Chapter 46: Dream (Final)

When The Flower Blooms

2 Years Ago Pearson Airport

Wendy was queuing at the baggage drop area when she heard someone speaking very loud at the nearby ticketing counter.

“Please, I really need to go back now, my son is sick and I need to go back now or else I will not be able to see him again. Please….” The guy begged the ticket counter staff.

“I’m sorry sir, the flight is full, we can’t accommodate you, and the next flight available is the last flight at 11pm.” Said counter staff.

“No you don’t understand, they are going to unplug my son's life support, I need to go and see him one last time.” Said the guy while begging on his knees.

“We are really sorry sir but there’s no available seat anymore…”

“Excuse me.” Wendy interrupt them “You can give him my seat.”

“Miss, we can’t change your seat last minute.” Said the staff.

“I know, but I’m the owner of this flight company, I think that should be fine right?” said Wendy, but she knows that the staff didn’t believe her so she asked her to call her manager.

“Yes, may I know what is the problem here?” asked the manager when he came to solve the commotion.

“This guy need to get back to Korea ASAP, since the flight is full, he can have my seat. Do you think you can arrange for the exchange?”

“I’m sorry miss, but I don’t think that is possible…you’ve already check in…we can’t.”

“I’m the heir of Son Group of Companies, and I believe this flight company is listed as one of my company’s subsidiaries.” Said Wendy impatiently, she hated to use her name to get what she wants, she usually prefer to be humble and stay low.

The manager checked for Wendy’s name online and she is telling the truth “I am so sorry Ms Wendy, we will give your seat to him right away.” Said the manager.

“My luggage is already checked in, but it’s okay, just ask them to keep it for me when it reach Incheon.” Said Wendy.

“Thank you so much miss…” the guy thanked Wendy, Wendy only smiles at him. She excuses herself and walk the other way, she tried to call for Jessica to arrange for her private jet. As she walked toward the exit, someone snatched her backpack and she fell to the ground. Her head collided first to the cold hard floor, Wendy tries to get up but her vision gets blurry. She tried to balance herself but she keeps on falling down. 

A security guard saw the incident and she rushed to Wendy’s side, Wendy told her to chase after the snatch thief. The security request for help through her walkie talkie and then proceed to chase after the thief.

Wendy slowly loses her consciousness, her nose starts to bleed, she tries her best to stand up but she falls again and passed out. The security saw Wendy passed out with bleeding nose, she was torn in between chasing after the thief or attend to the unconscious Wendy. She gave up in chasing the thief and run back to Wendy.

“Miss! Miss!!” the security tried to shake Wendy up. 



“We have to operate her ASAP! If not the tumor will kill her.” said the doctor in charge.

“I’m sorry doctor but we can’t proceed without the family member consent.” Said the other doctor.

“Hey you!” the doctor turned to the airport security guard that follow Wendy to the hospital. 


“You know her?”

“I don’t doc, do you have any identification cert that can help us to identify this person?”

“Unfortunately, her bag was snatched at the airport, my colleague found her back but no sign of her purse or any identity card.” Said the security.

The doctor sighed and she turned to the other doctors “I’ll sign her operation form, we need to operate her immediately, and if anything ever happen to her I will take responsibility.”


“I am not going to allow anyone die during my residency! Nurse ready the operation theatre!” said the doctor to her fellow nurses.

“Yes Dr. Amber!”

The security rummage through Wendy’s backpack to find any clue to her identity, she only found the flight ticket and at the exact same moment the security saw the news about the plane explosion.

“Oh wow, whoever you are, you’re lucky that you didn’t board that flight.” Said the security guard. She handed Wendy’s backpack to the nurse at the reception counter and told her to give it to Wendy once she awake.


6 weeks later

Wendy wakes up in an unfamiliar place, the surrounding is so white. She can hear people calling out for her but she couldn’t recognize all of them. The doctor uses flash light to check her eyes movement and she can hear the doctor said “She’s responding to the light.”

“Where am I?” she uttered out when she finally fully awake.

“You’re in the hospital Jane Doe.” Said the doctor.

“Who…who am I?” she asked around confusingly and scared.

Amber and the other doctor look at each other and then she checks on her report “So there is a side effect.” Said Amber.

“Why am I here?!” Wendy asked in agitated tone.

“Calm down, calm down, we won’t hurt you. You were robbed and found unconscious at Pearson airport a few weeks ago and you were brought her by the airport security, there was a tumor in your head and it’s blocking your blood flow to your brain, we had it removed. It was a risky operation but we manage to save you, the only problem is, the tumor is located at your brain most sensitive part, therefore we know there will be complication aftermath. We couldn’t find your family member, or who you are, so we named you Jane Doe.” Amber explained.

Wendy just look at her puzzled, she couldn’t grasped what the doctor just told her. She tried to remember anything but she can’t and her head start to throb.

“Wow, don’t force yourself Jane, or you will end up with a nosebleed! Just take it easy, your memories will gradually come back, I think.” Said Amber.

“Doctor Liu, how can you be so pessimistic about this?” asked the other doctor.

“We don’t know how the tumor had damaged her brain. I can’t even guarantee that she can remember anything at all.” Said Amber.

