Chapter 14: Joy's Reason

When The Flower Blooms

Jisoo and Lisa rushed to Wendy’s side. They both helped Wendy to sit up and Jisoo took out her handkerchief and put it on Wendy’s bleeding nose. Wendy groaned in pain, she looked up to Seulgi and then her eyes trailed to Irene who is approaching.


Joy saw the commotion and she asked Sungjae to end the event because she didn’t want to embarrass her fiancé because her friends were creating a scene. Sungjae nodded and he went to the MC. Joy left her fiancé and went to the scene, hoping to stop it from escalated. She didn’t expect that Wendy will retaliate. Wendy gets up from the floor and lunged herself at Seulgi, they both fell on the floor. Seulgi pushed Wendy and then pulled her by the collar, dragging her up, she was about to give Wendy another punched when Irene and Joy stopped them.


Seulgi was happy to see Irene, but Irene was not, she frowning, she walks passed Seulgi and went to Wendy. Irene cupped Wendy’s swollen face, she looked very worried. Joy looked a little hurt when she saw Irene and Wendy's intimacy.


“You know this jerk?” Seulgi asked in disbelieved tone and she pointed at Wendy.

“Yes I know her, what about that?” Irene replied without averting her eyes from Wendy.

“Unnie…you two know each other?” Joy asked.

“Joy…” Wendy panted while looking at the teary Joy.

“Come on Wendy let’s leave this party…” Irene suggested and they were about to turn away, but Seulgi stopped her.


“No, I’m not letting you go until you tell me why can’t you take me back? I’ve apologized, I’ve tell you the truth! I still love you Irene and I really wanted to spend my whole life with you.” Seulgi demanded answers from Irene.


Irene didn’t turn back to face Seulgi, she maintained still, holding to Wendy’s arm. Seulgi kneels when she didn’t get any reply from Irene.


“Please Joohyun unnie…give me another chance to make you happy.”


Irene slowly turned and she opened “I’ve gave you so many chances, and yet you still screw up Seulgi. I gave you my everything but it still wasn’t enough for you.” Tears are streaming down Irene’s face.

Wendy wrapped her arms around Irene’s shoulder to calm her.

“I won’t screw up this time!” Seulgi begged. The scene was familiar to Joy, because Wendy once used to beg her to stay just like Seulgi did. Joy take a step back. She didn’t want to interfere in her friend’s case because it reminded her of her past.


Irene remained silence, Jennie on the other side was worry that Irene might forgive Seulgi. She took a step forward, barricading Irene and Seulgi.


“Unnie…” Jennie turned to Irene “Please don’t ever forgive Seulgi for what she had done.”


“Yah Jennie, stay out of this! This is my fiancé and mine problem.” Seulgi tried to pushed Jennie aside but she was stopped by the angry Lisa.


“Get your hand of my girlfriend.” Lisa growled.


“Girlfriend?” Jisoo whispered to Rosé and Rosé hushed her.


“You’re not my fiancé anymore Seulgi…I don’t love you anymore. Who are we to fool? Ourselves? Our love had long faded. I tried so hard to keep it, but I guess I grew tired in the end. I’ve tried so hard Seulgi, but it wasn’t enough.” There were tears in Irene’s eyes.


“Irene…” Seulgi reached for Irene but Wendy blocked her.


“Let’s end this Seulgi…let’s end this once and for all.” Irene said.


“Irene, no…Listen…” Seulgi tried to reach for Irene’s hand but Wendy swatted her hand.


“She said she wanted to end it.” Wendy said despite having her nose broken, she didn’t mind the pain because comforting Irene is her main focus now. She Irene’s shoulder to comfort the older girl.


“Look you, I don’t care who you are but she’s my girl and you don’t have the right to stop me from talking to her.” Seulgi taunted the shorter girl.


Jisoo now becomes the barricade between Seulgi and Wendy when she saw Seulgi slightly raise her hand. “Look, I don’t care if you’re an idol, I can sue you for assaulting my friend.”


“And who are you?” Seulgi growled at Jisoo.


“Kim Jisoo, the CEO of YG entertainment and Chairman of YG University.” Jisoo introduced herself. Rosé was clapping excitedly at her girlfriend playing hero, but everyone gave her side eyes. Rosé apologized and look down on her feet, getting all guilty and embarrassed.


“I see, the heir of the doomed entertainment.” Seulgi scoffed and yanked her hand away from Jisoo’s grip.

