Chapter 28: Jealousy

When The Flower Blooms

Wendy was sad that her cake burnt, Irene said it is okay, maybe they should just buy some, but Wendy insisted that they bake a new batch because she wanted to show her appreciation to her friends. Irene said that they should bake together with Ryujin and Yeri and they decided to bake chocolate cheese cake.

The cake was a success, they put it in the fridge to let it cool down and Wendy asked Ryujin and Yeri to go and take their bath first because the guests is going to arrive soon. Wendy clean the kitchen top and she prepare all the eating utensil. Irene stay behind to help her wipe the plate, fork and spoon. This is what Irene ever wanted, a family like this. The bliss feeling of being around Wendy and the kids warm up her heart.

“What?” Wendy asked when she noticed Irene was smiling to herself.

“This make me happy.” Irene said to Wendy.

“Being with you make me happy.” Wendy reply back and she send Irene a flying kiss.

“Augh, stop being so greasy!” Irene scolded Wendy, she cannot tolerate Wendy being greasy because sometimes it is very cringe, but deep down inside she secretly like it.

“You like it don’t you, you like it when I acted this way~”

“Yah, stop it! Go and take a shower, you smell.” Irene instructed Wendy.

Wendy lifted up her arm and smell herself “I didn’t smell at all!”

“Just go~” Irene said one more time.

“Let’s go together.” Wendy suggested as she slowly closing their gap, she pulled Irene by the waist and the older girl gasped “Let’s shower together, I miss you, since the kids are around I can hardly be intimate with you without them get grossed out.”

Irene laughed at Wendy’s remark, she cupped Wendy’s face and gives her a quick peck on the lips “I miss you too, let me just set the whole table up and then maybe we can…” Irene paused, and she bit her lower lip seductively, she pulled on Wendy’s collar and whisper to her ear “We can have our own little ‘adventure’ in our bedroom.”

Wendy was blushing so hard, her heart beat so fast, she tried to contain herself when Irene let go of her but she keeps on glancing over to Irene. Irene hand trail down Wendy’s body and she tapped Wendy on her which made the younger girl yelps in surprise. Wendy frowned at Irene but Irene only wink at her. She put down the plate and she pulled Irene with her to their room. Once they enter their bedroom, Wendy locked the door and she pushed Irene on their bed.

“Oh Wendy-shi you are so aggressive!” Irene playfully tease Wendy.

Wendy smirked and she crawl on top of Irene “It’s your fault that I got so turn on.”

“Hmm, then you should punish me.” Irene provoked.

Wendy leaned in and claims Irene’s eager lips. Irene arms wrapped around Wendy’s neck, and Wendy deepened the kiss. Wendy’s tongue beg for entrance and Irene grant her the entrance. Wendy kisses Irene’s neck and moan escape from Irene. Wendy pulled up Irene’s shirt and reveal her silky white body. Wendy stopped awhile, she was mesmerized by Irene’s beauty. Irene got shy when Wendy stare at her for too long “Don’t stare for too long.”

“You’re so beautiful.”

“You are beautiful too.” Irene said as she cups Wendy’s face.

Wendy kisses Irene on her nose, then her forehead, her chin, both of her cheeks, her earlobe, then she trails down and kiss Irene’s collarbone, she kisses her shoulder, she kisses her s and lastly she kisses her belly.

“Every part of you is beautiful.” Wendy remarks.

Irene pull Wendy up and planted a kiss on her lips “Kiss me.” Irene demands and Wendy complies.


Living Room

Ryujin and Yeri were blushing hard when they heard all the moans and groans coming from Wenrene’s room.

Yeri fans herself when she imagine what they did inside the room, then she remembered that Ryujin is still underage, she runs to her room to get her headphone and run back to put it on Ryujin then blast her song to muffle all the noises that’s coming from Wenrene’s room.

Ryujin frowned at Yeri and she clicked her tongue in disapproval but Yeri ignore her and set the volume higher. Ryujin just sat there quietly scrolling through her phone. Yeri was trying her best to not notice the noises. Then the noises stop, heavy breathing can be heard, Yeri sighed in relieve and she take off the headphone from Ryujin.


“I think they’re finish.” Yeri sighed.

“Gosh…this is much worse than to walk in on your parents having .”

“Don’t mention it.” Yeri rolled her eyes “I think we should just continue to decorate the dining table.” Yeri suggested.

Ryujin gets up from the couch and helps Yeri to decorate the dining table and finishing setting up all the plates and utensils.

