Chapter 35: The Exes

When The Flower Blooms

Wenrene Condo, Seoul

The family arrived at their house, they were tired from all the rush from the airport. Wendy decided to cut short their trip in Japan and they book flight back to Seoul, because she wants Ryujin to rest at their home.

Irene tucks Ryujin in bed, she wishes her good night and then left to check on Yeri. Yeri came out from her room with her pillow and blanket, she asked if she can sleep with Ryujin tonight. Irene was against the idea because she didn’t want Yeri to be bothering Ryujin’s rest. Wendy approached them and tell Irene to just let it go, and she gave Yeri permission to sleep in Ryujin’s room.

“Please don’t disturb Ryujin…” Irene tells Yeri.

“I won’t I won’t…”

Wendy pats Yeri on the head and wishes her good night. Yeri enter Ryujin’s room and slowly slip herself next to Ryujin.

Wendy sighed heavily and she led Irene to their kitchen.

“Do you want to drink anything?” Wendy asked.

“Hmm…no, just a glass of water is okay.” Irene said.

Wendy hands Irene a glass of water and then she sits opposite of Irene. 

“You seem to be worried about something.” Irene notice the restlessness in Wendy’s eyes.

“I’m worried about Ryujin.”

“She’s a strong girl.”

“No matter how strong you are, you’re going to break too one day.” Wendy replied.

“Then don’t make that day come.” Irene holds Wendy’s hands “Let’s work together with her so that she won’t ever feel broken. You are going to be her adoptive parent, I know she will be under good care.”

Wendy squeeze Irene’s hand lightly, she was scared of the idea of adopting a teenager, she doesn’t know if she can manage Ryujin and be a good parent to her, but she knows with Irene beside her it will be easier.

“Let’s go to bed…It’s been a while since we left our café unattended…I want to go check on it tomorrow.”


The two of them walked to their bedroom and bid each other goodnight and cuddle to sleep.


The Next Morning

Wendy prepared breakfast for the girls and she left a note on the dining table before she leaves the house. Wendy received a call from Moonbyul earlier in the morning and Moonbyul told her that her result is out and Moonbyul asked her to come to see her as soon as possible. Wendy wakes Irene up to tell her that she is leaving earlier because she got an appointment with someone. She kisses Irene on the forehead and then she left.



“Wendy, this is bad…” Moonbyul sat in front of Wendy and present to her the result of her blood test and CT scan.

“What is it?” Wendy asked with a shaking voice.

“There’s a tumor in your brain…”

“What?” Wendy went pale upon hearing the news “Am I dying?”

“There’s a chance of survival, but it’s very low and also there will be a side effect if you survive, because the tumor is on the vital part of your brain.” Moonbyul explained.

“What is the side effect?”

“You will lose your memories forever…”

Wendy felt like her whole life had been up, she thought after everything that had happened she finally can settle down and live a quiet life with Irene and the kids.

“The percentage of surviving?” stammered Wendy.

“2%...I know it sound low but trust me, there is still a chance…the tumor is growing Wendy, it is better if you go through the operation than letting it to grow and fully becomes cancerous.” Moonbyul replied.

“I’ll…think about it doctor.”

“Your time is running low Wendy, I will prepare medicine for your headache.”

“I know my time is running low but there’s a lot of things I have to consider…”

“I understand, but please come to check up regularly.” Moonbyul told Wendy.

Wendy thanks Moonbyul and she left the doctor's office. She goes to the pharmacy to get her medicines, she thanked the nurse with a bright smile and then she left. Her smiles faded with each step she takes, she was weak, she wanted to cry but she couldn’t. Everything feels happy all of sudden.

She dragged her feet to her car, she entered her car and rest her head on the steering. Tears stream down her cheek, she cries in silence. Her phone rings and she sees Seulgi’s name.  Wendy sloppily wipes her tears and answer the call “Hello?”

“I’m sorry if I disturb you, but emm, Jisoo told me you’re back, so err, can we meet?”

Wendy look at the time and its 8.45am in the morning and she hasn’t eaten her breakfast yet so she agreed “We meet at the café near YG entertainment.” Wendy answered.

“Oh okay! Thanks! See you!” 

Wendy sighed and texts Irene to tell her that she will be home late and cancel their plan to visit her café.


Wenrene Condo

Irene was in the middle of waking up the kids for breakfast when she received Wendy’s text. She replied with an okay, though she is a little worry of Wendy.

“Ryujin ah, Yeri ah, wake up.”

“5 more minutes…” Ryujin mumbled.

“Come on Ryujin, your breakfast is going to get cold. And you need to take your meds…” Irene gently shakes the pink haired girl.

