Sequel: Chapter 19: The Dilemma of A Mother

When The Flower Blooms

“Irene unnie!!” Yeri shouted for the older woman’s name when she saw her. Yeri puts down her baggage and runs toward Irene.



“Joy! Seulgi!!”

The four of them hug for the first time after a long time. Irene is relieved to see her teams again, though it was only awhile then she met with them at JoyGi’s wedding but she hadn’t had much time to mingle with them because the newly wed had to entertained all of the guests while Yeri is busy to keep her duty as the bridesmaid.

Seulgi looks around to find Wendy but there is no sight of her “Unnie…where’s Wendy?”

“She’s having a meeting with her family…you guys must be tired. Mr. Park can you please show them their rooms?”

The butler bow to Irene “Certainly milady…please come with me.”

As the trio were lead to their rooms, they met with Wendy and her sisters on the midway of the hallway. Seulgi and Joy who felt guilty over what happened couldn’t look at her eyes, they had their head hang low.

“Have you guys eaten?” Wendy asks.

“No…” Joy answers Wendy weakly.

“After you put your stuff in your rooms, come down and have dinner.” Said Wendy to them.

Yeri who can sense the tense air between them starts to have a lot questions raise in her mind. The moment Wendy walks away and they reached Seulgi and Joy’s room, Yeri told the butler that she will stay with JoyGi in their room. The butler asks if they needed extra mattress, Yeri was about to ask for it but then she saw the huge king size bed, she told him there’s no need for extra bed with that size of a bed. Yeri shoos the butler out and quickly close the door.

“Yeri, you’re being rude.” Said Seulgi.

“Who cares!” Yeri shrugs and she throws her baggage onto the big bed then she crossed her arms as she faces the newly wed “Tell me what happened? I sensed that tense when we passed Wendy, something happened right? There must be a reason why Wendy invited us over!”

Seulgi and Joy exchanges glances and their expressions turn dull. Yeri is worried, she loosens her arms and put her arms on her side “Is it bad?” Yeri asked.

“Please have a seat Yeri, I will tell you…”

“Unnie!” Joy tried to stop Seulgi but Seulgi assure Joy with her gaze “We need to tell Yeri, she’s part of Red Velvet, and she’s part of our family right?”

Yeri had never seen the such gleam on Joy’s face, so she decided to take it serious.

“Yeri…what I’m about to tell you, please listen carefully.”


Itzy were horrified when they saw the news and when Ryujin’s face appear on the news, Lia almost fainted. Chaeryeong quickly turn off the TV and ask Lia to rest.

“How can I rest when Ryujin is being hunted out there? She is innocent!”

“We know Lia unnie, but right now, we all need to stay calm!” said Yuna.

Yeji was a little surprised at how the youngest member can act calmly during this situation, but when she saw that Yuna is trembling, she knows Yuna is scared as well. She signals Chaeryeong to go out with her and Chaeryeong did. Yeji make sure to check for the hallway if there’s any suspicious guys going wandering around. As soon as Yeji make sure the line is clear, she turns to Chaeryeong, she asks Chaeryeong to close the door and Chaeryeong did as she is told.

“Look Chaeryeong, I need to go and find Ryujin…”

“Are you insane?! The police are going after her, what if you got caught? People will think you and Ryujin are partner in crime!”

“Ryujin is our friend! She’s my best friend, I can’t allow her to face this alone! Some bad people maybe are after her right now, I have to go and save her!” said Yeji.

Chaeryeong was silent while Yeji looks at her with those puppy eyes. “I promise I will not put our life in danger!”

“Fine…but you have to keep me updated on your location and your situation!”

Yeji hugs Chaeryeong and kisses her on the cheek “I promise I will come back, please take care of Lia and Yuna for me….and oh Chaeryeong ah…”


“When all of this is over, let’s go out on a date.”

“Pardon me?”

Yeji left Chaeryeong hanging as she runs away after popping the question to Chaeryeong, she doesn’t want Chaeryeong to see her blushing face either. Chaeryeong who finally gets what Yeji just said blushed hard and she had to cover her face to hide the blush.


After learning the hard truth, Yeri was speechless. There’s nothing that she can comment on what had happened. The trio decided to go down and have dinner after Seulgi’s stomach gurgle. When they reach the dining room, Wendy and Irene were there, waiting for them. It started to rain outside and the grim atmosphere made Yeri feel sick.

“Ah you guys are here, please have a seat and enjoy your meal.”

“Wendy…I…I wanted to apologize, I’ve learned the truth when Seulgi explained it to me. If…If I didn’t break up with you, maybe all of those thing that happened to you won’t happen…I am the root of the problem.”

Wendy and Irene exchange gazes, they see the guilt in Joy and Seulgi’s eyes. Wendy smiles and she sigh “Joy, Seulgi, what happened in the past happened, the reason I brought you here is because I want to keep you guys safe. After learning that Eric is Seulgi’s cousin and knowing of what he capable of doing, it is better if I keep you girls here. For your own safety.”

“Then what am I doing here?” Yeri questions.

“Yeri, you are part of the Red Velvet. If Eric wanted to do any harm to Seulgi or Joy, but he can’t locate them, you are his next target, I have to keep you safe too…beside, Irene would kill me if I left you out.” Said Wendy and she pointed at Irene.

