Chapter 36: Lover's Quarrel

When The Flower Blooms

Korean BBQ Restaurant

Irene is busy grilling the meat for Ryujin while Ryujin busy taking video of the food and the post it on her Instagram. Ryujin put down her phone after she posted the video and then she took a lettuce and wrap the meat with kimchi and garlic then feed Irene.

Irene thanked Ryujin for the wrap and then she repay by wrapping a big one for Ryujin. Ryujin struggles to open big enough to fit the wrap in. Ryujin took the turn to grill the meat and let Irene to rest and eat her food. Though Irene protested because Ryujin is still injured.

“Oh! Irene unnie!” a voiced greeted Irene. 

Irene looks up and saw Yerin and the rest of the Gfriend walked in the restaurant. Ryujin was agape upon seeing the idols.

“Unnie, are those really THE Gfriend?!” Ryujin whispered excitedly to Irene.

Irene gets up and greet them, Ryujin follows too. Ryujin was excited to see the idols, especially Sinb. 

“Oh, unnie, this is?” Yerin asked while pointing at Ryujin.

“Ah, she’s my daughter.” Irene slipped out her tongue.

“Daughter?!” the Gfriend’s gasped. They know Irene because Irene used to be RV’s manager and they used to hang out with RV because Yerin and Sinb are friends with Joy and Seulgi.

“Sorry, she’s my housemate whom I taking care of, so she is like a daughter to me.”

“Sister sound better than daughter.” Sinb replied.

Irene only smiles at them and bow to them politely. Ryujin was gleaming, she turns to Irene with her puppy eyes and she gently tuck Irene on the hem of her sleeve. Irene look down on Ryujin and Ryujin asked if she can get the girls’ autograph.

Irene giggled at Ryujin’s cuteness, it’s the first that she sees the girl being shy. She approached the girls and asked if they can sign the napkin for Ryujin. 

“Sign the napkin? No, she will lose it for sure.” Sinb rejected and she looks to Ryujin, gesturing her to come over. Ryujin shyly approaches them.

“Let’s take a photo!” Sinb smiles at the nervous Ryujin. 

Ryujin gladly took out her phone and begin to snap selfie with all of the Gfriend’s members. Each of the member take turn to take picture with Ryujin and Ryujin was the happiest person ever. Ryujin thanked the girls and they give her a hug though Irene told the girls to be gentle with Ryujin because of her bruises.

“Unnie…did you heard about Joy moved out from the RV dorm?” Yerin asked the former manager of the RV and she is unaware that Irene is a princess.

“Joy moved out? Why?”

“Something happened between her and Seulgi, apparently, Joy fall in loves with Seulgi without knowing it and now, she tried to distant herself from Seulgi to sort out her feeling and also for Seulgi to prove her love to Joy.” Yerin blurted out without knowing that Irene didn’t know this info. Eunha and Sinb quickly cover Yerin’s mouth and dragged her away. Umji and Sowon apologized on Yerin’s behalf saying that the kid don’t have filter.

“No. Yerin ah, what do you mean Seulgi need to prove her love to Joy and Joy falling in love with Seulgi?” Irene questioned.

“Uh-oh…” the other girls exclaims.

“You idiot Yerin unnie ah, Joy told you that Irene unnie didn’t know about the whole JoyGi thingy and yet here you are exposing your own best friend!” Sinb scolded the girl.

“Oh no…forget what I’ve told you!” Yerin panicked.

“Tell me everything you know…” Irene told Yerin.

Irene’s gaze scare the girls, Yerin gulped in fear, her body trembles and she slowly nodded in agreement to tell Irene everything. The rest of the Gfriend mentally face palmed themselves upon Yerin’s exposure. It was supposed to be her and Joy’s secret only but she accidentally spoiled it to the members and now worse, she spoiled it to Joy’s ex manager who is also her crush’s ex.

Zimzalabim Café

Wendy arrive at her café, she was saddened at the state of her abandon café. She unlocked the door and enter the café. The café was neat, despite a few broken equipment table and chairs because of Wendy’s rage. Wendy sit by the window, watching people walked by her café. The weather is going to rain soon as the sky darkened.

