Chapter 19: Henry Will Always There

When The Flower Blooms


Wendy stood there still and terrified, Irene was in front of her, trying to block the bullet. Things move slowly, she wanted to push Irene aside but her feet feel like it was glue to the ground. A gun shot was fire, Wendy could only watch in Horror, but then she scream when Henry jumped in front of the open fire. The bullet penetrated his chest, he managed to shot the shooter with his gun. The bullet that Henry fired penetrated the shooter’s shoulder. Panic, he ran away with his injured shoulder. Mr. Lau saw his son got shot right in front of his eyes, he took out his walkie talkie and commanded his men to hunt that shooter down.

“Henry!!” Irene run toward him, she cradle him in her arms, her hand pressed down on his chest trying to stop the bleeding.

“Seungwan, you’re okay?” Wayne asked his daughter, Wendy was pale, and her tears wouldn’t stop falling down her cheek. She watches as Henry gasping for his life.

“Henry!” she finally get back to her sense and went to her bestfriend’s side.

“Henry, hang in there bud…” Wendy cries.

“Lau, call for ambulance fast!!” Wayne told Henry’s father.

“Tell…tell sunny…I…I love her…” Henry cough out a clump of blood, Wendy stops him from talking anymore, she told him to save his energy so that they can get him to the hospital.

“I’m sorry Seung…wan…I couldn’t…protect…you…” Henry gasped for air.

Wendy holds Henry hand, she begged God to take her life instead, she had watch her sister die in front of her and now she had to watch her best friend die in front of her.

“Son, hang in there! Help is on the way.” Mr. Lau kneel beside his son, he was crying, he never cries in his life. Not even once, but today he cries for his son is dying in front of his eyes.

“I ca…n’t make…it pop…I love…you…and…” was Henry last word before he let out his last breath.

“Henry…henry son…no…”

“Henry!!!” Wendy wails.

“No…” Wayne staggered and fall to the ground.

Mr. Lau stood up and he took out his gun, he storm out of the reading room. He took out his walkie talkie and commanded his men to find the shooter and kill him. Wendy was lifeless, she stares blankly at Henry lifeless body, she gave Henry a kiss on the forehead and she stands up. She took the gun from henry’s hand.

“Seungwan, what are you doing?” Wayne is worried about his daughter when he saw she took the gun.

“Man hunting…” Wendy replies in monotone.

“Wendy…” Irene gently put Henry’s body down on the ground and she stand up, trying to stop Wendy from doing something reckless.

“Wendy…please don’t do this…” Irene cries as she try to stop Wendy.


Wendy cupped Irene’s face and give her a quick kiss before she runs out the room. Irene desperately trying to stop Wendy, but Wayne stopped her. He told her that Wendy will be fine, she knows how to protect herself. Wayne asked Irene to hide in a safer place but Irene refused, she told him that she wanted to stay there with him.

Wendy check every room and every corner of the house trying to search for the shooter. She saw the blood trails and she follows it and saw that it lead to her mother’s room. She slowly open the door and put up her gun as self-defense. The guy who trying to shoot her was sitting on her mother’s favorite spot. 

“Why…” Wendy slowly speaks up “Why did you do that?” her voice was shaky.

“For years…for years I’ve been patiently waiting for Seungmi…your father took her away from me. I hate him so much but he wouldn’t let her go. Then…he let my sister, Naeun’s mother suffered too…he abuses her, he blame her for everything that happen to his family. My sister died because he drove her crazy she killed herself. My poor niece have to put up with a devil as a father. She deserved to take over the family business. She put up a lot, she’s been living in your shadow even though she is his daughter too. Just because her mother is not one of the Mafia clan…she was consider not fit to take over the your father’s place. That is why when your father fall ill, Naeun tried to bring you back so that she can kill you and take her place as the heir. She had already made a few agreement with the other clans, they all wanted to get rid of your father. He had went soft over the years, and if you take over the his place, they are worry that you aren’t capable to handle to clans.” The guy panted while he speaks. 

Wendy saw that his face is turning pale, his breath getting heavier. She put down her gun and went to him and she sits opposite to him.

“I’m sorry for your lost, but I can’t forgive you for killing my best friend.”

“My aim was your father and you, but he got in the way.”

