Chapter 31: The Proposal

When The Flower Blooms

Irene was lazing around the house, she missed the peaceful afternoon. Now that she had Yeri and Ryujin around the house is full of energy, laughter and bickering. She didn’t mind the chaos, but a peaceful and silence once in a while is like a therapy for her soul.

Wendy came down from the second floor. She was cleaning the empty room that she wanted to convert to a study room for Ryujin and a reading room for herself. The condominium she bought had 5 rooms in total. She was thinking of converting one of the extra room as a guest room. So she spend her whole time in the morning sketching out the interior design of the room. She was contemplate whether to suggest Irene to move their room to the second floor or no. Since Yeri complained that they made so much noise when they make love. Wendy was embarrassed by Yeri’s remark, she thought their room was soundproof but it seems like it didn’t. 

Wendy saw that Irene is resting on the couch, she was lying flat on her stomach. Wendy approached her and grab her by the , which made Irene jumped and almost high kick Wendy on the face.

“Oh Geez! You almost kick me in the face!” Wendy said, she had fallen on the floor trying to avoid Irene’s kick.

“Sorry! It was a self-defense reflex.” Irene apologizes while laughing and she help Wendy to get up from the ground.


“What?” Irene asked.

Both of them now seated on the couch, cuddling with each other. Listening to each other’s heartbeat. Wendy’s heartbeat was fast, but it had calming effect to Irene. Her own heart beats was too, it can’t never calm down around Wendy, and that is how much she is in love with the latter.

“You know, I have never taken you on a date before.” Wendy said to Irene.

Irene looked up to meet up with Wendy’s gaze “Hmm you’re right, you never.”

“Do you want to go out on a date with me tonight?” Wendy asked while smiling sheepishly.

“But what about the kids?”

“Yeri can take care of them.” Wendy replied.


“Come on Joohyun ah...let’s go on a date, I’ll pick you up at 7 okay?”

“Pick me up at 7?” Irene raised an eyebrow questioning Wendy.

“Yep, let’s make it like real first date, where I pick you up and then we go for a diner and then watch some movie. Doesn’t it sound good?”

Irene thinks for a while, it’s been awhile since she went on a nice date, she made up her mind and kisses Wendy on her jawline “Okay. It’s a date then.”

“Great!” Wendy gets up from the couch and Irene got a little upset because she misses Wendy’s warm “I’ll go out now and I will pick you up on 7.”

“But where are you going?” 

“I’ll go to my old apartment and I’ll pick you up at 7 okay? I got something that I want to do at my old apartment.”


Wendy took her car key and her bag with her, she kisses Irene good bye and then she left the house. Irene was left alone at the big empty house. She look at the clock and see that it’s already almost 5pm. She gets up from the couch and go to their room to get ready.


Shila Hotel

Wendy arrive at the hotel and she went to the reception, she smiles at the receptionist “Hi, I’m looking for Mr. Wayne Son. I’m his daughter Wendy Son.”

“Oh yes Miss Wendy, your father had been waiting for you. His suite is at level 27, here’s the access card. Our bell boy will accompany you.”

“Thanks.” Wendy takes the card from the receptionist and head to the lift.


Presidential Suite (Level 27)

Wayne coughed so hard, he was wheezing for air. He can feel that his body is getting weaker. He heard his door open and saw Wendy walk in, he smiles at her but he continue to cough violent again.

“Dad, you okay?” Wendy asked.

“I’m fine…just get me a glass of water.”

Wendy pour a glass of water for her father, and he gulps in down in one go. “Thank you.”

Wendy sits down opposite to her father, she crossed her legs and arms “I heard from Jessica that you are going back tomorrow.”

“Yeah, now that everything is settled, I can go back to Canada.”

“Naeun…you’re bringing her back?”

“Yes…I want to bury her ashes together with her mother. Despite that she try to kill both of us, she is still my daughter Seungwan ah.”

Wendy was silent, she looks at her father with the softest stare “Dad do you hate me?”

“Why would I?” Wayne smiles at his daughter.

