Chapter 42: Goodbye Daddy

When The Flower Blooms

JYP High


Ryujin arrives at school and everyone avoided her. She was used to the treatment and she was hoping that her friends would do the same thing too, avoid her. Chaeryoung was there waiting for her at her locker, with her arms crossed and a frown on her face.


Ryujin pretended that she didn’t see her there and it causes Chaeryoung to almost hit her with her text book, but Chaeryoung knows how quick Ryujin’s reflex is so she refrain herself from doing so.


“Explain please.” demanded Chaeryoung.


“Nothing to be explain.” replied Ryujin.


“Why are you always like this?” asked Chaeryoung.


“If you can’t accept me like this then don’t be my friend.” said Ryujin coldly, she put her stuff in the locker and slams it before she turns to Chaeryoung. Chaeryoung is not like Yeji or Yuna who is afraid of her stares, Chaeryoung can be clueless sometimes but Ryujin salute her for her bluntness and she is not afraid of her.


“Nonsense, even if you pushed me away, I will always come back, or if you kill me for annoying you I will still come back as a ghost and haunt you.” joked the brunette.


Ryujin didn’t find her joke funny, so she frowns, Chaeryoung silently apologize for the bad joke.


“We are all worried about you yesterday, and poor Yuna, she can’t stop crying thinking that you hated her.”


“I don’t hate all of you...I hate myself okay?”


“Your ‘mother’ called me and asked me to keep an eye on you so I am going to follow you everywhere you go.” said Chaeryoung.


Ryujin sighs and say “Whatever.” and she walks away with Chaeryoung follows her from behind. Ryujin stops and turns back to face Chaeryoung “Honestly, this is creeping me out, you’re creeping me out. Stop following me!”


“I can’t, I made a promise with Wendy unnie.”

Ryujin sighs and she let Chearyoung follows her. She bumped to Yeji and Lia at the corridor, she looks at Lia but she can’t look straight into her eyes, she avoided her gaze. She walks past them but Yeji grabs Ryujin by the wrist.


“Ryuddaeng, we need to me under the sakura tree at our school garden during recess.” said Yeji.



YG Entertainment


“So how is composition going?” Jisoo asked the producer.


“We are still trying to find Seulgi’s color…’ replied the producer.


“Nope, you don’t have time for that, we need to get her debut ASAP.” said Jisoo.


“Unnie, you’re going to debut Seulgi unnie? Thought you took her in as the dance instructor?” asked Yeri.


After dropping Ryujin off at school Jisoo asked if Yeri wanted to go visit YG entertainment with her since the girl didn’t have any schedule and is on her day off. Yeri agree because she had been fans of YG music, but too bad that her agency didn’t want to let her collaborate with YG for some unknown reason.


“Yep, I’m going to debut her as soloist, only then I can get her to collaborate with SM and have a comeback as one of the RV members.”


“How does that help?” asked Yeri.


“I know how SM think Yeri-ah, they only want to collaborate with the artist if they think they can benefit from it, and Seulgi had a lot of fans and followers, they all are waiting for her to come back, since the news about her scandal had gone down, now is the right reason to release her comeback, as a soloist, and then we’ll have a press conference and I will make her say stuff like “I miss RV and I wish I could work with them again”...and bam! SM will be blowing up ma phone to beg for a collaboration!” said Jisoo excitedly.


“What if her comeback a flop?” asked Yeri negatively.


“YG never have a flop comeback.” Jisoo winked at Yeri “Alright Yeri, enough of the discussion about this matter, let’s go eat some food at the cafeteria.”


“Wow! I get to taste the infamous YG cafeteria food!”


“Yep, let’s go!”





“Unnie~” Rosé calls for Irene as she and her older sister were invited to join the royal family to have lunch together after the rehearsal that morning. Irene was exhausted, her face was fatigue, the rehearsal made her tired because there were a lot of rules and regulations that she had to follow and Irene hated rules.


“Great to see you’re all lovely and happy Chaeyoung~” said Irene to the taller girl and then she noticed the ring on her finger “Did Jisoo gave you that?” she asked.


Rosé nodded shyly and she fiddle with the ring. 


“Jisoo proposed to her…” said Alice and Rosé blushes even harder.


“OMG!! Congratulations!”




“When did she proposed?”


“The day after Wendy unnie proposed to you…”




“That is why we are eager to get this law get legalize.” said Alice


“We are trying to work on it…” sighed Irene.


Once she had finished saying that, Suzy comes running into the dining room, her face is gleaming and there is a wide smile on her face. She went straight to Irene and hugs her cousin tightly. Irene tries to push her away because she is not used to the intimate moment, though both of them are on good terms now but Irene still feel uncomfortable around Suzy.


