Sequel: Chapter 4: A Little Crush Maybe?

When The Flower Blooms

Wendy and Ryujin were leaving for work and school. Wendy carry Iris in the baby carrier and Ryujin locks the door. Wendy heard next door being open, and she turns to greet Irene but she was surprised to see Seulgi coming out from the apartment.

Wendy frowns when she saw Seulgi, she thought Irene told her that Seulgi and her broken up already and yet here she saw Seulgi creeping out from Irene’s apartment.

“Good morning.” Wendy greet and Seulgi almost jumps in surprised “Morning.” she stammers at her greeting, she nods and walk towards the lift leaving the frowning Wendy curious.

“Okay, all locked up.” said Ryujin and she turns to her mother, but then she saw her mom clenching her teeth and that’s the expression that she never saw before “Unnie?”

Wendy snaps out from her anger thought and turns to Ryujin, she smiles and then the two of them walked together with Iris still sleep in her carrier. 

“What time you finish your class today?” Wendy asked her 15 years old child.

“I’m hanging out with the girls after class unnie, you don’t have to pick me up.” said Ryujin.

“Alright, but promise me, no fighting.”

“Unnie I’ve left that life behind me, I’m turning to a new leave now.” Said Ryujin with a grunt.

“Said you, but look at your hair, its pink! Which 15 years old go to school with a pink hair?” said Wendy with angry tone.

“Unnie, let me live my life the way I wanted to~” whined Ryujin over Wendy’s endless nagging.

“Fine, do whatever you wanted to do, just don’t get yourself hurt.”

Wendy first drop Ryujin at her school before she goes to the nursery to drop Iris off. As normal Iris cries every time Wendy drop her off and Wendy had to do a special bunny dance to make the kid stop crying.

Look at that little bunny
Hop Hop Hop
Look at that little bunny
long long ear
Little bunny little bunny
Don’t cry no more
Mummy bunny mummy bunny
Give little bunny a carrot
Little bunny smiles, little bunny smiles
Happy bunny happy bunny
Please don’t cry

Iris smiles after Wendy finished the dance and song, she loves her mother’s singing voice and weird dance. Iris runs to Wendy and hugs her leg “Mama I ruff you…” she said cutely.

Wendy smiles and she squat down to give her baby a kiss on the forehead “Mama love you too…” said Wendy.

“Okay Iris, let’s go inside and meet your friends.” Said the nursery caretaker Jihyo.

“Take good care of her Jihyo.”

“I will Wendy-ssi~” 

Wendy stay behind until Iris enters her class, she waves at Iris and gives her a flying kiss. Once Iris vanished from her sigh, she goes to her car and drive to her café.

Wendy opens her café like usual, she gave pep talks to her employees before they start working. She believed that if she give a pep talk to them, it will improve their work performance. Wendy goes behind the drink making station and help out her staff.

As usual, Irene walks into the café, face beaming with a charming smile. Irene and Wendy’s eyes met but Wendy looks away. Wendy didn’t know why she acted that way but she knows she hurts Irene because she saw the way Irene look at her after she looked away.

Irene tries to ignore that awkwardness and she goes to her normal spot to sit and she takes out her ipad start to scroll through.

“Here’s your normal order Miss…”

Irene was surprised to see that it was other people that serve her drink to her and not Wendy. Irene scans the café for Wendy but she didn’t see her anywhere. She pouted, said her thanks to the server and sadly drink her boba milk tea.

Irene decided to not leave the café until she meet with Wendy, but she waited until 5pm but Wendy didn’t even came out from her office. 


Wendy’s office

Knock knock

‘Come in.”

“Boss, your favorite customers still wait for you outside, she hasn’t left the spot since this morning.” said the staff to her boss.

Wendy sighed and she look at the CCTV and indeed Irene is still there. “She will leave eventually.” Said Wendy and she dismisses her staff.

She sees the time is already 5.15pm, and she is ready to leave her office and go pick up Iris at the daycare. She opt for the back door exit to avoid Irene. She doesn’t know why she wanted to avoid Irene, but when she remembered she saw Seulgi came out from Irene’s apartment, there's a fire in her heart. She usually won’t feel angry for no reason but this time she did, and she is scared of that feeling.

