Sequel: Chapter 6: Let's Go On A Date!

When The Flower Blooms

Chapter 6

Wendy opens the files and read all the information on Irene. She couldn’t believe that Irene is really a princess. She learned that Irene abdicated her place as princess to live as a normal citizen. Wendy was puzzled why would someone gave up on such position to be normal? Then she mentally scolded herself because she wanted to be normal too instead of a Mafia heiress. She sighs and then look to Ryujin, she feels sympathize for the teen. She’s only 15 years old, but a whole gang of Yakuza is after her. Wendy remembered the first time she met with Ryujin.


“Wendy, did you brought umbrella? It’s going to rain soon!” yelled Henry from the distance.

“No! We gotta run for the car!” yelled Wendy back to Henry.

The duo were surveying for empty shop lot for their café, they were scammed but some scammer who led them to a deserted place and even rob them, but they underestimate Henry and Wendy. Wendy was thankful that Henry is with her. She knew that her father asked Henry to be around her as her bodyguard but Wendy rather have him as a friend and a brother. 

Henry defeated all the scammers within minutes, and all were on the ground groaning in pain. Henry goes to Wendy and handed her his jacket to cover her from the rain. Just as they dashed to their car, they heard a gunshot.

“Who is that?!” Wendy asked.

“I don’t know but please get in the car Wendy!” said Henry as he pushed her into the car but Wendy pushes Henry away when she saw a figure limping in the rain and a few people wearing black following her from behind. The person falls on her knees and Wendy saw that she is struggling to keep her balance. Wendy noticed that the person is wearing a school uniform. She and Henry exchange glances.


“Aw …” Henry curses. He pushed Wendy inside the car and close the door and take out his gun to shoot at those people. It’s a good thing that Henry is a sharp shooter and he instantly shot down all the men in black. Wendy asked if it’s safe for her to go out and Henry said yes. Wendy rush to the girl’s side and she was shocked to see that she is just a teenager.

“Shin Ryujin.” she read out the girl’s name on the girl’s name tag.

“Henry help me get her in the car! She’s injured!”

End of Flashback


She put the files on the table next to Ryujin and she rubs her face. She stares at Ryujin who silently asleep with a frown on her face. She caresses the girl’s face and then she holds her cold hand.

“Ryujin-ah…what did you do till you fall sick like this? You know you scared me, I just wish you could lean on me more Ryujin...” 

She rested her chin on Ryujin’s bed and her eyes slowly close, she feels her eyelids getting heavier, so she rested her head on the soft bed and slowly drifted away in dream land. 


Wendy’s alarm ring and she looks at the time 630am, she usually awake at this time to prepare breakfast for Ryujin and Iris. Wendy wakes up and looks at her surroundings, she looks down and sees Ryujin still sleeping. Wendy caresses Ryujin’s forehead and she decided to call Yeji to tell her that Ryujin probably had to skip school. She was about to make a call on her phone when she saw Yuna and Chaeryoung burst into the room.

“Unnie! Is Ryujin okay?!”

“How did you two know that she’s admitted?”

“Duh, unnie, my roommate work here in this hospital.” Yuna slightly scoffed.

“Your roommate?”

“Yeah, Ryujin’s tenant.”

“Oh you mean that ‘make-you-go-gay-anytime-handsome-unnie’?” said Wendy and she snickers when she saw Yuna’s little’s blush.

“Yes Byullie unnie work here in this hospital and she texted Yuna last night, but Yuna just saw the message today so we came as soon as possible.” said Chaeryoung.

“What did she do yesterday? How did she gets so sick?”

“She jumped into the frozen lake yesterday.”

There was a silence and then Wendy’s eyes widened and she stares at Chaeryoung “What?”

Yuna pinches Chaeryoung “Unnie! I thought Ryujin unnie told you to keep it a secret?!”

“What happened yesterday?” Wendy asked with demanding tone.

“Yesterday, Lia unnie was bullied and the bullies throw her bag into the lake near our school and Ryujin jumps in to retrieve the bag.” Chearyoung explained.

“Why didn’t Ryujin fight back those bullies for Lia’s sake?!”

“You told her to not fight in school or out of school unnie.” Yuna said in a flat tone.

“She could have caught hypothermia!” Wendy sighs loudly, she turns to her adopted daughter and she shakes her head “Ryujin idiot.” 

