Well That Didn't Take Long (Updated)

When You're All Alone

      "We probably should have mentioned that first." Henry says as he helps Chen up off the floor.

      "How did she even do that?" Chen asks as he rubs his back with his hands.

      " Why do you think we wouldn't at least train her in hand to hand combat? We said she was important!" Leetuek says with alittle more anger then i expected.

      “ Ok, so we just have to watch over her at school right?” Kai questions as he and Sehun continue to look at his phone. These kids didn’t even lift their heads after I swung Chen over my shoulder for getting alittle to close and overly friendly. I can hold my temper when someone doesn’t know about how i feel about skinship but there are some things you just don’t do to someone you don’t know.

      " Maybe next time we don't try and overly flirt with the girl you just met, plus nobody wants your spit in their ear." Suho says as he shoves Chen to a bowing position to show his apology.

      " Really it's ok, I apologize for overreacting. Sometimes my body moves by reflex." I say to them as i bow as well. They smile lightly at me as Chen sheepishly reaches out a hand for me to take.

      " Let's get along from now on!" I say as i shake his hand, a small electric current fowing between them.

      “ I like you, sharp tongued and not a push over. It's refreshing that you didn’t automatically melt when you saw us so I guess we will just have to get to know each other better the more we hang out!” He said with a smirk that I have to say is pretty attractive but also too cocky, and these are the boys that are going to be around me the most, oh great.

      “ You say that now but the second she sees how we get treated at school she will probably ditch us to stay outta trouble.” Sehun whispers to Kai although I hear it just fine. I also notice a few of the boys went rigid when he said that, so they must be crazy popular. Based on their overall look, they are pretty fantastic eye candy, and I’m pretty strict on that kind of thing as I never judge anyone by their looks alone, but they do fit in well with all my handsome brothers.

     “ So young ones, I was hoping you could come pick her up when school starts and help her get familiar with the walk from here. I was also hoping Kai and Sehun could  help her find the office and class, she will have an almost exact schedule as you two, except I put her in a music class rather than dance with you both, so Chen, Baekhyun and D.O I leave her to you after lunch, and her last period is free so tell her where to wait with the Seniors who also don’t have one. I really appreciate all the help from you boys, she really is like our little sister and her protection means everything to us.” Donghae says as the others nod in agreement.

      It’s been a long time since I’ve seen my brothers so trustworthy with others outside themselves or their close circle of friends and I feel I can trust them as well. I was about to apologize to them for all the pressure from the older boys but my nose caught a strange scent. I could see that some of Exo also picked it up as well, I looked at Henry immediately.

      "We are not alone." Kris growls out as the boys seem ready to attack.

      “It seems we have some guests, Natsu why don’t you let them in.” Henry says to let the rest of them know.

      “I don’t like the smell of whoever is out there, you shouldn’t let her go answer the door.” Chanyeol says as he sniffs the air along with Sehun and Kai.

      “I agree with him, I smell a strong magical aura, Leetuek, let us scout the area first, It could be another demon looking to feed again.” Kris says as they line up to head downstairs, a few heading to the roof to look from above.

      “It’s fine guys, I'm sure it's just a late night pick up.” Donghae says as i slip on a hoodie and head downstairs to get the door.

      “ At least let me and Kai go with her, he can get her out fast if anything goes wrong. This issue is seriously it’s starting to worry me, how is there anyone entering the barrier without us knowing, last night was the first time someone got in before we reached the barrier and now someone is here and we didn't even notice.” Kris grumbles while beckoning Kai to follow me down.

      “Too late, she’s gone.” The Elves snickers as the Exo boys look around for me, not even noticing I snuck out the window, they stare at the elders as if asking them how they can they be so calm about this. Kris and Kai rush down the stairs to catch up, they don’t want to fail on the first meeting.


      I can feel Kris and Kai following me, although I was surprised that my brothers actually let me handle this, I thought I was supposed to play a damsel in distress the whole time I was here. Maybe I’m supposed to prove myself to these boys, or maybe act like i real do need help. Speaking of those boys, i think they might be a pack. There are a few SN types that carry themselves in this manner, most of which have moved to Sanctuary lands and hidden territories. However their large group size and double leader situation seems abnormal, as if i have any right to use that term.

      I slowly open the door to reveal nothing not a sinlge person was here, so whatever it was i smelled so faintly was playing hard to get and wasn't here for a late food deliver.

      “I know you’re out there, show yourselves!” I call out, suddenly I smell them so strongly I know they are watching me. I feel someone play with my hair, as I turn around nothing is there to greet me but Kris coming down the stairs with Kai on his heels.

      “Seriously, you need to listen to us if we are supposed to protect you, I don’t want this to end up like a babysitting job.” Kris sighs as he tries to shimmy by me to get to the door.

      “Seems like that’s exactly how it’s going to be dude, she didn’t listen and blindly ran out without even thinking.” Kai responds and I notice their attitudes have changed, now that they are away from the eyes of my brothers.

      “I promise you I can handle this, My brother wouldn’t let me out here if they didn’t think I could.” I say, it seems to make them think, I mean honestly they are so protective right off the bat, do they really think they would just let me go if they didn’t have a clue, maybe they aren’t testing me but these boys.

      I take a quick sniff of my hair as the breeze blows it past my face and the smell is completely different from the original scent. Kris doesn’t seem to notice the difference and that was when it all clicked in my head.

