Shooting Star


Jungkook lugged the bags from the bus all the way to the middle of the large clearing where they were going to pitch their tent. 

Dropping them on the ground, he directed a glare at Taehyung who seemed to be enjoying how he got out of taking the food bags weighing quite heavily - courtesy of Jimin. 


But then, Sehun decided to move their tent closer to the riverside, so that it's easier to move about if they want to leave their tent area in the middle of the night. Taehyung picked up the tent sticks and left with the others who were transporting their things near the rock where Taehyung and Jungkook were sitting a few minutes prior. 

Jungkook, miffed, picked up a food bag and kicked the other. He wondered if anyone else could feel his annyance, but he didn't have time to think about it when Jimin yelled out, 

"Don't kick my food, you peasant! And hurry it up!" 

Jungkook glared at him, yelling, "I think the only peasant here, is you." And maybe him. Jungkook adds in his head as he directs his gaze to Taehyung, happily setting up the tent with Sehun. Annoyed that he had to carry the bags by himself, Jungkook dragged the other bag on the ground but someone comes to help him, taking a bag from Jungkook and preventing scuffs on the bag as it was being dragged across the rough ground.  

He looks up to the newcomer by his side handling the bag with ease. 


"Hello, princess. You looked like you were struggling." 

Jungkook takes one look at him and grimaces. 

It's Choi Junhong. 

"What do you want, Zelo." Jungkook addreses the tall boy by his nickname. The one who has been attempting to take him out to a bar or club in the next city. 

"How cold." Zelo answers while smiling, not minding the question and taking the second bag off Jungkook and walking ahead to the group by the stream. 


Jungkook follows him, huffing. 

When Zelo drops the bags by their tent area, the rest of the boys look at him and greet him. Jimin knows what's up with the other boy since he's always been trying to bring Jungkook someplace else when they're hanging out. He thought he stopped the act, but apparently he's here and there all the time. 


"You can go now. Thanks." Jungkook says curtly and walks over to Taehyung, ripping the tent stick out of his hands and muttering, "You've never set up a tent before, have you? You're doing it wrong, watch Sehun." 

Taehyung makes a face from the side and walks off to the bring the bags of food in from where Zelo's standing. 


"Thanks for bringing our food over. Weakling over there couldn't handle it." Taehyung says, loud enough for Jungkook to hear. 

Jungkook almost snaps the plastic stick in his hands, turning his head sharply in Taehyung's direction. 


"Hey! I was doing just fine, you unhelpful-" 

"Excuse you, Mister. But Sehun needs your help. Oh, and you're doing it wrong. Maybe you should watch Sehun." Taehyung says, repeating the words Jungkook had said just moments before, smirking. 

Jungkook grits his teeth, about to stomp over there and give his hyung a good whack on his head when Zelo laughs loudly. 


"You guys are hilarious. But maybe you should really help him." Zelo points to a struggling Sehun with the tent over his head, covering a part of his face and sporting an annoyed look because of Taehyung and Jungkook's bickering. 

"I'm Zelo, by the way. I'll see you around because I better go back to my own group." Zelo waves and Taehyung nods. 

"I'm Taehyung, and, uh, bye!" after introducing himself, he runs over to Sehun's side and lifts the tent over his head, apologising with a sheepish smile and taking the tent sticks. 





After a shocking forty-something minutes, their tent is up and it's stayed for longer than five minutes so far so the boys deems it safe. 

It's already evening from the long bus ride and the students had barely enough time to set up their tents before it got dark and cold. Luckily, their group made their tent first thing instead of wandering off like the other boys, if not they'd still be making their tent. Everyone else's tent-making skills seem up to scratch since the rest of the groups managed to make their own tent in half the time they used. 

The teachers call all the students over in the cold evening air and Taehyung approaches Jungkook and sits next to him on the ground where everyone was. Taehyung moves closer and presses his shoulder to the other boy, much like what he did on the night after the dinner with Jungkook's friends a few weeks ago. 


