Chapter 18: Father Daughter Time

When The Flower Blooms

Toronto Pearson Airport

The group reached Toronto Pearson Airport and was greeted by a limousine waiting for them right outside of their plane. Irene is not in a good mood due to the long hour flight, Wendy stay by her side to comfort her.

“Welcome back Ms Wendy.” The driver greets Wendy.

Wendy felt a little awkward, it’s been awhile since she was addressed formally by her father’s man. She nods at the driver and told him to help the girls to carry their luggage. 

“Wow…I never ride on a limo before!” the girls applauded.

Even Irene had never ride one too even though she is a princess. Wendy asked the girls to enter the limo first while she talks to Henry and the girls hurriedly enter the limo. Exploring all the buttons that are available in there.

“Henry…did you told dad about me coming back?” Wendy asked.

“It was Naeun who arranged it all for you Milady…” Henry bowed.

“Stop being too formal around me, I’m not used to it.” 

“When we’re in Korea I’m your oppa Wendy, but when we’re here, I’m your body guard, so I have to watch over the way I speak and act around you, I hope you understand.”

“Then how about I dismiss you?”

“You can’t because I work for your father and not you.” Henry replied.

Wendy rolled her eyes and decided to ignore Henry and went inside the car. She seated herself next to Jennie. Irene, Lisa, Rosé, Jisoo and the Itzy kids were fascinated by all the buttons in the limo. They excitedly press every one of it and got a scolding from the driver. They apologize and quietly sit there trying to stop the urge to press the button. Wendy saw that they are a little sad, so she press the entertainment button and a karaoke set appear. The girls were excited but they try to suppress their excitement when Wendy’s driver glare at them. Wendy turns to her driver and told him that it’s okay, if they broke anything she will pay for it. The driver nodded and Wendy give the girls permission to sing their heart out.

Jennie nudges Wendy, Wendy look at her, they exchange look. Wendy took out her phone and texted Jennie.

Wendy – I know Yeri is your cousin and Irene’s cousin too, I know you are worried about the news, I will ask Henry to help me investigate what happened and mean time keep it a secret from Irene. I don’t want her mood spoil because of the news.

Jennie is typing…

Jennie – I am worried about her, I don’t believe that Yeri would do something like that.

Wendy is typing…

Wendy is typing…

Wendy – I don’t know why, I believe this has something to do with Joy and Seulgi.

Jennie is typing…

Jennie – As much as I hated Joy and Seulgi for hurting you and Irene, I don’t think they would do something so drastic that will jeopardize their group.

Wendy is typing…

Wendy – I hope not Jen…I really hope it wasn’t them…but we don’t know yet.

Jennie is typing…

Jennie – If it were them then what would you do unnie?

Wendy is typing…

Wendy is typing….

Wendy is typing…

Wendy – I don’t know Jen, I’m so tired now. I don’t know what to do. I’ll think of something…

Jennie turns to Wendy and Wendy gives her a knowing smiles to assure the girl that everything will be okay. Jennie nods slightly at Wendy, they are trying to be subtle as possible to avoid any eyes from suspecting something.

“Baby are you okay?” Lisa asks Jennie who had been uneasy ever since they touch down. Jennie holds Lisa’s hand to tell her that she is okay, just a little tired.

Irene was having fun singing with Jisoo, Rosé and the Itzy kids. Wendy likes it when she sees that Irene is enjoying herself. Irene saw Wendy was watching her so she hands her the microphone asking her to sing together. Wendy reluctantly took the mic and sing her heart out to Twice’s Fancy.


“Miss we are here.” The driver told Wendy thru the intercom.

Wendy nods and she look out through the window and saw the mansion that she had left for 12 years. A mansion that holds so many memories, good and bad. A mansion where she and her older sister grow up together. A slight pain hit Wendy’s heart when she remembers her sister and her mother whom she thought was her mother but is not.