“Unnie! I know how are we going to change this country’s law!” said Suzy happily.


“Ugh how?”


“I was thinking about my speech for the coronation ceremony and I remember how this country united to impeach the previous Prime Minister...and if I can make the citizens to change their mind on this country’s law, then we can use the citizens’ voice to change the law! This is a democratic country, and people’s voice is what matters!”


“How are you going to convice them?”


Suzy smiles and holds up a file “With all these facts! I didn’t spend my sleepless nights doing nothing, I did some I am going to use this facts and numbers to go against all those corrupted ministers.”


Irene put her hands on Suzy’s shoulder and stares deeply into her eyes “I do not think that is a good idea Suzy, those ministers will do anything to keep their position and power in check. Even if it’s involve assassinate the royal family.”


“But we are the royal family...we are supposed to be invincible, right?”


“I’m afraid not princess…” Alice chipped in “There are numerous attempts to assassinate the king and Prince Jaeho…”


“That is also the reason why I was kept away from the public eyes, and my mother is against it.” said Irene.


Suzy was dumbfounded by that fact, she couldn’t believe how useless is the royal family. They can’t even set a law and punish those corrupt ministers.



YG University


“Hey!” Lisa greeted a certain black haired girl. The girl turns and grins at Lisa “Lalisa!!” Momo greeted. The two exchanges their secret handshakes and end it with a fist bump. Mina stand by the side, stare at them weirdly.


“Your school is cool Lisa! Got a lot of good food too!” said Momo.


“I had to control her before she finishes her allowance on food.” Mina chipped in.


“I pity you Mina…” Lisa agreed with the brunette on Momo’s appetite.


“Hey!” Momo pouted.


“Where are the others?”


“Their on their way!” said Momo.

“Hey Momo!!” a girl came to greet the girl.


“Dahyun! Chaeyoung! Tzuyu!” Momo runs to the girls.


“Girls this is Lisa, she’s going to join us for the dance performance for JYP University and YG University integration music and performance major program.” Mina introduce Lisa to them.


“She’s the only one that YG sent?” asked Tzuyu.


“Tch tch, she’s the best out of the best Chewy ah, you should never underestimate the Manobal power.” said Momo and it pissed Lisa when she missed pronounce her last name.


“Yah! It’s Manoban, ban! Not bal!”





“You okay?” asked Irene as she checks on her cousin.


Suzy didn’t reply to her cousin, her eyes are fixed to the view outside of her big window. She took a deep breath and then turns to Irene with a weak smile “Yeah.” she replied weakly. Irene sighs and she sits at the edge of Suzy’s bed, she looked at the photo by the bed. It was the photo of Suzy and Haruna together, they look happy in the photo, both are grinning from ear to ear.


“You two look happy in that photo” said Irene.


Suzy smiles and she takes the photo and gently traces the frame with her finger “We was before she was diagnosed with cancer.”


“You must have it tough…” said Irene.


“It was tough after our parents died...but neechan was my strength, she tried to give me the best in life. Without her, I wouldn't have today, but those who loves me always end up real parents, my step parents...and now my only sister…” Suzy is getting teary.


Irene scoots closer and she pats Suzy on the back “Hey, I know Haruna is a strong woman, she will pull through. We will pray for her okay? She is a strong woman because she raised you alone without anyone’s help, this stage of chemo is not something that can break her easily. I’ve seen the way she looks at you, you are her world Suzy.”


“It’s easy for you to say, you’re not the one who carry a whole country fate on her back, you have your parents, you have great friends around you who always supported you, and you have Wendy, who loves unconditionally. You have everything Irene unnie...everything that I don’t have.” sobs Suzy.


What Suzy just said make Irene realized how selfish she had been, she thought her life was hard, with all the responsibilities that she had to carry as princess. Now that Suzy is here, she realized how selfish she had been, forcing Suzy to come and take her place. She could just leave Suzy alone to live a normal life, but she made Suzy comes all the way to Seoul. She uses Haruna as her bait to get Suzy to Korea. She knows how much Suzy loves Haruna and how bad their economy was. Haruna even skipped a few chemotherapy sessions because she didn’t have the heart to spend the money that they don’t have on her therapy.


Irene knew all that, that is why she knows Suzy will agree to come back if she throws the factor that Haruna can get better treatment in Korea. Irene feels bad all of a sudden, she mumbled her apologize under her breath but Suzy didn’t hear it. Suzy wipes away her tears and put the photo back at it place. She goes back to her desk and open her laptop “Unnie...the coronation is in two more days, let’s do our best to make it goes smoothly…”


“I will help you in whatever way I can Suzy, I promise.”