Jungkook looks over and blinks at the other boy. Then he turns to face the front and a smile spreads on his face. 


"Okay, boys. You all need to go to sleep early and prepare for some camping activities we have organised for you in the morning." a teacher says. 

She's holding a clipboard with all the group names with a list of the all the boys in which tent. She's even drawn a small map for herself of the clearing where all the tents are with the names of the people using it. 

She talks through the rules and everyone is allowed to go around for twenty minutes after they've eaten dinner. When she's done telling them when they need to be back, Taehung gets up with Jungkook and the latter sticks close to Taehyung. 


"What do you want to eat?" Jungkook asks as the two make their way to their tent.










"I'm going! I'll be back in twenty-minutes." Taehyung says when he's finished scarfing down the group's decided dinner of the night which consists of canned baked beans, bread and a small snack of biscuits and jam. 

It's not much, but nothing's set up outside yet so they couldn't access hot water. 


Jungkook's halfway through his bread and baked beans when Taehyung announces that he's done and off to explore in the night. 

Intending to spend the twenty minutes they've been allocated after dinner with the other, Jungkook feels a small surge of panic as he watched Taehyung get up from the mat they've put out outside the tent. 


"Chaehung hwaet-!" he tries to speak, only to get bits of bread and baked beans spluttering out of his mouth as his words get muffled. 

He grabs a tissue quickly from the tissue box located in the middle of their mat and hurries to prevent the rest of the half-chewed food in his mouth from leaving - the mass of uneaten food threatening to spill out of his mouth, he tries to swallow in a desperate attempt. 


I knew eating baked beans on a entire slice of bread was not a good idea. 


Taehyung's already run off to explore the camping area, and Jimin cringes as he watches Jungkook and his fight with food. 


"Ew, savage!" he says to Jungkook and Jungkook glares at him, throwing the dirty tissue with bits of food and saliva on it. 

"Eeek!" Jimin jumps up and tries to avoid the flying tissue. 

It hits him on his exposed leg and Jimin can feel moisture as the tissue falls to the mat. 


"Eeeuuhhh! Jeon Jungkook, your saliva is all over me!" he kicks the tissue with his covered foot to Jungkook seated on the mat and reaches for another one to clean his leg. 


At this, Jungkook immediately starts laughing despite the fact that he's still got food not swallowed in his mouth. He covers his mouth as he rolls back onto the mat and everyone looks to him, 

"Swallow your food, Jeon Jungkook!" 

"Don't spew all your half-eaten food all over the mat!" 

"Jungkook, don't you let that leave your mouth!" 

"You're cleaning up everything if you get any of that on here!" 

"That substance better not end up outside your body!" 


Jungkook is on the verge of spitting out uneaten food with his laughter and in the end has to leave to go to the stream to calm himself. He just barely manages to swallow his food and he breathes in deeply. 


Yeah, it's a good idea we moved here. At the worst, I could've drank the stream water. No wait, I could have spat out everything here and like, bury it. Yeah, that seems like a, more, safer option.

Who knows what could have happened if I spat out food on the ground in the middle of the clearing. 


Jungkook's thoughts run through his head as he looks out at the darkening sky over the large stream. 








Taehyung found time alone for twenty-minutes and he couldn't be happier at that moment. Most would be confused at his sudden change in behaviour from not wanting to go camping to being in a happy mood. 

But he doesn't want to go camping. He's out there for another reason.



Ever since he was younger, he loved to go out onto the roof of his house - with permission, of course - and lay on his back to look at the stars at night. 

He loved to go late at night to the roof with one of his parents and stargaze. Yes, he was that kind of boy. A gentle boy who loved the stars. 

He was allowed to when it was a weekend or a holiday. On weekdays he wasn't allowed, but sometimes he would sneak up to the roof alone in his pajamas holding his blanket. More than often, his parents would find him sleeping up on the roof and get an earful from both of them as he was getting ready for school. 

