Chapter 5: Love Is Scary

When The Flower Blooms

7 A.M In The Morning

Wendy woke up feeling groggy. Last night was a roller coaster ride for her, she couldn’t sleep. No matter how she tossed and turned, she just can’t close her eyes. She would occasionally turn to glance at Irene’s back that was facing her. It wasn’t because of Irene that she couldn’t sleep that night, it was her own feeling that keep her awake. It was almost 5am in the morning when she finally be able to close her eyes. She tried to stop herself from taking the sleeping pills, the urge was strong but she managed to stop herself. She turned to her side and see that Irene is already gone, she is not there by her side. Wendy gets up and sit on the bed, scanning her room, she cupped her owned face, sighed loudly and dragged herself out from her bed. She went to her bathroom and washes her face, trying to freshen herself up. She brushes her teeth, brush her messy hair and give herself a peep talk on the mirror.

“Another day to be thankful to be alive!” Wendy cheered herself up.

She exited her bedroom, and she was greeted by laughter and giggled that coming from the kitchen. Wendy walked to the kitchen and she saw Jisoo, Rosé and Irene laughing and chatting while sitting on the dining table.

“Morning Unnie!” Rosé chirped when she saw Wendy standing by the kitchen arch. Irene turned her gaze to Wendy and she smiled at her. Jisoo was too busy with her food that she just greeted Wendy with a wave.

“Morning Chaeyoung ah, how are you feeling?”

“I’m good unnie, I’m just weak when it comes to blood. I’m sorry that I troubled you.” Rosé said.

“No problem at all, it’s all good, though it’s a bit shocking to see Jisoo being soaked in blood last night. You never tell me why you injured your head Jisoo yah.” Wendy seated herself next to Irene.

The two younger girl blushed when Wendy throw them that question. Rosé contemplated whether to tell Wendy about what happened last night. Jisoo was quiet, she pretended that she didn’t hear what Wendy asked.

Irene handed Wendy a plate of pancakes, she picks up maple syrup and chocolate syrup, gesturing to Wendy, asking her which syrup she wants for her pancakes. Wendy pointed at the maple syrup and Irene helped her to pour it on the pancakes. It was so natural, it was like they are a happily married couple at that moment. Jisoo and Rosé look back and forth and then they both looked at each other.

“So…Irene unnie had told us everything about what happened a few days ago. I think that it was so sweet of you to help Irene unnie.” Rosé said with full again. Jisoo pinched Rosé cheek and lightly scolded her to not talk with full. Rosé chuckled shyly and shut to chew her food.

“You told them?” Wendy asked.

“Yes. So you won’t have to tell them.” Irene stated.

“But it was so brave of you to let in a stranger in unnie…” Jisoo said.

“Well I couldn’t let her stay in the rain for the whole night…”

Irene was feeling awkward when the two girl questioning their friend. Irene admitted that they moved too fast. She gets comfortable with Wendy too fast. She hated that but she is not mad at it. At least with Wendy around she can keep her thought away from her ex fiancé.

“Unnie probably was smitten by your beauty Irene.” Jisoo chuckled teasingly.

Wendy almost choked on her orange juice when Jisoo “Yah, Kim Jisoo. She just went thru a heartbreak I don’t think that was a good joke!”

“It’s okay Wendy. I know I am irresistible.” Irene said while flipping her hair jokingly.

Wendy was dumbfounded, that was the first time she heard Irene joking around. Wendy never knew that Irene who always had cold expression on her face can joke like that.

Jisoo leaned toward Rosé and whispered something to her “I think…Wendy likes her.”

“I think so too.” Rosé whispered back.

Wendy’s ear twitched and she looked at the two young girl with a deathly glare, she mentally tell them to shut up, which the two girls understand from her expression.

“Yah, you two still hadn’t tell me the reason why are you two in such a state last night?”

“Did you two had a fight?” Irene chipped in.

“No, we didn’t have a fight!” Rosé protested.