“Ennmm…” Ryujin stirred up and slowly gets up. She stretches her body but yelp in pain because of all the bruises on her body.

Irene rushes to her side and Ryujin only smiles at Irene telling her that she is okay. Irene checks on Ryujin’s body and saw that the bruises are getting darker.

“Go and clean yourself and join me at the dining room, I’ll help you to put on some ointment for your bruises…and wake Yeri up later.”

“Deh omma…” Ryujin nodded.

Irene left the room and goes to their store room to find the ointment that Wendy bought for her a few months ago. She found it and tuck it in her pockets, and then she goes to kitchen to reheat the breakfast that Wendy had prepared for them. Irene reads the note that Wendy left for them and she smiles to herself.

‘Kids, I have something that I need to do in the morning, I’ve prepared breakfast for you girls. Ryujin ah, drink your milk because you need it to help you heal. Yeri please make sure Irene eat all of her veggies!’

“Such a mom…” Irene laughed at the note.


YG Café 

“Over here!” Seulgi waves at Wendy.

“What is it?” Wendy asked.

“Do you want to order something to drink?” Seulgi asked.

“Sure…” Wendy called for the waiter and the waiter approached them “One green tea Frappuccino and can you get me one chocolate croissant and 2 scones with blueberry sauce.”

“Noted.” The waiter jolted down Wendy’s order and then left.

“I’m sorry that I’m kinda rushing you to meet me…” Seulgi apologized and Wendy was surprised by the sudden changes in Seulgi’s attitude. The once cold and rude Seulgi becomes the shy and clumsy Seulgi.

“You’ve change…” Wendy stares at Seulgi suspiciously.

“No, you’re wrong, this is the real me.” Seulgi explained “The one that used to taunt you and almost kill Irene is not the real me.”


“Listen Wendy, I think I should be honest with you.” Seulgi takes a deep breath and then continues “I did all that because I wanted to keep the girl that I love happy…”

“How is all that you did make Irene happy?!”

“No, listen, Wendy, the girl that I love is not Irene…” Seulgi tries to calm the enraged Wendy.

“Then who?”

“It was Joy…”

There was silence between them before Wendy opens and frowned at Seulgi “What?”

“It’s true Wendy, it’s time that you should listen to my story…”


Kyoto University, Japan

“Suji chan!! Is it true that you’re moving to Korea?!”

Suzy smiles at her course mate “Yes Takamina chan…”


“I got a job offer there.” Suzy lied.

“Ah…we’re going to miss you…” Takamina pouted.

“I will come and visit…” Suzy pats the short girl on the head.

Suzy waves good bye at her friends as she walks toward her sister who was waiting for her by the cars.

“Got everything?” Haruna asked

“Yup…” Suzy replied.

“Are you sure about this?” Haruna askes while helping Suzy to load her stuff into their car.

“Neechan, I have no regrets, beside, we don’t have to be worried about money now that I’m a princess!” Suzy joked.

“Suzy-chan…I don’t want to be a burden to you…”

“Neechan…who said you are a burden to me? If it weren’t because of you, I won’t be able to finish off what my father had started. I can be who I am today is all thanks to you. I won’t leave you neechan…so promise me you won’t leave me too…we will fight this battle together.” Suzy tries to cheer her sister up. Haruna faintly smiles at Suzy. They finish loading all of Suzy’s researches documents in the car and they both bow to the University before both sister enter their car.

Haruna and Suzy drives away and Suzy look back at her university that she is leaving. Her heartache but she knows she is doing all this to repay what Haruna had done for her. To learn that you are a princess is something that shocking for Suzy, she doubted Irene but the imperial seal is authentic. She studied Korean Culture so she knows if the seal is authentic or not. Suzy still couldn’t believe that she is a princess.


YG Café

Wendy was mad, she was mad that Seulgi was just playing with Irene’s feeling all along. Despite the fact that Seulgi lied to Irene because she didn’t want to hurt Irene but she was willing to hurt Irene when Joy was involved.

“You almost kill Irene!” Wendy pointed at Seulgi angrily.

“I know and I am sorry for that! I lost my mind at the fact that my ex was dating my crush’s ex whom my crush still have feeling for. All that was in my mind that time is to make Joy happy again! Nothing else was matter…”

“Our lives matter Seulgi yah! You almost got Irene, Ryujin and Joy killed!”

“And I am greatly affected by that, you know how many nights I can’t sleep, I have nightmares of losing Joy…”

“I can forgive you for doing all those bad thing you did because you wanted Joy to be happy again, but I can’t forgive you for hurting my family.”

“I’m sorry Wendy I really am…” Seulgi gets up and she kneel down to ask for forgiveness.