Yeri look at the time and it shows that it’s almost 6pm, so she start to take out the food and place it on their dining table. The door bell ring and Ryujin went to get it, it was the delivery guy, with their fried chickens. Ryujin thanked the guy and went back to the dining area and place the chickens on the table.

“Oh wow, smell so good!”

“Yeah I can’t wait to dig into all of these!” Ryujin squealed happily “Can I at least steal one piece of the chicken though?”

“No!” Yeri swatted Ryujin’s hand and told her that she should wait for their guests. The door bell ring again and this time Yeri went to open it.

“Hey!” Taeyeon greeted her little sister.

“Unnie!!” Yeri hugged her sister, she missed her and she glad that Wendy decided to invite her over “Where is Chul oppa?”

“He couldn’t make it, he got meeting in China, he sends his regard and here, a gift from him to you.”

“Thanks unnie, I’ll make sure to call him later, please come in.”

“Oh…you must be Ryujin?” Taeyeon asked when Ryujin came out to greet her.

“Yes, I am Ryujin. Nice to meet you.”

“Yeri told me so much about you, I’m glad that she able to make new friend!”

“Oh really?” Ryujin looked at Yeri with a suspicious look and Yeri just blow out her tongue at her. “Please be seated, I think Irene and Wendy are still cleaning up after themselves.”


“What Ryujin mean is, they are taking, umm bath…” Yeri gave Ryujin a side eye, she almost slip and told her sister that their cousin just finish had .

The door bell ring again, and Ryujin goes to get it, she saw through the security monitor that it were her friends. She happily open the door for them “Girls!!”

“Ryujinie!!” the girls group hugs her, Ryujin had been absent from school ever since she got injured, she decided to get home school, hence she hadn’t had the chance to hang out with her friends.

“You’re looking good kiddo!”

“Jisoo unnie!” Ryujin was happy to see that Jisoo is herself again and not the gloomy Jisoo from a few months ago.

“Hey kid!” Lisa greets, Jennie and Jessica were behind her.

Ryujin invited them all in and then when she was about to close the door, she spotted Joy and Seulgi who just reached their floor. She was reluctant when Wendy said she wanted to invite them because after all that had happened, she still doesn’t understand how Wendy able to forgive them. Especially when it was Seulgi’s plan to get Irene killed in the first place. She forced a smile when her eyes meet with Joy’s eyes. She open wide the door to let them in.

Wendy came out from her room first and greeted her guests, she was happy that Joy and Seulgi could make it. Wendy’s father had called her earlier this morning to thell her that he couldn’t make it to her daughter house warming party because he wasn’t feeling well and needed to stay at the hospital. Wendy told him that she will go and visit him tomorrow. Her father blessed her and her new family through the phone. However there’s still someone that hasn’t turn up yet. Wendy is positive that she will turn up. Irene came out a few minutes after Wendy and the adults notice that she was wearing a turtle neck, though her cousins know how much she hated turtle neck.

Taeyeon gently nudge Irene and Irene blushed “Things goes well with you huh?”

Seulgi who saw the interaction know what they are talking about, she got a little jealous at the fact that Irene never wanted to have with her but she gave it all to Wendy. Joy put her hand on Seulgi’s knuckle when she saw Seulgi’s face changes. Seulgi took at deep breath and nods at Joy to tell her that she is okay.

Wendy leads her guests to the dining room and show them the feast. Everyone was amaze by the food that Wendy and Irene had prepared for them.  Everyone was hungry and Wendy invite them to dig in and everybody did. Wendy went to the kitchen to check on her roasted beef and saw that it still need a few more minutes to get done, so she went back to join the girls.

Taeyeon was being hostile toward Seulgi and Joy, Irene tried to calm her cousin down. Taeyeon tried to be nice because she didn’t want to ruin the party mood. She sat far away from the rest and joined Jessica who was alone by herself. They introduce themselves and get to know each other. Taeyeon was immediately smitten by Jessica’s beauty and intelligence. 

Jisoo was gulping down the fried chicken, it was like she hadn’t ate for a few weeks. Lisa was looking at her with disgusted look on her face.

“Wow slow down, you’re going to choke yourself to death!” Jennie asked Jisoo to slow down with her fried chicken.

“It’s been awhile since I eat this, oh man this is so good.”

“Glad you like it Jisoo but please slow down.” Wendy added.