“We kissed.” Jisoo answered which earn a double take from Irene and Wendy.

“You what?” Wendy asked again, trying to confirm Jisoo’s statement.

“Jisoo unnie!” Rosé gasped, her face is as red as the tomato.

“What? You didn’t complain this when I gave you a morning kisses.”

Wendy’s jaw dropped at the information, open agape in disbelieved.

“You two what?!!”


Flashback to 1 hours before.

Rosé stirred up when she felt like someone is poking her on her cheek, but then she stunned, she didn’t dare to open her eyes when she remembered that last night she fainted when she saw Jisoo bleed and she couldn’t remember what had happened after that.

She was afraid that when she opened her eyes and she saw a stranger face looking back at her, even though deep down she knows that Jisoo probably send her home after she fainted, considering that the older girl wouldn’t let even a fly to touch her. However, the humming and the body heat that is pressed against her back made her doubting herself. What is Jisoo unnie to fainted, and they both were hold captive by someone she thought to herself.

“Are you awake?” The voice asked and it sounded so familiar.

“You’re frowning so hard Chaeyoung ah.” The voice laughed at her.

Rosé was relieved when she realized that it was Jisoo’s voice, but why is Jisoo in her bed though, or is it the other way round? Rosé thought to herself.

She slowly opened her eyes and her eyes met with Jisoo’s own brown eyes.

“Good morning princess…” Jisoo greeted the sleepy Rosé.

“Morning…” Rosé replied softly, but then she realized how close their faces were, she gasps and closed with her hand.

“What’s wrong?” Jisoo asked in worrying tone “I’ve put a band aid on my forehead, there’s no blood anymore.” Jisoo touched her forehead to check if it starting to bleed again.

“No…morning breath…” Rosé mumbled while closing with her hand.

Jisoo laughed at the blonde cuteness, she grabbed her wrist and slowly pulled the blonde’s hand away from covering . Rosé resisted at first but Jisoo tickled her and she yelped and tossed around. Jisoo saw that Rosé mouth was free, she quickly leaned in and give Rosé a peck. Rosé was startled by the sudden kiss and her whole body freezed.

“I’m claiming the kiss from last night.” Jisoo explained.

Rosé blushed so hard, she tried to push Jisoo away but Jisoo didn’t even bulging from her spot. She then had Rosé pinned down under her which made the younger girl to gasped. Jisoo leaned in again to claim Rosé lips but Rosé covered which made Jisoo a little pissed. She frowned and look at Rosé asking why.

“Let me brush my teeth first.” Rosé mumbled.

“Your breath is not that bad.”

“Please unnie?” Rosé pleaded.

“Fine…” Jisoo grunted.

Jisoo got up from her and lay flat on her back, giving space for that girl to get up. Rosé sit up and when she wanted to get out from the bed, she realized that the room that they were in is not hers or Jisoo’s room, and then she look down to herself, she also realized that her clothes was changed. She was in black baggy shirt. She tuurned to Jisoo who is laying on her back playing her phone.

“Unnie…” Rosé asked.


“Did…you do anything to me last night?”

Jisoo didn’t move her head toward Rosé but her eyes did “What?”

“This is not your room…nor mine, and where are my clothes?”

Jisoo saw how scared Rosé looked, but she couldn’t help but to “What if I did something to you last night?”

Rosé was terrified at the thought of she just gave her ity away before marriage and her eyes slowly teared up. Jisoo panicked when she saw that Rosé is going to burst up in tear and she quickly sit up and attend to the girl.

“No no Rosie, I didn’t do anything to you last night! I was joking. I only changed your clothes for you, and I didn’t even peak at your body though I wanted to. And we’re at Wendy unnie’s apartment. My phone was dead, and I didn’t know your password so my only option is to come to Wendy unnie.” Jisoo blurted out fearfully, because she feared that Rosé will end up crying.

“Really?” Rosé ask between her sobs.