“What do we do to deserve someone like you…” said Seulgi “And what my cousin had did to you…it was horrible…I…I wanted to apologize on his behalf but…I don’t know how Wendy.”

Wendy put her hand on Seulgi’s shoulder and said “I forgive him for what he did to me in the past, but I won’t forgive him this time now that he tried to come after my family. I am sorry that things have to go this way Seulgi, but I have to do whatever that is fitting to keep my family safe.”

Seulgi understand what Wendy tried to say, so she nods, she turns to Joy who still has that sadness in her eyes. She turns back to Wendy and whispers to her “Wendy, can you talk to Joy, she can’t stop blaming herself for what happened to you.”

Wendy peeks over to Joy, she turns her head to Irene’s direction, asking for Irene permission to approach Joy. Irene smiles at Wendy and she nods at her, allowing Wendy to have some privacy with Joy. When they broke up, Joy keeps thing hanging between them, now it’s time for the two of them to settle it once and for all.



“Can I talk with you for a second? Privately?”

Before Joy could ask for her wife’s permission, Seulgi already speaks up “Go, you two need to talk to each other and sort things out.”

Wendy leads Joy to the garden, it was a little chilly so she offers her cardigan to Joy, which Joy reluctantly accepts. They sit at the patio watching the stars in the night sky.

“We used to like watching the stars together.” Said Wendy out of the blue.

“Yeah, and you would sing me song with your guitar…I kinda miss those moment…ah! But don’t get me wrong Wendy, I…”

Wendy chuckles and she pats Joy on the head “Yeah I know, you’re happily married now, and I’ve met the love of my life, we’re cool. I’m truly happy for you…the only regret that I have is, I never properly accepted our break up. It haunts me for years, then when I had Iris and adopted Ryujin, they managed to filled the empty void that you left, but it was far from perfect until I met with Irene. For the first time, I feel like my world is complete…though it was a little weird to think about the circumstances that we met and for her to be your wife’s exes…I guess the world is small after all… fate is a strange thing huh.”

Joy smiles at Wendy, for a moment, she was able to see the old Wendy that she knows, the kind and gently Wendy that she fell in love with. She is happy to see that she still can see that smiles on Wendy’s face. She remembers how dull Wendy is before Irene appears in her life. She is happy for Wendy too.

“Joy I know I was a jerk when you decided to break up with me 4 years ago…and it’s not your fault…I know how much you value your career, and now you don’t have to worry about SM controlling you anymore. I’ve bought the whole company.” Said Wendy and Joy choked on her own saliva when Wendy said that she bought SM.

“You what?”

“What makes you think Sungjae changes his mind last minute?” Wendy winks at Joy.

Joy agapes in disbelieve, when she dated Wendy, did she knows that Wendy is rich? She knows Wendy is living in a pretty expensive neighbourhood, but she didn’t expect her to be so rich. When she came to the manor today, she is more than surprised to see the size of the manor and the land.

“I’m sorry that I hide my real identity from you when we dated back in high school, I’m Wayne Son’s daughter, the heiress of the Son property in South Korea and Canada, though, our family business doesn’t limit to that…we’re run a mafia clan, and my sister currently she’s the head of the mafia group.”

“You’re a what?”

“Seulgi knows it.”

“Wh…why do you decide to tell me now?” Joy asks.

“I want to come clean, we both should, when you broke up with me, you left me hanging, nothing was explained, you just walked out of my life Joy. I was depressed, I tried to kill myself but Henry told me it wasn’t worth it. I got into drugs and alcohol and then I met Henry, whom I thought was a nice guy. He was a monster when I couldn’t give him what he wants. It was not your fault for whatever happened to me. It was my own fault, but I didn’t resent it, because if it hadn’t happened I don’t think I will meet with Ryujin, and there will be no Iris, and it wouldn’t lead me to Irene either…I am grateful. So can you promise me this?” Said Wendy and she hold out her pinky finger.

Joy looks at Wendy confusedly but Wendy urges her to hold up her pinky too. “Promise me you won’t blame yourself for what happened, and live happily with Seulgi, let’s forget what happened in the past and let’s be friend from now on.”

The two of them sealed their promises with their pinkies, Joy is glad that Wendy had change for the better. She pull Wendy into a hug “Thank you Wendy.” She whispers.

“You’re welcome…come on, let’s go back inside, you must be hungry.”


Old Building Behind JYP High

Yeji carefully enter the building, avoiding all of the rubbles on the floor. “Ryujin….Ryujin are you here?” Yeji calls out. Yeji takes her phone and opens the flashlight as she ventures deeper into the building. When they were delinquents, they used to come to the old building to skip class and play truant. Yeji guts tell her that Ryujin must have come to this place because whenever they had problem back then, Ryujin always ask Yeji to hide in this place.



Yeji dropped her phone when Ryujin suddenly appears behind her “What the Ryujin! Don’t scare me like that!”

“Turn off your flashlight, you might attract people to come in here.”

Yeji takes her phone and turn off her flash, she checks her phone and see that the screen is cracked “Great Ryuddaeng, my phone screen is cracked!”

“I’ll get you a new one…come follow me.”

Yeji follows Ryujin to a dark room that’s located at the third floor of the building. Ryujin opens the door and she turns on the light to reveal different kind of guns that is being displayed on the table there. “Ryujin! What the hell is this?”