Irene continues to wait until it’s almost 7pm, the staff were worried about her so they told her that Wendy had already gone home.

“Oh.” Irene replied.

Irene gathered her stuff and she waves goodbye to the café staff and leave the café to go back home.


Running Man Filming Set

RV were having their running man filming today and now they are resting while awaiting for the next mission. Seulgi takes a few bottles of water from the filming staff and hand it to her members. Yeri gulps down the whole bottle easily because she is very thirsty after all the running and escaping.

Seulgi seated herself next to Joy and hand her to water bottle. Joy smiles and Seulgi and takes the water bottle. Seulgi couldn’t take her eyes away as she watches Joy gulping down the water. Seulgi was so by Joy’s iness while drinking the water but she tried to hide it. She quickly looked away when her eyes met with Joy’s eyes.

Joy smiles and she put on her leg on Seulgi’s thigh. She looks at Seulgi with her flirty eyes. Yeri who was beside them almost threw up at their skinship.

“Please don’t show so much PDA, I’m gonna puke.” Said Yeri sarcastically.

“I’m showing my love to Seulgi unnie~ Yeri-ah~ are you jealous?” said Joy, and she lifted her leg off from Seulgi’s thigh and start to bicker with Yeri.

Seulgi missed the warm from Joy’s leg on top of her thigh. Seulgi only watch the two younger girls banter with each other. Then Joy huffed at Yeri and she leans closer to Seulgi, and ended up resting her head on Seulgi’s shoulder. Seulgi automatically wraps her arm around Joy’s shoulder and pulled her closer.

“Unnie, I’m tired.” Said Joy.

“Sleep.” Said Seulgi and Joy smiles then she closes her eyes.

Yeri stares at the duo and when her eyes met with Seulgi’s eyes she speaks up “Until when do you want to hide your feelings?” she asked.

“If she’s happy I’m happy…” said Seulgi.

“Are you sure she’s happy?” asked Yeri.

Seulgi looks down on the sleeping angel that resting on her shoulder “I will make sure she gets the happiness that she deserves.” 

Yeri looks away and looks at the running man cast fooling around with each other and then she looks back to Seulgi “Unnie…”


“Hope you will find my happiness again.” 

“Being with the two of you is my happiness…” said Seulgi with a big grin on her face.

Seulgi and Yeri thought Joy really fell asleep but she didn’t, she closes her eyes and she heard their conversation. She feels a little jealous when she heard Seulgi said that she will make the person happy. She thought Seulgi and Yeri were talking about Irene.


Irene Apartment

Irene reached her apartment with a lots of take away, she takes a deep breath and she press the doorbell of her neighbors. The door clicked and it was Ryujin who greeted her.

“Oh unnie! What are you doing here?”

“I bought a lot of food, and eating alone is very sad, so want to join me for dinner?” asked Irene. She lied, she bought the food and to use it as an excuse to get closer to the Son family.

“Ooh!! Tteobeokki?!” 

“Yeah, and some sweet and sour pork.”

“Ryujin ah, who is it?” asked Wendy from inside “Yah! Iris!” 

Iris comes running toward her older sister and she hugged her sister’s leg and waves at Irene “Iwene!” she greeted.

“Hi Iris~” Irene greet back and she squatted down to talk to Iris on eye level.

“Iris, please don’t run like…” Wendy pauses when she saw Irene on the door way, talking to Iris “that…” she finished her sentence.

“Hi Wendy…” Irene greets with a weak smile.

“Hi…” Wendy replies.

Ryujin and Iris look back and forth between Irene and Wendy, because of the tense between them. Ryujin clears when the two adults had been staring at each other for far too long.

“Oh…please come in, I was just about to prepare dinner.” Said Wendy.

“You don’t have to cook, I’ve bought food.” Said Irene.

“Oh…well get in.”

Ryujin takes the plastic from Irene and Irene holds Iris hand and they walk in together. Irene sensed that Wendy is a little upset upon seeing her. They ate their dinner peacefully, and Irene got worried when she saw Ryujin couldn’t stop stuffing with food. She asked Ryujin to eat slowly, no one is going to fight with her for the food.

