Chapter 40: We Are Family Wendy-ah

When The Flower Blooms

“What is it Seungwan?” Irene is getting anxious because Wendy looks very serious. Wendy holds Irene’s cold hands and stares into her eyes.

“Joohyun ah…”



“She’s having second thoughts!” Yeri is getting angry at Wendy for halting for so long.

“We have to get in there!” Ryujin suggested.

“No! We have to let them talk between themselves before we interrupt!” Yeri brushes Ryujin off.


“What is it Wendy? You look anxious…” Irene touches Wendy’s face and she stares directly into Wendy’s eyes.

“Joohyun ah…if one day, I woke up and I forgot who you are…and I forgot everyone that is around me…what will you do?”

“What are you talking about?” Irene is getting worry.

“Please answer me, what will you do?”

“I…” Irene stops and she stares into Wendy’s eyes, there is something in her eyes that she can’t figure out what, she takes a deep breath and kiss Wendy on the forehead “If you forget me, I will make you remember me again. I will make you fall in love with me again.”

“What if I can’t remember all about my life? What will you do?”

Wendy’s question is making Irene anxious, she doesn’t know why Wendy is acting this way, but it is making her scared of what Wendy is trying to tell her.

“Seungwan-ah…did something happen?”

Wendy is silent, she is contemplating on whether to tell Irene or just keep it to herself. Initially she wanted to secretly undergo the operation while Irene is being confined in the palace, but now things change and Irene is no longer being confined in the palace, she had to think of a wait for her to tell Irene about her condition.

“Irene…maybe I will lose my memories forever…”

“What…are you talking about?”

“I have a tumor in my brain…”

Irene is silent, she didn’t utter any words, but there are tears in her eyes, she tries to find her voice but it just can’t come out. She shakes her head in disbelief “After all that we’ve been through…” Irene cries softly “Why everything happen when I thought I’m almost near to my happiness?”

“Hey hey…” Wendy wipes away Irene’s tears “I hate to see you cry…please don’t cry…”

“Is it cancerous?” Irene asked.

“It’s not…but my doctor told me…I only have 2% chances to survive the operations…even if I survive, I will lose all of my memories…that is why I keep on recording videos and taking pictures of you guys, because I’m afraid of losing my memories with all of you…” Wendy pauses and she turns to her kids “Come out now, you two deserve to know this too…” Wendy instructs Yeri and Ryujin.

“You told me that you’re not dying…” Ryujin sniffles “Unnie…are you dying?”

“Hey, Ryujin-ah…Irene…Yeri…I’ll be okay. I’ve already schedule the operation with my doctor…everything will be okay.”

“But you said there’s only 2% of surviving chances…” Irene said with her cracked voice.

“2% is better than 0%...Please have faith in my…” Wendy begs them “I promised that I won’t leave all of you…so please trust me.”

All three of them cry loudly and all of them hug Wendy. Wendy hug them tightly, she treasures the moment a lot.


“How long have you found out you had a tumor?” Irene questioned Wendy when the kids had already gone to bed and they are preparing to sleep too.

“It was the day when I proposed to you for the first time.” Sighed Wendy.

“And you didn’t even care to tell me about it?”

“It was hard for me to accept it too Irene, I was scared, I don’t know what to do Irene. All that I ever think about is how to spend the rest of my days with you and the kids and our friends. I am not scared of losing my memories, I am scared of losing my love for you…I am scared that my heart won’t remember the love that I have for you…I’m scared Irene…”

Irene pulls Wendy into a tight hug, she can’t stop herself from crying with Wendy. “We will go through this together…I won’t leave your side.”

“I am angry and hurt that you didn’t want to tell me about your illness, you proposed to me, so technically I am your future wife, you should tell me about this kind of thing. I hated that you always try to do things yourself Wendy. We are a family now I want you to know that. I don’t want you to take all the burden to yourself…please.”

“I’m sorry…”

“I’ll go with you to see the doctor tomorrow…”

“What about your job at the palace?”

“I’ll tell Suzy that I will be late, let’s go see your doctor okay?”