“I contacted some of my men here in Seoul and ask them to provide me some of this.”

“Are you insane? What are you going to do with this guns?!”

“I’m gonna kill that bastard that causes all this!” said Ryujin in rage.

“Ryujin, please think carefully! You can get kill if you go in unprepared! I think you should call your grandfather for help!”

“If I call him, he’s going to kill Wendy for failing to take care of me, and my face is all over the news, I think he knows about it, and he’s probably gonna fly over here this moment. So I need to settle it myself without getting my grandfather involved!”

Yeji was silent for a while, she was in her thinking mode. She then grabs one of the gun which made Ryujin to swat it off her hand “Oh no you’re not Yeji! I’m going alone!!”

“What you want me to see my best friend getting kill out there? Dying alone can be lonely Ryujin, at least if we die together, we can become ghost and haunt people.” Said Yeji.

“That’s the point! If I died, at least you’re still alive and can take care of Lia for me.”

Yeji shakes her head and holds Ryujin’s shoulder “No, that’s why I’m here, to keep you alive, I promised Lia that I will make sure that you are safe, beside, she chose you, not me. Whether you want it or not, I am coming with you!”

Ryujin wanted to disagree with Yeji but she knows she is wasting her time, so she decided to let Yeji come with her. She opens a duffle back that was under the table and takes out Kevlar vest. Ryujin asks Yeji to wear the vest for her safety. “How about you Ryujin? If you’re not going to wear it then I won’t wear it either!”

“I had mine under my jacket.”

“Okay fine…”

Ryujin puts on the shoulder gun holster and loaded her full loaded 9mm handguns in the holster. She looks over to Yeji who struggle to put on the holster, then she realized, if they get caught Yeji will get caught too, and since her friend already had her name blacklisted for the crime she did in the past, Ryujin panicked and she looks around but couldn’t find what she wants. She looks at her own hand and pulls out her gloves “Yeji…wear this, we don’t want your finger print on the guns…”


“I’ll be find…just wear it!”



Seunghee was busy in her office when her butler barge in “Milady!!”

“Yes Mr. Park? Can’t you see that I am busy? The death of our driver is a shock, how am I going to answer to his family? His kid is only 1 years old!! How am I going to explain to his kid when he grows up? I am going to kill BM and Eric for messing with my family!”

Seunghee treated everyone like family members, even for her servants, she was horrified at the death of her driver and she was furious at the brutal way he was killed.

“Milady, Ryujin’s grandfather is coming, his representative is here…”

“He must have seen the news…”

“He did…”

“Go get Wendy.”




BM barges into his office and sees that Eric is flirting with some girls on his couch. He shoos the girls out and pointed at Eric “You are dead man you’re dead!” BM shouted at him.

“What man? Why are you saying that?”

“I told you I’ll help you and lend you my men but why the did you instruct them to ambush that teenage girl?! I told you we do it my own way! I was going to go there and talk to the kid, then I saw my men died in the elevator, and I don’t remember sending them to go and ambush the girl! What did you do?!!”

“Hey man, if we’re gonna go your way, it’s not gonna work, I’m not gonna sit here and wait for that woman to come to me with my daughter! Man, did you know if I can bring my daughter back to the state, my dad is going to name me the next heir to his business because I gave him his first grandchild! The next generation of the Nam family! I need that kid.”

“You’ve change Eric…you’ve changed…”

Eric scoffs and said “You’ve become soft BM, and people are losing their respect on you.”

BM got triggered and he pulls out his gun pointing it at Eric’s head, but the bastard didn’t even flinch “You don’t dare to pull the trigger Matthew, because you’re weak.”

“Don’t test me!”

Suddenly there’s a click sound, and BM averted his eyes to see who is it, it was Jseph, pointing his gun at BM “Bro…” BM called for his right hand man.

“I’m sorry BM, you’ve become weak, and Eric offer us better leadership. I will have to execute you…”

BM drops the gun and put his hand in the air “Come on bro, we are like brothers no? Why are you doing this?”

Eric picks up the gun on the floor and shoots BM on the thigh. “AARGH!!!”

“Takes him to the warehouse.” Said Eric.

“Yes boss…”

“And Jseph, did you already lure that kid in?”

“Yes boss, she had taken our bait, she should be here soon.”

“Good…” Eric smiles.


Ryujin stole a car and drive to the location that her men had told her. Yeji begins to doubt their action but she needs to be beside Ryujin to keep her safe. They reached the underground club, but Ryujin park their car far away to avoid getting attention from the people there.

Ryujin looks over to Yeji and said “This is it Yedong, once and for all…”

“Once and for all…”

The two get out of the car and slowly make their way to the club, they were stop by the bouncer at the entrance “ID.”

“We forgot.” Said Ryujin.

“We can’t let you in without ID and if you don’t have membership.” Said the bouncer.

Ryujin exchange gazes with Yeji and Yeji gets the signal Ryujin tried to give her. Yeji swung her arms and landed a punch on the guy’s face. The bouncer crouch and Ryujin takes the advantage to kneed him on the guts before they karate chop him on his neck leaving the poor bouncer out on the entrance.

