Sequel Chapter 18: Ryujin Wanted, Wendy's Rage

When The Flower Blooms

Irene, Ryujin and Iris were waiting outside of the operation theatre, while Wendy is still somewhere outside making her calls. Irene notices the restless in Ryujin, so she shifted Iris who has been asleep in her lab to the other side and pulls Ryujin closer to her.

“Lia will be okay.” She said to Ryujin.

“I’m weak unnie…I can’t protect her…”

“No, Ryujin, it’s not your fault…you didn’t know it would happen right?” Irene tries to comfort the teenage girl.

Ryujin didn’t say anything she just sob there silently. Irene rubs her on the arm, trying to calm her down. If she’s in Ryujin situation she would probably did the same thing too. She would probably blame herself for unable to protect the person she loves.


“Hey no shouting in the hospital!” a staff nurse scolded.

“Yeji! Chaeryeong! Yuna!” Ryujin was Happy to see her friends but she was punched by Yeji on the face.

Everyone was shocked at the sudden attack. Chaeryeong and Yuna tried to hold Yeji back and Irene helps Ryujin to get up.

“What is wrong with you?!” Yuna question the eldest member of the Itzy.

“You said you were going to protect her but look at what you’ve done!” said Yeji.

“Yeji, calm down. If you want to fight, please go outside.” Said Irene to the two.

“You think I don’t want to protect her?! You think if I can turn back the time I wouldn’t jump in front of the attacker to protect her?!”

“Hey!!” Wendy comes to intervene “Stop it you two. Don’t make thing worst!” said Wendy as she separates the two best friend apart.

Iris wakes up due to the commotion and she cries, Wendy takes Iris away from Irene and calms her as she pulls Ryujin and Yeji with her to a more secluded area of the hospital. Irene only watches Wendy deals with her daughter.

“Unnie, is Lia unnie going to be fine?” Yuna asks Irene.

Irene smiles and replies “She will, I know she will. You two sit here while I go check on the 4 of them.”


“If you want to fight, fight here!” Wendy said to the two teenagers “You made Iris cried! Is that what you want?!”

“Mummy!!! Jinnie Unnie!! Yedong Unnie!!” Iris cries even louder when her mother raises her voice at her sister.

“Stop yelling mom, you’re scaring Iris…” Ryujin said softly and she reaches for Iris, which Iris accepted and Wendy let Ryujin takes Iris away.

“Unnie don’t fwight…” Iris begs while sobbing.

Ryujin turns to look at Yeji, and Yeji mouther the words ‘Sorry’ at Ryujin. Ryujin nods and she kisses Iris on the cheek and apologize for making she scared.

“Listen Yeji, it’s not Ryujin or anyone’s fault in this case. If you want someone to be accountable of what happened to Lia, you can blame it on me but not Ryujin or anyone else. I know both of you love her, but this is not a time for you two to fight.” Said Wendy.

Irene comes to check on them, and seeing how serious the situation is, she makes her way to Wendy. She puts her hand on Wendy’s shoulder and exchange looks with the other two teenagers.

“Momwene!!” Iris calls for the black haired woman.

Irene happily takes Iris from Ryujin and she wipes away the tears in her eyes. Iris lays her head on Irene’s shoulder and soon she falls asleep again.

“Listen everyone, the situation is a little bit mess up right now, but I want you to know that it’s not safe at that house anymore. We need to move to somewhere safer. Ryujin, I want you and Yeji to go back to that house and take whatever is necessary, but be careful, the cops are probably gonna be there.”

“You’re sending the kids to take up your stuff? You’re not scare for their safety?” Irene questions her girlfriend.

Wendy laughs when Irene questions her “I’m not scared for their safety but I am scared for the attacker safety…”

Then Irene remembers who Ryujin is, she’s a Yakuza. Sometime it’s a wonder how Irene actually can live with all of these criminals around her. If her father the prince knew about this, she and Wendy would probably become like Romeo and Juliet. It’s a good thing that she never told her parents about Wendy’s family history.

“Where are we going to stay then?”

“Your grandpa’s house.” Said Wendy and Ryujin shudders at the thought of meeting her adoptive grandfather again.

“Wendy…are you sure you want to do this? Maybe you can go and talk to him?” Irene tries to persuade her girlfriend because she knows how bloody the whole situation going to be.


“How can you let them escape?!”

“I’m sorry boss, one of the kid seems like she is professional trained, she managed to injured the man that we send over!”

“How can you let a teenage kid injured you?!” Eric is getting agitated when the men that he sent failed to kidnap Iris.

After learning the truth about Iris, Eric contacted his friend, Big Matthew or as people know him as BM. He runs an underground organisation and is feared in Seoul City. Eric asked him to investigate where Wendy live and he asked BM to lend him a few of his men to help him in his plan to kidnap Iris. Seulgi keeps on telling Eric what if Iris is not his daughter? Eric said whether Iris is his or not, he will decide what to do after the DNA result comes out.

“You!!!” Joy comes barging into his room “You were the one that send people to go break into Wendy’s house didn’t you?! It’s all over the news now, someone break in and someone is hurt! If this is your doing, I am going to make you pay for it!”

Eric smirks at Joy’s threat “What makes you think that I’m the one that did that?” said Eric.

“I don’t trust you, not since I knew that you were Wendy’s ex and I’ve check your background and I know your reputation.” Said Joy angrily.

Eric walks closer to Joy and whispers in her ear “Then what are you going to do about it huh? I’m your wife cousin. You know what?” Eric pauses and caress Joy’s face “I can give you what Seulgi can’t…” he whispers.