Wendy nods and she snuggle closer to Irene’s chest “I love you so much…”

“I love you too…now sleep.” Irene Wendy’s hair to make her fall asleep.

Once Wendy had fallen asleep, Irene tries to leave the bed without Wendy noticing. She carefully and slowly leave the bed and she goes to where Wendy put her backpack. She apologizes to Wendy before she opens her bag. She finds her journal and medicine. She opens the journal and read it.


Dear Me,

Today I bought Ryujin to play at the arcade, I wanted to get close to the kid and also as a token of my apologies for lying to her about Joohyun whereabouts. But the kids know now, I’ll deal with Joohyun’s wrath later. 

Today Joohyun called and said that she is coming back. It's good news, Ryujin is happy with the news. It seems like there’s a slight change in plan now that Joohyun is back. I don’t know whether I should be honest with her or not. I don’t want to burden her anymore, she has a lot that she needs to worry about. I know Joohyun will hate me for keeping this away from me. I’m scared of everything. Losing my memories is not something that I’m afraid of, it’s losing the love that I’m afraid of. I don’t want to lose my love for Joohyun, for Ryujin and Yeri. I love them so much oh dear lord. I don’t want to hurt them. Tell me what should I do?

Ryujin and I went to buy a new car since I crashed my car, yikes Joohyun is going to kill me if she sees the state of my car! I let Ryujin chose the car and she chose the expensive one, for once I regretted that I let her choose!

Irene chuckles at the funny event that Wendy wrote in her journal. She flips to another page to read more. She realizes that Wendy had been writing down her daily event because she is afraid of losing them. Tears accumulate in her eyes, she looks over to Wendy. Wendy had put on a happy face in front of them but behind them, she probably cried herself to sleep.

Irene put down the journal and goes to Wendy’s side. She caress the sleeping girl’s face. “You should lean on me more Seungwan ah…” 

Irene leans on her arms while staring at Wendy sleeping face, her eyelids getting heavier and she falls asleep before she knows it. Wendy woke up in the middle of the night when she felt a little thirsty. She gets up to get herself a glass of water but she finds Irene sleeping with only her head rested on the bed while her body is sitting on the floor, her hand was holding Wendy’s hand. Wendy smiles, she shakes Irene to wake her up.

“Irene...wake up…”

Irene moans but she didn’t wake up, Wendy tries to lift her up but she is too weak. She pinches Irene’s cheek and it makes the girl slowly opens her eyes “Hmm?” Irene moans.

“Come on Joohyun, let’s get you to bed.”

Irene nods and she lifted her arms, asking Wendy to lift her up to bed. Wendy sighs, she tries her best to carry Irene up to their bed. She manages to carry Irene up to their bed but she can hear a few cracks on her lower back.

“I seriously need to start consuming calcium supplement…” Wendy talks to herself. Wendy yelps when Irene suddenly pulls her down and tightly hug her, unwilling to let go.


“Stay with me…” Irene whispers in her sleepy tone.

Wendy didn’t say anything, and when she heard Irene’s steady breath and her arms slowly loosen around her neck, Wendy escape and quickly pull the blanket over Irene’s body. She Irene’s face and kisses her on the cheek “Good night princess…”

Wendy lays next to Irene and she spoons her from behind, nuzzling closer to her neck, trying to imprint Irene’s smell and warmth into her mind.


Irene and Wendy were woken up by a loud noise that’s coming out from the kitchen. “What was that?” Irene asked in her hoarse voice.

“I don’t know…” Wendy reaches for her phone and it shows that it’s only 630 in the morning.

“Did you lock the door before we go to bed last night?” Irene asked.

“I stay here, I’ll go check…” Wendy gets up from the bed, she reaches for a baseball bat that she hid underneath the bed.

“I’ll go with you…” Irene follows behind Wendy.

“Okay, but please stay behind me…”

The two girls tip toe to inspect their living room and they see no sign of intrusion. Wendy had the baseball ready just incase the intruder attack them. Another loud noise coming out from the kitchen and Wendy asks Irene to stay at the living room while she checks on the kitchen. Irene protested but Wendy glares at her which made she scared and she stays behind.