The club is empty when they walk in, despite the loud music that is playing. Ryujin saw that someone is sitting the middle of the dance floor. It was a little bit dark so Ryujin had to squint to see properly. She gasps when she figures out who is the figure “Lia!” she shouted and she runs toward the unconscious Lia. Yeji who has better eye sight notice that it isn’t Lia at all, and she realized that it’s a trap. Yeji tries to catch Ryujin when she saw there’s a guy hiding in the dark with gun and he is aiming at Ryujin.

“Ryujin!!” Yeji runs toward her friend and she takes out her gun to fire at the guy. Ryujin and Yeji fallen on the ground and people start shooting all around them. Yeji drags Ryujin to take cover behind the bar.

“Why didn’t you save Lia?!” Ryujin shouted at Yeji.

“That’s not Lia!! Look properly!! Open your eyes!!”

Ryujin peeks at the lifeless body on the dance floor and see that the wig had fallen off and it was indeed not Lia. Ryujin sees there is a group of men coming toward them with gun and weapon. Ryujin takes out her gun and get ready “Yeji…thanks.”

“We’re all in this together Ryujin…” said Yeji.

Ryujin nods at Yeji and she says “There’s a group of man in weapon walking toward us, In count of 3, I want you to run toward the exit…”


Yeji takes a deep breath and hold up her gun “Two”


The two of them gets up and begins shooting at the group of people, but they are outnumbered. Yeji tried to fight with her bare hand after she runs out of bullet. She looks over to Ryujin and sees that Ryujin is engaged in a fist fight after one of the man managed to takes her gun away from her. Yeji picks up the broken chair on the ground and uses it as weapon.

Yeji makes way to Ryujin and helps her friend. Ryujin punches on of the man on his jaw and kicks another one on the groins “I thought I told you to go!”

“I thought you were coming with me! I can’t leave you alone here! Head duck!!”

Ryujin ducks her head and Yeji swing the chairs, smashing it on the attacker. “Yeji back kick!” said Ryujin.

Someone suddenly fire a shot and it hit Ryujin on the Shoulder. Ryujin falls on the ground and the men start beating her up. Yeji tried to stop them but she was badly beaten herself.

“That’s enough! I need her alive!”

The men step aside to make way for Eric. Eric walks toward Ryujin, he saw Yeji too but he just kicks her aside. Eric crouch and pulls Ryujin up by the hair “Tch, never thought it was this hard to catch you, you are skilled kid, who the hell are you?”

Ryujin spits at Eric face “ you, what do you want from my family?!”

Eric wipes away the bloody spits on his cheeks “Oh Wendy never told you eh? I’m her one and true love, Iris’s father. I know Wendy is a lesbian but she gave herself to me and we had Iris…”

Ryujin tries to punch Eric but she was too weak, her whole body tremble from the pain. Eric blocks Ryujin’s punch and twister her arms causes her shoulder to be dislocated and due to the pain Ryujin fainted.

“Ryujin!!” Yeji shouted for her friend and Eric takes the gun on the floor and aim it at Yeji but Yeji was lucky that Jseph stop Eric “Boss, she is just a kid, let her go.”

Eric drops the gun and instruct Jseph to carry their body to the warehouse. Jseph bows to Eric and when Eric is gone with the rest, Jseph looks down on Yeji who is still conscious. He crouches next to Yeji and Yeji got alerted, Yeji tried to kick Jseph but Jseph managed to block the kick “Hey kid, listen, if you want your friend to be safe, follow my instruction okay. I’m not the bad guy, I’m here trying to safe you.”


“Wendy, you told me you will take care of my Ryujin….”

“Yes I understand…It was my fault…But don’t you worry, I will take care of her, I will clean her name and image. This I can promise you.”

“I will be there tomorrow morning, and I want to talk to you. And find my granddaughter!”

“Yes, I will arrange for pick up at the airport, I will find her don’t worry.”

Ryujin’s grandfather’s henchman hangs up the call and he excuse himself. Wendy asked the butler to lead him out.

“Wendy…” Irene approaches Wendy to check on her “You okay?”

“Yeah…” Wendy smiles at Irene “I’m okay…”

Irene hugs Wendy to comfort her, Wendy rested her head on Irene’s shoulder, taking all of Irene’s warmth in. Their intimate moment was interrupted by Wendy’s phone. Wendy checks on it and see that an unknown number is trying to have a video call with her. Wendy picks it up and she almost cry when she saw a Ryujin with blood all over her.

“Hello Wendy…”


“I know everything about you Wendy, I know that you adopted this girl a few years ago, and if you want this girl to be safe…give me Iris…”

“I won’t forgive you if you hurt Ryujin…” Wendy said with her teeth gritted.

“We’ll do exchange Wendy, give me Iris and I’ll let this kid go, oh and she brought a friend too~” said Eric and he pans the camera away from Ryujin to show Wendy Yeji who is all tied up on the floor.

“I’ll send you the location, be here before 12 if you want to your Ryujin to stay alive.”

“Eric! Eric!!!”

“Wendy what are we going to do?!” Irene got panicked.

“I’m going to meet him…”

“Are you insane? You’re really going to exchange Iris for Ryujin’s safety?!”

“Ryujin is my girl too Irene! Both of them I love them! How do you want me to choose?!”

“I love Ryujin too, Wendy! I don’t want Iris to get involved! She is just a baby!!”

