Chapter 29: Found Her!

When The Flower Blooms

Yuna and Chaeryoung are restraining Ryujin from lunging toward Lia. Lia was scared of Ryujin so she hide behind Wendy. Irene question Wendy why she invited Lia despite that she knows how the girls are not in a good condition with her. Yeji was silent on the side, she didn’t even want to see Lia at the moment and she didn’t even try to stop Ryujin from attacking Lia.

“Ryujin! Behave!!” Wendy yelled at the pink hair girl.

Ryujin immediately compose herself, but if gaze could kill Lia would probably be dead by now. Wendy apologized to the others, she pulled Lia up to the room upstairs and she signal the other Itzy to follow her, Ryujin and Yeji were reluctant but Yuna and Chaeryoung manage to persuade them. Wendy led them to an empty room on the second floor of her condominium. 

“You girls need to settle on whatever that happened between you and Lia. Yeji, I know it’s hard to let go of someone that you used to love and I know you are still much in love with Lia right? And Lia, I know you only acted the way you acted because you wanted to protect the girls from your father right?”

“Unnie, this please don’t get involve with our matters…” Yeji chided.

“I not trying to be a busy body or anything Yeji, I met Lia a few days ago, she was crying alone.”


“Kimchi, luncheon mean, onion, cheese and seaweed, what else do you need?” Wendy asked Irene through her phone. She was at the nearby 24 hours convenient store to buy ingredients for Kimchi fried rice, it was all because Yeri suddenly craving for it and Irene asked Wendy to get all the ingredients in the middle of the night. They were in the middle of setting up all the cabinets and painting their house when Yeri suddenly request for a kimchi fried rice. 

“Can you buy some fruits too?”

“What fruits do you want?”

“Melon and Papaya. Oh Ryujin said that she wants some Mocha bun.”


“You sure you don’t need me to come over to you there? It’s only a few minute walk from our house.” 

“It’s okay Irene, you girls continue with decorating the house, I can manage to do this by myself.”

“Alright, just call me if you needed anything! See you later, love you…”

“Love you too.” Wendy replied

“Yah! Shin Ryujin! Don’t pour the paint all over!” Wendy could heard Irene yelled at Ryujin over the phone before she hang up.

Wendy proceed to the counter after she got the fruits that Irene requested and she paid for it, but then someone bumped into her and a few second later the shop keeper ran after the person that bumped to her “Stop!! Thief!!” the shop keeper shouted.

Wendy noticed that the person that bumped to her was wearing the same uniform from Ryujin’s school. When the girl turn she noticed that a familiar face. “The total is 35,000 Won.” The cashier said to Wendy.

Wendy took out her card and she tapped her card she asked the cashier if she can leave her stuff there and she will come back to take it later. The cashier said okay and Wendy thanked her before she left the convenient store and run to the direction that the girl had run. The weather was cold, Wendy able to see her own breath, she turn around to see if she can locate the girl that bumped to her just now.

She turn to the nearby alley and saw the girl was hiding behind there. She approached her, she lightly tapped the girl on the shoulder but she got hit by the girl’s bag on the face.

“Wow!! Chill! I’m not the shop keeper, I’m just here to help you!” Wendy said before she was hit by the bag for the second time.

The girl calm down and try to look closely at Wendy “You’re that Mafia!” she said loudly. Wendy quickly shush her. Wendy helped her to pick up her bag on the floor and then she led her out from the alley. The shop keeper located them and they shouted at her but Wendy stop them, Wendy tell them that she will pay off what the girl had stolen. They her back to the store and then Wendy paid for the item that the girl had stolen. 

Wendy offer the girl a ride, she remembered her now, she was Yeji’s ex-girlfriend “Your name is Lia right?”


“I remember what happened in Toronto, and I guess you remember me too right.”

“Yes, you are the unnie that always with the girls.”

“Tell me why did you tried to steal this packet of bun?” Wendy asked, she lifted up the bun that she helped her paid.