“I loved mom too, she was my strength and motivation when I’m growing up. Father had told me everything…he wanted to let her go so she could marry you, but it was too late. Mom died during the operation. Dad cares about mom, he knows that she loved you, he never touch her because he knows that you are the one she loved and not him. And yet this is how you repay my dad? He might be a bad guy but he still accept your sister and your niece in his family, you told me my dad was evil but he pour out all of his love to Naeun. He never once leave her side since she was a baby, he chose to raise her up but he neglected us. You dare to tell me that my father didn’t love his wife and his daughter?!” Wendy raises her voice.

“If I die, I regret that I couldn’t drag your father down to hell with me.” The man laugh manically.

Wendy aim the gun at him, she gritted her teeth trying to hold in her anger.

“Pull the trigger…” he taunts her.

Wendy hand is shaking, she tries to pull the trigger but she give up “If I pull this trigger, it’s not gonna bring Henry back alive.”

“You are a coward!!” the man taunt her and he pull out a gun aim it at Wendy. Wendy dodge the bullet but it graze against her shoulder. She fires a shot at him and critically shot him on the chest. He dies on the spot and Wendy was horrified. She just killed a man, she’s a criminal now. She throws away the gun and she hug herself, she tries to stop herself from shaking.

Mr. Lau enter the room and saw the bloody mess. He saw Wendy terrified look and she was shaking, he took the gun that was thrown on the ground.

“I kill him uncle…I’m a murderer…” Wendy cries. 

Mr. Lau asks Wendy to leave the room, he asks her to go to her father. Once Wendy is out of sight, Mr. Lau took out his handkerchief, he make sure he clean it thoroughly, he didn’t want the gun to have Wendy’s hand print on it. He aim the gun at the dead body and shoot it a few more times. His men came in when they heard the gun shot. Mr. Lau told them to get rid of the body and the gun.


Reading Room

Irene was sitting on the ground looking at the lifeless body of Henry, her brain is blank. She couldn’t believe she just lost her friend right in front of her eyes. It was traumatic for her. The room’s door open, and Irene scooted closer to Wayne, trying to protect him. When the door fully swing open, she saw the pale Wendy with blood all over her.

“Wendy!” Irene went to her side.

Wayne get up and limping toward his daughter “You okay Seungwan?” he ask worriedly.

“I killed him dad…I’m a murderer…these hands…these hands are not clean anymore…” Wendy cries.

Wayne pull her daughter into his arm, he patted her on the back and tell her that it’s okay. He told her that she is not a murderer. Wayne saw Mr. Lau standing by the door with the paramedics and polices come running toward Henry’s body. Mr. Lau nodded at Wayne, as if he is telling him that he had taken care of the shooter. Wayne couldn’t believe that the man he trusted the most, the man whom he thought as his brother would betray him. He treated Seungmi’s lover as his brother, whatever the guy wanted he gave it to him. The other reason why he treated him so good is because the man that just kill Henry was Naeun’s uncle. He is Wayne’s brother in law.  

“You’re gonna be okay Wendy…Daddy promise you.” Wayne kisses Wendy on the forehead. He asked Irene to accompany Wendy while he go talk to the police chief officer.

Irene hugs Wendy tightly, she softly cries on her shoulder “Please don’t scare me anymore…”

“I’m sorry…”


Outside The Mansion

The girls reached the mansion and they all try to get in but the police stop them from going in.

“Our friend is in there! Let’s us in please!” Jennie begged. She is worry, she is worry for her cousin whom are still inside.

“I’m sorry miss, but no one is allow to enter.” the police told Jennie.

“Hey, I’ll pay you whatever amount you want but please let us in.” Ryujin begged.

“Are you trying to bribe us?” the officer frowns at Ryujin.

“You let us in…” Jisoo speaks with her broken English.

“Let them in…” one of the chief officer commanded.

“Yes sir…”

“Mr. Choi…” Yeji greeted the man.

“You know him?” Lisa asked.

“He is Lia’s father…” Chaeryoung and Yuna replied in unison.

“What are you doing here? Still the trouble maker huh, no matter where you go you always cause problem.” Mr. Choi mocked Yeji.

Yeji was in the verge of bursting out, Ryujin and Yuna step up for her “Mr. Choi as much as we want to respect you as eldery, but if you wanted to speak like that to our friend, we afraid that we can’t give you the respect that you want.”

