Sequel: Chapter 13 : The Wedding Day

When The Flower Blooms

Joy was nervous, she had never been this nervous before, not even when she had to sing in front of thousands of people. Joy was getting ready in her hotel room before proceeding to the church for the wedding ceremony. Her makeup artist is working on her makeup, Joy wanted to have a simple makeup but her team wanted to give her elegant makeup since it’s her wedding day, it’s her big day.

Joy had chosen a ball gown type for her wedding dress, though Yeri would prefer to see Joy in a mermaid wedding dress. Yeri was there with her because she is part of the bridesmaid. Joy had chosen Yerin, Hayoung and Yeri to be her bridesmaid.

“I still can’t believe that you are getting married today.” Yerin sobs while watching her friend to get her makeup done.

“Yah, Yerin-ah you’re going to spoil your makeup if you cry like that!” Hayoung laughed at Yerin.

Yeri joins in to laugh but she stops when she notices how Joy isn’t enjoying herself “Unnie…” She called for Joy.


“Are you sure about this?” Yeri asked.

Yerin and Hayoung are all ears, they know that their best friend didn’t want to get married to Sungjae too, and they know about the contract that she signed with SM.

“Yes.” Said Joy, but there is no joy in her tone at all, her face is gloomy, she didn’t even smile, her stares are blank.

Yeri sighs, there is nothing that she can do or say to make Joy change her mind, even Irene couldn’t convince Joy, and there is no way that she can.


Joy and Sungjae were having lunch together as they discussed their wedding. Most of the talking is done by Sungjae.

“Joy…” Sungjae called for his future wife to get her attention.

“Yes oppa?”

“You’re okay?”

“Yes…” she lied.

“I know that face Sooyoung-ah, you’re not okay.” Sungjae debunked Joy’s lies. 

“Oppa…I’m sorry that you had to marry me, someone who can’t give you what you want.” Joy apologized.

Sungjae was silent, he then took Joy’s hand and looked straight into her eyes “I know your heart belongs to someone else, and I know I am not the one you love, but I will always and forever be here with you. Besides, SM didn’t say anything about us not getting divorce right? So bear with me for a little while Joy, once the right time comes, I will let you go.”

Sungjae’s words give Joy hope, but Joy met with Sungjae’s family before, and she felt guilty when she considered to have divorce Sungjae. 

“No oppa…I’m not going to get divorce with you…let’s try to live a happy life together. I will feel bad toward your mom if I wanted to divorce after our marriage.” Joy said as she forced a smile.

Sungjae smiled at Joy and he kissed her hands, then they finished off their lunch and Sungjae dropped Joy back at her dorm. As he was about to drive away, he received a phone call from an unknown number. He thought it was a call from a sasaeng fan so he didn’t pick it up. Then a text message pop up

Unknown – Hey, Sungjae, it’s Wendy, Joy’s ex, can we meet?

Sungjae returned the call and they agreed to meet at Wendy’s café.


Zimzalabim Café 

“You better keep her safe I’m telling you.” Wendy warned someone through the phone. She hung up when she saw Sungjae walking in.

“Hi, I’m looking for Wendy?”

“Hi Sungjae, I’m Wendy.”

“So why did you want to meet me?”

“It’s about Joy…” Wendy paused and she stared up to Sungjae’s eyes “Please don’t marry her.”

“What? Who are you to make the decision for her?” Sungjae lashed out angrily at Wendy.

“Sungjae do you love her?”

“With my whole life!” Sungjae declared.

“Then let her go.”

“What if I don’t want to?” Sungjae said as he glared at Wendy.

“Then you are being selfish, though you said you love her.” said Wendy with a glare.

The duo were having a staring contest, they tried to see who would win the contest. Sungjae gave up when Irene appeared and stood behind Wendy and she glared at him.

“I made a promise to her, and I won’t leave her.” said Sungjae with a sigh.

Wendy was surprised that she could win the stare down until she realized that her girlfriend stood behind her and she almost had a heart attack when she turned and was greeted by Irene’s cold gaze.