Irene saw the slight change in Wendy’s eyes. She wanted to sit nearer to Wendy so she could comfort her. She gives Wendy a concern look and Wendy smiles at her to tell her that she is fine. Irene didn’t move her eyes away from Wendy just so that she can make sure that Wendy don’t have anxiety or panic attack.

The driver parked the limousine right in front of the main entrance of the mansion. He opens the door for them and Wendy exited first. She was greeted by her servants and butlers that she hadn’t met since the last 12 years.

“Welcome home Ms Wendy!” they greeted her happily, some even shed tears.

Wendy shed tears too, because she misses some of them, these people are the one who watches her grow from a baby to a teenager, they are like her family.

The door opens and a middle age guy came out with a wheelchair. His face has sunken over the years, Wendy almost couldn’t recognize him.

“Seungwan…” he softly calls out. Naeun was behind him, pushing his wheelchair. 

“Father…” Wendy calls out, Irene who just exited the limo goes straight to Wendy side and hold her hand. Wendy turns to look at her and them both exchange smiles.

Wayne tries to get up from his wheelchair but he almost stumbles, Naeun quickly catches her father, she asks him to sit down but Wayne refuses. He asked for his cane, Naeun was reluctant to hand it to him, but he demanded so she gives in and hand him his cane. Wayne use the cane to support his body weight and try to stand again. He manages to stand up straight and he tries to go down the stairs to meet his daughter. The one that he had been missing for 12 years. The one that he had wronged for so many times. Naeun was there to guide her father to get down step by step.

Wendy heart is wrenching at the sight of her weak father. She remembers him as a strong, buff and handsome father but he looks so weak and fragile now. She tries to hold her tears, Irene notices that Wendy is shaking. She tries to hold on to Wendy tightly to give her support.

Wayne reached his daughter, he reached for her to give her a hug, but Wendy didn’t bulge. She stays still because she didn’t know how to react. Wayne hugs his daughter tightly. He misses her so much.

Irene let go of Wendy hand and take a step back to give the father daughter more space. Wendy slowly move her hands up and gently pats her father on the back. His body left only skin and bones, Wendy’s heart got heavy upon holding her father in her arms. Her tears stream down her cheek, she couldn’t hold it anymore. She cries in the crook of her father’s neck. She failed him as his daughter, she failed her whole family.

The other girls shed tears upon seeing the father daughter reunion. Naeun silently wipes her tears upon seeing her sister and father reconciled. Jisoo silently move closer to Rosé and whisper to her “He is not as scary as I thought he’ll be…”

“It’s not the time to judge people Jisoo.” Rosé shushed her girlfriend.

Wayne and Wendy parted, and he looks at her from head to toe “You look just like your mother.” Wayne sounds so proud when he looks at his daughter. Wayne looks at Irene and he smiles at her. Irene panic and she smiles back. 

“These people are they your friends?” Wayne asks.

“They’re my family.” Wendy replies without hesitation.

“I see…” Wayne nods, he snaps his fingers and his butler comes to him “Bring these young ladies to the guests room, they need some rest, and tell the cook to prepare a grand meal for them, they must been hungry after the long flight.” He told the butler. The butler bowed and instructs some of the servants to help the girls carry their luggage in.

“Come my daughter, there’s a lot that we need to talk about.”


Jennie and Lisa Room

“OMG! This room is huge!! It’s even bigger than my apartment alone!” Lisa was astonished by the size of them room. Everything feels opulence in that guest room. From the king size bed to the private bathroom and all of the things were coated with gold.

Jennie instantly plumped herself on the soft fluffy bed. She was tired, she was tired from the trip and she was tired that Lisa had been ignoring her. She knows that Lisa is still mad at her, she tried so hard to get the girl’s attention but Lisa keeps on ignoring her.

“Lisa…” Jennie calls for the girl.

Lisa pretended not to hear the girl and continue to explore the room. Jennie sigh and she just keep herself silent and stare at the ceiling. Lisa came out from the bathroom and she plumped herself next to Jennie. They exchange looks, Jennie eyes got teary and she looked away, trying to hide her tears from Lisa.