“But I am grateful that you ran away during your wedding…or else I won’t be meeting Irene at all…” Wendy said softly as she tries to get Seulgi up.

“Thank you Wendy…” Seulgi sobbed.

“But is this the reason why you called me out here?”

“No, no just because of this…but I wanted to ask you how to win Joy’s heart.”


“I want to win Joy’s heart…”


“When…when she was hospitalized, we kissed…” Seulgi explained with a blush on her face.

“ did that happened?”

“Do I have to explain how?”

“No, no thanks…but do you think Joy like have feeling for you?”

“I don’t know Wendy…that’s is why I need your help…but when we kissed…I felt the spark and I’m sure she felt I too.” Seulgi sighed.

“Hmmm…alright, write her a song…” Wendy suggested.


“Yup…Joy love cheesy things, though she always claimed that she hated it. She used to like it whenever I wrote song for her…”

“But I’m not really that good in writing lyrics and stuff…” Seulgi looked devastated.

Wendy pats Seulgi on the shoulder “Don’t worry I will help you.”

Seulgi’s eyes light up and she hugs Wendy to thanks her “When can we start?” Seulgi asked.

“Not today, you go back and think of how you want to convey your feeling in your song for Joy. I got a meeting today so I gotta reschedule our song writing session to other day.”

Seulgi was saddened a little by Wendy’s rejection, and Wendy saw the disappointment in her eyes.

“How about this Saturday? You’re free? Show me what you got on Saturday.”

“Saturday it is!!” Seulgi said happily.

Wendy paid for her drinks and then excuse herself. Seulgi happily waves at her before she too walk away.


Wenrene Condo

“Yes father I have talked to her and she agreed to come back to Korea. No, we don’t need to arrange a big celebration for her yet, until grandfather approve of her. I will personally bring her back to the palace. We don’t want to attract the people’s attention too. Okay I will arrange it. Bye.” Irene hangs up on her phone and sighed heavily.

“Did you manage to persuade your cousin?” Ryujin asked.

Ryujin and Irene are the only one who left in the house because Yeri had a last minute call for a show. Ryujin was resting on the couch watching some show on TV. She happened to eavesdrop Irene’s conversation with her father.

“I did…”


“Ryujin, did something bother you?” Irene asked as she notice that Ryujin had been exceptional quiet today.

“Unnie…Am I a bother to you and Wendy unnie?” Ryujin asked.

“What makes you think so?” Irene asked, she sits next to Ryujin and stare at her gently.

“I think I causes a lot of troubles for you and Wendy unnie…” Ryujin sighed “And now I don’t have anything…it feels like I’m being a huge burden to you and unnie…”

“Idiot, you are never a burden to us. Without you, I probably be dead by now, I’m still can’t forgive you for recklessly jump in front of the bullet for me that time. You could have been kill. I am grateful that you are always by my side.” Irene said as she Ryujin’s hair. Irene is trying her best to keep the secret about Wendy wanted to adopt the girl.

“How is your bruises? Feeling better?” Irene asked when Ryujin didn’t said anything, she just rested her head on Irene’s shoulder and watch TV.

“Better, I’ve taken my pain killer so it’s okay. Thanks for applying the ointment for me.” Ryujin replies with a smile.

“Wendy said she will not coming back until evening, so how about we go out and have lunch together?” Irene suggested.

“Sure! I want to eat Korean beef…”

“Korean BBQ it is…” Irene agreed. Irene is grateful that Wendy had bought her a new car too, so that Irene can drive her own instead of calling for hailing services.

Flashback to when they just move in to their new house

Irene and the kids were busy moving the furniture around and they keep on bickering on where to put it. Irene prefer to have the place being minimalistic while the two kids prefer it to be modern like and fun.

“The couch should be over here…” Yeri suggested.

“No unnie, it should be there, because then the space here will be bigger and we can fit more guests! And even play games with them here!” Ryujin protested Yeri’s idea.

“No no, it should all be align!” Irene disagreed with both of them.

“Arrgh, we will never get the work done here if we can’t agree on something simple as this!” Yeri grunted in frustration.

That moment Wendy came back and she saw that the girls are bickering at the living room. She approached them and asked them what happened. Irene told her that they have disagreement with the furniture rearrangement.

Wendy said leave it to the kids to arrange the furniture because she got something that she wanted to discuss something with Irene. Irene followed Wendy to their bedroom, leaving Yeri and Ryujin to arrange the furniture.

“What is it?” Irene asked.

“Here…” Wendy handed Irene a pair of keys.

“What is this?” Irene looked puzzle at the keys.

“Car keys…”

“Car keys?” 