Joy is disgusted by Eric’s words and she whacks his hand away but Eric catches her hand and pushes her down on his bed. Joy tries to scream for help but Eric covers his mouth to muffle her scream. Joy tries to kick Eric away but he pins her down with his whole weight. At that moment Seulgi walks in because she couldn’t find her wife in their bedroom.

“Joy? Eric?” Seulgi asks in disbelieve when she saw her wife and Eric are together in the bed.

“Oh hi there Seulgi, you know what? Your wife tried to seduce me.” said Eric.

“No Seulgi! He tries to me!”

“You’re going to believe her? I’m your cousin Seulgi! I wouldn’t do anything to your wife!” Eric denies Joy’s accusation.

Seulgi didn’t say anything, she pulls Joy up from the bed and wraps the sheet around Joy and drags her out from the room. Joy is angry that Seulgi didn’t say anything. She tries to pull away her hand from Seulgi’s grip but Seulgi tightened her grip on Joy’s hand. Seulgi leads them to their bedroom and start packing their stuff.

“Why didn’t you say anything?” Joy asks.

“We’re leaving this house Joy.” Said Seulgi.

“If anyone is leaving it should be him!” said Joy.

“I will explain it to you later Joy, for meantime, we need to leave this place.” Said Seulgi to her wife “Trust me on this.” Said Seulgi while staring at Joy with glisten in her eyes.

Joy doesn’t say anything and begins to help Seulgi packing their stuff. She knows Seulgi must have her own reason why she wants them to leave. After done packing, Seulgi puts on her jacket on Joy and tugs Joy with her to the front door.

Eric notices that they are leaving so he stops them “Hey Seulgi, are you going to leave? I thought you said your friend gave you this house? You’re seriously going to abandon it?”

Seulgi didn’t even look back at her cousin, she just tugs her wife with her and they leave the house. Seulgi makes Joy to enter the car and she drive away leaving the house and her evil cousin in. Once they have driven far away from the house, Seulgi turns to Joy and she holds Joy’s hand.

“I’m sorry for what he did to you back there. I promise it won’t happen again, and I believe you. I’m sorry that I didn’t say anything either, because I don’t want to alert him on what I’m going to do.” said Seulgi.

“What are you going to do?”

Seulgi keeps her focus on the roads and she seen that there are car following them. She turns to take the shortest route to get to the place that they are heading to.

“Wendy called me.”




Seulgi was relaxing nearby the swimming pools after she had done with all the unpacking and cleaning up her new house. Joy was relaxing in the living room, watching drama on the TV.

The weather is nice, not too cold and not too hot, so Seulgi decided to take a nap. Her nap got disturbed by her phone rings.


“Seulgi, Wendy’s here.”

“Wendy! Wendy I would like to thank you for the house, I don’t know how to thank you.”

“It’s my last gift for both of you. Listen Seulgi, is it true that Eric Nam is your cousin?”

Seulgi didn’t expect to be asked that by Wendy, she hasn’t ready yet to deal with Wendy regarding her cousin matters.

“Yes, he is. Wendy I’m sorry that I didn’t know he is your ex…I…”

Wendy cut Seulgi off before Seulgi can finish her sentence “It’s not your fault, you didn’t know either. I called you because I want you to know that Eric tried to kidnap my daughter.”

“He what?!”

“Someone broke into my apartment, they injured Lia and tried to kidnap my daughter Iris. I know it has to be Eric.”

Seulgi walks back into the house and saw Eric just came back from somewhere. He saw his cousin and he smiled at her before he walked into his room. Seulgi is getting worried because she knows what Eric can do, and she knows that Eric had connection especially in the underground scene. Even though he looks all innocent and in his parents eyes he is the perfect son, Seulgi knows all of his dark secret. Seulgi tries to not get involve in everything that he does, she loves him because he is the only family members that Seulgi can consider as an older brother, but Seulgi hates his way of doing things.

Seulgi enters the office room and locks the door, she wanted to escape from Joy and Eric from listening to her conversation with Wendy.

“Wendy, I am sorry, I promise I will talk to him. I slipped out this morning, and he found out about Iris, though I told him maybe Iris isn’t his but he insisted that Iris is his.”

“Is he with you now?”

“He…he is currently living with us…”

“Leave that house, immediately. Pack all of your things.”


“I’m not going to beat around the bush with you Seulgi, I know he is your cousin but he hurt my family and I am not going to forgive him for that. It is true that Iris is his daughter but I am not giving him Iris.”

“What? If, if Iris is really his daughter why wouldn’t you let him know? He is her father so he deserves to know about that!” Said Seulgi angrily.

“I was , and I didn’t even want the baby, it was Henry who persuade me to keep the baby and I almost give Iris up for adoption because for me, she is a hindrance. I am thankful to Henry for opening my eyes, to let me see that if I can’t love Iris, who will? And you think I would let the person who me to take my baby away from me?”

Seulgi couldn’t believe what she is hearing, she knows her cousin have bad reputation with girls but he wouldn’t do it till that extend of a .

“No, I don’t believe that he will do that to you!”

“Why would I be lying to you? I got all the evidence against him, I just didn’t want to ruin his life back then, he has such a bright future. I admit the reason why I ended up with him 3 years ago was because I wanted to forget about Joy. I want to heal that wound, but I still can’t lie to myself that I just don’t like men. No matter how hard I try, I am still attracted to women. I feel like I am hurting Eric if we continue our relationship and I wanted to break thing off with him. He reacted negatively when I broke up with him, he drugged me and me. It is up to you if you want to believe it or not, if you needed evidence I can send you all the reports that I made and the swab sample that they took from me, I can provide it all to you.”