“Seunghee unnie died because of me, and I killed Naeun…”

“Seungwan ah…”

Wendy was trying to hold in her tears upon hearing her father’s soft voice.

“You were trying to protect your love one, if I was in your situation I would do the same thing as well. Maybe the problem was me. I was weak, I wasn’t a good leader, and I couldn’t lead my own family. Naeun was a bright kid, she is, but she was too greedy, I couldn’t let her lead the group, she will revert the Mafia back to their violence’s day. I know you are the better candidates. You’ve made me proud Seungwan…”

“If I could turn back the time…” Wendy tried to speak up but she got cut off by Wayne.

“What happened in the past stay in the past Seungwan…I want you to forget about it and move on with your life okay? Be happy with Irene and your kids.”

“We don’t have kids!” Wendy retaliates.

“I’ve seen how happy you are with Irene and Ryujin. You have my blessing Seungwan. Live and prosper. But before I go…I want to give you something.” Wayne fishes something from his pocket. It was a small red velvet box, he hands it to Wendy.

“What is this?”

“I wanted to propose to your mom with that ring, but I guess I was too late. Please take it Seungwan, and give it to the person you think you want to spend your whole life with.”

Wendy opens the box and it reveal a beautiful pink diamond ring. The only person she could think of is Irene when she saw the diamond ring. Wendy thanked her father and hug him. They chat for a while before Wendy decided to go and get ready for her date with Irene. Her first date ever after so long.

Wendy hugs her father and bid him good bye but before she exited Wayne told her something “Don’t take too long Seungwan-ah…or else someone else is going to snatch your flower from you.”

Wendy was puzzled by her father’s statement, she only smiles at him and then exited the suite. She reached her car, she unlocks it and suddenly, her head start to throb. She rested her head on her car window, she is trying to support her whole weight by leaning against her car. She felt something trickling down her nose. Her hand touched the warm liquid, and she saw it, it is blood. Wendy quickly get in her car, she reached for the tissue and quickly wipe away the blood. Her hands were trembling, and her head couldn’t stop throbbing. She gets her phone and then dialed Ryujin’s number when she remembered that Ryujin’s mansion tenant is a doctor.

“Hello?” a coarse voice answered the phone.


“Oh Unnie, what is it?”

“You’re having fun?” Wendy asked trying to avoid any suspicions from Ryujin.

“Yeah we’re having fun!”

“Good, good, anyway, umm the doctor tenant, does she still live in your mansion?”

“Yeah, why?”

“Can I…ummm have her number?”


“I got something that related to medical incoterm to ask her.” Wendy lied.

“Ryujin ah!! The Ferris wheel!!” Wendy could heard Yeri’s voice.

“I’ll send you her number unnie! Gotta go now!” Ryujin hung up on her. A few second later Wendy received a text from Ryujin.

‘Doctor Moonbyul’

Wendy dialed the number and the doctor pick up her call “Hello, who is this?”

“Hello is this Dr. Moonbyul?”

“Yeah…who is this?”

“I’m ugh, Wendy…Ryujin’s friend.”

“Ah, hello, how can I help you?”

“Can we meet?”

“My shift end at midnight.”

“I’ll go and meet you now at the hospital is it okay?”


“Okay great, I’m going now.”


Wenrene’s Condo 7PM

Irene is prepared, she had put on a strapless dress and she had applied some light make up on her face. She was nervous when she look at the time and it indicate that it’s already 7pm. She patiently await for Wendy’s arrival.

She waited for about 10 minutes but there is still no sign of Wendy coming. She keeps checking on her phone to see if Wendy got text her but there was no notification. Irene got worrier when it’s already 7.30PM but Wendy is still not here. She wanted to call her but then she heard the bell rings. She hurriedly goes to open the door. A bouquet of flower appear when she open the door.

”Surprise!” Wendy greeted “I’m sorry that I was late, traffic was bad.”

Irene ignored the flower and hugged Wendy tightly. “What’s wrong?” Wendy asked in concern tone.

“I thought you aren’t coming.” Irene sobbed.