But his parents both knew he loved it, it was one of his getaways. Getaways from all the horrible things going on in the world. Getaways from his stressful times. Getaways from the painful departure of his grandparents. They didn't die. They simply moved. Moved right to the other side of the world at the age of sixty-something six or seven years ago. 




When Taehyung spotted the elevated rock spiked in the ground, he knew it was a perfect spot for stargazing. But when people began filling the clearing with their tents, Taehyung knew he wasn't going to be able to use that spot. 

So right after dinner, he intended to go search for a place where he could have some time to himself. His own getaway in the camping site. 


He pressed himself right up against the rock and watched as the waves from the stream move up and hit the rock. He pulled his lips back into a slight grimace, and when the water pulled back he ran across to the other side of the rock and onto the soil, not wanting to get his pants wet. 

Making a funny noise, he managed to skitter his way to the other side of the big rock, leaving the clearing behind him. He walked along the river banks, keeping a safe but close distance to the water running downstream. 

Glancing back, he had a feeling he wasn't allowed to leave the premises of the camping site until tomorrow when they extended the area they were allowed in. 

Swallowing, he continued anyway. He looked at his phone and saw he had fifteen minutes left. He spent five minutes trying to get past that huge rock and he quickened his pace, looking up and around him as the trees got thicker and the area around him started becoming dense with nature. 


He followed the river downstream, keeping close to the slight curves and turns, then stopped after another five minutes of walking. Taehyung came to stop when he saw a particularly large tree with the branches stretching overheard, creating a canopy or some sort. The branches and leaves of the tree allowed some moonlight to filter through and he was captivated by the sight. 

He wished he brought his camera, but that wasn't an option when the camera itself was so big. He started walking over and then seated himself down and laid half of his back on the tree with the rest of his body laid as flat as possible on the ground and against the thick roots of the tree. 


Checking the time and seeing that he really had only five minutes left, he knew he had to head back now and only be late five minutes, but his heart and body didn't want to leave. So as he gazed to the black sky patterened with stars, he closed his eyes, letting the breeze ruffle his hair slightly and calm his mind. 




Just for a few more minutes. 











Jungkook ran around the clearing and the camping site. Went off to the corner areas and into the edges of the woods. He climbed the rock where Taehyung had sat on earlier but saw no trace of the said boy. 

He grew worried, but he didn't want to tell the teacher as he knew Taehyung was sensible enough to not run off and not return. Instead, he told their group so at least someone knew and if something did happen, they could report it. But Jungkook decided to search for the other himself. 


After the twenty-minutes was over and they were all called back to the tents, Jungkook was sure he would show any minute, but when another ten minutes crept by, he grew worried at the absence of Taehyung and he crawled out of the tent when the group fell asleep. 

He told them he'd wait up for Taehyung and crawled back to the rock when he started getting cold as he was sitting on the mat. 


When he saw a gap between two trees past the rock, Jungkook's eyes widened. He slid down carefully, leaving the camping site and went off in that direction, making sure he had his phone - even though there was no reception. 

He kept close to the bank, much like what Taehyung did and after he walked for ten minutes, he decided to just turn back, the worry now almost consuming him. 


Walking a few steps further, he started to see a shadow under a large tree and he almost loses his when he realises it's a person. 

About to turn, run and scream all the way back to the camp, he stops when he sees a flash of orange hair. 






He steps closer very quietly and carefully, keeping an eye on the figure resting under the tree. 


Jungkook's eyes widen and he's so frightened he's almost thrown off balance when he steps on a twig. 


The figure underneath doesn't move, and Jungkook starts to wonder if the person is even Taehyung or if the person under the tree is dead. 

Jungkook's heart starts beating rapidly when the thought that he's looking at a dead person crosses his mind, but he feels immense relief when the person's head moves to the side, allowing the moonlight through the trees to light up his face. 


Taehyung, it's Taehyung

Jungkook thinks, as he straightens up and walks over, letting out a large exhale of relief. 




"Taehyung, what are you doing? You've have me so flipping worried!" Jungkook speaks, looking down. 

