Chapter 23: It Is Better If I Didn't Exist

When The Flower Blooms

The Next Morning

Wendy and Irene dropped Ryujin off at her school before they headed to the court for Yeri’s proceeding. Ryujin bid them good byes and enter the school. She was greeted by her friends and she joined them to hang out at their dance club room.

“Ryujin the class is going to start soon…” Chaeryoung invited Ryujin to join her back to their class. (Note: Yeji is in her 3rd year, Ryujin and Chaeryoung is in their 2nd year, and Yuna is in her first year of high school.)

“Nope, I’m staying in here, you can go back.” Ryujin lifted her feet and put it on the table.

“Yah, you’re skipping class again?” Yuna gave Ryujin a side eyes.

“Classes are boring. I got some work to do, you girls run along.”

The girls sighed and they left her alone in the club room. Once Ryujin see they are gone, she took out her laptop from her bag and turn it on. She then made a phone call.


“Have you find her?” Ryujin asked.

“Yes Miss…the last time she was seen is at the airport she booked a flight to Korea with a fake passport under the name Kang Nami.”

“She’s in Korea?! Why you didn’t tell me earlier?! Do you know where is she now?!” Ryujin panicked.

“We lost track of her Miss Ryujin. The last time we saw her, she went to meet two RV members, seems like they exchanged something.”

“!” Ryujin ends the call, she turn off her laptop, shoved everything in her backpack and rushed out from club room. She proceed to dialed a number.

“Miss Ryujin.”

“I want you to send backup to the court where Kim Yerim of RV is having her proceeding right now. Make sure you cover every exit and entrance of the court.”

“What about the authorities Miss?”

“Do whatever you want with them! Just make sure that Irene Bae and Wendy Son are safe!!” Ryujin shouted to her phone.

“Yes Miss…understood.” the phone call ended.

Ryujin hissed and she rushed to Yeji’s class. She slided the door open and interupted the whole class. The homeroom teacher looked at her and asked her what she wants. Ryujin ignored the teacher’s question and went directly to Yeji.

“What?” Yeji asked “What happened Ryujin? Why you look so mad?”

“Give me your scooter key unnie.” Ryujin demanded


“Just give it to me!”

“Okay okay! Geez, learn how to control your anger.” Yeji fish through her back and and give Ryujin her key.

Ryujin thanked Yeji and she runs out from Yeji’s classroom. Yeji was weirded by Ryujin’s action. She wanted to stay in class but she was worry about her friend so she asked for her homeroom teacher permission to go out and follow Ryujin. Her homeroom teacher denied her request and asked her to sit back on her seat. Yeji obliged and went back to her seat but she manage to send a text at their Itzy group chat asking the other girls about Ryujin’s weird attitude.

Ryujin spotted Yeji’s scooter and she went to start it up. She drives away with Yeji’s scooter hoping that she could reach the court before Naeun did. She need to warn Wendy and Irene. She tried to call but she remembered that they have to turn off their phone during proceeding, to avoid any distraction.



Alice keep looking at her watch, she was pacing back and forth in front of the court room. She was contemplated to see if should continue with the proceeding or forfeit. She saw her little sister walking toward her with her girlfriend by her side.

“Sis, you look anxious.” Rosé saw her sister being anxious.

“I don’t know what I should do Chae ah…should I proceed of forfeit.”

“Why?” Jisoo asked.

“Clearly, Yeri is innocent! I can’t continue with this proceeding…the defendant may have the greatest evidence to prove Yeri’s innocence, but I just received a call from a trusted insider, that the defendant lawyer received a bribe from whoever that wanted to frame Yeri…”

“What?! Can’t you expose them?”

“It’s hard Chae-ah it’s hard!”

A man in his 40s walked toward Alice, and Alice bidded her sister goodbye, telling her she needs to get ready. Rosé bid her sister goodbye and she joined the crowd in the courthouse.

Irene and Wendy were there too. However Irene had to wear sunglasses and mask to hide her identity because she’s afraid that people might recognize her.

The defendant and opponent lawyers walk in to the court room. The judge call in Yeri as the defendant and the proceeding start.


Somewhere in the street

Ryujin was stuck in traffic, she tried to use all the short cut that she knows but the traffic was bad, every is congested. She stopped by the roadside to answer her call “Hello.”