“We told her to take off her jackets and change to something else but she said she’s fine, and walk back home after that.”

Wendy looks at Ryujin and shakes her head again, and she said “You two go to school before it’s too late. I’ll stay to take care of her.”

Before the two leave Chaeryoung approached Wendy and told her “Unnie...please talk some sense into Ryujin’s head. She’s in love with Lia but she can’t betray her friendship with Yeji, both of them are in love with Lia unnie. But I know Lia unnie love Ryujin too…”

“Thanks for the info Ryoung…”

Wendy sits near Ryujin and she sighs “Ryujin ah…please wake up.”


Wendy Apartment

Irene wakes up when she heard Iris cries. She rushes to Iris’s room to comfort her but Iris wouldn’t stop crying. Irene tries to rock the Iris in her arms but Iris squirming “Iris, it’s me Irene...what’s wrong?”

“Mama…” she cries asking for Wendy.

“Iris, your mama is still with your unnie, they will come home soon okay?”

“I want mama…” 

Irene grabs the phone and then she realized she doesn’t have Wendy’s phone number. She almost cursed with Iris in her arms. Iris doesn’t seems like will stop crying and throwing a tantrum and then she remembered a song that she used to sing when she was pregnant with Iris in her dream. Irene clears and begins to sing.

Look at that little bunny
Hop Hop Hop
Look at that little bunny
long long ear
Little bunny little bunny
Don’t cry no more
Mummy bunny mummy bunny
Give little bunny a carrot
Little bunny smiles, little bunny smiles
Happy bunny happy bunny
Please don’t cry

Iris stops crying, but she looks at Irene with a very questionable look “Iwene knows Mama’s song?”

“You mama song?”

“Mama swing that song only for Iwis...Iwene knows this song?”

“Hmmm, I used to sing this song to my daughter.” Said Irene.

“Iwene have daughter?”

“Yes…and you know what? She has the same name as you.”

“Same name like me? Wow! Can Iwis be fwem with her?”

There was sadness in Irene’s eyes when Iris mentioned that she wanted to meet with her daughter “Unfortunately Iris…she isn’t real.”

Iris looks at Irene with that big curious eyes of her, Irene smiles and kisses the baby on the cheek “Maybe one day Iris…you will get to meet the other Iris. Now what do you want for breakfast? Mama Rene will cook for you until your sister is released from the hospital.

Iris nods and stop crying, she wipes away her tears and hugs Irene. Irene gives Iris a little pat on her back and carry her to the kitchen. Just then the house phone rings and Irene knew it is Wendy. She carries Iris with her to go answer the phone.

“Hello? Wendy?”

“Good morning Irene, is Iris awake?”

“She is, Iris ah, it’s your mama on the phone do you want to talk to her?”

Iris nods, Irene passes Iris the phone and Iris’s tears fall down her cheek “Mama…” she softly calls for Wendy.

“Aigoo my baby, did you cried?”

“Mama, when are you coming back? Jinjin unnie okay?” Iris’s voice begins to crack and it hurts Irene a little.

“Ryujin is okay, but she has to stay at the hospital.”

“Unnie…” Iris cries and she tightened her grip on Irene’s shirt.

“Iris, Mama loves you, but now Mama gotta take care of your Ryujin unnie, she is sick now so be a good girl okay?”

Iris didn’t say anything, she just nod and Wendy seems to know that Iris nodded “Good girl, now can you pass the phone to Irene?”

Iris passes the phone to Irene “Yes Wendy?”

“Irene, I'm sorry to bother you, ummm are you busy today?”

“No, not really…”

“Can you ugh, help me take care of Iris? I don’t want to bring Iris over, her antibody is very weak and she falls sick easily. I’ll pay you for your time.”

“Oh no! You don’t have to pay me, I can take care of her, just stay with Ryujin, I bet what she needs now is you by her side. I hope for her speedy recovery.”

“Thanks. I will come back later in the afternoon to get some stuff.” Said Wendy over the phone.

“Take your time Wendy.”

“I see you soon. Bye.”

“Okay, bye, love you.” Irene gasped when she said that word.

“Love you?”

“No! Nothing!!” Irene immediately put down the phone and she tried to calm her beating heart down. She looks at Iris who look at her in confusion “let’s go eat breakfast!”



