Chapter 25: Awake

When The Flower Blooms

Jennie reached the hospital and saw her cousin sitting by the hallway, she approached her, she crouched beside her, and she gently put her hand on Irene’s shoulder. Irene jumped a little but when she saw it was Jennie she hugged her. Jennie knew Irene’s father was here, because she saw him leaving when she arrived. It was the first time she saw her uncle came without any or body guard, so she knows he came without her aunt knowing.

Irene and Jennie stayed hugging for a while until Jennie is sure that Irene is feeling a little better. Irene break the hug and she sighed deeply.

“How did Wendy unnie end up in the ICU?” Jennie asked.

“Mina told me she found Wendy unconscious in the café, the doctor told me she sustain a head injury, her skull cracked and her brain is swollen, there was a slight bleeding on her brain.”

“How, how did she…”

“I’ve view the café CCTV, it was heart breaking to watch…the whole café was destroy…she slipped and fall then her head hit the edge of the kitchen’s counter…it was my fault Jennie. If I was with her all of this won’t happen.”

“Stop blaming yourself unnie, you’ve become more and more like Wendy unnie now. Blaming yourself for something that you can’t control. I know Wendy unnie acted that way because she is frustrated with all the event that happened, with Henry’s death, and what happened in the court earlier. I know she is blaming herself for everything that happen, and I know if she didn’t slip and fall, she probably gonna mope around being depress and probably will leave you just because she thinks that she is not good for you and she doesn’t deserve you. I know her well. So consider that she fell and being hospitalize as a way God prevent her from running away from you, it may sounds cruel but it is better than you losing her. And most importantly, she is still alive.”

“What if she wakes up and she doesn’t remember me?”

“If you can make her fall in love with you once, you can make her fall in love with you again.” Jennie reassure Irene’s insecurity.

Irene smiles at Jennie and then she stare at Wendy’s room. She saw that Jennie is getting tired so she asked Jennie to go back, she is fine now. Jennie said she doesn’t want to go home after she had a fight with her mother.

“You had a fight with Aunt?”

“I did…and I told her that I am in a relationship with a girl. She slapped me…I think she will disown me after this.”

“Jennie…there’s something that you need to know…” Irene said and she holds Jennie’s hand.

“What? Don’t tell me that I am adopted!” Jennie gasped.

“No, you are being dramatic, you are not adopted. It’s about your mother, and the reason why she hates me so much.”

“Mom doesn’t hate you unnie, she just…dislike you…”

“It doesn’t matter if she hates or dislike me, she just don’t like me because she feels like I’ve snatch away someone that is precious to her, someone that she loved.”

“What do you mean unnie?”

“Our mothers…they used to date before my mother got married to my father. When mother was engaged to father, your mom was devastated and she hated my mother for betraying their so called relationship.”

“Wait…unnie, wait, you mean our moms used to be an item? How…how did you know all this?”

“Our grandma told me the story before she passed away. That is why she is always bitter toward me and my family, especially my father. After my mom got married to my father, your mother got engage to my mother’s younger brother, which is your father and then they have you. You are the reason why your mother stay together with your father. Your father knew that your mom is in love with his older sister, he never forced her to do things she didn’t like, and he had been patient with your mother over the years.”

Jennie couldn’t believe in what she just heard, her mom, the person who hated same relationship was actually in one previously and what worst is her mom used to love her aunt.

Irene knows that Jennie is upset so she patted her cousin on the thigh “She has her reason why she tried to control you, but I know she loves you.”

Jennie excused herself, she said that she needed some fresh air because the information that she get from Irene is too much for her to digest. Irene excused her, then she went back to Wendy’s room to accompany the girl.


Jennie enters her car and drive around aimlessly, her heart was heavy after learning about her mom’s past. She couldn’t believe the reason why her mom hated same relationship was because she was rejected and she put her frustration on to her. She was stopping by a traffic light when she saw a familiar figure, and it was Lisa.

Lisa entered a restaurant and she came out with a backpack and loaded it on her scooter. She put on her helmet and start her scooter then drive away. Jennie decided to follow her from behind to see where she is heading to.

Lisa stopped by a housing area, she pressed the bell and waited for the house owner to come out. She handed the food to the house owner and collect the payment from her. She went back to her scooter but she was surprised to see Jennie standing there with tears in her eyes.


