Sequel: Chapter 3: Back to Ground Zero

When The Flower Blooms

When they reached the apartment complex, Irene acted surprised like she didn’t know that Wendy live there too.

“Oh my god you guys live here too?!” the way she faked her surprised could probably win her an Oscar or Golden Globe.

“Unnie you live here too?” asked Ryujin, she started to call Irene unnie after Irene asked her to drop the formality and Irene asked Wendy to do the same too.

“Yes, I live in block 3 apartment number 378.” replied Irene fakely.

“Oh! You’re our next door neighbor then!” Ryujin pointed out surprisingly.

“Oh! Which number?!” Irene asked again.


Ryujin and Irene squealed at the coincidence though Irene only fake her reaction. Wendy shushes them when they’re being loud because she doesn’t want them to wake Iris up.

“Oops sorry.” they apologized.

Irene check on Iris and she is still sleep soundly, Irene smiles and she holds Iris’s little hand “It’s amazing how she can sleep throughout all the noises that we made.”

“It’s more amazing that she’s not scared of you, normally Iris won’t even let any stranger get close to her without bawling her eyes out.” said Ryujin. Ryujin doesn’t really trust Irene, even though she thought she had a crush on her on the first day they met, it's just that the way Irene acted like she knows everything about them creeps her out. She had been cautious around the black haired girl, and the way that Irene had been frequently visited her mom’s café, she can’t trust her more. She got a feeling that telling her there is something that Irene wants from them but she just doesn't know what it is. However her perception toward Irene change today when Iris didn’t cry around her, and how Iris even cling to her.

Wendy found a parking and she parked her car there “Alright, we’re here. You two go first I’ll carry Iris with me.” said Wendy.

“I’ll help you carry Iris, Wendy-ah, you can carry all the grocery.” said Irene.

Wendy and Ryujin looked at each other then back to Irene “I don’t think that’s…” before Wendy and Ryujin could finish their sentence, Irene picks Iris up, the little girl stirr up and her eyes slowly opened. When Iris saw Irene’s face, she smiles and she rested her head on Irene’s hand which made Irene coos at her.

“Why are you so cute Iris-ah…” Irene said as she bopped the littl’s girl red nose.

Wendy and Ryujin were surprised that Iris grows attached to Irene even though this is the first time they met. “Wow...never thought the little princess will grow attached to someone whom she just know.” said Ryujin.

When they reached Wendy’s apartment, Wendy asked if Irene wants to go home and clean herself then come back to join them for dinner, but Irene said she wanted to help to prepare the dinner. Wendy accepted the offer gladly and she asked Ryujin to keep an eye on Iris while they prepare for their dinner and also Iris’s food.


“Can you pass me the sauce?” 

“Here you go.”

The apartment is the same with her dream, every corner, ever furniture and even where Wendy keeps her spiciest, it’s the same. Except for the baby room and the mini playground that Wendy builded for Iris by the corner near the living room.

Irene couldn’t stop herself from staring at Wendy. The face that Wendy made when she is focus in doing something, turns her on. She accidentally cut her finger because instead of focusing on cutting the onion, she focuses on Wendy and now she hurt herself. She yelps and quickly rush for the paper towel to stop the bleeding. Wendy saw it, she turns off the gas and rushes to Irene’s side.

“You okay?!”

“It’s just a cut…” Irene replied.

Wendy takes Irene’s bleeding hand and inspect the cut, she guides Irene to the tap water and cleans her cut. The cut is stinging but Irene was too distracted by Wendy’s face which is only inches away from her. She can smell Wendy’s perfume and it is intoxicating. Irene gets closer to Wendy but she back away when Wendy turns her head and they almost kissed.

They stared at each other’s eyes for awhile before they heard Ryujin clearing and the two of them looked away shyly.

“I’m hungry, so is Iris~”

“I’m sorry Ryujin, food will be ready in 10 minutes!” said Wendy and she rushes back to cooking.