Wendy continues to read the files on Irene, her eyes diverted to Ryujin when she sense some movement. She put down the files and go to check on Ryujin. Ryujin slowly opens her eyes and saw her mother beside her “Mom…” she called out.

“I’m here Ryujin ah… are you feeling better?”


Wendy grab a glass of water and hand it to Ryujin, she helps Ryujin to sit up and give her a sip of the water slowly.

“How did you end up like this Shin Ryujin.” Wendy asked.

“I fell into a lake.” Ryujin lied.

“Chearyoung and Yuna told me everything.” Said Wendy with her arms crossed “You could have saved Lia if you fought those bullies but you didn’t? You let them bully you and Lia instead.”

“You told me not to fight!”

“And I’m proud of you for not doing that.” Said Wendy and she put herself in a relaxed stance “Fighting is not the answer to everything.” Said Wendy again.

“Oh wow, I’m sick and you’re lecturing me.” Sighed Ryujin.

“You know I care about you Ryujin. It breaks my heart to see you didn’t respond to me last night and I thought I was going to lose you.”

Ryujin was silent she didn’t reply, nor look at Wendy, she only looks into distant “Unnie…is it bad to love the same girl that your best friend love?”

Wendy sits on the bed and face Ryujin “Is this about Lia and Yeji?”

Ryujin nods and she looks down “I don’t want to betray my friendship with Yeji, but seeing them together hurt me.”

“Did you tell Lia about your feelings?”

Ryujin shakes her head.

“Then you should.”

“But, unnie…”

“Ryujin-ah…it’s not your decision to decide who Lia should choose, it should be Lia’s decision. What if the one that Lia really love is you and not Yeji? I’ve seen the way Lia look at you and the way that you look at her. She may be close with Yeji that is because they are the same age, but I don’t feel the spark between them maybe from Yeji’s side but not Lia’s side.”

“They are going out for a date this Saturday unnie! Lia agreed to go on a date with Yeji!”

“But did you ask her to go out on a date?” Wendy questioned back.


“Then you dare to question why Lia agreed to go on a date with Yeji and not you?”


“Ryujin… once you get better we need to talk! Now you should rest. I can’t believe my daughter can be so foolish when she’s in love and even jump into the cold frozen lake for her crush!” 


SM Entertainment

“Morning.” Yeri greets everyone then she saw the gloomy Seulgi looming around the hallway. 

“Seulgi unnie.”

“Morning Yeri.”

“You look like a zombie.” Said Yeri.

“Didn’t sleep since last night.”

“Unnie… please cheer up, don’t torture yourself.” 

Seulgi sighs and she tries to force a smile then when she saw Joy walks toward them, she frowns again and turn away.

“Mor…eh…Where is Seulgi going?” Joy asked Yeri.

Yeri glares at Joy and said “Unnie, it’s all your fault! If only you didn’t reject Seulgi unnie, she wouldn’t be like this!”

“Yeri you know I can’t…”

“It’s just a media play right? I don’t see it’s a problem for you to be with Seulgi unnie. I’m sick and tired of seeing you being sappy every time you see Seulgi unnie flirt with Irene unnie back then. I know deep down that you love Seulgi unnie too, so why is it so hard for you to be mphm?!…” Yeri couldn’t finish her words when Joy covers .

“We need somewhere more privacy to talk. Not here.” And Joy pulls Yeri with her to an empty practice room and she locked the door.

“Listen Yeri. SM wasn’t going to give RV any comebacks and they wanted me to focus on my acting career but I love this group so much I don’t want it to be like our senior group F(x). I don’t want us to die down if we don’t get as much as comeback that we need. With all the girl groups that debuting increases, our chances to fight for the spotlight is going to get slimmer. I asked SM to give us a chance but they didn’t want to. Until I joined we got married program with Sungjae, and seeing how much our fans love seeing me and Sungjae, they asked me if I wanted to keep RV alive and I said I want. They make an arrangement with the media to release the news about me and Sungjae are dating in real life. I know it’s a media play but if I break the contract, RV is doomed okay? SM is going to debut a new girl group soon. We don’t want to be thrown into the dungeon if I don’t do what SM want.” Joy explained and it takes Yeri a few minutes to digest the explanation.

“Unnie why you didn’t tell us? You should talk to us and discuss with us beforehand!”