Wendy watches as the couples around run to find shelter to shield themselves from the incoming rain. Rain also remind her of the day her sister died. Rain also remind her of the day Henry died. She realized how her pain is always revolve around rain. The day Joy broke up with her also raining. But Wendy enjoy the rain, because it reminds her of the fateful day she met Irene.

Wendy sighed and she took out her phone, she stares at her wallpaper, it was the picture that Ryujin helped her took during their trip in Japan. They look so happy in it, without her knowing it, her tears fall down. She heard someone knocked on the window glass, she tilts her head up and saw Nayeon and Jeongyeon trying to shelter themselves from the rain.

Wendy quickly let them in, Nayeon thanked Wendy.

“The rain was so sudden!” Nayeon complained.

“Here dry yourself.” Wendy offer them a clean towel that she gets from the storeroom. 

“Thanks…” Jeongyeon takes the towel and help Nayeon to dry off.

“It’s been a while since we last saw you Wendy, a lot of things happened after the party no?” Nayeon start to interrogate Wendy.

“Yeah a lot…I’m sorry for all the ruckus at the party last time Jeongyeon-ssi…”

“Nah, it’s okay, all is in the past…how is my baby cousin doing? I heard she moved out from the mansion and currently is living with you?”

Wendy contemplated whether to tell Jeongyeon about what happened or no. Wendy learned from Ryujin that even though the Yoo family is her caregiver here in Korea but they are not entitled over her because she is still under her grandfather’s care. That is why they never really care about what Ryujin do.

“She’s doing great…about that Jeongyeon ah…”


“I’m adopting Ryujin, hope you don’t mind it.”

Jeongyeon was baffled for a while, she couldn’t believe anyone would want to adopt the problematic kid. 

“Wendy, you better think twice. Ryujin she’s a hard one. Yes, she maybe the smartest person in her school but her attitude it’s just absurd…”

“She’s fine, I’ve met her grandfather so it’s okay.”

“You’ve met him?” Jeongyeon was terrified.

“Jeongie…what’s wrong?” Nayeon asked her when she noticed Jeongyeon is terrified.

“Oh, it’s nothing…just you’re so brave to be able to see him eye to eye…” Jeongyeon laughed nervously.

“You don’t have to worry about Ryujin, I will take a good care of her. I’ve promised her grandfather.”


After they got back to the inn, Wendy ordered diner for them. Yeri helps Ryujin by feeding her, her food. Irene wanted to go to the hot spring, but Wendy decline, she said that she is meeting someone so she got to go. Irene asked if she can follow her, Wendy said it is better if she goes alone. Irene understand that this might involve Ryujin’s grandfather. She wished Wendy luck and she told Wendy to not be so reckless because her opponent is a Yakuza. Irene was persistence about not wanting Wendy to go alone. Wendy promised her that she won’t go for long, if she didn’t come back within 2 hours, Irene have the right to call the police.

Irene watched as Wendy left the inn, Yeri and Ryujin questioned where Wendy went to. Irene lied, she told the kids that Wendy is going out to search for souvenir to be brought back to Seoul.


Shinazaki Residency

Wendy was amused by the size of Ryujin’s grandfather’s estate. She liaised with Shinagawa in order for her to meet with Shinazaki Yoshida. Shinagawa greets Wendy and he leads her in “Oya-bun knows who you are Wendy-sama.”

“I’m aware of that…” Wendy nodded, she saw that all of the household members being alert with her presence, she saw guns tuck in their suits. She tried to be brave and put on a show or else she might lost her life there.

“Oyabun…Wendy Son is here to see you…”

Wendy stood there facing the back of Ryujin’s grandfather. Yoshida slowly turned to face Wendy. Wendy is amaze at how fit and buff Ryujin’s grandfather is, especially at that age (He’s 70). Wendy bowed 90 degrees to show her respect. She knows the Yakuza and the Mafia are not in a good terms so she had to be careful with her action and words.

