Sequel: Chapter 8: Roller Coaster Ride?

When The Flower Blooms

“Why can’t I go??” Ryujin whines when Wendy refused to tag her along because her fever still hasn’t gone down, though she looks better today.

“Ryujinie, you’re still sick.”

“I’m feeling better! It’s just a slight fever I can endure this!” Ryujin argues with her mother,

“I am not arguing with you today, please just stay at home!”

“Lia is going and Iris is going, I’m going to be alone here! I don’t want that! Tomorrow is Sunday! I can rest tomorrow!”

Wendy sighs, she knows her adopted daughter is very stubborn when it comes to arguing with her. “Fine, but wear extra clothes and heat pad!”

Ryujin made grimace face at Wendy’s remark because she gets hot easily and she hated it. She even can sweat during winter time if she made big movement, but she complies because she wanted to go to the amusement very badly.

“Unnie I already called the girl they will be there by 9.” Said Lia.

“Alrighty…Lia can you keep an eye on Iris, I gotta go get Irene.”

“Oh, sure.”

Wendy leaves the apartment and goes to Irene’s apartment, she grooms herself first before rings on the doorbell. Wendy’s heart stop when she heard the door being unlocked and then it slowly opens. Irene greets Wendy with a smile that Wendy wouldn’t trade for anything in her life. 


“We’re ready Irene…just want to check if you’re ready.” Said Wendy.

“Oh, just a moment, let me turn off all the electrical then I’ll meet with you at the car park.”

“Sure…ummm can I have your phone number? I just realized I don’t have your phone number.”

“Sure.” Irene said and she asks for Wendy’s phone and Wendy hands it to her. Irene key in her phone number and calls her own phone using Wendy’s phone. 

“I got yours and you got mine~” said Irene as she handed Wendy phone back to Wendy.

Wendy save Irene contact into her phone and then smiles at Irene “I’ll wait for you at the carpark. See you soon."

“See you.”

Wendy goes back to her own apartment and asks if Ryujin and Lia is ready. She asks Lia to carry Iris while she carries Iris stroller. Ryujin offers to carry Iris because she’s afraid that Iris is too heavy for Lia but Lia rejected Ryujin.

“You’re sick, I don’t want you to spread your virus to little Iris.” Said Lia.

Ryujin pouted and Iris pouted too when she looks at Ryujin pouting.

“Unnie~~” Iris calls for Ryujin.

“Iris don’t come near me, unnie is sick~” Ryujin said dramatically.

“You two are being too dramatic.” Said Wendy when she saw the two of them acted like they cannot reach out for each other.

They reach the car and lucky for Wendy because she has two cars, one is a 7 seater SUV and the other one is a sports car. Ryujin automatically goes to the back seat, Lia sits with Iris on the middle seats. Lia helps Iris to buckle up in the baby seat. Wendy spotted Irene coming out from the exit, so she drives there.

“Hey~ wanna get a ride?” Wendy jokingly ask Irene.

Lia, Ryujin and even Iris frowned at Wendy’s cheesy pickup line. Irene laughs at Wendy’s attempt and she opens the door to let herself in.

“You need to work out on your pickup line.” Said Irene.

“Let’s not forget that there are kids in here!” said Ryujin at the back.

“Unnie…are you two, like together now?”

“No” said Irene

“Yes” said Wendy

“What?” Ryujin and Lia question the adults.

Wendy and Irene look at each other, Wendy with a surprise expression and Irene with a confused expression.

“What do you mean no?’ Wendy asked.

“Ah, well you haven’t asked.”

“Do I really have to ask?”

“I don’t want to make assumptions and later it turned out differently.” Said Irene.

“Oh.” Said Wendy as she drives away to the highway.

The kids can feel the awkwardness in the air, Lia turns back to look at Ryujin. Ryujin raised her eyebrows and Lia frowns. Lia gestured toward the two adults in the front seats. Ryujin exhale loudly and then she clears .

“So… unnie…”

“Yeah what is it?” Wendy asked back.

