Chapter 4: This Funny Feelings.

When The Flower Blooms

Wendy’s Apartment

Wendy drops all of the groceries that she is holding, and rush toward Jisoo who is bleeding from her head. “Irene, can you help me to open the door please?” she pleads while attending to her friend.

Irene obeys and she quickly open the door with the access key that Wendy gave her. She went straight to the kitchen and put all the grocery bags on the kitchen counter before went out again to help Wendy.


“Oh, I didn’t know you are living with someone else unnie.” Jisoo teases the older girl.

Wendy ignores the younger girl remark and she notice another figure is beside Jisoo “Rosé!” Wendy gasps.

“What happened?!”

“Before I explain, can you help me to carry Chaeyoung in? She’s heavy.”

The two girls help the unconscious blonde hair girl up and carry her into the apartment.

“Is she okay?” Irene asks while taking the other grocery bags from Wendy’s hand.

“Don’t worry, she’s okay, she just passed out when she saw my blood.” Jisoo explains.

Wendy and Jisoo slowly lay Rosé on the couch, Jisoo tries to catch her breath because she just carry Rosé on her back for a good 2km walk to Wendy’s house.

“How did you end up with a bleeding forehead?! We should get you to the hospital, or clinic!” Wendy panic when she notice that Jisoo’s wound is still bleeding.

“I’m fine unnie, you should attend to Rosé…” Jisoo said as she wipes her blood with her shirt sleeve.


Irene appears with a glass of water and handed it to Jisoo “Here, drink this.” She offers.

“Thank you.”

“Rosé is fine, Wendy-ah, she just fainted because I was bleeding so bad, and since your house is the nearest to the place that we’re at, so I had to drag her here, her house is too far.”

“You should have called…” Wendy sighs.

“My phone died, and I don’t know Rosé password so~” Jisoo replies with a shrug.

“You should get your wound clean up.” Irene interrupts the two girl.

“There’s an emergency kit at the top shelf of the kitchen, can you grab it for me Irene?”

Irene nods and went to the kitchen to get the emergency kit.

Jisoo’s eyes follow Irene’s movement, and once the girl was out of her sight, she nudges Wendy “Yah, you didn’t tell us that you are not available anymore! The triple date this morning was useless then!”

“I told you I didn’t want to join the triple date, it was your crush over here…” Wendy pauses and point at the unconscious blonde “that forces me to.” Wendy continues.

“We all thought you were single, but who knows…” Jisoo smirks “You already had someone, and she’s a great catch.”

Wendy turns her head toward Jisoo and frowns “We’re not in a relationship Jisoo-ah. I’ll introduce her to you later, but for now, please we need to take care of your wound. What is taking Irene so long...” Wendy wonders.

“Maybe she can’t find the kit.” Jisoo answers.

“Here…” Wendy hand Jisoo the tissue box “Don’t use your to wipe your blood, it may get infected, I am going to check on Irene.”

“Oh her name is Irene huh?”

Wendy just frowns at Jisoo cheeky remarks, she leaves the living room to go check on Irene who is taking too long.


Jisoo seated herself next to the unconscious Rosé, and she caress the girl’s face. Her face was so soft against the back of her hand. Jisoo smiles when she remembers what had happened earlier.




The two girl had just finish their ice cream and decided to take a stroll on a nearby park. The two of them were quiet, walking side by side, enjoying the night breeze. They walked to the nearby park and saw that the park is full of couples dating. The taller one blushed, “This is nice.” She thought to herself.


“Why are you smiling to yourself?” the shorter girl asked when she caught the taller one smiling by herself.

“Nothing unnie…” the taller one replied.

“No, No…whenever you smiles like that, you’re thinking about something didn’t you?” Jisoo asked.

“Mmm…” Rosé shrugs her shoulder and Jisoo just look at her with disbelieve expression on her face.

“The view is so nice isn’t it unnie?” Rosé asked, she linked her arm with Jisoo and smiled at the older girl.


Jisoo was in bliss, the whole Jenlisa thing stressed her out earlier, but now she is happy that she get to spend time with her crush. “But the view that I am looking at now is nicer.” She said.