“Ohkay~ come on Iris~ Mom will feed us soon, now let’s play with unnie~” said Ryujin as she tugs her little sister with her.

Iris waves at the two adult women and then she toddles her way to her sister. After the two kids were gone from Wendy’s sigh she turns to Irene again and she quickly grab the emergency kids and get a band aid then help Irene to put it on.

“Please be more careful Irene.” Wendy smiles at Irene and she kisses Irene’s wound.

Irene could feel her blood rushing up to her face, she quickly retract her hand from Wendy’s hold and turned away to hide her blushing face. Wendy smiles at Irene’s cute reaction and she thinks that she had found her new hobby, that is to tease Irene.

“You can join the kids while I prepare dinner, it’s almost done anyway.”

Irene didn’t say anything, she just dashes out from the kitchen and join Ryujin and Iris watching TV. She sees that Ryujin and Iris sprawling lazily on the couch as they watch some variety shows. Iris eyes was fixed to the TV, and she’s seated on top of Ryujin whose laying on the couch and scrolling through her phone.

“Can I join?” Irene asked politely.

“Oh sure, yeah please sit.” Ryujin replied lazily.

Irene seated herself near to Ryujin’s feet and Iris crawls to Irene. Ryujin gets up trying to stop Iris from falling down from the couch but luckily she didn’t and she reach Irene just fine. Irene was shocked to see Iris nestling herself in her lap just like a little kitten.

“You really like Irene unnie?” Ryujin asked as she propped herself with her elbow and judging her sister.

“And I really like both of you~” said Irene.

Ryujin ignores Irene and continue to scroll through her phone. Irene holds Iris in her embrace and she starts to baby talk with Iris.

“So tell me unnie...what exactly do you want from my mom?” Ryujin asked out of the blue.


“You suddenly came to our café and told us about your bizarre dream. You sure it was your dream and you’re not a stalker?”

“What makes you think that I’m a stalker?”

“’s just that your dream doesn’t make sense…”

“Ryujin...there’s something that I wanted to tell you...actually I’m…”

“Dinner’s ready!” Wendy comes out from the kitchen and interrupted Ryujin and Irene’s conversation.

Irene rolls her eyes at the interruption, why is she always get interrupted whenever she tried to explain something. Wendy put down the pasta at the dining table and she goes to Irene and Iris. She picks Iris up and bring her to the baby chair and strap her down. Irene and Ryujin join them at the dining table and Ryujin help serve the pasta and roast meat that Wendy prepared.

Wendy cuts Iris pasta to smaller strand so it will be easier for her to eat. “Joohyun can eat by yourself right?” asked Wendy.

“Of course I can eat by myself.” replied Irene.

Ryujin almost choked on her pasta when she heard Irene replied, Wendy tried her best not to laugh at Irene, Irene look at them and shrugs her shoulder “What?” she asked.

“Well...Iris’s korean name is Joohyun.” Ryujin replied.


“I forgot to tell you that my daughter and you share the same name.” said Wendy.

“Aah……” Irene was astonished by that fact, and she looks at baby Iris who busy digging into her meat and pasta. She smiles to herself and continue to eat her portion. The three chats while eating, mostly is Ryujin questioning Irene about her profession and her dream. Irene managed to wow Ryujin and Wendy about her dream and how it was so specific and the details about Wendy life was so precise.

Wendy admitted that her family is part of the mafia and Ryujin parents did died when she was younger and she had been living alone in her father’s mansion until Wendy found her almost died during a fight 2 years ago. Wendy took her in and officially adopt her when she found out about Ryujin’s past.

“You know it’s amazing how you can have such vivid dream...maybe it was not a dream, Maybe you’re a psychic but you don’t know.” said Wendy.


Irene purposely drop out the important key of her dream, where she and Wendy fell in love. She’s afraid that Wendy will be creep out if she told her that, so she miss the information out. She only told Wendy that the two of them are close friends in her dream.