Jisoo scoffed as she couldn't believed that Seulgi just dissed her company, she was hurt but then a certain pink hair girl came and stood in front of Jisoo, facing Seulgi.

“Honestly speaking miss Seulgi, I thought you were a bright person whenever I see you on TV but who knows you’re actually quite rotten.” Ryujin interfered, which caused all the adult to quickly cover .


“Who let this kid in?!” Jennie asked while pointing at Ryujin.

Ryujin struggled to get herself go from Lisa and Rosé’s hold, she managed to free herself and she went up to Seulgi. They had a stare down, Seulgi raised her hand, she wanted to push the pink hair girl but Sungjae stopped her in time.

“Kang Seulgi, I hope you don’t cause anymore scene at my event.” Sungjae told Seulgi calmly.

“I’m sorry Sungjae, I will take this thing outside.” Seulgi bowed to Sungjae, she straightened herself and grabbed Irene on the arms and dragged Irene with her. Wendy was too slow to stop Seulgi from snatching Irene from her. Wendy tried to run after them but she stumbled on the carpet and fell down, then Seulgi signal her body guards to stop Wendy from following them. Irene desperately tried to loosen Seulgi’s grip on her arms, she turned back to look at Wendy lying on the floor with 3 to 5 guys pinning her down preventing her from getting up.

Wendy was screaming for Irene, Jisoo, Lisa and Ryujin tried to stop the guards from pinning Wendy down on the floor like she was some kind of criminal. Joy called for Seulgi, she begged Seulgi to ask her guards to let go of Wendy but Seulgi deafening her ears to all the pleads. Joy turned to Sungjae, Sungjae sighed and he ask for the even security to help free Wendy from Seulgi’s guards.

“Let me go!!” Irene screamed. She uses all of her strength trying to stop Seulgi from dragging her further away from Wendy.

“Irene!!” Wendy screamed for Irene, and Irene looked back, she saw that Wendy is struggling to free herself. Her hand was reaching out for Irene while screaming for Irene, her face was bloody from the blood that coming out from her nose, and her head injury that she received a few days ago seems to be reopen. Irene yanked her arms away from Seulgi and she runs away to reach for Wendy, but Seulgi once again managed to catch her from behind.

“You belong to me.” Seulgi stated while hugging Irene tightly from behind.

Irene turned and gave Seulgi a big slap that echoes throughout the whole ballroom. Seulgi stood there with opened. She couldn’t believe that Irene just slapped her.

“We are over. I don’t need you anymore Seulgi.” Irene made herself clear when she jabbed Seulgi on her chest. She fished out her engagement ring from her pouch and she threw it at Seulgi’s face. Irene turned and she held Wendy’s hand, and she leads Wendy to exit the ballroom.

Jenchulicheang and Ryujin followed them. Joy saw that they are leaving, she excuses herself and followed them too.

“Unnie! Irene unnie!” Joy called for Irene.

Wendy tried to stop but Irene keeps on tugging her to move along, Irene didn’t want to stop anymore, she’s afraid that Wendy will get hurt again. Irene was crying, she cried because Wendy got hurt because of her.

“Unnie!” Joy called again loudly, but Irene continue to ignored.

Rosé and Jennie were feeling guilty that they left their ‘used to be best friend’ ignored by Irene, they turned and shoot her their apologetic look and Jennie mouthed ‘later’ to joy. Only then Joy decided to not follow them anymore.

She walked back to the ballroom. Sungjae was there waiting for her, she smiles weakly, and then Sungjae pointed at Seulgi, she was resting her back against the wall and expressionless. Joy approached Seulgi, she gave Seulgi a slap. Seulgi didn’t react, she continuously gives Seulgi slap by slap. She cried and she began to smacks Seulgi on her chest, Seulgi didn’t retaliates. She allows Joy to express her sadness and heartbroken, once Joy had stop hitting her, Seulgi hug Joy tightly. Both of them cry in each other shoulder.

Sungjae could only watch from afar. He knew that Joy somewhat still love Wendy. He knows that no matter how much he loves Joy. Joy’s heart will always be with Wendy. He agreed to marry her when his agency pressure him to. He did love the girl but after he learnt about her love for her ex, he just wanted to be her best friend, to whom she can count on whenever she needed a shoulder to cry on.

He heard countless time Joy murmured Wendy’s name in her sleep, it hurts him but he learnt to live in Wendy’s shadow. He knew that one-day Joy will meet again with Wendy, and if that time come and it requires him to let her go, he is willing to.


Flashback to 2 years ago

“Are you sure you’re okay with us being together? I can tell my agency that I’m not interested in the contract you know.” Sungjae asked Joy.