“I tried to make my father hate me.” Lia replied “I’m so sick and tired to act like a perfect daughter that he wants. I am not perfect, I cannot be perfect. Maybe if I committed this crime he will hate me and won’t put high expectation on me. I’m am so tired trying to be perfect.” Lia cried.

“Then why did you hurt Yeji? Yeji has got nothing to do with your father right? Wendy asked.

“My father threatened me that if I still befriend them, he will make sure that Yeji and the girls get black listed in the government record. I had to make them hate me, because I know how stubborn those girls are, they will try to fight my father if they know the truth. I can’t let them get hurt because of me.”

Wendy pulled her into a hug, she sympathized with Lia, because she knows that feeling of not wanting the people around you to be the victim of your circumstances.

“Lia, why don’t you come to my house warming party?”


“Me and my girlfriend we are moving to a new house, Ryujin is staying with us, and I invited all of your friends over, maybe you can reconcile with them that day.”

“I…I don’t know if they will accept me back.”

“I don’t think Chaeryoung and Yuna are angry at you, they were angry at Ryujin for breaking your friendship with them, the problem is Ryujin. That girl seriously has temper issue. Come to my house and meet the girls okay? I know you miss them.”

“I’ll…think about it.” Lia replied.

“Good, here’s my number in case you needed any help.” Wendy handed her name card to Lia “Lia…I know you still love Yeji, the way that you look at her when we were in Toronto, your words can lie but not your eyes. My father is pretty much accepted my ual orientation so I don’t know how it feels to be rejected by your family but…please don’t give up.”

End of Flashback

“She was just trying to protect all of you…Ryujin you went overboard when you cut your relationship with her. You should allow Lia to explain before you make your own decision. I am disappointed in you that time.”

Ryujin’s face was red with embarrassed and anger when Wendy told her that she is disappointed with her. Yeji remained silent, she didn’t know that Lia had so much burden to herself, she knows something is wrong when Lia left without telling her anything, but she didn’t expect that Lia’s father threatened to black listed them if Lia still befriended them.

“It was all my fault…” Yeji spoke up “It was all my fault that your father hate us.”

“What do you mean Yeji unnie, if Lia’s father hate anyone one of us, it’s gotta be me and not you!” Ryujin protested while holding to Yeji.

“What are you two talking about unnie?” Yuna asked, looking all puzzle.

“No Ryujin, Lia father doesn’t know your identity…your grandfather make sure that anyone who know your identity to shut their mouth. Lia father hate Lia to be friend with us because of me. He didn’t want a bad influence on her daughter. I’m a bad influence.”

Irene came out to check on Wendy and the girls, she was worry because she didn’t want Ryujin to acted violently toward her friends. She saw that Wendy had the girls seated at on the ground and everyone is talking peacefully. The empty room was supposed to be Yeri and Ryujin study room, but they hadn’t got time to buy furniture for the room yet, that’s why they left it empty unfurnished. Irene went tpo Wendy’s side and seated herself next to Wendy.

“Lia your father came to me before, he asked me to leave you when he learn about our relationship, but I fought him telling him that I can be better and I can give you what he can’t…but he was right, a criminal daughter like me won’t be able to make someone like you happy.”

“I don’t understand what are you saying Yeji…” Lia said.

“My father was a criminal…your father was the one who caught him and put him behind the bar, I was young when he was caught. We were poor, so poor that mom had to work 3 jobs in a day to get by, when I got into middle school, I was a delinquent, that when I met with the Ryujin.” Yeji paused and she look over to Ryujin.

Wendy turns her gaze to Ryujin and scoff in disbelieve that the pink hair girl had reputation in such young age.

“One day, mom fell sick and I needed money to pay for her bill and I tried to rob a small convenient store. I was caught and I did my time in the juvenile jail for a couple of months, and it was Lia’s father that handle my case at that time. When you brought me to meet with your family, he recognized me.”

“Why you never tell me any of this?” Lia asked.