Rosé face is turning to tomato “Hmm, is it? Then I think I’m loving the view that I am looking at right now.” Rosé said while looking straight into Jisoo’s eyes, but she breaks if immediately when she realized the situation they were in. Their face was so close, and Jisoo didn’t even break her eyes off her, which made Rosé blushed even harder and she can felt that her heart is going to explode soon if she continues to stare into Jisoo’s eyes.


“Are you shy Chaeyoung ah?” Jisoo teased the girl while getting her face closer to hers.

“Unnie stop it, people are watching.” Rosé tried to push Jisoo away because people are watching them.

Jisoo looked at her surrounding and she growled “Hey! What are you looking at?!” Jisoo shouted at them.

“Unnie…” Rosé tried to stop Jisoo from making them the center of attention.

“What? They asked for it!”

Rosé sighed and quickly pulled Jisoo to a more secluded place out of people’s prying eyes.

“Rosé stop.” Jisoo said in a very stern voice, which made Rosé stopped.

“Turn and look at me.” Jisoo ordered.

Rosé slowly turned to Jisoo, and Jisoo cupped the taller girl’s face “Are you embarrassed that people are judging us?” Jisoo questioned.

“No…I just…”

“You just what?”

“I just hate all the attention...and unnie…we’re not even…dating.” Rosé replied.

Jisoo smiles sweetly at the taller girl “Oh so you do like me after all?”

“…I’ve always like you unnie..Since the first day we met…I’ve always like you.” Rosé confessed, but she didn’t dare to look at Jisoo’s eyes.

“Then go out with me…”

“But you’re clearly just treat me like a little sister…” Rosé stopped and looks down to match Jisoo’s eyes “What?”

“Go out with me, Roseanne Park Chaeyoung.” Jisoo affirmed her previous sentences.

“What…what do you mean?” Rosé stuttered.

“You heard it well, go out with me.” Jisoo affirmed again.

“Stop joking unnie…”

“I am not joking, what makes you think I’m joking?”

“Why now?” Rosé questioned.

“Why not now?” Jisoo replied and her face had gotten closer again to Rosé’s face, but this time the younger girl didn’t retreat, she remains still and Jisoo thought it was a good sign that the girl didn’t reject her.


“Because…then Jennie…”


Jisoo rolled her eyes upon hearing the name, she let go of Rosé arm and walked away from the older girl. Rosé was surprised by the sudden act of Jisoo, she called out for her, but Jisoo didn’t even look back and again Rosé calls for her again, but Jisoo just wave her hand in the air. The younger girl quickened her pace to catch up with Jisoo. She grabbed Jisoo by the shoulder to make Jisoo stopped.


“Unnie, why are you acting like this?”

“You won’t believe in me, so I’ll just leave.” Jisoo answered.


“You said you’ve liked me since the first day we met, but why can’t you let me like you back?”

“How can I show you how I like you when Jennie unnie is all over you?” Rosé cried and once again they caught the attention of everyone around them.


Jisoo pulled Rosé to a more scheduled place, Rosé tried to loosen the grip on her wrist but Jisoo just wouldn’t. Once they reach the place where there’s no one around, Jisoo let go of Rosé and turn to face her.

“You know that Jennie only got a thing toward Lisa, and you still doubt it?” Jisoo said angrily.

“You two were so close! I know she likes Lisa, but your closeness sometimes makes me doubt if she truly likes Lisa.”

“She was like a little sister to me Chaeyoung ah! You’re the one that I like!”

“Then prove it!” Rosé provoke the older girl.

Without hesitation Jisoo grabbed Rosé face and she planted a soft kiss on her lips, which causes Rosé to bulged her eyes in surprise. Jisoo heart was beating like crazy, she never thought Rosé lips were this soft, it was addictive. It was the sweetest and soften things that she ever tasted, she slowly moves her hands from cupping Rosé face to her neck and slowly make it way down to Rosé’s waist. She can feel that the younger girl is slowly responding to her kiss. Rosé slowly tilt her head to give Jisoo more access to deepened the kiss and Jisoo did. Jisoo broke the kiss and slowly open her eyes to look into Rosé’s eyes “Do you believe me now?”


Rosé was still speechless from the kiss, she couldn’t look into Jisoo’s eyes, her eyes were glue to the ground, she fidgeted.


“Do you need another kiss again to confirm my feeling to you?” Jisoo asked slyly.


“…maybe…” Rosé answered shyly with her super red face.