“You said you will take responsibility if anything happened to her, now she can’t even remember herself, how will you explain to the board of directors about this matters?” a more senior doctor questioned Amber.


Wendy sit in front of the window, looking out to the snowy scenery, she felt empty. She tried her best to remember a thing but she couldn’t, she can’t even remember her own name.

“You’re feeling better now?” asked Amber who came in to get Wendy’s checkup.

“I…I’m lost, who am I doctor?” she questioned.

Amber rested her bum at the night stand next to Wendy’s bed, she crossed her arms and then she takes out a backpack from the drawer and hand it to Wendy.

“Here…” Amber hand the bag to Wendy “The security managed to locate your backpack but they can’t retrieve your purse. Hope whatever in there will help you to remember who you are. Oh by the way, even though you lost your memories but you are super lucky you know.”


“Here’s your ticket, you were supposed to be boarding the plane that exploded 6 weeks ago.” Said Amber.

“Then why didn’t you use this ticket to track who I am?” asked Wendy in an irritated tone.

“I’m sorry but the whole airport and the authority are busy handling the explosion case, we tried to contact the ambassador but they are all busy. I will help you, you don’t have to worry about it, since I told everyone that I will be responsible if anything happened to you.” said Amber.

Wendy didn’t say anything, she continues to stare at the window, her expression was blank. Amber decided to leave her alone to calm down. Wendy stared down at the ticket that she is holding, but she can’t find any clue on who she is, the name part of that ticket is torn and it only left with the word ‘Son’.


After staying for another 2 weeks at the hospital, Wendy is finally allowed to go back, and since she didn’t know where to go, Amber asked her to stay with her until they can figure out who Wendy is. In the meantime Amber decided to call her Jane.

“So here is your room, and the bathroom is down the hallway, the kitchen is on your left, and if you ever need anything, you can always tell me, you’re my responsible until we find out who you are,” said Amber.

Wendy thanked Amber and she entered her room. She gently put down her backpack and examined the room. Amber watched Wendy examined the small room, though Amber is a doctor but she prefers to stay in a small flat because she’s a lazy person and if she gets bigger place means she has to clean more space.

“It’s not much but this is what I can give you for the moment, we’ll go buy some stuff tomorrow and~ dinner will be served shortly. Oh! My ummm friend will be joining for dinner if you don’t mind.” 

“Sure.” Replied Wendy. Amber left her alone in the room and go to the kitchen to prepare for their dinner.

Wendy lay on the bed, her hand accidentally hit her backpack and she can feel something hard in it. She sits up and open up the bag and saw there’s a notebook and a hard drive in it. She opens up the book and read what’s in it.

Dear me,

Today Irene went back to her place. I was thinking of taking her and the other kids for vacation since Ryujin will be on her school holidays soon. Today you proposed to Irene for the second time, a proper proposal. She looked so happy with the proposal, you bought her a 24 carat diamond ring, a better one than the one that dad gave to you. She said yes for the second time too. You gave Ryujin the adoption certificate too, and it was the first time that you ever saw Ryujin smiled like that. You have a family now Seungwan, you have a daughter and a wife. Then plan that you planned with Seulgi work, Joy accepted Seulgi though I know she probably accepted Seulgi because she didn’t want Seulgi to be humiliated in front of all those people. But I can sense that Joy really like Seulgi, it’s just that she is still confused over her own feelings. It’ll take time, but one day she will be able to reciprocate Seulgi’s feeling.

Today, you got into an accident because you didn’t focus on your driving, you almost killed a pedestrian and yourself. It’s a miracle you are still alive. Dr. Moonbyul told you that you are running out of time, you have to go through the operation. You are in a dilemma because Irene is not around, and if you go for the operation, who is going to take care of the kids? Wendy-ah...what should we do? I am scared Wendy, I am scared that if I woke up after the surgery, I will not remember my love and my daughter. Irene and Ryujin means a lot to us, Irene, the person who makes your heart beats again after Joy left you, and Ryujin, someone who at first irritate you but then she became someone who is important in your life.

If we can change back time, I wish to never meet Irene. No, don’t get me wrong, I love her with my whole life. I would die for her, but I can’t hurt her by not remembering her. She loves you so much you know? She is willing to give away her status as the crown princess just so that she could be with you. You are one lucky bastard to have a love of a princess. You can forget about your pass, who you are but please, try to remember Irene. 

Wendy tears drop unexpectedly, she wiped it away and she was puzzled by the involuntarily tears. “What is this feeling?” she asked herself. Her heart remembered but her brain can’t and the two contradicted with each other, hence she can’t control her tears.

“Wendy dinner is ready.” said Amber as she knocked on her door “You’re crying?”

“Can I borrow your laptop or computer Amber?”

“Yeah sure, you can use the computer in my study room…”

“Thanks.” and Wendy went straight to the study room.

“Hey? Diner?” asked Amber.


Wendy the computer and plug in the hard drive, she click on the files inside the hard drive. She played the videos entitled “Proposal”.