“I don’t want you to hate me for the crime that I have done, beside I am a criminal myself…I should know my place. Told your father that I will not interfere with your life anymore or any of these girls anymore.” Yeji kneeled and she bow “I am sorry that I am the cause of all this. From now on, I Hwang Yeji will cut…”

“Hey! Don’t you ever think about breaking our friendship!” Ryujin interfered Yeji before the girl could finish her sentence.

“Unnie, we don’t care about what you did in the past, you are our friend. We made a promise that we will grow old together didn’t we and then let our kids become best friend with each other too!” Chaeryoung plead in tears.

“Yeji, what happened in the past is in the past, the person that I fell in love with is the current you and not you in the past. I will be the one who leave Yeji. I don’t want us to fight and I don’t want our friendship to be broken even further. If sacrifice had to be made and let me be the one.”

“Alright, no one is going to be sacrifice! You can still be friend with them Lia, prove to your father that his assumption about your friends is wrong. And you guys, especially you Yeji, and you too Ryujin, you need to prove to Lia’s father that you are not what he thinks you girls are. Prove to him! Don’t just mopping around here thinking who should leave who!” Wendy spoke up.

“But what if her father blacklisted our name? We can never have a bright future!” Yuna asked.

“You have me.” Irene chipped in “Lia’s father is nothing against me.”

Wendy looked at her girlfriend proudly when she heard her talk like that. “Come on girls, reconcile and be friends again. You girls always told me that Itzy is incomplete if it’s not 5 members. Lia is here now, so please?”

Ryujin stood up and she went to Lia, she held out her hand to offer a handshake. Lia held out her hand, she was shaking but Ryujin quickly capture her hand and then pulled Lia into a hug. Ryujin was hugging Lia so tight that both of them start to cry. Yuna and Chaeryoung start to cry too and they run to Ryujin and Lia to have a group hug.

 They all turn to Yeji, Wendy give Yeji a little push, Yeji turn to look at her “Yeji do you remember when we first met and you beg me for a job in my café because you want to elope with Lia but I told you to bring her to me so that we could talk? I kept my promise…now it’s all up to you. Prove yourself to you ‘father in law’.”

Yeji nodded and she took a step forward to her friends and lover. Lia smiles at Yeji, she held out her arms and Yeji comes running toward her. Ryujin, Yuna and Chaeryoung made way for Yeji and Lia. The two lovers declare their love toward each other and also apologized for what they did to each other. Ryujin turns to her ‘parents’ and they give her thumbs up. Irene mouthed to Ryujin that she will be down stair and Irene asked Ryujin to stay longer with her friends and catch up what they’ve missed. Ryujin thanked Wendy and Irene.

Wendy and Irene walk down hand in hand, they both sighed heavily. Irene patted Wendy on the back telling her that she did a good job. Wendy smiles and she kisses Irene’s hand thanking her for always be there for her. They saw that their guests are talking to each other happily. They are happy to see that Yeri is conversing with Seulgi and Joy again. Irene saw that her cousin is being flirty toward Jessica. Jennie, Jisoo and Lisa were video calling Rosé.

“Oh you two done talking to the kids?” Taeyeon asked.

“Yep, everything is settled. Fuh it’s hard to talk to kids nowadays.” Wendy sighed.

“Is Ryujin going to be okay?” Yeri asked out of concern.

“She will be fine.” Irene said.

“Unnie unnie!” Jisoo called for Wendy “It’s Rosé!”

“Hai Chaeyoung ah! How is Melbourne?”

“Unnie! I missed you! I’m glad that you’re okay now. Melbourne is fine. Studying is a hard.”

“We all miss you here.” Wendy smiles at Rosé, and then Irene join the video call, she waves happily at Rosé “You’ve become skinnier Chaeyoung ah, did you eat well over there?” Irene asked.

“I’m busy with campus stuff, but I’m eating well! Don’t worry about me!”

“Okay sweetie, if you ever feel like want to find someone to talk to you can always call us.” Wendy said before she pass the phone back to Jisoo.

“Joohyun-ah, it’s getting late, I think I will be leaving now, beside uh, I promise Jessica to drop her off at her hotel. So I see you around alright? Take care of Yeri for me.” Taeyeon said to Irene as she gathering her stuff.