Wendy slowly open the kitchen partition door and swung her bat at the person in the kitchen. The person manage to block Wendy’s swing with a tray “Unnie!” the person shouted.

It was Ryujin voice and Wendy immediately put down her bat and check if she hurts Ryujin or not. Yeri was staring with wide eyes on the side, she was terrified when Wendy attack them with the bat.

“Ryujin! I’m sorry are you okay?!”

Irene comes rushing in to check on the girls “What are you girls trying to do?!” she asked upon seeing the mess in the kitchen “We thought we have intruders!” 

Wendy checks on Ryujin’s hand if there’s any bruises and she’s glad that Ryujin didn’t receive any harm.

“We’re trying to make breakfast for you two…” Yeri explains.

Wendy looks around at the mess, she sighs and then she looks back to Ryujin who had tears in her eyes.She ruffles the girl’s hair “I appreciate what you are trying to do but…” Wendy pauses and she sighs again when she sees the state of her kitchen “Come one, get ready you two, we’ll go out for breakfast. Then I’ll send you to school Ryujin…”


Rosé’s House

“You looks extremely happy today…” Alice greeted her little sister.

“Morning sissy~” Rosé greets back.

“So did you said yes?” Alice asked.

Rosé gasped “ did you know she proposed to me?”

“Chaeyoung ah, I think the only person that didn’t know she’s proposing is you…” Alice replies as she slurps on her hot coffee.

Rosé agapes, she didn’t believe what her sister just told her. “I think she had been planning it for so long, she was going to propose to you after your graduation, but I guess she couldn’t wait for it.” Said Alice with full of waffle.

“Can I see the ring she gave you?” asked Alice.

Rosé shows the 14 carat pink diamond ring that Jisoo gave as their proposal ring. 

“Oh my lord, how many carats is this?!” squealed Alice.

“I don’t know…” replied Rosé “But it’s beautiful…” said Rosé while she is admiring the ring on her ring finger.

“Hey, do you want to come to my office later? I’m meeting with the ministers to discuss about the law…”

“Can I?” asked Rosé with full of salad.

“Yeah you can…the princess will be there too…”

“Which princess?” 

“What do you mean which princess? Your friend, Irene Bae.” Explained Alice to Rosé.

“Unnie, you don’t know about the news?”

“What news?”

“There’s a new princess…”

“Oh! Yeah! Wendy did tell me that they have found the daughter of the late crown prince, when did she arrived?”

“You still remember the day we had a party at Wendy unnie’s café? There were two girls that came in and then Irene unnie left with them?”

“One of them is the princess?!”


“Oh my…”


JYP High

“Bye Ryujin, I’ll pick you up later!” bid Wendy as she waved goodbye to her adopted daughter.

Ryujin waves back and she stood there until the car is out of her side. “Nice car” Yuna’s voice made Ryujin jumps and she almost hit her “Nice reflex~” said Yuna with a wide smile.

“Geez Yuna, please don’t walk behind people like that.” Scold Ryujin.

“Mianhae~ you look a little gloomy today~” Yuna notices the gloom in Ryujin’s face, Ryujin fakes smiles and shakes her head “I’m okay, how’s your extra classes?”

Yuna makes a pouting face “I don’t like it”

“You’ll get used to it~”

“Unnie, why you don’t want to tutor me?” whined the kid.

“Yuna, you’re still in junior high, so can’t help you~”

Yuna scoffs and she follows Ryujin from behind and enters the school compound. There they meet Chaeryoung who is talking to her sister Chaeyeon.

“Unnie~” called Yuna and she skips toward the girl.

“Oh Yuna! Ryujin!”

“Morning…” greets Ryujin with a forced smile. Chaeryoung notices the fake smiles in Ryujin’s eyes, she nudges Yuna, and Yuna only raises her shoulder.

Ryujin stuffed all of her stuff in her locker and takes only her book and pencil case and then proceed to walk to her class, ignoring all the greetings the other students said to her.

“She seems weird today.” Whispers Chaeryoung to Yuna.

“She is always weird.” Replied Yuna.

“Ryuddaeng!” Yeji calls out for her friend.