“Why are you doing this Lili?”

“I…I’m not like you Nini, I’m not rich, and I gotta work to pay for my school, my rent.”

“I can help you, why you didn’t ask for my help?”

“This is what I don’t like about you Nini, I love you and I know that you’re rich but I don’t want to be in debt with you. I can work for myself.”

“Lili listen, I don’t want you to keep any secret away from me. If you struggle you should have told me, even if I can’t help you in terms of money I can help in other way.”

“You’ve lived in a luxurious life style, you wear branded stuff, and I don’t want you to feel downgrade when you’re with me.”

Jennie hugged Lisa to make her stop talking “I don’t mind all those branded stuff or expensive restaurant! As long as I am with you. I don’t need all the money that I had, I just want to be with you, so please, from now on, lean more on me, don’t take the burden by yourself.”

Lisa hugged back, she kissed her girlfriend on top of her head. They stay in that position until Lisa break the hug. 

“I need to continue delivering food, or else my boss going to scold me. I’ll you see later.” Lisa excuses herself and drive away with her scooter.

Jennie waves good bye at her girlfriend and then she enter her car and drive back home. The moment she share with Lisa made she realized something. She doesn’t need all of her luxury, she only need Lisa. She made up her mind, if her mother cannot accept that she likes girls then she will leave that house forever.


Hospital Room 207

Joy woke up from her anesthetic, she yelp in pain when she tried to get up. Seulgi who had been by her side immediately went to her side “Take it slow.” Seulgi said to her.

“Seulgi…where am I?”

“You’re in the hospital, you tried to save Irene yesterday.” Seulgi explains.

“Irene unnie! Is she okay?”

“She is fine…” Seulgi said and she seated herself on Joy’s bed.

“Thank God…” Joy sighed.

“I’m sorry Joy…” Seulgi began to cried.

“I cannot forgive you because your sin is not against me but Irene and Wendy. Please Seul, after this, let’s just move on…let they live their life…and we live ours…”

“Yes, I promise you, I won’t interfere Irene’s life anymore. I’ve learn my lesson.When I saw you fighting for your life, I’ve realized how important you mean to me…the thought of losing you made me scare. When Naeun put her gun on Irene’s head I got scare…but when you were dying…I got even more scare. We’ve spent so much time together, you are like part of my family. So I promise I will never do anything like that anymore and I miss Yeri…once you’re discharge from here, we will go get Yeri okay?”

Joy nodded happily, Seulgi kisses her on the forehead and she caress her face “Rest Joy, I will be here, I’ve call Sungjae, once he return from his Japan tour, he will come to visit you.”

“You shouldn’t have told him.” Joy sighed.

“Why? He is your fiancé, he should know about you.”

“I felt guilty toward him…he loves me, I know he does, but I just couldn’t make myself fall in love with him. He knows but he still stay…I’ve used him and I am disgusted by myself…” Joy begins to cry.

Seulgi climbs up the bed and cuddle the crying Joy “It will be okay Joy…it will be okay. I know how you feel, we both are still pretty much haunted by our past love. It takes time to cure, but we will do it together this time. Together.”

Joy looks up to Seulgi and Seulgi looks down at her, and their face were inches away, maybe it was because of the heat of the moment, Seulgi finds herself lean in and they share a kiss. A passionate one, that was until Joy lightly pushes Seulgi away.

“What was that! Seulgi we shouldn’t do this!”

“I’m sorry, we really shouldn’t!” Seulgi gets away from Joy, she excuses herself and exited the room leaving Joy agape at what just happened.

Seulgi left the room and she cursed under her breath, she crouched down on the hallway and hands behind her head. She couldn’t believe that she just kissed her friend. Maybe it was just the heat of the moment, but it feels so good that she blushed. She touch her lips and then remember the moment.

Irene was just about to grab some food by the vending machine when she spotted Seulgi crouching by the machine, smiling like an idiot.

“You look happy, how is Joy?”

“Oh! Irene, you surprised me!” Seulgi gets up and groom herself “Joy, she’s awaken, did you come to visit her?”

“Oh no…Wendy she’s hospitalize…I was with her the whole night.” Irene finds it is awkward to talk normally to Seulgi. Though she had forgiven her.

