Sequel Chapter 17: The Son United

When The Flower Blooms

Amusement Park

Wendy decided to go to the amusement park to enlightened up Irene’s mood. She called Ryujin to tell her that they will be coming home late and Ryujin tells Wendy that she understands. Ryujin told Wendy to not worry about Iris, she is Iris big sister and she can take care of the toddler and she asked Wendy to just enjoy the date with Irene.

“So which ride do you want to ride first?”

“Wendy, I’m not good with rides!” Irene whines, she doesn’t understand why she agreed to go on this plan date in the first place. She only comes to the amusement park to eat or enjoy the parade but not the ride.

Wendy gently squeeze Irene’s hand that she is already holding “Then we go for the less scary ride~”

Irene was hesitant but Wendy gently tug her with her so she just follows. Wendy lead them to Merry-Go-Round and Irene scowls at Wendy.

“What?” Wendy asked when she noticed the change in Irene’s expression.

“This ride is for kids!”

“You said you’re scared of the other rides!”

“At least we ride something better than this!” Irene argue back.

Wendy pulls Irene with her “Come on Irene, let’s ride. I will be your white knight and you will be my princess okay?”

Even though Irene hated the childish ride but Wendy made it funs and she enjoys it. Wendy keeps on taking video of Irene on the ride despite Irene protest. They move on to another rides and enjoy it so much. Wendy makes it fun for Irene and Irene who has forgotten how to have fun, gets the fun that she never had during her youth.

The two adult were running out of breath after they ride the roller coaster. Wendy offers to buy them ice cream and Irene accepts. Wendy ask Irene to wait for her at the nearby café while she goes get their ice cream.

Wendy goes to the ice cream parlour and order their ice cream.


Wendy turns but her smile turns sour when she sees the person that called for her name. She gives the cashier her ice cream money and told the cashier to just void her order and she left the parlour.

“Wendy! Wanie!”

“What do you want Eric?!” she turns to him “We were over 3 years ago! And how did you find me here?!”

“I got my contact Wendy. I just want to ask you a few question.” Eric sees that Wendy didn’t say anything, he let go of her arm and sigh “Iris…she’s mine isn’t she?”


“She’s 3 years old! As far as I know I was the only guy that you dated!”

“Iris is mine and not yours!”

Eric scoffs and laugh “Don’t underestimate me Wendy…you know what I am capable of doing.”

Wendy got triggered by Eric’s threat, she grabs him by his collar “If you hurt my family I will kill you Eric Nam! It was you who drugged me and just because I refused to have with you! I will never forgive you for that and consider yourself lucky that I didn’t report on your crime because I sympathize with you!”

Eric lean closer to Wendy and whispers “So she is mine.”

Wendy hated him, she hated Eric so much. Wendy lied when she told Irene that she felt guilty when she broke up with Eric. The truth is Eric wasn’t the good guy as he portrayed he is. He was sinister and Wendy only knew his dark side after she dated him for a few months. The reason why she broke up with him is because he started to force her to have with him and Wendy specifically told him she didn’t want to have . Eric keeps pressuring Wendy into engaging in ual act with him.

One night while they were partying Eric put drug in Wendy’s drink and dragged her to his home and her. When Wendy woke up she was devastated, Wendy ran out of the house and broke things with Eric. Eric keep haunting Wendy, he is using the reason that he loves Wendy too much that he took the radical move to drugged and Wendy. Wendy told him she wouldn’t report him but she wants to end thing with him and he agreed before he moved back to the state. However, he manipulates the story and told his friends that they broke thing off because Wendy didn’t want a long distance relationship.

Wendy pushes Eric away and cuss on him “Leave! And don’t come to bother me anymore or I will report you.” Said Wendy.

“Iris is a Nam and I am not going to give up on her Wendy!” Eric yelled at Wendy when Wendy walks away from him.

Wendy stops on her track when she saw Irene standing in front of her and she is in tears. She hates it when Irene cries.


“Why did you lie Wendy?” Irene asked Wendy with her voice cracked.

“You heard everything?”

“Why you never tell me that he you?”

“That’s right Wendy, why didn’t you tell your girlfriend about the truth?” Eric approaches her and taunt her.

Wendy is at her limit so she turns around and give Eric a punch on the face. Eric stumbles down on the ground and all the crowd starts to coming toward them to see what happened.

Wendy goes to Irene and grab her by the wrist. Wendy drags Irene with her through the crowd until they exited the amusement park.

“Get in the car.” She orders Irene.

Irene was going to protest until she saw the look in Wendy’s eyes. It was not anger nor sadness, it was something else and Irene is scared of that look. She enters their car and didn’t dare to speak or ask Wendy any questions.