He sees Taehyung's closed eyelids and even breathing and it comes to him that the boy probably fell asleep. 


Jungkook feels a sudden déjà vu as he sits down and stares at the other's face, feeling similar feelings from the night of the festival. Only stronger. 


He's so beautiful

Jungkook thinks, eyes tracing the boy's perfect features and gaze resting on his closed lids before trailing to his perfectly shaped lips. 

He blinks and brings his eyes to the stream, the sound of the water coming downstream calms him and his breath is taken away by the stars when he lifts his gaze to look above him. 

Jungkook looks to the side and brings his legs together and rests them to one side - much like how a girl would sit with a dress or skirt - and pulls Taehyung's body slowly and carefully, bringing his head away from the tree trunk to rest on his lap. 

Everything, everything that happens and everything he's feeling is similar to that of the night of the festival. Except Jungkook's emotions travel deeper. His feelings are stronger, though he doesn't know what the feelings are directed at. 




It's definitely something to do with you. 

Jungkook thinks and he continues to stare at Taehyung. Then he looks to the stars, asking for an answer when he sees a shooting star. 











I wish I knew what these feelings meant. 










Jungkook knows it's past midnight when he opens his eyes and it's still dark. 

He dozed off for a while, and he knows it wasn't a short time by how his legs were numb from being in one position for so long and how his neck hurt from when he leaned his head forward to look down at Taehyung. 

Taehyung had not moved and was still sleeping with light breathing. 

Shifting slightly, Jungkook straightened his cramped legs from underneath's Taehyung's head and shook him slightly. 


"Taehyung. Taehyung, wake up." 

The other stirred, turning onto his back as much as the roots behind him allowed so he was facing Jungkook directly from below. Slowly, his eyelids fluttered open. 

Upon seeing Jungkook's face, he awoke immediately and shot up straight, hitting Jungkook's nose with his forehead in the process. 



This is like a repeat of the festival night.

This thought goes through Jungkook's head as he clutches his nose, glaring at Taehyung with somewhat still gentle eyes, if that was possible. 


"Jungkook?" the one-worded question leaves Taehyung's mouth when he takes in the appearance of the other in front of him. 

"Yes, it's me." Jungkook answers, in a funny tone with his nose covered. 

"I'm so sorry, you shocked me." Taehyung says in a soft voice, shuffling closer and taking the boy's hand away from his face. 


Taehyung inspects Jungkook's blood nose and Jungkook gets lost in Taehyung's soft brown eyes. It was only when he tastes blood in his mouth did he realise that the blood dripped from his nose and down his face. 

He quickly, but also reluctantly, turned away from Taehyung and leaned over on the grass to prevent bleeding everywhere and to stop his bleeding nose. 


I swear, I've lost more blood from the blood noses I've gotten from Taehyung than I've ever lost in my whole entire life. 

Jungkook thinks to himself and looks over at Taehyung from the side. 


"Thanks for that." he says. 

Taehyung smiles, apologetic. "Sorry." 

Jungkook rolls his eyes but chuckles, "So sincere." he says sarcastically and Taehyung frowns, about to defend himself when Jungkook speaks again. 


"So, you got that gray cardigan with you?" 

Taehyung shakes his head and lets out a bright rectangular smile accompanied by a chuckle as he remembers the night of the festival too. 


They both end up laughing light-heartedly in the cold night, though neither of them feel the cold, sharing the unsaid memory. 

Jungkook feels the feelings in him grow stronger, but he doesn't know the reason for it. 


He remembers his wish on the shooting star, and he feels the answer getting closer. The two boys hold each other's gazes, even when their laughter fades. 


Jungkook can feel something tugging at his body, and the next thing he knows is that he's leaning in, closer to Taehyung as their eyes never leave each other. He doesn't know how to stop, so he doesn't try to, and eventually, he sees Taehyung slowly moving closer to him as well, eyes widenening. They look deep into each other's eyes, unblinking. 


When they're only inches apart, Taehyung blinks with large eyes, breaking a sort of moment and feeling shared between them and he pulls back swiftly and quickly. 