“Stupid, of course I’ll come back.” Wendy reassured Irene. Wendy push Irene a bit so she could take a better look at her girlfriend. Irene was stunning, she looks so beautiful in the black dress. The red lipstick make her lips look so kissable.

“You look so beautiful tonight…” Wendy complimented which made Irene blushed. “Shall we go on our date?” Wendy asked and she held out her hand. Irene grab her hand and they leave the house together.

“Where are we going to?”

“I’ve made a reservation on this top notch restaurant.”

“Oh?” Irene sounded surprised.

“You deserve the very best, so I am going to give you the very best date experience!” Wendy replied happily.

“Being with you is all I need.” Irene replied in the most cheesy way possible.

“What is this? Did you try to be greasy like me?” Wendy asked.

“I learn from the best greaser.” Irene joked.

“Yah!” Wendy whined.

They reached the restaurant, Wendy opened the car door for Irene and she gave her car key to the valet and then she led their way to the restaurant reception.

“Reservation under Miss Son.”

“Ah yes, please this way.” the receptionist lead the way to their table.

Wendy helped Irene to pull her chair and slowly push it in for her before she seated herself opposite to Irene.

“This is fancy.” Irene commented when she looks around the restaurant. It felt very opulent, Irene don’t really like to come to such place to eat, but since Wendy is with her, she let it slide.

“Madame, may I?”

“Ah yes…thank you.” Wendy allows the server to pour them their wine.

“Should you be drinking Wendy? You’re driving us home later right?” Irene asked.

“A little wine should not be a problem.” Wendy assured Irene.

Both of them clink their glasses and then took a sip of the finest wine that the restaurant serve.

“Oh wow this is so good.” Irene was surprise by the smooth taste of the wine.

“Glad you like it.” Wendy smiles at Irene but deep down inside she is still trying to clam herself after she went to meet Dr.Moonbyul. Moonbyul told Wendy that she can get the result after a week. Wendy tries to keep herself calm until the result of her test come out.

“Seungwan ah…”


“You look lost.”

“Ah…maybe I was tired. Anyway I heard the steak here is delicious! Do you want to try?”

“How about we ditch this restaurant and go somewhere not so opulence!” Irene suggested.

“But…I want you to feel…appreciated.” Wendy pouted “Do you not like this kind of atmosphere?”

“I love it Seungwan ah…but this is not us. Let’s go on a walk at the Han river and eat some street food?”

Irene was right, Wendy was not used to all of this high class dining experience, she just wanted to make Irene feel happy and have the best date ever but she out did herself. Maybe what Irene need is to spend more time with her. Wendy look at the time and it’s 8PM, she calls for the waited and the waited came to them. Wendy paid their bills and then drag Irene with her to exit the restaurant.

“Let’s go on the first place where we both had our first diner together!” Wendy suggested.

Irene tighten her grip on Wendy’s hand, and they both giggling while running away from the restaurant.


JenLisa’s Apartment

Lisa got back, she already ate outside before coming back. Their house were pitch black, she assumed that Jennie hadn’t come back yet. Lisa turn on the light and she was surprised by the decoration in her living room.

‘Lili I am sorry’

Lisa saw Jennie was fast asleep on the floor, while hugging Luca on the other hand and Kuma on the other. Lisa was angry this morning, but she can’t stay mad at Jennie because Jennie is just too cute for her to stay mad at.

Lisa gently shakes Jennie to wake her up. Jennie slowly open her eyes and she saw Lisa’s face. She immediately gets up and hug Lisa “Lili…I am sorry. I will try to be more use of you from now on!”

“Nini, I want you to move in and live with me is because I wanted to spend my life with you and not asking you to be my maid or do all of the house chores alone. I never asked you to do it, but you insisted.”

“You didn’t want to receive any rental payment from me.” Jennie pouted.

“You don’t have to, I can still manage to pay for our rental and food. All I wanted is to be with you. That is all that matters.” Lisa tried to explain to Jennie. “I am sorry that I got over sensitive over your remark this morning. Work and school is slowly taking a toll on me.”