“Ah I see, all the Itzy’s brats are here, what a delight scene.” Mr. Choi said sarcastically.

Ryujin got so angry that she almost attack him but Yeji stop her “Let’s go Ryujin, Wendy unnie need us.”

“Come Ryujin…” Rosé and Jisoo drag Ryujin with them and they hurriedly enter the mansion.


They enter the mansion and they saw that there are many people gather around the reading room, so they hurriedly approach that room. Rosé and Yuna reached first and they scream the moment the reach the room. Rosé runs to Jisoo and she buried her face in Jisoo’s shoulder. Yuna went and hide behind Ryujin.


“What’s wrong?” Jisoo asked her girlfriend.

Jennie peek inside the room and she screams too. Lisa immediately went to Jennie’s side to comfort her, but she gasped when she saw what’s happening in the room. Chaeryoung, Yeji and Ryujin try to check on the room but Jisoo and Lisa try to stop them from going in. Ryujin hops so she can take a glance of the room and she froze when she saw Henry’s lifeless body, a pale and bloody Wendy. She tripped and she fell on the ground.


“What did two saw?!” Chaeryoung asked the crying Yuna and stunned Ryujin.


“Henry…Henry…he’s…” Ryujin was stuttering, she couldn’t get her thought straight.

“Henry is dead…” Yuna completed Ryujin’s sentence.


“He’s dead…he’s dead…” Rosé cried.

Jisoo couldn’t believe it either. She caress her girlfriend’s back to comfort her. Lisa was stunned too, she couldn’t believe it either.

“Irene!” Ryujin gets up from the ground and make her way into the room to find Irene. She saw the older girl is talking to one of the officer, she sigh in relief. She made her way to Wendy, she sits next to her.


“I’m a murderer…” Wendy said softly.

“You’re not…Naeun is…” Ryujin replied. Her eyes fixed on Henry’s body. She shudders at the sight.

“Where is she?” Wendy asked in angry tone.

“I, I don’t know…when we left, she was still at the café near the aquarium.” Ryujin replies.

Wendy gritted her teeth at the thought of Naeun.

“Wendy there’s something that you should know…it was Naeun that set this thing up. She wanted to take over your place as the rightful heir to the Son.”

“I know…” Wendy replies.

“You knew?”

“I know when her uncle told me…”

“Her uncle?”

“He was the one who tried to kill me and my father…but Henry…he took the bullet…”

“I’m sorry…” Ryujin said sadly. She patted Wendy on the shoulder.


Irene just finish talking to the officer, she walk to Wendy and Ryujin. Ryujin hugs the older girl, and ask if she is okay. Irene said that she is fine, a little shock but she is fine. She look at Wendy, she is worry about the girl’s mentality right now.

Wayne approached them “I’ve talk to the police, they will close this case…” Wayne explain to his daughter. “Wendy…look, everything will be fine…”

“What about uncle Lau? What about Sunny? What am I going to tell Sunny?” Wendy cries.

Wayne didn’t know what to reply his daughter, he only could comfort her.



The Next Day


The day was gloomy, it was raining heavily during Henry’s funeral procession. Sunny was present, she had fainted for so many times and Son’s body guard make sure that she is escorted throughout the procession.

The priest said a few prayer before they lower Henry’s casket down to the empty grave. The girls were present too at the funeral. All of them cried. Wendy silently stood there watching Mr. Lau and the other guards lowering Henry down. Irene was beside her to make sure that she’s okay. Wendy didn’t shed any tears during the procession, but her eyes were empty. Irene intertwine their fingers, she give Wendy a little squeeze and Wendy reciprocate by squeezing back.

Once the priest had finish his prayer and Henry’s casket had already been lower into the grave, everyone throw in a white rose as a token of goodbye. Wendy was he last to throw hers in.

“Oppa…if I can exchange my life for yours, I would do it…I owe you so much…and yet you never complain…You always stay there beside me…You are always there whenever I needed a shoulder to cry on, a pair of ears that will listen to me, a heart that love me unconditionally…you were the brother that I never had…if…” Wendy stops when she choke on her tears, she wipes her tears and continue “If you meet Seunghee unnie up there…tell her I miss her so much…I miss you two…” Wendy sobs. She throws her white rose into the grave and the guard begin to fill the grave with dirt. Wendy watches with heavy heart. One by one of the guest start to leave until it was only Mr. Lau, Wayne, Wendy and Irene.

