leaving her.” 

“What kind of mother are you?” Irene scolded Wendy.

“Hey, it’s a joke~” Wendy defends herself.

“I know you’re joking honey, but now I think you should wake up the kids, it’s almost 7 and we need to drop Ryujin before 8, her teacher called and told me that her attendance record is so bad, she was never on time, and I am blaming you for that!”

“Since when does her teacher contact you and not me?” Wendy was baffled at the fact.

“Well Ms ‘I’m-to-busy-to-attend-my-kid-parents-day’ if you are really concerned about her you wouldn’t skip that teacher-parents day.” said Irene.

“Well, I was busy that day…you know I got an important meeting that day, that’s why I asked you to go in my stead.” replied Wendy with a pout.

“Ryujin understands that~ so don’t feel guilty that you couldn’t be there for her. Surprisingly her results are good.”

“Well she’s my daughter, of course she’s smart~” said Wendy cockily.

Irene frowns and then she laughs at Wendy’s smug face, she gently slap Wendy’s and Wendy’s whines “Yah! My is going to be flat if you keep on touching them.”

“I can’t help it, they are so soft and bouncy. Go wake the kids Wendy-ah! I’ll serve breakfast.” said Irene.

“Yes ma’am…” Wendy obeyed and she dragged herself to Ryujin’s room and woke the girls up.

“Iris-ah~~ Ryujin ah~ wakey wakey~”

Wendy smiles to herself when she sees her daughters being lovely together. Iris had a bizarre sleeping habit, she always ended up sleeping upside down. Her legs rested on Ryujin's chest and another one on Ryujin’s face. Wendy feels bad for Ryujin but the teenage girl doesn’t seem to mind it at all. Wendy goes to the bed side and gently removes Iris’s legs from Ryujin and she gently shakes Ryujin to wake her up.

“5 more minutes…” Ryujin groans lowly.

“I count till 3 and you better get your up Miss…” Wendy threatened her oldest daughter.

“Mmm…” was all that Ryujin replied.



“Don’t make me say 2 Ryujin…”

“You...just did…” Ryujin replied with her eyes closed.

“Alright 3! You ask for it!” Wendy didn’t even wait for Ryujin to respond, she just jumps on her and rolls Ryujin in the blanket and pin her down.

“Ah! Heavy!” Ryujin shouted “Get off me omma!!” Ryujin finally learned to call Wendy as her ‘Omma’ . It took her sometimes to get accustomed to it but now she is used to it.

“I’m not gonna get off you until you get up!” said Wendy.

“How the hell am I going to get up when you’re on top of me?”

Iris wakes up when she hears all the loud noises, and the first thing she saw when she opens her eyes is her mom laying on top of her sister who is wrapped in her blanket like a burrito. 

“Oh! Iris is awake, come to Mama Iris ya~”

Iris gets up and she goes to her mother, she lays on top of Wendy and accidentally added more weight on Ryujin.

“Yah~ Iris ah! You should help unnie, not omma~ get off unnie Iris-ah~ unnie is going to die~~~ugh~~”

Iris immediately climbs down and checks on Ryujin “Jinjin unnie don’t die!” she starts to cry. Iris hugs Ryujin’s head and gives her kisses on her head, the moment melts Wendy’s heart. She gets off Ryujin and watches as the two sisters give each other hugs and kisses. Wendy almost had a heart attack when Ryujin suddenly pulled her back to the bed. Ryujin and Iris attack Wendy by tickling her. Wendy tries to squirm her ways out, but the two sisters catch her again tickle her like there is no tomorrow.

Irene comes to check on the trio when the three of them still haven’t come to the dining area. She stands by the door and leans on the door frame as she watches the trio play on the bed. She loves it whenever she sees Wendy, Ryujin and Iris enjoy themselves, at least this is how she would picture her dream was if it didn’t stop at where it stops.

Wendy stops when she notices Irene was standing by the door watching them, with her arms crossed “Hey kids stop, it seems like Irene caught us!” she whispered to her kids.

“Momrene~~ Join us~~” Iris invited.