“Nothing.” Said Ryujin and Lia almost snapped her neck when she turns her head too quickly to glare at Ryujin.

“What?” Ryujin mouthed the word to her girlfriend.

Lia sighs and then she turns back to look at both Irene and Wendy “Unnie.”

“What is it?” Wendy asked again.

“Do you like Irene unnie?” Lia blurted out.

“Mama likes Iwene?” Iris asked too.

Wendy almost loses her focus on the road and everyone got scared for a moment “Sorry!” Wendy apologizes. Irene puts her hand on Wendy’s arm to calm her down and Wendy smiles at her. She looks at Lia and Ryujin through the rear mirror and saw that those are expecting an answer from her.

She peeks at Irene who were busy with her phone and then back to the rear mirror to look at Lia and Iris.

“Yes…” she answered softly that it’s almost inaudible for the others’ ear.


“I said yes. I like her.” Wendy confessed and her face turned red like a tomato.

Irene was shocked as well so she looks at Wendy as she disbelieve in what she just heard “You do?”

Wendy rolls her eyes at Irene’s reaction “If I don’t like you, I wouldn’t kiss you last night.” Said Wendy with a sigh.

“You two kissed?!” Ryujin said out loud.

“Mama kwis Iwene?” little Iris gasps.

Both Irene and Wendy faces turned red and Irene uses her hands to fan herself.

“So you like Irene unnie but you didn’t even care to tell me?” Ryujin was angry at the fact that her mother hide it from her.

“We’re just in a good terms, I mean I’m still trying to get to know Irene better. I didn’t mean to hide it from you Ryujinie, beside the two of us are not officially together yet.” Said Wendy and there’s a hint of sadness in her voice.

“Well clearly that the two of you are pretty much have feelings for each other, why not make it official?” Lia asked.

“It’s not easy.” Said Wendy and she steals a glance at Irene, wanting to see the older girl’s reaction but there is nothing on Irene’s face. She didn’t show any expression at all. 

Ryujin noticed that her mother is getting a little frustrated so she decided to text her girlfriend to ask her girlfriend to stop asking Wendy about her relationship with Irene.

Ryuddaeng – Lia, please stop asking questions to my mother, the atmosphere is getting awkward.

Lia – Your mother is pretty much like you.

Ryuddaeng – What do you mean?

Lia – Because it is very hard for you to be true and honest about your own feelings.

Ryujin – It’s different, Wendy unnie is honest with her feelings but she is afraid to let it grow.

Lia – Then you?

Ryujin – I was afraid to lose our friendship, that’s why I keep my feelings to myself.

Lia – and now?

Ryujin – And now I know that you felt the same way too, I want it to grow, I want our relationship to evolve, I want us, and so I will be more honest with my feelings.

Lia – *Smiley emoji* you’re one tough egg to crack but I love you.

Ryujin – I love you too~ *heart emoji*

Lia reads the text from Ryujin and then she smiles, she looks over her shoulder to glance at her girlfriend and Ryujin shoots her a wink.

“Unnie~~” Iris interrupted the couple sweet moment and she shows Lia something.

“What is it honey?”

“Nyam Nyam” Iris offers Lia the jelly that she brought with her.

“Oh thank you~~” Lia accepts the jelly and pop it in , then Iris hands one to Ryujin.

“Iris, unnie want the strawberry one~” Ryujin coos with her sister.

“No! stawbewwy is for Iwis!”


Iris is contemplating whether to give the last one of the strawberry jelly to Ryujin or eat it herself. She reluctantly gives Ryujin the strawberry one, because she thought her sister is sick and she can always ask Wendy to buy her a new jelly next time.

“Owh!! You gave me the strawberry one!” Ryujin gasps and she takes the jelly from Iris “Iris, you’re the best!” said Ryujin, and she pinches Iris’s cheek.

Wendy saw it and she is proud of Iris, Iris used to have the tendency to keep everything to herself and she hates to share with others, Wendy always tried to teach her about sharing with others but Iris rejected the ideas. When Wendy saw that Iris willing to give her last piece of her favorite strawberry jelly to her older sister, she is proud, and she knew that Ryujin didn’t even want that piece, Ryujin is only testing Iris and it seems like it worked.

