Sequel: Chapter 9: Seulgi's Resolution

When The Flower Blooms

Chapter 9

Ryujin steps out from the roller coaster and immediately she runs to the nearest rubbish bin to vomit out all the content in her stomach. Yuna, on the other hand, was happy and she wanted to go for second round but Ryujin’s legs got weak and she can’t even stand properly. Lia rushes to her girlfriend and gentle pats her on the back.

“Unnie you’re weak.” Yuna chided on the side.

“Yuna~” Lia tried to shush the youngest girl.

“I’m going to...Ommmphhh” Ryujin couldn’t finish her words as she vomited again. All of sudden someone pushed Ryujin aside and vomited too.

“Hey!” Lia scolded the person but when she realized that it was Yeri from Red Velvet she apologized.

“I’m sorry but...that ride was...uhpmm!!” Yeri apologized for pushing Ryujin away but she stops halfway when she feels like the food is climbing up .

“Yeri-ah are you okay?” Saeron comes toward her date.

Yeri cleans and stands up acting like she is okay “Yeah, I’m okay~”

Lia helps Ryujin to wipes with a tissue and guide her to the nearest bench to rest. Saeron follows Lia and she helps Yeri to get to the nearest bench to rest.

“Weak…” Yeji and Chaeyoung mocked Ryujin when they noticed her.

“Guys, seriously stop it, Ryujin is sick and she still ride that ride, so she’s brave okay.” Lia defended her girlfriend.

“Oh my god, is that Red Velvet’s Yeri?” Chaeryoung gasped when she noticed Yeri.

“Nope, don’t you dare Chaeryoung, there’s no camera around so she must be here for her private time, don’t go disturb her.” Yeji stops Chaeryoung from advancing to Yeri for an autograph.

Chaeryoung poured on the side, Yeji felt sorry for stopping her junior but she didn’t want Chaeryoung to be label as rude fan who disturb their idols when it’s clearly is their private time.

“Ryuddaeng, do you need anything? You look so pale.”

“Can you get her some hot drink Yeji?” Lia requested while looking worried at Ryujin. Lia put her hand on Ryujin’s forehead and her face got worried when Ryujin’s temperature seems to be getting hotter.

“We’ll be right back.” Yeji gotten worried too when she saw how weak Ryujin is, she pulls Chaeryoung and Yuna with her.

“Ryuddaeng, your body is getting hot, I think we need to get you back home to rest.”

“But if we go back, you can’t watch the fireworks later.” said Ryujin weakly.

“We can come back some other time…your health is far more important.”

“But if we go back then Yuna don’t have a partner.”

“Yuna can take care of herself, she’s an independent girl…let’s go back okay? We can call Wendy and tell her that we will take a taxi to go back, so she doesn’t have to worry about us.”

“No, don’t tell her, she will cancel her date with Irene unnie if you tell her. We’ll just go back and when they’re done, we’ll give them a call.”



Saeron was eavesdropping Ryujin and Lia’s conversation and she was touched by their sweetness toward each other.

“They are so cute…” she sighs.

“Who?” Yeri asked with a slight jealousy in her tone.

“They kids next to us, they are so cute, ah, I wish my girlfriend is as sweet as the pink haired girl…”

Yeri clicked her tongue and scoffs, “I can be a better one than that kid.”

“Can you?”


“Then do you want to go on a date with me?” Saeron suggested.

“Sure...wait what?” 

“Let’s consider today as our first date then, after that I will decide if you’re a good or bad girlfriend.”

“Girlfriend? But we just met!”

“I like you, and from what I heard from Joy unnie, it seems like you like me too no?”

“DAMN YOU JOY UNNIE!!” Yeri cursed in her thoughts and she forces a smile at Saeron “Yes…” she answered timidly.

“So do you want to be my girlfriend?” Saeron asked cheekily.

Yeri shyly nods and then she feel a soft pair of lips kissed her on the cheek and followed by Saeron’s giggle.


Irene and Iris ride the merry go round, and Wendy decided to wait nearby. She takes out her phone and take video of her daughter and crush riding the ride happily. Iris waves at her mother and Irene waves too. Wendy waves back happily at her daughter and she gestured to Irene that she will wait for them at a nearby bench.

Wendy bought herself a can of carbonated drink and goes to a nearby bench to wait for Irene and Iris. She was surprised to see that Seulgi was at the bench as well. She tried to find an empty bench nearby but there seems to be none. She sighed and decided to ask Seulgi is she can sit there with her.