Suzy smiles at Irene and she nods to thank her, Irene nods back and she excuses herself. Suzy nods to acknowledge and Irene left the room with a heavy and guilty heart.



JYP High


Ryujin was there early, she looks around to find Yeji but there was no sight of her, so she seated herself at the bench underneath the sakura tree. She chided when she looks at the time, Yeji was never on time. She lies down on the bench and slowly closes her eyes but then she heard Yeji voice calls for her. She opens her eyes and saw that Yeji was holding her fist and stare at her angrily. She sighs and she gets up from the bench.


“What do you want?” asked Ryujin.


Without any warning, Yeji attacks Ryujin, she punches the girl on the left cheeks and it was the first time Ryujin’s quick reflex betray her. Ryujin stumbles to the ground, her lips were bleeding because she accidentally bite her lips when Yeji punched her. She looks up to Yeji with fires in her eyes, she gets up from the ground and lunge toward Yeji. Yeji tries to avoid but Ryujin was fast, Ryujin aims her fist at Yeji’s face. Yeji manages to avoid and give Ryujin a punch straight to her guts. Ryujin cough and falls down on her knees in pain. 


“What happened huh Shin Ryujin? You used to be so agile, have you been rusty after so long didn’t fight someone?” taunt Yeji to Ryujin.


Ryujin couldn’t get up because of the pain, she continues to lay on the ground holding to her stomach.


Chaeryoung and Yuna came to the scene when someone reported to them that Ryujin and Yeji were fighting at the school garden.


“Stop it you two!” Chaeryoung steps in.


“Ryoung, leave us please, I need to teach Ryujin some lessons, she had been acting weird lately and she even pushed us away. We are her friends but she treats us like s.” said Yeji angrily.

Chaeryoung slowly back away, she knew it was serious when Yeji gets angry, and she doesn’t want to interfere.


Ryujin slowly gets up, and she glares at Yeji before she lunges herself to Yeji and both of them falls on the ground with Ryujin on top of Yeji pinning the cat eyed girl down. Ryujin send punches by punches toward Yeji but the girl manage to block out all of it. Yeji uses her whole strength to push Ryujin away and she punches Ryujin on the face again.


“This is for hurting Chaer and Yuna!” said Yeji as she give Ryujin the first punch “and this is for hurting Lia!” she gives Ryujin another punch.


The school prefect saw the commotion and they interfere the fight and separate the two of them. Ryujin frees herself and tries to give Yeji a punch but someone stop Ryujin’s fist from reaching for Yeji’s face “Stop it Ryujin.” said that person.


“Unnie…” said Ryujin as she lowered her head.


Jeongyeon sighs at her cousin, she turns to look at Yeji, the girl had a few bruises on her face and probably a broken nose and then she turns to Ryujin, and saw the bleeding lips and bruises on her cheek and scraped knee.


“Take them to my office…” said Jeongyeon.



Jeongyeon Office


The reason why Ryujin goes to JYP High is because her cousin owned the school, and Jeongyeon is the school chairman. She wanted to go to YG High but Jeongyeon prohibited her to go to that school.


“Please seat the two of you…” 


Yeji and Ryujin sit oppositely to Jeongyeon. Jeongyeon crossed her legs and arms while looking at them with a cold glare.


“Hwang Yeji and Shin Ryujin...the two of you have caused our school reputation to drop...and now you two fight each other? I thought you two were best friends?”


“If she considers me as a friend she would tell me her problem but no, she chose to runaway with all of her problems!”


“I don’t want to burden you with my problems Yeji! You’re already had a lot!”


“Well why didn’t you tell that you and Lia used to date back then? That you’re actually feeling bitter whenever the two of us are together?!” fired Yeji back.


“Silence!!” Jeongyeon shouted and the two go back to their own seat “This is not about a girl right?” asked Jeongyeon while massaging her temple.


“No…” both of them reply in unison.


“Then what is it? Settle this normally without fighting please.” Jeongyeon pleaded.


Yeji turns to Ryujin “Ryuddaeng...I love you and you know that...I hate that you keep on distant yourself away every time you have a problem...We’re not only friends, we are family, how can I make you understand that?!”


Ryujin is silent, she stares at the ground. She wanted to apologize to Yeji but her ego is too big for her to fight. Then she remembers what Irene and Wendy always tell her. Her own enemy is not her ego, but is herself, it was herself that unwilling to accept her defeat or her fault. She needs to change that.


“I’m sorry…” said Ryujin and it almost shock Jeongyeon and Yeji.


“I always thought that I can do everything by myself...but my ‘mother’ told me that I have to open myself to others...because if I don’t I will lose everything...I will lose everyone that I love. I know I have been selfish Yeji...and I always hurt I am sorry…” 


Yeji cried and she hugs Ryujin. Jeongyeon smiles when she saw the two friends reconcile.