Seulgi gulps after listening to Wendy’s explanation, she peeks out and sees that Joy isn’t at the living room and the news is playing. She saw the news about the apartment being broke in and a teenager is injured from the incident.

“If what you said is true, what do you want me to do? Call the police on my cousin? We don’t have evidence against him, what are you gonna do?”

“First, I need you to get out of there, with Joy, pack everything with you and leave that house. Don’t say anything to Joy, just come to the location that I send you.” Said Wendy through the phone before she hung up.

Seulgi check on the location that Wendy shared to her, she sees that it needs at least 8 hours ride to reach. She puts her phone in her pocket and goes to her room to look for Joy but there is no sign of her. Seulgi got panic when she remembered about the news that appear on the TV and she immediately rushes to her cousin’s room. She saw that the room is slightly ajar and she can hear her wife’s voice coming from inside the room. Seulgi peeks inside and she saw what her cousin did to her wife.

Seulgi’s blood boiled, she wanted to barge in and punch Eric on the face but she tries to keep her calm. Seulgi slowly opens the door and acted surprise as she called out for both of them. She saw how terrified Joy is from her eyes. She really wanted to lunges to her cousin and choke him for touching her wife.

End of Flashback

“I know what he did to you, we need to get to a safe place and Wendy promised me she will keep us safe until she and Eric settle their things.” Explained Seulgi.

Joy couldn’t believe what she just heard, what happened to Wendy is all her fault. She didn’t know how heartbroken Wendy was when she broke up with her. She feels like she is the root of the problem. While Wendy is struggling to cope with their break up, she was falling in love with Seulgi. She never checks on Wendy, thinking that it would be better if she didn’t contact Wendy. Joy is quiet throughout the whole drive and Seulgi got worried. Seulgi put her hand on top of Joy’s hand to get her wife’s attention and Joy turns to Seulgi with sadness in her eyes.

“You okay?”

Joy nods but Seulgi is not buying it, she gently squeezes Joy’s hand to get the woman’s attention again and Joy turns to look at Seulgi again.

“We made a promise right? No secret between us now that we are married?”

Seulgi reminds Joy that they are married now and how they vowed that they will no keep any secret between each other and will cherish each other. She had kept too much thing from Sungjae before and she had hurt so many people by keeping everything to herself. She takes a deep breath and smiles before she opens to speak.

“I am the root of all this trouble Seulgi. If I didn’t break up with Wendy, maybe she won’t date Eric…”

Seulgi disagree with what Joy had said, Seulgi believe that everything happened for a reason. Seulgi wanted to stop the car by the roadside and talk to her wife but she is scared that her cousin would send someone to tail her from behind so she continues to drive.

“Don’t ever say things like that, everything happened for a reason Sooyoungie. Can you see, if you are still with Wendy, then Iris wouldn’t exist. I felt guilty when Irene unnie tried to suicide back then, but then when she woke up from her coma, she found Wendy and now she is happier with her. Have you seen the way they are together? I’ve never seen Irene unnie looks so happy, the way they look at each other and care for each other… To be honest, I was a bit jealous when Irene unnie chosen Wendy. She never looks at me the way she looks at Wendy. You have to think that if we didn’t do what we did in the past, maybe the two of us wouldn’t be together…and the four of us will be trapped in our endless suffering.”

Joy is thankful for her wife thoughtful thought, she felt a little better now. She intertwines her fingers with Seulgi’s fingers as they drive to the destination.


The Son Manor

Wendy and her family walks into the manor and they were greeted by the house maids and butler. This is the first time that Irene been there, and the house design never fail to amuse Irene.

“Great to have you back young miss.” Said the house butler.

“It’s good to be back too…umm…Mr. Park…my father is he still angry at me?” Wendy asked.

The house butler, smiles at Wendy, he still remembers when Wendy is still a young child, running around the house. When Wendy left the house she was still a child in his eyes, she was barely 16, but seeing how she had grown up to be a fine lady now, Mr. Park couldn’t help but to feel proud. He was about to answer her when a loud high pitched voice coming from the manor second floor.

“Seungwanie!!! Ryujinie!! Iris!! Oh!! Irene is here too?!”

“Unnie…” Wendy greets her sister.

Seunghee runs down the stairs and hugs her nieces before she hugs Wendy and proceed to hug Irene. “It’s so good to see you all here! I didn’t expect that you’ll bring Irene along~ Seungwanie.”

“Auntwee~~~” Iris calls for the older woman.

Seunghee squeals at Iris cuteness but she notices the sadness and tense in Ryujin’s eyes. Wendy had told Seunghee everything so she knows why her adoptive niece is acting that way. Seunghee puts her hand on Ryujin’s head and softly smiles at her. It may not put Ryujin at ease but it does gives Ryujin a little comfort.

“I don’t want her to be alone at the apartment, it’s better if she is with me.” replied the younger sister to her older sister.

“Yeah I know, Mr. Park, please show these ladies their rooms.” Seunghee ordered the house butler but Wendy stops her “Unnie, they can just stay with me in my room.”

“Seungwan, our house literally has 5 guests room!”

“I have king size bed in my room, they can sleep with me.”

Seunghee sighs and she nods in agreement and ask the butler to lead them to Wendy’s room. Wendy excuses herself and tell Irene that she will join them later because she needs to talk to her sister. Seunghee waves goodbye at Iris and Ryujin as they follow the house butler and Irene to Wendy’s room. Seunghee’s soft expression turns to frown and she turns to face her younger sister.