“It’s just the way that she eats. I’ve tried to change her habit but I failed.” Said Wendy.

“If we’re in a real world and we’re in a war, however that is slow, probably will be shot dead first.” Said Ryujin.

Wendy and Irene couldn’t believe the randomness of Ryujin, Ryujin smiles at them showing her whiskers dimple. Wendy shakes her head and said “Sometimes I don’t understand your randomness Ryujinie…” 

Ryujin shrugs her shoulder and make a weird face at Wendy which almost make Wendy choke on her food “Yah, Joanne Shin Ryujin!”

Irene laughs at them and Iris joined in too “Unnie funny.” Said Iris. Ryujin reach for her sister and she tickles her, Iris squirms while laughing at the top of her lungs, she tried to escape and run away from Ryujin. Ryujin gets up and chase after her.

“Yah! What did I tell about running in the house?” Wendy scolded them and she gets up from her seat and chase after her daughters.

“Run Iris run! Momzilla is going to catch us!” said Ryujin.

Iris laughs and continue running, Ryujin follows behind to guard Iris just in case if the toddler stumble and fall. Wendy pretends to be a dinosaur and she raws behind the siblings. Irene just watch them with amusement in her face, she enjoys the moment, maybe this is how they are going to be if her dream wasn’t really a dream but reality.

She had wanted to have a family of her own and this is how she pictures it. Iris runs toward Irene and she throws herself at Irene, Irene was surprised but she managed to safely catch Iris. Iris giggles in Irene’s embrace, Wendy stops her act in chasing Iris and she watches as Irene and Iris giggling with each other and then with Ryujin joining them. Wendy looks at them tenderly with her soft eyes.

“Mama~~” Iris called for her mother and she held out both of her hands.

Wendy goes to her daughter and when she wanted to pick her up from Irene’s lap, Iris pulls her down and causes Wendy to falls down and she accidentally pin Irene down on the floor with Iris between them. Wendy managed to pillow Irene’s head with her palm to avoid it from crashed to the floor and her other hand hold on to Iris.

Irene stares longingly into Wendy’s eyes, while Wendy’s stare confusingly into Irene’s eyes. Wendy is confused with what she feels at the moment. She can hear her own heartbeat, it hasn’t been beating this fast since she was still with Joy. 

“Am I...falling in love with this stranger?” Wendy asked herself. Ryujin was judging them hard when she saw the cringy moment between the two adults but she didn’t say anything, she just stood there watching them being cringy.

The two continues to stare at each other until they heard a muffled voice, Wendy looks down to the source of the noise and she gasped. She quickly gets up and lifted Iris up “You’re okay baby?!”

“Mama, can’t bweath!” whined Iris cutely.

Wendy profusely apologize to Iris and she kisses her daughter all over her face and she asked Ryujin to take Iris to her room. Ryujin holds Iris and check on Iris “You okay?” Ryujin asked.

“Iwis is okay.” the toddler replied her sister “Mama Iwis is sowwy!” Iris said to her mother because she knows if she hadn't pulled her mom they wouldn’t fall.

“It’s okay Iris-ah.” Wendy replied with a smiles and she ruffles Iris’s shoulder length hair. Iris pouted a little and there’s tears in her eyes, she looks to Irene and said “Iwene, Iwis is sowwy...pwease don’t mad at Mama…”

Irene gets up from the floor and goes to Iris, she caress Iris’s head, she smiles and she said “It’s okay Iris, it was an accident.”

Iris smiles a little after the little assurance by Irene, she rested her head on Ryujin’s shoulder and Wendy asked Ryujin to go and get Iris to her room. Wendy turns to Irene once Ryujin and Iris vanished into Iris’s room. Wendy caress Irene’s head and Irene misunderstood it as Wendy trying to kiss her, so she purses her lips. Wendy looks at her weirdly and she chuckles awkwardly “What are you doing?” asked Wendy.

“Oh...err…” Irene stutters.

“Did you thought I was going to kiss you?” Wendy teases Irene, and she bops her on the nose “Did you hit your head or anything?” asked Wendy as she caress Irene’s head again.

“No…” said Irene.