“Nononono!!” Both Ryujin and Wendy protested, but Irene ignores their protest and dive into the bed, pinning both Wendy and Ryujin.

“Aargh!” the mother daughter responded.

Iris laughs, she is enjoyin watching her sister and mother getting torture by Irene.


Somewhere in France

“You’re not planning to go back?”

“Not yet…” Seulgi replied.

“You’re making the others worried you know.”

“I know, but I will go back after Joy’s wedding.” said Seulgi.

“Is it hard for you to just go to SM and tell them that you’re in love with your bandmate and she’s in love with you too and then stop the planned wedding?” Sunmi questioned.

“If it’s that easy unnie, I would have done it!” 

“You’re a chicken.” Sunmi mocked Seulgi.

“I am…” Seulgi didn’t even try to deny it.

“We’ve been here for half a year Seul, I’m getting bored of this country…”

“Well...where do you want to go?”

“Oh! Let’s go to Japan!! I’ve always wanted to try the outdoor Onsen!”

“You’re not just wanting to peek at people’s body right?” 

“What?! No! I’m not that ert!” Sunmi denies it.

Seulgi laughs at Sunmi, she takes a sip of her wine and continues to observe the passerby.



“SM is going to debut a new girls we had to put your comeback on halt.” said the manager of RV.

“What?! No, SM promised me a comeback!” Joy argued.

“Yes, you will have your comeback but it had to be delayed until the new girls finished their promotions.”

“This is unfair!” Yeri raised her voice “We’ve done with the recording and even the dance steps and now you’re telling me SM is delaying our comeback just because they want to debut a new girls group?”

Their manager sighs and he turns to the other staff, the other staff look guilty too, because SM didn’t tell the RV girls that SM is taking them away and put them together with the new girls group.

“They are taking your staff too…” said the manager.

“What’s the meaning of this oppa?!” Yeri raised her voice even louder at their manager.

“SM will hire a new stylist, makeup artist and coordinator for you girls, don’t worry.” The manager tried to calm the girls.

“No! That’s not the point! What’s so special about the new girl group that SM decided to put us aside?!”

“Yeri, please lower your voice. I will stay with your girls, they are not changing me. I hope you can understand this situation, and maybe Joy can use this opportunity to plan her wedding.”

Joy heard her name and she turns to Seulgi to see any reaction but there’s no reaction on Seulgi’s face. Joy was a little disappointed by Seulgi’s reaction.

“Yeri you can focus on your solo activity, Joy can focus on her acting and wedding planning. can prepare for your solo debut too…”

“No.” said Seulgi and everyone turns their head to her “I’m going to use this hiatus to go on a holiday.”

“Can I follow?” said Joy and Yeri in unison.

Seulgi smiled and she shook her head “I wanted it to be a solo find my soul.” Seulgi’s eyes turned sad and for a brief moment her eyes met with Joy’s eyes.

“Let me go with you unnie!” Joy begged.

“No Joy ah, you’re getting married soon right? I’ve talked to Sungjae, he’s a good guy, I know he will take care of you.”

“But what if I don’t want him to take care of me?” said Joy as she is on the verge of tears.

The manager saw the tears in Joy’s eyes, so he asked everyone to leave the girls alone to have their alone time. 

“I’ll leave the three of you to deal with whatever problems that you guys are having.”

The manager leaft and closed the door behind him to give the girls some privacy.

“I need to talk to Taeyeon unnie and Heechul oppa, there’s no way that SM is going to do this to us!” Yeri said in anger.

“Stop it Yeri...SM never cares about us, and I feel bad for always asking Taeyeon and Heechul to help us to deal with SM.” said Seulgi.

“Unnie...are you giving up on us?” Yeri asked with a trembling voice.

“I am not Yeri, I want us to succeed, I want more people to know about RV and about our music...but…” Seulgi stopped and she turned to Joy “This is not the way.” she continued.

“What do you mean unnie?”

“It’s nothing Yeri-ah...let just use this hiatus to improve ourselves...I’ll go back to our dorm now and start packing...I’ve already bought my air tickets.”