“No, we don’t talk here, let’s go to my office.”

Wendy follows her sister to the office that once used to be their father’s. Ever since her sister taken over the family business and her father’s place, Wendy can sense that her sister had changed. Even though she had change, she is still the Seunghee that Wendy known. Only when she is doing her job that Wendy feels like that is not her sister. The brutality and the merciless nature of her sister scare her sometimes. Wendy didn’t want to get her family involve but Eric had step in her boundary and she can’t forgive him for that.

The two sisters enter the office and both sit at the couch near the fire place. “Where is Naeun?” Wendy asked for their half sibling. Though their relationship is still strain after Wendy found out about Naeun being her half sibling, but they have come to terms when Seunghee locked them up in the dungeon of their manor for days.

“She’s running some errands~”

“And father?”

“He’s good, he went back to Toronto a few weeks ago and is planning to go on a trip with mom.”


“Seungwan ah…you still think dad is still angry at you?”

“Yeah…I mean he was pissed when I rejected that guy that he introduced to me…you know I am not interested in guy…”

“He was just trying to protect you Seungwan, he doesn’t want his grandkid grow up without a father that’s all, but don’t you worry, he had come to term with your uality Seungwan, and he accepted Irene, though he never actually told you that. Though, he asked you to be careful, Irene is not ordinary people.”

“I know that. Irene is a princess…well ex-princess if you may call.”

Seunghee raises and eyebrow at her sister’s replied. “So you knew?”

“I knew it way before we started dating…”

Seunghee suddenly gasps when she realized something “Don’t tell me she gives up her title and position as a princess because of you?!”

“No! No! Unnie, didn’t you follow the news when the Emperor passed his throne to the new Empress? Supposedly, it was the crown prince to take over, but then they found the daughter of the previous crown prince and they reinstated her as the country princess and according to law, she is the next in line to the throne when the Emperor step down from the throne. Before Queen Suzy returned, Irene’s father is next in line after his older brother left the monarchy.”

“I understand that, but what it has got to do with Irene leaving the monarchy?”

“She…she hated her life there, Irene just wanted to have freedom, Queen Suzy grant her wish and now she is no longer a princess but just a normal citizen.”

Seunghee only can listen for she can’t comment on Irene’s freedom matter. Irene must have her reason, and Seunghee respected that. She crossed her arms and stare at her little sister “Why didn’t you tell me, Seungwan?” Seunghee speaks up.


Seunghee scoots closer to her sister and put her hand on her sister’s thigh “The truth about Eric? You told me that you only knew you got pregnant after you broke up with him, but why you never told me that he you? Why only now that you wanted to tell us the truth? He drugged and you Seungwan, and is a serious case!”

“What choice do I have back then? I was young and careless! And you know how the law in South Korea is, the court can rule out that he is innocent because he was in the influence of alcohol…you know he had a lot of connection!”

Seunghee disagree with what Wendy had said and she speaks up “Have you forgot who you are?! You are a Son, Seungwan ah!”

“Back then, even dad think I better off be dead.”

“Son Seungwan!!” Seunghee accidentally raises her voice when Wendy keeps saying nonsense. Seunghee realizes her mistakes so she takes a deep breath and try to calm herself down. “Seungwan, if dad knows about this, he will be furious…he is already furious when he found out you got pregnant out of wedlock. I know back then your relationship with dad is strained, but he wouldn’t turn his back on his daughter if he knows someone hurt you.”

Wendy is in tears after listen to what Seunghee told her. She was too ego when she was young. She thinks that she can survive by her own. Seunghee pulls her little sister into a hug. The two of them break apart when the office door open and their half-sister walks in with anger so visible on her face.


“This is all the evidence that I have on that Eric guy, Wendy, why didn’t you just tell us the truth?”

Seunghee stands in between her two little sister before they start cutting each other’s throat and takes the file that Naeun had gathered. “What did you found out?”

“The drug purchase and surveillance camera footage of the hotel where he Wendy. There’s some other information about his illegal conducts.” Said Naeun and she lets out a loud sigh. She sits next to Wendy, but Wendy didn’t dare to look at her, all Wendy does is look down on the carpet.

“You know, we both never really like each other…with you being Dad’s favourite girl…”

Seunghee gently smacks Naeun on the head with the rolled up paper and corrected her “Nu-uh, Seungwan isn’t dad’s fav, I am dad’s fav~ being the oldest and all~”

The two younger siblings only roll their eyes at their older sister. “Fine…as dad’s second fav daughter, sometimes I wonder what he sees in you, you know? You always fight against him, didn’t want to listen to his order, always think that you are right, you irk me.”

“Okay Naeun, I understand you hate me, but now is not the time for us to be talking about our feelings, my family is in danger and I called both of you because I don’t know where else should I go!” Wendy raised her voice.

“You should just annihilate him when you got the chance, I mean with Ryujin around, you should just let that kid settle that ex of yours. Just one snap from her, he’ll be dead.”

This time it was Seunghee and Wendy turns to squint their eyes at Naeun. “What? I was just stating the truth, I know now that Seunghee unnie had taken over Dad’s place and Seunghee unnie’s rule is no more blood should be shed, but man like Eric, should be kill off this surface of the earth.”


“Unnie, have you finish reading that report that you asked me to compile?”

“No…not yet.” Said Seunghee.

“Read it then you tell us what you think we should do to him.” Said Naeun and she glances over to Wendy before she gets up but Seunghee stops her “Where are you going?” Seunghee asks.