She saw a girl getting up and hugs another girl in the video, then the camera zoom to her and another girl with a black hair. She was smitten by the girl’s visual, she is beautiful that it took her breath away. She saw herself having a slow dance with the girl. She can see herself looking at the black haired girl longingly, so did the girl. She then heard herself singing along to the song, she almost couldn’t believe that she can sing so good.


Seems like we've been here before

Your eyes are seeing straight right through my core

It's kinda strange, but I like it

Ain't no reason tryna' fight it, yeah

Might be Déjà vu

First time we met, but I remembered you

We were creepin' in the night time

Maybe in another lifetime

Don't tell me you don't feel what I feel right now

Ooh, it's written all over you

Don't tell me you don't feel what I feel somehow

Ooh, I keep findin' my way back to you

You can go anywhere, babe, wherever you want

Because I know we're written in the stars

You can go any which way, don't matter how far

Because I know we're written in the stars


“I told you that I will give you a proper proposal didn’t I?” 

She heard herself said and she saw herself kneeling in front of the girl.

“Irene Bae Joohyun, will you marry me?”

“Irene…” Wendy whispered to herself when she learns about the black haired girl’s name.

She exited the video and play another video ‘She’s so beautiful’. The video started with the back view of Irene, they were having a walk along a beach. Wendy saw that they were holding hands.

“Irene...why are you so beautiful?”

“Stop it Seungwanie, you’re not getting anything from flattering me.”

“Can I at least get a little kiss?”



“By the way, why do you always have this gopro with you?” asked Irene while looking at the camera.

“I want to capture your pretty face because I can’t have enough of it.” 

Wendy felt a little disgusted at herself being such cheesy person, she tried to ignore whatever that she said in that video and her focus is all on Irene.


Back to the Present time

“And when I learned that RV are having a fan meeting and concert at Toronto a few months ago, I dragged Wendy with me and we almost gave the girls heart attack. It’s all thanks to Seulgi that she knows who she really is.” Amber explained.

“Wendy gave me a few copies of her journals to be kept before she’s gone. I gave it to her the moment she approached me.” said Seulgi to the crowds.

“I don’t understand why she didn’t just go back to her old house when she learned about her identity.” said Ryujin.

“Oh we did, but after she sees how Jessica managed to take care of the Mafia, she decided to just leave without even meeting Jessica.”

“Why...why didn’t she comes back if she already knows about us, about herself?” Ryujin asked in tears.

Yeri approached Ryujin and she puts her arm around Ryujin “Ryujinie, what’s important now is your mother is still alive after all…and I know how much you miss her right?”

Ryujin really does misses her mom, she wanted to hug her and tell her how much she missed her throughout the 2 years that she was gone. She wanted to ask Wendy so many things, but now that she learnt that Wendy lose all her memories, she doesn’t want to burden Wendy.


Nearby Park

Irene and Wendy were having a walk at the park. They were walking abreast with each other, Wendy had both her hands in her pocket and Irene crosses her arms. Wendy saw that Irene is shivering, so she takes off her jacket and gave it to Irene.

“No, Wendy you should wear it…”

“The cold never bothered me anyway…” replied Wendy.

The two keep their distance, though Irene confessed her feelings to Wendy but it still feels like she’s a stranger to her. Wendy stops and Irene look at her in confusion, and Wendy held out her hand “Can I...ugh hold your hand?” asked Wendy.

Irene smiles and she holds Wendy’s warm hand, she missed the warmness of Wendy’s touch. She misses the hand so much. Wendy smiles when she sees that Irene intertwined their fingers.

“Are you uncomfortable?”asked Irene when she saw Wendy’s little smirk.

“ just that, our hand fits perfectly.” said Wendy.

Irene blushed hard, but she tried to hide it by covering her face with her scarf.

“I now understand why my heartache every time i see your face in all those videos, and every time I heard your voice. It’s because my heart remember you though my brain can’t.”

Wendy takes Irene’s hand and put it on her chest “Can you feel my heartbeat?”

Irene can feel it, it was beating so fast. Irene looks up to Wendy’s eyes, and the eyes it never lies. It is the same eyes that she used to stare at, the eyes that show her love.

“Seungwan-ah...I’m not going to force you to accept this feeling yet. I mean I’ve waited for you for 2 years, a couple more until you can accept this feeling wouldn’t hurt me. I just want you to know that, your past is not important, all I want is to build a future together with you.” said Irene softly.

Their distant got closer when Irene finished saying what she wants to say, this time it was Wendy that closened their distant, she leans in to capture Irene’s soft lips, and when they kiss Irene can feel butterflies inside her stomach. 

“I will never let you go again. Ever.” said Irene when Wendy broke the kiss.

Wendy smiles at her, and she rested her forehead on Irene’s forehead, her eyes didn’t even leave Irene’s eyes. She could only dream of these moments when she read her old journals and watching all those all videos. She knows her heart love Irene, but she wants to start it all over again. 


3 Years Later

“Ryujin!! We’re going to be late!!”

“If only you didn’t bring me to have a drink last night we won’t!” Ryujin fired back at Wendy.

“It’s mother daughter bonding time!” Wendy retaliates.

“Where’s your tie?!”

“I don’t know!”