“The daughter of Wayne Son…what are you doing here?” Yoshida speaked up with coarse voice of his.

“I came to asked about Ryujin.” Wendy replied.

“She’s no longer the member of Aizukotetsu-Kai group…”

“That’s not what I wanted to discuss about…can we have a private talk without all of your men around? I come clean, no weapon, no threat, I just want to talk to you, as Ryujin’s friend.”

Yoshida was scowling, but he listened to Wendy and ordered his men to go out, the men protested but Yoshida cleared his throat and everyone left the room.


“Why did you left Ryujin all alone yesterday? She could have been unconscious…as her grandfather shouldn’t you at least care about her?”

“I do care about Ryujin…but she broke the code of a Yakuza…she is consider as a traitor.”

“That still didn’t justify your action of leaving a underage teenager alone all injured by herself!” Wendy accidentally raised her voice at Yoshida.

“Wendy…what is your relationship with my granddaughter?” Yoshida asked.

“I’m her friend…”

“You sounded more than a friend to me…” Yoshida smirked at Wendy. He sits on his chair and lit up a cigar, he offered one to Wendy but Wendy decline with a disgusted look on her face.

“Ryujin was my beloved granddaughter…she used to be so clingy toward me, but her attitude change when she lose her parents…the Ryujin that used to smile and laugh was gone. I missed that Ryujin, but I know I can never see the same smile and laughter on her face anymore. I killed her parents because of my greed…I’ve killed my own beloved daughter. They wanted to stop the group from fighting because they wanted to create a better world for Ryujin, and I got angry. I caused a stir among the group and a mop happened…and my daughter was killed during the mop…”

“...Does Ryujin know?”

“She knows…” Yoshida smiled weakly at Wendy “That is why I can’t act like I care about her, I want her to hate me…”

“Why Mr. Yoshida… Ever since I knew Ryujin, she seems like she looks up to you…”

“I am not worth of her praises Miss Wendy…that is why I am giving the rights of taking care of her to you…”


“I know Ryujin had given up all of her father’s assets to our enemy in exchange for her freedom to roam Japan freely, but she didn’t know that all of these…” Yoshida stopped and he looked around his room “All of the Shinazaki’s assets will be hers when she turns 21…until then can you do me a favour Miss Wendy?”

“What is it?”

“Take care of her…I do not trust her father’s side of family…”

“I did plan to adopt her…that is why I’m here…I want to ask you to give up her custody to me.”

“I gladly give it up to you. Promise me you will take care of her…”

Wendy nodded “I will…”

“Tell the princess, Ryujin is a hard one to be taken care of, but that child is very precious…”

Wendy smiles at Yoshida’s words, Ryujin indeed is a problematic kid but Wendy prefer her to be that way “She knows how to handle that little rascal.”

“I know you will take a good care of Ryujin Ms Wendy…I can’t do much as her grandfather…you are my last hope…”

Wendy kneel and she bowed with her head touching the floor to thanked Yoshida.

End of Flashback

“Just…take a good care of her for me…” Jeongyeon pats Wendy on the shoulder to cheer her up.


“Oh the rain had stop!” Nayeon pointed at the sky and her ring caught Wendy’s attention.

“You two tied the knot?”

“Yeah we did! We got married in Taiwan a few weeks ago.” Nayeon exclaims.

“You can do that?” Wendy asked.

“It’s possible but the documents is invalid here…” Jeongyeon explained.

“I see…well glad to be catching up with you two, you may come to visit us anytime if you miss Ryujin.”

“I will…thanks Wendy.” Jeongyeon and Nayeon said goodbye to Wendy and left the café.

Wendy took a deep breath and she looks at the sky, she look at the time and it’s almost evening. She gathers all of her stuff and shove it in her tote bag and leave the café too. She stopped by a stationery store on her way back. She grabbed a few pens and journal. If she is going to lose her memories, it is better if she record everything down.


Korean BBQ Restaurant

Yuju and Eunha were bawling their eyes out, Sowon and Umji were sniffling and they use the tissue to gently dabbed on their tears after listen to Joy and Seulgi’s love story. Sinb and Ryujin were silently judging from the side.