“I’m sorry Nini…I shouldn’t get angry at you like that. I should be there for you to help you cope with your anxiety. I want you to rely on me more Nini…so please, every time you’re having anxiety attack please talk to me.”

Jennie cries and she hugs Lisa tightly “I love you so much Lisa…so please don’t get mad at me again.” Jennie sobbed. 


Wendy and Irene’s Room

Wendy insisted her servant that Irene can stay in her room and she asked them to move all of Irene luggage to her room.

“Wow Wendy, your room is so dark…”

“I don’t like sunlight, I prefer a dark room.” Wendy said while unpacking her luggage.

Irene walks around to explore Wendy’s room, it was neat and it is even bigger than her room back in the palace in Korea. She walks to Wendy’s desk and saw her photo with her sister. Irene picks the frame up and she smiles at the young Wendy. She was a bit plump but she was cute. Irene notes that Wendy sister is a beauty, she does share the same feature as Wendy but her beauty is on a different level.

“She was so perfect, she is always on top of everything that she does. She was top of her class, top of the state grade and top of her university. She was our family pride.” Wendy’s voice interrupted Irene.

“She’s beautiful…”

“She is isn’t she?” Wendy smiles at the photo. Her family never compares both of them as they are equally smart but she knows her sister earn a special place in her father’s heart. 

Irene caress Wendy’s face when she saw the sadness in her eyes “Hey, it’s not your fault okay? Don’t blame yourself.”

Wendy grabs Irene hand and she pull Irene into her embrace, she hugs the older girl tightly. They stay in that position for a moment until someone softly knock on the door.


“Wendy it’s me Naeun…father requested everyone to go to the dining room.”

“Alright…shall we go princess?” Wendy held out her hand to Irene and Irene took it and they both walk out of the room together.


Dining Room

“Mhmm…” Rosé moaned when she took a bite of her food “This is so good, OMG…”

“Eat slowly Chaeyoung ah, or you will choke on your food.”

Chaeryoung, Yuna and Yeji were gruffling down their food like they hadn’t eaten for days. Jisoo had to keep an eye on them because she is worried that they might choke on their food. 

“Where is Wendy and Irene when we need them to check on their ‘kids’.” Jisoo murmurs under her breath and at that moment Wendy and Irene appear and they seated next to the Itzy kids.

“Did you all enjoy the food?” Naeun asked the girl when she appears with her father.

“Father.” Wendy greeted her father. She still doesn’t dare to look her father in the eyes because of her guilt of seeing him like that.

“Wendy, after lunch, I would like to meet you alone in the reading room.” Wayne told his daughter.

“I prefer if Irene is with me.” Wendy replied without even looking at her father. She focuses on cutting her steak.

“Seungwan, this is a family matters, I prefer if no outsider is involved.” Wayne replied in his stern and deep voice.

“I don’t want to argue with you father, want it or not, she is coming with me.” Wendy glares at her father.

“Very well…whatever you wish.” Wayne gives up on arguing with his daughter. It was so hard for him to meet her again and he didn’t want to ruin it with their disagreement.

The other girls could sense the tension between the father and daughter, but none of them dare to interfere. However Irene tries to enlighten the tense mood in the dining room.

“So Mr.Wayne, how was Wendy when she was little?” Irene’s question made all the people in the dining room went silent.

“She was…”

“He wouldn’t know because he seldom spend time with me…” Wendy cut her father off.

“You were a difficult child Wendy, nothing ever satisfy you.” Wayne sighed.

“If you didn’t busy raising that kid…” Wendy points at Naeun with her fork “and raise me instead probably we won’t be having this conversation.”

Naeun was upset by Wendy’s remark, Irene tried to shush Wendy for the rude remark but Wendy ignore and continue to attack her father and Naeun.

“You told me I’m the heir to the Son’s clan but you neglected me.”

“We did spent some quality time together when you were younger didn’t we?” Wayne put down his fork and he stare directly to the scowling Wendy.