“Good… I’m sorry about that, sometimes Iris can be very hyperactive, but she seems like she likes you.” said Wendy before she sighs. She put her hands on her hips and scan around her messy living room “Thank you for the food Irene. You don’t have to help me clean up, I’ll do it.” said Wendy and she begins to clean up their mess.

“Please allow me to help.” said Irene.

“I…” Wendy wanted to reject Irene’s offer but she saw the twinkle in Irene’s eyes, she sighs and she allows Irene to help.

Irene gather all the trash and put it in the plastic bag. She keeps stealing glances over to Wendy, who busy picking up Iris’s toy from the floor. She wanted to ask why didn’t Wendy serve her when she visited her café earlier but she doesn’t want to make it sound weird.

“Wendy-ah… Why didn’t you…” before Irene could finish her words, Wendy cut her off by asking her “I thought you and Seulgi had broke up?” in a slight irritated voice.

“We did…Why are you asking me that?” said Irene with a slight annoyance in her voice.

“Then why did she came out from your apartment this morning?” asked Wendy as she glared at Irene.

It finally hits Irene, maybe Wendy has started to fall for her, because she sounded jealous when she asked about Seulgi. Irene smirks but she quickly mask it with a frown “Even though we broke up but we are still friends.” Irene explains calmly.

Wendy scoffs and she sits on the couch opposite to Irene with her arms crossed “No, it’s impossible for exes to be friends, it’s either the two of you were never truly in love before or you are still in love with each other.” 

“Then what about Joy hmmm?” Irene questioned Wendy back.

“This has got nothing to do with Joy.” Wendy fires back.

“Well then I don’t think you have the right to question me about how I manage my relationship with Seulgi. Why are you getting jealous over me and Seulgi? Do you like me or something hmm?” Irene questioned back and Wendy blushed.

Wendy turns her back on Irene and said “Go back Irene…”

“I’m not going to go back if you don’t tell me the reason why you are so upset with me!”

“I’m not!”

“Then why didn’t you come out and talk to me at the café earlier?! I wait for you until 6pm!”

“I didn’t ask you to wait for me!”

“I don’t want anyone else but you Wendy!”

The argument between the two of them get heated, then Ryujin comes out from Iris room and yelled at them “Enough!! The two of you!! Iris is upset that you are raising your voices at each other!!”

“Unnie….” Iris cries and she clings to her leg. Ryujin squat down and hugs her crying sister. She looks at both Wendy and Irene “It’s okay Iris, it’s okay, they are no fighting anymore, see…”

Iris refuses to look at Wendy and Irene, she buries her face in between the crook of Ryujin’s neck. Ryujin lifted Iris up in her embrace and she glares the two adults. “Whatever that you two are arguing about, please do it elsewhere.”

Wendy is sad to see Iris being scared of her. She never raises her voice on anyone and now that she raised her voice at Irene, she’s feeling guilty. She turns to Irene and she grabs Irene’s jacket that’s hanging on the jacket hanger and she takes her own as well.

“Let’s talk, outside…”

Irene grabs the jacket and they went out together. Since their apartment is near to the han river, they decided to just go for a walk near the river. Irene can feel the distance between them, she was sorry that their argument had startled Iris. She wanted to close their gap and hold Wendy’s arm but she knows she can’t. Her hands were cold, she keeps rubbing them together to keep it warm. Wendy noticed Irene’s action so she takes out her hand from her pocket and take off her glove. Irene was startled when Wendy grabs her hand and shove it in her pocket.


“Your hands are cold...I’ll keep them warm for you…here, use this glove on your other hand.”

Irene blushed at Wendy’s action toward her, it was greasy but at the same time was heartwarming. Irene tries to put on the glove with only one hand because she refuses to let go of the other hand that’s Wendy is holding. Seeing that Irene struggle with the glove, Wendy stop and she pulls Irene to the side so they won’t be blocking the walkway. She helps Irene to put on the gloves and then they continue to walk, hand in hand in the cold winter night.

“I’m sorry that I raised my voice on you.” said Wendy, she was the one that started to speak up first.

“ was my fault...for not being sensitive enough…” said Irene.

“Irene I will be frank with you… I don’t love Joy anymore… but she was my first love, it was hard for my heart to forget her. And I don’t know why I got angry when I saw Seulgi leaving your apartment this morning.” said Wendy.

