Chapter 17: Oh No Yeri!

When The Flower Blooms

Zimzalabim Café

“What?! You will close the café for a week? Why?” the Itzy kids (As Wendy called them) whined when Wendy told them that she will be closing the café for personal matters.

“It will only be for a week girls.”

“What are we gonna do for that whole week then?” Yeji pouted.

“We will be back before you know it!” Irene tries to cheers the girls but the four of them continue to pout and they refuse to look at Wendy and Irene.

“Can we go with you?” Yuna asked, her eyes were full of hope.

Wendy was flustered, she is weak when it comes to the puppy eyes that the girls give her.

“You girls have school no?” Irene reminds the girls.

“Done…” Ryujin said from the side, she had been quiet since the morning and Irene knew that cheeky girl is planning something.

“What do you mean by done Ryujin-ah?” Irene gives the pink hair girl a side eye.

“I’ve booked our air tickets to Canada.” Ryujin said with a proud smirk on her face.

“What?!!” Wendy and Irene almost shouted, Wendy snatched Ryujin phone to check if the girl is telling her the truth and indeed, she had booked 4 tickets.

Wendy sighed and she sit back feeling defeated at the girls cunning movement. Wendy hand Ryujin back her phone and rested her chin on the table looking all defeated. “This is how parents feels like whenever their children did something opposite of what they told them to…” Wendy rants out.

The kids shoot Irene their puppy begging eyes, and Irene went soft for them, so she turns to Wendy. “Wendy-ah, I think it’s okay for them to come with us, beside they can get to relax before Yeji faces her final exam.”

“What are you, their mother?” Wendy teased.

The 4 kids look at each other and then they look at Irene before they turn to Wendy “Daddy~” they all call her.

“I’m not your daddy!!” Wendy was flustered.

“Mommy~ Daddy scolds us” the kids turn to Irene which made Irene laughs, Irene decided to play along with the kids.

“Come here babies, if daddy doesn’t love you guys anymore mommy will~” Irene pulls all 4 of them into a hug.

Wendy chided by the side and then she decided to join them to joke around.

From afar, Jenchulichaeng are judging Wenrene and their unofficial adopted kids joking happily like a real family.

“I think it will take Wendy to forever to confess her feelings to Irene.” Jisoo said as she sips on her chocolate drink.

“Mhmm…” Rosé replied without moving her gaze from her phone. She was busy watching videos of people covering famous artist’s songs on Youtube.

“Let’s go to Canada too…” Jennie suggested out of the blue.

“Why?” the trio ask in unison.

“I’m just curious at Wendy’s family, she never talks much about them.” Jennie said.

“I don’t think you girls would want to know…” Henry interferes when he delivers the girls orders.

“Why is that oppa? I wanted to know what kind of family would disown someone as good as Wendy as a daughter.” Rosé addded.

Henry turns to look at Wendy happily talking to Irene and the Itzy kids, he sighs and he turns back to look at 4 adults “Just…You guys can go, just don’t interfere when something happen…okay? Promise me.”

After listening to Henry’s warning, it got them more curious of Wendy’s family. What if she is a princess too like Irene?


10 p.m

Wendy was busy cleaning up the kitchen, Irene was busy closing that day account and Henry was in charge of cleaning the tables. Henry finishes his task and he decided to go to the kitchen to help Wendy.

“Hey…” Henry greets, all smiling he was proud to see that Wendy is slowly growing up. He thought Wendy would throw tantrum after she learns the truth about herself and her family.

“Hey.” Wendy greets back smiling.

Henry approaches Wendy and pull her in a headlock and he ruffles her short hair. Wendy yelping for help and try to push Henry away.

“Yah! What are you doing!”

“Nothing, it’s been a while since I did that to you.” Henry finally letting go of Wendy and he ruffles her hair again.

“You’re weird today.” Wendy chided.

“Oh like you’re not!” Henry retaliates.