“Girls we’re here!” Wendy announced when she drives in the amusement park entrance. Iris shouts excitedly and Lia squeals with Iris. The two of them loves amusement park while Ryujin is not a fan of it. Irene was excited too but she gets nervous when she thinks about riding the extreme rides. She is afraid of heights, so it might take a toll on her.

Wendy enter the parking and try to find an empty spot to park her car, even though they went there earlier, but it seems like there’s a lot of people there already. Wendy was getting tired in finding empty parking so she asked the others to enter the park first while she continues to search for parking. Wendy passes their tickets to Irene, Irene takes it and put it in her bags then she helps Iris to get up from the baby sits and puts her in the baby stroller. Irene makes sure Iris wears more layers as the weather is getting colder lately. Ryujin and Lia links arms and walk behind Irene. Irene asks Lia if the others are here, Lia gives Yeji and called and Yeji told her that they will be there in 5 more minutes.

They waited at the entrance of the amusement park for the others. Irene decided to hold Iris instead of letting her inside the stroller. Iris spotted Yuna from afar and waved excitedly at the girls.

“Una unnie!!” she screams for the tall middle schooler.

Yuna flashes her toothy grins and she runs toward Iris and Irene. She tickles Iris and pinches the toddler’s cheek “Iris-ah you’re so cute~~” Yuna squealed.

Yeji looks a little hurt at Ryujin and Lia holding hands but she hides it with a smile. Ryujin however noticed it, she felt sorry for her friends but she tried to ignore it. She forced a smile too at Yeji, Chaeryoung noticed the two being awkward around each other, quickly tried to change the topic.

“Let’s go inside!” Chaeryoung pushes everyone in.

“Eh? But where is Wendy unnie?”

Irene looks around and she still don’t see Wendy anywhere, she takes out the ticket from her bag and give it to Ryujin “You girls go in first I will wait for Wendy here. Bring Iris along.”

“Okay~ Come Iris~ follow unnie~”

Irene waves at them and once the girls were out of her sight, she turns to the crowds that queuing for the entrance, and she thanks God that Wendy bought the express tickets, so they don’t have to queue up and go straight in.


Lia put Iris in the stroller and she slowly pushes her around. Ryujin asked if they wanted to eat something first, and Yuna immediately pointed at the waffle house. They go in there and order waffle for themselves, and Ryujin ordered a strawberry waffle for Iris. Iris’s eyes widened when her order come.

“Iris, just now you gave unnie you last piece of strawberry jelly, now unnie buy you the strawberry waffle!”

“Swabewwy!!” Iris squeal excitedly at the sight of her waffle.

“So Iris, if you learned how to share with people, you will get the rewards after, so don’t be too selfish okay? You need to share with people.”

“Deh unnie~”

They said their prayers and are ready to dig into their food but Yuna stopped them “Stop! I want to take picture first!” Yuna said and she pulls everyone’s plate away from them and start snapping pictures. Ryujin was getting bored waiting for Yuna to finish taking the picture. Yuna even climb the table but was scolded by Chearyoung and Lia, so she climbs down with a pout.

“Can we eat? Iris is hungry!” Ryujin uses Iris as excuses to make Yuna stops from taking more picture.

“Okay, okay, we eat.” Yuna said as she feels defeated by her unnies.


Wendy finally found a parking after going round and round for 20 minutes at the parking park. She reached the entrance and saw Irene was there waiting for her, she seems like she is very cold because Wendy can see that Irene is trembling.

‘Why are you not with the kids?” Wendy asked as she is concerned for the girl.

“I’m waiting for you.” said Irene and her voice trembles due to the cold.

Wendy shakes her head because she disbelieve how Irene would wait for her out here in the cold weather. She noticed that Irene keep rubbing her arms and lips trembles so she takes off her jacket and offer it to Irene, but Irene rejects it and Wendy insisted “I can bear the coldness, because it never bothers me anyway, you can have it, you need to keep yourself warm or you’ll fall sick like Ryujin.”