Ryujin only smiles at Yeji and then she brushes her off, Yeji was a little offended by Ryujin’s cold treatment.

“What’s wrong with Ryujin?” asked Lia who is present at the scene.

“I don’t know…”

Lia watches Ryujin walks into her class, she is worry of her. Ryujin is the type that tend to keep everything inside than to share it out. Lia knows that Ryujin probably will go to the rooftop later.



“May I know who is this Wendy-ssi?” asked the doctor when she saw Irene coming in with Wendy for her checkup.

“She’s my wife…Irene Son.” Wendy introduces Irene.

“Ah…Nice to meet you Mrs. Son, I’m Doctor Moonbyul.”

“Nice to meet you doctor, I think we’ve met before at Ryujin’s mansion?” Irene remembered the doctor, she was the one that saved Wendy when Wendy hurt her head a few months ago.

“Wendy never told me that she is married.” Moonbyul smirks at Wendy.

“Something are better to keep as secret doctor, especially when it involve same marriage.” Sighed Wendy.

“Well I’ve been married for almost 2 years now…” replied Moonbyul with a smile.

“You’re married?”

“Yeah, to my beautiful wife, Nurse Kim Yongsun…” 

“Oh! She’s your wife?!”

“Yep…we got married in Taiwan, since that’s the only Asian country that allow same marriage.” Said the doctor as she looks over to her wife.

“Anyway, enough with the marriage talk, let’s talk about you now…” Moonbyul takes out her report on Wendy and present it to Wendy.

“The tumor is growing at a fast rate, I’ve tried to persuade Wendy so many times to undergo the operation but she’s too stubborn. It’s great that you are here today Mrs. Son, now you can help me to convince your wife that she needed to get the tumor removed. I know Wendy is concern that she might lose her life or memories, but there is still a 2% chance for her to survive.”

“My memories…”

Moonbyul shows them a diagram of the brain and explains to them, the risk of having the part to be operated. Moonbyul said that the percentage of Wendy losing her memories after the operation is high but there’s still 0.5% that she still can retain some of her memories. She cannot guarantee if Wendy can retain all of her memories. Moonbyul explains that the brain is a very delicate part of the organ, a little wrong move can cause a lot of complications. Moonbyul can ensure Wendy that she will be the doctor that is in charge of the operation so she can rest assured that she will try her best to make sure Wendy survives. Moonbyul tells Irene that Wendy need to go through the operation before the tumor turn cancerous.

Irene is silent after Moonbyul explains everything, Wendy is nervous at how Irene would react to what Moonbyul just told. Irene holds Wendy’s hand and Wendy stares into her eyes, Irene’s eyes are watery. Moonbyul senses that the two need to be alone, she excuses herself and she tells Irene to take all the times that she needs with Wendy.

“I’m worried about you…” said Irene after Moonbyul left them “I’m scared Wendy-ah…”

“It will be okay, Moonbyul promised that she will make sure I survive right?”

“What if you don’t? 2% is low percentage you know…”

“2% is better than no percentage…” sighed Wendy as she stares longingly into Irene’s eyes.

“I can’t lose you…” cried Irene.

Wendy pulls Irene closer and she her back to comfort her “I will be fine…”

“Promise me you will be back to me…”

“I promise…” Wendy pauses and she takes off the necklace that she wears and she put it on Irene “This necklace is my late sister’s necklace…it means a lot to me, so with this I seal my promise that I will come back to you, and then claim this back from you.”

Irene kisses Wendy, Wendy was surprised by the kisses but she reciprocate the kiss. Irene is the first to break the kiss and she leaned her forehead on Wendy’s forehead. She caress Wendy’s face, her heart is sinking whenever she sees Wendy’s face.

“Come on Irene, let’s get you to the palace now, or you’ll be late.” Said Wendy.

“But I want to spend more time with you…”

“Don’t be stubborn Irene, Suzy needs you now, so come on.”


SM Entertainment


“Joy-unnie…” greets Yeri when she walks past Joy.

Joy halts her and drags Yeri with her “Yah!”

“We need to talk…”

“Nothing to talk about.” 