“That’s why…” Yerin paused as she tried to catch her breath “Joy now left the dorm…she was feeling guilty that she is the reason why Seulgi broke up with you…ah this is so sad!!” Yerin bawled and Yuju comfort her.

“I can’t believe it…I’ve always thought she was having an affair with Sunmi…”

“Oh no…Sunmi unnie was just trying to help Seulgi sort out her feelings for Joy…Look Irene unnie…it was not entirely Joy’s fault, so please don’t hate on her…” Yerin begged.

“I’m not blaming anyone…I’ve move on and I’m happy with my life partner now, and with Ryujin too…” Irene explain with a smile that finally melt the Gfriend fear of her.

“I’m glad that you share all of this with me Yerin, you girls eat all you want, I’ll pay for your bills.”

“Thank you unnie!!” they all thanked Irene. Irene and Ryujin bowed to them and then they went to pay for their bills and left the restaurant.

On their way home Ryujin and Irene were silent in the car, until Ryujin decided to ask “Unnie…if Seulgi break up with you earlier, all of those event that almost had you kill won’t happy right?”

“Yes…” Irene answered coldly.

“Do you think…”

“Ryujin-ah I know what you want to ask, you wanted to know if I will meet with Wendy and you guys if Seulgi and I broke up way before the wedding day right? The answer is I don’t know, but all I know now is, what happened in the past is in the past, what’s important now is the future.”

“I’m glad that, that jerk Seulgi did it badly.” Ryujin joked “Because then you probably won’t fall in love with Wendy unnie.” Ryujin teased.

Irene blushed and she smacks Ryujin lightly on the thigh “Yah!”

The two of them reached their condominium, Irene parked the car and she saw that Wendy’s car is already parked at her designated parking area. “Looks like Wendy is back.”

“We should have take away some food for her.” Ryujin said.

“We’ll just call delivery if she gets hungry.” Irene replied.


Wenrene Condo Study Room

Wendy had spent an hour in the study room, jolting down everything that she remembered about her life since she was a toddler until now. She made the decision to underwent the operation and since she will be losing her memories, she decided to jolt down all the even that ever happened in her life.

She heard the door open and she quickly hides away her journal and medicine. She make sure that she hides them where Irene and the kids won’t be able to find. She heard footstep coming up she panicked and sloppily hide her medicine.

“Unnie you’re here?” Ryujin peeps inside the room and saw Wendy standing there awkwardly “Are you hungry? Irene unnie and I had eaten, if you’re hungry we can call for delivery.”

“I’m good…” Wendy answered “I’ve had eaten my lunch and I’m still full…let’s go down Ryujin…” Wendy leads the way.

“So where did you and Irene go for lunch?” Wendy asked.

“We went to Korean BBQ and unnie! We met Gfriend!!” Ryujin exclaimed excitedly and she shows the picture she took with all of the Gfriend members.

“Oh! Nice!”

“They were the nicest group I ever meet!!”

“Yah, you’re making me jealous!” Wendy nudged Ryujin with her elbow.

Irene saw the two girls coming down from the stairs, she clears to get their attention.

“Hi Honey~ how was the lunch?” Wendy was about to give Irene a hug but Irene stops her.

“We need to talk…” she said coldly and she gesture Ryujin to enter her room. Ryujin gives Wendy a little squeeze on the shoulder before she enter her room.

Wendy was scared, all of the things she did behind Irene flashed before her eyes and she was ready to confess everything before Irene start to question her.

“Can we go to the balcony to talk?” Irene asked.

Wendy nods and they both walk together to the balcony and sit at the balcony chairs.

It was a little windy outside, the sun is almost setting. The view from their balcony is very breath taking but nothing is more breath taking for Wendy than Irene’s beauty. The wind gently blow through Irene’s black long hair, and the view is just too beautiful for Wendy’s eyes. She feels like she was the luckiest girl in the world right now. Irene turns to Wendy and she notices that Wendy had been staring at her longingly. Irene blushed and look away while smiling. Though it’s been months since they got together, Irene still can’t see Wendy eyes to eyes for too long without feeling like her heart would explode from her chest.