“Excuse me...hi, Seulgi, can I sit next to you?”

“Oh sure.” Seulgi scooted and give more room for Wendy. Wendy sits down and it was awkward between them.

“Where’s Joy?”

“Where’s Irene?”

The two of them asked each other in unison and both turn to each other.

“The two of them are playing at the merry go round.” said Wendy.

“I ditch Joy…” said Seulgi.

“You what?”

Seulgi was silent for a moment and then she turned to Wendy “You two used to date right?”


“Tell me...was she the type that likes to play with people’s heart?”

“Did something happened between the two of you?” Wendy was silent for a while and then it hits her and she gasped “Did you like her?!”

Seulgi didn’t answer for awhile and then she nodded “I love her…”

“Is this why you ran away on your wedding day with Irene?” Wendy asked.

“Yes and no…”

“What is that ambiguous answer?” Wendy frowned at Seulgi’s answer.

“I love her, that’s what important and I tried to confessed to her and she kissed me, I thought she accepted my feelings, but then she said that she can’t betray Sungjae’s feelings…and then today, she asked me out on a ‘date’ but a few days ago she rejected me. Why did she have to play with my feelings like this?”

Wendy didn’t know how to react when she saw Seulgi starts to cry. She just reluctantly pats Seulgi on the back but then Seulgi throw herself onto Wendy and cries on her shoulder. Wendy froze at the contact but she didn’t push her away.

“I don’t think she is playing with your feelings, Seulgi…”

“Then what?!”

“I need to go and ask her…”

“You know how Joy always like to beat around the bush…” 

“Then go and meet Sungjae…” Wendy suggested.

“Why would I go meet that guy?”

“I don’t know Seulgi, I know Joy and I know she doesn’t love Sungjae… I can see it in their interaction…she likes him but not as a lover...there must be a reason why she refuses to break things off with Sungjae. They are going to get married soon no? It’s better if you make things clear before Joy regretted her decision.”

“Wendy you know… when I left Irene on our wedding day, it’s because I was a coward, I can’t deal with the reality that I’m going to hurt Irene unnie by telling her that I don’t love her anymore. If Irene unnie didn’t wake up from her coma, I will be labeled as a killer. I was scared when unnie woke up. I was afraid she will never forgive me for what I’ve done, but she forgave me and she even told me to be true to my feelings especially toward Joy, and it makes me wonder how she knows about my feelings toward Joy. She told me that what happened in her dreams, it doesn’t make any sense but it was the first time I ever see she was excited about something and whenever she mentioned your name, her face lit up, she looks so happy. Please take care of her for me Wendy...promise me you will cherish her and protect her always.”

“Why did this suddenly becomes my counseling moment even though a moment ago we’re talking about you and Joy?”

Seulgi smiles at Wendy’s question “I got a feeling that we won’t meet again after this. So I wanted to remind you, and if you dare hurt Irene, I will never forgive you!”

“What are you talking about? We will meet again right? You will confront Sungjae about Joy right?”

Seulgi gets up and she smiles at Wendy “We’ll see…” she said and then she left, leaving Wendy hanging on to her answer.

“Mama!!” Iris comes running toward her.

Wendy catches Iris and kisses her “Did you had fun?”

“Who did you talked to earlier?” Irene questioned Wendy.

Wendy looks back at the direction Seulgi walked away then she looks back to Irene “Just a stranger…” she replied with a smile.

“It’s almost time, let’s go ride the ferris wheel to watch the fireworks show!” 



Joy reunited with Yeri and Saeron at the ferris wheel ride as they queue up waiting for their turn.

“Where’s Seulgi unnie?” asked Yeri and then she noticed the sadness in Joy’s eyes, she decided to change the topic “Saeron ah, are you afraid of heights?”

“Not really…” Saeron replied.

“Oh great.” Yeri replied and their conversation died immediately.

Things turn awkward and Yeri hated it, suddenly she felt someone link arms with her and she looks to her left side and saw Saeron smiling at her. Saeron was trying to comfort Yeri and Yeri thanked her for that.

Joy then suddenly turn to Yeri “Yerim ah…”

“Deh unnie?”

“You and Saeron enjoy yourself okay? I’m going to hit home, just make sure you be back before 12am.” said Joy.

“But unnie…”

“See you at the dorm.” Joy leave them, Yeri was worried for her unnie, something definitely happened between the Joy and Seulgi.