Wendy is really like his little sister, he was the only child of his family. Her father had high expectation of him. He knows he disappointed his father when he decided to go with Wendy’s plan to run to S.Korea 12 years ago. Since Wendy decided to go back to face her father, Henry knew that eventually he is going to have to face his.

“I’m still your body guard whether you like it or not Seungwan, but I want you to know, so I am going back to Canada with you too.”

Wendy looks at Henry with a face that was full of grate-fullness and hope. She turns and clear , trying to clear the lump that was stuck in .

“And to think that you will be bringing back your father’s potential daughter in law, you got quiet the courage to do so missy.” Henry teases the younger girl.

“Yah! How many times do I have to tell you! Irene and I we were just friends.” Wendy keeps on denying.

“Sooner or later Wendy, sooner or later.” Henry nods his head.

Wendy scoffs and she decided to ignore Henry, but in her mind she knows that it was impossible for her to be with Irene. Irene is a princess, while she is a notorious mafia’s daughter. She never likes her father’s way of doing things, she knows eventually it’s either her or Seunghee that will have to take care of the family business. When her older sister decided to rejected her role as the eldest of the Son to take over the family business, Wendy knows that she is the only option left. She was going to agree to take over until the incident happened. She gave up on her father and her title as the Son’s heir.

“Wendy I’ve finish closing the account. Is there anything that I need to help you with?” Irene asked.

“We’re almost done. Where’s the kids?” Wendy asked when she realized that the Itzy kids had been too silent after they closed the café.

“They’ve fallen asleep in the office…” Irene told.

“They’ve must been tired, I can take care of the rest, you two go back and rest, we got early flight tomorrow. Go and send the kids back home.” Henry offered to stay back to finish the cleaning.

Wendy thanked Henry and she went to her car to start it up, she asked Irene to wake the kids up and collect their belongings at the office.

Irene went to wake the kids up and she told them to get their belongings. The kids obey and they quickly gather they stuffs and follow Irene to Wendy’s car. The kids fall back asleep once they enter the car. Irene only could smiles at the kids’ cute tired expression. Irene turns to Wendy and she smiles at the girl.

“What? You seems happy today Irene…” Wendy asked, she keep her eyes focus on the road.

Irene hand reach for Wendy’s cheek, she brushes Wendy cheek, which made the younger girl stiffed at Irene’s touch.

“I just imagine…if we were married and have kids…well adopted kids, this probably how our days is going to be.” Irene explain sweetly to Wendy, which causes Wendy to blush. The drive was silent because Wendy didn’t want to wake the girls up.

They reach Yeji’s house first, Irene reach out for Yeji and gently wakes her up. “Yeji-ah…”

“5 more minutes omma-ya.” Yeji mumbles in her sleep.

“Yeji…” Wendy calls out.

“Yeji, we reach your home, come on wake up, you gotta rest well, we got a flight to catch tomorrow.” Irene tries to shakes the girl again.

Yeji slowly opens her eyes, she yawns and stretches. She accidentally hit Ryujin on the face when she stretches. Ryujin grunts loudly, Yeji softly apologizes and she exited the car. She bid the two adults goodbye and Wendy waits for Yeji to enter her house before she drives away. Chaeryoung was staying over at Ryujin that night so they drop them off at Ryujin’s house. Wendy asks if Irene wanted to go back or they can go somewhere to grab something to eat.

“Let’s go somewhere to eat.” Irene suggested.

Wendy suggested a nice korean BBQ restaurant and Irene agrees to it. They reach the restaurant, however Wendy had to park a bit far because it was packed. Wendy took charge of BBQ-ing the meat and wrapped it in lettuce for Irene even though Irene said she can do it herself.

After they done eating, Irene suggested for them to have a walk by the nearby park. They walk to the park hand by hand. Wendy had got used to Irene being clingy to her. She was surprised when Irene demanded that they hold hands whenever they walk together. Wendy keeps saying that they are not a couple so it was not necessary to hold hands. Irene got angry at Wendy for rejecting her affection, so Wendy learn to give in to Irene every requests. She kinds like the feeling of Irene’s little hand in her hand. Though she keeps apologizing whenever her palm start to sweat. She would let go of Irene hand just so she could wipe her palm on her pants before offering it to Irene again.