Irene reluctantly takes the jacket and wear it, Wendy smiles and she also takes off her scarf and wraps it around Irene’s neck. She offers her hand to Irene and Irene grabs it with a smile. Wendy’s hand is warm like always and Irene likes it because her hands are constantly cold. Wendy shoves their hands into her pockets where she put the heating pad, to warm up Irene’s cold hand. Wendy was surprised that she actually holding hands with Irene, she blushed a little but she thanked the cold weather for making her face flushed so her blush isn’t obvious.

The two of them walked hand in hand, Wendy can feel that Irene tightened her grip on Wendy’s hand. Wendy smiles and she interlaces her fingers with her. Wendy takes out her phone to call Ryujin and ask her whereabouts. 

“Where are you guys?”

“We’re at the waffle house!”

“Okay, I’m coming.” Wendy hangs up and turns to Irene “They’re at the waffle house.”


The duo walked abreast side to side to the waffle house and they stopped in their tracks when they saw Joy and Seulgi, linking arms and wearing heavy disguise in front of them. Seulgi was the one who wear heavy disguise while Joy didn’t even care about the people secretly taking pictures of her and even recognized her.


“Oh, unnie!” Joy greeted Wendy.

Wendy was happy to see her ex, but Irene isn’t. Irene’s tightened her grips on Wendy’s hand and Wendy feels a little pain, she turns her head to Irene and she saw the older girl is frowning and if stares could kill, Joy would probably be dead by now.

“Irene unnie?” 

Irene squinted her eyes to look at the girl who wear a head and put on her hoodie “Seulgi?”


Irene heard Yeri’s voice from afar and she turns her head to the direction and she saw Yeri happily runs toward Joy and Seulgi with a big grin on her face.

“What are you guys doing here?” Irene asked.

“Irene unnie? You’re here too?” Yeri looks at Irene confusedly and then she noticed that Irene is holding hand with Wendy and Yeri smirked a little.

“I was…”

“We’re dating.” Wendy cuts Irene off before Irene could reply.

“We are?” Irene asked Wendy.

“We are on a date right? So I consider that we are dating now?” Wendy clarified herself.

Irene smiles shyly when she sensed that Wendy is on her protective and jealous mode, she likes it when Wendy acted this way. At least it give her a secure feelings that her feelings weren’t one sided.

Joy smiles at Wendy’s reaction, she is happy that Wendy is able to move on now. She knows she hurt Wendy so badly when she broke things up with her and she knows there were couples of time that Wendy tried to kill herself because she was too heartbroken and depressed. They made a promise to grow old together, but Joy was too selfish, she puts her career on top and disregard Wendy’s feelings for her.

“Yeri!” another familiar voice can be heard from afar, all of the girls turn and they saw JenChuLiChaeng are approaching them. 

“Wendy unnie?” Rosé and Jennie said in unison when they saw Wendy and Jennie gasped when she saw Irene is there with Wendy and they are holding hands.

“Jennie! Rosé! Lisa! Jisoo!!”

“Oh?! RV ex manager is here?” Jisoo pointed at Irene.

Irene got a feeling that it’s going to be a messy date today, when literally everyone that she knows appear.

“Unnie, I didn’t know you know Wendy unnie.” Jennie lied even though Yeri had explained everything to her.

“We are neighbors.” Replied Irene.

Wendy looks at her watch and she tugs Irene with her “The kids are waiting.” She whispers to Irene and Irene nods.

“It was good to see you all here today, but we have to go because our kids are waiting” 

“Wait kids?” 

Irene and Wendy rushes to the waffle house leaving the others baffled at their excuse. 

“Unnie, where is Saeron?” Yeri asked in anticipation to meet the girl that she had a crush on.

“Oh she’ll be here soon, why are you late?” Joy questioned Yeri.

“Look at her, she had make up on.” Said Seulgi while pointing at Yeri’s glowing face.

“You had a date Yerimie? I thought I will introduce you to my friend Tzuyu?” said Jennie with confusion.