“Go meet our niece~ it’s been awhile since I meet Iris~”

The two Son watched their sister exit the room and then they turn to each other. Seunghee smiles at her sister and gently put her hand on Wendy’s head “Go rest Wendy, we will discuss about what we should do after I go through this file that Naeun gave me.”

Wendy thanks her sister and she excuses herself. Seunghee’s smiles faded when her sister is out of her sight. She looks at the files in her hand and she begins to flip through.


Children Playroom

Irene and Naeun had a stare off with each other. Despite the fact that whatever happened in her dreams never happen in reality, Irene still can’t shake of the uneasy feelings she has whenever she is around Naeun.

Naeun whispers to Ryujin “What is wrong with her?” Naeun asked, but she didn’t receive any reply from Ryujin. Naeun looks at Ryujin and she can see how the usually cheery Ryujin had dull expression on her face.

Naeun nudge her niece with her elbow to get her attention “Ryujin?”

“Hmm?” Ryujin finally turns to Naeun “You okay?” Naeun asked.

“Yeah…just a little headache…” said Ryujin with a weak smile.

Naeun is not buying the lie that Ryujin told “I watched the news Jinnie, so I know what happened. Your friend got injured during the house breaking incident right?”

Ryujin nods, but she keeps silent afterward, Irene was surprised to see that Naeun actually care for Ryujin. She is not the same person that she is like the one in her dreams. Irene is worry about Ryujin because the poor girl had been quiet since they left the hospital. She knows how Ryujin feels for unable to protect the one she loves. She just wishes that being here with Wendy’s family can somehow enlighten Ryujin up. Ryujin tilts her head up when she heard a footstep coming toward her.



“Oh, so you’ve started to call Wendy your mom huh?” Naeun jabs a little remark at the mother daughter duo.

“Naeun-ssi, I appreciate it if you can leave me and my family alone now?”

“Can I at least play with Iris for a little longer?” Naeun asked.

Wendy looks at her daughter who seems to be enjoying herself sitting on Naeun’s lap, playing with the blocks and toys that are being lay in front of her. Wendy then turns to Irene and Ryujin, Irene looks all uneasy and the gloomy Ryujin. “Take care of Iris for me, I need to talk to Ryujin and Irene.”

“Oh! No problem! Iwis~ you want to stawy hewe with Auntwee right??”

“Eww…please stop it with your baby talk, you’re creeping me out.” Said Wendy.

“You go and talk to your girlfriend and Ryujin.” Naeun hissed at Wendy.



“Ay!!! My man ERIC NAM!!” the gang leader of KARD greeted Eric.

Eric and BM did their secret handshake and finish it with a chest bump “Sup man!”

“You want some?” BM offered some cigarette to Eric but he politely decline “You know I don’t smoke, man…”

“Suit yourself~ so what’s up dude?”

“Yo, man you know what? I had a daughter!”

BM choked on his smoke when Eric mentioned about he has a daughter “What? For real?!”

“Wait wait bro…is that why you need ma men? The news about the kidnapping attempt, was that you? Bro! You know I don’t do kidnapping business especially children bro!” BM asked.

Eric knew BM is against the idea of kidnapping children, he tried to dance his way out from the matter by creating more lies “I’m sorry bro, but the mother won’t allow me to see my daughter…that was the only way that I could think of…”

“Man…did you messed up?”

“No man, I loved that girl but she betrayed me and she even hide the fact that we had a daughter, so I need your help man…help me to get my daughter back. Please…”

BM couldn’t say no to his pal, he reluctantly nods and agree to help Eric “You owe me big bro, you owe me big. Listen bro, if you want to get your daughter, let’s do it my way bro. What you did earlier is wrong, I don’t the police to come after me dude, so we gotta do it my way.”

Eric shrugs and pouted his lips “Whatever you say man…as long as I get my daughter.”


Son Manor Garden

The sun is almost set, Irene and Wendy sat there by the bench near the garden, enjoying the view. Irene had her head rested on Wendy’s shoulder. Their fingers were intertwined. The gentle breeze of the wind grazes their cheeks. After talking to Ryujin and Irene about Wendy’s plan of keeping them safe here in her old house, Wendy assure Ryujin that Eric will pay for what he did to Lia. Wendy told Ryujin that she will not let anyone hurt her and Lia anymore and told Ryujin to don’t be sad anymore. Ryujin told Wendy that she is okay and she can manage her mood. Wendy and Irene hugged Ryujin and told them that they love her, before Ryujin excuses herself back to the room to freshen up. While waiting for the chef to prepare their dinner, Wendy invites Irene to take a walk at their garden.



“If anything happened to me in the future promise me you will take care of Iris and Ryujin.”

Irene quickly gets her head up so she can stare at Wendy “What are you talking about?! I am not going to lose you again…I’ve lost you twice in my dream and not anymore in this reality!”

Wendy puts her hand on Irene’s shoulder and try to calm that woman “Hey! You’re not going to lose me again! I promised that I will always be here for you right?”

“But…why did you have to say things like take care of Iris and Ryujin?” Irene sobs.

“I don’t know…just feels like something bad is going to happen…just a bad feeling.” Wendy shrugs.

Irene cups Wendy’s face and make the girl stares into her eyes “Then we will find a solution together okay? Please don’t do anything stupid.”

Wendy smiles and she kisses Irene “I promise.”

Their sweet moment was interrupted by Ryujin. The teenager wore a skinny tight black jeans and a shirt with a denim jacket, Wendy knows that Ryujin is going out with that outfit.