“What choice do I have Irene?!” Wendy yells back and she breaks down in tears “I don’t want to lose both of my babies…”

Irene holds Wendy and she hugs her, giving Wendy the comfort that she needed. Irene herself is in dilemma, she doesn’t want to lose Ryujin but she certainly doesn’t want Wendy to bring Iris to meet with Eric.

Seunghee walks into the room and saw her sister and future sister in law both sitting on the floor crying. She must have guessed what happened, she approaches them “Wendy, Irene.”

“Unnie…” Wendy wipes her tears and look up to her sister “We need to find Ryujin now…she’s in danger.”

“I know…”

“You know?”

“Naeun had a friend in BM’s gang circle, she contacted him and told him what happened, and he is willing to help us, and he told me what had happened. But he can’t guarantee Ryujin’s safety, so he will help us to get Ryujin to safety once we raid their place. I’ve gather our men…I know this is a very hard decision, but we need to bring Iris together.”

“Can’t you find a decoy? Do we really need to bring Iris?” Irene asks.

“Seunghee, the men are ready.”

“Henry?!” Wendy was surprised to see him there.

“Wendy, I promised you, Iris will be safe, I will assure her safety.”

“Why are you surprised to see Henry? He’s one of our house’s member, of course he is going to join us for the raid!” said Seunghee.

Wendy gets up and she straightened herself up, wiping away her tears. She offers her hand to help Irene to get up too.

“Wendy…” Irene calls for Wendy.

“Unnie, I will join you later, I need to speak to Irene for a moment.” Said Wendy to her sister.

“Make it quick. I’ll go wake Iris up…”

“Wendy, please tag me along…” Irene begs.

Wendy hugs Irene to silent her, Irene closes her eyes and wraps her arms around Wendy’s waist tightly “Please…Wendy…” Irene cries.

“Stay here with the girls, I promise you I will be back…and I will bring Iris and Ryujin back too.”

“I want all of you to come back safely…please…promise me that.”

Wendy kisses Irene on the forehead to seal her promise “I promise, but before that…” Wendy kneels down.


“I…I know this is not the right time. I’ve been thinking about it a lot lately, when I had a talk with Joy earlier, I realized, before this, I was content with my life, with Ryujin and Iris, but it was far from complete. That was until I met you, it was bizarre to think that you have a dream about meeting me when you’re in coma, and the funny thing is you got all of my information correct. I don’t care if we’re moving too fast, so Irene Bae, when I return back safely, will you marry me?”

Irene bends down to kiss Wendy “Yes Wendy, yes!” Irene sits on Wendy’s thigh as their kisses deepened. Wendy had to break the kiss for some air, and Irene pulls her back in. Until Naeun came in to interrupt them. Iris was sleeping on Naeun’s arms and Naeun looks like she is disgusted by what she just seen.

Irene shyly gets up from Wendy’s thigh and she excuses herself. Wendy watches Irene walks away then she scowls at Naeun “You’re ruin my moment.”

“Oh yeah? Ryujin’s life is depending on us now but here you are kissing your ‘lover’?”

“Shut up and give me Iris!”

Naeun hands Iris to Wendy and Wendy’s heart suddenly becomes heavy, Iris is too young to witness what’s about to happen but she got no choice. Naeun puts her hand on Wendy’s shoulder which surprise Wendy because that’s the first time Naeun touch her without actually trying to beat her up.

“We will save them, and I promise that I will keep Iris safe too…and Wendy, don’t try to get yourself kill because we still need to settle our last bet.”

Wendy smiles, she softly punches Naeun on the cheek. “Let’s go sister. Ryujin need us.”


Ryujin can hear someone is calling for her, but her head feels to heavy. Ryujin tries to open her eyes and when she finally opens her eyes she was in someplace unknown, she looks around and sees Yeji lying on the floor all tied up and were gagged.

“Hey! Hey young girl!”

Ryujin tilts her head up and sees a half- man hanging up and down on a meat hanger “You good?” he asked.

Ryujin wanted to speaks but she realized is covered by tape. She only can mumble and tried to break herself free and she did. She was surprised how loose was the knots on her wrists. She removes the tape on and goes to Yeji.

“Hey young girl, can you help me to get down from here?”

“Who are you? And what is this place?” Ryujin asks.

“Let me down first and I will let you know, we are all here because of Eric, look I’m sorry my men attacked you, Eric instructed them without my permission, he somehow brainwashed all of my men. I don’t want to hurt you girls.”

Ryujin feels like she can trust this guy, she pulls a chair close to BM and climb it to untie the knots on the hanger in order to release BM from the hook. BM falls down on the ground and he groans in pain “Geez, you could at least warn me!”

Ryujin goes to Yeji and untie her, she checks on Yeji’s pulse and is glad that she is still alive, though she is badly beaten. Ryujin turns to BM who is badly beaten as well and noticed that he was shot on his thigh. Ryujin recognized BM’s tattoo, because she had seen those tattoo on the men that attacked her at her house and the hospital earlier.

“You’re their leader aren’t you?”

“Ex-leader, now Eric back stabbed me and steal all of my men, come on, I gotta get you girls outta here.”

“Why are you helping us?” Ryujin asks as she starts to get suspicious of BM.