“Stop staring at me like that!” Irene gently pushes Wendy’s face away.

“Why? Why? You look so beautiful…” Wendy teased.

“Seriously Wendy, we need to be serious now.” Irene demands.

“Okay okay…” Wendy sit up straight and hold Irene’s hand, she smiles when she saw her mother’s ring fit perfectly on Irene’s finger “What is that you wanted to talk about?”

“It’s about Seulgi and Joy…”

Wendy froze for a while ‘How did Irene knows about them?’ she thought to herself.

“Seulgi left me at the altar because her heart belong to someone else…” Irene explained.

“Who told you that?” Wendy asked.

“Yerin from Gfriend, she is Joy’s friend…but she is very bad in keeping secret. But why aren’t you surprise by this fact?” Irene questioned Wendy’s calm exterior.

“Because Seulgi told me all about it.”

“You met Seulgi?”

“Yeah, this morning, that’s why I cancel our visit to the café…” Wendy lied, but she is relief that Seulgi’s timing was right, at least it was a half lie, she did met with Seulgi, just that she skipped the info about her visit to the hospital.

“Why didn’t you tell me?” Irene was angry by Wendy’s action, she was angry that Wendy never wanted to get her involve anymore though she knows Wendy is bring protective toward her.

“I know you are angry…but listen…I am angry too at the fact that Seulgi left you because she is too coward to admit her true feeling, I’m angry that she is willing to let you get kill just so that Joy and I can get together. I am angry that she caused Yeri so much pain just so she could path way for Joy to get closer to both of us. She even willing to get you back so she can break us up, just so Joy can get back to me. All of the things that she did, I can’t forgive her, she caused you pain, Ryujin almost died while protecting you…but she did it all for love that she has for Joy…and if I was in her situation where I am so deeply in love with you, I think I would go beyond what Seulgi did.” Wendy explained and for the first time Irene felt scared of Wendy. There was something in her eyes that feel unfamiliar to Irene.

“But everything happened for a reason…what if she did break up with you, will you be wondering the street where I found you?” Wendy questioned Irene back.

“I believe in destiny…” Irene answered.

“Destiny can be change Joohyun ah…” Wendy scoffed.

“So what if it can be change, if I was destine to be with you, no matter what the consequences and circumstances fate will bring us together.” Irene was getting irritated with Wendy.

“Are you mad?” Wendy asked.

“Yes I am! I am mad that you never want to include me in whatever that you do!” Irene raised her voice.

“Joohyun…” Wendy softly called for her girlfriend.

Irene didn’t realized that her tears flowing down, Wendy wipes it with her thumb and she leaned forward to kiss Irene. The kiss managed to calm Irene down. Wendy breaks the kiss and stare longingly into Irene’s eyes.

“I want you to be safe Joohyun-ah…nothing means more than you to me in this world…”

“I don’t you to do things alone…” Irene holds Wendy’s hand and kiss her palm.

“I promise you I won’t do anything alone anymore.” Wendy promised.

Wendy tucks Irene’s hair behind her ear and she leans in again to claim Irene’s lips. Irene wraps her arms around Wendy’s waist and slowly pulling her closer. The sun set behind them and the day slowly turn dark. The lover broke the kiss and they smiles at each other. Wendy pulls Irene closer and they snuggle on the small chair, watching the twilight slowly turn into night.

Ryujin was peeping on them because she scared both will argued but it turns out well. Ryujin smiles at herself upon seeing Wendy and Irene being lovey dovey again.

Wendy was playing with Irene’s hair while looking at the stars in the night sky. Irene was listening to Wendy’s steady heartbeat. It had a calming effect for her. She tilted her head up and Wendy was staring down at her.


“Did Seulgi only explain to you why she left me but never explain to me properly?”

“Well to tell you the truth…she wanted me to help her to court Joy.”

“Why you?”

“She told me because I was Joy’s ex, so if I can made Joy fell for me in the past, she wants to learn how to make Joy fall for her.” Wendy laughed a bit when she remembered Seulgi’s desperate face while begging her.