Jisoo smiles and lean in again for another kiss, but this time Rosé stop her before she could reach for the girl’s lips.


“But not here…” the blonde said.


“Wow, so you wanna take this to another level huh?” Jisoo tried to teased the younger girl, although she was surprised that the blonde was so bold.


“What another level?” Rosé asked quizzically.


Jisoo just remembered that Rosé is an innocent young lady, she probably wouldn’t know what Jisoo meant by taking it to another level.


“It’s…nothing…” Jisoo sighed “But can I kiss you again?” Jisoo urged.

Rosé giggled and she playfully distance herself from Jisoo, and slowly she starting to quickened her pace and full on running away from Jisoo.

“Yah! Park Chaeyoung!” Jisoo shouted.


“If you want a kiss from me then try to catch me if you can!” Rosé shouted back happily.


“Aish, this girl!” Jisoo cursed, but she still run after the blonde. There is no way that she will miss another chance to kiss that soft lips again.


But she couldn’t reach for Rosé, she tripped on her own step and face planted first to the cemented sidewalk.


Rosé stopped when she heard Jisoo’s cried. She turned and she saw that Jisoo laying on the ground groaning. “Unnie!” Rosé yelled in despair as she ran toward the older girl.


“Unnie! Unnie!! Are you okay?!”


Jisoo sit up and give Rosé a thumb up while grinning, but Rosé scared expression had Jisoo worried “I’m okay Chaeyoung ah, why are you looking at me like that?”


“Blood…” was all that she said before she fell unconscious. Jisoo catched the taller girl before she hit the ground and gently slap the girl face trying to wake her up “Chaeyoung ah!” and at that moment she felt something trickling down her forehead and when she touched it, she realized that her head is bleeding.


“…” Jisoo cursed under her breath, she seated herself comfortably on the ground while cradling the unconscious Rosé in her arms. She tried to fish out her phone but only to realized that it was dead, and she tried to find Rosé’s phone but she didn’t know the password.

She remembered that Wendy lives nearby, so she gathered all of her strength shifted Rosé to her back and piggy back the girl to where Wendy lived at.


End of Flashback.


“Idiot…if you didn’t faint because of my blood, I would have shown you more of my love to you…” Jisoo murmured under her breath, hoping that no one can hear her.




“Irene, what take you so long?” Wendy asked but she was surprised when she saw that Irene is kneeling on the counter top trying to reach for the top shelf.


“Careful there!” Wendy tried to now shout but her reaction got the best of her. Irene was shocked to hear Wendy shouting at her and loses her balance and she fell down from the counter. Wendy quick reflex enable her to catch Irene on time.


If life was a movie, this scene would probably be in a slow motion, where there’s blur effect and the camera turning 360 around the main characters. But this is not a movie, Wendy manage to caught Irene, but she loses her balance too and both of them fell crashing on the floor.


“What are you thinking climbing the counter like that?” Wendy was scared that Irene could have hurt herself.


“I thought I can reach for it!” Irene replied aggressively.


Their body were pinned together, heart beat can be heard, mostly probably Wendy’s heart. Faces were inches away, Wendy had her arms wrapped around Irene’s waist, while Irene had her hands on Wendy’s shoulder.


“I think I should get off you, I’m sorry I must be heavy.” Irene apologized when she gets up from pinning Wendy down.


“I’ll get the emergency kit…can you go get a clean towel or something to clean my friend’s wound?”


“Sure.” Irene replied and walk out from the kitchen.

“Do you know where I put all the clean stuff?” Wendy shouted from the kitchen when she remembered that Irene probably didn’t know where she kept her stuff at.

“Yes.” Was all that she heard.


Living room


“Here’s some clean towel, use it to clean your wound.” Irene offers Jisoo. Jisoo politely accept the towel and pressed it against her bleeding forehead.


“I’m Jichu…and this unconscious giant is Rosé…” Jisoo introduced herself and Rosé.


“I’m Irene…” Irene introduced herself.


“So…were you and Wendy unnie…you know…together?” Jisoo asked suddenly which made Irene to look at her with a frown.


“Oh no…we’re just housemate!” Wendy answered even before Irene can reply.


“Such a wonderful roommate you have Unnie~” Jisoo teased Wendy.