“Hey baby.” Irene smiled when her eyes met with Wendy’s.

“Please don’t appear like that. You scare me.” said Wendy.

Irene just smiled and then she turned to Sungjae. “I know Sungjae, I know you love her, but for how long? Once the two of you got married and then you realized that she can’t love you back, and both of you are going to stuck in that frustrated relationship, and I know about the contract Joy had signed with SM and in the clause, she can’t even get a divorce from you unless SM allowed her to.”

“You knew?”

“Seulgi told me everything and I’ve confronted one of the top management in SM so I know, and I can’t believe SM would do such things...especially to RV...What happened when I was in coma...”

Sungjae snapped when Irene mentioned about her coma “You want to know what happened noona? RV was on the verge of breaking up, they were put on a long one is going to know what’s going to happen to them. More and more girl groups debuted and Joy was afraid that their popularity would drop so she went to SM to offer the deal since our relationship in WGM is getting popular, she suggested for the media play, but in return, give RV a comeback. SM agreed and when SM and Cube announced our relationship, RV and BTOB popularity were soaring sky high...she sacrificed her happiness for RV because you couldn’t be there for them. So don’t you go around and tell me what I should do. I think our conversation ends here.”

Sungjae left the duo agaped, Irene was stricken by guilt at what Sungjae had said. She screwed up in her dream and now in real life she screwed up too.

“Wendy...what should we do?” Irene was getting panicked.

“We wait and see…”

“They are getting married tomorrow!!” Irene yelled at Wendy.

“I know! But let’s have faith in Seulgi…”

End of flashback

“Sooyoung ah, are you ready? Your chauffeur is here~”

Joy takes a deep breath and she forced a smile “Your ready girls?” she asked her friends.

“Sooyoung-ah…” they all look at her with sad eyes.

“Let’s not cry now, but cry later at the speech okay?” Joy joked at them.

The four of them take a heavy step to leave the hotel. Yerin and Yeri help Joy to carry her dress while Hayoung is making sure that she doesn’t trip on anything.



Joy reached the church and she was nervous. She is scared that she’ll get cold feet and run away like what Seulgi did during Irene’s wedding. Now she knows why Seulgi chose to run away. The feeling was more to scare than nervous. Joy is scared if she will regret her decision, but she’s already come this far. 

She peeks out through the limousine window and she saw lots of reporters and Media Company waiting for her to exit the car with their camera ready to snap photos of her. 

“Wow, there’s a lot of media outside.” Said Yeri.

“Of course, it's Joy’s wedding…I bet half of those people out there aren’t even media’s company but Reveluv.” Said Yerin.

“Sooyoung-ah, are you okay? You look pale! Makeup unnie! Touch up touch up!” Hayoung asked for the makeup artist to retouch Joy’s make up.

“Sooyoung ah…” Joy’s father called for her.


“I’ll wait for you outside.” He said and he exits the limousine.

After the makeup artist reapply makeup on Joy’s face, Joy thanked her and she takes a deep breath before she nods her head. Yeri contacted the bodyguard via walkie talkie and asked him to open the limo’s door.

The cameras light flashing and almost blinding Joy. The 3 bridesmaids exited the limo first and then they helped Joy to step out with her big gown. It is really hard to move around. Joy reached for her father’s arm. Mr. Park offers his daughter his arm and she links her arm with her father’s. Joy smiles for her fans though on the inside she is crying for help.

Mr. Park insisted that Joy cancel the wedding because he knows that his daughter doesn’t love Sungjae. He likes his soon to be son in law but if his daughter isn’t happy with him, he would rather see them not getting married at all.

Joy flashed her father a smile telling him that she will be okay because Sungjae is a good man. Mr. Park caresses his daughter’s face and he gives her a gentle squeeze on her hand. The two of them. The church door is open and the wedding march is being played on the church’s organ and with a heavy step, Joy walks down the aisle with her father by her side.