“Kang Seulgi, where are you going?” Joy asked, there was a slight anger in her tone.

“I’ll text you when I reach there…I’ll see you when the time is right.”

“Unnie...we’re not breaking up right?” Yeri asked as she held onto Seulgi’s arm.

Seulgi pinched the younger girl’s cheek and smiled at her “No, I will never break our group up, we will be RV until we’re old, and our grandkids will cringe as they watch us perform on stage when we’re 80…” Seulgi joked and she managed to make Yeri laugh.

Seulgi turned to Joy and she saw the girl start to cry a little. Joy quickly wiped her tears, she didn’t want Seulgi to see her cry. Seulgi approached Joy and she wiped her tears and then she cupped her face. Joy couldn’t hold her tears anymore and she let it fall. Seulgi pulls her into her embrace.

“Hey, don’t cry, even if you’re married, I will still be beside you…”

“But it’s not the same… Sungjae oppa is not you unnie…What...what if you fall out of love with me?” Joy cried into Seulgi’s shoulder.

“Joy…” Seulgi called softly “I made a promise that I will never leave your side right? You know there’s a saying that goes ‘If you fell in love with 2 people, choose the second one, because if you love the first one, you won’t fall for the second person.’ I chose you over Irene unnie…”

Joy buried her face even deeper into the crook of Seulgi’s neck and her arms around Seulgi’s waist tightened, as if she didn’t want to let go of Seulgi forever. Seulgi gestured toward Yeri to come over and Yeri came running to Seulgi’s embrace. 

Seulgi hugged her bandmates tightly, she cried a little bit but she tried to show it to them “We will have an awesome comeback when I come back from my trip.” she promised them.

The three of them cleared their tears and made a pinky promise “Redvelvet forever.”

End of Flashback


Red Velvet Dorm (one month later)

Joy was packing as she is about to move out from the dorm and go live with Sungjae at their new house. She is sad to leave the place that she had been living in for 6 years. The last thing that she packed is the group photo that they took together.

“Unnie...are you really going?” Yeri asked.

“I’m getting married in two more days. Soon I will become Mrs. Yoo...and what would people say if I didn’t live together with my husband?”

Yeri sighs and she takes the photo frame from the box that Joy is about to seal “I will miss your chaotic antic in this house…”

“If you feel lonely while waiting for Seulgi unnie to come back, why don’t you go and live with Irene unnie?”

“I don’t want to disturb her life, she’s happy with Wendy now.”

“Well I’ve never seen her so happy like how she is now.” said Joy with a little chuckle at the end.

“Yeah… but unnie, don’t you want to invite Seulgi unnie to your wedding?”

“Do you think she’ll come?” Joy questioned back.

“I mean it’s your wedding...I think she will come…” Yeri replied with a doubtful tone.

“I know the reason why she wanted to go on a trip, she wanted to avoid my wedding, just like how she did with her wedding...she’s a coward…” said Joy.

“When she fled her wedding with Irene unnie, it was because of you, and now she avoided your wedding because of you too…”

“Are you saying that it’s my fault Yeri?” Joy glared at the girl.

“I’m not saying it’s your fault, but it is partially your fault, if you didn’t make that stupid agreement with SM, maybe you won’t be stuck in this situation.”

“I was trying to save our group!!”

“AND LOOK AT US NOW!!” Yeri fired back “We’re on a hiatus and we don’t know for how long! And we don’t even know where Seulgi is!”

Joy didn’t reply to Yeri, she knows Yeri is frustrated with their situation right now, but there is nothing that she can do. Just then her phone rings, and it’s Sungjae.


“Hey Joy~~ I was thinking if we should go and have lunch together and sort out our wedding stuff.”

“Sure, oppa…” Joy’s voice cracked when she replied.

“Are you crying?”

“No…” Joy lied “I’ll go and meet you...where are you?”

I’m outside of your apartment you want me to come up and meet you?”

“No...I’ll go down, I haven’t finished packing yet.”

“Alright, I’ll see you, bye.”