“That guy is a monster, we used to be good friend back when we’re still in university. When he came to me asking for help, I helped him but I didn’t expect he will misuse the power I gave him. Look, whatever happened at your apartment I am sorry, I’ll pay for your friend hospital bills and I’ve already instruct people to move your friends to a safer place. I tried to stop Eric, I told him I will help him to get his daughter if he does it my way. I was going to meet up with you and his ex-girlfriend and talk things out, but I didn’t expect he will instruct people to go to the hospital and try to kidnap you, because he wants to use you to lure his ex out.”


“He wants Iris Son, if what he told me is true, he said Iris is his daughter, and he wants to take her back to the states and claim his heritance to the Nam family fortune. It’s a long story kid, all you need to know now is I gotta get you to safety, so that we can save your little sister.”

“I don’t understand why are you helping me!”

“You don’t have to understand! Jseph told me what happened and he planned this, he’s friend with Naeun. I don’t believe him when he told me what Eric did, but after seeing the things that he did to you girls, I starting to doubt Eric. So stop asking questions and follow my lead!”

BM peeks outside and saw 2 men are coming toward the room. BM quickly shush the Ryujin and he put the tape back on “Listen kid, there are men coming over, I need you to pretend that you’re still tied, when they come in I will smashed their head with this.” Said BM as he holds up the meat mallet.

Ryujin goes back to the chair where she was tied and pretended to be out. BM hides behind the door and he hits the first men with the meat mallet and fractured the man’s face. BM then punched the other man and takes his gun as he shoots him. BM search for the other’s guy gun and toss it to Ryujin.

“Wait! I can’t leave my friend here!”

“Don’t worry, you go out, I’ll carry her, quick! Before the others come!”

Ryujin walks out first to make sure that the line is clear, BM follows behind limping while carrying Yeji on his back.

“You okay?” Ryujin asks him.

“Eric shot me on my thigh, I can still walk, I might slow you down, so just walk.”

“Give me her, I can walk faster.”

“And with what do you want to carry her with? Your shoulder is dislocated ain’t it?”


Wendy and her sisters reached the warehouse. Henry is in position with the other mafia members somewhere outskirt to avoid gathering attention from BM’s men. Wendy looks at Iris who sleep soundly on her shoulder. Tears began to form in her eyes, she tilts her head up to avoid it from falls.

“Wendy, here’s the plan. Naeun’s friend will rescue Ryujin from the inside, we meet with Eric and you have to demand that you wanted to see Ryujin first before you hand Iris to him. They will go to get Ryujin but Ryujin won’t be there, and we tell him no Ryujin then no Iris. In case they take out their guns, I want you to press this button and it will alert Henry, and runs out of here as fast as you could, Naeun and I will take care of the people inside.”

“Unnie! What if you die? They got guns!”

“Why did you think out of us three, dad choose me to take over the leadership and not you two?”

Wendy and Naeun look at each other and then back to Seunghee “Because you are his eldest daughter?”

Seunghee rolls her eyes and ignores her sister. She goes back to the car and take out an ear muff, she puts it on Iris “This will muffle the sound…”

Iris wakes up when she feels something on her ears. She opens her eyes and see Wendy “Mommy…”

Wendy kisses her daughter and she takes off the ear muff off Iris “Iris…Ryujin unnie had been capture by bad guys, and we’re here to save her. Can you promise mommy one thing?”

Iris who is still sleepy nods her little head “I want to swave Jin unnie…”

“Yeah, we will save her…but you gotta put this on okay?”

Iris nods and she allows Wendy to put the ear muff back on. Naeun caress Iris’s cheek, she feels guilty for Iris, Seunghee only watches silently. If she got a choice, she wouldn’t want to involve Iris in this mess.

“Let’s go in girls.”


Jseph approaches Eric and says “Boss, they are here.”

Eric spins on his chair to face Jseph “Bring them in.”

Jseph instruct his men to bring Wendy and her sisters in. The men escorted the girls in and once they are in, Jseph ask some men to guard the door.

“Wendy~ I missed you babe!”

“Quit the talking, give me Ryujin!”

“I see you brought friends over.” Said Eric while pointing at Naeun and Seunghee with his gun “Check ‘em…” said Eric to his men.

“Hey! How dare you touching a woman without her consent?!” Seunghee scolded one of tha man when he touches her shoulder.

“We come here empty handed Eric, give us Ryujin.”

“No, you give me Iris before I give you Ryujin…”

Wendy take a steps back but Jseph stops her “Give him the baby…”

“Hey! Eric right? How the hell do we know if Ryujin is still alive if you refuse to hand her over to us?!” said Naeun.

Eric gets up from his chair and gesture for one of his men to go and get Ryujin. “Have a seat while my man gets Ryujin.”

“These are BM’s men and not yours! What did you do to him?” Naeun yells at Eric.

“BM? He got soft, these men want a real leader who can carry on the KARD Gang legacy am I right fellas?!”

“YEAH!!!” everyone in the room shouted.

Eric tries to get close to Wendy and Iris but Iris got scared and she hides her face in Wendy’s shoulder. Eric got offended by Iris’s reaction but he tries to sway her with sweet words “Iris…hey, baby, this is your daddy…”

“Get your hand of my daughter!”

Eric grabs Wendy’s hand before it could land on his face “Ah-ah, correction Wendy, she’s our daughter.” Said Eric.