“This is about our future as a group together.” Insisted Joy.

Yeri contemplates for a moment and then she agrees when she sees how serious Joy looks at her. “Fine…let’s go.”

The two walks to the nearby practice room and they lock the door.

“Speak.” Demanded Yeri.

“Oh wow, is that how you speak to your unnie?” Joy was taken aback by Yeri’s rude attitude.

“My mom raised me well~”

“Yeri-ah, let’s talk, seriously for now.” Joy’s tone become stern and Yeri knows that she is serious, so she sit up straight and all ears.

“We both love our job and I love RV, I know SM kick Seulgi out of the team but we still can revive RV. The fans don't know the real reason why Seulgi being kicked out, but we can fix that, now that the news already slow down, we can plan a comeback together with Seulgi.”

“Seulgi unnie is already out of SM entertainment, how are we going to revive RV is Seulgi unnie is not in SM anymore.” Scoffed the younger girl.

“Have you seen EXID? The members are not in the same entertainment agency but they still can make a comeback together. I don’t see any problem.” 

“But unnie, this is SM entertainment and YG entertainment that we are talking about…” Yeri whines, SM and YG are known for their rivalry and not Joy is suggesting for them to collaborate.

“I’ve talked to Jisoo about this and she is down to it. It’s a win-win situation for both SM and YG, and with YG’s talent in music and SM’s investment, I believe this comeback will be a bomb!” squealed the tall girl.


“Come on Yerim-ah, both of us still love RV…”

“How do you know I still love RV?” questioned Yeri.

“If you don’t love RV you would have removed RV name from your profile, but you still keep it in your profile. So I know you still love RV,  beside, we never said we disband, we only said that we’re in a long hiatus…Seulgi is down to it to revive our group. So now we only need your agreement…”

“I’ll think about it…” replied Yeri.

“Can you give me an answer in a week time?” asked Joy.

“Sure…” replied Yeri with a smile.

“I really meant it that I want to revive RV, the two of you meant a lot to me. After our group go for hiatus, I miss all the moment that we spent and all the group activities that we have. I miss your laughter in our dorm, I miss Seulgi dumb moment, I miss us as a group, as a family…” Joy explains with tears in her eyes.

Yeri thinks for a moment, then she looks into Joy’s eyes and smiles “I know, I miss those moments too…but things change unnie…people change too…I’m still hurt that you and Seulgi unnie would do those things to me and Irene unnie, though I forgave you, but doesn’t mean that I forget about what you did.”

“If there’s any way that I can turn back time, I would slap myself on the face and prevent all that from happening.” Replied Joy, she is full of regret, and she knows that even if they said they forgave her, but the mistake that she did is too big to be forgiven.

“I will talk through this matter with Irene unnie and then get back to you okay?” 

Joy nods and she smiles at Yeri “I’ll wait for your good news…”

Yeri unlocks the door and exits the room, leaving Joy exhale loudly. She was nervous when she talked approached Yeri and she had been holding on her nervous. She stares at her ring and she smiles to herself, thinking about the promise that she and Seulgi made to each other.


“That was amazing…” sighed Seulgi after she had 3rd round with Joy.

“Wow…if only Wendy can do it like you…” Joy pant after the amazing love making that she and Seulgi did “Are you sure this is your first time Seulgi unnie?” asked Joy in doubt.

“Yes…I vow to myself no until after marriage…so this feel kinda wrong and right at the same time.” Said Seulgi.

“Well you do enjoy it right?”


“Then it’s good.”

“Tell me Sooyoung ah…do you really like me?”

“Why are you asking that?”

“I’m afraid that you accepted my proposal to be my girlfriend because you want to keep me from getting embarrassed in front of our friends.”

Joy propped herself up with her arms and stare down at Seulgi “Honestly...I wasn’t going to accept your proposal, but when I see the earnest in your eyes, I think maybe I should give you a chance. Though it was awkward that you asked in front of our exes…” sighed Joy.

“Wendy helped me a lot you know, she told me what you liked, and she asked to write a song for you and I did...did...umm you like that song?” asked Seulgi with a nervous tone.

“I love it!”