The people all turned their attention to Joy when the wedding march started to play, and everyone was in awe upon seeing Joy’s in her wedding dress. Joy didn’t dare to look up, especially when she looked at Sungjae, she was scared.


She heard someone call for her name so she tilted her head and she saw Wendy and Irene there, then she saw Seulgi is there with them too.


“You look beautiful today...Joy.” Seulgi said to her softly.

Joy couldn’t take her eyes away from Seulgi, she was happy that she got to see Seulgi again but not in this situation. Joy reached the altar, her eyes met with Sungjae’s. Her husband smiles at her, she forces a smile at him. Mr. Park handed Joy over to Sungjae.

“She’s your responsibility now Sungjae...take good care of her.” Mr. Park said to Sungjae.

“I will father.” Sungjae replied and he took Joy’s hand from Mr. Park.

Seulgi watched the vow exchange ceremony and it feels like her heart is being sliced over and over again. She wanted to run away but Irene made sure that she stayed.

“I can’t watch this…” Seulgi said to Irene.

“You have to be here Seulgi...we don’t want Joy to go through this alone. Right now, she needs us here.”

Seulgi was forced to be there by Wendy’s henchmen. She did return to Korea but she didn’t intend to attend Joy’s wedding. She wanted to escape from attending because she is afraid of what she will do if she attends. But there she is, watching the one that she loves exchanging her vows with someone else.



Wonder Girls Old Dorm

Seulgi was lazing around the living room. She didn’t tell anyone that she came back to Korea, she asked if she can crash at Sunmi’s place but Sunmi was co-living with her girlfriend Chungha so Sunmi asked JYP if he can let her use the old Wonder Girls’ dorm. JYP said Sunmi is forever welcome to use the dorm, so Sunmi let Seulgi live there until she is ready to go back to her own house or dorm.

Seulgi checks on her phone, but there’s no other news except for Joy and Sungjae wedding news. She got sick and tired so she threw her phone at the couch nearby. She the TV and it was the same, it’s all about the couple’s wedding.

There was a knock on the door, Seulgi got up from the couch and opened the door, she was shocked to see 2 tough guys standing in front of her.

“Kang Seulgi?”

“’m Kang Seulgi.” Seulgi stammered when she tried to answer.

“Come with us.”

“My parents said I cannot follow strangers, so I am not going to follow you!” Seulgi tried to shut the door but one of the men managed to stop the door with his hand.

“We can do this the hard way of the easy way Ms. Kang, please don’t force us.”

“No!” Seulgi tried to push the men away but they were too strong and she fell on her bum.

One of the men picked her up and carried her over his shoulder. Seulgi screamed and wriggled around. She punched the men over and over again but it seems like her punches didn’t hurt him even one bit. She can’t believe that she is getting kidnapped like this. She had never done anything bad to anyone and she had been nice even since she was little and she couldn’t think of anyone who would kidnap her.

The other man used a chloroform soaked towel to cover Seulgi's face and she passed out immediately after inhaling the chloroform.


Son’s Manor

“Young miss, we got her for you.”

“Oh great!” Wendy said happily and when she turned around to greet her men, she almost had a heart attack seeing Seulgi’s state. Her henchmen had covered Seulgi’s head with a sack bag, her legs and hands were tied.

“I asked you to bring her here, not kidnap her here!” Wendy scolded her men “Untie her quickly!!”

The men hurriedly untie Seulgi and they removed the sack that covered her head. Wendy gasped in disbelief when she saw that her men had gagged Seulgi with her own socks. She made a mental note to herself that she needed to talk to her men about how to treat a woman. Wendy took off the socks from Seulgi mouth and Seulgi coughed for air, she gasped for oxygen too. When she opened her eyes she saw Wendy.

“Why?” she asked in tears “Why are you doing this?” 

Wendy could hear the fear in Seulgi’s tone. She helps Seulgi to get up and she gently leads the scared and trembling Seulgi to the couch.

“I’m sorry, my men treated you that way, I told them that I wanted to talk to you and asked them to bring you to me, but I didn’t think they would act this way...I am terribly sorry for making you scared.”