The weather was cold that night, both had their jacket on but both shiver whenever wind blows at them. Wendy saw that Irene was shivering, so she let go of Irene’s hand, which earn her a frown. She wraps her arm around Irene’s shoulder so that she can warm Irene up with her body heat.

“You’re shivering.” Wendy states, trying to look cool but she herself also shivering.

Irene laughs at Wendy when she saw Wendy shivering so badly. “Trying to play the gentlewoman part huh?” Irene mocks Wendy.

“I just want to keep you warm.” Wendy whines.

Irene rubs both of her hands together and once it was warm enough, she turns to face Wendy and cups the girl’s face to warm her face up.

Wendy was shocked at the sudden move by Irene, she thought Irene was going to kiss her at that moment. She purses up her lips, but Irene frowns at her.

“Did you just assume that I wanted to kiss you?” Irene asks.

“Too soon?” Wendy asks sheepishly.

Irene decided to tease the girl a little, so she leans forward, so close that their lips almost touch “Too late…” she whispers.

When she saw Wendy tries to close the gap, she immediately back away, leaving Wendy hanging for the kiss. Irene stuck her tongue out and then run away from Wendy.

“Yah! Don’t tease me like that!” Wendy shouts in embarrassment.

Wendy chases Irene around the park, she manage to catches Irene from behind but they lose their balance and stumble on the ground with Wendy on top of Irene. They giggle and then stop when both eyes lock on each other. They breathing become heavy and heartbeat start to match each other. Wendy feels like her heart could pop out of her chest anytime.

“You know…” Wendy begins to speak “I really wanted to kiss you so badly.” She confessed.

“What stopping you?” Irene asks.

Before things could get worse, Wendy gets up from Irene and sit next to her. That leave Irene a little disappointed. She misses the warm from Wendy’s body but she isn’t complaining.

“I’m afraid to fall in love with you…I’m afraid that you are going to leave me just like how all the people that I love leave me. My mom, my sister, my father and Joy.” Wendy pauses and she turns to face Irene. “I don’t want to lose you too…”

“What makes you think I will leave you?” Irene asks, she lays her head on Wendy shoulder and they both gaze to the night sky.

“You are a princess Irene…I’m just…me. And your father, he said he only given you a year to live life like this before he forces you to go back to the palace. I know you’re going to say that you will find a way to stay but your father is the future king, and you’re the only heir…I…I don’t know Irene. I want to love you but I’m scare. I want to hold you, to kiss you, to touch you but I’m scare. I’ve been hurt to many times…I…” 

Irene who had enough of Wendy’s rambling, impulsively cupped Wendy’s face and kiss her to shut her up. The kiss send jolt of electricity going thru her whole body when she feels Irene’s soft lips touches hers. Wendy doesn’t know what to do with her hands so she just remain still and letting Irene takes control of what is going on. Irene deepens the kiss and she position herself on Wendy’s lap. The short hair girl was surprised by the sudden movement, but she let Irene do whatever she wants. She didn’t hates it, she likes it. Irene wraps her arms around Wendy’s neck and Wendy wraps hers around Irene tiny waist. Irene broke the kiss when she feels light headed from the lacking of oxygen. 

Wendy opens her eyes and was greeted by Irene brown eyes. Irene cups Wendy face just so that she could make the short hair girl to only look at her.

“Wendy…I don’t know what the future holds for us but…” she pauses and takes Wendy’s hand then place it on her chest.

“Can you feel my heart beat Wendy? It had been beating abnormally whenever you are around. I know you like me more than a friend and I do too…I don’t want to rush thing because I know we both have been hurt before. It hurts that I have to suppress my feeling for you every time we are close. I want to touch you, hold you and kiss you too. People get hurt sometimes, I cannot promise you if I will not leave you, but I can promise you that my feeling right now is solemnly just for you and my heart beats only for you. I know things move too fast for both of us, but your kindness, you being selfless that made me fall for you. I know you had your heart broken so many times but I want to heal it Wendy. I want to be the one who patches your heart, just like how you patches mine. So just let me love you…” Irene confesses.