“Yup, I bought a car for you, we can’t continue sharing a car, and our family is growing, so I decided to buy another car, a family car.” Wendy said.

End of Flashback

“Go get dress Ryujin, we are going now.”

“Deh omma~”


Alice Office

“Miss Alice, there’s someone here to see you.”

Alice popped out from the piles of documents that scattered around her office and formed a mountain.

“Geez…I’m glad that you got your lawyer license back but these office is just too messy…” Wendy had to tip toe in order to get to Alice.

“Oh Wendy!! Long time no see mate! How you’ve been?”

“Same old same old…how’s life after getting back to practice?” Wendy asked.

“Not good not good…convinced the parliament to pass the law of same marriage is harder than I thought.” Alice sighed, she moves all of her papers to the side and clear off the couch to make space for Wendy to sit. Alice asked her assistant to brew some coffee for them both.

Wendy declines, she said she is not good with coffee.

“So Wendy, what brings you here?”

“I need to get some paper work done, I want to adopt Ryujin.”

Alice blinked her eyes at Wendy a few times, hoping that Wendy was joking but seeing how serious Wendy is she gasped loudly “You’re serious?!”

“I never joke around you Alice…”

“But Wendy, for you to adopt Ryujin, she had to be…”

“She’s still a teen, she will only be consider as adult if she is 19 years old here in Korea, I know about that law, and Ryujin now is 16, so I can adopt her right? I have steady income and I have house, I can provide for her. Here, I even brought all of my income taxes, so you can check on them.” Wendy hands to Alice all of the documents needed for her to adopt Ryujin, including Ryujin’s birth certifications and legal documents.

“I…” Alice was speechless that Wendy comes in prepare “I’ll prepare the paperwork…”

“Thanks Alice! Just send me the bills for the processing fees and legals fee…”

“Oh, don’t worry about it, it’s on me, just buy me coffee will be enough. Better yet, make me coffee! I missed your coffee…”

“Sure no problem, I’m trying to revive the café, but it looks like it’s gotta take some time…” Wendy sighed.

“It’s okay to take things slow sometimes…” Alice paused for a moment as she spotted something on the floor “Oh!! There’s the research that I’ve been looking for!” she exclaims and she picked up the paper. “Because when you rushed thing, thing bound to slow down faster than you expected, especially feelings. Actually when Chaeyoung decided to go to Aussie to continue her study, I’m a bit glad, though I can’t tell that to Jisoo. At least now both of them can learn to appreciate each other more now that they are apart.”

“Maybe you’re right…” Wendy answer silently.

“But if you’re meeting the right person at the right time, I think you shouldn’t waste your time…” Alice adds on as she bend down to pick up all the scattered papers.


“So how is your relationship with the princess?” Alice asked out of the blue.

“We’re good…I mean I’ve proposed to her…”

Alice stops on her whatever she is doing “You know she is a princess right?”

“Yeah, I know…I don’t know if I should tell you this, but we’ve found someone who can replace her as the princess…”

“No that is not possible…” Alice denied.


“The crown prince died 20 years ago…so was his daughter…”

“She is still alive, we’ve found her.” Wendy said.

“If she is still alive, why didn’t she comes forward and claim her title as princess of South Korea?”

“Maybe she doesn’t know that she is a princess after all Alice.” Wendy defended Suzy from the accusation that Alice throws.

“I just want you and the princess be careful Wendy, we don’t know if the person that you two found is the real princess of imposter. I’ve seen a lot of case involving with identity theft.”

Alice was right, when they approached Suzy, they never asked her for any prove that she is the late crown prince’s daughter. She needs to tell Irene this information. The whole country’s fate is in their hand now.

“I’ll get it Alice, thanks for the advice, well I gotta get going now. See you around…”

“Sure! The documents should be ready in a week time!”


Wendy left the office and she headed toward her car, and then her head start to throb. She had to lean on her car for a moment before the throbbing stop. She reached for the medicine that Moonbyul gave her and swallow on tablet.

“Dear god…please give me the strength and time…” Wendy prayed.

To be continue...


Okay, wait for it...

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Chapter 67: wow this story is like a roller coaster 😭 I'm glad it ended happily 💖💙
Chapter 49: Who does Wendy have children with???
Chapter 46: Here I thought previously Irene would really move on to someone new 🥲
Chapter 45: I actually don't like it when Irene moves on from Wendy 🤧😩
Chapter 44: Impossible. I cried at this part 😭
Chapter 31: I'm curious about Wendy's health check results
Chapter 27: very domestic 🤧
Chapter 24: Irene's father is annoying 😒
Chapter 23: oh my gosh the story is getting more intense