“Oh…is she, okay?”

“She will…” Irene smiles and she pressed for the orange juice and she bent down to get her juice “I’ll got visit Joy later. Send my regards to her.” Irene bid Seulgi bye and she went to Ryujin’s room to check on her.


Ryujin’s Room

Ryujin was already awake and was busy scrolling thru her phone. She heard someone knock on her door and she shouted come in. Irene enter the room, and Ryujin immediately enlighten up, she put away her phone and greeted Irene.

Irene caress Ryujin’s hair and ask her how is she doing. Ryujin whine cutely at Irene, telling her how bored the hospital is. Irene laughs at Ryujin’s antic, she then saw that Ryujin didn’t finish her porridge.

“You didn’t finish you porridge.” Irene glare at Ryujin.

“It taste bland!” Ryujin whined.

“You have to eat if you want to get well soon Ryujin!”

“No!” Ryujin protested and she received a good scolding from Irene. Irene forced feed Ryujin her porridge.

“Come one Ryujin, this is the last one, open your mouth.”

Ryujin was frowning but she obeyed and she open , Irene feed her the last spoon of the porridge.

“Good girl.” Irene praised Ryujin.

“You’re such a mom…” Ryujin sulked.

“And you young lady, are such pain in the to be taken care of.”

“Hmmm…” Ryujin scoffed.

Irene laugh at Ryujin’s being a tsundere again she kisses the young girl on the forehead and told her to rest, she will be in Wendy’s room if she ever needed anything.

“How is Wendy unnie?” Ryujin asked before Irene left the room.

“She will be fine…”

“She will make it right?” Ryujin asked again, in concern tone.

Irene paused, she doesn’t know how to answer Ryujin’s question because she doesn’t know if Wendy will make it or not, will she wakes up or not, though the doctor told her that Wendy will be okay.

“She will Ryujin, even if she doesn’t we will wake her up together right?”

Ryujin noticed that Irene’s eyes is getting glassy, she smiles at Irene and show her fist “Yeah, I will kick her to wake her up!”

Irene smiles and she left the room after she make sure that she tucked Ryujin under the cover and asked her to rest.


Wendy’s Room

“Hey, I’m back, sorry that I went out too long, have to check on Ryujin you know. Maybe I will go visit Joy later. She is fine, Seulgi told me she is already awake. Now I only need you to wake up…”

Irene was tired, she didn’t get any sleep since yesterday. She didn’t dare to sleep because she scare that if she closes her eyes, Wendy will be gone. Irene lay her head on Wendy’s bed and stare at the girl’s face. She looks so serene, she caress Wendy’s face with the back of her hand, Wendy face was smooth. Irene smiles when she thinks about Wendy’s smiles. She misses it.

“Wendy-ah…you know, I never really understand what people mean by ‘warm’ feeling when you are with you family. My dad came earlier, he given me more time to spend with you, but when the time comes, he wants me to leave everything behind, that’s include you. I really don’t want to leave you, you makes me feel warm, being with you and with the kids make me feel like you guys are my family. You guys make me feel warm, so I want to keep it the way it is. I know if you listen to my decision you will scold me, but I have made my decision. I will give up my post as the country princess and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I want to grow old with you, maybe we can officially adopt the itzy kids and watch them grow, and adopts a few dogs and cats. So please wake up so we can make our dream come true.” Irene cried. She holds Wendy hand and kiss it.

Wendy’s hand twitches, Irene look up to see Wendy’s face and she notice that her eyes twitch as well. Irene pressed for the call bell to alert the nurses and doctors.

“Doctor! She twitches!” Irene told the doctor when the doctor entered the room. The doctor took out her torch light and shine it on Wendy’s eyes, and she saw that Wendy’s eyes show response to the light. Wendy’s fingers twitched again. “Everyone leave the room.” the doctor command.

The doctor asked Irene to leave the room, but Irene didn’t want to leave Wendy’s side. The nurses had to drag Irene out. Irene waited outside, she was anxious, she keeps pacing back and forth, and occasionally peep inside the room to check on Wendy.

The doctor finish examine Wendy and she went out to talk to Irene.