Wendy tears a bit and she hugs Irene tightly, resting her head on Irene’s chest, listening to her heartbeat.

“Let me love you too…” Wendy replies and they both stay in that position for a while until both got a little chilly and Wendy suggests that both of them to go home, since they still need to go packing for their trip to Canada.

They walking hand in hand to Wendy’s car. Though they’ve been clear about their feelings toward each other but the question that still linger in their head is, what are they? Are they still friends? Lover? Or more than friends but less than a lover?

Irene notices the frown in Wendy’s face so she asked her what’s wrong. Wendy contemplates whether to tell Irene or not. She decided that she doesn’t want to keep anything to herself anymore so she asked her “Irene…what are we? Are we lover now? Or we’re more than friend less than lover?”

Wendy’s question got Irene thinking too. What are they? She like Wendy but she doesn’t know it is love yet. She wants to stay with Wendy, she is certain of it, she likes it whenever she is with Wendy, and she feels warm and safe with Wendy around.

“Let’s take it slow Wendy, let’s not label anything. Let’s just go with the flow. I do not yet, I like you Wendy. I want to fall for you…so please bear with me.” Irene said.

“Even if one day you dislike me and hate me I will still love you.” Wendy thoughts to herself. Wendy smiles at Irene and they both enter Wendy’s car.


Wendy’s Apartment

Once they reached the apartment, both of them went into their room and start packing. Wendy didn’t want to pack a lot of things because she knows she probably won’t be there for long. She’s afraid that she will lose her temper when she faces her father. However because Irene had book a 1 week vacation at Canada, Wendy only could complied and packed enough clothes to last her for a week, and since that it’s almost winter now, she make sure to pack a lot of thick clothes and even remind Irene to do so.

After they have done packing, both of them went to the living room to watch some shows as both haven’t feel sleepy yet. Wendy offered to make both of them hot chocolate. 

“Here you go, Wendy’s special hot choco for the lovely princess.”

Irene giggles at Wendy’s cheesiness and she accepted the hot chocolate, took a sip “Mmm this is good.”

“Glad you like it.” Wendy clicked her tongue and winked.

Irene gave Wendy a side eye when she acted cheesy toward her, and Wendy immediately regretted it. She looked away shyly and her eyes focuses on the shows that was playing on the TV. Irene scooted to Wendy and she nestles herself in Wendy’s embrace.

“You are clingy today.” Wendy said to Irene.

“Can we be like this more often? I like this.” Irene responded.

Wendy response with a kiss on top of Irene’s head and she nods shyly. It’s been awhile since she last cuddles with someone. She does occasionally cuddle with Irene but before they were just mere friends that needed some affection, but now they have confessed their feelings and it was different.



“Can you…promise me one thing?”

“What is it?”

“When I go meet my father…can you…be there with me too? I’m afraid I will lose my temper…I just need someone to be there…”

“I will be there for you. I promise.” Irene cut Wendy off before she could finish her sentence.

“I think I’ve grow attached to you, what am I gonna do when the day you decided to go back to being a princess…” Wendy pouted.

“I will fight for us then.” Irene replied.

Wendy only smiles at the older girl before she holds her closer. They fallen asleep while watching some show about masked singers.


The Next Day


“Yes, all in my bag.”


“In my bag too…”

“Eye mask? Your phone?”

“Yes Irene everything is in my bag already, come on let’s go, our Grab driver is here to pick us up.”

“Let me just do one last check!” Irene hurriedly run to Wendy’s room to make sure that all the switch are turn off, and then to her room, the bathroom, the kitchens and lastly the living room. Once she had confirm that everything is turned off, she grabs Wendy’s hand and they exited the apartment. Irene make sure that Wendy properly locks the door before they headed to the lift. Wendy helps Irene to load her luggage into the Grab car trunk. 