Wendy pry Jisoo hand away from her forehead, quickly spray antiseptic which causes the younger girl to yelped at the stinging sensation, before put on plaster on the girl’s forehead.


“Shut up Jisoo, Irene is just a friend of mine who is in trouble in the moment, that’s why she’s staying with me.” Wendy explain.


“I see…” Jisoo smirk slyly.


Wendy just sigh at Jisoo’s expression “It’s late you two can stay here, you can sleep in my room, I’ll just sleep on the couch.”


“Oh no, unnie, I can sleep here with Chaeyoung…we’ll leave once Chaeyoung is awake!” Jisoo tried to reject Wendy’s offer politely.


“You’re injured. You have to get a comfortable rest!” Wendy protests.


“They can sleep in my room Wendy…I can sleep on the couch tonight.” Irene offered.


“No, you are my guest too.” Wendy protest again.


“Then…I’ll sleep with you. They can have my room.” Irene suggests again, which this time made Wendy agapes.


“I like that idea!” Jisoo supported with a smug on her face.


“Fine…” Wendy gave up, because she knows she is never gonna win when it comes to Jisoo, and now Irene is the same too.


“Let’s get Rosé into Irene’s room…” Wendy commands.


Irene and Jisoo both carry the tall girl into the room, they slowly laid her down on the fluffy bed. Wendy gave Jisoo some clean clothes that she can borrow since her clothes is all cover in blood. Irene took the dirty clothes and throw them in the washing machine.


After settling Jisoo and Rosé into Irene’s room, Wendy bid Jisoo good night and went out, she throws herself on the couch and groan tiredly.


“I made some hot chocolate…” Irene’s voice startled Wendy and she immediately sit up straight “Thank you.” She said politely when she takes the mug from Irene. Irene seated herself opposite of Wendy, she crossed her legs and watch Wendy tried to drink her hot chocolate, and she notice how tense is the brunette around her.


“You don’t have to be so tense all around me Wendy…”


“I tried to…” Wendy sighed. She tried to sip on the hot chocolate but she almost burns her lips and tongue, she was not good in handling hot stuff, so she put her drink on the coffee table, waiting for it to cool down.


“Not up to your standard?” Irene questioned when she saw Wendy out down her mug.

“No…just…I’m not good with hot drinks or food.”

“I see…”

“but! It’s delicious!” Wendy exclaims.


Irene smiles and continue to drink hers. Wendy is mesmerized by Irene beauty as the light from her window shun on Irene’s face, which made Irene looks like a goddess.

Irene turns her head and their eyes met, both smiles at each other and they took another sip of their drinks and both turn their head to the balcony to watch the stars and moon.


“Were you bother?” Irene’s sudden question broke the silence between them.

“Bothered by what?” Wendy asked.

“That I am a lesbian. Is that why you were so against about the idea me sharing a room and a bed with you? Were you afraid that I’m gonna take advantages of you?”

Wendy was silence, her eyes were glue to the night view from her apartment balcony. She slurps her hot drink slowly, and hummed before she opens to answer Irene’s question.

“No, I am not…”

Wendy finally turns her head and her eyes locked with Irene. “I’m just afraid that you might not comfortable sharing a bed with a stranger. The fact that you like girl never bother me.” Wendy’s answer somehow warms Irene’s heart. Irene smiles at Wendy and she turns her head to the balcony again.

“Then let’s get to know each other, until we can call each other friend.” Irene suggested.

“That would be good…” Wendy nods with agreement.

They turn their head again and eyes locked again, Wendy was the one who break the eye contact first. Wendy adjusted her position and now she is laying on the couch, looking at the ceiling fan that moving slowly up above her.

“Ah!” Wendy shoots up when she remembered something.

“What is it?”

“Can I have your number?” Wendy took out her phone and handed it to Irene. It’ll be more convenient to have your number, just in case anything happens.”

Irene did not say anything, she just took Wendy’s phone and save her won number in it.


Irene just smiles and continue to watch the night sky, Wendy too had resume back to laying on her couch.

“How old are you Irene?” Wendy asked out of the blue.

“Age is a women secret Wendy-ah.”

“But…I want to know…”

“Then try and guess.” Irene giggled.


“Wow, that specific huh?” Irene hummed.


“Since you’ve been so good to me, I’ll tell you my age. I’m 28.”