“Yeri-ah, if you’re worried about them we can come again another time.” said Saeron to her.

“No, we enjoy ourselves, I’ll deal with them later.”


“Tickets please.”

Wendy hands their tickets to the ticket collector. Iris had already fallen asleep in her embrace. The two of them slowly gets into the cubicle, hoping that Iris didn’t wake up. Once they seated themselves comfortably in the cubicle, Wendy slowly holds Iris in her lap to give her a more comfortable position to sleep.

“She must be tired.” Irene commented.

“She is…” Wendy sighs.

Irene seated herself next to Wendy and their shoulder touches. Irene giggles at Wendy when Wendy turns to her with a frown.

“What?” Wendy asked.

“I thought I wasn’t going to enjoy this date…” replied Irene “But it was fun and I like spending time with you and Iris.” she added.

Wendy smiles and she reaches out for Irene’s hand. She interlace their fingers and bring it forth to her lips as she kisses the back of Irene’s hand, which causes Irene to blush.

“Earlier, I met with Seulgi.”

“What? When?”

“It’s not important when...but what she told me made me realized one thing…” Wendy pauses and she faces Irene “I’ve been running all my life, I’ve been running from my own feelings, I keep telling myself that there’s a little part of me is still pretty much in love with Joy…” Wendy stops when she sees the facial changes in Irene’s face when she mentioned Joy’s name.

Wendy smirks a little and she continues “And it changes when you came into my life. I always thought that I don’t need anyone in my life as long as I have Iris and Ryujin with me, but I was wrong, there is still emptiness in my heart. When you came into my life, little by little that empty space is being filled by you. I admit it, I kinda have a crush on you when we first met, at first it was because of your beauty is so captivating, but as I get to know you, I like you more and more. I don’t know what the future has for us, but I want us...I want to evolve our relationship and I want you to be part of my life and Iris’s life. I…”

“I do Wendy. I want to be part of your life too…” Irene cuts Wendy off.

“So… can I say that we’re official now?”

“Yes…” Irene said as she gets closer to Wendy. Wendy sees that Irene is leaning toward her, she leans in too, their lips were inches away until a little voice break them apart.

“Mama…” Iris mumbles in her sleeps.

Wendy looks down and she was glad that Iris was still sleeping, she must be dreaming, Wendy gently taps her on her chest to calm her. Irene and Wendy then look at each other and they laugh, as their laugh subdue, Wendy leans forward quickly and capture Irene’s lips. 



Ding Dong

“Yah Changsub yah can you go get the door?”

“I’m busy!! Hyung can you go open the door?!”

Eungkwang chides when his younger members ordered him around, he gets up from the couch and goes to get the door. He was surprised when he saw Seulgi standing there with an awkward smile.

“Oh! Seulgi, hi...umm what brings you to our dorm?”

“Hi Sungjae here? I need to talk to him…”

“ moment I’ll call him.”

“Yah!! Sungjae!! Your wife’s friend is here!!”

“Who?!” Sungjae shouted from his room.

“Kang Seulgi!” Eungkwang shouted back.

Sungjae comes out dashing from his room to the front door to greet Seulgi “Noona…” he greets.

Seulgi still finds it awkward for Sungjae to call her Noona but she nods anyway “Sungjae, we need to talk, it’s about Sooyoung, can we go somewhere more private?”

Sungjae looks back at his hyung for approval all of his hyungs nodded to give their approval and Sungjae nods at Seulgi “Let just me get my things…”

“Alright, I will wait for you at the lobby.” 


The weather is getting colder as it gets darker, Seulgi can see her own breath whenever she exhale through . She rubs her hand together to get it heated, she cursed herself for not bringing any heating pad with her, and now she’s probably going to freeze to death. Sungjae approached her and he handed her a heat pad.

“You might need it.” he said with a smile.

Sungjae is a great guy, he is good and gentle and he has been on Seulgi ‘Good Guy’ radar and she has no problem with him, but the fact that he admitted that he loves Joy is what makes Seulgi despise him a little.  

“Do you want to talk here or go to the nearby park?” Sungjae asked.

“No, let’s not talk here or at any nearby park, it’s almost New Year and you know how the despatch is always eager to release the juiciest dating scandal let’s to a nearby restaurant.” Seulgi suggested.

“But, isn’t that going to make people misunderstand more? Seeing the two of us alone in a restaurant?” Sungjae doubting Seulgi’s suggestion.