“He was a good boy…” Mr. Lau begin to speak up “He never complains, and he always obey whatever that I told him to do…the only regret that I have right now is that I didn’t let him have the freedom that he needed…Even until his last breath…he…” Mr. Lau choke the lumps that is building in his throat.

Wayne pats him on the back, he knows how it felt to lost your child. However he is lucky that he still have Wendy with him, Mr. Lau only have Henry as his only son. “He is indeed at good son Lau, and I wished I had a son like him too…”

“If I can turn back time…” Wendy interrupted the elderly “I rather die than to watch Henry sacrifice himself to save me…”

Irene was not happy with Wendy’s statement “Wendy…you should appreciated that you are still alive! Saying that you rather die just wasted Henry’s sacrifice to save you!”

“Everyone around me die…everyone that I loved die!! I don’t deserve to live…” Wendy runs away after she said that.

“Wendy!!” Everyone shouted for her, but Wendy pretend to not hear them and continue to run in the rain.

Irene discarded her umbrella and run after Wendy. She pulls Wendy by the arm trying to make her turn and face her but Wendy resisted.

“Wendy listen!” Irene tried to negotiate with the girl but Wendy wouldn’t listen. Irene forcefully make Wendy turn to face her and she gave her a slap.

“Don’t be stupid Wendy!! We are already sad that Henry died trying to protect you and your father! I know you feel guilty that Sunny loses her fiancé and her unborn baby never get the chance to see his or her father but you have to know, it was Henry job to protect you. He died while protecting you. He died while doing his job! Sunny understand that, Sunny didn’t blame you because she knows how much you mean to Henry! So I don’t want to hear another bull about you don’t deserve to live another day or saying stuff like you don’t deserve to love because the people you love all suffer! I love you and I am willing to suffer just to be with you Wendy. I love you so much that it hurts to see you like this. It hurts to see you blaming yourself for everything that happened. I love you and I want you to live!”

Wendy cries, she cries loudly and Irene let her be. This scene reminded her of the first they they met. It was raining too and she was crying that time and Wendy comforted her. This time she wants to be the one who comforts Wendy.


Son’s Mansion


The Itzy’s girls and JenChuLiChaeng were resting in the waiting room. They couldn’t believe at what had happened. Jennie anxiety gotten worse and Lisa is trying her best to comfort the girl. Jisoo was making a call back to Korea to tell her secretary that she will be staying in Canada a bit longer. Ryujin also making a call to someone.

“I want you to find her, she probably had run away. No, I don’t want you to kill her just find her. Do not take any action without my permission!” Ryujin said to the person on the line.

“Ryujin…you didn’t just asked your henchmen to hunt for Naeun?” Yuna asked in horrified tone “After all that had happened I prefer if you do things not in a violent way!” Yuna advised her friend.

“Ryu…Ryujin what?” Lisa asked, feeling a little confuse.

“Ryujin, you’re a mafia too?!”

“No, she’s not a mafia but she’s worse than a mafia…” Yeji replied the shock Rosé.

“She’s a Yakuza…” Yuna and Chaeryoung replied in unison.


“Yeah, isn’t obvious? I told you I lost my parents.” Ryujin shrugged coolly.

“You did told us your parents were dead but you never mentioned any fact that they are Yakuza!” Jisoo states.

“My mom was a Yakuza Boss daugther…my dad married her and he took over my grandpa’s business because the Yakuza didn’t want to have a woman as their leader. They got killed when during a mob protesting back in Japan.”

“Oh…great, one is a Mafia’s daugther another one is a Yakuza’s granddaughter.” Jennie scoffed “I am sick of this underworld of yours!”

“Hey, I didn’t force you to like it.” Ryujin glare at Jennie.

“Don’t fight you two. Ryujin…” Jisoo was cut way before she can finish her sentence.

“I won’t kill her unnie, I just want to teach her a lesson for hurting Wendy-unnie…” Ryujin explain herself when Jisoo was about to lecture her.

“Why did you never tell to us about this?” Rosé questioned.

“Because she had a crush on Irene unnie…” Yuna exposed Ryujin.

Ryujin’s was stunned when her best friend sold her out she was mad “Yah! Shin Yuna!!”