Jungkook pulls back slowly afterwards, blinking his eyes and coming back from the daze they were both trapped in together. He feels his heart sinking as he looks at the other boy, now looking towards the ground with wide eyes, an elbow propped on a knee and a hand brought up and into his hair. 


What is this feeling?

Jungkook continues to stare, searching for the answer. 


When Taehyung looks to meet Jungkook's eyes again, they both look at each other questioningly. 

"Uh, I don't know about you, but, there wasn't, uh, something, right?" he says out nervously, almost carefully. 

Jungkook can't place why he feels his heart drop and his body fill with a little bit of disappointment at those words. There was something, he felt it and he knew the other felt it too. 


So was he seeking some sort of confirmation from him? Was he the only one who felt it or was it them both? 


Instead of voicing out these questions, he only nods his head. 

An unreadable expression comes over the other's face, almost relaxing his features and he nods back. 











"Okay, just making sure." 









With that, Jungkook can feel the answer to his questionable feelings for the other boy, just fade away. 










A longer update for you guys

No kiss yet! Did i bring your hopes up and then down? ^^

I hope you enjoyed it

I felt like it was long and boring but i tried to bring in some scenes with emotion and i hope that got to you some way or another, if not the chapter would just be boring

But i hope you liked it and i'll try for some fluff next chapter

And the story, too fast? Let me know okay

Leave a comment to let me know what you think!


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peggyw #1
Chapter 34: Lol, funny ending. Entertaining story; ty for your hard work.
Chapter 34: HAahahahah Jungkook is such a child! XD How did he even survive when Taehyung was out of picture? That boy made a soft fluff out of Kookie >u< He even freaking cried! What is he, pregnant? XD I'm surprised that Jimin and Yoongi didn't kick him out of their room and took care of him instead. Such a good friends! *o*
Chapter 33: Awwwww, and I love Taekook! They are seriously so adorable! I love it how they're not afraid to hug in public or kiss and udhsasgujyd the feels ^o^Also, Kookie acting childish is so cute~! :3
Chapter 31: Oh my, it was so cool to end this story with THAT sentence! Thank you so so much for doing this *3*
Oww, why did it end? It was so much fun! Jungkook was trying so hard to make Taehyung fall for him and I'm glad he succeed! ^^ It would be such a pity if Taehyung stayed adamant till the very end on being straight. He would probably hurt Kookie so much :< Thankfully, he didn't (too much haha) >3<
It's such a nice story~! <3
Chapter 30: Poor Kiyoung haha the boys are so mean laughing at his embarrassment and cuteness. But Hoseok started seeing him as a potential partner which is jdvidvjdsvk good! ^^
Chapter 29: He finally said it! Yay!
It was kinda cute how Jungkook was jealous ^3^ But they were just talking so I find his reaction a little too much haha lmao I wouldn't be surprised if she had a boyfriend XD and now Kookie's order is probably a disaster! :D
Chapter 28: Jungkook and Taehyung's relationship is seriously so sweet! I love when they're joking around one second and the next one they're all over each other. Isn't it just jugtdytdlh? Aw. And Kiyoung, he seems to have a crush on Hobi already. He better treat him well! >3<
Chapter 26: Kiyoung is so adorable! I hope he and Hoseok will have something going on between them ^u^ Of course only if Kiyoung is good enough for Hobi :3
Jungkookie is such a brat! Using Taehyung like that, tsk tsk, you bad boy! It's good that Tae is such a gold boy and is not easily angry :D
Chapter 25: I'm squealing so hard, this chapter was so adorable! I can't believe that Taehyung and Jungkook just fought over a box of chocolate for like a whole chapter! It was so amusing to be honest and so like them XD
Chapter 23: Well, indeed. It's finally out in the open. Kookie can't backtrack now. Also, dgtrsngrmd they kissed! Kissed!!! jtfkmfkuhg And Tae likes Jungkook omg my taekook feels *o* <333333