Camping, oh please NO


Jungkook's hair became a mess after that hit from the pillow. He gritted his teeth and lunged for it across the bed. 

Taehyung quickly moved the pillow out of his grasp and fell backwards but tilted sideways as his back hit the wall. Jungkook ended up hitting the bedframe and falling forwards, half his body landing on Taehyung awkwardly. 

Because Taehyung was lying sideways, Jungkook's face came incredibly close to his neck, and he thanked everything high and low that it wasn't his roommate's face or he would have died of embarrassment. 

He crawled off quickly with wide eyes and a flushed face, and to avoid suspicion he continued to hit Taehyung who was now squirming in front of him. Jungkook was kneeling on the bed and wrestled for the pillow, but Taehyung hugged it tightly to his chest, laughing as he turned his body away. 

Jungkook leans over him and tries to grab it out of his hands. He gives the pillow a hard tug and the pillow case tears. 

He falls backwards, bringing Taehyung down with him as they both fall off the bed and crash to the floor. Taehyung's hands land next to Jungkook's face to avoid crashing onto him and Taehyung's eyes are the only thing Jungkook sees as he is right in front of him.

He feels their noses touching and Jungkook becomes dizzy. 


Aware of their close proximity, Taehyung pushes himself off the other and chuckles awkwardly. 

"So, you owe me a pillowcase." Taehyung says and Jungkook's mind barely processes that as he tries to calm his fast beating heart. 

The next thing that happened was that Taehyung reached for the torn pillowcase, bringing it down on Jungkook's head and covers his face. 


Jungkook splutters in surprise and rips the thing over his head, but his hair is now full of static and strands of his hair stick up. 

Taehyung laughs and scrambles off the floor, running away from Jungkook who was now flinging the torn piece of cloth over his head, ready to throw it at him. 










Bangtan calls an assembly and Jungkook knows what time of year it is. He hurriedly pulls Taehyung out of the dorm room after making sure he isn't dressed weirdly. 

It was basically like a university, where they could wear what they wanted and go to their classes whenever it was time. Except it was a high school instead of a university. 

Offering university classes as well, Jungkook and his friends planned to stay there when they graduated high school and leave after university. But Jungkook had time to think about that for himself at the moment. 


"What are you doing, Jungkook?" Taehyung said, having to run after the younger. 

"The school is going to make the announcement of the school's yearly ca-" Jungkook was cut off when Jimin runs to him yelling from the other side of the corridor, looking as if he ran up the stairs. 


"Jungkook! Did you hear?" he yells as he makes his way over, Yoongi following behind him at a walking pace while his boyfriend ran in front. 

"Yes! Let's be in the same group again and this time Tae-" Jungkook once again was not able to finish his sentence as the loudspeaker sounded in their corridor for the second time, further exciting the two boys once again. 


"All students of Bangtan, please make your way down to the assembly hall on the first floor where an announcement will be made. Assembly hall first floor." 


Jimin grabbed Jungkook's arm and motioned with his other hand to Taehyung to follow them. 

"Let's just get there and they can explain the details to all of us." Jimin says, pulling Jungkook along and grabbing his boyfriend's hand on the way while yelling backwards at Taehyung to follow them. 

Yoongi groans and he stumbles along after Jimin as he got dragged along. 


Taehyung hurriedly followed them, unclear about what was happening with the excited air around the two boys.





The four of them sat together, Yoongi rubbing his sore wrist after being practically thrown down the stairs with Jimin. Yoongi moved past his boyfriend and sat next to Taehyung on the far left. 

Jungkook was seated beside Taehyung and Jimin was on the far right next to him. Jimin motioned for Yoongi to sit in the seat next to his but the other had pretended not to see. 


The school's head boy stood at the podium in front of the big student body and Taehyung has sworn he has never seen so many people in one of the largest rooms he's ever seen. 


"Good afternoon, students of Bangtan. We've gathered together here today to make an important, yet probably already known, announcement." he starts, and as soon as he's done saying that sentence the school gains an excited air, following the students hurried chatter. 

"As most know, it's time for us to announce the yearly school camping trip for Bangtan." he finishes. 


Taehyung can feel his body get heavier and the next thing he knows is that he's sliding down his seat. 

He hates camping. 