“Mrs Son, your partner is showing great recovery. Her eyes show response to the light, we will continue to monitor her, and hopefully she will wake up soon.”

Irene’s eyes were filled with hope, she thanked the doctor and asked if she can go inside to stay beside Wendy and the doctor allowed her.


A Week Later at YG Entertainment

Jisoo was doing some paperwork when her phone was blow up by notifications. She put down her pen and take a look at her phone, she reads the texts one by one. She saw her girlfriend text. She opened it to read the whole message.

My lovely blackhole Chae – Jichuu, I am thinking about changing my major from creative arts to law. Alice unnie got fired from her job and now no one is going to continue all of her hard work to get the same equality bill to pass in the parliament. I know I may not be bright like my sister but I wanted to help her, because passing this bill mean a lot to us and to other couple out there that was hoping to be happy with their love one. So I am thinking that I should go back to Australia and enroll to the law school there. I know this is sudden, but I can’t face you to tell you all of this, I am leaving today. I love you.

After she finished reading the text, she gather all of her things, and rushed out from her office. She passed by her secretary’s desk and told her to cancel all of her meeting for the day. 

“But Ms Jisoo, all of the meetings they are important because…”

“Cancel them all, reschedule them to any other day.”

Jisoo didn’t even listen to what her secretary wanted to say, she rushes to her car and drive to the airport as fast as she could. On her way there she tried to call Rosé but it only got through to voice mail. Jisoo step on the accelerator and speed to the airport.



“Chaeyoung-ah, you shouldn’t do this, and you should pick up your phone.”

“Unnie, I’m doing this for us, I can’t let your work to go to waste…”

“Did you discuss with Jisoo about your decision?” Alice asked.

“I texted her.”

“You texted her? You should tell her face to face!”

“I can’t face her! I know what she will said, she will leave everything behind her and I don’t want her to do that, she had a company to run, a university to take care of, I can’t let her leave everything behind and follow me.”

Alice only could sighed, she knows once her sister set her mind to do something, no one can stop her. Alice secretly texted Jisoo to tell her their whereabouts. 

Rosé was ready to board her plane, she kisses her sister and parents good bye. Mr. Park wishes her daughter the best in her study and Mrs. Park cried a little and it made Rosé sad. Rosé told her parents that she will behave, and she is only gonna be away for 3 years.

Jisoo parked her car at the red zone, she doesn’t care if her car going to get tow away of clamp. She runs inside and headed to the boarding gate, she saw Rosé is entering the gate. She tries to run faster to reach Rosé, her leg is going to give up on her but she push her limits, she screams for Rosé’s name hoping that the girl will heard her.

“Park Chaeyoung ah!!” Jisoo shouted

Rosé turn and she saw Jisoo running toward her. She decided to turn away and ignore Jisoo calling for her.

“Yah! Wait! Why are you doing this?”

“Stop Jisoo, don’t follow me!” Rosé asked Jisoo to stop, she turn back and look at her. Alice asked their parents to give space to their daughter and they take a step back.

“Yah, why didn’t you discuss this matter with me? Are you going to leave me? After all that we’ve been through huh? Are you…are you breaking up with me?” Jisoo couldn’t hold her tears and she cried.

“I’m not breaking up with you.”

“Then why did you make this sudden decision without telling me first?”

“We can still talk chat through our phone, I will only be there for 3 years!”

“I don’t care! I want to go with you!” Jisoo protested.

“No you can’t! If you decide to follow me, then we are through Jisoo.” Rosé warns.

Jisoo couldn’t believe what she just heard, she stood there feeling defeated, she only could watch Rosé slowly enter the boarding gate. Tears are falling down Jisoo’s cheek, she wished that she could run inside and stop Rosé from going but she tried to hold herself because she knows that Rosé will hate her for it.

Alice patted Jisoo’s shoulder, she comfort her and she told her she can visit Rosé anytime she wants. They will meet again someday, but for mean time Rosé prefer to be left alone so she could focus on her study.

“I don’t understand why she did this…” Jisoo cried “She can just talk to me.”

“She wanted to meet you but she got scare, she scare if she couldn’t face you and scare that you are willing to let go of everything just so you could follow her. She wants you to focus on reviving your company.”