“Ummm…sorry to disturb your lovely father daughter moment, we would like to excuse ourselves.” Rosé wanted to escape from the tense atmosphere, she knew that the other girls wanted to escape too.

“Can we go explore the city?” Yuna asked excitedly.

“Sure girls…I will arrange my driver to bring you girls around.” Wayne called for his butler and told him to arrange transportation for the girls to go explore the city. His butler nods and he guide the girls to the other side of the room while waiting for them to arrange transportation for them. Ryujin asked Irene to join them but Irene refuses, she told Ryujin that Wendy needed her at that moment. Ryujin tried to convince Irene again but Yeji dragged her out with them. 

Irene remain with Wendy in the dining room, she holds Wendy’s hand underneath the table. She caress the back of Wendy’s hand to calm the girl down.

The door close echoes in the dining room. Naeun, Wayne, Wendy and Irene were the one that left behind. Wayne turn to Naeun and told her to join the girls, she reluctant at first but Wayne told her that everything will be fine. Naeun left the room, she closes the door behind her and leaving only Wayne, Wendy and Irene in the dining room.

“What is your relationship?” Wayne ask when he noticed that the girls are holding hand.

“She’s my girlfriend.” Wendy replies without hesitation, Irene turns to look at her when she heard the word ‘Girlfriend’.

“I didn’t know you swing that way…” 

“A lot of things you didn’t know about me.” Wendy hissed.

“I am trying Wendy…I want to amend things between us. I lost your mothers, and I lost your sister, I lost Naeun’s mother a few years ago...I don’t want to lose another one of my loved one. You and Naeun are the only one that left for me in this world.”

“I used to look up to you, I used to think that you are the best dad in the world, I wanted to become like you when I grow up. Why dad…why…why you neglected mom? Neglected me and Seunghee unnie?” Wendy cries.


“I’ve learn from Henry that my mother, Jung SeungMi is not my real mother, she was mom’s twins…”

“That is right.”

“Why dad…why did you decide to marry her and lie to me that she is my mother?!” Wendy stood up and smack the table. Irene is pulling the hem of her shirt to make the girl sit back again.

Wayne was silent, he only look at how Irene tries to calm her daughter down. Wendy got her temper from him, he knows that it was hard to keep Wendy calm but he is surprise to see Irene able to calm her down. Somehow it reminds him of his first love, Wendy Jung Seungyeon, Wendy’s biological mother. He slightly smirk when he remembers that woman, whom he gave all of his heart to.

“Your maternal grandparents almost took you and your sister away from me. Seungmi and I came out with a plan, just so you two could stay as my daughters. Which is for me to marry her. Seungmi sacrificed her relationship with her boyfriend at that time. She gave it up because she made a promise to your mother that she will not let you two taken away by your maternal grandfather. We wanted to tell you the truth but was waiting for the right time. But it was never a right time…I know you’re mad that I decided to divorce Seungmi when she was dying…but I wanted to grant at least one last wish of hers…she wanted to marry the man that she loved. But it was too late, she died before she could get married to him…” Wayne stops and he look at Wendy. He saw that Wendy is trying to hold her tears.

“I love your mom, I love you and I love Seunghee…I lost my common sense when Seunghee died, Seungmi died at the same night, and you almost die at the same time…I tried to forget about all those bad memories by drinking, I took drug and I abuse you. I see my failure as a father and lover whenever I see you Wendy. I did not hate you, I hated myself. I want to apologize to you before it’s too late…” Wayne tries to get up from his seat but he falls due to his weak legs. Irene gasps, she wanted to run to Wayne side to help him, but Wendy stops her.


Wayne uses the table to support his weight, he reached for his cane, tried to balance himself again. He took a small step toward Wendy. He stumbles again and fall on the ground. Irene’s heart wrenched when she saw Wayne couldn’t get up. She loosen Wendy’s grip on her wrist and she runs toward Wayne. She tries to help him to get up but Wayne gently rejected. Irene only stand by his side watching him trying to reach his daughter.