“Miss Ryujin where are you? We have a problem here.”

“ I’ll get there in 5.” Ryujin hang up on the could without even letting the person to finish his sentence. She could see the court house from where she is, she ditched Yeji’s scooter by the road side and decided to run toward the court. She run as fast as she could to reach the court in time.


Inside The Court

Alice was getting anxious as the court is not siding with Yeri at all, the poor young girl only could sit there with her eyes swollen and cheek sunken. She felt awful that she couldn’t help the poor girl. Then she received a notification, she open the text and a smile creep on her face. She put up her hand to get the Judge attention.

“Your honor, I will like to appeal.”

“You may Miss Park.”

“Alice what are you doing?!” Alice’s partner questioning her.

Alice ignore her partner and proceed to show the text that she received to the judge. The judge analyze the text and the attachment attached.

The video shows that Yeri lawyer meeting someone and he took an envelope with money in it then walked away.

“Mr. Kwon, what is the meaning of this?!” The judge asked in anger “Did you took the money that whoever that wanted to frame this young girl offer?”

“What are you saying your honor?”

“This video clearly show that you took a bribe…”

“No! Those video must have been manipulated!”

“How can you be so sure? Where were you last night at 7pm?” Alice began to question the defendant’s lawyer.

“This proceeding is about Miss Yeri and not me!”

“Your honor!” Alice turned to the judge “I handed the defendant sister a footage that may help to prove her innocence and however this greedy lawyer here didn’t even care to show you the footage because he was bribed by someone to not win this case for Yeri!”

“What footage?” The judge asked.

Yeri’s eyes lightened up upon hearing Alice’s statement. Alice handed the judge the flash drive that contain the footage that she manage to secure and the judge handed it to his assistant to be analyze.

“The court will be taking a break, we will resume after an hour.” the judge dismiss everyone and then called for authority to investigate Yeri’s lawyer for bribery. The judge called Alice to his office and Alice follows. Wendy shoots Alice a worrying look but Alice mouthed to her not to worry about her.

Wendy excuses herself to the toilet and left Irene together with Taeyeon. On her way to the toilet she bumped to Joy. She avoided her, not even greet her.

“Wendy wait!”

“I don’t want to have anything to do with you, please go.”

“Wendy please listen, I’m not here to ask you to get back to me. Yours and Irene life is in danger!” Joy pleaded.

Wendy stops when she heard that her and Irene’s life are in danger “What are you saying?”

‘Last night…your…step sister…”

“Naeun is here?!”

“Yes, and she planned to…” Joy couldn’t finish her sentence when Seulgi closes with her hand “That’s enough Joy.” Seulgi warned her.

Wendy could see that Joy’s eyes scream for help. She grabbed Seulgi’s hand and twist it which caused the taller girl to yelp.

“Let go of her.” Wendy warned.

“I thought you already have Irene but you still care for Joy huh? You don’t really love Irene do you?” Seulgi asked.

Wendy keep quiet and she pulls Joy to her side and proceed to turn to walk away from Seulgi.

“Keep running all you want Wendy but if I can’t have Irene no one can have Irene.” Seulgi shouted. Wendy stop on her track, her eyes were wide, she turned back and grab Seulgi on her collar.

“What are you saying?!”


Joy walked out from the bar with anger, she couldn’t believe that Seulgi will go to the extend of wanted Wendy to be gone for good. Seulgi went after her, she called out to the taller girl but Joy ignored her. She quicken her pace but Seulgi manage to catch up to her.

“Park Sooyoung! Stop!”

“I don’t want to listen to you Seulgi! You’ve gone insane!!”

“I’m insane?! You’re the insane one! You had Sungjae who loves you so much but you wanted to go back to Wendy.”

“I have never love Sungjae, he was like a best friend to me and you know it! I’m so sick and tired of what we’ve done! When you told me that we need to get rid of Yeri, I didn’t expect that you will frame her like that! She was innocent Seulgi ah! Yeri only try to protect Irene from you, you’re to obsess with Irene and your obsession need to stop. Why is it you only realized that you can’t live without her when she was gone? All the time that she was around you, you took her for granted.” Joy burst out.