Jisoo listened and she slow down her pace, enjoying the fried chicken. She wanted to video call Rosé but she’s afraid that Rosé is busy or asleep but she did text her and no reply from the girl. The Itzy girls were happily chatting with Yeri, they were so excited to be able to meet her, Yuna and Chaeryoung are fan of RV, so they were excited to be able to meet with the RV members. Though they are a little sad that RV is in the verge of disbanding and ongoing hiatus until they don’t know when. Wendy took out the roasted beef from the oven and everyone was amaze by the smell, Irene help Wendy to cut it and distribute it to their guests.

Everyone enjoy the food, and the music, Wendy took her guitar out and sang a song for everyone. Irene used her phone to record the video, she wanted to cherish this moment the most. She is surrounded by her loves one. 

Joy and Seulgi was trying to contain themselves from getting too obvious that they are jealous of Wendy and Irene’s happy moment. Joy excuses herself and when to the balcony to get herself some fresh air. Wendy noticed it, so she excuses herself too and follow Joy to the balcony.

“The air is getting chilly, here blanket to keep you warm.” Wendy offered and she wrapped the blanket around Joy.

“Stay away from me Wendy, I don’t want to hurt you again, and I’m afraid I will fall for you again. I’m glad that you invited us over but I am feeling uncomfortable.” Joy rejected Wendy.

“I just wanted to amend our relationship, I’m sorry if you feel uncomfortable.”

Joy turn around trying to avoid Wendy’s gaze “Tell me Wendy…did you really move on from me? Did you really forget all about me?”

Wendy raised her eyebrows, she lean against the railing of the balcony “Honestly speaking, before Irene appear in my life, I was miserable. I couldn’t move on at all, everywhere I go I see RV and when I see RV I see you. I tried to kill myself one time you know? But I was lucky that Henry found me and I was sent to rehabilitation for a year. I opened a café, thinking that if I keep myself busy I will not think about you, it was hard, but I survive. Now thanks to Irene, I am able to fall in love again. I thought I couldn’t fall in love again after you break up with me.”

Joy gasped at Wendy’s revelation, she didn’t know that Wendy tried to kill herself when they broke up. She mutters silently “Sorry…”

“It’s okay, everything happened for a reason. Matter fact, I am thankful to you. If you didn’t broke up with me I probably won’t meet all those girls, and I probably wouldn’t meet Irene and fall in love with her. Then thanks to you for saving Irene’s life, if you didn’t shield her from the bullet, I cannot imagine a world without Irene. So…thank you. Thank you so much.” 

Joy cried upon listening to Wendy’s words “I am sorry that I made you miserable. I thought by leaving you will give you a better future. And it seems like it did, you are happy now with Irene. I’m honestly happy for you, but Wendy…this heart.” Joy pointed at her heart “It still beating now is because of you. Everyday after we broke up, I don’t know if I can live another without you that time. I tried to fight to live for another, and my only motivation is that one day I will be able to see you again, and when I’m able to see you smiling happily that is enough for me. And now I can see that you are happy…it cure my heart and guilt. So thank you.”

Joy pulled Wendy into her arms, she missed Wendy’s warm but she knows that it doesn’t belong to her anymore. Wendy didn’t know how to react to the hug. She hugs back, hopping that it will ease Joy a bit. Unknown to Wendy, Irene was watching them. Irene followed Wendy when she noticed that Wendy went to retrieve a spare blanket from their storeroom and she went outside to the balcony. She saw Wendy return Joy’s hug, her heart hurts. She knows Wendy loves her but seeing Wendy being intimate with her ex made Irene irritate. She turns away sadly, Joy saw Irene and she quickly pushed Wendy away.

“Irene…she saw us. I don’t want her to misunderstand.”

Wendy look back into her house and she sees that Irene is talking to Taeyeon and Jessica, then their eyes meet, Wendy notice the sadness in Irene’s eyes, and she knows the smile that Irene gave her was fake. “Ah .” Wendy cursed at herself. She gave Joy a little pat and asked her to join the others. Wendy follow behind, she sneaks behind Irene and then she put her hand on Irene’s waist but Irene push it away.

“Irene, can we talk for awhile in the kitchen.” Wendy asked politely.

“We have guests here Wendy.” Irene politely rejects.

“Just for a minute.” Wendy pleads.

Joy look at them with a guilty look in her eyes, and Ryujin sensed something isn’t right with her parents now. She clears and offer to entertain the guests and Yeri who finally realized the situation, offered to herself to help entertaining the guests too. Irene gave up in rejecting Wendy and she pulled Wendy to their kitchen. She closes the partition between the dining room and the kitchen.

Seulgi nudged Joy and raised an eyebrow as if she is asking what is happening. Joy whispered to Seulgi’s ear and Seulgi eyes does wide. She tries to smack Joy buy Joy block her hand. “Yah! Why did you did that!” Seulgi scolded Joy.