“Eh? You managed to get her to come?”

“Yeah…she’s on her way too.” Jennie replied.

“Oh no…” 


“Iris no! Don’t eat that! It fell to the floor! Don’t pick it up!” Ryujin panicked when she saw Iris picking up the strawberry that fall down on the floor and put it in .

Iris cries when Ryujin forcefully take out the strawberry from . Iris starts to throw a tantrum, Lia and Yuna tried to calm her down, but they failed. Yeji and Chaeryoung offered their strawberry to Iris but Iris rejected it and cry even louder.

Ryujin hisses at Iris’s tantrum, she sighs and then get up from her seat. She had both her hands on her hip and then she turns to the crying Iris and start to dance the rabbit dance that Wendy created for Iris.

Iris stops crying and focuses on her sister dancing. Wendy and Irene walked, and they saw the crowds were gathering around a table. Wendy gets worried and she pushes her way through the crowd to only seeing Ryujin, Yeji and Chaeryoung embarrassing themselves in front of the crowd as they dance to the rabbit dance that she created for Iris.

Iris stops sulking when she saw her mother, she reaches out to Wendy and Wendy picks her up “Iris, did you bully your sister again?” Wendy gently asked.

“Unnie, take my sawbewwy…” Iris said between her hiccups.


“She picked up the fallen strawberry and put it in !” Ryujin defended herself.


“Iwis want sawbewwy!” Iris protested with a cute pout.

Irene sneaks away and order a strawberry crepes at the counter and she sneakily comes back to the girls and she handed the crepe to Iris. 

“You’re spoiling her too much.” Wendy said.

“Do you want her to continue to make a scene?” Irene replied.

“Okay girls, you girls are free to go explore this place, but meet us at the entrance at 6pm okay? Then we will go eat some Korean BBQ.”

“Korean BBQ!!! Yay!!”

Wendy gave Ryujin an envelope containing money for them to spend and she told Ryujin to spend it wisely. Ryujin thanks Wendy and she left with her friends.

“Iris where do you want to go first?”

Irene was a little upset that Wendy prioritize Iris, she thought this was supposed to be their date,but she understands, Iris is Wendy’s biological daughter, someone whom she shared her blood with while she is just a stranger.

Irene suggested that they go to the dinosaur land cruise, since she noticed that Iris has a lot of dinosaur figurines in the toddler’s room. Iris’s eyes light up at the mentioned of dinosaur. 

“You like it huh?”

“Dino dino~~” 

“Alright.” Wendy picks Iris up and carry Iris in her arms. Irene helps to push around the baby stroller and they exited the waffle house. Iris is carrying the unfinished crepe on one of her hands and her face is getting messy because of the chocolate sauce. Irene takes out tissue and help Iris to wipes . 

From other people's perspective, they look like a happy couple. Iris offers Irene a bite of her crepes when Irene is helping her to wipes . Irene takes a bite of the crepes and she thanked Iris. They continue to walk to the cruise, Wendy ended up eating the crepe because Iris didn’t want to eat it anymore. Wendy and Irene takes turn to take a bit of the crepe to finish it. Iris rested her head on Wendy’s shoulder and she keeps her eyes on Irene. Irene saw it and she smiles at the girl.

“I want Iwene be my mommy…” Iris blurted out and it almost made Irene’s heart stop.


“Iwene mommy~~” 

Irene laughs happily when Iris called her mommy “You can call me mommy...but you need to ask your mama’s permission too.”



Irene giggles at Wendy’s reaction, and she walks even faster to leave Wendy and Iris behind. “Come on Wendy, let’s reach there before the cruise started.”


“Nope!” Ryujin back out when Yuna suggested to ride the roller coaster.

“Come on unnie~~ it will be fun~”

“Over my dead body.” Ryujin said as she tried to run away but Chaeryoung grabs her by the collar.

“We are going to ride this.” Chaeryoung said firmly.

Ryujin gulps down her acrophobia because she is more scared of Chaeryoung instead of the extreme ride. From afar she could hear  someone scream for help as well. They noticed it was Dahyun from Twice.