3 years had passed after Wendy’s return, and it took Ryujin a year to get used to calling Wendy mom again and for her to warm up to Wendy. Ryujin stops rummaging through the whole mess when she heard  a knock on the door. She goes to open it and there stood Seulgi with an annoyed look on her face.

“You two had too many drinks last night didn’t you?” Seulgi scolded them.

“Yeah, can you help my mom to get ready while I go wake Jisoo and Lisa up?” Ryujin asked and she pulls Seulgi in.

Seulgi goes to Wendy’s room and see that she is getting ready. Seulgi can see the nervousness in Wendy’s face. She tapped Wendy on the shoulder and Wendy jumped a little.

“Seulgi please don’t do that ever again!”

“Man you look so awful! I told you to not over doing it with your bachelorette party!”

“It’s my last night before forever tied to Irene.” Wendy said with a cheeky smile on her face.

Seulgi couldn’t be more proud when she able to be beside Wendy when Wendy proposed to Irene for the third time a few months ago and today Wendy is getting married to Irene. Seulgi saw how the new Wendy is not so different from the old Wendy, still the cheerful Wendy that she is and always putting others before hers. She sees how Wendy and Irene falling all over in love again with each other. She and Wendy had become a very good friend over the 3 years. Seulgi always wanted to redeem herself and she swear to her God that she will never letting Wendy or Irene get hurt again.

Seulgi saw that Wendy is struggling with her tie, so she offered her help. Wendy thanked Seulgi and she stood there awkwardly while waiting for Seulgi to finish tying her tie. “I can’t believe you’re finally getting married to Irene.” Seulgi sobbed.

“Don’t cry during my wedding.” Wendy warned Seulgi.

“I’ll try. There you go.” Said Seulgi after she finished tying the tie “You are really one lucky woman for having Irene as your wife Wendy. And Irene is a super lucky to have you as her wife as well.” 

Wendy smiles “No, I think I am luckier to have her in my life, and also all of you,” said Wendy.

“Mom! We’re all ready! Let’s go to the venue now!” Ryujin shouted from the living room.



Jennie and Yeri is putting on Irene’s final touch on her makeup and wedding dress. They were amazed by how beautiful is Irene.

“Unnie you’re so beautiful….”

“Thank you.”

“You know I really can’t believe that Wendy unnie would proposed to you for the third time” said Yeri.

Irene only smiles at Yeri’s remark “I really want to thank all of you for being here for us.” said Irene.

“Unnie...we are family…you don’t have to thank us, it is our responsibility to make you happy.” said Jennie.

Irene was a little nervous, she still have trauma on the day Seulgi left her on their wedding day, but Joy was there to remind her that the same thing won’t happen because she can see how much in love Wendy is with Irene.

“Looks like the time has come, our driver is here, let’s go.”


Zimzalabim Café

All of Irene and Wendy’s family and friends gathering around the café compound. They’ve decided to have their wedding near the blooming tree. Rosé volunteered to become their wedding planner and she did a great job in decorating the place. Every guest is mesmerized by the decorations. 

“Mommy~” a two years old kids toddling her way to Rosé.

“Ella~” Rosé cooed at the little and she picked her up “Thank you for looking after Ella.” Rosé said to Nayeon and Jeongyeon.

“Aww, it’s nothing, Ella had been a good little girls.” said Nayeon while pinching Ella’s chubby little cheeks.

“Where’s the star of the show?” Jeongyeon asked when she can’t see Wendy anywhere.

“Speak of the devil.” said Rosé as she pointed at the rushing Wendy and her maids of honor. All of them look dashing with their tuxedo. Ella spotted her mom and she raised both of her arms toward her mom.

“Mama!” Ella shouted.

Jisoo rushed to Rosé side anda takes Ella from her “Hey baby, did you miss mama?” Jisoo asked.

Ella Kim is the daughter of Kim Jisoo and Kim Rosé. When they got married, Rosé decided to use Jisoo’s surname because Jisoo is an only child. Rosé is Ella’s biological mother, Jisoo couldn’t get pregnant and the IVF treatment failed, Rosé can’t watch Jisoo suffer any longer decided to carry the baby and Ella is the product of her IVF.

“Mama~~” Ella acted cute in front of Jisoo and it melts Jisoo’s heart “Aww baby, look mama gotta get back to Aunt Wendy okay. Mama will play wit you later.” said Jisoo and she passes Ella back to Rosé. Ella protested at first but Rosé bribed her with her favourite avocado baby food. It’s ironic how Rosé hated avocado but her baby loves it.

Jisoo waves goodbye to her wife and kid then she gets back to Wendy’s side.

“She grows up so fast huh?” Wendy asked after she nudged Jisoo.

“I wish she could stop growing you know?” Jisoo sighed.

Wendy and Lisa laugh at Jisoo because Jisoo is such a fool for her daughter. 

Most of the guest is nearly arrive, even Jessica is here. Wendy was against the idea of inviting Jessica over after she learned from Irene that Jessica and Taeyeon broke up and they are not in good terms with each other. Irene insisted in inviting Jessica because Jessica is Wendy one and only family member that left. Amber came too with her girlfriend, Sulli. Irene even invited Moonbyul, Wendy’s previous doctor to come so she can have a chat with Amber regarding Wendy’s tumor. Mina and Momo were there too. Suzy was there too, though she disguise herself as a commoner. She wouldn’t want to miss out on her cousin’s wedding, so she broke the palace protocol and sneak out with Haruna’s help.