“Joy used to love it when I wrote songs for her, so I told Seulgi she should do the same, I’m meeting her again this Saturday to see her progress with her song writing.”

A pang of jealousy hit Irene when Wendy mentioned that she used to write songs for Joy, and she remembered that all of the lyrics that Wendy wrote in her blue note book are all dedicated to Joy. Irene gets up from Wendy’s lap and enter the condo silently. Wendy was baffled with Irene’s sudden mood change.

“Irene, did I said something wrong?” She asked.

“Nothing…” Irene replied coldly.

Wendy follows Irene back into the condo and she keeps bombarding her with questions “Aish! Why don’t you go and help you new friend Seulgi write a song for your ex?!” Irene pushed Wendy away and Wendy finally realized that Irene is jealous.

Ryujin just stood there awkwardly, she chose the wrong moment to come out from her room. She was a little thirsty so she went to the kitchen after she make sure that Irene and Wendy were okay, and she was on her way to go back to her room until she saw Irene and Wendy were fighting.

“You’re jealous?” Wendy teased Irene but it was a wrong move as she got more angry. Irene enter their bedroom and slammed the door hard then she open the door again and throw out a pillow and blanket for Wendy.

“You’re sleeping outside tonight!” Irene told Wendy.

“Oh…big time.” Ryujin booed at Wendy.

Wendy throws the pillow at Ryujin, and it hit Ryujin exactly on the face “Ouch!!” Ryujin yelped in pain. Wendy immediately rush to Ryujin’s side and shush her.

“I’m sorry! I’m sorry!” Wendy apologized.

“Seriously did you forgot that my nose bone cracked and it is fragile?” Ryujin scolded Wendy.

“I thought you will catch! Didn’t know that you will catch it with your face! It’s just a pillow the impact shouldn’t be that bad. Why didn’t you help me earlier…” Wendy retaliates.

“It was your fault that you couldn’t read the mood unnie…why did you mentioned about helping your lover’s ex to get together with your ex? Irene unnie is very sensitive with this kind of thing.” Ryujin sighed.

Wendy pouted and she looks at the pillow and blanket on floor, she sighed and she picks them up “I guess I’ll be sleeping in the study room.”

“Unnie you can sleep with me…” Ryujin invites her.

“No no Ryujin, I don’t want to disturb you, you need your rest. I’ll be in the study room if you need me.”

“You’re not gonna go and coax her?” Ryujin questioned Wendy.

“I think I’ll let her calm down for a while before trying again.”

Wendy takes the pillow and blanket with her and she went to the study room. It was a good think that she decided to buy a couch for the study room. Wendy locked the door and took out her journal and medicine. She took her medicine and then start to write on her journal.


Today we had a huge fight. She was jealous, it was scary but I am happy at the same time because her jealousy show me that she really love me. I can feel that I am running out of time. I have to fix what I can before I either die or lose all my memories.

Wendy stops writing and she takes out her phone, she searches for Seulgi’s name and called her.


“You free tomorrow?”

“Yeah, I don’t have any schedule…”

“Good…meet me at the same place as today.”


“I have a plan.”


“See you at 8am tomorrow morning.” Wendy hangs up even before Seulgi could reply her.

Wendy run down to the store, to get her guitar and then she runs back up to the study room and begin strumming on the guitar. She jolt down some notes on a blank paper.


To be continue


What is Seulgi and Wendy planning to do? Irene will loses her princess title in the next chapter.

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Chapter 67: wow this story is like a roller coaster 😭 I'm glad it ended happily 💖💙
Chapter 49: Who does Wendy have children with???
Chapter 46: Here I thought previously Irene would really move on to someone new 🥲
Chapter 45: I actually don't like it when Irene moves on from Wendy 🤧😩
Chapter 44: Impossible. I cried at this part 😭
Chapter 31: I'm curious about Wendy's health check results
Chapter 27: very domestic 🤧
Chapter 24: Irene's father is annoying 😒
Chapter 23: oh my gosh the story is getting more intense