Irene doesn’t say anything she just silently listen to what Wendy had to say, but in her heart she is happy. She is happy that Wendy felt jealous, that means there’s still a chance for her to make Wendy falls in love with her.

“I don’t love Seulgi too…” said Irene “Seulgi is like a younger sister to me now, maybe you were right about me and her Wendy. Maybe we were never in love before...maybe the reason why I wanted to be with her that time because I was lonely and she was around.”

Wendy chuckles after listening to Irene’s explanation.

“What’s so funny?”

“This.” said Wendy “Our conversation is funny… it’s like we’re a couple who’s having a fight.” said Wendy again and she chuckles again.

“Well…” Irene pauses for a while and she thought “Yes Joohyun! Maybe now’s the chance to score yourself a date!” Irene stops walking and she makes Wendy stops too “I wouldn’t mind if you wanted to ask me out for a date.”

Wendy was shocked at the sudden suggestion, but she didn’t oppose it “Do you want to go on a date with me?”

“We can get to know more about each other.” said Irene with a wink.

“I believed you know about me much more than I know about you.” chuckled Wendy.

“Wendy ah…”


“ my dream, we are not friends like what I’ve told you.” said Irene and she was waiting for Wendy’s reaction but Wendy just stare at her blankly. Irene finds that Wendy looks so cute at the moment, she tries her best to resist the urge to kiss Wendy, but she still reach for Wendy’s face.

Wendy stares confusedly at Irene, she feels that Irene is pulling her hand away from her pocket, she let go Irene’s hand. “Oh no what if we were enemies in her dream and she woke up because she wanted revenge on me?” Wendy thought.

Wendy flinched when Irene suddenly close their gap and Irene grabs her by the face. Wendy couldn’t react fast enough to avoid Irene, she thought Irene is going to headbutt her but no, she was wrong when she felt a soft pair of lips planted on her chapped dry lips. Wendy froze at the kiss, she doesn’t know how to react, but she can feel her heart beating fast and wild. All of her blood rushes to her head and she can feel that her face is getting hotter. Wendy didn’t close her eyes so she can see how close is Irene face, she can see that Irene’s eyelashes fluttered and she can see the pink shade on Irene’s cheeks. Irene breaks the kiss and pants for air. She opens her eyes and saw how wide is Wendy’s wide staring at her.

Irene realized what she had done, she lost her control. She wanted to take things slow with Wendy but then she misses those lips even though she had only kissed it in her dream world and not reality. She bows and apologized, then she runs away leaving Wendy agape at the event alone at the park. “Stupid Bae Joohyun!!” Irene curses herself as she fastened her steps toward her apartment.

Wendy stood there disbelieve in what had happened, her hands slowly touch her lips that Irene just kiss, she can still feel the moist from the kiss. “What…” she touches her heated cheeks and then realized that Irene just ran away, so she chase after her, but she couldn’t find her anywhere. Though she knows that they are neighbors but she is afraid that Irene will avoided her after what had happened. 

Wendy goes to the nearby bench and sit there, she tries to digest what just happened. Irene kissed her. Wendy had always thought that Irene is beautiful, she’s like a goddess. Often she and Ryujin had a fight over Irene, she knows that her adopted daughter had a crush on Irene from the first day that Irene walked into the café. Maybe she had a crush on her too, but she didn’t know it, because it had been a while since she learn how to love. She grins to herself and then slowly laugh and claps her hand, she doesn’t even mind the judging look that passerby gave her. “Wannie ah…you’re obviously had a crush on this girl…what are you going to do about it?” she asked herself.

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Chapter 67: wow this story is like a roller coaster 😭 I'm glad it ended happily 💖💙
Chapter 49: Who does Wendy have children with???
Chapter 46: Here I thought previously Irene would really move on to someone new 🥲
Chapter 45: I actually don't like it when Irene moves on from Wendy 🤧😩
Chapter 44: Impossible. I cried at this part 😭
Chapter 31: I'm curious about Wendy's health check results
Chapter 27: very domestic 🤧
Chapter 24: Irene's father is annoying 😒
Chapter 23: oh my gosh the story is getting more intense