“Mom, I’m can I have the car key? I want to go to the hospital, I need to be beside Lia.”

“No…you don’t have a license so I can’t let you drive. I can ask the driver to drive you there.”

“You didn’t complain earlier when you asked me to take our stuff at our house…” said Ryujin with a scoff.

Wendy notices that Ryujin is irritated, so she sighs and she shakes her head “No means no Ryujin, I’ll ask the driver to drive you there.”

“Whatever.” Ryujin replied and she turns away.



Wendy was waiting for Ryujin to turn back and face her but Ryujin didn’t, for a moment that warm kid turns cold and Wendy didn’t like it. She gets up from the bench and makes her way toward Ryujin, this is the first time that she felt so small next to Ryujin. She hadn’t noticed how much Ryujin had grown over the years. Wendy gently put her hand on Ryujin’s shoulder and say “Don’t do anything stupid that you might regret.”

Ryujin stands there feeling the air blows through her hair, she can feel the swelling inside her chest. She tries to control her emotion, control her tears. She slowly nods before she walks away from her mother. Wendy watches as Ryujin walks back to the house. She doesn’t know why she feels like she is going to lose Ryujin. Wendy takes out her phone and calls the driver, she specifically tells him to not leave Ryujin alone.

Irene approaches Wendy and she wraps her arms around Wendy’s waist “You okay?”

“Yeah…let’s go back inside.”


Seulgi is getting tired after 7 hours of non-stop driving, she sees the time on the car dashboard, it’s only being 8pm. She can hear her stomach growling, so she looks around for some snack but there is none. She looks at her wife sleep soundly beside her with all the crumbs around . Seulgi chuckles and she helps Joy to wipe away all the crumbs. After making sure that Joy’s mouth is clean, Seulgi turns her focus on the road. She shakes her head to clear her tired mind.

“One more hour Seulgi yah!” she said as she cheers herself up.



Yuna, Chaeryeong and Yeji was there with Lia after she came out from the operation room. The doctor told them that Lia is okay, but she loses too much blood. Yuna immediately texted Ryujin’s update on Lia’s condition. The trio sat together around Lia’s bed. Chaeryeong had contacted Lia’s parents whom are still in Canada and Lia’s father said they will catch the earliest flight to Korea. Chaeryeong told them to not worry because she and the others will stay beside Lia to take care of her. Yeji holds Lia’s hand, and she gently rub it.

“Unnie…are you still mad at Ryujin unnie?” Yuna asked.

Yeji shakes her head and looks up to stare at Yuna’s eyes “No…Wendy unnie scolded us earlier…she’s right…with me being mad at Ryujin won’t turn back the time and amend what had happened to Lia.”

Chaeryeong goes to Yeji and she hugs her from behind “We are all going to be here for Lia…”


Yuna smiles at Chaeryeong and Yeji’s intimacy, after Ryujin and Lia got together, Chaeryeong is always be there for Yeji. Unknowingly to them, the two gotten closer now. Yuna know that the two are more than friends but less than a lover.

“Ryujin unnie said she’s on her way here.”



Son Manor Dining Room

“Where’s unnie?” Wendy asked as she seated herself down for dinner. Irene is sitting beside her.

“She still analysing the files I gave her.” Naeun replied.

“And Iris?”

“She fallen asleep a few minutes ago, don’t worry, she is fed. I had one of the maid to prepare her food.”

Wendy silently nods and they eat in silent, no words or gazes were exchange. Naeun clears to grabs everyone’s attention. Wendy tilts her head up to meet with Naeun’s gaze.


“I know we both had bad history with each other…but I want you to know that you are always welcome here. This is your house Wendy and you are more than worth it to stay here.”

Wendy smiles, she remembers how she used to hate Naeun, and they literally can’t stop arguing and fighting. When Wendy ran away from home, Naeun was the one who affected much. Since both of them were the same age, and Seunghee being the oldest one is always busy with her university and her work back then, Naeun gets lonely after Wendy ran out of their house. They met again when Wendy brought back Ryujin and Iris to meet with her father. Naeun was actually happy to see Wendy again and she really loves Iris and was impressed with Ryujin. Seunghee constantly teased Naeun that she and Ryujin could be sister because they look alike.

“Finally you decided to put aside your hatred on me?” Wendy half sibling.

Naeun smirks and replies “Oh if you still want to fight we can continue sis, but not in front of your lover and kids~”

Irene feels warm hearted watching that the two siblings actually get along unlike in her dreams. The wicked image of Naeun in her dreams is now gone and replace with this warm Naeun that is in front of her.

“How about we have a fist fight like how we used to, to settle on everything? The loser will pay for the winner’s vacation, how’s that?”

“Oh, I’m on~ when do you want it?” Naeun smirk.

Seunghee walks into the dining room with a scowl on her face and she looks so stressed “Stop with you two stupid bet.”

“Unnie you okay?” the younger ones asked in unison.

“Naeun, BM is working for Eric…”


“Who is BM?” Irene interrupts.

“Let’s consider him as the underground lord in Seoul, Wendy…there’s nothing that we can do if BM is involved….” Seunghee sighs.

Irene doesn’t understand why Seunghee said there is nothing that she can. Seunghee herself is the leader of the all the Europe mafia group, but she is scared of a mere hooligan from a small country? “Your family is a mafia, why are you so afraid of BM? Shouldn’t mafia have power to cover up if anything happened?”