“Glad you like it…”

The two went silent and Joy lay flat on her tummy, she couldn’t take her eyes of Seulgi, Seulgi on the other hand was shy, she tried to avoid Joy’s gaze.

“What are we going to do now?” asked Joy while stare longingly at Seulgi’s beautiful face.

“What do you mean what we are going to do now?” 

“You have me, we both admit to our what now? What about you unnie? I know that you already signed contract with YG, but...what about RV?”

Seulgi turned away and stare at the ceiling, she gulped down all of her guilt “I don’t know…”

“I still love RV, you know, the real reason why I left our dorm is not just because I wanted to distant myself from you but because it felt empty...with just the two of us. I missed Yeri’s laughter and her lame joke...I missed bullying you...I miss us.”

Seulgi turned to Joy, she caressed Joy’s cheek “I miss us too…”

“Now that you’re kicked out of SM...I think there’s no future for RV…”

“Hey! What are you talking about! RV is still there right? SM just put the group in indefinite still have a chance to make a come back.”

“RV is not RV without you won’t feel the same…” 

“How about I talked to Jisoo?” suggested Seulgi.


“Yeah! She’s YG CEO, let’s see what she can do to help RV.”

“You think it can be done?” questioned Joy.

“Nothing is’s a win-win situation for both companies. You know that YG is in deficit now...I know Jisoo will do anything to increase the company’s stake.”

“Promise me that you will bring us back together?”

“I promise…” Seulgi leaned in to kiss Joy but Joy stopped her “No no...or I will lose control and we’re going to end up for 4th round. I need energy for tomorrow~” said Joy seductively.

Seulgi pouted and Joy giggled at her cuteness. Joy gave in and give Seulgi a quick peck on the lips before turned away and sleep.

End of flashback

“We will revive RV, I believe in you Seulgi...:”

“Sooyoung ah! You gotta go to your next schedule!” her manager came in for her. Joy quickly gather her stuff and follows her manager.



“You’re late today…” said Suzy with an eyebrow raised.

“It’s Wendy…”

“What’s wrong with your lover?”

“She had tumor…”


“Oh? That’s your reply?” Irene was somehow easily irritate that morning.

“What should I say? I’m sorry for what happened? Though it wasn’t my fault?” replied Suzy.

“You know what? I’m just not going to talk about it. What’s on the list for today’s job?”

“We’re meeting with the ministers, grandfather wanted to introduce us, so unnie, your wig?” 

“It’s in my bag.” replied Irene.

“Wear it please?”

Irene rolls her eyes and she put on her wig “Happy now?”

“I don’t know what happened to you, but you’re not in a good mood...please don’t show it in front of everyone later.” said Suzy.

“Don’t worry about me, I can manage my own mood.” scoffed Irene.

Suzy looks at Irene, she is concerned about her cousin, her mood seems so foul, and she was okay the day before. 

“You sure?”


“Okay then…”

“How’s Haruna?” asked Irene as she tries to divert their conversation.

Suzy sighed she looks at Irene with a sad eyes “I don’t know unnie...she said she is okay, but I can see that she is getting weaker…”

“Is there’s a way?”

Suzy shakes her head and she flashes a weak smile for Irene “Let’s stop talking about this unnie…”



JYP High

Ryujin was at her usual spot again, with hot coffee on her one hand, she rested her chin on the railing and stare into the scenery from the top of her rooftop. She slowly sip on her coffee but her mind is blank.

“Ryujinie…” it was Lia, she came to check on her friend when she noticed that Ryujin being weird.

“I don’t need you to be here.”

“But we need you to be with us.” replied Lia.

Ryujin turns to face Lia “Go back to Yeji...she needs you more than I do…” said Ryujin as she tries to brush Lia away.

“Stop to try and brush me away Ryujin, I’m your friend too! You didn’t push Chaeryoung or Yuna away!”

“After you break my heart? I Don’t need another heartbreak.” replied Ryujin coldly.

“Ryujin...please talk to me. I know something is bothering you.”

Ryujin sighs, she knows Lia won’t leave her alone until she tells her what is bothering her.

“You know Wendy just adopted me right?”