“I feel bad when SM only focus on my activities, at one moment it feels like Joy and Red Velvet not Red Velvet. I just wanted to do something for our group Yeri, but who knows now I’m stuck in this crazy media play to increase our popularity. I wanted to tell you girls, but SM forbid me to do so. They made me sign a contract too! Oh man, now I feel bad for breaching the contract.”

“Unnie…” Yeri was getting teary “I’m sorry I didn’t know.”

“I can’t be with Seulgi Yeri…you know how tight SM controls us… if they know that Seulgi and I are together, I cannot imagine what SM will do. So please Yeri…don’t tell anyone even Irene unnie.” Said Joy sternly.

“But unnie…why did you sacrifice yourself for us?”

“You don’t have to worry about me, Sungjae is a good guy, if SM escalate this media play, at least he is a good man.”

“Unnie…” Yeri cried and she hugged Joy. She didn’t know the girl had done so much for them but they take it for granted.

“But unnie you have to do something for Seulgi unnie…she’s being too emo since yesterday.”

Joy sighs, she knows that she hurt Seulgi yesterday but there is nothing that she can do. Then she thought of an idea “Yerim ah.”


“We don’t have any schedule tomorrow right?”

“For me and Seulgi unnie there aren’t, what about you?” 

“I don’t have either, let’s go to the amusement park!”

“All of the sudden?” Yeri questioned Joy with suspicious glare.

“Let’s call it a double date, you can invite whoever you want, it’s the only way I can think of to cheer Seulgi up.” said Joy with excitement in her eyes.

“Oh…okay.” Yeri reluctantly agreed to Joy’s plan.


Wendy Apartment

“So the ugly duckling turns into a swan, the other duck look at her with awe, and the mother duck regretted that she mistreated the ugly duckling.” Irene reads the story of the modern ugly duckling that she found at the book shelf when Iris requested for some story time.

“Man what kind of a story is this?” she thought when she finished the book. She looks down on Iris and the little girl is already asleep in her lap. She carries Iris to her room and laid her slowly on the bed. She tucks her in and kisses her on the cheek.

Irene left the bedroom door open and goes to the living room and start cleaning and tidying up the mess. She cleans the kitchen and ended up vacuuming and mopping the whole house. She even did the laundry and cook some food for Wendy and Ryujin. She packed the food for Ryujin in a thermos container to keep the food warm. She cooks chicken soup, stir fried pork with kimchi and kimchi pancake, she remembered how Wendy in her dream likes to eat kimchi pancake. Just as she finished cooking, she heard the door opens. 

Wendy reach home, she takes off her shoes and toss all of her stuff on the couch and then throw herself to the couch and sighs loudly. She almost jumped when she heard Irene’s voice asking her “You’re back? How is Ryujin?”

“Oh hi Irene, I totally forgot that you’re here. Where’s Iris?” Wendy gets up from the couch and scan for Iris and she noticed how clean and tidy her house “Did you clean?” she asked.

“Ah…I’m sorry if you feel that I overstepping the boundary but I got nothing to do so I tidy up and clean up your house. Anyway, Iris is asleep in her room.”

Wendy goes to the room to check on Iris and indeed her little girl is sleeping peacefully in her bed. Wendy sighs in relief and then she goes to Irene “Thank you.” 

“It’s nothing. I prepared lunch, do you want to have lunch together?”

Wendy wanted to say no because she just wanted to get change and then go back to the hospital but then her stomach betray her by growling. Wendy grins shyly and she rubs her hand behind her neck because she is embarrassed that her stomach growl too loud.

Irene laughs and she invited Wendy to the dining room to have their lunch. Wendy hadn’t had any food since last night because she didn’t want to leave Ryujin’s side. Irene asks her to eat slowly because she’s afraid that Wendy will choke herself.

“This is delicious!” 

“Glad you like it.” Said Irene, she only eats a little and watches Wendy gulping down her food.

“Anyway, I’ve prepared some for Ryujin, you can bring it to her later. I know how bad hospital food taste like.”

Wendy thanked Irene and asked Irene to put the lunch box near to her backpack. Irene returns back to her seat and continue to eat her lunch. Wendy keeps stealing glances at Irene, she sips on her soup and then she clears to get Irene’s attention.

“Is the soup too hot?”

“No, the soup taste delicious…” Wendy said and now that she got Irene’s attention she asked her “About last night…” Wendy begins.