“It was just a hug!” Joy tries to defend herself.

“Even if it was just a hug buy you are Wendy’s ex! And you know how Joohyun unnie gets jealous easily!”

“I know! That is why I felt sorry for Wendy!”


“What?” Irene asked annoyingly.

“You’re jealous aren’t you?”

“Oh no Wendy, I am not jealous.” Irene denied.

“Joohyun ah…”


“Look at me.” Wendy pleaded, Irene look at Wendy, her eyes were teary, she was trying to hold her tears.

“You are the only one that I love now okay. I was just comforting Joy. I have no feeling for her anymore. Even when she hug me, my heart didn’t react, but with you, every one of your touch, of your gaze, it makes my heart goes wild. I promised that I will never leave you right?”

Irene pouted, she still feel jealous at Wendy’s interaction with Joy, she didn’t want to look immature in front of Wendy,. “Whatever.” Irene said.

Wendy knows that Irene is still angry, she tried to make a joke to make her laugh, but Irene didn’t even amuse by it. Wendy sigh, she asked Irene what can she do to make Irene happy.

“Don’t ever let me catch you hugging anyone else!”

“Even the girls?”

“The girls are exception but Joy is a big No.”

Wendy didn’t why but she likes this side of Irene, she had never seen Irene gets jealous before, and even is she did she had never show this much of emotion. Wendy sneakingly pull Irene into a hug and forcefully kiss her. Wendy’s action surprise Irene, but Irene didn’t retaliate, she enjoy the kiss. It was until Wendy’s start to lifted up her dress, Irene stopped her before things escalated.


“Come one, a quickie please?” Wendy begged with her puppy eyes.

“Son Seungwan, we have guests!” Irene protests. She hated that she can’t get mad at Wendy. The jealousy that she felt earlier got wash away by Wendy’s affection. There’s one thing that differentiate Wendy and Seulgi in terms of relationship, Wendy knows how to make her feel better while Seulgi would just ignore her jealousy and would probably tell her that she thinks too much. The fact that Wendy always know how to make her feel right makes Irene fell hard for Wendy.

“Fine, but I am getting it tonight okay?” Wendy teased Irene.

Irene gently smacked Wendy by the , which caused Wendy to groans in pain and surprise. They linked arms and open the kitchen partition, and they were surprised that the Itzy girls and Yeri were all eavesdropping by the partition.

“Yah, what are you kids doing!” Wendy scolded them and all of the kids scrambling around trying to run away from Wendy’s rage.

Joy sighed in relieved when she saw that Irene and Wendy went back to normal. Joy met with Irene’s gaze, she looked away because she still feel guilty over the hug earlier. Irene approached Joy and she seated next to her. Seulgi who sensed the tense between the two girl decide to escape from the couch and she join Wendy in catching the Itzy’s kids.

“Unnie the hug it was nothing…really.” Joy begins to explain.

“I didn’t ask you anything.” Irene said coldly.

“I meant it unnie…I’m really sorry, it won’t happen again.”

“I understand that you still couldn’t move on from Wendy, I’ve heard your story. I won’t stop you from meeting her, but I want to make it clear, she is mine and if you hurt her, I won’t forgive you, even though you’ve save my life before.”

Joy gulped at Irene’s threat. She had never seen her ex manager being so protective of someone before, even with Seulgi she was never that protective. She nodded nervously, and finally she sees Irene’s sincere smile.

The door bell ring again and everyone is surprise, are the expecting more guests? “Ah she’s here!” Wendy exclaim happily.

“Who else is coming Seungwan-ah? I thought your father couldn’t make it?” Irene asked.

“Yeah, this guest is someone special, I want you all to meet, especially someone over here.”

Everyone look puzzle, Wendy went to the door and open the door for her guest. Her guest enter the house and everyone was looking at her.

“...why did you invite her?!” Ryujin is angry when she saw the last guest.

To be continue


Okay, drama start form the next chapter onwards!

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Chapter 67: wow this story is like a roller coaster 😭 I'm glad it ended happily 💖💙
Chapter 49: Who does Wendy have children with???
Chapter 46: Here I thought previously Irene would really move on to someone new 🥲
Chapter 45: I actually don't like it when Irene moves on from Wendy 🤧😩
Chapter 44: Impossible. I cried at this part 😭
Chapter 31: I'm curious about Wendy's health check results
Chapter 27: very domestic 🤧
Chapter 24: Irene's father is annoying 😒
Chapter 23: oh my gosh the story is getting more intense