“Do I have any other choice? I rather spend my whole life with you than with other people oppa.” Joy sighed.

The two of them just finished discussing their ‘dating’ scandal with SM entertainment. SM urged Sungjae to admit that he is currently dating Joy. Even though they were just virtual couple in ‘We Got Married’ but the fans are taking things over the boundary. SM saw that their stock was rising from the scandal news and they wanted to take advantage of it.

“Didn’t you told me that there’s someone that you love?” Sungjae asked again.

Joy nodded but then her happy face turned sad “But I broke things off with her.”


“You know SM, no dating rules.” Joy sighed.

“Do you still love her?” Sungjae asked out of curiosity.

“With all my heart oppa…with all my heart. She was the kindest person I ever met. She told me she will wait for me, but I don’t want to give her fake hope. Things went bad between us, the day when I broke up with her, it was the first I ever see her eyes shattered like that, it used to be full of sparkles and loves…I guess it was all my fault. She been skipping her class just so she can meet me and spend more time with me. I don’t want her to give up her dream and study just for me. So I broke up with her.” Joy explained sadly.

Sungjae pulled Joy closer and he rested her head on his shoulder “If you two were meant to be, you don’t have to worry about the future.” Sungjae tried to comfort Joy.

“She was about to proposed to me oppa…I had to lied to her, telling her that I was just trying to experimenting with her, I told her I wasn’t sure about my uality and she seems to be a nice try. I had to lie to her, I told her SM knew about our relationship and they will ban me from debuting with RV.” Joy sobbed.

Sungjae hushed Joy and he gently cradle her back and forth.

“I hope that she really hates me, so that she can move on. She deserves someone better than me. Someone who can be there for her always, someone who isn’t me.” Joy cried some more.

It was painful for Sungjae to see the cheery girl turn to someone who is very emotional. And since that day, Sungjae vowed to himself he will protect and make Joy happy no matter what happen.

End of Flashback

Jeongyeon came running to Sungjae “Oppa, did Ryujin just run off with those bunch of people?!” Jeongyeon asked in panic tone.

“Apparently she did…” Sungjae raised his shoulder.

“Aish that little girl!!” Jeongyoen hissed.

“You got a little lipstick smudge at the corner of your lips.” Sungjae pointed at Jeongyeon’s lips and the girl blushed and she tried to wipe it off.

“Your girlfriend’s friends are something…” Sungjae sighed and he looked around seeing all the mess that they’ve cost.

“I’m sorry oppa…I’ll clean up…”

“It’s okay Jeong…I can cover all of this mess…go home. I think you and Nayeon need more time together.” Sunghae winked and pats Jeongyeon on the arm before he went to Joy and Seulgi.


In the car

“The hospital.” Irene answered when Jisoo asked her where to go.

“No!!” Wendy protested loudly.

“You’re bleeding Wendy! Hospital is where we need to go!” Irene scolded the stubborn Wendy.

“I don’t like hospital, any other place but hospital.” Wendy mumbled.

“Let’s go to my house then.” Ryujin suggested.

It’s a good thing that Jisoo driver a 7 seaters SUV, she could fit all of them in her car.

“My roommates are doctor, they can help.”

“Who are you Ryujin?” Jennie asked.

“Just a normal high school girl…”

“Who lives with doctors? I thought Jeongyeon is your cousin, why didn’t you live with her?” Rosé asked.

“I lost my parents, and I don’t like the Yoo family, so live by my own…my dad left me a pretty decent house, it got lonely so I rented it out to people.”

“You mean the mansion where we picked you earlier is yours?!” both Jisoo and Rosé asked in unison.


“Rich.” Rosé scoffed.

Irene wasn’t listening to any of their conversation, she was worried. Her hands are trembling like hell. She let Wendy rested her head on her shoulder. She just wanted to quickly arrive at Ryujin’s place and get Wendy treated. She was glad that Wendy’s nose had stop bleeding, but she was worry when Wendy told her that she was getting tired. She tried to keep Wendy warm “Hang on Wendy, we’re almost there. Jisoo-ah can you drive faster?”

“Roger that, buckle up everyone!” and Jisoo step on the accelerator.


Shin Ryujin’s Mansion


“Ryujin-ah you’re late! Did you see the news… Wendy unnie!!” Yuna gasped when she saw the pale Wendy being carried out from the SUV.

“Yuna! Call for MoonByul unnie, we got a patient!” Ryujin instructed.