“I’m sorry about that, I didn’t mean to do that…”

“You said something before you kissed me…” 

Irene looked away, she tries to avoid Wendy’s eyes contact but she failed when she feels Wendy’s hand touching hers.

Irene exhale and then she looks straight into Wendy’s eyes and confessed “In my room, we’re not best friend like what I told you. We're…” Irene got cut off by a phone call from the hospital.

“One moment please…” Wendy excuses herself and answer the call “Hello Wendy Son speaking. What?!! What do you mean she’s gone?! I’ll be there!” Wendy hang up and she panickedly look at Irene.

“Irene, I gotta go, Ryujin...she ran away and with her high fever I’m afraid she’ll passed out. We’ll have this talk some other day.”

“Wait let me go with you!”

“Someone has to look after Iris, I can’t, stay and take care of Iris.”

“But I’m worried for Ryujin!”

“Please stay...Irene.” said Wendy sternly and Irene got timid at the moment, she heeds to Wendy’s word and stay behind.


Lia and Yeji split up to search for Ryujin. They heard that Ryujin passed out with a high fever and being hospitalized from Yuna and they decided to visit her at the hospital but when they reach the hospital, the nurses and doctor panicked when Ryujin is not in her room. Yeji ran out to search outside of the hospital while Lia search in the hospital.

Lia tried to call Ryujin’s phone but she can’t reach the girl. Lia runs everywhere to find Ryujin but there was no sign of her. Lia almost gave up but she then remember there’s one place that she didn’t search for, and it’s the rooftop.

She guesses right, Ryujin is there, sitting on the floor, gazing at the sky. Lia takes off her jacket and slowly approaches Ryujin. She wraps her jacket around Ryujin and Ryujin looks up to her. 

“You know they say only idiot catch cold, and you’re being an idiot for sitting her in the cold with only thin clothes around yourself.” Said Lia.

“What are you doing here?”

“Looking for you…”

Ryujin didn’t answer, she continues to gaze at the sky, Lia joins her and sit beside her. Lia rest her head on Ryujin’s shoulder and arm wrap around Ryujin’s waist to keep her warm. “Let’s go back Ryujin, everyone is worried about you.”

“I want to stay over here for awhile.” Ryujin replied.



“Tell me… do you love me?”


“You know I said yes to Yeji is because I wanted to see how you react.”

Finally Ryujin shows some reaction “What do you mean?”

“I wanted to see if I matter to you…”


Do I matter to you?” Lia questioned Ryujin.

“Of course you matter to me… I…” and the words that Wendy and Chaeryoung tell her echo in her mind “I love you Lia unnie, I really do…” Ryujin confessed. Ryujin waited for Lia’s reply but the girl kept silent. Ryujin sigh and she said “I understand your reaction… please be happy with Yeji…”

“And who told you that Yeji and I are together?”

“She asked you for a date and you agreed?!”

“I planned it.” said Lia with a grin, “Because it’s very hard to get your attention sometimes, so I thought maybe if I faked it you will react.”

“But Yeji?”

“I am aware of Yeji’s feeling toward me, when she came to confess to me, I’ve already told her my feelings. She understands, but she doesn't understand why you didn't make a move yet on me.” Said Lia.

“You mean… you like me too?” Ryujin asked with her hoarse voice.

“Yah pabo ya!” Lia grunts at Ryujin’s thick head, she pulls Ryujin close and leans in for a kiss but Ryujin’s quick reflex block Lia’s lips with her hand.

“Ah bwoya Ryujinie! When I told you that I love you but don’t believe me but I’m trying to prove my love and you block me!” Lia sulked.

Ryujin smiles at Lia’s cute antics, she leans in and kiss Lia on the cheek Lia was surprise at the sudden kiss. She touches the cheek that Ryujin had kissed “Ryujin?”

“Sorry for blocking you, but I don’t want you to fall sick.” Ryujin smiles at Lia.

“So does that mean the two of us is official?” Lia asked with her crescent eyes smile.

Ryujin holds Lia’s hand and look straight into her eyes “If you wanted to.” She said.

Lia rolls her eyes, she knows how hard it is for Ryujin to express her feelings but she didn’t expect it to be this hard for Ryujin to ask her to be her girlfriend.

“Lia unnie, I really love you, and I wanted to be with you, but I know it’s hard for me to show it out.”