The three siblings stare at Irene with their eyes widely open and Wendy is gaping at Irene’s question. Seunghee shakes her head and explains “For your knowledge princess, all those cover up story only happen in movie, in real life, if the police catch us, we will go to jail, and, we only have power back in Canada, here in this country, we don’t and it’s better if we don’t mess with the underground gang or it will cause a war between the underground ring leaders.”

Irene couldn’t believe in what Seunghee had said, she slammed the dining tabled and stands up “Then are you going to let him escapes after what he had done to Wendy and after he attempt to kidnap Iris and injured Ryujin’s girlfriend? Had you seen how sad Ryujin is?!”

Wendy grabs Irene on the arm and makes her sit down again, she tries to calm Irene down. Irene takes a deep breath to calm herself down.

“The reason why Seunghee unnie didn’t want to get involve with the underground gang here is because she worked so hard to prevent a war from happening a few years back. The mob bosses all around South Korea, the Yakuza and the Mafia all of them signed an agreement that no one should invade each other’s turf. We are allowed to be here but we aren’t allowed to mess with whatever they are doing.”

“What if he comes back and try to kidnap Iris again?!”

“He won’t…Iris is safe here…but I can’t guarantee Wendy’s safety if she goes out from here. BM men had started to look out for Wendy and Iris…” said Seunghee.

That was the first time that Irene felt helpless, she wishes Wendy is as badass as the Wendy in her dream. Wendy turns to Irene and she smiles at her, even though this isn’t the Wendy in her dream, this Wendy is far better than the one in her dream. Irene flashes her smiles at Wendy.

“Anyway unnie, I’ve invited two of my friends over, I hope you don’t mind.”

Seunghee was surprised at Wendy mention about friends “Oh you have friends?!”

Wendy rolls her eyes at her sister’s reaction. “Why do you always think that I don’t have friends? Both of you?” she said while pointing at Seunghee and Naeun with her fork.

“Aww, look at my baby sister actually have friends!! By the way, where is Ryujin?”

“She went to the hospital…”

“You let her go alone?!!”



Yeji goes to the receptionist to request for extra blankets for the girls. As she is waiting for the nurse to comes back with the blankets, she saw Ryujin. They both exchange smiles “How is Lia?” Ryujin asks.

“She’s fine, she is still sleeping though. The girls are with her in the room, I came to get extra blankets for them.”


“It’s not your fault Ryuddaeng…I forgive you. I don’t want us to fight anymore…we’re friends right?”

Ryujin smiles and she hugs Yeji “I love you Yeji, you are my bestest friend in this whole wide world!” Said Ryujin and instantly Yeji grimace “Eww…please don’t ever say that.”

Yeji tries to wriggle her way out from Ryujin’s hug but she stops resisting when Ryujin whispers something in her ear. “Yeji, don’t move. I think those men are here for me. I don’t know what Wendy unnie got herself into but the situation now is very dangerous. I thought I come here to stay with Lia, but I can’t jeopardize all of your safety.”

Ryujin noticed that those men had been following her when she stops at the nearby convenience store to buy food and drinks for her friends. She asked her driver to wait for her in the car while she comes up to visit her girlfriend. Initially the driver refuses because Wendy ordered him to follow Ryujin anywhere she goes, but Ryujin told him about those men that had been following them. Ryujin said she needs him to get ready just in case she is in situation to escape from those guys. So he agreed to wait in the car while Ryujin goes up to visit Lia.

‘What are you going to do Ryujin?” Yeji whispers back.

Ryujin eyes averted to those men, they are wearing casual clothes but their guns are visible, tucked hidden under their jacket. Ryujin sees they give each other signals and Ryujin takes a deep breath before she whispers back “Whatever you do later, do not return back to Lia’s room, if they follow you too, try to divert them. We have to keep the girls safe. You still remember how to fight don’t you Yedong?”

“Like old time…” Yeji replied.

Ryujin finally let go of Yeji and Ryujin give Yeji the stuff that she bought, she smiles at Yeji but Yeji is frowning with worries. Ryujin mouthed “Don’t worry, Take care of Lia for me”

The nurse returns with the extra blankets. Yeji thanked the nurse and she watches Ryujin walks away. She saw those men in deed is following Ryujin because once Ryujin left, they left too. Yeji had uneasy feelings especially when Ryujin mouther her last word to her. She shakes her thought and rushes back to Lia’s room but she makes sure that no one is following her. Once she is sure the line is clear, she enters Lia’s room and she sees that Lia has awake.

“Yeji? Where is Ryujin? Is she…is she okay?” Lia asks.

Yeji passes the blankets to Chaeryeong and the food that Ryujin bought to Yuna. Yuna was delighted when she sees the snack and couldn’t help herself but to start eating.

“Yeji unnie, you look pale. What happened?”

“Ryujin was here…” Yeji opens and she sees the happy gleams in Lia’s eyes. Now she is scared to tell the girls about Ryujin’s situation because she didn’t want to make Lia worry about her girlfriend.

“She had to do some errand so she can’t stop by…she sends her regards to everyone.”

Yeji notices the sadness in Lia’s eyes so she tries to cheers her up “Hey Lia! Looks! Ryujin bought your favourite snack! Honey butter potato chips!”

Lia takes the snack from Yeji “Thanks…I know you are trying to cheer me up. Whatever that errand Ryujin is doing…I hope she is fine.”

Yeji doesn’t know how to answer Lia, so she just nods and smiles. She excuses herself to use the toilet, Chaeryeong who noticed something is not right with Yeji decided to follow her.

“Yeji unnie!”

“Oh…Ryeong ah.”

“Ryujin is up to something right?”

Yeji wanted to lies and back up her best friend because she didn’t want the others to get worry about Ryujin, but she knows she can’t lie whenever she is around Chaeryeong.