“I rather die!!” she screams while holding to the lamp post like her life depends on it.

Tzuyu and Yeri were trying their best to tug the pale girl with them. 

“Why did Jennie unnie suggest you two to come to accompany me!” Yeri complained. 

Kim Saeron laughs at the trio antics and she goes next to Yeri “Yeri, if you want to ride that ride, we can go ride it together, you can exclude Dahyun.”

“What’s the point of coming to the amusement park if you don’t ride all the rides?”

“I’ll buy you lunch for a whole month if you exclude me!” Dahyun begged Yeri.

“It’s a deal!”

Yeri and Saeron skip toward the write. Yeri is happy that she finally get the time alone with Saeron. 


The Red Velvet members waited at the waffle house for Saeron and also the girl that Jennie invited to be Yeri’s date.

“Unnie, annyeong~” Kim Saeron greeted Joy.


Yeri was shocked to see the girl standing there looking so pristine and beautiful, she tried to hide behind Seulgi but Seulgi pulled her away.

“Oh my god, I can’t believe I’m able to meet all of RV members!” Saeron said in an excited tone.

“Who is your favourite member?” Joy asked.

Yeri’s ears perked up when she heard that question, in her small heart she was hoping that it is her.

“Seulgi sunbaenim.” Saeron answered and Yeri’s expression changed from happy to frowning in a split second.

Seulgi was pressured when she felt Yeri digging her nails into her arms, she tried not to react to the pain.

“Why Seulgi?” Joy asked again with an evil grin on her face and Seulgi knew that Joy was trying to provoke their maknae.

“Because I like how Seulgi sunbaenim dance on stage, she is so charismatic…” said Saeron.

“Yeri can dance well too!” Seulgi added.

“Oh? Really?”

“Yep.” Joy confirmed and instantly Yeri let go of her grip on Seulgi’s arm.

“I...I can show you some dance if you want to see.” she said while stuttering.

“Well you gotta save it for another day Yerimie, because I think your other date is here.” Said Seulgi while pointing at the entrance, when she saw a lot of people suddenly swarming the entrance and everyone is taking their phone out to take a picture of whoever that is entering the waffle house.

“Oh my god! It’s Twice’s member Tzuyu and Dahyun!!” Saeron gasped when she saw the celebrities.

“They are my dates?” Yeri asked herself, she doesn't remember that Jennie told her that there’s going to be 2 persons to be her date.

“Red Velvet sunbaenim…” Tzuyu greets her seniors and follow by a bow from her and Dahyun.

“I thought Jennie said only one of the Twice members is going to be your date?” Joy questioned.

“Ah, I can explain that, sunbaenim.” Dahyun tried to explain “Because Tzuyu said she is afraid that she might get awkward with Yeri sunbaenim, so she tag me along…” explained Dahyun.

“Aah...well now the four of you can go on double dates!” said Joy happily.

“Double dates? What about us?” Seulgi asked.

“Unnie, let’s leave the kids alone and we can have our own private date.” Joy winked at Seulgi. 

Yeri understand the hint from Joy so she quickly lead the 3 girls out “Double dates sound good! Lets go Dahyunie, Tzuyu and Saeron!”

“Eh, wait! Yerim ah!” Seulgi called for the maknae but she was too slow, Yeri and others dashes out from the waffle house, leaving Seulgi and Joy alone.

Seulgi turned to Joy who had her eyes all on Seulgi  “So...what now?” Seulgi asked awkwardly.

“Let's enjoy this, the two of us okay? Now that I think back, we never actually went out together right with just the two of us right?” said Joy while she scoot closer to Seulgi.

Indeed, the two of them never went out together before, Seulgi was a little happy that the two of them set the chance to be alone for the first time ever, but she felt a little guilty because she felt like she is trying to snatch someone else’s fiancé.

Joy intertwine their fingers and lead the way.

“Try to control yourself Seul, no matter what, Joy is still Sungjae’s fiancé.” Seulgi reminded herself.