“Iris, I am your daddy, come to daddy…”

“No!!” Iris cries when Eric touches her arm and try to take her off Wendy. Wendy pushes Eric away and shields Iris from him “Get away!”

The man that Eric sent to get Ryujin returns, he looks panicked and he whispers something to Eric. Eric’s eyes bulge when he heard that Ryujin, BM and Yeji is gone. He hears a clicked and it was Jseph aiming his gun at him. Eric laughs at the situation “Of course…why would a loyal right man would betray his boss…”

“I’ve had enough with your shenanigans Eric, you’re going to let these ladies go.”

“What makes you think I won’t come out with a second plan?” Eric said to them and he snaps his fingers. The other gang members take out their guns and aim it at Jseph.

“Now, Wendy, give me Iris…”

“….” Wendy stays silent and she secretly presses the button that Seunghee gives her. Eric put the gun on Wendy’s head and Iris got scared of the gun, so she starts crying. “Give me Iris!!” he demanded.

“Don’t hurt mommy!!” Iris cries.

“Iris, come to daddy and daddy won’t hurt mommy.” Eric tries to persuade Iris.

Iris refuses to go to Eric and Iris clings tighter to Wendy, Eric is getting agitated. “Why do you need Iris so much Eric?”

“Iris is the only next generation of Nam family, and she’s the ticket to my fortune! Whichever Nam that can give my father the first grandchild will get the family fortune, and she is a Nam!”

“You only wanted Iris for your own interest? I am not giving her to you!”

“Fine.” Said Eric and he shoots Naeun on the stomach.

“Naeun!!” Seunghee and Wendy rushes to their half-sister.

Seunghee cradles Naeun in her laps. Naeun gasps for air while looking at her sisters “Save…Don’t give him …. Iris…Wen…Wendy…” Naeun gasps.

“Aunt…Na…na…” Iris cries.

Once again Eric taunts Wendy “Give me Iris, Wendy. Or the other girl is next!”

“Seungwan…do not hand Iris to him, no matter what he does…”


BM and Ryujin stops when they heard gunshots and a toddler crying. Ryujin stops BM and she frowns at him “You told me your plan is going to work!! That is Iris’s voice out there!!!”

BM shushes Ryujin because he afraid that her voice will catch the other’s attention. “It supposed to work! Jseph said it will work! You take your friend and get outta here, I will go in and check on what’s going on!”

“No! I am going!”

BM and Ryujin were alerted when a black van come toward them. The van stop in front of them and Henry steps out from it. Ryujin is happy to see Henry, she runs toward him and hugs him “Henry, we need to go back in, my mom she is in trouble, and why is Iris here?”

“The plan is for BM to lead you out, and when Eric couldn’t show you to Wendy, Wendy takes Iris out, Seunghee and Naeun will be there to stops Eric, but something must have happened, because she pressed the SOS button. Your shoulder, I need you to get out of here, and I will go in to rescue them okay?”

“I’m going in too! I heard a gunshot and Iris is crying!”

“Ryujin no, our mission is to ensure your safety, and I’m not letting you back in! You even hurt your shoulder!”

“Hey hey! More people are going to die if you two continue arguing!” BM gets in between them. As soon as he said that, another gunshot is fired. Henry instructs his men to carry Yeji in the van and guard outside while they go in.


Eric fired another gunshot and it hits Seunghee’s earlobe. Seunghee screams in pain and Iris’s crying intensify.

“Give me her or the next shot going to be her head!!”


Wendy looks at her sisters. One is dying another one just got shot on her ear. Wendy wipes Iris’s tears and she shushes her. “Iris…listen to mommy…you know mommy always said that mommy will always find you?”

Iris nods while looking at Wendy with her doe eyes. Wendy slowly pries Iris arms around her neck “Mommy?”

“Iris…I want you to go with that man…”

“Mommy…I don’t want! He is scary.” Iris cries.

“Iris…be a good girl and listen to mommy…if you don’t go with him…aunt nana and aunt hee will get hurts…”

Iris head goes back and forth from Seunghee and Naeun who are lying on the floor in pain. She nods to agree with her mother, Wendy wanted to cry but she doesn’t want Iris to cry too. Wendy slowly put Iris down and ushers her to go to Eric.

Eric had the evilest smile on his face as he welcomes Iris into his embrace. “Hi, baby, I’m your daddy…”

“Let my sisters go now that you have her!”

“Tell you what Wendy…I’ll let them go and send them to the hospital right now, if you…follow me too. I mean, we can be a happy family together.”

Naeun tries to stop Wendy but she couldn’t find her voice, while Seunghee was speechless that Wendy let Iris go with Eric. Seunghee looks up in disbelieve when she heard Wendy say “I’ll go with you.”

Seunghee grabs Wendy by the ankle trying to stops her, but Wendy kicks away her sister’s hand and proceed to walk to Eric.

Iris reaches out for her mother and Wendy quickly takes Iris from Eric. Eric wraps his arm around Wendy and lead them away. Before he goes, he turns back one last time to gestures at his men to kill them off. Jseph knows what the gesture mean, so he subtly alerted Seunghee. The moment Eric, Wendy and Iris are out of sight, the gang members circle them. Jseph puts up his hands and said “Guys, we used to be brothers, and you guys chose that man over our big brother Matthew?”