     “Seriously you guys I can take care of mysel...” I was cut off as a hand covered my mouth and pulled me out the door and up a tree.


      “Natsume!” They yell as Kai’s hand almost reaches my ankle.

      “Damn it, a little more and I would have teleported her outta here, we failed in protecting her before the first damn day of school!” Kai huffs as Kris gets up into the tree.

      “I don’t smell a damn thing, where the hell did they take her?” Kris lets outs as he comes down.

     “If you want to see her again I suggest you bring us to the leader of this land before we cut and drink her blood.” A voice rings out from around them.

     “ Fine, just don’t hurt her, or else said leader will have your head.” Kris growls as he starts heading back toward the house, Kai in front of him.

     “Let the others know our enemy is still unidentified, possibly vampires. They have taken Natsume hostage.” Kris barks as Kai vanishes in a cloud of black smoke.

     “Ah an inheritor, you don’t see too many of those around anymore, and what are you exactly?” A different voice asks in a playfully sinister manner that causes Kris’s hairs to stand on end.

     “I’m not an elemental if that’s what you are asking, now can you tell me what all this is about? What is your purpose, and why take a human as hostage?” Kris asks with venom in his voice. It’s considered highly rude to ask what someone’s powers are in SN Society. Most keep it very private becuase you never know if those that ask are looking for someone with a power they can exploit and use to do horrible things.

     “Oh my, someone’s a stick in the mud, come on don’t be that way, let’s get to know one another.” Another new voice says in a creepy happy sort of voice. Finally realizing that there are multiple voices coming from all around him, Kris continues to keep them occupied.

     “Says the monsters who have kidnapped a little girl and won’t even show themselves, sure just let me bring out the chips and drinks and we will have a party, but I’ll need to know how many first.” Kris smirks when finally some of his pack join him, some dropping from the roof, others out the windows.

    “Someone knows how to play! Ok so there are 6 of us, so please prepare accordingly!” The same voice laughed before a loud thud was heard.

    “You really are an idiot you know!” A booming voice says “Now hurry up before I tire of all this.” a voice with authority finally speaks.

      As the rest of the household came through the front door with the Elves the atmosphere around them began to change. The air grew thick an a fog began to fill the small cleared area around the Bar. As they near the end of the forest clearing Kris isn’t sure if they will show themselves or use this mist to their advantage.

      “Prove to us that you haven’t harmed Natsume in any way or we won’t hesitate to attack.” Suho says taking charge as Kris falls in line with the rest of the group. The boys noticed that as soon as the fog showed up all traces of Natsume vanished. Looking to the only person that could help, he smiles and starts with what he knows.

       " What I know is that according to what they told Kris there are 6 of them and they threatened to drink her blood. Our instinct tells us that a vampire  would be the best bet but I don’t smell a hint of rotting flesh. Our new options are one: either they are so strong they can hide themselves well or option number 2I have no clue what they are? Seems to be the pattern of late wouldn’t you say?” Luhan explains so everyone can be on the same page.

      “ We would never harm her, at least not yet.” A voice rings out as a figure emerges from the shadows of the forest.

      " What in the hell is going on right now!?” Tao says as the figure steps out of the shadows, revealing Natsume, unharmed and seemingly fine, minus the glowing blue eyes.

Author's Notes (updated)

Younever realize how bad your grammer is until you try and fix it and actually have to stop and think about what you were trying to say. Anyways i am trying to get through this ratther fast and actually be able to upload a brand new chapter!


Authors Note

My first cliffhanger! I played around alot with this chapter and it is unedited as I do this on work time...yeah im a horrible employee but my work gets done so hey, lol. Eventually Ill go through the chapters and fix grammar and typos because I noticed a few and I just don't have the time to fix right now but I will. I seriously would love feedback guys, I dont wanna be one of those authors that begs but Im writing blind here, this is my first fanfic ever as I have said and would like to know how Im doing..do i sound like a broken record yet? Let me know if my cliffhanger left you wanting more!


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Wow has it been i while!! I finally got back on here and was rereading this story that i still love and i think i can improve it, even going through chapter by chapter! I don't know if anyone is still interested but please let me know!


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Definitely still interested in this story ^^
Lolypop123 #2
Chapter 30: Can't wait for more ☺
Tety_Vences #3
Chapter 30: yay!! a new chapter and i love this and finally Xiumin mates with Nana!!!!!! im so happy!!!!!
Chapter 25: Didn't expect Kris to be dumb as . Oh, well. ??
Chapter 29: When are they going to learn how to trust her?!! OMGGGGGG! I can somewhat understand their reasons for being a bit cautious but it wouldn't hurt to have faith in her. I hope they all learn how to connect with their core. This story is sooooo gooodddddd!<3
Chapter 29: Definitely still interested. This is one of my favorite stories on here and I look forward to reading it whenever there's a new chapter ^^
Tety_Vences #7
Chapter 29: I love the chapter! it was worth the wait for it! Its nice having you back Author-nim!
Alosya #8
Chapter 28: Waiting but worth it love it so much
Chapter 28: One word: AWESOME!! Oh how I wish this story could turn into the next Netflix series. The way this story goes is just amazing. I wish the next chapters the boys and natsu could get along well, i hate seeing them having this fights, misunderstanding, etc. Keep it up girl. Cant wait for the next update !! :)
Tety_Vences #10
Chapter 28: Finally you updated again! I love this so much!!