“Yeah.” Lia joins Ryujin on the bench and she scoots closer to Ryujin to share her warm with the girl.

“She...had tumor...she might die from the operation...I...I don’t know what to do.”

Ryujin is crying and that’s the first that Lia ever saw she cries. Lia patted the girls on the back to soothe her. Ryujin couldn’t stop herself from sobbing uncontrollably. 

“I’ve lost my parents, I don’t want to lose another parent…” sobbed Ryujin.

“You still have us, you still have Irene and Yeri.”

“But...Wendy unnie...she’s...she gave me a family that I don’t have…”

Lia hugs the crying girl, her heart is broken upon seeing the girl cries in such state. She cups Ryujin’s face, so she can wipes away the tears. Their faces got closer, their lips are inches away, Ryujin leans in but Lia looks away.

“We can’t…” whispers Lia.

Ryujin distances herself away from Lia, she hugs herself and apologizes to Lia “I’m should go back.”


“Just go!” shouted Ryujin as she pushes Lia away.

Lia grabs Ryujin’s face and kisses her roughly, causing the pink haired girl to wriggled to be free. Lia breaks the kiss and stares into Ryujin’s terrified eyes “This is what you want right?!” Lia asked.

Ryujin wipes away her lips and she stares at Lia’s lips angrily, she pushes Lia down and kisses Lia aggressively. Lia tries to wriggle free but Ryujin’s strength is too strong for her to push Ryujin away. Ryujin break the kiss and leave Lia gasping for air.

“What I want is not something that you can give.” Said Ryujin sadly, she throws her jacket to Lia to keep her warm and then she leave the rooftop.


National Assembly Hall

“This is absurd!!” one of the legal ministers slammed the proposal on the table, he looks at Suzy angrily “Your Highness, you should know better than anyone else! How can you let an outsider to come in and claim your place?!”

“She is Jaejong’s daughter, and she has the rights to my place…” said the king calmly.

“We won’t approve her if we don’t have any prove that she’s Jaejong’s daughter!” 

“Umm we..uh...we got all the proofs here…” a girl with a huge glasses spoke up and raised up her hand and she approached the king with all the documents she has. 

“Thank miss Ahn…”

“Who is she?” whispered Rosé to her sister.

“She’s the royal family lawyer, Ahn Hani…” Alice whispers back.

“You think I’m a fool? I took Suzy to run a DNA test to see if she is my son’s daughter. The result came out positive, so here are the proofs that you need if you don’t believe that Suzy is my granddaughter!” 

The prime minister read through the documents and the test result and it proved that Suzy is indeed the king’s granddaughter. He bows to Suzy and apologizes for his fellow ministers for their rudeness.

“Now that both my granddaughters are here, the two of them will take over my official job as the ruler of the country, and when the time comes, Suzy will be coronated as the queen of this country.” Said the king proudly.

“But your majesty, she’s a woman.”

“I don’t see anything wrong with the next ruler being a woman, why are you so intimidated by a woman?” questioned Suzy to the prime minister.

“Our last prime minister was a woman, and she got impeached. Woman can’t rule a country.”

Suzy got irritated by their answer, she stood up and stared down at the minister “Your mother is a woman too Mr. Choi...are you going to tell me that she is not a good mom? I have questions that wanted to ask, if you all believe that you are so great, tell me why is the suicide rate in korea increase year by year? Why domestic abuse case increase? Why more and more young people are jobless? What did you do for all these people? Tell me what did you do?!”

“Wow...I like her already…” Alice whispers to Rosé and Rosé immediately shushes her sister.

Irene was silent, she is amused by her cousin’s words. If it was here in that situation, she doesn’t think that she can speak up to the stuck up minister like that.

“We can’t give everyone everything they need Princess.”

“You can't, but I can.” said Suzy with angry face “I think our meeting has come to an end, I’ll take my leave now.” Suzy turns away and walks out from the hall. The king just watch her walk out from the hall, he turns to Irene and Irene nods when she gets his signal. She takes her bow and leave the hall too. Rosé and Alice couldn’t believe what they just heard but Alice secretly cheers for what Suzy said.