The last time he's been camping was out with his family a couple of years back. His father had thrown a fish at him in the river when they were fishing and it hit him right on his mouth. He also remembers the bugs and insects he had to deal with while "exploring" with his cousin, thinking about the scratches from the branches and sticks he's had to go through. 

Oh and better yet, the memory of him stepping on a snake's head while carrying wood back was not forgotten as he just barely managed to kick at the snake's neck and run away, dropping all the wood onto the snake and running back to the camp site for his dear life. 


Later, he realises the snake was not poisonous and even if he was bitten he would not have died. 



Looking around, Taehyung can spot some faces here and there who look nowhere near excited. 


I'm not the only one who does not want to go on this trip. 

He thinks. 


Jungkook grabs his arm and turns to him excitedly. 

"Isn't this great? It's the best and we're going to have so much fun-" Jungkook faltered as Taehyung huffs, turning away and tugging his arm back. 

It seems like Jungkook isn't having enough time to finish his sentences that day. 

"I'm not going." he says. "You go with the others." 

Jungkook frowns. 

"You have to go!" he insists. "It's compulsory!" 

It's Taehyung's turn to frown and he looks at the other. 

"Compulsory? Oh no, no, no. I am so not going." he says, then adds. "I hate camping." 

Jungkook rolls his eyes and grabs Jimin's attention. 


"Jimin, convince him that this camping trip is going to be good." 

Jimin nods. "Yeah! I don't see why you don't want to go. We get to go hiking and fishing in the river-" 

Taehyung shakes his head. 

"I am not going in the river for fish and risk getting a fish thrown at my face, nor am I going to take the chance of possibly stepping on another snake while hiking-" Taehyung continues and the other two look at him in confusion. 


The head boy continues to talk and everyone's quietens down. 

"The trip will be in three weeks time and everyone will have that time to prepare and sort out groups in your designated side of the building. The classes and teachers will be put up on the noticeboard in the lobby in front of the reception desk tomorrow early afternoon, so make sure to have a look before forming your individual groups amongst yourselves. Don't be late in putting in your group forms in the box at the lobby by the first week." 


Taehyung just frowns. 

Designated side of the building? Groups forms? Wtf. Is that how they're going to take this entire school's population on a camping trip? This is so unreasonable. Do they not see how big this entire school is? Someone is going to get lost and someone is going to die. 


All these thoughts swim in his head as he sits there, mood darkening as he glares at the head boy about fifty metres in front of him. 

Jungkook nudges him and he snaps his head to the side. He flinches upon meeting the angry gaze of the other and turns away, clearing his throat. 


"So, what I'm getting from you is that you have some sort of bad experience with camping, from what you said before about fishes and snakes. I don't really get what you're trying to tell me but it's not going to be that bad." 


Taehyung turns back to the front and he replies. 

"How do they take this entire school on a camping trip? There's over three thousand students!" 

Jungkook just grins, "Four thousand. But don't worry, they've got a booked places big enough for all of us. Plus, we're not all going to be in one area. Everyone is going to be split up into big groups so there's going to be around three or four hundred students in one area. Maybe less so it's not going to be a fighting zone for some food and space for tents." he explains and Taehyung can now see some sense in everything. 


"Are we going to be in the same group?" he asks and Jungkook nods. 

"Yeah, we're on the same area of the building so we're going to be together. But we're also going to need to sort out groups in the group itself so you're going to be with me, Jimin, Yoongi and also Sehun, Baekhyun and Chanyeol." 

"Seven people?" Taehyung says. 

Jungkook smiles and nods again. "Luhan couldn't be in our group but Sehun won't be too bothered." 

"What about Hoseok? He's on our side of the building, right?" Taehyung asks. 

Jungkook blinks and him answers. "Yeah, but he's older than you and I and he has his own group of friends. Now, let's focus on what they're going to tell us to bring and all, okay?" Jungkook turns to front, not really wanting to speak anymore because for one, Taehyung still didn't look like he wanted to go on the camping trip and two, he just didn't know what. 


He shrugs and pays attention to the front as the head boy starts to go through details of the camping trip that he's heard before as well as the rules, which he's also heard before. 


On the contrary to Taehyung, he loves camping trips. 









The day of the camping trip is the next morning. Well, for them, anyway. A group containing some senior students have already departed to their location area where they will be staying for around a week. 

Taehyung shoves the last bit of clothing into his bag, miffed about having to spend a week out of the comforts of the indoors. 