“Then let’s work together from now on Nini. Living together doesn’t mean that one should do more than the other. If we want this relationship to work out. We have to lean on each other.” Jennie cupped Lisa’s face and tell her.

Lisa leans in to kiss Jennie and they deepened the kiss. It’s been a while since they get intimate. Lisa breaks the kiss when she heard Jennie’s stomach growling.

“You haven’t had your diner?” Lisa asked while frowning.

“I was waiting for you…” Jennie pouted.

Lisa felt guilty that she went to have her diner alone without Jennie, then she saw on their tiny dining table the food that Jennie had prepared. “Come one Nini, I’ll heat up the food for you, you go and freshen up yourself the food will be ready once you come out.” Lisa said as she pulled Jennie up from the couch.


Wenrene Date

Wendy and Irene decided to take away some tteobokki and go for a walk at Han River. Wendy wasn’t good with hot food so Irene had to help her to blow it to cool it down and then feed her. 

“Here’s a last bite Wendy-ah” Irene blows the last piece of the tteobokki and feed it to Wendy. Wendy almost spit it out because it was still hot for her taste bud “Yah!” Irene scolded her “You just wasted the food!”

“It’s too hot…” Wendy whined.

“Aish…Jinjja…” Irene scoffed and she picks up the fallen tteokbokki and throw it in the nearest rubbish bin.

Wendy holds out her hand and Irene intertwine their fingers together. They stroll along the river, reminisced about how they first met and when did them both realized that they had fallen for each other.

“When did you realized you got feeling for me?” Irene asked.

Wendy blushed hard, “I think I fall for you the first time that I saw you, but it took me some time to realize that it is love.”

“I think I fell for your kindness first before I realized that I like you more than a friend.”

“Irene ah…” Wendy turn to Irene and face her.

“What is it?” Irene asked, she was a bit concern when she saw that Wendy’s is frowning.

“I know I may not be the best one for you, you’ve been through a lot with me, and there are times when I wanted to give up on my feeling for you because I’m a dangerous person. I am not sure if I can give you the future that you wanted.”

“You are not breaking up with me are you?” Irene gets tear up.

“No! No! Please listen to me first. All that I wanted to tell you is, I am grateful that you are always be here beside me. I am grateful that God lead me to you, I am grateful that I get to wake up every day and you are beside me. I am grateful that you are willing to spend the rest of your life with me. I was against the idea of you lifting your princess title Irene-ah, but I am being selfish by not stopping you from making the decision to step down as the princess, because I don’t know if I can live another day without you.” Wendy stop and she fished out the red velvet box from her pocket.

“Irene, I am not a romantic person, I am not a good person either, my past is dark, but with you I am hoping for a bright future. I vow to myself that I will protect you with my whole life, I won’t let any people or my enemy to lay finger on you. I cannot promise you the future, but I can promise you that we will build it together, through thick and thin. I promise you that I won’t let go of your hand until my last breath. So Irene ah…” Wendy paused and she kneels down “Will you spend the rest of your life with me forever?” Wendy proposed.

Irene was speechless, she was beyond happy. Her eyes gets teary, she tried to stop them from flowing down. Irene silently nods her heart agreeing to Wendy’s proposal. Wendy sighed in relieve, she was afraid that Irene isn’t on the same page with her. Wendy takes out the pink diamond ring from the box and slide it in the Irene’s ring finger.

“When Alice or Rosé manage to change the law, I will give you a proper proposal, for now…I want you to have this ring…my father told me it he was supposed to proposed to my mother with this, but he was too late, and I don’t want be too late like him. So I want you to have it.” Wendy kisses Irene’s hand.

“I love you Wendy…I love you so much…” Irene confesses.

“I love you too…” Wendy replies and she lean in to claim Irene’s luscious plum lips.


RV Dorm

“Seulgi!” Sunmi banged on the dorm door.

“Seul ah you better open the door now or I will knock it down!!”

The door slowly open, revealing the disgruntled Seulgi, Seulgi let Sunmi walks in and she went back to her room.