“Who...who are you Wendy?”

“I’m me, well my family runs the Mafia business, but not me, I rather stay out of the limelight of all the Mafia activities. You don’t have to be afraid of me, I won’t hurt you. You’re Irene’s friend so you’re my friend too.” Wendy explained to the still trembling Seulgi.

Wendy asked her men to pour them a drink and offer them to Seulgi. Irene told Wendy that Seulgi likes to drink, so Wendy hopes that the drink can calm Seulgi down.

“How did you know I stayed at that place?” Seulgi asked as she finally able to calm herself down.

“I got my connection…” Wendy tried to brush up on the fact that she actually owned the whole building where Seulgi was staying.

“Why did you want to see me? Didn’t I tell you that I don’t want to see you after you punched me on the face a few weeks ago?” Seulgi asked again.

When Seulgi returned to Korea, she was greeted by Wendy, they went for a talk and Wendy ended up punching Seulgi because she couldn’t believe that Seulgi would let Joy marry Sungjae because Joy wanted to keep RV popularity on top. Wendy preached to Seulgi that popularity isn’t important, if the agency can’t give you what you want then just sue the company. Seulgi stated that they signed a 10 years contract with SM and it’s impossible to leave SM unless SM terminates their contract. 

“Joy is getting married.”

“I know…”

“You’re not going?”


“And why? You know all the media companies are going to be there to do their wedding coverage and if one of the RV members doesn't turn up, they might be suspicious of something.” Said Wendy.

“......” there was no answer from Seulgi, she only stared at her half full glass.

“Joy always thinks about others first before herself...maybe that’s why I fell in love with her before. She was the sweetest girl, though the way she expresses herself is weird, but that is just who she is. Right now, Irene is feeling guilty and she thought that it was her fault that Joy signed that stupid contract with SM. I hated seeing Irene keep blaming herself, so I have to fix this right now Seulgi...whether you like it or not, you are going to the wedding tomorrow.” 

“What if I don’t want to?”

Wendy rolled her eyes at Seulgi and then she snapped her fingers, immediately 5-6 men standing behind her “If you don’t go, these guys will dig your grave for you.” Wendy threatened Seulgi.

End of Flashback

Sungjae and Joy finished their vow exchange and now they are exchanging their wedding rings. Sungjae happily put on the ring on Joy’s ring finger but when he saw her expression, he was pained by the sadness on Joy’s face. He keeps telling himself that maybe now Joy can’t love him but maybe he would be able to make her fall for him later in their marriage life. There was a blank expression when Joy put the ring on Sungjae. The crowds clapped after they had done the ring exchange. The couple turn to their pastor who officiates the wedding.

“If anyone can show just cause why this couple cannot lawfully be joined together in matrimony, let them speak now or forever hold their peace.” said the pastor.

There was a moment of silence, no one came forward trying to stop the wedding.

“Well now, with the power invested in me, I pronounce…”

“Wait!” Someone cut the pastor off before he can pronounce the couple as husband and wife.


To Be Continued….

A/N: Ayy sorry for the short update and late update! Been busy lately with work~ oh I wonder who was it that trying to stop the wedding? Definitely not Seulgi! I’ll update the other story too in the next few days~ if anyone wants to check it out click here. By the way! February is like a blessing for me because all of the girl groups comebacks, so far I’m into Loona and Everglow~ It’s a nightmare for multi-stan like me…Hope everyone is happy and healthy~


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Chapter 67: wow this story is like a roller coaster 😭 I'm glad it ended happily 💖💙
Chapter 49: Who does Wendy have children with???
Chapter 46: Here I thought previously Irene would really move on to someone new 🥲
Chapter 45: I actually don't like it when Irene moves on from Wendy 🤧😩
Chapter 44: Impossible. I cried at this part 😭
Chapter 31: I'm curious about Wendy's health check results
Chapter 27: very domestic 🤧
Chapter 24: Irene's father is annoying 😒
Chapter 23: oh my gosh the story is getting more intense