Jisoo nodded and pull the girl into her embrace “I wouldn’t do those thing to you without your consent, because I don’t want to hurt you and I love you.”

“You love me?”

Jisoo blinked at the younger girl when she heard the word ‘LOVE’ she averted her eyes to avoid the longing stares from Rosé.

“Unnie…can you said it again?” Rosé begged. She cupped Jisoo’s face and slowly turn Jisoo’s face to face her.

“You love me?” Rosé questioned again.

Jisoo shyly nodded her head and again, she can’t look Rosé in the eyes. She felt like they were moving too fast, she wasn’t prepared to say the word love, but it slipped out. She does love the younger girl but she just afraid if Rosé think that it was too fast for them to admit that they love each other.

“Why are you avoiding me unnie?”

“Because…” Jisoo paused, she took a deep breath and brave herself to look into Rosé’s eyes “Chaeyoung ah…do you love me?”

“I…don’t know unnie…”

Rosé’s answer was like an arrow that shoot straight into Jisoo’s heart. She knows Rosé likes her, but love is on another whole level.

“I do like you unnie…like a lot. I really like you a lot, but love is a very scary word. I’ve seen what it done to Wendy unnie…It scares me unnie. I’m scares that if one day…when I realized that I love you but you fall out of love with me…” Rosé’s eyes is getting teary.

“I’m scare too Chaeyoung ah…but I want to try it with you.”


“Love is scary but love also can be a wonderful thing…I’m not going to force you to love me Chaeyoung ah…let’s just start off slowly okay? Can you trust unnie on this?”

Rosé smiled at Jisoo, she caressed the older girl’s cheek before she went in and planted a kiss on Jisoo’s cheek.

“Even if you lied to me I’ll still believe in you unnie, because I know you won’t hurt me.” Rosé said.

Jisoo went in for a kiss and Rosé reciprocated, it was like they are sealing a promise with their kisses. Rosé was the one to broke the kiss first “Pancakes!!” the blondie yelped in happiness.

“Pancakes?” Jisoo was confused.

“Is Wendy unnie preparing us pancakes for breakfast? Because I can smell it from here.” Rosé explained and at the same moment, her stomach growl.

Jisoo could only look at her in disbelieve, Jisoo could swear that Rosé had a black hole in her stomach somewhere because that girl is always hungry and she didn’t even gain weight.

“Oh! About Wendy unnie, she is actually living with someone…”

“She had a girlfriend?!” Rosé was surprised, because she knew that Wendy is still not over her ex.

“She’s a beautiful one too!!”


“Go freshen yourself up and I’ll introduce her to you!” Jisoo said.

End of flashback.


Wendy mouth was wide opened; her eyes were widely open too. Irene who saw Wendy’s reaction, laughed at her. She tried to cover while laughing.

“No you didn’t!!” Wendy expressed in disbelieve.

“Well I did~ I kiss her~” Jisoo replied.

“So does that mean you two were official?” Wendy asked again.

There were no answers from both side which made Wendy to sighed and she reached for the two younger girls hand, and she held them firmly.

“I’m happy for both of you, I’m happy that you are able to tell each other about how you feel about each other, it’s okay if you take things slowly, you don’t have to rush you know, or you will end up like me.”

“Unnie…you know that it was not your fault that you rushed, you loved her so much that you want what’s best for both of you. It was her fault that she couldn’t see it.” Rosé tried to stop the older one from keep blaming herself for what happened.

“What happened?” Irene chipped in, she was curious.

“She once was so in love with someone, but when she planned to proposed the girl decided to break everything off with her, and since then, Wendy unnie had been afraid to fall in love ever again.” Jisoo explained.

“…I’m sorry I shouldn’t have asked such sensitive question…” Irene apologized.

Wendy just smiled at her and shook her head telling her that it’s okay, because it was in her past.

They continued their breakfast in silence when Wendy’s mood suddenly changed. Irene mentally blamed herself for asking such stupid question. “I had to make it up for Wendy…” she thought.