Irene smirks at her cousin, she knew that Taeyeon is trying to court Jessica for some reason but then she remembers who Jessica is, she just pat her cousin on the shoulder “Just be careful.”

“Don’t worry, I may be small but I can protect Jessica on our way to her hotel.” Taeyeon grinned, she gets up from her seat and gently help Jessica to gets up too. Jessica went to Wendy to bid her goodbye. Taeyeon follows behind, Taeyeon gave Wendy a warning to never break Irene’s heart like how Seulgi did. Seulgi overheard Taeyeon, she looks down on her drink feeling embarrass. Wendy smiles at Taeyeon and tell her that she will take a good care of Irene and promise that nothing will ever happen to her.

After Taeyeon and Jessica left, Irene went to the dining table and start cleaning up the empty plate and glasses. Seulgi offered to help but Wendy was feeling jealous at Irene and Seulgi being too close so she went in between them and told Seulgi to just sit because she is their guest. Seulgi back off because she smelt jealousy from Wendy, so she went back to the living room and sit next to Joy, watching the TV.

Lisa and Jennie offered their help to clean up the dining area. Lisa almost drop the plate though, she got scold by Wendy and Wendy told her to just help Irene to wipe the table. Lisa pouted but she obeyed.

Joy and Seulgi was watching the news, they are interviewing a archaeologist who just discover some tomb of ancient emperor here in Japan.

“Right now we are with a young and brilliant archaeologist who just discover the tomb earlier this morning, mind to introduce yourself miss?”

“Ah, hello, my…my name is Bae Suzy.”

Irene stopped when she heard the name, she goes to the TV and sit next to Joy. Joy scooted a bit to give space to Irene. Irene had her eyes glued to the TV, observing the young archaeologist.

“Yes Miss Suzy, can you tell me a little bit about your finding?”

“Actually I was just trying to finish what my father had started, he died before he could discover this place, and he has been an inspiration for me to continue what he had been doing, and with all of his notes and research I manage to locate the tomb and here we are, I can’t believe that this place really exist.”

“Your father must be proud of you!”

“Seungwan ah!” Irene calls for Wendy, and Wendy came out rushing to her girlfriend.

“What is it?!”

“That’s her! That’s my cousin!!” Irene pointed at the TV.

Joy, Seulgi, Lisa, Jennie and Jisoo look puzzle at the couple, they didn’t understand what is happening.

“She’s alive after all…she is still alive. Oh my God, I can’t believe this. I, I better call my father.”

“Yeah you should, I will call my people and help you to track her down.” Wendy immediately took out her phone and call her henchman.

“What just happened?” Jennie asked “Which cousin is that?”

“My father side.” Irene replied.

“You have a cousin on your father side? I thought Your father is the only child of the king…” Jennie asked softly.

“Of what?!” Joy and Seulgi turned to Jennie.

Jennie bit her tongue, because she just realized that she spoiled Irene’s identity to the two.

“Irene is the crown prince’s daughter which made her the princess of this country.” Jisoo explained.

“WHAT?!!” Joy and Seulgi screamed in surprise.

“Jisoo unnie, they didn’t know.” Jennie explained.

“Wait…what? You mean Seulgi dated Irene without knowing that she’s a princess?!” Jisoo was shocked.

Seulgi’s mouth was wide opened, she couldn’t believe that her ex is a princess. She stands up and then gets on her knees and bow to Irene seeking for forgiveness for what she had done.

“Get up Seulgi, if I wanted you to be dead I would have give instruction to the government to execute you.” Irene asked Seulgi to get up and stop embarrassing her.

“Irene, I managed to contact my men in Japan and they will help us to get in touch with your cousin.” Wendy told Irene after she hang up on her phone.

“What men? You’re not a royal too are you Wendy?” Joy asked in shaking voice.

“No, she’s a mafia!” Lisa said out loud, which causes Wendy to face palm herself.

“Lisa…Joy didn’t know about that.” Wendy sighed.