“What do you mean you wanted quit this industry and move somewhere far away?! I thought you are going to stay and become dance instructor for SM?!”

“It’s Joy unnie ah…she is leaving! There’s no point of me to stay here if she is not here. I rather be somewhere far so I can forget all about her!” Seulgi replied.

“Seulgi! You left your 6 years girlfriend for her, you almost killed your 6 years girlfriend for her…you’ve given all up for her, and now you’re telling me you wanted to give up?” Sunmi grabbed Seulgi by the collar and glare at her.

“What do you want me to do unnie…I cannot stop her…”

“Then win her you idiot!!”

“HOW?!!” Seulgi raised her voice.

“Find a way! You’re the one who had been around here for 4-5 years, you should know what she likes, so woe her, try to make her fall for you!” Sunmi said.


“We have a talked this morning, and I know she is worry about you, she must have her own reason why she acted drastically. Find out why, stop being a timid one Seul…if you can act like a bad guy toward Irene, you should be able to show your other side that Joy had never see…”

Seulgi didn’t answer Sunmi, she just stare at the big poster of RV that was hung at her bedroom wall. She remembered how the 3 of them used to be so happy like a family. She practically raised Yeri together with Joy when they were trainees. She wanted to go back to the time where they were happily together. She wanted to fix what she had severely broke. She wipes her tears away, and gets up from her bed, she looks at Sunmi.

“Unnie…help me to get my life back together.” she said confidently.


“I’m going to rebuild RV with my own hand…I want to be happy like how we used to be. I will undo what I have done in the past and get Joy back.” Seulgi determinable said.

Sunmi smiles at her and gave her a little pat on the back to show her support “You go girl!!” Sunmi shouted trying to lift up Seulgi’

Seulgi smiles happily at Sunmi and it was the first time ever since Seulgi had broken up with Irene that Sunmi able to see Seulgi’s genuine smile. The older girl pulled the younger one into a tight hug. Showing her support.

Wenrene Condo

Yeri and Ryujin reached home and both of them are too tired to even go clean up. It had been a while since Yeri had so much fun. Ryujin was too tired to even reach her room, so she just lay flat on the couch.

“Yah, go and take your bath…” Yeri pushed Ryujin to at least clean herself after whole day playing outside.

“I’m tired unnie…” Ryujin grunts

“You sweat a lot today so please go and take a shower!” Yeri tried to pull Ryujin up. Despite the fact that Yeri is 2 years older than Ryujin, the pink hair girl is a lot taller compare to her. 

“Ryujin get up!” Yeri struggles to try to lift the girl up. Ryujin groaned and she got up “Where is Irene and Wendy unnie?” she asked.

“They must have gone out doing adult stuff…”

“Hey Yeri unnie…” Ryujin calls out the the older brunette.


“What does it feels like having Irene unnie as a big sister?”

“Hmmm…she nags a lot, more than my mom did. But she was selfless…she’s a princess, she didn’t have to come to my house and babysit me every time but she did. You are lucky to have her beside you Ryujin…”

“But you get to be with her since you were a baby. I only get to be with her only now…actually I have a crush on unnie, I know there’s no way I can be with her because I see the way unnie look at Wendy unnie.”

“You had a crush on Joohyun unnie?” Yeri raised her brow at Ryujin.

“Who wouldn’t? She’s beautiful and graceful.”

“Yah yah kiddo you’re like 10? 12 years younger than her!”

“I know!” Ryujin fired back at Yeri “That is why I said it is impossible for us to be together.”

“What about now? Do you still have a crush on her?” Yeri asked.

“No, I don’t have any crush on her anymore. I only get my heart crushed by her.” Ryujin joked. “But if anyone wanted to hurt her, I won’t forgive that person.” Ryujin said with a scary look.

“I can’t believe that a kid like you is a Yakuza.” 

“Correction, my grandfather is the Yakuza. I’m just a Yakuza’s granddaughter.” Ryujin corrected Yeri.

“That still make you a Yakuza too…and a delinquent…skipping school and dying your hair that color!”