End of Flashback

Yuna know that Ryujin is a fan of Twice so she made a deal with her “Unnie, if I can get you the twice members’ picture, will you ride the roller coaster?”

“Yuna, please don’t force Ryujin to do something that she hates.” Lia tried to save her girlfriend from their mischievous maknae. Lia looks around for the other girls to support her but Yeji and Chaeryoung already went in for the ride, they seated in front of Yeri and Saeron. Chaeryoung being sneaky though, she pretended to take picture with Yeji but she lifted up her camera so that Yeri and Saeron were in frame too. Lia shakes her head at the duo then she turns back to Yuna who is busy persuading Ryujin to get on the ride with her. Lia objected to ride any rides that day because she is on her period, and she blames it on her cramps.

“Get me an autograph then I will ride.” said Ryujin.

“Deal.” Yuna replied with a smirk and she walks up to Tzuyu and Dahyun who were standing at the waiting area.

“You’re sure about this Ryuddaeng?” Lia asked her girlfriend and she pats Ryujin on the back when she saw how pale Ryujin is “You can just reject her, if she insisted I can ride it for you…”

“No, you don’t have too...I know every time you’re on your period you’ll have bad cramps… so just rest here, with me.”

Lia smiles and she rested her chin on Ryujin’s shoulder while they watch people getting in line to the ride.


“You can go if you want Tzuyu~ I’ll wait here.” Dahyun said.

“Unnie, we came together so we will stay together,” said Tzuyu with a smile.

“You should’ve invited Chaeyoungie with you, or Sana unnie, I’m bad with extreme rides.” Dahyun apologized.

“Unnie~ you don’t like to spend time with me?” Tzuyu asked in sad tone.

Dahyun agapes at Tzuyu sudden question “Ah, no, I like spending time with you~ but I don’t like all these rides!” Dahyun justified herself.

“It’s okay unnie, we can ride the merry go round, it’s not that intense~” Tzuyu suggested.

“Good, I like that idea!”


Tzuyu and Dahyun turn to the owner of the voice Dahyun smiles grew when she saw the girl “Yuna-yah!!” she greeted the tall girl.


Ryujin’s eyes squinted as she watches Yuna laughing and acting friendly with the two Twice members “How can she do it so carefree?” she asked her girlfriend.

“You don’t know?” Lia asked with widened eyes.

“Know what?” Ryujin asked back with a frown on her face.

“Yuna got accepted into JYP audition, so I’m not surprised if she can get you the autograph that you want.” Lia replied.

“What?! Why I don’t know this bit?!”

“Maybe because you’re busy with your solitaire game when we’re busy talking.” Lia shades on Ryujin.

Ryujin couldn’t believe that she missed out the information, she rolled eyes at herself. She watches as Yuna skips back toward her with a big grin on her face.

“Got it.” Yuna said as she waves the piece of paper in front of Ryujin “Let’s ride unnie!”

Lia wanted to say something to stop Yuna but Ryujin stops her “I’m going to keep my promise.” she said coolly and she follows Yuna to queue up, and she thanked her mom for buying them express excess tickets, so they don’t have to queue up for too long.

Lia watches worriedly at her girlfriend as she watched Ryujin gets on the ride. She waves to get Ryujin’s attention and Ryujin waves back with a nervous smiles.

“Ryuddaeng!! You can do it!” she shouts.

Ryujin takes a deep breath and put her thumb up to show Lia that she is going to be alright.


“Argentinosaurus!!” Iris pointed at the long neck dinosaur.

Irene was surprised at how Iris can name all of the dinosaurs that they saw.

“Oh wow, she’s good.”

“Yeah, she can name all the dinosaur but she can’t even say her name properly.” Wendy said with a scoff.

Irene laughs and gently pushes Wendy “You gotta give her time, she’s only 3...and you should be amazed and proud that she can name all the dino at her age!”

“I am proud of my little cherry~” Wendy said, then she kisses Iris’ head, Iris looks up to her mom and Wendy said “Peekaboo~”

Iris giggles at Wendy’s antics and she looks down and then look up again and Wendy said “Peekaboo~” again.