Joy eyes went wide, so did Seulgi. They both got scare for their life for the first time ever. If Seulgi had known that Irene is a princess and Wendy’s a mafia she wouldn’t have done what she did a few months ago. Now she think about it, maybe that is why Wendy didn’t felt remorse at killing Naeun back then.

“Don’t worry Joy, I won’t hurt you or Seulgi.” Wendy tried to reassure the frightened Seulgi and Joy.

“Geez how can you date someone without knowing who they are in the first place.” Jennie scoffed.

“I…I think we better get going…” Seulgi said and she signal Joy to agree with her. Joy gets Seulgi’s signal, and she too agree with Seulgi “Yeah…we think we should go I mean it’s late already.”

They hurriedly gather their stuff and hastily bid Wendy and Irene goodbye and quickly left the house.

“You think they got scare after knowing our identity?” Wendy asked Irene.

“I think so too…”

Then Wendy turn to Yeri “You knew about Irene’s identity but why you never tell Seulgi or Joy?”

“Unnie asked me to keep it a secret.”


“It’s better if people don’t know that I am a princess.” Irene shrugged.

Wendy gave Irene a pecks and she smiles sweetly at her “Your secret is safe with me.”

“Ugh PDA guys PDA!!” Jennie rolled her eyes at the couple “Honestly unnie, it’s a little bit weird to see you all lovey dovey with Wendy unnie.”

“Well get used to it girls!” Wendy grinned at them.

“So are you guys going to stay over? We have a spare room if you wanted to.” Irene asked.

“Oh no, I’m going back, I still have lots of paper work that I need to do.” Jisoo politely rejected the offer.

“We gotta get back too, we have 4 cats and 2 dogs to feed.” Lisa replied.

“Alrighty then, please take care on the way home.”

“Oh wait, what about the rest of the Itzy?” Jisoo asked.

Irene excuses herself to check on the kids. She reached the room and open the door and she noticed that the girls were all fast asleep on the floor. She smiles sweetly at them, she wanted to wake them up because she didn’t want them to wake up feeling sore in the morning but seeing how peaceful they asleep, she decided to just leave them be. Irene went down to their store room to get some extra pillows and blanket for the girls.

“They are all asleep up stair. We can take care of them.” Irene told Jisoo. Jisoo nodded and she thanked them before she leave with Jennie and Lisa.

Yeri help Irene to take up the extra pillows and blanket up stair while Wendy continues with the cleaning. Yeri helped Irene to slowly lift the girls’ head and slip in the pillow and make sure that they got all of them cover with the blanket. Irene make sure that she kisses Ryujin a good night kiss on the forehead before she head down.

“Unnie…you really love those girls huh.” Yeri pouted, feeling a little jealous at the way Irene treated them.

“Mmhmm.” Irene nodded “I felt like at home when I’m with them.” Irene nodded.

“Then what about me?” Yeri asked.

“With you too honey.” Irene pulls Yeri to her embrace and kisses the girl on the forehead.

RV dorm

Joy and Seulgi reached their dorm, they took off their jacket and hang them on the clothes hanger. Both plop themselves on the couch, feeling tired and all. Seulgi’s phone rings and she saw that it was Sunmi, she picked up the call “Yeah unnie?”

“Hey Seul, want to hit the bar with me? Loosen up a little bit.”

Seulgi look at the time and it’s already 12.30am, she feels tired but she wanted to get wasted at the same time. She gets up and put on her jacket “Yeah, I’ll meet you at the old place.”

“Seul where are you going?” Joy asked.

“Going out with Sunmi unnie.” Seulgi replied.

Joy didn’t like that Seulgi spending too much time with Sunmi. She hated it when Seulgi left her alone. Joy knows Sunmi is a nice person but she just didn’t like that Seulgi prefer to spend time with Sunmi and not with her.

“Can you not go?” Joy plead

Seulgi stopped “I…”

“You barely spend much time with me right after the incident at the hospital. We’ve grow distant.”

“What happened back then…I don’t know what I am doing at that time. Maybe it was the heat of the moment, we both were lost and both needed comfort. I don’t want to ruin our friendship.”