“Ryeong ah…I think Ryuddaeng is in danger.”


20 minutes Earlier

Ryujin push the down button on the lift and she keeps her guard on when she senses there are 3 men standing behind her. When the lift door open, Ryujin enters the lift and she purposely stands far back behind and lean against the lift cold wall. The men walk in the lift too, one stand beside Ryujin and another two in front of her. Ryujin saw that they are flexing their guns, the moment the man beside her takes out his gun, Ryujin elbows him on the throat. The other two men in front of her pull out their gun and before they could pull their triggers, Ryujin grabs the hand of the man that she elbowed and she makes him pulls the triggered and shot his own teammates. The men and groaning in pain on the lift floor and when they reached the first floor, the staff are shocked to see the bloody scene. Ryujin lower her hat and rushes out from the lift.

The security chases after her. Ryujin quicken her steps before she ends up sprinting out from the hospital to her car that is waiting outside. She enters the car and ask her driver to drive away but then she noticed that the driver is dead. His throat had been slit. Ryujin looks at the driver head rolled down from his body in horror. She wanted to puke but she holds it in. She sees that the security of the hospital is after her. She exits the car and run toward the busy road.


Son Manor Living Room

“Eric is going after you Wendy! And Ryujin attacked BM’s man when she fought for their safety back at your apartment, words spread fast in the underground community! I am not surprised if BM’s men are lurking around the hospital, waiting for you or Ryujin to appear. Ryujin could but her friends and herself in danger!” Seunghee explains to Wendy the reason why she is mad when Wendy let Ryujin go alone.

“Ryujin is strong…I know…”

Seunghee cuts her sister off before her sister could finish her sentences “Ryujin is just 17 years old Wendy! I know she’s a Yakuza boss’s granddaughter but girl her age shouldn’t be fighting or seeing blood splatter around. I never approve of your carefree attitude toward Ryujin. When you adopted her, your role as her mother is to protect her and keep her safe!”

“Jinnie unnie!!”

All of the adults turn their head to the toddler who is busy watching the TV and they were shocked to see Ryujin’s face on the news. Irene quickly grabs Iris and covers her eyes when the news shows the blood scene of the lift and also the dead body of the driver.


“Unnie!! Those were BM’s men!!” Naeun pointed at the victims of the lift assault.

Wendy’s blood boils as she watched the news, she knows Ryujin is innocent and the way that the news portraying that Ryujin is the one at fault made Wendy wanted to kill the new anchor. She gets up from the sofa but Seunghee stops her.

“Where are you going?”

“To save my daughter!”

“No, you sit here! Although Ryujinie is only 16, I believe she is smart and not stupid. She won’t be easily get caught. Now we need to have a strategy to go against Eric.”

“Ryujin is out there, alone and scare, how the hell do you want me to stay here?”

“Wendy! Please listen to your sister.” Irene begs in tears “I know Ryujin is somewhere out there scared and alone but we really cannot take drastic move or else, more people will get hurt. Think about Itzy’s safety too…”

Seunghee is fascinated that Irene managed to calm her sister down. Wendy is known to be hot headed when she was young and Irene is probably the only one who can calm her down.

The butler came in and goes to Seunghee “Sorry to interrupt Master…but Miss Wendy guests is here.”

“They’re here.”

“Who?” Irene asks in confusion.

“Seulgi, Joy and Yeri.” Replied Wendy.


“Oh wow, this place is huge…” Seulgi said to herself. She parked her car right in front of the main entrance, she turns to her wife and gently wakes her up. “Sooyoungie…honey wake up, we’re here.”

Joy slowly turns and she opens her eyes, she smiles when she sees her wife “Morning.”

“No, Joy, it is night, not morning, we’re here. Come on.”

Joy looks out and see the dark night sky and then she looks at the surrounding, she doesn’t know where they are and she got scared. She quickly gets out of the car and links her arms with Seulgi, hiding behind the shorter woman.

“Wh…where are we?”

“The place that Wendy asked us to come…” Seulgi replies. The couple walks to the car trunk to take out their luggage but they are blinded by another car’s headlight.

“Unnie?!!” someone calls out to them.

Seulgi and Joy tries their best to open their eyes to see who is that person and they were shocked when they see Yeri in the car.


“Did Wendy unnie invited you?” Yeri asked through the roll down window. Seulgi and Joy exchange glances and they nod “You too?” they ask.

To be Continue…

A/N: Alright folks! 2 more chapters to go! You must be wondering why Wendy invited RV to her safe house right? Please wait for the next chapter. Also, I mentioned before that Wendy will have to make the ultimate sacrifice and decision, it’s all coming in the next two chapter. Don’t worry, Wenrene is the end game~ they will have their happy moment in the end. I felt bad for making Naeun a bad character so she’s good now. And~ making Eric the bad guy doesn’t mean I hate him, no!! I like that dude~ but don’t know why I feel like he suits to play this bad psychotic bad guy in this story~

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Chapter 67: wow this story is like a roller coaster 😭 I'm glad it ended happily 💖💙
Chapter 49: Who does Wendy have children with???
Chapter 46: Here I thought previously Irene would really move on to someone new 🥲
Chapter 45: I actually don't like it when Irene moves on from Wendy 🤧😩
Chapter 44: Impossible. I cried at this part 😭
Chapter 31: I'm curious about Wendy's health check results
Chapter 27: very domestic 🤧
Chapter 24: Irene's father is annoying 😒
Chapter 23: oh my gosh the story is getting more intense