“If you are against my plan, I will need to get rid of you too Joy…”

“You’ve changed Seulgi…you’re not the Seulgi that I know!” Joy slapped Seulgi. Seulgi endured it, she didn’t respond nor she hissed at the sting on her cheek. Her eyes were dead, Joy felt like she had lost her friend. She remembered Seulgi as someone who was funny, bubbly and full of joy but the Seulgi that stand in front of her now is so different, this Seulgi is willing to do whatever it takes to get back what hers even it means to hurt the people around her.

“As if you’ve not.” Seulgi fired back at Joy.

“I’m going to undo whatever that we’ve done. I’m going to the court tomorrow and confesses everything. Yeri doesn’t deserve this kind of treatment, and stay away from Wendy and Irene!” Joy warned Seulgi before she hailed for a taxi and went back to their dorm.

Seulgi stood there looking lost, she return back to the bar. Naeun was still there, chatting with the bartender. Seulgi went to her and order a shot for herself.

“So how was it?” Naeun asked.

“Do it…but do not kill Wendy.” Seulgi said and she took her shot, her face winched at spiciness of the alcohol.

“What?” Naeun was surprised by Seulgi sudden change of plan “You wanted me to kill the person that you love and not Wendy?”

“You wanted Wendy to suffer for what she had done to you, and I want her to lose what she loves just like how I lost mine. If I can’t have Irene and no one can have her.”

Naeun smiles and she lifted up her glass to make a toast with Seulgi “I like the way you think.”

“How are you gonna do it?” Seulgi asked.

“Oh don’t worry about me, I have live for 26 years watching my dad kill people merciless. What about that friend of yours? Do you want me to take care of her too?”

“Don’t you dare to touch Joy, leave her out of this.”


End of Flashback

Seulgi laughed maniacally after she revealed her plan to Wendy. Wendy let go of her and she runs as fast as she could toward the court room where Irene is. From afar she could see Ryujin running toward her direction. They both turn toward the court room direction and manage to avoid in colliding with each other.

“Irene is in danger!” Ryujin told Wendy.

“I know! What are you doing here?! Why are you not in school?! How did you know Irene is in danger?!” Wendy bombarded Ryujin with whole lot of questions.

“Now is not the time!!” Ryujin argued.

They both are getting closer to the court room but they saw two men closing the door and locking it from outside.

“NO!!!” both shouted and alerted the two guys. The men took out their guns and aim it at Wendy and Ryujin. Ryujin quick reflex pushed Wendy away and manage to save both of them from the bullets. She then attacks the other man with he whole body. Wendy gets up and engage in a fist fight with the other man. Both Ryujin and Wendy manage to kiched away the men's gun.

Inside The Court Room

Everyone in the room were surprised when they heard someone fire a gun shot. Everyone shouted and the polices took out their gun to shoot whoever that fired the gunshot but they were shot dead by 2 men wearing all black.

Taeyeon immediately shielded her cousin head and the crouched down to protect themselves. The whole room were chaotic, everyone running around trying to save their lives, another gunshot can be heard and everyone went silent for a moment.

“If any of you want to live, leave this room immediately.” Naeun speak out.

Irene saw Naeun among the men in black, she gasped but she managed to close from making any noise. She was worried that Naeun is here for Wendy. Everyone put their hands behind their head and slowly exited the court using another exit.

“Irene Bae, you stay.” Naeun pointed at Irene.

“Why?!” Taeyeon questioned when Naeun stopped them.

Naeun didn’t even answer but she took out her gun and aim at Taeyeon’s head.

“Take me and leave her alone!” Irene screamed in horror.

“Joohyun-ah…you know this…this lady?” Taeyeon asked.

“I’ll explain later…just go unnie…” Irene told Taeyeon. Taeyeon was reluctant to leave Irene alone but she didn’t want to perish either so she follows the crowd and exited the room.

“Well…if you are able to see your unnie again Irene.” Naeun cracked a smile at Irene and Irene was disgusted by it.

“You won’t get away again this time Naeun.”

“Oh, I had all this place secure Irene…all of those Polices that guarded this place, they worked for me, it was so easy to bribe the Korean police. I’m scared that it was you who won’t get away from me.”