Joy only could watch Seulgi slowly leaving their dorm. Her heart was aching, but Seulgi was right, she is afraid of losing their friendship.

Seulgi closed the door behind her and she was thinking about what Joy had asked her. She did felt something that day but she didn’t want to admit it. She rather just keep Joy as her friend than to develop romantic feeling for her.

Joy hugs her knees softly crying to herself. The house felt empty, it was used to be so merry and cheerful. Now that Yeri is not here and Seulgi constantly distant herself away. Joy missed their moment together, she missed the cheerful Yeri and Seulgi. She would trade everything just to have all of that back.


WenRene’s Condo

Irene tuck Yeri in her bed and kisses the young girl good night. She turn off the light and slowly close the door. She joined Wendy on the couch watching TV. She lifted Wendy’ arm up and and then wrap it around herself as she snuggle closer to Wendy.

“This is nice.” Irene sighed happily.

“What is nice?”

“Cuddling here with you, and the kids are sound asleep.”

Wendy pulls Irene even closer and kiss her on top of her head “Yeah…I wish that it could last forever.”

“We found my cousin, it’s a good thing that she is still alive. Now is to convince my grandfather to accept her back to the royal family.”

“We will work on this together okay?”


“Have you told your father about your cousin.”

“Yeah I did, he will be meeting with the Japanese ambassador to ask about her. Apparently she survive the crashed and were adopted by local Japanese couple.” Irene explained.

“Do you think she will want to take over your job?”

“I don’t know Wendy. But she is the rightful heir and not me.”

Wendy didn’t say anything, she just pull Irene even closer and kisses her before turn her focus on the TV.


The next day

The girls wake up with sore back, they complained to Wendy and Wendy only laugh at them telling them that she and Irene tried to wake them up but they slept like a log. It was a lie though but Wendy didn’t want the kids to blame Irene for not waking them up.

Irene serve up fried kimchi rice for them as breakfast, they thanked Irene for the meal and dig in. Wendy told them that she will drop them at their house later, especially Lia, her father probably is worry sick about her. Yuna asked if they can go to the amusement park. They begged Wendy to drop them off the park. Wendy didn’t want the kids to go alone without supervision, and then Yeri came out from her room yawning.

“Yeri ah, how about you going to the amusement park with the girls?” Wendy asked.

Yeri was clueless “What?” she asked with her sleepy eyes.

“The girls wanted to go out to the amusement park, but Wendy didn’t want the girls to go without supervision so can you go with them? You’re adult enough to guide this kids around.” Irene suggested

“Ah now I’m the babysitter?” Yeri scoffed.

“Unnie please~~” Yuna and Chaeryoung pleaded with Yeri with their puppy eyes.

Yeri couldn’t help it and she just grunt and agree to be the girls babysitter.

“Whatta good girl, I’ll give you my card, you can spend it on anything that you like.” Wendy hand Yeri her black card. Yeri eyes shine upon seeing the card “Can I really?” she asked Wendy.

“Yes you can.” Wendy smiles at Yeri but Irene scolded her.

“Yah, don’t pamper the kids too much, you’re going to regret it when you see your bill!”

“Don’t worry about it love, let the kids have fun. Beside we’re going to be busy planning our trip to Japan.”

Ryujin’s ear twitch upon hearing the word ‘Japan’ “Why…are you going to japan?” Ryujin asked.

“Yeah, we found Irene’s cousin there so we’re thinking of taking a trip over and meet her.”

“Can…can I come with you?” Ryujin asked.

“Ryujin, you got a school to attend.” Irene said.

“Unnie please…” Ryujin plead.

“Ryujin, you missed your grandfather?”

Ryujin was silent and Wendy get the clue “You can come with us.”

“Yah Seungwan ah!” Irene scolded Wendy.

“She misses her grandfather, let her come with us, but the rest you girls can’t come with us, school.”

“Why does Ryujin get to skip classes!” Yuna sulked.

“Ryujin is a ace student I think she can cope with missing a few classes.” Yeji backed her best friend up.