Wendy starts the car and they drive away. Irene got scared when Wendy suddenly speed up the car in the highway. “Wendy.”

Wendy press more on the accelerator and Irene start to have a panic attack, she tries to get Wendy’s attention “Wendy!”

“What?!!” Wendy turns to Irene angrily.

“Don’t drive recklessly…think about Iris and Ryujin…” said Irene, and her voice is trembling.

Wendy realized that she just scares Irene so she let go of the accelerator and slow down the car. She takes at deep breath and apologized to Irene “I’m sorry.”

“Look, Wendy, I’m not going to ask about anything anymore…please…don’t do be like this.”

Wendy put on the indicator and stops the car by the roadside, she pulls on the hand brake and faces Irene. She cups Irene’s face, though Irene flinched when she touches her, Wendy continues to lean in to capture Irene’s lips. Irene was stiff because she is scared of what Wendy is going to do, but Wendy softly kiss Irene.


“I’m sorry I scared you.” Said Wendy “Seeing him just makes my blood boil…I…”

Irene puts her hand on Wendy’s shoulder to calm the girl “Wendy…”

“I’m sorry I lied…I just don’t want to be reminded of what he had done to me. He was a good guy initially, but then things change. I realized his main intention, but I bear with it, thinking that he will give up if I keep on ignoring his request. But who knows, he drugged me and me…”

“And you let him go? He should rot in jail for what he did Wendy!”

“In this country?” Wendy scoffs “I doubt that he will be given harsh punishment, you know how Korea work Irene, you’re the princess of this country…”

Irene knows how the law in Korea work, she knows it too well and it’s always one sided when it comes to crime. Eric can easily have said that he was under alcohol influence and get lighter sentence.

“I know what he is going to do…we need to go home.” Said Wendy and she releases the handbrake and drive back home.

“What is he going to do?”

“He comes from influential family, Irene…who knows what he is going to do to get his hand on Iris. We need to go and get the kids.”



Wendy’s Apartment

“Iris!” Ryujin yells when her sister throws the flour at her direction.

“Geez, the whole kitchen is a mess now~~” said Lia as she saw the state of the kitchen. The trio decided to bake something to kill time and they made a mess.

“We can clean it later on~” said Ryujin as she counter attack her sister’s with flour.

“Wendy unnie is going to kiss us if she sees all these!”

“We just need to use Iris as an excuse.” Said Ryujin and she attacks her sister with the whipped cream.

The doorbell rings and Lia left the kitchen to get the door. She looks through the monitor and sees the delivery guy. She asked if Ryujin got ordered anything but Ryujin was too busy playing flour war with Iris. Lia shakes her head and proceed to open the door. The moment she opens the door, the man assaulted her.

Lia’s screams alerted Ryujin and Ryujin quickly picks up Iris from the counter. She runs to the living room and sees her girlfriend laying on the floor and blood coming out from her abdomen.


“Give me the kid!” said the man.

Ryujin sees that the man is wielding a knife and there’s gun at his back pocket. Ryujin hands Iris to the man but Iris cling to her sister.

“Jin unnie…” Iris calls for her sister with trembling voice.

“Do you trust unnie Iris?” Ryujin stares straight into the toddler’s eyes and without hesitation, Iris nods at her sister and she slowly let go of her arms that wrap around her sister’s neck.

The moment the man reach for Iris, Ryujin kicks him in his groin and she picks up the vase on the coffee table and smashed it on the man’s head. The man groan in pain, Ryujin takes the gun off his back pocket and shoot him on the legs to immobilize him. Ryujin runs toward the door and she takes the car key with her then she checks on Lia.


Lia is still breathing but her blood won’t stop flowing out. Ryujin tears off her shirt and put pressure on her wound. Ryujin turns to Iris and asks “Iris, look at me…the bad guy want to hurt us, so we need to run right now okay? Promise me you will be a good girl alright?”

Iris is terrified but she nods at her sister. Ryujin ruffles her sister’s hair and when she heard a groan coming from behind and she sees that the man is trying to get up and he is reaching for the gun that Ryujin discard. Ryujin carries Lia on her back and another hand holds on to Iris and they make the run to the elevator.

“Iris, press the B button please.”

Iris nods and she tip toes to reach for the button and she managed to press it. Ryujin puts Lia down and she check on Lia’s wound and sees that she had stop bleeding. Ryujin saw the terror in Iris’s eyes so she pulls her sister into a hug.

“Will Jichu unnie be okay?” Iris asked.

“She will baby, she will…”

The elevator reaches the basement and Ryujin picks Lia up in bridal style and she gave the car key to Iris.

“Iris, once we reach mom’s car, you press that green button okay?”