Lia smiles and she cups Ryujin’s chubby face “And I love you too… but please don’t do reckless things like what you did yesterday.”

“My mom told me not to fight unless it’s necessary, and I jumped not because I wanted to retrieve your bag, but because you ever told me how much you treasure the keychain that you attached to your bag.”

“You know why that keychain is important to me?”


“Because that’s the first gift that I received from you.” Said Lia..

Ryujin can feel her face blushed but she’s glad that she is sick so the blush isn’t noticeable. The two looked at each other and giggle, Lia gets up and pulls Ryujin with her, the two of them hold hands and walk back. Yeji, Yuna, Chaeryoung and Wendy were waiting for them at the door entrance. 

All of them had their arms crossed, and they frown. Ryujin grimaces when she saw her mother had angry expression on her face. “Mom.” She greets her mother.

“Joanne Shin Ryujin, I can’t believe you made all of us worried!” Wendy raises her voice at her daughter “First you had me worried sick that you fall sick, and then the hospital contacted me and told me that you’re gone missing from your room. I think you’ve shortened my life by 10 years.” Wendy rants.

“I’m sorry unnie. I just wanted to relax my mind. I’m sorry if I’ve caused so much problem.” Ryujin apologized and she bows to them.

Wendy approaches Ryujin and she pulls her into a tight hug. Ryujin can feel all the broken part inside her being glue back again just by a simple hug from her mom. “I love you and you know that.”

“Yes unnie, I know, but can you please let me go now? I can’t breathe!”

Wendy let go of Ryujin and apologize “Oops sorry.”

Yeji and Ryujin exchanges glances and Yeji flashes a grin at her best friend. Ryujin bows to Yeji and mutters out a thank you.

“Promise me you will take care of Lia, Ryuddaeng. If you hurt her I will never forgive you!” said Yeji.

“I promise.” Ryujin said.

Yuna and Chaeryoung were crying tears of joy when they see that Lia and Ryujin were holding hands, Yeji and Ryujin not fighting over Lia.

“Let’s get back to your room.” 


YG Entertainment

“Tell me about it.” Yeri sighs “I really don’t understand how she can wake up from the coma and remember all her dreams and damn it was a hella long dream!”

Yeri finished her schedule and had nothing to do so she goes and visit her cousin at YG entertainment. Jennie sips her boba that she got from Wendy’s café and nods her head to Yeri’s story about their other cousin, Irene.

“Then did unnie go and find the girl that is in her dream?”

“She did, and I’ve met her as well. Her name is Wendy Son, age 26, a café owner.” Yeri explained to Jennie and upon hearing Wendy’s name Jennie almost choke on her boba.

“Wait what? Wendy Son?!”

“Yeah, Wendy…why? You know her?”

“Yeah…I mean I went to the same school with her, she was my senior and also our friend.” Said Jennie with a cough.

“Wait, seriously?”

Jennie takes out her phone and show Yeri the group photo that they took with Wendy and Yeri gasps “OMG, yes unnie that is her! Oh wow it’s a small world after all!” 

“But how Joohyun unnie know about Wendy when they clearly never met before?” Jennie was puzzled by the story about Irene’s dream.

“Yes, it’s very mysterious, even for me.”

“Yeah…so now what unnie is going to do?”

“She moved into the same apartment complex where Wendy live and I told her she’s going to end up looking like a stalker.”

“Wait, she gets everything right? The place where the Wendy unnie live and also her personal information?”


“What if it wasn’t a dream Yeri?”

“What?” Yeri asked back in confusion.

“What if it was memories?”

“What do you mean memories? We’ve known Joohyun unnie since our childhood, and I don’t recall any moment that she ever met with Wendy.” Said Yeri.

“Yesterday, I watched The CW show and they having this crossover episode and it talks about multi-universe. What if the dreams that she had were the memories of her from another universe?” What if in that universe all of the things she said really happened? What if…”

Yeri cut Jennie off and said “Unnie, you watch too many TV shows, there is no such thing as multi universe.” Yeri said to disagree with Jennie’s statement.

“Well I’m just saying.” Jennie shrugs.

Yeri sighs and she takes a sip of her drink too then she saw the ring on Jennie’s ring finger “Well well well, so I see that you’re wearing a ring, so is it official now you and Jisoo?” Yeri asked with a smirk.