Yuna ran back into the mansion and she runs out with a pale looking thin woman.

“Byul unnie!” Ryujin calls out and she pointed at the almost fainted Wendy.

“Bring her in!”


5 adults were resting at the living room. It was a tiring night for all of them, especially Irene. Jennie was worried, so she sat next to Irene, to comfort her older cousin. Ryujin came back with glasses of water and some cupcakes.

“Eat up, I learnt the recipe from Wendy.”

“Thanks Ryujin I am starving!” Rosé didn’t think too much and grabbed a few of the cupcakes and start munching on them.

Jisoo shakes her head at her girlfriend’s endless hunger for food. Jennie shook her head too, she took a glass of water and offered it to Irene “Unnie, here drink some water”

Irene gently rejected, Jennie understood and she put down the glass, she holds Irene’s hand and she told that everything is going to be alright.

“Hey Loser.” Jisoo called for Lisa.

“What?!” Lisa looked up to Jisoo.

“You called Jennie your girlfriend early…did you two…”

“Err…we wanted to tell you about it…but couldn’t find the right time.” Lisa nervously reply.

“What the hell I thought I was going to be the first to know!” Jisoo scoffed.

“OMG! Jennie! You and Lisa finally?!” Rosé questioned with full.

“Eww, don’t speak with your mouth full.” Lisa firend.

“I saw you are wearing a ring Jichu…”

“Oh, me and Rosé are together, she’s wearing one too.” Jisoo holds Rosé hand and show Lisa their matching ring.

“YOU TWO ARE TOGETHER?!” Jennie shouted unexpectedly.

“Oh chill! You can be together with Lisa and I can’t be with Chaeyoung?” Jisoo whined.

“Oh no, just I find it’s funny, and weird.” Jennie made a disgusted face.

“Adults are weird.” Ryujin complained at the side. She took a glance at Irene and she smiles when Irene caught her staring.

Moonbyul came out from the room, Irene approached her “How is Wendy?”

“She’s fine, don’t worry about her, she’s a little tired so she can spend the night here. I’ve already taken care of her wound on her head and her nose. There’s nothing serious, her bone did crack but it’s not broken.” Moonbyul explained.

Irene sighed and she asked if she can go into the room, Moonbyul allowed her, but she stopped the others from going in “We don’t want a whole crowd inside, she needed her rest.”

“You guys can spend the night here.” Ryujin suggested “I got plenty of guests’ rooms.”


Wendy’s Room

Irene step inside slowly, trying to make less noise as she didn’t want to disturb the resting Wendy.

“Hey…” Wendy greeted with her hoarse voice.

“Hey…” Irene greeted back with a crack in her voice.

“I look like a mess huh…” Wendy laughed a bit.

“No…you’re not.” Irene hurriedly sit next to Wendy’s bed and she holds her hand.

“I’m sorry that I’m useless…” Wendy apologized.

“You’re not useless Wendy, it was all my fault. If it wasn’t because of me, you and Seulgi…you two probably wouldn’t fight.” Irene cried.

Wendy brushed Irene’s face, she wiped her tears away and make her look into her eyes “No…it’s not your fault Irene. It was my fault that I got too impulsive.”

Irene holds the hand that was touching her cheek, she holds it tight, not wanting to let go. She kissed the palm and she kissed Wendy on the forehead “Sleep Wendy, you need to rest.”

“Will you be here when I wake up?” Wendy asked, her voice is getting weaker.

“I will be here when you wake up, I promise.” Irene kissed Wendy’s forehead again and she look at her lovingly.

Wendy smiled and her eyes slowly closes, soon her breath become steady. Irene pull the cover up to Wendy’s chest and she climb up the bed, lay beside Wendy. She looked at Wendy’s sleeping face, her hand trailed Wendy’s cheek and she leaned forward to kiss Wendy on the cheek.

“Thank you Wendy…” Irene said before she fell asleep.


To be continue…

Wendy's past will be reveal in next chapter! 

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Chapter 67: wow this story is like a roller coaster 😭 I'm glad it ended happily 💖💙
Chapter 49: Who does Wendy have children with???
Chapter 46: Here I thought previously Irene would really move on to someone new 🥲
Chapter 45: I actually don't like it when Irene moves on from Wendy 🤧😩
Chapter 44: Impossible. I cried at this part 😭
Chapter 31: I'm curious about Wendy's health check results
Chapter 27: very domestic 🤧
Chapter 24: Irene's father is annoying 😒
Chapter 23: oh my gosh the story is getting more intense