“But how can I live without her unnie? I love her but now she is going away…”

Alice didn’t know what to reply Jisoo, she admitted that her sister’s decision is too drastic, she made up her mind over night. “Just treat this as a test, 3 years apart from each other. If you can pass this test, marry her by then, if Korea government still doesn’t allow same marriage then go somewhere else and register your marriage, maybe go Japan or Taiwan. It was my fault that she took this drastic decision so I am going to find a way to get the same marriage bill pass in this country. Even if that require me to play dirty.” 

Jisoo nods in agreement just stood there watching Rosé flight fly off with a sad heart. “I will wait for her and I will rebuild my company…” Jisoo said to herself.


Jennie’s House

Jennie and her mom was having a cold war, none of them had been talking to each other since last week. But today Jennie decided that she should confront her mom once and for all, she will tell her mom that she is leaving the house and live with Lisa even if her family have to disown her, she will still choose Lisa. She loves her mom and dad but she cannot deal with her mom over protectiveness and her action of always trying to 

Jennie exited her room and join her family for lunch, her dad already left for meeting and in the dining room there’s only her mother.

“You woke up late today.” Her mom remark


“Jennie, we need to talk.”

“No mom, it’s you need to talk.” Jennie replied angrily.

“Jennie dear, there’s a reason why I didn’t want you to be with that Lisa girl.”

“Because you loved Aunt Minseok but she decided to marry the Prince Jaeho and it break your heart, that’s why you didn’t me to follow your footstep? To fall in love with a girl and then get my heart break by her? Mom, Lisa is not like that, I know she won’t break my heart like how aunt Minseok did!”

“How can you be so sure?!” Jiyeon raised her voice against her daughter.

“Because she’s not Aunt Minseok!!” Jennie argued.

“She is a hardworking girl mom, she work hard to try to make me happy, she had to balance her life with work and study and me, but never once she complain. She even deal with my anxiety. She makes me want to be the best version of myself. I’ve always struggling with my anxiety attack but you always tell me that it was just me over thinking, you never try to understand my situation. Lisa did, she always been there for me, so don’t tell me to not love her.” Jennie add more.

“Are you finish?” Jiyeon asked.

“Yes.” Jennie answered.

“I know I’m not a good mother, but I’ve always try to give you the best thing in life, and I know sometimes I’m being a little pushy, but you are my only daughter Jennie-ah, and I wanted the best for you. Your dad and I had a talk last night, and he was right, I should let you decide for your life. You have my blessing to be with Lisa.”

“I told you, I don’t…wait…what?” Jennie paused and she look puzzled at her mother “You mean, you’re not going to try and make me leave Lisa?”

“No dear, you are right, I was bitter about your relationship with Lisa because your aunt Minseok chose Irene’s dad and not me, I was sad and heart broken and then you were born, and you’ve become my world. I don’t want to separate you and Lisa anymore. I can’t have Minseok for myself in the past, I told myself not to make my daughter suffer the same fate as me, but separating you from Lisa will end up making you like me. So you are free to do whatever you want from now on Jennie. I won’t force you anymore.”

Jennie tear up, she went to her mom and hug her “Thank you…” she whispered.

“I love you forever and always Jennie. Never think that I don’t love you or I don’t care about you. Be happy with Lisa, Jennie.” Jiyeon kisses her daughter on the cheek and they both giggled at each other. Jennie felt better now that she had reconcile with her mother.


A month passes….

Irene had been staying at the hospital for the whole month. The doctor said that Wendy respond to every words that Irene said to her. Her brain activity is active, but Wendy still stay in comatose state. The Itzy girls rotate with Irene whenever she need to go back a while to clean herself. Ryujin was already discharge, she still need regularly comes back for check up. Wendy’s father came, he was sad that Naeun died, but he was glad that Wendy is still alive. He make sure that Naeun had a proper burial even though she doesn’t deserve one. He apologized to Irene for all that had happened and he thanked her for taking care of Wendy. Wayne made with Ryujin’s grandfather and they decided to not make things escalated more so they went and settle thing with the Korea authorities. The Korea authorities decided to cover up for the court attack because they are afraid of the Mafia and Yakuza’s influence.