“What? Jisoo? No, Jisoo is my best friend and she doesn’t even like me that way, she likes Chaeyoung.”

“Oh then that ring?” Yeri pauses awhile then she gasps “Don’t tell me! It’s Lalisa Manoban?!”

Jennie shyly nods with a grin.

“You and Lalisa Manoban?! Who would’ve thought?! I mean you cling to Jisoo unnie like a koala, so I thought there is something between you and Jisoo unnie.”

“No, we’re only good friends. Well it literally took her 2 years to finally confess to me but it’s better than none.” 

“Well unnie, if you didn’t agree to date Kai back then I think she would have confess to you…”

“You know my mom hates the fact that I like girls, but seems like she slowly accepting me for who I am…”

“Well that’s good. Anyway, back to Joy and Seulgi unnie! Joy unnie said she wanted to go to the amusement park this saturday to cheer Seulgi unnie up, and she wanted to make it look like a double date. Do you have any friends that are single that I can borrow to go out on a date with?”

“Hmmm...oh! You know Chaeyoung from Twice? I can hook you up with her!” Jennie said with enthusiasm.

“Ooh great, hit me up with her!” said Yeri and the two cousin fist bumps each other. 


Wendy Apartment

Irene and Iris were sitting on the couch watching some music show and Irene couldn’t stop herself from grinning and sqeualing when she watched Iris dance to the music like the idols do. She even memorize the lyrics and dance moves to every Twice and RV songs. 

“Yah Iris, do you know how to sing to Twice feel special?” Irene asked and she stream the music video with her phone connected to the TV. Iris moves her body to the beat and start to sing “You make me fweel Speciaul~” she sang with her broken english and Irene find it so cute.

Iris stop dancing when she heard the door being unlocked. Irene turns to look at the entrance, and she saw Wendy walks in with Ryujin follows behind. Irene smiles when she saw that Ryujin is holding Lia’s hand. Irene smiles even wider when she saw the whole Itzy girls walk in the house. Iris rushes to her mother and she didn’t hesitate to prance on her mother. Wendy almost loses her balance but she managed to catch Iris. Iris then let go of Wendy and goes to hug her sister but Ryujin avoided her. Iris whines when her sister didn’t want to hug her. Ryujin pulls up her mask and squad down to talk to Iris eye to eye.

“Joohyunie, unnie is sick and unnie don’t want you to get sick too~ so let’s play when unnie feels a little better okay?”

Iris pouted but she nods, then she goes to hug Lia, then Chearyoung, Yuna and lastly Yeji. Irene goes to them and she helps Wendy to carry her backpack. Wendy thanked Irene and hand her the backpack.

“Unnie you’re here?” Ryujin asked when she noticed Irene.

“She had to babysit your sister and it’s all thanks to you Ryujinie!” Wendy replied before Irene able to open to reply.

Ryujin bows to apologize and thanked Irene, Irene quickly asked her to raise her head “You don’t have to bow Ryujin! Anyway, there’s still a lot of left over of the food that I made...why don’t we go and eat together?” said Irene.

“Food?!” Yuna and Yeji’s eyes light up when they heard the word food.

They had a joyful dinner together, Wendy and the other girls couldn’t stop to tease Lia and Ryujin. They all enjoy Irene’s cooking and Ryujin was even surprised that Irene can cook better than her mother. After dinner, Yuna and Chaeryoung help Iris to take her bath. Yeji and Lia help Ryujin to get changed and make sure she eats her medicine, Yeji knows how much Ryujin hates to take medicine, so she holds Ryujin down while Lia forces Ryujin to swallow the medicine. It may looks brutal but that’s the only way they can make sure Ryujin eat her medicine. Irene and Wendy were busy in the kitchen doing dishes together.

“Hey Irene, thanks for today.”

“It’s nothing Wendy, I enjoy taking care of Iris. She’s so cute and well behaved.”

The two went silent again and it’s getting awkward so Wendy clears to get Irene’s attention “Ermmm.” 

“Are you okay Wendy?”

“Irene ah…”


“Can you continue what you’re going to tell me this noon?” said Wendy.

Irene stares blankly at her then she remembers how something always happen when she tried to explain so she rethink again whether she wants to tell Wendy the truth or not “In my dream, we’re more than friends but less than lovers.” said Irene. She mentally slapped herself in her mind because she chose to lie instead.