“You’re an ace student?” Wendy couldn’t believe that Ryujin manage to surprise her everyday.

“Yeah I am, so is Lia unnie…” Ryujin pointed at Lia.

“They both are the top student in Seoul. Attending school is just an option, I mean they can direct apply for university application if they wanted to, unlike us, we’re stupid.” Yeji sighed.

“No unnie! We are not stupid, we’re just not as bright as them.” Yuna defended herself.

Irene couldn’t help but to giggle at the girls antic. The house were filled with laughter in the morning.

“Who would have thought a delinquent like you is a bright student.” Yeri chided with a scoff.

“Well never judge a book by it’s cover~” Ryujin replied Yeri.


RV Dorm

Joy had fallen asleep on the couch last night and she was awaken by the bell sound. She got up and open the door.

“Hey Sooyoung!” Sunmi greeted, she was holding to the drunk Seulgi.

“Did she over did herself again?” Joy asked and she made way for Sunmi to enter their dorm. Joy help Sunmi to carry Seulgi to her room.

“She was sad.” Sunmi explained “And she just couldn’t stop drinking.”

“Until this morning?”

“Well I left for the night when I had to drive my drunk friend back home and I thought told her to go home but she went to another bar and passed out there, the bar owner called me up and I had to go pick her up.”

Joy looked at the wasted Seulgi, drooling on her bed. “Thank you for taking care of her unnie…now leave it to me, you can leave.”


“What?” Joy wasn’t in the mood to entertain Sunmi.

“Seulgi and I were just friends okay? I know what happened to her and her ex, she did spend the night at my place that time but we didn’t do anything. She was so drunk and I had to carry her back to my place.”

“Why are you explaining this to me? You should be explaining to Irene unnie.”

“Yeah I know but it seems like it was too late huh.”

Joy didn’t answer Sunmi. Maybe if Sunmi had been honest since the beginning and made effort to find Irene and explain to her maybe Irene and Wendy wouldn’t be together and maybe she still got chance to get Wendy back.

“Take care of Seulgi, Sooyoung-ah…I’ll get going now.” Sunmi bid Joy good bye. After Sunmi had left, Joy went to Seulgi side and help her to take off her clothes that reek of alcohol smell.

“I’m sorry…” Seulgi murmured.

Joy ignored her and went to get a wet towel to wipe away Seulgi’s sweat.

“I’m sorry Sooyoung ah…” Seulgi murmured and it had Joy’s attention “I’m sorry that I had fallen for you…”

Joy knelt next to Seulgi and listen to what she had to said “I’ve fallen for you…but I can’t betray Irene unnie…Sunmi…unnie…was trying…to help…I kept…it a secret…because I didn’t want to break Joohyun…unnie’s heart, I felt for…you when I first…saw you during out formation…you were so beautiful…I tried…to deny…my feeling…for you…for so…long…but…I……when Irene unnie proposed to me…I cannot say no…because I know…you didn’t feel…the same…way…I……..” Seulgi went silent and then a light snore came out from her.

“What did you mean by that Seulgi? What do you mean you fell for me?”

To be continue...


Oh no, so Seulgi got cold feet is not because she had an affair with Sunmi but because she had fallen for her fellow band member? What really happened? Why can’t Seulgi just bei honest with Irene and why did she wanted Irene back so bad that she almost killed her even though she loves her no more? Will Irene able to convince her cousin to come back to Korea with her? Seulgi is going to need Wendy’s help. Yeri is officially Itzy’s older sister now.

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Chapter 67: wow this story is like a roller coaster 😭 I'm glad it ended happily 💖💙
Chapter 49: Who does Wendy have children with???
Chapter 46: Here I thought previously Irene would really move on to someone new 🥲
Chapter 45: I actually don't like it when Irene moves on from Wendy 🤧😩
Chapter 44: Impossible. I cried at this part 😭
Chapter 31: I'm curious about Wendy's health check results
Chapter 27: very domestic 🤧
Chapter 24: Irene's father is annoying 😒
Chapter 23: oh my gosh the story is getting more intense