“You had a crush on Irene? You?” Lisa and Jennie pointed at Ryujin.

“Yeah so what if I had a crush on her?! I don’t want her to know that I am related to Yakuza…she’s a princess, she must hate people like us. I don’t want her to hate me.” Ryujin explaining herself.

“Aww…you’re cute, I knew you had something for her, because you’ve been acting so tsundere toward her…and Wendy. So Jisoo actually bet that you had a crush on Wendy but I put my bed on Irene.” Rosé said.

Ryujin blushed, she tried to hide it but the others keep on teasing her. She had a crush on the older girl when the first time they met. She was hypnotize by Irene’s beauty, but she didn’t know how to act around the girl. Sometime she acted mean because she didn’t want Irene to find it’s obvious that she likes her.


On The Way to The Mansion


The ride is silent, the good thing is Wendy had calm down. Wayne had give her his coat to keep her warm. He thanked Irene for calming his daughter. He likes Irene, Irene was gentle with Wendy, she knows when to approach Wendy and she knows when to step back and give Wendy the space she needed. Irene reminds Wayne a lot of Wendy’s biological mom. She was gentle, warm and kind and she stood behind Wendy no matter what happen. He was upset that Wendy is a homoual, that is because he expected a grandchildren from Wendy to continue the bloodline of the Son. However after what happened, Wayne decided that it is enough, he will step down from being the Mafia leader and live a normal life. He knows his father would probably hated him for his decision to let go of what they had been defending for decades.

He simply didn’t want to let Wendy becomes the next victim of the clans’ selfishness. Seunghee was his only choice back then because he knows Seunghee was capable in controlling the greed the clans, but Wendy is not strong like Seunghee was. He is willing to let go of his position and free Wendy from the clans, that is why he wanted to see her before he dies, he wanted to lifted her up from his heir list. He didn’t expect that Naeun, the daughter that he had spend most of his time to betray him.

“I am lifting your name from my will Seungwan…” he spoke


“There are wars going on among the clans of the Mafia…people are fighting to take on my place, I don’t want you to be the next victim…let it end with me.”

“No, I am taking over your place.” Wendy was determined.

“No! I can’t lose you too Seungwan!” Wayne shouted “I can’t lose you too…”

“You’re not losing me dad…I am not gonna let those clans destroy our family any more. I am going to take over your place and I will rule the underworld with my way, I will change the mindset of the Mafia…I will get justice for Henry…”


“I’m your only daughter…your only heir, I have the blood of a Son and Jung in me…I am capable of leading the clans.”

Irene was surprised with Wendy’s decision, she was hoping that she could discuss it with her first. She wanted to protest because she thinks that Wendy is too soft to be doing the Mafia’s job, Wendy is too gentle to do such thing, but she keep silent because she had no right to interfere in Wendy’s family matters.



Back in Korea (Seoul Police Headquarter)


“I told you it wasn’t mine! I didn’t owned those thing!” Yeri had been detained for interrogation for 19 hours now. She was exhausted and she was mentally tortured during the 19 hours. No matter how much she denied it the police won’t believe her.

Taeyeon was present with their lawyer, but it didn’t help one bit. Heechul threatened to sue the authorities if they didn’t let his sister out but he got detained too and had been put in a different interrogation room.

“I need to speak to my lawyer!” Yeri demanded.

“We will let you speak to your lawyer if you tell us the truth!” one of the police threatened Yeri.

“You know who my aunt is don’t you?!” Yeri told the police.

“Yes, she is the prince’s wife. But she can’t help you out Missy, because this is a serious case.”

Yeri crossed her arms and she glares at the polices “I am not giving more information because those drugs aren’t belong to me.”

“Alright, Donghae-shi this girl is not going to corporate with us, take her to her cell, we will continue this interrogation tomorrow.” one of the police offer sighed.

The Police officer named Donghae guided Yeri to exit the interrogation room and lead her to her cell.


Taeyeon spotted them, she tries to stop them but the other polices block her way “Yeri! Unnie gonna take you out from there okay?! Please be patient! Unnie will find the culprit! Unnie believe in you!” Taeyeon shouted.