Wendy and Ryujin were struggling with to fight with the two men. They were too weak for their brute strength. One of the man choke Ryujin and lifted her up, the girl struggle to free herself, her legs were kicking in the air. Wendy on the other hand were struggling to free herself from the man too. Wendy tried to elbow the man but it didn’t work. Ryujin kicked the man on the crotch and managed to free herself. She coughed and gasped for air, she then took the gun and shoot the guy that is attacking Wendy. Wendy took the gun from the shaking Ryujin, and shoot the other men.

“You okay?” Wendy asked.

Ryujin couldn’t stop trembling, Wendy hug her to calm her down. She throw away the gun that she is holding and then try to help Ryujin to get up. They both went for the door but they couldn’t open it. They heard a gun shot and people screaming, Wendy is more desperate to get the door open. Ryujin hissed and she called for her men.

“I asked you to secure this place but how the hell can these people enter?!”

“Miss Ryujin ,I told you we had a problem but you didn’t let me finish my sentence! We are unable to enter the building because the police are guarding this place.”

“You guys are useless!”

“Miss Ryujin, your grandfather told us that we cannot get involve with Korean authorities because it will affected Japan and Korea relationship.”

“.” Ryujin cursed and she ended the call.

Wendy slammed on the door so hard and she shouted Irene’s name. Joy and Seulgi approached them but Joy scream when she saw the two dead men on the ground and the bloody bruised Wendy by the door.

Joy hid behind Seulgi and she cannot stop trembling, Wendy spotted them and she took the gun from the ground and aim it at Seulgi. Joy screams, Seulgi got scared by Wendy’s suddenly aggressiveness.

“If anything happen to Irene…you are dead!” Wendy warns angrily.

“Unnie! We gotta find a way to open the door!” Ryujin rushed Wendy.

Wendy tried to think of a way to enter the room and then she look at the gun on her hand “Ryujin move.” she asked.

Ryujin move away and Wendy shoots the door. Seulgi and Joy was scared of the loud gunshot sound and both crouched on the ground to protect themselves. That moment Seulgi regretted her decision to let Naeun into their plan. She didn’t expect it to be this intense and this bloody.

Wendy managed to break the door with one kick and when she enter the room she saw Irene is tied and strapped in front of the judge’s place. Naeun was sitting in the judge place, her legs were propped up on the judge’s table.

“Hello sister.” Naeun greeted.

“Whatever that you want, I am here now, let Irene go.”

“Oh I’m afraid I can’t, I promised your friend over there.” Naeun pointed at Seulgi with her gun “That I have to kill Irene.”

Irene looked at Seulgi wide eyed when she learn that Seulgi wanted her dead. She disbelieve that Seulgi will go to the extend of wanting hear to be dead.

“Wendy Wendy Wendy…your life is full of drama isn’t? Having 2 moms, you killed your sister, and then your father abandon you, when you finally reconciled with him you lost your best friend. And now your lover is going to die in front of you.” Naeun gets up from her seat and went to Irene’s side. She put the gun on Irene’s head.

“No!!” Both Wendy and Seulgi shouted.

“I take back my order! Do not kill Irene!” Seulgi begged.

“Too late for that now.” Naeun laugh maniacally and she slowly pull the trigger.

Ryujin snatch the gun from Wendy’s hand and shoot Naeun on the shoulder. Naeun scream in pain, she accidentally pulled the trigger of her gun but luckily the bullet didn’t hit Irene. Wendy wanted to scold Ryujin for acting recklessly but she did saved Irene from getting killed. Wendy kicked away the gun that fell off from Naeun’s hand and aim hers at Naeun. Seulgi had Joy on the ground to protect her from the bullet.

“Ryujin ah, help Irene and get out of here.” Wendy commanded and Ryujin did just what Wendy asked her to do. She untie Irene and she pulled away the tape from Irene’s mouth. She tried to pull Irene with her but Irene didn’t want to leave, she didn’t want to leave Wendy alone.

“Go Irene! Please!” Wendy begged.

“No!” Irene protested.

“What a cute couple…” Naeun mocked in pain on the ground.

“Shut up!” Wendy scolded Naeun, she turn and  she looked at the terrified Seulgi.