“Eh?! Then you are an unnie!”

“How old are you then Wendy?” Irene asked back.

“I’m 26 this year…”

“So young!!” Irene disbelieve that Wendy is younger than her, she knows that Wendy is younger but not that young. The two girls enjoy their time to talk about their hobby and their childhood and Irene told Wendy the story about how she learnt about her uality and such. They talked until they lost the track of them. When Irene saw that it was almost 1am, she excuses herself to clean herself and then head to bed. Wendy nodded and she told her to leave her mug at the coffee table, she’ll wash it for them later and Irene obliged.


Wendy is happy, she never felt this happy before, she swipes on her phone for a few minutes before she decided to get some rest, so she take the mugs to her kitchen and wash them. She blushes when she saw that they had a matching mugs. It was like they were a couple that staying together. Wendy shakes her head and tell herself not to imagining things. Irene is just staying with he until she feels better, by the time Irene feels better she probably had already forgotten about her, Wendy thought.


She finished washing the mug and she walks to the living and she noticed how clean is her living room. Everything is squeaky clean, not even a dust is visible. Wendy was astounded when she saw that everything in her apartment is neatly and tidily put away. She did not notice it earlier because her focus is more on Chaeoo. Now that she notices the condition of her apartment, she is really grateful that Irene is here with her, even though for a short amount of time. She also saw the neatly folded clothes by her study desk. She made a pit stop at ChaeSoo just to make sure they are comfortable. She opens the door and she saw that Jisoo and Rosé were silently asleep. She slowly closes the door to avoid waking up the two young girl. Wendy went to her room and there she finds Irene sitting in front of her vanity mirror drying her hair. She is wearing an oversize white shirt, which is look so seductive to Wendy. Wendy tried to clear her head and went to the bathroom to clean herself.

“Irene probably didn’t know I’m not straight too…” Wendy thought to herself while heaving a cold shower.


“Wendy can you close the light after you done?” Irene shouts from the other side of the door.

“Okay!” Wendy shouted back. This situation is so natural, it looks like they are a married couple, a happy married couple. Wendy didn’t hate it at all, she likes it. She wanted to be like this forever, but the thought of Irene leaving makes her sad. She knows she shouldn’t be falling for a stranger, but it seems like it’s too late. Her heart almost betrays her during the kitchen incident, and how can she be sure that tonight she can control herself when Irene sleeps next to her? Or was it loneliness that made her feels this way? Or what she felt toward Irene is just lust? Wendy closes her eyes tight and try to shake of her thoughts. She quickly clean herself and step out of the shower. She dries herself off and then put on her favourite pyjama. She exited the bathroom and she saw that Irene already fast asleep. Wendy looks at Irene with soft expression on her face. She approached the older girl and slowly brushes off a strain of hair that dare to block Wendy’s view to Irene’s pretty face.

Suddenly Irene’s eyes shot open which almost causes Wendy to have a heart attack “Argh!” Wendy screamed.

“What are you doing?”

“There’s a bug on your face! I’m just removing it!” Wendy lied.

“Where?!” Irene asked in panic tone.

“Told ya, I’ve remove it…It’s all fine now, got to sleep” Wendy lied again, she pats the older girl on her head and ushers her to continue her sleep. Once she is sure that Irene really had fallen asleep, she gets up from and turn off all of the lights. She makes herself comfortable next to Irene, however it was too quiet not that Irene had gone to deep sleep. Too quiet till she can hear her own heartbeat.

“Gosh…God Lord, let me survive for tonight…please.” Wendy silently pray in her heart.


To be continue…




Hey guys! If you wonder why I update so fast, it’s because I have a short term memory so when I had the idea I will immediately type it out, so I won’t forget, so this chapter maybe will be a bit short compare to the previous chapter but hope you enjoy it! Please tell me if the storyline is moving too slow or too quick! I valuate your inputs~ Love y’all.

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Chapter 67: wow this story is like a roller coaster 😭 I'm glad it ended happily 💖💙
Chapter 49: Who does Wendy have children with???
Chapter 46: Here I thought previously Irene would really move on to someone new 🥲
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Chapter 44: Impossible. I cried at this part 😭
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Chapter 27: very domestic 🤧
Chapter 24: Irene's father is annoying 😒
Chapter 23: oh my gosh the story is getting more intense