Sunny and her son were present too, her son, Eric look so much like his father and he even speak like his father. Irene believed that he is the reincarnation of his own father who decided to be reincarnate again so he can take care of Sunny.

Alice was there to officiate the wedding, she is happy to see Wendy again and she is honored that the couple chose her to become the wedding officiant. The MC gave them the cue and the wedding march music starts to play. Wendy got nervous all of sudden, she can feel her heartbeat getting fast, she tried to stay calm. Ryujin who was standing beside her knows that she is nervous so she pats her on the back to give Wendy a little encouragement. Wendy mouthed a thank you to Ryujin and Ryujin gave her a thumbs up.

The bridesmaid enter the venue first, all of them look so beautiful with the pink dress that Irene chose for them. Wendy’s side all wear baby blue suits while Irene’s side wear baby pink dresses. Wendy tried to turn back to peek at Irene’s entrance and Irene’s beauty caught her breath. Irene walks down the aisle with her father guiding her. Everything moves in slow motion as Wendy watches Irene walking down the aisle. It feels like time had stopped and the only thing that matters at the moment is Irene.

Irene finally reaches Wendy’s side, but Wendy is still in trance with Irene’s beauty. Ryujin nudged her mother and Wendy almost embarrass herself in front of the whole crowd. She gets back to her senses and she takes Irene’s hand from her father. 

“Son Seungwan, you better treat my daughter well.” said the prince.

“I will your highness...I will…” said Wendy whens she holds Irene’s hand. The couple turns to face Alice and Alice begin to officiate the wedding.

When Alice asked the couple to exchange their wedding vows, Wendy takes out a paper from her pocket and she nervously try to unfold it. She holds the paper with one hand and another hand holding Irene’s hand.

“Irene Bae Joohyun… I know it’s been hard for you during that 2 years when I was gone from your life. I know it’s hard for you when I couldn’t remember my past and our past, on how we fell in love and how we meet each other. Though I’ve now known after reading the journals that I left behind, but I still don’t have any recollection of what happened. In my mind it was all blank.”

Irene begins to tear up when she listens to what Wendy said.

“I know I can’t be the Wendy that you used to love, but I want to be the Wendy that you will love in the future, as I will give my whole life and heart for you, now and forever. I may have lost my past, but I want to build my future with you. I love you.” 

The crowd cheers for Wendy after she finished her vows. Alice tears a little as well, then she turns to Irene and ask if Irene wanted to say anything to Wendy. Irene nods and she stares into Wendy’s eyes longingly.

“Wendy Son Seungwan, you have always been a pain in the …” the crowd laugh when they heard what Irene called Wendy “but you are my pain. You were the nicest, warmest, and most considerate person I ever met. You’ve told me so many times that you are afraid that you can’t become the Wendy that I used to love, but I want you to know, when I said yes to your third proposal, isn’t obvious that I don’t care about that you’ve forgotten about our past? All I want now is to be with you, forever and ever. Even if one day you are gone again, I am sure my heart will find its way to you. I love you so much Wendy...and I want to spend the rest of my life growing old with you, watching out Ryujin grow old and maybe someday we will become a grandma and live our life to the fullest. Our future is what matters, not our past.” Irene said her vows.

Irene and Wendy exchanges their wedding rings and Alice pronounce them wife and wife.

“Okay you two may kiss each other now.”

Wendy lifted the veil and she wasted no time, she goes directly to the luscious lips that she had been craving for. The guests cheer for them and they started to throw confetti and the newly wed. Ryujin stood there watching her parents kiss. She is happy that her parents get to be together finally after 6 years of blood, sweat and tears.

Ryujin follows behind when her parents step out from the venue and getting ready for the photo session and throwing the flowers bouquet. All of the single ladies gathering around, getting ready to catch the flower bouquet. In the crowd there’s Jennie, Mina, Lia, Chearyoung, Yeji, Taeyeon, Jessica, Alice, Amber, Moonbyul and Heechul. Everyone asked Heechul to move but he said he wanted to end his bachelor status so he must catch the bouquet, no one can stop him.

Irene and Wendy get ready to throw their bouquet to the crowd. Lisa was praying that that Jennie wouldn’t catch it, and she is sure that Jennie can’t catch it because Jennie is every bad at sport and she had the worst reflex ever.

“1, 2, 3!!” and the newly wed tossed their bouquet in the air. Heechul tries to push the girls over but too bad for him because the flower bouquets were out of his direction. One landed near Lia’s foot and another one falls directly into Jennie’s hand. Jennie screams happily and she jumps up and down. Lisa’s face turned pale when she realized that her girlfriend got the bouquet.

Lia pick up the bouquet and turns to look at the shocked Ryujin, she winked and Ryujin and walked away to join the happy Jennie.

“Looks like you need to start saving for your wedding” Wendy teased Ryujin.

After the photo session and their feast finished, the newly wed enter their car and drive away to their happily ever after. They are flying to Switzerland for their honeymoon. Ryujin watches as her parents drive away.