“Hey Seulgi…you’ve always wanted to have Irene back right? Now is your chance, take her away now!” Wendy asked. Despite hearing what Wendy said to her, Seulgi was too shocked at what had happened she couldn’t move her body.

“You can’t sister…” Naeun laugh and she takes out another gun from her pocket and fire a gunshot toward Irene’s direction. Ryujin protected Irene from the aimless bullet, one of the bullet hit her shoulder, she yell in pain.

“Ryujin!!” Irene scream for the young girl’s name. Ryujin fell on the ground holding on her shoulder. Naeun fired another gunshot. Joy jumped forward to save Irene from the bullet. Seulgi only could watch in horror when the bullet penetrated Joy’s chest. For Wendy it was like watching a rewind of the incident with Henry.

Wendy kicked Naeun’s hand and she break it. She then aim her gun at Naeun’s face. She was hesistant to pull the trigger. Naeun is still her half blood sister no matter how much she wanted to deny her existence.

Naeun taunt Wendy and calls her a coward for unable to pull the trigger and she said that it was a waste that Seunghee and Henry died for a weakling like her. Wendy was angered by Naeun’s word and she pulled the trigger. She shot directly at Naeun’s chest and it kill Naeun instantly.  She discards the gun and run toward Joy. Seulgi was holding Joy, she beg for her friend to survive. Wendy took out her phone and call the ambulance. She check on Ryujin first, Ryujin said she can manage, then Wendy runs back to check on Joy.

“I’m sorry Wendy-ah…” was all Joy said before she closes her eyes.

“Joy! Sooyoung ah!!” Seulgi begged for her friends to open her eyes.

Wendy fell on her knee and she hopelessly watch Seulgi screaming for Joy’s name. Irene was crying while craddling Ryujin in her lap. She was scare, she could lose her life, moreover Ryujin and Wendy could lost their lives for her. She hated herself for crying right now. She should be strong for Wendy but she couldn’t stop her tears. A moment pass by and the police raid the place, the paramedics arrived too. They took Ryujin and Joy away.

Taeyeon runs toward her cousin when she saw the police escorted her out from the court. They hugged and they cried. Wendy watched as the police carried out Naeun’s body and loaded it to their vehicle. She felt sorry for Naeun, she killed her own family member. She was disgusted by herself. Her hand won’t stop trembling.

Rosé and Jisoo approached them when they heard about what happened. Rosé teared up upon seeing the bruised Wendy. Wendy smile telling Rosé that she is okay, but her body couldn’t hide the fact that she is scare. Jisoo and Rosé hugged her to calm her down. Alice spotted her younger sister and she runs toward her, she hugs her sister because she was scared that the terrorist harm her sister too.

Wendy wanted to go to Irene but she is scare, she is scare after what happened. She distant herself from Irene and slowly walked away into the crowd. Irene wipe away her tears and try to locate Wendy but she couldn’t see her anywhere. She approached Rosé and asked if she had seen Wendy, Rosé said Wendy was there a few moment ago.

Irene walk through the crowd to find Wendy, she turns around to find her but she just couldn’t. Then she heard Jennie’s voice calling for her. Jennie runs toward her and hugged her tightly. Jennie said she is going to the hospital to check on Ryujin. Irene said she will follow, but she look back one more time to locate Wendy, but still no sight of her.



They arrive at the hospital, and Ryujin is still in the operation room, so they waited at the waiting area. Irene tried to call for Wendy but Wendy didn’t answer. Irene is getting more anxious. Jennie tries to assure Irene that Wendy probably went to some place to clear her mind. Irene spotted Seulgi crouching by the hallway near to the emergency room. She excused herself and went to Seulgi.

“Seul…” she called for the girl.

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry…” Seulgi apologized profusely.

Irene put her hand on Seulgi’s head and caress it gently, Seulgi looks up to Irene and she cried even harder. She hugged Irene’s lower half and keep on apologizing.

“I’m sorry, it was all my fault that Joy and you almost die…I…I promise I won’t disturb you anymore…I’ll let you go…be happy…I only want Joy to survive this…” Seulgi sobbed.

Irene was angry at Seulgi for all that she had done but it’s not gonna fix what had happened, so she forgive her. She stay there to comfort Seulgi while waiting for Ryujin’s operation finish.