“Don’t disguise yourself, then even if they release the article we can just deny it, you’re marrying my bandmate, so we can just say it’s a friend meeting between the in laws.”

“Ah...that make sense.”

The two of them decided to go to the nearby korean restaurant to talk. Seulgi offered to pay for both of them but Sungjae said he will pay for it.

“So what is it that you wanted to talk about?” Sungjae asked.

“It’s about Sooyoung…”

“Hmmm...what about her?”

“Sungjae, be honest with me, do you love her?”

“I do…” Sungjae answered without hesitation.

“And do you promise you will take care of her your whole life? Love her and cherish her your whole life?”

“I promise.” Sungjae replied again without hesitation.

Seulgi smiles after she gets her reassurance from Sungjae’s answers “Good to hear that.”

“Noona...there must be something else right? You asked me out not just for asking me if I will take care of Joy or not right?” Sungjae can read Seulgi like a book, that’s because Seulgi is too easy to be read, she wears her heart on her sleeve.

“I…” Seulgi was hesitating to reply Sungjae.

“Noona, you love Joy right?” Sungjae questioned Seulgi, Seulgi almost choke on her meat. Sungjae didn’t push Seulgi to get an answer from her, he just stares at her patiently, until Seulgi slowly nodded.

Sungjae smirks but he didn’t say anything, he just continue to eat his food and continue to grilled the meat for the two of them.

“You’re not gonna ask me anything?” Seulgi asked when she didn’t receive and question from Sungjae.

“I knew it from the moment we met for the first time during the WGM recording, matter of fact, I even confront Joy about it.” Sungjae replied.

“You’re not worried that I might snatch Joy away from you?”

“To be honest, I am, but if that ever happens, I will let Joy go.”

“Sungjae, what do you mean?”

“Joy love you too… even when you’re still with Irene noona, she silently loving you from the side, it was painful for me to watch but I was selfish, seeing her gets hurt like that and come to me for comfort, I wish that she would get hurt everyday so she can come to me every day.” Sungjae said “When Irene noona was coma for a year, I can see a slight changes in Joy’s attitude, she’s happier whenever she’s with you, I was ready to let her go by then. I confronted her and she admitted her feelings for you.”


“Sooyoung-ah! Can you just be honest with me, do you or do you not love me? Just be honest with me.” Sungjae asked in frustration.

Joy didn’t even dare to turn back and look at Sungjae but she took a deep breath and gather her courage to tell Sungjae the truth “Oppa, you should know that our relationship is just a media play by both of our company. I like you, but never love you. I’m sorry.”

Sungjae scoffed in disbelieve, he crossed his arms in anger and just sit at his seat without uttering anything.

“Oppa are you mad?”

“I am.” Sungjae replied.

“You’re a nice guy oppa, but I can never love you…”

“So tell me, you’re still in love with the ex that you always told me about? That Wendy girl?”

Joy joined Sungjae on the couch and sighed before she replied “No, not Wendy, I’ve gotten over her…”

“Then who is it?”

Joy didn’t reply, she only stares into the empty spaces, Sungjae was thinking hard who is must be then he suddenly remembered how Joy always came to him angrily and rant about her group member Seulgi.

“Is it Seulgi?”

Joy turns to Sungjae in surprised expression and Sungjae knew that he guessed correctly “For how long?” Sungjae asked with a slight pain in his tone.

“Since our trainee years.” said Joy “It was Seulgi unnie that made me forget about Wendy unnie...but when I learn that she was dating Irene unnie, I tried to distance myself, afraid that I will fall even deeper for her. I am sorry if you felt like I’m using you as a rebound oppa, I really didn’t mean to.”

“So what are you going to do now?” Sungjae asked “Irene noona is in coma right know you could take this opportunity to get closer to Seulgi noona.”

Joy shakes her head “I can’t, oppa. I’m not that bad to try and take advantage of someone during their hardship, but I will be there for her, she needs people by her side to be her strength. I know Seulgi unnie blame herself for what happened to Irene unnie.”

“I think Seulgi noona loves you too Joy…” Sungjae said.

“What are you talking about?”

“Maybe you wouldn’t notice but I can see it…I see the way she smiles and laughs when you’re with her and I see the way she gets jealous whenever we’re recording WGM. I can see how she cares for you when you’re sick, when she refuses to go to get some rest when you were injured during one of your concert. I saw the way she couldn’t focus after you were rushed to the hospital. She cares for you more than she cares for Irene noona… I tried to ignore it at first but when she ran away for her wedding day, it affirmed my speculations that Seulgi noona loves you and now Irene noona. ” Sungjae replied with a smile “If one day, you’re ready to be honest with your feelings for her, just tell me and I will let you go.” Sungjae said with ease but inside he is slowly dying.