Yeri cries at he sight of her older sister, she just wish that her Joohyun unnie is here with her now. She knows Irene will do anything to help her. She was innocent, she didn’t even know who put those drugs in her bag, though she suspects it’s either Joy or Seulgi but they are their band members, they wouldn’t be so stupid to jeopardize their group name. It must have been an anti-fan Yeri thought.



Son’s Mansion (Wendy’s Room)


The security of the mansion is tight, no one is allow to go in or out without , and it is suffocating Irene and Wendy to be in such tight security. After they got back from the cemetery, Wendy had went to her room. She took a cold shower and plank herself on her bed. Irene thought she could use their private time to ask her why she changed her mind. Wendy told her that she didn’t want to become part of the Mafia, but now she agreed to take over her father’s place.

“Why did you change your mind?”

“Why can’t I?”

“I’m not trying to stop you Wendy…but can you?”

“I’ve killed people…my hands are dirty now…I am worth it to be a Mafia now no?”


“Irene…it is better if you leave me…I don’t want to put you in danger like what happened yesterday. Why did you jumped in front of me? You could get kill!”

“Because I don’t want to lose you!” Irene fires back. Wendy was stunned when she saw Irene is crying.

“I meant what I said when we were at the cemetery Wendy…I love you and I don’t know what I’m gonna do if I lose you. When he aimed that gun at you, the only thing that I could think is to save you…”


Wendy gets up from the bed and approaches Irene who was sitting at the dresser. Wendy cupped Irene’s face and she wipes the tears away. Irene’s heart beating like crazy at the closeness. Wendy leans down and kiss Irene. The kiss was soft, their lips brushing against each other and Irene parted her lips to grant Wendy more access. Wendy deepened the kiss, she lowers herself to level with Irene and she pulls Irene closer. Her hands began to explore Irene’s body and Irene moans when Wendy slip her cold finger behind her back. Wendy broke the kiss first when she heard Irene moaned.

“I’m sorry…I shouldn’t…” Wendy was cut off by Irene’s sudden kiss.

“Don’t stop…kiss me.” Irene demanded and Wendy complies. Wendy carries Irene to her bed and she lay on top of her. Wendy stops and she look at Irene to admire her beauty.

“Why are you stopping?” Irene asks in disappointment.

“I just want to admire the most beautiful girl in the world.” Wendy smiles and that was the first smile that Irene sees today.

Irene cups Wendy’s face and she smiles at her “You don’t have to admire her, because she is all yours.” and that sealed the deal between them. Wendy leans in to kiss Irene again and they spend the whole night exploring each other body. Moan and groan echoing in their rooms.


Yeji and Chaeryoung’s Room


“Yeji, you need to stop pacing back and forth, you’re making me dizzy.” Chaeryoung complained.

“I don’t understand Chaeryoung…why, why did Lia run when she saw me?”

“Yeji…as much I didn’t want to remind you of that day, but Lia did break up with you.”

“No Chaeryoung! Her father forced her to!”

“How can you be so sure?”

“Because I love her and she loves me! We’ve got our future planned together! I…I miss her…I just want to know the real reason why she wanted to break up.”

“You’re only 17 Yeji ah…you’re still young to be planning your future like that.”

“You don’t understand Chaeryoung…I…”

“Look, if she’s really the one for you, she will come back. Just let the time decide. It’s getting late, I’m going to sleep. Goodnight Yeji!” Chaeryoung pulled up her blanket and bid Yeji goodnight.

“You don’t understand what is love Chaeryoung ah…” Yeji sighed.

To be Continue...




I feel bad that I had to kill Henry. Don’t bash me. So there you have it the reason why Ryujin got so attached to Wendy and Irene, Ryujin had a crush on Irene. Actually I was reluctant to make Ryujin related to Yakuza, but why not? Where did Naeun run to huh? Will they be able to catch her? How will Wendy deal with other clans?

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Chapter 67: wow this story is like a roller coaster 😭 I'm glad it ended happily 💖💙
Chapter 49: Who does Wendy have children with???
Chapter 46: Here I thought previously Irene would really move on to someone new 🥲
Chapter 45: I actually don't like it when Irene moves on from Wendy 🤧😩
Chapter 44: Impossible. I cried at this part 😭
Chapter 31: I'm curious about Wendy's health check results
Chapter 27: very domestic 🤧
Chapter 24: Irene's father is annoying 😒
Chapter 23: oh my gosh the story is getting more intense