Joy wipes her tears with the back of her hand, she turns to Yeri and she wanted to tell Yeri that she is going out to meet Sungjae but Yeri cut her off first “Just go…”

“Yeri...I know….”

“Unnie, your husband is waiting for you downstairs...just go...I’ll help you to pack.”



Zimzalabim Café

Irene was sorting some of the letters on Wendy’s office desk, and she jumped when she felt someone snake their arms around her.

“Chill hun, it’s me.” Wendy calmed her surprised girlfriend.

“Please don’t do that, you know I hated surprises…” Irene warned Wendy.

“Yes ma’am...what are you doing?” Wendy asked as she rested her chin on Irene’s shoulder.

“Sorting out your letter...I told you to sort your letter everyday, or else it’s going to pile up like this.”

After being with Irene for the past 6 months, Wendy at first couldn’t tolerate her constant nagging but then she got used to it after that. She just keeps silent whenever Irene starts to nag her, she loves the girl but when she starts to nag, Wendy goes into her autopilot mode.

“Oh, honey, look at this, it’s the wedding invitation to Joy’s wedding! Oh my God!! I forgot that Joy is getting married in 2 more days!!” Irene gasped when she realized the date. She spins and faces Wendy “We need to go buy wedding gifts!”

Wendy takes the card from Irene’s grasp, there’s an unknown emotion in her eyes, she flashes a weak smile at Irene “Sure, we’ll go after we pick Ryujin and Iris.” 

“Honey, is something bothering you?” Irene asked as she noticed the changes in Wendy’s face.

Wendy sighs, she knows she can’t hide anything from Irene because Irene is able to read her like a book. She holds Irene’s hand and leads her to the couch, both of them are sitting together.

“Irene...if we’re going to the wedding, can you promise me one thing?”

Irene was getting worried at Wendy’s sudden request “What is it?”

“If the pastor asked if anyone wants to object to their union, stop me…”


“I do not think Joy should be marrying Sungjae. No, don’t misunderstand my meaning, I love you and only you, Joy is just my past, that I don’t want to be reminded off, but I do want her to be happy...but this wedding...I’m afraid Joy is going to regret it her whole life.”

Irene sighs and she lays her head on Wendy’s shoulder “I know...but we can’t locate Seulgi...I think the only person who can stop Joy from marrying Sungjae is Seulgi.”

“I have a plan...but will you help me?” Wendy suggested.

“What is it?”

“I’ve located Seulgi but I promised her that I won’t expose her location, but since this is an emergency to save Joy from regretting her decision, I can’t help her anymore.” Wendy explained.

“Wait you knew where Seulgi is but you didn’t tell me? Everyone is worried sick about her whereabouts!”

“Calm down hun...I know you’ll react this way. I asked Sunghee unnie to send her henchmen to search for Seulgi because I can’t stand seeing you trying to contact her but you just get frustrated when you couldn’t get to her. So, I found her, and managed to contact her, she decided to hide until after the wedding, because she can’t stand to see the one she loves married to some other man. Seulgi also told me about the deal that Joy made with SM…”

“W..what deal?” Irene was confused with what Wendy just explained, she didn’t remember that Joy made any deal with SM, before she went to coma.

“You didn’t know? I thought you were still their manager back then?” 

“No Wendy, Joy never said anything about a deal with SM…”


To Be Continued…


A/N: Ooh what is Wenrene planning for their friends?! Will Seulgi come and stop the wedding? Anyway guys, I am getting better~ thank you for the concern~  Anyway, if anyone interested to read the Wenrene fic feat Youi, please check it out here: 



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Chapter 67: wow this story is like a roller coaster 😭 I'm glad it ended happily 💖💙
Chapter 49: Who does Wendy have children with???
Chapter 46: Here I thought previously Irene would really move on to someone new 🥲
Chapter 45: I actually don't like it when Irene moves on from Wendy 🤧😩
Chapter 44: Impossible. I cried at this part 😭
Chapter 31: I'm curious about Wendy's health check results
Chapter 27: very domestic 🤧
Chapter 24: Irene's father is annoying 😒
Chapter 23: oh my gosh the story is getting more intense