“Do you have class today Rosé?” Wendy’s question breaks the silence atmosphere.

“No, why?”

“Can you two take Irene to buy some clothes? She can’t keep wearing mine. You can use my card.” Wendy passed Rosé her credit card, but Irene stopped her.

“I can pay for myself…you don’t have to do everything for me Wendy-ah.”

“But you don’t have any money left right?”

“I still have a bit…” Irene smiled.

“Well…just take my card, just in case if you needed to buy extra stuff…you know…you can always repay me later.”

“Wow…another whipped person.” Jisoo said sarcastically.

“Kim Ji chu…you better shut your mouth or I am banning you to ever set foot into my apartment ever again.” Wendy warned Jisoo.

“Oh~ I am not scary~” Jisoo replied with her broken English.

“But what about work?” Irene asked.

“You don’t have to worry about it, we can handle it for half of the day.” Wendy looked at the clock on the wall. She saw that it’s almost 9a.m.

“You guys continue with your breakfast, I’m gonna go take bath, I’ll drop you guys off somewhere convenient later. I had to go to buy some raw materials for the café today.” She excused herself leaving the three girls alone.


Wendy dropped the three at the park where Jisoo parked her car. Jisoo had volunteer to be Irene and Rosé personal driver for a day and Wendy thanked her for that. Rosé suggested them to go to Jennie’s boutique, because she said Jennie knows a lot of stuff about fashion, maybe the latter can help them out in choosing outfit for Irene. Jisoo complied and set her GPS to Jennie’s boutique.

The three girls chatted happily on their way to the boutique that Jennie owned, well her family owned it, technically it belongs to Jennie.

“We’re here!” Rosé cheered when she stepped out from the car. Irene exited the mini cooper and she stood there frozen when she saw the boutique “Oh no…” she thought to herself.

A small petite girl came out from the boutique to greet the three of them “Roseanne Park Chaeyoung you better give me a good reason on why I have to be here today with you!” the girl complained while marching toward her friends. She stopped when she saw Irene, she gasped while pointing at Irene “UNNIE!!” the girl exclaimed surprisingly.

Jisoo and Rosé turned their head to Irene and then back to Jennie “You know her?” they asked.

Jennie was about to answered their question when she saw the signal that Irene gave “Do not tell them.” She mouthed to Jennie. Jennie laugh awkwardly trying to cover herself and she shook her head.

“I must have been mistaken her as one of my childhood friend.” Jennie lied. She kept looking at Irene with the guilty look on her face.

“Then your childhood friend must be such a pretty person then if you mistake me as her.” Irene joked, but she did it to help Jennie to cover up her lied.

“Jen always have pretty girls around her, I envy.” Jisoo pouted.

“Well you have Rosé who is always be beside you.” Jennie teased, and she saw that both of the lover birds turn red.

“Let’s come in now…it’s so weird to be talking outside like this…” Jennie invited them inside. Rosé and Jisoo linked arms and step into the boutique first follow by Irene, but Irene was stopped by Jennie. When Jennie saw that Jisoo and Rosé were out of her sight she turned to Irene.

“What’s the meaning of this?” Jennie whispered.

“I’ll explain to you later, for now let just pretend that we don’t know each other.” Irene whispered back.


To be continue…


Oh…who is Irene? Why is her connection to Jennie?

(Sorry that it's a bit short, I'll try to make it longer for next update)

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Chapter 67: wow this story is like a roller coaster 😭 I'm glad it ended happily 💖💙
Chapter 49: Who does Wendy have children with???
Chapter 46: Here I thought previously Irene would really move on to someone new 🥲
Chapter 45: I actually don't like it when Irene moves on from Wendy 🤧😩
Chapter 44: Impossible. I cried at this part 😭
Chapter 31: I'm curious about Wendy's health check results
Chapter 27: very domestic 🤧
Chapter 24: Irene's father is annoying 😒
Chapter 23: oh my gosh the story is getting more intense