Incheon Airport

“Why are you guys here?” Ryujin asked Jennie when she saw her waving at them.

“Oh so you think only you can go with Wendy to Canada and we can’t?” Jennie scoffed.

Ryujin raises her eyebrow and decides to ignore the petite girl. Despite their age differences, Ryujin is a lot taller than Jennie which always make Jennie have self esteem issues. Lisa always tell Jennie that she is cute that way.

Henry reaches the airport too and he spotted the girls, he waves at the girl and told them to come with him.

“Where are we going?” Yuna asked.

“We’re going to use the VIP entrance.” Henry replied.

“OH WOW WE’RE VIP NOW?!” Lisa shouted excitedly.

Everyone frown at her loudness, Lisa shrugs at them and tell them that she had never had such experience.

“We’re gonna ride private jet…” Henry told them “And don’t worry about the tickets that you guys bought, the airline will refund it to you.”

“Wait…what private jet? Did Irene’s father involve in this trip?” Jisoo asked.

Henry shakes his head to deny the statements, he greets the custom and he told him that the girls are with him and is a guests of Mr.Wayne Son Seunghyun. The custom let them in and give Henry a knowledgeable nod.

“Wendy had it all arrange for all of us. It’ll be convenient if we ride her private jet.”

“WENDY WHAT?!” Rosé shouted in disbelief “NOW TELL ME, WHICH ONE OF YOU AREN’T ING RICH?”

“Language.” Jisoo scolded her girlfriend when she accidentally cursed.

“Sorry Jichu but I didn’t know Wendy-unnie is rich! Jennie is rich but she didn’t have private jet, you’re rich but you didn’t have one either, Ryujin too!”

“Welcome on board to Son’s Group of companies private jet, we hope you enjoy your flight with us, please be seated, just press the call button if you ever need any help or assistance.” a stewardess greet them upon entering the plane.

Henry thanks the stewardess and he turns to face the girls “Look…I was so against the idea of you girls following Wendy back, but since she treat you girls like family, I guess it’s fine, but whatever happen in Canada, please stay away from interfering.”

“Why?” Yeji asked.

“Because I’m a Mafia’s daughter.” Wendy replies, she heard all of their conversation when she in the midst of entering the plane.

All of the girls stare blankly at Wendy before the words sank into their brain “WHAT?!” they all shout.

“Keep your voice down or I’ll have Henry kick you all from this plane.” Wendy jokes, but the girls literally thought she will do so.

“Chill girls, I’m joking, please seat where ever you want and enjoy the ride.” Wendy laughs awkwardly and she leads Irene to their seats leaving the girls still in their disbelief state.

“You’re not gonna explain properly to them?” Irene ask.

“Hmmm…I’ll like to tease them some more.” Wendy replies.

Jisoo, Ryujin and Rosé peep at them from their seat, all 3 look at Wendy and Irene suspiciously. Irene sensed that someone is looking at them so she turns to look and notice that the three are peeping at her. Jisoo, Ryujin and Rosé immediately lower themselves upon Irene’s discovery.

“Do you think they acted weirdly today?” Jisoo whispers

“Yeah I do, they are a bit…clingy?” Rosé whispers back.

“Do you think they are together?” Ryujin asks in whisper.

“Maybe, we made a bet to see when they will confess to each other.” Jisoo whisper to Ryujin.

“But they are very weird together no?” Ryujin asks again.

“Why? It seems like you don’t like that they are together.” Rosé questions the younger girl.

“Oh it’s nothing.” Ryujin shrugs and she peeps at Wendy and Irene again. She sees that Wendy and Irene had fallen asleep, and Irene rested her head on Wendy’s shoulder.

Jennie is patronizing the bar and she orders some drink but Lisa stops her “Nope, no drink for you.” Lisa took the glass and gulps down the drink.