Joy is getting better, her wound slowly healed. She break thing off with Sungjae because she didn’t want to hurt and use Sungjae anymore. Sungjae accepted the break up, he hoped that both of them can still be friends, and Joy agreed. Joy thanked Sungjae for always been there with her. She was still detained in the hospital because doctor wanted to make sure that her wound heal properly before she can be dismisses. Seulgi occasionally visited Joy to keep her accompanied. Things are awkward between them after the sudden kiss that happened a week ago, but none dare to mention it.

Seulgi decided to come clean and she went to the police station, dropping all of the accusation toward Yeri. She admitted to hiring people to put the drug in Yeri’s bag. The police wanted to prosecute Seulgi and she was ready for it but Yeri let her go. Seeing that Seulgi had change for the better Yeri decided to give her the second chance, but SM entertainment decided to end Seulgi’s career. SM terminated Seulgi’s contract. When Joy learn about the termination, she felt sorry for Seulgi, but Seulgi said it was necessary. She had caused so much trouble to RV and she accepted her punishment.

Yeri was released from custody, SM wanted her to have a press conference to clear her name but she refused to. She said it is better if the fans didn’t know it was Seulgi’s fault. She even asked SM to not release Seulgi’s termination public. SM respected her request, they gave Yeri times to heal and since Joy is still hospitalize, it will take longer time for RV to make their comeback again. Yeri was sad about Seulgi’s termination. She hated Seulgi for what the older girl did to her and her cousin, but Irene told Yeri to forgive Seulgi, hatred will only bring more pain. Yeri forgive Seulgi, and they reconciled.

Irene and Joy reconciled too, Irene thanked Joy for saving her life. Joy said that she did it because she didn’t want to see Wendy sad ever again. She told Irene to take a good care of Wendy because Wendy’s heart is very fragile when it comes to heart break. Irene promised Joy that she will take a good care of Wendy. Joy will come to visit Wendy’s room whenever she feel bored in her room. She keeps on apologizing to Wendy, Irene told her that Wendy had long forgive her. Joy promised that she won’t interfere in Irene and Wendy’s relationship. Irene thanked her for understanding.

Yeri would sometimes accompany Irene at the hospital watching over Wendy. Yeri didn’t understand why her cousin were so in love with Wendy. From all of the story she heard from her cousin, Wendy and Seulgi were totally opposite. She always thought Irene loved Seulgi because she loved her personality. She never really understand anything about love, but she is happy that Irene is able to smile again. Yeri met with the Itzy kids, she bond quickly with Yeji, Yuna and Chaeryoung but is a little hostile toward Ryujin. Maybe because they both fight for Irene’s affection. Ryujin will get jealous if Irene only pay attention to Yeri and vice versa.

Jisoo had change, the one used to be bright and happy pill Jisoo had turn distant and cold, she spend most of her time in her office, trying to reconstruct her fallen company, the YG entertainment. She hire a new director to take care of her university and focus on her entertainment company. She hardly hang out with Lisa and Jennie now. Rosé did tried to find her via texts and calls but Jisoo didn’t reply any of them. She was hurt that Rosé made decision without include her in. Another reason is she didn’t want to become Rosé distraction so she decided to ignore Rosé, and she even changed her number.

Jennie and Lisa are going steady, Jennie had properly introduce Lisa to her family. Mr. Kim accepted Lisa immediately, thought it took Mrs. Kim awhil, but Lisa’s bright personality able to make Mrs. Kim accept her as Jennie’s girlfriend. Mr. Kim wanted to give Jennie and Lisa a condominium but Lisa rejected, she said she didn’t want to use the Kim’s money, she can work hard to give Jennie a comfortable life. Mr. Kim like Lisa a lot because he can see her effort in making his princess’s happy. Lisa managed to save up enough money to rent a better place and Jennie decided to move in with her.

Lia came back to Seoul with her family when the S. Korea needed Mr. Choi’s expertise to deal with the court attacking case. Though they decided to cover up and close the case, they still need to find a way to cover it up without creating any suspicion, especially the public. Mr. Choi was against the idea of Lia returning to her old high school, but it was nearing the university entrance exam, so he had no choice. Lia avoided the Itzy whenever they bumped to each other at school. However Lia was a little sad that Yeji pretended that she was invisible. She knows that it is better if she stay away from them but, she felt alone. She missed the moment they all spend together, laughing and joking around with each other. She told herself that it will only be until the entrance exam and then she can apply to university that is far away from Seoul and everything will be fine.