Iris grabs Wendy’s face and she squishes her mother’s face “Give mama a kiss.” Wendy said and Iris kisses her mother. Wendy squeal and tightened her arms around Iris “Yah~~ You’re so cute!!!”

The cruises ended and they left the boat, but they bumped to Seulgi and Joy. “Oh look Seulgi! It’s Irene unnie and Wendy unnie...and a child?” 

Joy was surprised to see Iris “Unnie...she’s your kid?” Joy noticed the similarity between Wendy and the kid that Irene is holding.

Wendy wanted to avoid the topic on who Iris is, and she didn’t even want to make Joy feel guilty for what happened to her in the past. Wendy used to consider Iris as a cursed that Joy left, she took some time to fall in love with Iris. Then she realized that maybe God let her conceived Iris to replace the emptiness that Joy left in her heart.

“Yes Joy, she’s my daughter.” Wendy answered while looking at Iris softly.

“Mama!” Iris wants Wendy to hold her so Irene handed her to Wendy.

“Iris ah~ You’re getting heavy, can you sit in your stroller?” Wendy whines at her daughter.

“No~ Mama hug hug~~” Iris whines back.

Joy and Seulgi watch in amusement, Seulgi approached the duo and she asked her “Hellow there little one~ what is your name?”

Iris got shy and she hides her face in the crook of her mother’s neck. “Come on Iris, don’t be rude, tell this aunty what is your name…”

With a soft voice Iris said “Iwis Son Choohyun…”


“It’s Iris Son Joohyun.” said Wendy.

“You named your daughter Joohyun? Same name as Irene unnie?” Joy asked in confusion.


“Well I thought you would name your daughter with my name.” Joy replied.

“That is obnoxious! Why would Wendy name her daughter with the name of her ex?” Irene gets trigger when Joy said that. Seulgi and Wendy were shocked at how triggered Irene is. Wendy pulls Irene back and she apologized to Joy, but they walked away.

Joy and Seulgi watch them walk away then they stare at each other “You shouldn’t say that to her, Sooyoung ah...You know how scary Irene unnie is when she gets angry.”

“I know, I’m just wanted to see if Irene unnie get jealous…” said Joy with evil smirk.

“Why would you do that?”

“I want to see you get jealous too but it seems like our feelings aren’t that mutual at all.” Joy said with a pout.

Seulgi was getting tired of the mix signal that Joy gave her “Let’s stop this!” Seulgi said and she let go of Joy’s hand.


“I’ve had enough Sooyoung-ah, I confessed to you a few days ago and you told me you can’t love me back because of Sungjae, and here you are toying with my feelings, you flirt with me, and what would Sungjae thing about this if he knows?! I get it, you can’t leave Sungjae for me, so I won’t force you to love me. Let’s just be as normal...let’s just be friends…” Seulgi said with tears in her eyes.

Joy was speechless, her brain went blank and seeing that Joy isn’t going to answer her, Seulgi ran away “Unnie!” Joy called for Seulgi. She just stood there, she doesn’t even think about running after Seulgi.


To be continued….

A/N: OMG guys! I’ve watch the viral video about Wenrene’s Love Child A.K.A the leader of dreamnote Youi, and I got an inspiration to write a story featuring her! What do you guys think? Does Youi really looks like WenRene love child? Happy Chinese New Year to those who celebrate! 新年快乐!!鼠大家天天开心,身体健康,大吉大利~ 希望2020年会比2019更好!Next chapter is going to focus on JoyGi!



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Chapter 67: wow this story is like a roller coaster 😭 I'm glad it ended happily 💖💙
Chapter 49: Who does Wendy have children with???
Chapter 46: Here I thought previously Irene would really move on to someone new 🥲
Chapter 45: I actually don't like it when Irene moves on from Wendy 🤧😩
Chapter 44: Impossible. I cried at this part 😭
Chapter 31: I'm curious about Wendy's health check results
Chapter 27: very domestic 🤧
Chapter 24: Irene's father is annoying 😒
Chapter 23: oh my gosh the story is getting more intense