Jisoo almost had a heart attack when she saw Ryujin’s bruised face. “Did you had a fight?!”


“Yeah, a good fight!” Ryujin replied with a grin and Jisoo didn’t find it amusing and she almost wanted to smack Ryujin on the head but she refrain herself from doing it.


“Your omma is going to kill me if she sees you in this state!”


“No she won’t I will explain to her, don’t worry about me.” replied Ryujin.


“I am never going to have kid...if all of them going to turn out to be like you…” said Jisoo.


Ryujin just laugh at Jisoo and she wishes the ride back home is short because she can’t stand Jisoo’s nagging her.



Wenrene Condo


Irene was shocked to see Ryujin’s face, she rushes to her side and asked Jisoo what happened. Jisoo just shrugged and said that she didn’t know what happened. Ryujin hugs Irene and Irene was perplexed by Ryujin’s action.




“When did you get back unnie?” Ryujin asked.

“An hour ago...Suzy wanted me to stay over but with Wendy not around, I’m worried about you and Yeri so I come back. What happened Ryujin? Why did you all bruised up and your lips are injured?”


“Unnie...I am happy.” replied Ryujin and she hugs Irene even tighter.


“You are a weird kid Ryujin…”


“Let me be…” Ryujin smiles while hugging Irene.


Irene let Ryujin hugs her, and she pats Ryujin’s back. She knows something happened but she doesn’t want to force Ryujin to tell her so she will wait until Ryujin is ready to talk, but she knows it’s something good because Ryujin looks happy.


“Jisoo ah, would like to stay over for dinner?”


“Huh? Ugh no, I think I’ll just leav…”


“Chaeyoung is here…” said Irene and at that moment Rosé popped her head from the kitchen “Jichu!!” Rosé calls for her fanceé. 


“I’ll guess I’ll stay for dinner.” Jisoo changed her mind.


“Good~ Ryujinie, you go and clean yourself up, I’ll prepare diner.”


“Thanks mom!”


Toronto Pearson Airport


Wendy reached the airport safely, she was waiting for her luggage at the baggage reclaim area when her phone rings.




“Wendy have you arrive?!” 


“Yes Jessica, I’m collecting my luggage…”


“You need to hurry, your father is not going to make it!”


Wendy spotted her luggage coming out from the baggage carousel, she runs to it and quickly grab it “I'm on my way now!”


“I’ve already arrange a driver to pick you up, you should see him at gate 2 exit.”




Wendy hangs up and she rush to the exit. In her mind all that she can think of is she needs to get to her father side as soon as possible and she prays hard that she can make it in time.


Son’s Manor


“Hang in there uncle, Wendy is on her way.” Jessica begs, she holds onto Wayne’s hand, pray that God gave Wendy enough time to reach her.


Wayne tries to whisper something, but his voice is too small, Jessica got close to him to listen closely to what he had to say.


“ am...sorry...that...I…” Wayne was gasping for air, his grip is getting looser, Jessica struggles to hold on to his hand.


“Please don’t go uncle, Wendy is on her way...please.”



After 45 minutes drive, Wendy finally reach the compound of the manor, once the driver drop her off the front door, she rushes out.


“Young miss!” her butler greets her but she ignores him and went straight to her father’s room. She opens the door and saw the family doctor pulling up the blanket to cover her father’s body. Jessica looks up to Wendy with emotionless expression.


“You’re 25 minutes too late Wendy…” said the brunette with monotone voice. Wendy knows she had been crying because her voice is a little hoarse.


Wendy falls on her knees when she realized that she is late, and her father is now gone forever. She wails her heart out, and she tries to stop the doctor from covering her father.


“Daddy wake up please!!” she tries to shake her father up “I’m here, so please wake up!!” she begs, but the body stays cold and motionless. Wendy goes to hyperventilation and pass out on the spot. Jessica rushes to her side and catches her before she hit the hard cold floor.




To be continued…

A/N: Merry Christmas in advance everyone!! Don’t worry, Wendy is okay, she’s just passed out!

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Chapter 67: wow this story is like a roller coaster 😭 I'm glad it ended happily 💖💙
Chapter 49: Who does Wendy have children with???
Chapter 46: Here I thought previously Irene would really move on to someone new 🥲
Chapter 45: I actually don't like it when Irene moves on from Wendy 🤧😩
Chapter 44: Impossible. I cried at this part 😭
Chapter 31: I'm curious about Wendy's health check results
Chapter 27: very domestic 🤧
Chapter 24: Irene's father is annoying 😒
Chapter 23: oh my gosh the story is getting more intense