They run to the car and Iris open the car for her sister. Ryujin put Lia at the back seat and she picks Iris up and put her together with Lia. She looks into Iris’s eyes and says “Iris…unnie need you to stay here with Lia unnie okay? You need to keep her safe while unnie drive us to the hospital.”

Iris nods and Ryujin kisses her sister on the forehead before she proceeds to go to the driver seat. Ryujin sees the man are coming after them and he aims the gun at her direction. Ryujin starts the car and floor on the accelerator. She purposely hits the hitman and drive away.

Ryujin search her phone in her pocket but she finds out her phone runs out of battery, she curses but she continues to drive to the nearest hospital. She views Lia from the rear mirror and sees that the girl is getting paler she asks Iris if Lia is still breathing. Iris put her little finger near Lia’s nose and Iris nods.


Wendy and Irene reached their apartment and Wendy noticed that one of her car is gone. She rushes up the stairs to reach for her apartment. Once she reaches her apartment she the door is open and she rushes inside. Wendy was horrified at the mess and she even horrified when she sees the blood stain on the floor.

Irene catches up with Wendy and Irene screams when she sees the blood and the mess. Wendy puts Irene behind her to shield her from all of the mess and the blood.

“Call the police.” Said Wendy and she left Irene at the entrance to inspect the house. She saw the mess in the kitchen and the burnt cookies in the oven. She quickly takes out the cookies before it burns down the whole apartment.

“Wendy the police are on their way!”

Wendy noticed the bloody knife and she uses tissue to pick it up and uses a plastic back to store it inside.

“Where’s Iris! Did they kidnap her? Ryujin and Lia?” Irene asked and she gets panic.

“Ryujin is trained in martial art, and she’s a genius I know they will be okay, I just need to know where they hide. I’m sure it was Ryujin that took my car away. Good thing I put tracker in all of my cars. I just need to activate it and we can know their location.” Said Wendy and she turns around.

She grabs Irene and drag her out which puzzle Irene. “Wendy where are we going?” Irene asked.

“To find our daughters.”

“But the police?”

“They have a crime scene to investigate. We need to go to find our daughters before anything happen to them.” Said Wendy.

Irene was getting by Wendy’s calmness in dealing with this situation. The duo goes back down to the basement and to their car. Wendy activated her GPS to track her car and she sees that it parked near the hospital and Wendy got worried.

“They are at the hospital!”


Ryujin had Iris on her lap sleeping soundly. Ryujin is exhausted, she rested her head against the wall and tears fall down her cheek. She was supposed to protect Lia but she let Lia gets hurt. She slowly takes out her phone from her pocket and tries to on it, but still she can’t. She sighs and she hugs Iris tighter. She rested her chin on top of Iris’s head and kisses her. She felt sorry for letting her sister witness the brutality.

“Iris-ah…unnie is sorry that unnie couldn’t protect you from seeing all those.” She said to Iris. Now Ryujin is curious of who hired the hitman to kidnap Iris.


Ryujin looks up and instantly she starts to cry when she sees her mother coming toward her.


“Ryujinie! Are you okay? Is Iris okay? The blood stain on your shirt!”

“It’s Lia…there was a guy disguise as a deliveryman, and Lia went to open the door, she was stabbed and, and…I shot the man on the leg to immobilize him but he got up and chases us, but I hit him with the car! I’m sorry I use the car without your permission…I…”

Wendy cuts Ryujin off by hugging her “You’re safe now…I’m sorry I’m late…”

Ryujin rested her head on Wendy’s shoulder as she cries. Irene watches the family reunion with pain inside her heart. She wasn’t there to protect the kids too when they needed them. Irene takes out her other phone that Suzy gave her for emergency cases but Wendy stops her.

“This is my family business Irene. I will settle it my way.” Said Wendy.

“What are you planning to do? We need to put the girls under protection just in case this thing happens again!” said Irene.

“Have you forgotten who am I?” Wendy smirks at Irene and Irene knew exactly what Wendy had in mind. She hates it but she really wanted to see Eric suffers for what he had done to her family.

“Irene can you stay here with the kids? I need to make a few calls.”


To be continue

A/N: Oh! Badass Wendy is coming! The Son family united!! It's a bit short~ but the next chapter is going to be super long~

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Chapter 67: wow this story is like a roller coaster 😭 I'm glad it ended happily 💖💙
Chapter 49: Who does Wendy have children with???
Chapter 46: Here I thought previously Irene would really move on to someone new 🥲
Chapter 45: I actually don't like it when Irene moves on from Wendy 🤧😩
Chapter 44: Impossible. I cried at this part 😭
Chapter 31: I'm curious about Wendy's health check results
Chapter 27: very domestic 🤧
Chapter 24: Irene's father is annoying 😒
Chapter 23: oh my gosh the story is getting more intense