“Yuna dye hers blonde but I didn’t hear you scold her!” Ryujin fires,

“She’s the sweetest one, you? Your attitude is so hard to handle.” Yeri scoffed at Ryujin.

Ryujin scoffed too, and then she gets up from the couch and headed to her room. 

“Ryujin ah…from what I heard you are rich, why didn’t you help Yeji out? From the story that I heard, you helped Yuna out by letting her staying with you.”

“Yeji doesn’t need help. She’s a strong person. I don’t want our friendship was based on how much money I got, and she knows that more than I do. She didn’t want to be in debt with me. She rather steal than to ask money from me. That’s what makes me be her friend, her determination and the way that she view the world, and thanks to her too, I am able to be a better person that I am today. You are lucky that you didn’t meet the middle school Ryujin.” Ryujin winked at Yeri.

“Then what about Yuna? Why did you help her?”

“Because she is a Shin…”

“You mean she’s a Yakuza too?!” Yeri gasped.

“No…she just share the same surname as I am, so I felt oblige to let her stay with me.” Ryujin explained with rolled eyes.

“I see…”

“Can I go take my shower now?” Ryujin asked in a much annoyed tone.

“One last question…” Yeri asked with her puppy eyes.

“What is it?”

“How the hell are you an ace student?! Lia I understand because she studies, but you?! YOu lazying around, playing games all the time, you didn’t even attend classes for months!”

“Oooh Yeri unnie…tsk tsk, how can you judge a book by it’s cover. I may look like I don’t care about grades but I do okay. It’s just that I’m born with a good brain.”

Yeri rolled her eyes at Ryujin’s cocky answer. She shooed her away after finish interrogating her, but at the moment, the door open and WenRene walked in hand in hand and both are giggling until they saw Yeri standing there watching them. Yeri noticed the ring on Irene’s finger and she gasped loudly.

“Unnie!! Did Wendy unnie proposed to you?!!”

Ryujin who was already in her room taking off her clothes came out with only her sport bra and shorts. “Unnie you did?!!” she furiously asked Wendy.

“Wow, chill kids, chill…I did proposed to her, but not as in asking for her hand in marriage. We just made a promise that we will spend our whole life together and that’s it.” Wendy explained.

“Don’t you want to get marry for real?” Yeri questioned, as she knows how much Irene wanted to have a real family but thanks to Seulgi, her dreams were crashed into a million pieces.

“We can get married, but the paper and status would still be illegal. Maybe some day when the law has pass, then I will marry Joohyun…” Wendy paused for a moment and she stare at Irene “And I will ensure that she got the best of me and I get the best of her when that time comes.”

Ryujin and Yeri looked at their parents with disgusted look on their face. Ryujin decided to ignore and goes back to her room. Yeri awkwardly excuse herself and went to her room too.

“You think the kids hated it?” Irene.

“Nah~ they’re fine, Ryujin always reacted that way whenever we do stuff like this.”

Irene smile at Wendy, she brushed the strand of hair that fallen on Wendy’s face “You are so beautiful Seungwan ah…” she whispered unknowingly.

“What?” Wendy look down on Irene and she look puzzled.

“Oh…er…nothing, I’m gonna go and take a bath…” Irene got shy with her statement, she let go of Wendy’s hand and hurriedly enter their room. Wendy smirks like an idiot watching her woman walk into their room. She went to the couch and sit, she was trying to relax after a long night out.

To be continue,


Okay! Joygi and Suzy in next chapter!!

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Chapter 67: wow this story is like a roller coaster 😭 I'm glad it ended happily 💖💙
Chapter 49: Who does Wendy have children with???
Chapter 46: Here I thought previously Irene would really move on to someone new 🥲
Chapter 45: I actually don't like it when Irene moves on from Wendy 🤧😩
Chapter 44: Impossible. I cried at this part 😭
Chapter 31: I'm curious about Wendy's health check results
Chapter 27: very domestic 🤧
Chapter 24: Irene's father is annoying 😒
Chapter 23: oh my gosh the story is getting more intense