“Yah…” Jennie frowns at Lisa for snatching her drink.

“Listen Nini, we both gotta find a way to stop your addiction to alcohol!”

“Lili, you know that alcohol is the only thing that can calm my nerve whenever I have anxiety.” Jennie replies and make another order to the bartender.

“No, Nini, you gotta learn how to control it.”

“Well I can’t!” Jennie raises her voice and she regretted it when she saw how terrified Lisa look.

“I’m sorry Lisa…I shouldn’t raise my voice at you.” Jennie apologizes and she tries to hug Lisa, but Lisa turn away, look at little sad.

“Lisa…” Jennie calls out to her girlfriend.

“Maybe when you feel a little better…” Lisa replies with sadness in her voice.

Jennie just stood by the bar watching her lover went back to their seat. Jennie wanted to order another drink but she decides not to and then she went back to her seat too. She tries to talk to Lisa but the girl had her eye mask down and was looking to he order side.

Jennie sighs and she decides to read some magazine to kill times.


The light was long, Ryujin couldn’t fall asleep so she decided to go to the toilet to wash her face. She bumps to Irene on the way to the toilet.

“Ryujin.” Irene calls out when Ryujin ignores her.

“What?” Ryujin replies bashfully.

“You okay? You don’t look good today.”

“Ugh, why do you trying so hard to act like a mom to me?” Ryujin grunts.

“Yah…I know that you lost your parents at a very young age, but no one ever told you that you’re being bashful sometimes?” Irene was a little mad at Ryujin’s attitude.

“Having parents and not having parents is just the same, even when my parents still alive, they never really spend much time with me. Now they are dead, at least I don’t have to worry about them nagging me like you do.”

A slap sound echoing in the plane, Ryujin had a blank expression on her face, her cheek start to sting from the slap impact that Irene just landed on her cheek. She holds her cheek and tears were streaming down her face. Everyone had their eyes on the two of them. Except for Jennie and Wendy who had fallen into deep sleep.

“Never ever said things like that…” Irene scolds the pink hair girl “No matter how much you hate your parents, never wish that it was better with them dead.” Irene’s voice start to shakes.

“Then what about you princess?! You ran away from your family and you said you are better of without your parents since they never supported you?! Isn’t that the same?!!” Ryujin fires back angrily.

Irene was ready to slap Ryujin again, and Ryujin flinches when Irene hold up her hand but someone stop Irene from landing another slap.

“Irene, she is just a kid.” it was Wendy who stop her.

Wendy had waken up when she heard some gasping and yelping around and when she opens her eyes she saw that Ryujin and Irene were facing each other. She went up to stop the two of them from escalating things.

“You know what? I’m gonna book a flight back when we reach Canada.I hate you guys!” Ryujin yells and she went to her seat. Her friends try to calm her down but she was fuming and she scolded everyone around her. Chaeryoung was in the verge of tears when Ryujin couldn’t stop attacking all of them. Wendy had enough with the pink hair girl foul’s mood and attitude. She went to her and drag Ryujin to her seat.

“You sit here! I don’t like this attitude of yours! They are your friends! If you are having a bad mood or is angry at Irene then do it to her don’t vent it on you friends!”

Ryujin didn’t replies, she just crossed her arms and closed her eyes. Wendy sighs, she went back to the other Itzy girls to check on them. Chaeryoung was crying, and Yeji busy trying to calm her down.

Irene went to the bar and ask for ice. The bartender gave her the ice and she walks to Ryujin. She wraps the ice in a clean cloth and she gently place it on Ryujin’s reddish and swollen cheek. Ryujin jolted when she feels something cold on her cheek. She opens her eyes and saw Irene smiling sweetly at her. She blushes a bit at their closeness but then went back to her cold self.

“I’m sorry I slapped you…” Irene softly apologize.

Ryujin scoffed without saying anything. Irene gently touch Ryujin’s swollen cheek. She makes Ryujin to look at her “Ryujin-ah…”

Ryujin continues to sulk and ignore Irene.