Wendy stood there, she didn’t dare move nor make eye contact with her father. She care about her father but her ego is too big to open up to her father. Wayne reached Wendy, he kneel in front of her, then he bow to her and apologize. Irene was mad at Wendy for not reacting or feel sorry for her father. Irene went to Wayne sigh and kneel with him.

“Irene what are you doing?! Get up!”

“If your ill father kneel in front of you still not enough to satisfy your ego then let me kneel too, I’m going to kneel in front of you until you forgive him!” Irene told Wendy angrily.

Wendy squat down, she holds onto her father’s fragile shoulder and she looks into her father’s glassy eyes. It was the first time she ever see her father shed tears. Unknowingly to Wendy, her tears start to fall too.

“I’m sorry dad, I’m sorry, if it wasn’t because of me, Seunghee unnie would probably still be alive…I’m sorry…” Wendy cried.

Wayne pulls his daughter into his arms, holding her like she was his baby again. Wendy cries into her father’s arm. She misses him, she always do but she couldn’t face him. Irene watches the father daughter reconcile with tearful smile. Wendy held out her hand to invite Irene into a group hug. Irene accepted and they cries in each other arms.


Ripley’s Aquarium of Canada

“Look at those fishes!!”

“Oh look at that shark!!!”

“Ooh Stingray!!!”

The Itzy kids run happily toward the glass, just so they could watch the fish closer. Jisoo and Rosé were stuck with babysitting the kids while Jennie, Lisa and Naeun went to the nearby café to hang out, because Jennie wasn’t feeling so well.

“Girls, don’t tap on the glass, you might scare the fish!” Rosé warned the girls when she saw Chaeryoung and Yuna tap the glass to scare the fish.

“I don’t think I want to have kids.” Jisoo complained while sipping on her drink.

“Why?” Rosé turned to Jisoo in tears.

“Look at them…so hyper. Whose idea it was to give them sweet drinks?”

“We can’t give them coffee, we can’t give them alcoholic drinks…we can only give them sweet drinks.” Rosé explain, though it was her fault that she bought them the frappe earlier.

The girls had fun taking selfie with the fishes and someone caught Yeji’s eyes. She left the group to follow that person.

“Lia…” she called out and the girl turn.



Café Outside of the Aquarium

“Wow…I never thought…Wendy unnie had such sad history.” Lisa sighed after she heard about Wendy’s story from Naeun.

“Wendy is the only heir of the Son…no matter what happen, she had to take over our father place…” Naeun explain.

“But what if she don’t want? Do you want to force her to?” Jennie questions.

“She had to…” Naeun keep on repeating.

“You can’t force someone to take over a job that she didn’t like!”

“She has to!!” Naeun shouted then she apologize for being loud.

“If she didn’t a war will happen among the clan…if that’s happen more and more innocent life will die…” Naeun explains.

“What…what do you mean Naeun? What war?” Jennie ask.

“Ever since my father gotten sick, there has been a coup d’etat among the clan. They are planning to take over the Son’s reign as the leader of the clan…”

Jennie gets up from her chair and she storms away, Lisa follows her girlfriend.

“Babe! What’s wrong?!”

“This is all a trap!” Jennie shouted “This is all her plan!” Jennie pointed at Naeun “You actually plan this all along didn’t you?!”

Naeun only smirks evilly “What made you think so?”

“What are you two talking about?” Lisa was confuse.

“Since the first time I saw her, I knew something wasn’t right. The way she acted around Wendy! And the things I heard before we came here.”



Jennie and Lisa were walking to the dining room to join the others, and Jennie stop outside of Naeun’s room, the door was slightly ajar, and Jennie could hear Naeun’s voice and saw that she was talking on the phone with someone.

“Yes, it’s all according to plan. Yes, I know…She will be in the reading room with father and I can distract the other girls.”

End of flashback


“You planning to kill Wendy?!” Lisa shouted “She is your sister!”

“I never have a sister, I deserve to take the Son’s place as the rightful heir! I’ve been patient all these years and for what? Nothing! Father still choose Wendy over me.That ungrateful brat,she has everything but she chose to leave.”