“So when are you going to ask Lia to be your girlfriend?” Yuna asked and she received a smack on the head by Ryujin.


1 year later

“Oh! Oh! I can feel it’s kicking!” said Wendy excitedly when she felt the baby kicking.

“She moves a lot today.” Irene said as she touches her belly “She must have missed her  mommy so much.” said Irene and she pinched Wendy’s cheeks.

“I think, she is missing her older sister~ you know that we’re going to see your unnie didn’t you little pumpkin.” Wendy kisses Irene’s exposed belly. She couldn’t be happier than this now. She put her head gently on Irene’s belly to listen to the baby’s heartbeat. She then looks up to Irene and she rested her chin on Irene’s big belly “I love you so much Joohyun.”

The two of them decided to take a day off today and wanted to go visit Ryujin at her dorm, since the girl is going to graduate the day after. Irene holds Wendy’s face and she couldn't be more in love than now. When they decided to have a baby and go for IVF, the doctor said that Wendy’s womb is too weak to carry the baby. Then Irene decided to go for it, but it was a painful process, Irene had to stay at the hospital for 4 months.

“Maybe you should just stay at home, I can go visit Ryujin alone.” Said Wendy to Irene, because Irene is almost due.

“Our daughter is going to graduate tomorrow, I have to go and see her to give her encouragement.”

“Okay but if anything happens you know what you should have said right?”

“Yes Seungwan, scream BOBA.”

“Okay good, come let’s go to see Ryujin.”


JYP Univeristy

Ryujin is packing up her stuff at her dorm, she can’t believe she is graduating soon, and she is excited to see her parents after so long that she didn’t see them. Ryujin got accepted to Ewha Female University, a prestigious university in Korea, and YG University but she opt out for JYP University because she wanted to be close to her friends.

“Ryujinie, your parents are here.” Said her roommate.

Ryujin jumps out of her bed and runs toward the front door of her dorm, when she saw her parents she hugs them tightly though Wendy ask her to be careful with Irene’s baby bump.

“I miss you guys so much.” Ryujin expresses her feelings to her parents after she hadn’t see them for 2 years. Ryujin committed herself to her studies and decided to move out to her dorm and learn to be independent.

“How’s the baby mom?” Ryujin asked Irene as she touched her belly.

“Ryujin!” someone called for Ryujin and Irene and Wendy turn their head to the voice owner and saw Lia came running for Ryujin.

Wendy had her smug face on and she nudge Ryujin with her elbow “So you and Ms Choi are together now?” she daughter.

Ryujin blushes and brushes her mother away “No, we’re just being a good friend.”

Irene smiles at Ryujin, she knows her daughter still have feelings for Lia, but Ryujin decided to take things slow with Lia.

“Hi Wendy unnie, Irene unnie.” Lia greeted the two women.

“Hi Lia~ you’re not working today?”

“Oh no, I’ve taken days off to help Ryujin to move out of the dorm. The others are busy with school and work and they couldn’t be here.” Replied Lia.

“Oh ho~ Thank you for helping Ryujin, Lia.”

Ryujin blushes when Irene start to tease Lia about their relationship. Lia assure Irene that she and Ryujin are just good friends. Wendy and Ryujin went back inside to Ryujin’s dorm to get all of Ryujin stuffs and Ryujin asked Lia to accompany Irene in the car.

“You know Lia, Ryujin is a good kid, I know that both of you had a past together but, I can sense that she is still pretty much in love with you.” Said Irene to Lia.

“I know, but your daughter can be so dense sometimes.” Lia sighed “I wish she could let the past be the past and move forward. I know she will feel guilty if the two of us start to date for real, I’m her best friend’s ex, but both I and Yeji had moved on. I wish Ryujin could.”

Irene suddenly grabs Lia’s arm tightly and it surprised Lia “What’s wrong unnie?” Lia asked when she saw Irene is sweating like hell.

“Oh my God where’s Wendy?! I think my water just broke.” Irene screams.

Lia’s eyes widened and then she roll down the window and scream for Wendy and Ryujin’s name. Wendy and Ryujin comes running and see what is going on.

“Seungwan-ah! Boba!”

“You’re having the baby now?!”

“Ah no, I am not having the baby now! Of course I am having the baby now!” Irene raised her voice at Wendy.

“Oh ! Ryujin drive the car!” Wendy throws the car key at Ryujin and she hop on the backseat with Irene. Lia exited the car and sit at front with Ryujin, Ryujin starts the car and put on full speed to the hospital.



Ryujin and Lia waited outside and Wendy follow inside to the labour room. Ryujin keeps pacing back and forth, she is excited and scared at the same time. She heard Irene’s scream and it was her first time heard Irene scream like that.


“Push Irene! Push!”

“I hate you Seungwan ah I hate you!” Irene screams. She holds to Wendy’s arms and her nails dig into Wendy’s flesh. Wendy winced at the pain but she bites her lips to stop herself from screaming too.

Irene’s contraction is getting more and more painful, but her opening is still too small. The doctor told her that she needs to cut her to make the opening bigger. Wendy asked Irene to breathe like the way they’ve practiced before “hee hee hoo…breathe hee hee hoo.”