“Ryujin, listen…maybe I don’t have the right to scold you, you remind me of my younger self a lot…and I don’t want you to make the same mistake I did…I’m a failure as an adult, and princess…but you are still young, I know how it feels to have busy parents. My parents also neglected me when I was young, they put their career and work 1st before me. I was lonely as a kid, I got no friends, I only got the servants and butlers around to entertain me. I’m sorry Ryujin.”

Ryujin finally turn to Irene, she shoot Irene apologetic look, Irene smiles at Ryujin and she caress the younger girl cheek. Wendy who watched from afar got so proud of Irene. The Irene that they thought were cold and distant is actual the most soft and warm person ever.

“Whipped…” Jisoo whispers near Wendy’s ear which made Wendy jolted and almost hit Jisoo on the face.

“Yah! Don’t scare me like that!” Wendy smacks Jisoo on the arms. Jisoo just laugh at Wendy and she wraps her arms around Wendy’s shoulder.

“You my friend, is seriously in love with that princess over there huh.”

“Wha..what are you talking about?” Wendy stutters a bit.

“You can’t lie unnie, we all see it in your eyes, the way you look at Irene is different compare to a few months ago.”

“Well…I’m a mafia’s daughter and she’s a princess…do you think we have a chance?”

“You’re not joking about being a mafia daughter?” Jisoo stares dead into Wendy’s eyes.

“Yes…my father is Wayne Son Seunghyun…if you ever heard of him.”

“THE WAYNE SON SEUNGHYUN?!!” Jisoo screams.

“Sshss…keep it low.”

“Why you never tell us this?!” Jisoo asks Wendy angrily.

“Your reaction is the reason why I don’t want to tell anyone about my family.” Wendy pointed at Jisoo.

“Who is Wayne Son Seunghyun?” Rosé asks.

“Your sister is a lawyer but you don’t know who Wayne Son Seunghyun is?” Jisoo rolls her eyes at her dumb girlfriend.

“She’s the smart one, I’m not interested in this kind of stuff…” Rosé replies.

“I’ll tell you the whole story once we touch down…” Wendy told them before she walks back to her seat. On her way, she saw a news on the TV which made her frowns.

‘Redvelvet Yeri was caught keeping illegal substance and was suspended immediately from all SM and RV activities for further investigation.’

“Oh no…” Wendy gasped. She quickly ask the stewardess to switch off the TV because she didn’t want Irene to see the news and make impulsive decision, for example turning the plane back. Jennie saw the news too, she panicky look at Wendy. Wendy signal to her to keep it between them first and Jennie nodded. Wendy went back to her seat and pretended that nothing happen.

She smiles at Ryujin and Irene “Did you two reconcile?” she asks.

“Yeah we did…” Ryujin replies

Irene notices that Wendy was restless, she asks if she is okay. Wendy just nod and reassure Irene, it was just jet lag. Irene believes her and she continues to chat with Ryujin about her life in the palace. Wendy watches them, she was worried how Irene going to react to the news. She closes her eyes and hopes that they will never reach Canada so that Irene won’t know about the news.




Aah I thought I was going to expose Ryujin’s motive of trying so hard to blend in between Irene and Wendy in this chapter but I can’t fit it anywhere. But I will reveal soon! And Yeri…yes she was frame, wait until irene found out about it. First we gotta deal with Wendy’s side of family first. Will Wendy’s father reacts negatively or positively toward Irene?

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Chapter 67: wow this story is like a roller coaster 😭 I'm glad it ended happily 💖💙
Chapter 49: Who does Wendy have children with???
Chapter 46: Here I thought previously Irene would really move on to someone new 🥲
Chapter 45: I actually don't like it when Irene moves on from Wendy 🤧😩
Chapter 44: Impossible. I cried at this part 😭
Chapter 31: I'm curious about Wendy's health check results
Chapter 27: very domestic 🤧
Chapter 24: Irene's father is annoying 😒
Chapter 23: oh my gosh the story is getting more intense