“Lisa we have to go back to that house!” Jennie pulls Lisa with her. Naeun crack a laugh when she saw the two girls running away.

“She might be dead by the time you reach there!” Naeuen shouted.


Ripley’s Aquarium of Canada

“Lia wait, wait…please listen.” Yeji tried to stop Lia from running away.

“Go away Yeji! I don’t want to see you.”



“Where is Yeji?” Chaeryoung ask when she realized that her friend is gone, then she saw that Yeji is chasing Lia down the walkway.

“Omg, it’s Lia-unnie!” Yuna pointed out.

“Lia!” Ryujin calls for the older girl and she runs after them.

“Hey wait up!” Chaeryoung tried to catch up to Ryujin and Yuna.


“Hey Hey, Chaeyoung, the kids are running away!” Jisoo warns Rosé and they both go after the kids.


“Lia!” Yeji continously call for her girlfriend.

“Lia! Please just listen to me!” Yeji begged but Lia continue to quicked her pace and she exited the aquarium. Yeji follows from behind and exited the aquarium too. She tried to chase up to Lia but the girl already enter a black car and the car drove away. Yeji was devastated that she couldn’t get to talk to Lia.

“Yeji!” the other girls call out for the cat eye girls. Ryujin saw that Jennie and Lisa were running toward them she waves at them but soon when she saw that Jennie and Lisa had worried look on their face, she immediately turns to Jisoo and Rosé.

“What’s up Jenlisa…”

“Jisoo we got no time, can you drive? We gotta get back to that mansion, Wendy and Irene are in danger!”


Son’s Family Mansion

Irene, Wendy and her father were chit chatting in the reading room, looking back to their old album, reminisce the old time.

“Look at this, she was sulking that time because her sister didn’t want to give her the sweet.” Wayne pointed at one photo where Wendy had her arms crossed and she is pouting while watching her sister eating the lollipop.

“This is Wendy crying because she misses her sister so much on the first day of her school…”

“Dad…stop showing Irene my embarrassing photo! I don’t even know you still keep these photos.”

“Of course I keep them, I couldn’t be there when you were growing up, so I had these photos to watch you growing.”

Wendy smiles at her dad, she misses to spend moment like this with her dad.

“So tell me Irene…how did you meet my daughter?” Wayne asked Irene.

“She save me Mr.Wayne…if it wasn’t because of her, I probably won’t be here today.” Irene explain.

“I’m glad you are able to find a lover like Irene Seungwan-ah…I see the way you two look at each other. It reminds me of your mom and me.”

“Mr.Wayne…” someone interrupted them.

“Yes?” Wayne turn, and he saw Seungmi’s ex lover standing by the doorway.

“Ah, Minho, I was just going to introduce my daughter to you.”

“Dad!!” Wendy jumped right in front of her father when she saw the guy took out a gun and aim it at her father.


‘BANG’ the sound of gunshot echoes in the mansion.


In the car

“What do you mean Naeun is planning to kill Wendy?!” Ryujin shouted.

“It’s was absurd to thing that she had everything plan out for all of us.” Jennie explain.

“When did you found out?!” Rosé asked while clinging for her dear life at Jisoo’s driving skill.

“I heard she made a phone call, and I had my suspicion, and then what she told me at the cafe made me think that she’s plotting something to get rid of Wendy so she can become the new leader of the clan! Drive faster Jisoo!!”


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Chapter 67: wow this story is like a roller coaster 😭 I'm glad it ended happily 💖💙
Chapter 49: Who does Wendy have children with???
Chapter 46: Here I thought previously Irene would really move on to someone new 🥲
Chapter 45: I actually don't like it when Irene moves on from Wendy 🤧😩
Chapter 44: Impossible. I cried at this part 😭
Chapter 31: I'm curious about Wendy's health check results
Chapter 27: very domestic 🤧
Chapter 24: Irene's father is annoying 😒
Chapter 23: oh my gosh the story is getting more intense