“Oppa...I can’t.”

“Why? You love her and she loves you, it just that you guys are in a place where you are unsure of what to do, once everything is clear, you can…”

“I can’t be with her.” Joy cut Sungjae off “I signed a contract with SM, I have to marry you if I want RV to survive.”

“What do you mean Joy? Cube didn’t say anything about contract. Our relationship was established just for media play to get our groups gain recognition and popularity, Cube didn’t mention anything about what contracts.”

“It’s just SM’s thing. They know about my feelings for Seulgi but when Seulgi unnie’s relationship got public, our fans are rooting for Seulrene...SM likes it because it somehow boosted our popularity. Our manager betrayed me, and he sold me out to SM, that’s why SM forced me to appear on WGM with you. SM threatened me if I don’t do what they asked me to, they will put RV on indefinite hiatus. We were still new back then and I don’t want what happened to F(x) sunbaenim happen to us, so I agreed to whatever that SM made me do. So I can’t breakup with you oppa...”

“Sooyoung-ah...why did you agree to such things…” Sungjae couldn’t believe what he just heard, he saw tears in Joy’s eyes, so he pulled her into his embrace.

“I love RV so much oppa, and I want to grow old with them...this is the only way I can make sure that RV continues…”

Sungjae always heard how bad SM treated their artists but he didn’t expect it was until this extend where they would just forced their artist by blackmailing them. He vowed to himself that he will protect Joy no matter what it takes.

End of flashback.

Seulgi was angry after she heard the story from Sungjae. All this while SM had been controlling Joy, and she didn’t even know about it.

“It was supposed to be a secret from everyone except the two of us, but I am telling you this because Joy and I are getting married and I want to be clear with you noona. Joy loves you just as much you love her.”

“Why won’t Joy just be honest with me about the contract that she signed with SM?!”

“You know how SM can manipulate any situation to be in their favor right?” Sungjae replied.

Seulgi was devastated, she frustrated that SM used Joy to gain advantages for themselves, and all this while Joy had been suffering by herself.

“I can cancel the wedding anytime you want noona, but I promised Joy that I will proceed no matter what happened. Joy put RV above herself, and I hope you will understand and don’t go do anything stupid that will jeopardize Joy’s sacrifice.”

“Marry her in my stead Sungjae, please.” Seulgi begged “It hurts me, but at least I know you will treat her right…”

“I will noona… please leave Sooyoungie in my care.”

“You don’t have to worry about SM, I will do something about it…” Seulgi replied.

Without them knowing it, someone was busy taking pictures of them outside of the restaurant. The restaurant owner contacted the paparazzi when he saw Sungjae and Seulgi having diner at his restaurant, alone without their members. He thought the story will be juicy because Sungjae is Joy’s fiance and Seulgi is Joy’s group mate and they meeting outside without Joy.


Wendy comes rushing home when she heard that Ryujin and Lia went back earlier because Ryujin’s condition worsened. She gave money to Yeji and asked Yeji to buy the other’s dinner. Irene was with Wendy, she volunteered to take care of Iris while Wendy attend to Ryujin.

“Ryujin!” Wendy opens the door to Ryujin’s bedroom and she saw Ryujin was sleeping in her bed, Lia was resting at the armchair next to Ryujin’s bed. Wendy takes the extra blanket and cover Lia with it then she goes to Ryujin’s side. She seated herself on Ryujin’s bed and her hand touches Ryujin’s forehead, she was surprised that Ryujin’s temperature gets hotter than the morning. She gets the thermal scanner and scan Ryujin’s head and sees that her temperature rose from 37.5 to 39. She got worried and she decided to bring Ryujin back to the hospital. She gently wakes Ryujin up but instead of Ryujin it was Lia who woke up.

“Unnie…” Lia called out for Wendy.

“Lia, we need to get Ryujin to the hospital fast, her temperature is too high!”

“But she was okay when we come home earlier…” Lia said and she touches Ryujin’s forehead to check on the girl’s temperature and she was surprised by how hot Ryujin’s body is.

“Help me to get her on my back.” said Wendy as she bent over.