Zimzalabim Café

Wendy came to her café and she look around the café in sadness. The memories that she spent with Henry, Irene, and all of her friends replay in her head. She smiles when she remembered how happy she used to be. Then Henry’s death appear in her memories, Henry’s lifeless body staring back at her. She was traumatize, she screamed her lung out, and destroyed all of the café property, she shattered all of the glasses. She cried her heart out and she blame herself for what had happened. If she didn’t exist in this world maybe Henry would still be alive, maybe Naeun will be happy with her father,  maybe Joy wouldn’t fall in love with her and Joy wouldn’t have to sacrifice her feeling for her, maybe Ryujin will stay in school and won’t get involve with her, and most impotantly, maybe Irene won't meet her and they won't fall in love. Wendy cried and she lay on the ground in fetus position. Her body is all bruised up, her hand are full of cuts. 



It’s already 12am and Irene still can’t contact Wendy. She is getting worry, she goes to check on Ryujin for the last time before she excuses herself to go back and search for Wendy. Ryujin had fallen asleep and the Itzy’s girls tell Irene not to worry about Ryujin, they will take care of her. Irene thanked them and she kissed Ryujin on the forehead before she goes to Joy’s room.

The doctor told Seulgi that Joy however miraculously survived the bullet. It was inches away from hitting her heart. However, doctor said that Joy probably need to say in the hospital until she is stable. She had lost a lot of blood and her blood pressure now is too low. Seulgi thanked the doctor and she never left Joy’s side.

Irene checked on Joy and when Seulgi told her that Joy’s condition is getting more stable, she sigh in relieve. Irene told Joy that she is thankful to Joy that Joy saved her from the bullet but she couldn’t forgive herself if Joy died. She thank the God for sparing Joy’s life. She said that she forgive both Joy and Seulgi for what they’ve done but she want them to apologize to Yeri and Wendy. Seulgi told Irene that she will confess to the authority that it was not Yeri’s fault and she will hand herself to the authority for what had happened in the court house. She said she will hold accountability for what she had done.

Irene said she didn’t want Seulgi to lose her career as Idol. She said she will take care of what happened in the court house as an act of terrorism, she only request Seulgi to drop all the charges against Yeri. Seulgi agree to do so, and they make peace between themselves. Irene and Seulgi hug for the last time before Irene left the hospital.

Jisoo offered to drive Irene back and Irene accepted, because it’s already midnight, it’s hard to find taxi at the time. On their way home, Jisoo told Irene about Alice losing her job as a lawyer after what happened in the court today. Irene felt sorry for Alice, but Jisoo said it’s fine because Alice said she rather lose her job than to watch Yeri getting sentence for a crime that she did not do. The proceeding for Yeri is being postpone until further notice and Irene told Jisoo that everything will be okay now. Jisoo also told Irene that the police is investigating the what happened in the court today. A few police officers had been capture for bribery. Jisoo also said that seems like Lia’s father is coming back to Korea to handle the case because it involved Canada and Korea relationship. Irene didn’t pay attention as her mind is full of Wendy’s condition. Jisoo noticed that, so she keeps shut and continue to focus on the road.

To be continue…


There’s a reason why this story is titled when the flower blooms. It will be reveal in the final chapter. For now, Naeun is dead, Seulgi had learn her lesson, I didn’t want to kill Joy or Seulgi. Initially I was planned to get Ryujin being the one who got shot to save Irene but I change my mind, it will be more meaningful if it’s Seulgi or Joy who did that. Will Irene finds Wendy or will Wendy disappear from Irene’s life just so that she can keep Irene safe? Lia will reconciled with the Itzy’s in the next chapter. Jennie will confront her mom about her uality.

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Chapter 67: wow this story is like a roller coaster 😭 I'm glad it ended happily 💖💙
Chapter 49: Who does Wendy have children with???
Chapter 46: Here I thought previously Irene would really move on to someone new 🥲
Chapter 45: I actually don't like it when Irene moves on from Wendy 🤧😩
Chapter 44: Impossible. I cried at this part 😭
Chapter 31: I'm curious about Wendy's health check results
Chapter 27: very domestic 🤧
Chapter 24: Irene's father is annoying 😒
Chapter 23: oh my gosh the story is getting more intense