“I’m sorry if I creep you out Wendy. You can tell me if you feel uncomfortable, I will stop.” said Irene.

“No! I mean, ugh I’m not sure what direction do we want out relationship to be but I certainly enjoy myself around you. I mean, I like you too, but I wasn’t sure what kind of like… but I…” Wendy paused as she remembered the kiss “I enjoy kissing you.”

Irene blushes at Wendy’s confession “Me too…” she replied.

Wendy smiles and she rested her chin on her palm as she leans on the counter and stares at Irene, she knows she won’t get bored staring at Irene. Irene’s beauty is out of this world in Wendy’s eyes. The moment Irene walks in the café, what she didn’t know is that her little heart had fallen for Irene.

“Irene, I don’t want things to turn awkward between us, so let’s go out on a date, the two of us, with the kids, and let’s get to know each other better okay?”

“Wendy Son, are you asking me out on a date?” Irene asked.

“Yes, Irene Bae..I am asking you out for a date.”

“Sure.” Irene answered shyly.

Wendy pumps her fist in the air and immediately regret her action when she saw Yuna, Chearoung and Iris were standing at the kitchen entrance watching her. Wendy clears and asked the girls what they want. Chearyoung said that they have bath Iris but Iris refuses to sleep without the bunny song. Wendy chuckles and she gets away from Irene and pick up Iris. 

“Okay little princess, let’s get you to bed with your bunny song.”



“I want Iwene to sing it too…” said Iris in her sleepy baby voice. Wendy looks over to Irene for helps and Irene laughs, she walks to Wendy’s side and caress Iris’s head and agree to sing the song to Iris. Wendy tells Yuna and Chaeryoung that they can sleep in the guest room, she had prepared the bed and pillows. Since the Itzy girls always stay over at her place, it’s like their second home now, so Wendy bought for them a new beds and mattress so that they won’t squeeze all inside Ryujin’s room. Yuna and Chaeryoung excuse themselves and go to the room together. Wendy asked Irene to carry Iris back to her room first while she goes to check on Ryujin.

Wendy opens Ryujin’s room door and she saw that the trio had already fallen asleep. Lia sleeps next to Ryujin and Yeji sprawling near Ryujin’s feet. “The two of them are going to catch Ryujin’s sickness if they sleep with her!” Wendy thought to herself. She tried to wakes them up but they looks so tired. 

She takes out the extra blanket in Ryujin’s wardrobe and cover Yeji with it. She also makes sure to cover Lia with extra blanket because Ryujin is the type to hog the blanket all to herself. She didn’t close the door when she left, she left the door slightly ajar, so she can check up on them without disturbing them with the creaking sound of the door. She mentally noted to herself to get the door fixed because there were a few times she got scared by the sound of that door.

She goes to Iris room to check up on Iris and she smiles when she saw that Iris had fallen asleep in Irene’s arm. It seems like Iris had asked Irene to read her some bed time story and the book that’s on Irene’s stomach is the evidence. Wendy knows that Irene must have been tired, she slowly remove the book from Irene’s stomach and she slowly pulls up the blanket to cover the two. Normally Wendy doesn’t like the idea of a stranger sleeping with her daughter but she made an exception for Irene. She lays at the empty spot next to Iris and uses her forearm as her pillows as she stares lovingly at Iris and Irene.

“If only I could be the Wendy in your dream.” said Wendy, before she too drifted into dreamland. 


To be continued…

A/N: A quick question, do you want to have a normal ending or another plot twist? Don’t worry it’s not ending soon. I’m going to build the story slowly. Just wanted to know which type of ending that you guys prefer. Oooh! It's going to be group date! Do you guys prefer Yeri X Chaeyoung or Yeri X Tzuyu?





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Chapter 67: wow this story is like a roller coaster 😭 I'm glad it ended happily 💖💙
Chapter 49: Who does Wendy have children with???
Chapter 46: Here I thought previously Irene would really move on to someone new 🥲
Chapter 45: I actually don't like it when Irene moves on from Wendy 🤧😩
Chapter 44: Impossible. I cried at this part 😭
Chapter 31: I'm curious about Wendy's health check results
Chapter 27: very domestic 🤧
Chapter 24: Irene's father is annoying 😒
Chapter 23: oh my gosh the story is getting more intense