Lia helps Ryujin to get up, the girl was unresponsive and Lia got worried that she starts to tear up. Lia managed to get Ryujin on Wendy’s back and Wendy uses all her power to carry Ryujin on her back. Ryujin is taller than Wendy, and she is aware of that and since Ryujin is in her growing stage so she is a little bit heavy.

“Irene can you drive?” Wendy asked when she exited Ryujin’s room and her eyes met with Irene’s eyes.

“Yeah, I can, but Iris.”

“Leave Iris to me unnie!” Lia volunteered “Ryujin’s life is in danger.”

Irene grabs the car key and open the door for Wendy. She dashes for the lift and repeatedly pressed the down button but the lift is taking forever to reach their floor. Wendy couldn’t wait anymore so she opt for the stairs.

“Hang in there Ryujin…”


Red Velvet Dorm

Joy heard a footstep and then the door being unlocked, she knows that it is Seulgi because Yeri just texted her telling her that she is going to stayover at Saeron’s place.

“Unnie…” Joy calls out to Seulgi slowly.

“You’re back?” Seulgi asked with a smile, acting like nothing happened between them.

“I’m sorry…” Joy apologizes.

Seulgi goes to her and she hugs Joy, she hugged her so tightly that Joy feels like she is a whole piece again. Joy cried in Seulgi’s embrace, she feels safe in Seulgi’s arms and she wanted to stay like that forever. Seulgi holds Joy until Joy gently push her away, Joy looks up to Seulgi with her puppy eyes.


“I know you didn’t mean to play with my feelings Sooyoung-ah...for one time only, I just want to hear you say that you feel the way that I feel and I promise you, I won’t bother you after that.”


“I love you Sooyoung. I love you so much…”

“I love you too...I love you too unnie, but we can’t be together, because I don’t want to hurt Sungjae…” Joy lied.

Seulgi smiles even though she knows Joy lied about the part that she didn’t want to hurt Sungjae, Seulgi leans in to kiss Joy but Joy avoided “Unnie we can’t…”

“Sooyoung...let’s make this our first and last time...okay?” Seulgi persuade Joy.

Joy gives in when Seulgi getting closer and closer to her and she can feel Seulgi’s hot breath brushing her own lips. They lock lips and instantly Joy can feel electricity going down her spine. Their kiss slowly, savouring the moment as if they are not going to see tomorrow anymore.


After they were done with their dinner, Sungjae paid for the bills and before they walked at their own direction Seulgi stopped Sungjae.


“What is it noona?”

“I know I’ve given you permission to love Joy, I know that that both of you are engaged, I…I…”

“Spit it out noona…”

“Can I kiss Sooyoung, for one last time… I don’t want to make it sound like I’m a creep but… I promise it will be my last.”

Sungjae was baffled at Seulgi sudden request, he was a little hurt though that Seulgi gets to kiss Joy instead of him, Joy never let him kiss her or even touch her. Sungjae reluctant a bit but he gave Seulgi the permission that she needs.

“You don’t have to ask me that.”

“I don’t want it looks like Joy cheated on you.”

Sungjae laughed at Seulgi’s innocent answer, he put his thumb up “Go for it noona!”

End of flashback

Their kiss got heated, and Seulgi keeps on apologizing to Sungjae in her mind because she is afraid that she might lose control of herself. Seulgi breaks the kiss and stares lovingly into Joy’s eyes 

“We need to stop.” 

Joy didn’t listen to what Seulgi said as she leans in for more kiss and they falls on the couch with Joy’s on top.

“Joy, Joy! We need to stop.”

“Unnie...let’s this be our first and our last.” 

Seulgi didn’t hesitate when she saw the lust in Joy’s eyes, and this might be her last to make love with some that she truly loves. 


To be continued…

A/N: What will Seulgi do to SM? Is Ryujin going to be okay? Now that WenRene had declare their love for each other, get ready for WenRene domestic live in the next chapter. Also I’m making a spinoff of this fics, still working on it, but the spinoff is going to focus more on Blackpink!



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Chapter 67: wow this story is like a roller coaster 😭 I'm glad it ended happily 💖💙
Chapter 49: Who does Wendy have children with???
Chapter 46: Here I thought previously Irene would really move on to someone new 🥲
Chapter 45: I actually don't like it when Irene moves on from Wendy 🤧😩
Chapter 44: Impossible. I cried at this part 😭
Chapter 31: I'm curious about Wendy's health check results
Chapter 27: very domestic 🤧
Chapter 24: Irene's father is annoying 😒
Chapter 23: oh my gosh the story is getting more intense