“Eric pay us good.”

“Oh I see, y’all just wanted the money…well shame on you!” Jseph takes out a hidden gun he hides in her coat and start firing at them. He picks up one of the gun on the floor and toss it to Seunghee.

Henry, BM and Ryujin barge in with machine guns in their hands, the gang members stops beating up Jseph and firing gunshots at Jseph. “Everybody FREEZE or I will ing shoot you!! You bastards betrayed me huh!!!” BM shouted and fire blindly at the ceiling.

Ryujin saw Naeun and Seunghee on the ground, so she rushes toward them and she gasps at Naeun’s wound “No Naeun unnie no! Henry! We gotta get Naeun unnie to the hospital! Seunghee unnie, are you okay?”

“Eric got Wendy and Iris, we need to go after them!”

BM stands in front of them to protect them from his ex-members “Go now kid, I will take care of things from here.”

Henry throws his machine gun to Jseph and he carries Naeun to the exit. Seunghee gets up and runs to the exit as well, but Ryujin take a second look back.

“Hey muscle man! Don’t get kill…”

BM puts his thumb up “See you around kid, now get outta here!”

Jseph blows his nose to clear all of the bloods in his nose and he joins BM side by side “Like old time huh bro, just the two of us?”

“Yeah…like old time…let’s kick these motherers’ asses for messing up our Kard name!!”


Wendy heard the gunshots when they are leaving the warehouse she turns to Eric “You said you will let them go!!!”

“Oh, they must have misunderstood what I said.”

“You are a monster!!!” Wendy wants to lunge toward him and choke him but Eric was quicker, he already had his gun on Iris’s head.

Wendy backs up and takes Iris from his lap and protectively hugs her. She glares at him but he only smiles at her.


Henry carries Naeun into the van together with Yeji “I want you to get them to the hospital asap!” Henry instructs one of his men.

“Seunghee unnie! Do you know where that bastard took my mom and sister to?” Ryujin asks.

“I planted a tracking devices on Iris’s ear muff, Henry, activate the GPS in my car. Ryujin I want you to go with our men to a safer place. I will go save your mother.”

“I’m going!”

“Ryujin! Don’t be stubborn! We promised your grandfather that we will save you and keep you save! So go!”

“No! I am going with you! Henry oppa take me with you!!”

Henry starts the car and ask them to get in “If we don’t go now we might lose the GPS signal! Get in the car now!”


Irene keeps tossing around, she can’t sleep. She has Wendy’s cardigan with her because she thought it will ease her anxiety but it doesn’t. Irene gets up and decided to go to the kitchen to drink some water. Irene gets herself a glass of water and the glass slips from her grip. The glass smashed on the floor and Irene panicked. She tries to picks up the broken pieces but she accidentally cuts herself.

“No…this is not a good feeling…Wendy!”

Irene runs up to Red Velvet room, she bangs on the door to wake them up. “Seulgi! Joy!! Yeri!!”

Seulgi opens up the door and finds the frantic Irene crying outside of their room “Irene unnie? What’s wrong?”

“Seulgi…let’s go out and find Wendy, please, I have a bad feeling, we need to go find her.” Irene begs.

“Unnie calm down please…. her sisters are with her, she will be fine.” Seulgi tries to calm the frantic Irene.

Irene shakes her head “No, you don’t understand…please…we need to go out and find her…she is in danger.”

Seulgi looks back to her wife and member, Joy gets off the bed and start changing her clothes. “Come on Yeri, get change, we need to go find Wendy.”

Yeri hurriedly gets up the bed and start changing as well. Seulgi sighs and she tells Irene they will go out together and find Wendy together and she told her to go get change.

Irene runs back to her room and get change as quick as possible, she doesn’t mind if she looks like a hobo, as long as she can get to Wendy.

Seulgi done changing, and she goes to start the car. The trio then enters the car and Seulgi asks Irene if she knows where Wendy is. Irene said she had no idea, but then she remembers that Wendy installed tracking apps on Ryujin’s phone. Irene takes out her phone and downloaded the app. She keys in Ryujin’s ID and she prays that Ryujin didn’t turn off her phone. The apps work and it shows Irene where Ryujin is, and Irene sees that Ryujin is on the move. She connects the GPS with Seulgi’s car GPS system “Seulgi, follow this GPS…”

To be continue…

A/N: Hey~ How y’all doing? Next chapter is the finale, and I promise you Wenrene will get their happy ending. No, Naeun won’t die, she’ll survive. You guys thought BM is the bad guy too huh~ well he isn’t. Get ready for some emotional ride in the next chapter, the grand finale. There will be a time-skip~ and after this story end, I will focus on writing some blackpink fics, and maybe write some one-shot Wenrene fics. See ya in the next chapter~~

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Chapter 67: wow this story is like a roller coaster 😭 I'm glad it ended happily 💖💙
Chapter 49: Who does Wendy have children with???
Chapter 46: Here I thought previously Irene would really move on to someone new 🥲
Chapter 45: I actually don't like it when Irene moves on from Wendy 🤧😩
Chapter 44: Impossible. I cried at this part 😭
Chapter 31: I'm curious about Wendy's health check results
Chapter 27: very domestic 🤧
Chapter 24: Irene's father is annoying 😒
Chapter 23: oh my gosh the story is getting more intense