“It’s not helping Wendy ah!”

Wendy rubs her thumb on Irene’s forehead to soothe her and calm her “You can do this Irene…you are a strong woman, I know you can.”


“They’ve been in there for 3 hours now!

“Calm down Ryujin…Irene unnie will be okay.”

“I think I should text the others.”

Ryujin texted the others in their Line group chat.

Ryu01 – Irene unnie is giving birth right now!

QueenYuna – As in now?!

JaneRuby – OMG! Lisa and I are coming RN! Which hospital?

Jichu – Oh Congrats!

Yerimie – Which hospital?! I’m going to be a mom!

Joyisthworld – Her due date is today?!

Ryu01 – Whoever that can come please come to the Seoul Hospital

Roseanne – OMG we finally get to see Mini Irene!

Seulbear – Did Wendy panicked? Did she brings all the baby and mother stuff to the hospital with her?!

Ryu01 – Yeah, the baby and mother stuff is in the car.

Yeddong – I’m on my way.

Ryoung – I’m coming with Yeji unnie


After struggling for almost 6 hours in labour pain, Irene finally manage to push out her baby. The doctor cut the umbilical cord, and the doctor pass the baby to the nurse to be weight and clean up. Wendy is in tears when she hears the baby cry. She turns to look at the pale and exhausted Irene, she smiles and kisses Irene on the forehead “Our baby is beautiful, just like you. Thank you so much Irene.”

Irene looks at her baby’s direction and tears roll down her cheeks, her daughter is so beautiful. She looks up to Wendy and she saw Wendy’s eyes full of love while looking at the baby. She is exhausted but when she heard her baby’s cries, all of the pain and tiredness is just gone.

The nurse cleaned up the baby and wrap her in a swaddle, she is still crying when the nurse passes her to her parents.

“Congratulations, you got a healthy 3.01kgs baby girl.” Said the nurse.

Irene holds her baby and she cries tears of joy “Hi there…Hi…” she greets her baby.

“What are you going to name her?” asked the doctor.

Irene looks to Wendy and Wendy looks down to their baby, she thinks for a while and then she smiles softly at the baby “I think I’m going to name her Son Seunghee…”

Irene smiles when Wendy decided to name their daughter with her late sister’s name. She wanted to suggest that name but she’s afraid that Wendy had something in mind so she didn’t say it out.

“Seunghee ah, Welcome to the world.”

The nurse takes Seunghee away from Irene, so they can put the baby at the nursery and Irene can get some rest.


Everyone gathers around in Irene’s room, luckily Wendy takes the VIP room because if it’s a normal wad then it would be too crowded. Irene is resting well at on her bed while chit chatting with all her friends. Irene used to be lonely and had a few friends but today, she had a family that love and accept her for who she really is, and friends that are always there for her. Most importantly, she has Wendy by her side.

The nurse brings baby Seunghee into the room, and hand her to Irene. Every coo at Seunghee’s cuteness.

“She is so cute…you make me want to have one more.” Said Rosé in tears and Jisoo was frowning, she loves Ella so much that she doesn’t know if she can love another one like how she loves Ella.

“What’s her name?” Seulgi and Joy asked in unison.

Wendy and Irene smiles at each other and Wendy proudly announces their daughter's name to their friends “Iris Son Seunghee.”

Wendy asked if Ryujin wanted to hold her sister, Ryujin afraid that she might hurt her because she is so small, but when Seunghee’s little finger holds Ryujin’s finger, Ryujin knows that she will never let anyone hurt this little bundle of joy.

Irene watches her friends and family happily welcome their new born baby. She watches Wendy look at their daughter longingly. Everyone cheers for the baby, and little did Iris know, when she grows up she will be the most powerful person in the world, with her mother being a mafia leader and her sister the Yakuza leader.


JYP University

Irene couldn’t attend Ryujin’s graduation yet because she is still weak so she had to stay longer in the hospital. She was sad that she couldn’t go to Ryujin’s graduation, but Wendy was there for Ryujin and Wendy makes sure that she takes a lot of photos and even video called Irene when Ryujin gets up the stage and take her Master Degree. 

Ryujin was the valedictorian for her batch and she goes up the stage to give her speech. Wendy almost embarrass her when she shouted so loudly that the whole hall can hear her voice. “That’s my girl!!!”

Ryujin stand at the podium, face all bright red because of Wendy, she clears and thanked all the people involved before she starts her speech. Ryujin kept her speech short and straight. Wendy is proud of her daughter, she may lose her previous memories with Ryujin but the memories that she created with her in the past few years after she met her again is what counts. Wendy claps with the crowds after Ryujin is done with her speech. 

Son’s Residence

Ryujin decided not to join the graduation after party and go back home to help Wendy set up the baby’s room. After Wendy and Irene wedding, they moved to a bigger house and Wendy bought a landed house and not an apartment or condominium. She wanted to raise her child with Irene in a more open space. Yeri moved out after RV made their comeback, though Irene and Wendy did prepare a room for her in case she wanted to come and stay with them. As a present for their all kill and SOTY win, Jisoo bought RV a high end apartment. SM wanted the trio to move in to their old dorm but Jisoo rejected the idea, she told SM that SM need to treat RV better, and if SM can’t do it, she gladly offer to buy RV from SM, but SM refused to sell RV so they made an agreement to compromise. 