“You are letting a brat to take over your place my majesty?”

“That brat is my granddaughter Mr. Moon…”


Outside the hall

“Suzy-ah!” Irene calls for her cousin.

“Unnie I hate those people inside! I hate them!” Suzy let out her frustration at her cousin.

“Calm down Suzy, this attitude is going to make them hate you.”

“Let them be! Did you hear what they say?! A woman can’t rule!”



“Calm down!”

Suzy takes a deep breath and calm herself down. Irene approaches her and put her hands on Suzy’s shoulder “I know you can change this country for a better, but that attitude in there just now, isn’t the way to show them what you’re capable of. We will work on this together okay?” said Irene to calm her cousin.

Suzy nods and she thanks Irene for her words of encouragement. 


YG Entertainment

“Well yes that can be done, our side have no problem with the collaboration, but Seulgi we’ll have to debut you as our artist first.” said Jisoo.

“Well, can you do it?”

“Do what?”

“Debut me as your artist?” said Seulgi impatiently.

Jisoo pouts her lips and rub her chin, she is thinking about Seulgi’s question. “Well, if you can prove me your worth I will let you debut as my artist.”

“Prove to you my worth?” Seulgi raised an eyebrow at Jisoo.

“Every YG trainees need to go through a few evaluation every month, so you are no exception Seulgi...but since you’ve already debuted before, I’ll make it easy for you, choreograph a dance and if my trainees like it, I will let you debut, how’s that? Dancing is your forte right?”

“Let’s sign a black and white contract!” suggested Seulgi.

“Whoa there, you don’t trust me as your CEO?”

“I don’t trust YG, especially the way you guys treated your artist.”

“That was when my uncle handling the company, now that I’ve taken over, I promise not to cause any more trouble for my artists, you can rest assured I will keep my promise okay?” Jisoo made her promise to Seulgi.

“Okay, but umm, can you say that again? I want to record it down in my phone, well you know just in case…” Seulgi grin awkwardly at the frowning Jisoo.



Zimzalabin Café

Wendy sat by the window, watching people pass by her café. She smiles to herself whenever she remembers the funny memories she had with Irene and Henry in the café. She wanted to go back after she dropped Irene off at the palace, but since Ryujin school finish at 3pm, and she got nowhere to go so she decided to go to her café and waited there for the time to pass.

Wendy takes out the form that Moonbyul gave her. She read through the terms and condition, she sighs, as she was about to sign the agreement, her phone rang. It was Jessica that’s calling her.


“Wendy! Wendy! You have to come back!!”

“What’s wrong Jessica?”

“Your father! He doesn’t have enough time now, please come back!”


“He’s situation is getting critical, you have to get back before it’s too late.”

Wendy looks at the form that she left unsign and then back to her conversation with Jessica. “I’m coming home.”

She hangs up the phone and then call Moonbyul “Hey doctor.”

“Wendy, how is it? You and your wife agree to go through the operation?”

“Doctor, can I postpone the operation for another week?”

“Wendy, I told you that if you postpone any longer it will…”

“I know doctor, but I need more time, my father he is dying. I need to go and see him.” Wendy explains.

“....” there was silent on the other side of the phone “You need to take your medicine 3 times a day, it’s the only way we can keep the tumor from spreading, and from your record, I’ve seen you skip your medicine.”

“I will doctor...just give me one more week.” and Wendy hangs up the phone call. She sighs, and how much she wishes that Henry is there for her at the moment. She scrolls through her phone and book for her flight tickets.

To be continued…


It’s going to end in a few more chapter.

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Chapter 67: wow this story is like a roller coaster 😭 I'm glad it ended happily 💖💙
Chapter 49: Who does Wendy have children with???
Chapter 46: Here I thought previously Irene would really move on to someone new 🥲
Chapter 45: I actually don't like it when Irene moves on from Wendy 🤧😩
Chapter 44: Impossible. I cried at this part 😭
Chapter 31: I'm curious about Wendy's health check results
Chapter 27: very domestic 🤧
Chapter 24: Irene's father is annoying 😒
Chapter 23: oh my gosh the story is getting more intense