Hospital (Wendy’s Room)

“Unnie, do you want anything to eat?” Yeri asked as she was about to go out and buy something for breakfast.

“Just a normal tuna sandwish please.”

“Okay~” Yeri skipped out from the room to go to the nearby café to get them breakfast.

Irene was left alone with Wendy in the room, Irene reached for the wet towel and continue to wipe Wendy’s body with it.

“Seungwan-ah…how long are you going to sleep? Everyone is waiting for you. The café had been left abandon for almost 2 months now. Everyone missed the drinks you made. I already cleaned up all the mess, it just waiting for you to return and reopen it. Don’t sleep too long okay? I only got a year left to be with you…I don’t want to waste it like this. I need you to wake up…please.” Irene pleads, her tears fell on Wendy’s cheek. And that moment, Wendy mumbled something, Irene looked up because she’s afraid that she heard it wrongly.


Irene can hear Wendy clearly call out for her name. She holds Wendy’s hand and look at her “I’m here Wendy, I’m here.”


Irene pressed the help button to ask the doctor to come in. She saw Wendy’s eyes slowly flutter open, Irene smiles with tears in her eyes.

“Wendy, I’m here, I’m not going to leave you.”

The doctor comes in and check on Wendy. “She is awaking!” the doctor exclaim happily. She asked for everyone to leave the room, but Wendy was holding tight on Irene’s hand, she didn’t want t let go. She stares at Irene with her half open eyes, and never once she averted her gaze from Irene. The doctor permitted Irene to stay since Wendy wouldn’t let go of her.

“Heart beat?”


“Blood pressure?”


The doctor open Wendy’s eye lid and she shine a light into her pupil and it reacted to the light. The doctor smiles at Wendy “Welcome back Miss Wendy, you’ve been asleep for 2 months. Can you hear what I said? If you do please nod your head.”

Wendy slowly nod her head, and the doctor asked more question “Do you know your name is?”

“Wen…dy…” Wendy replied weakly.

“And do you know this lady?” the doctor pointed at Irene.


The doctor and Irene exchange happy grin. Irene use both of her hand to hold Wendy’s hand and she silently thank her god in her heart for listening to her prayer. The doctor turn to her nurse and she instruct them to monitor Wendy. She turned to Irene and she asked Irene to take it slowly and don’t shock Wendy with many questions. Irene nodded and the doctor left them alone in the room.

Wendy was staring at the ceiling, her brain is still trying to registered what happened and why is she in the hospital, lying in the bed right now. She turned slowly to look at Irene, she noticed that Irene had lost a few weight, her face is a little sunken. Wendy lifter her hand and try to reach for Irene’s face. Irene holds her hand and brought it to her cheek, she kissed Wendy’s palm. She was smiling but her eyes were teary.

“You’ve…got th..inner…” Wendy remarked.

“You too…” Irene replied, it was true that Wendy got thinner, her hand and leg were so bony and it scare Irene a bit.

“I miss you…” Irene whispered sweetly at Wendy.

Wendy’s eyes was getting heavier, she felt tired, Irene hmm her a lullaby and asked Wendy to sleep and rest.

“I love you.” was all that Wendy said before she closed her eyes and fall into her deep slumber again.



I was gonna make Wendy lost her memory but it will be too cliché~  No no, Jisoo and Rosé did not break up, it's more like their relationship is a hanging. Something will happen to Wenrene in the next chapter. JoyGi vs SunSeul (Sunmi x Seulgi) will happen too. Wendy and Seulgi will work together in the next chapter~ and jealous Irene warning!

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Chapter 67: wow this story is like a roller coaster 😭 I'm glad it ended happily 💖💙
Chapter 49: Who does Wendy have children with???
Chapter 46: Here I thought previously Irene would really move on to someone new 🥲
Chapter 45: I actually don't like it when Irene moves on from Wendy 🤧😩
Chapter 44: Impossible. I cried at this part 😭
Chapter 31: I'm curious about Wendy's health check results
Chapter 27: very domestic 🤧
Chapter 24: Irene's father is annoying 😒
Chapter 23: oh my gosh the story is getting more intense