Jungkook packs some cream, perfume, deodorants and toothpaste into a small bag. A smile forms on his face as he watches Taehyung begrdugingly take out the piece of clothing he's shoved into his bag and folds it neatly, placing it into his bag neatly and carefully. 


He kicks the fully packed bag across the floor and underneath the bed where he has his backpack already packed with toiletries and face masks. 


"You don't need the face masks, Taehyung." Jungkook says for the second time to Taehyung when he lies down. 

"It's the woods, Jungkook. I need to take care of my skin." 

Jungkook laughs at the reply and he puts his own packed bags underneath his bed, rechecking that his sleeping bag is packed. He sees Taehyung's sleeping back in the drawer underneath his side of the closet and he walks over, picking it up and rolling it under Taehyung's bed with the rest of his bags. 


Climbing into his bed, Jungkook falls asleep, ready and excited for the camping trip. 

Taehyung falls asleep as well, not ready and displeased at the prospect of cold nights for the next week. 











Thanks for 200+ subscribers and you're all honestly so cute when I'm reading the comments

Another short update

I hope you enjoyed it nonetheless and I actually did not plan to continue on from the last chapter as like I said, it was a filler. 

I laughed reading your comments and decided to add a little something in. But no acciental kiss, because lol. Not at this point in the story

And yes, the overused camping trip but hey, almost every fanfic has this camping trip somewhere right? Cliché, yes I know but haHA i'm going to add it in anyway because that's where things happen

Right now it's just an introduction and the camping trip itself will contain comedy and more romance and yes, more fluff (because how do I tone down the fluff) and UNEXPECTED PLOT TWIST/EVENTS to look forward to

Leave a comment to let me know what you think as well as what you want to read in the camping trip. I'll consider ;D


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peggyw #1
Chapter 34: Lol, funny ending. Entertaining story; ty for your hard work.
Chapter 34: HAahahahah Jungkook is such a child! XD How did he even survive when Taehyung was out of picture? That boy made a soft fluff out of Kookie >u< He even freaking cried! What is he, pregnant? XD I'm surprised that Jimin and Yoongi didn't kick him out of their room and took care of him instead. Such a good friends! *o*
Chapter 33: Awwwww, and I love Taekook! They are seriously so adorable! I love it how they're not afraid to hug in public or kiss and udhsasgujyd the feels ^o^Also, Kookie acting childish is so cute~! :3
Chapter 31: Oh my, it was so cool to end this story with THAT sentence! Thank you so so much for doing this *3*
Oww, why did it end? It was so much fun! Jungkook was trying so hard to make Taehyung fall for him and I'm glad he succeed! ^^ It would be such a pity if Taehyung stayed adamant till the very end on being straight. He would probably hurt Kookie so much :< Thankfully, he didn't (too much haha) >3<
It's such a nice story~! <3
Chapter 30: Poor Kiyoung haha the boys are so mean laughing at his embarrassment and cuteness. But Hoseok started seeing him as a potential partner which is jdvidvjdsvk good! ^^
Chapter 29: He finally said it! Yay!
It was kinda cute how Jungkook was jealous ^3^ But they were just talking so I find his reaction a little too much haha lmao I wouldn't be surprised if she had a boyfriend XD and now Kookie's order is probably a disaster! :D
Chapter 28: Jungkook and Taehyung's relationship is seriously so sweet! I love when they're joking around one second and the next one they're all over each other. Isn't it just jugtdytdlh? Aw. And Kiyoung, he seems to have a crush on Hobi already. He better treat him well! >3<
Chapter 26: Kiyoung is so adorable! I hope he and Hoseok will have something going on between them ^u^ Of course only if Kiyoung is good enough for Hobi :3
Jungkookie is such a brat! Using Taehyung like that, tsk tsk, you bad boy! It's good that Tae is such a gold boy and is not easily angry :D
Chapter 25: I'm squealing so hard, this chapter was so adorable! I can't believe that Taehyung and Jungkook just fought over a box of chocolate for like a whole chapter! It was so amusing to be honest and so like them XD
Chapter 23: Well, indeed. It's finally out in the open. Kookie can't backtrack now. Also, dgtrsngrmd they kissed! Kissed!!! jtfkmfkuhg And Tae likes Jungkook omg my taekook feels *o* <333333