Once they are done with their dinner, Irene help with the dishes and Ryujin help to put Iris to sleep.

“You should let me do it.”

“Oh no, you cook me dinner, I should do it as a token of my gratitude.” said Irene.

Wendy smiles and she rested her bum on the counter, arms folded and look at Irene washing the dishes, her heart skip a beat at Irene’s beauty. she then remembered that Irene cut her finger earlier, so she pushes Irene aside and grab the plate from her hand “Let me do it, we don’t want to get your cut get infected.” said Wendy.


“ that you’ve quit from being RV’s manager what are you going to do?”

“Hmm, I don’t know maybe try to find some job…”replied Irene.

“So… how was Joy? Heard she is engaged to Sungjae of BTOB… though I know that it’s probably just media play by SM, but she happy in RV?” asked Wendy.

Irene feels jealous when Wendy asked about Joy, she tried to hide her jealousy by clearing “She’s doing fine in RV, she got a lot of fans and yes the engagement to Sungjae is a media play by SM but I doubt that Joy is in love with him.”

“I thought so…” said Wendy, she sounded a little sad.

“Then do you still have feelings for Joy though she left you for 4 years?”

“She’s the only girl that I ever love…I will be lying if I tell you that I don’t have feelings for her.”

Irene got mad a little she thought to herself, “What about me?” 

“Look at the time it’s getting late, I think I should go home.” said Irene.

Wendy however noticed the sad tone in her voice “You okay?” Wendy asked.

“Yeah, maybe a little tired.” said Irene, and she excuses herself.

“I’ll see you tomorrow?”

Irene turns and smiles at Wendy “Yeah, see you tomorrow.”


Irene’s Apartment

Irene enters her apartment and she was a little surprised to see Seulgi sprawling on her couch, she was going to scold her for invaded her place but then she remembered she gave all the RV members keys to her apartment so whenever they have problems, they can come to her to talk.

Seulgi had been crying because her eyes were red and puffy “Unnie…” she softly called for Irene.

Irene goes to Seulgi’s side and offer her a hug, Seulgi missed Irene’s hug but when she remembered that Irene broke everything with her, she tries to control herself. “What happened?” Irene asked.

“ told me that in your dream I will end up with Joy?”

“Yes, however Seul, looks like everything isn’t going the same way as my dream.” Irene sighed.

“What’s wrong unnie?” 

“In my dream, Wendy didn’t have a child, I had a child...with her.”

“Wait, how…”


“Ah...okay continue…”

“It doesn’t make any sense...all of my dreams...the details are real and true but not all of them happened like how it happened in my dream.”

“Did you tell her that you two fell in love?”

“No Seul...I can’t...apparently this Wendy still have feelings for Joy.”

“What?! Another competitor for Joy’s love?”


“What are we going to do unnie?” Seulgi whimpers at the thought of losing Joy to someone else though now Joy does not belong to her, but having to know that there is someone out there that loves Joy, make Seulgi restless.

“You know what Seul...if I can make Wendy fall for me in my dream then I can do it in reality too...and if you can make Joy falls for you too...I think you can do it again.” said Irene.

“But how are we going to do it unnie?”

“I don’t know but we will think of a way…”

“Unnie...are you not mad at me for leaving you on that day?”

“No… I want to thank you for it… you don’t have to feel bad Seulgi… now all that you have to do it to be more honest with your feelings toward Joy…”

To be continued…




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Chapter 67: wow this story is like a roller coaster 😭 I'm glad it ended happily 💖💙
Chapter 49: Who does Wendy have children with???
Chapter 46: Here I thought previously Irene would really move on to someone new 🥲
Chapter 45: I actually don't like it when Irene moves on from Wendy 🤧😩
Chapter 44: Impossible. I cried at this part 😭
Chapter 31: I'm curious about Wendy's health check results
Chapter 27: very domestic 🤧
Chapter 24: Irene's father is annoying 😒
Chapter 23: oh my gosh the story is getting more intense