“Mom I think that screw should go with the other compartment.”

“No, I think it goes with this one.”

“We should follow the manual.”

“Trust me on this Ryujin.” said Wendy.

“We are building my sister’s crib and I want to make sure that it’s safe for her so we have to follow the manual!” 

“Following the manual takes time!” Wendy fires back.

“Well they print the manual for a reason no?!” Ryujin retaliates and the duo start to bicker again. Ryujin misses to bicker with her mom.

“We should just get the ready made one.” Wendy said as she gave up on building the crib.

“Mom...are you happy?” asked Ryujin out of the blue.

“Of course I’m happy.”

“Even without your past memories?”

“You know, I wanted to know what kind of a person I am before I lost my memories, but for now, I am happy that I get to be with Irene, you and Iris.”

“You’re a bastard back then.” Ryujin said out loud.

“HEY! Language young lady!”

Ryujin laughs and she continues to build the crib. Wendy stares at Ryujin, her beauty radiates when she gets serious, silently she thought to herself “To the past me, if one day you return, you will be so proud of Ryujin, she had grown so much.”


After a few days of resting, the doctor finally allow Irene to get discharge. Wendy went to pick them up, she carefully guide Irene to her car and she gently put Iris in the baby car seat. Irene sits at the back with baby Iris. 

On their way back home, they pass by their cafe and Irene caught a glimpse of the tree and it still bloom until today. 

“Seungwan ah…”


“You know that tree never blooms, until the day that you return. Your return is like a miracle, just like when the flower blooms. And it seems like to continue blooming, just like my love for you. Thank you Wendy, for everything. I love you and I want you to know that.”

“I love you too...Irene...but you have to wake up now, we will meet again I promise.

“Huh?” Irene is confuse by Wendy’s word, then her sights getting blurry and everything turn to white.


“Wake up Irene! Wake up!”


Irene gasps for air and she woke up and she looks around, she saw Seulgi, Joy and Yeri are crying beside her. “ I?”

“Unnie! I’m so sorry that I ran away on our wedding day! I was so scared when we almost lost you.” cried Seulgi.

“What...what wedding?” Irene asked with confusion.

“Your and Seulgi’s wedding?” Joy replied.

“You’ve been in coma for a year unnie...after you tried to kill yourself by swallowing sleeping pills when Seulgi unnie left you on your wedding day.” said Yeri while glaring at Seulgi.

“…” Irene tries to get up from the bed but her legs gave up on her. She can’t believe that everything that happened is just a long dream.

“Yeri ah, who...who is the king currently?!” asked Irene abruptly when she recalled that Yeri told her she had been in coma for a year.

“The king passed away last year unnie. They found prince Jaejong’s daughter and she’s currently in reign.” Yeri replied.

“Ms Bae, I think you should rest so we can examine you, your body maybe still weak after not functioning for a whole year.” said her doctor but Irene pushes away the doctor and she holds to Seulgi.

“Seul, I forgive you for leaving me on our wedding day, if you’re in love with Joy, you should be more honest with both of us.”

“What..what are you talking about unnie?! I...I.”

“I know you’re in love with her, and you have my blessing.” said Irene “Before I can explain anything to you, can you please bring me to one place? Please?” Irene begged.

The RV trio looked at each other and they agree to Irene’s request because they never see Irene being like this before.

Zimzalabim Café

Irene enters the café and it was empty. The bells chime echoing in the café, a light pink haired girl came out “Welcome to Zimzalabim Café.” said the pink haired girl. Irene looks at the pink haired girl with a soft gaze. Her hearts warm up at the sight of Ryujin and Ryujin is still in her school uniform, then the rest of the Itzy girls appear.

“Oh Ryujin! Do we have customer?!” another woman came out from the back.

Irene looks at her with teary eyes, she couldn’t believe what she is seeing “Seungwan.” she calls out her name softly.

Wendy is confused and she looks at Irene weirdly “Do we know each other?” she asked. At the same moment the sakura flower blooms outside of the café and Red Velvet Psycho is playing in the background.


The End

A/N: Happy New Year Everyone! So the story ends here. All of the thing that happened were just Irene’s dream when she fell coma after she tried to suicide after Seulgi left her. (Initially I didn’t want to end it like this but I changed my mind~) Please don't bash me over the ending. Let just said in the end both Wenrene have their happy ending.

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Chapter 67: wow this story is like a roller coaster 😭 I'm glad it ended happily 💖💙
Chapter 49: Who does Wendy have children with???
Chapter 46: Here I thought previously Irene would really move on to someone new 🥲
Chapter 45: I actually don't like it when Irene moves on from Wendy 🤧😩
Chapter 44: Impossible. I cried at this part 😭
Chapter 31: I'm curious about Wendy's health check results
Chapter 27: very domestic 🤧
Chapter 24: Irene's father is annoying 😒
Chapter 23: oh my gosh the story is getting more intense