Morning video call to Potato


Short filler chapter - T_T

Small VHope and mainly Vkook for this chapter


It's the next morning and Taehyung is out of the building as he makes his way down the coffee shop nearby to meet Hoseok. 

The other had texted him in the morning and Taehyung was more than happy meeting up with him. He loves spending time with the other, he really does. But it's starting to get a bit too frequent as he realises that he has work to finish back at the dorm room as well. Not to mention he likes spending time alone once in a while. 

He isn't too bothered by this fact as he enters the door to the tiny coffee shop and easily spots Hoseok by the window seat. 


"Hi, hyung." Taehyung smiles as he sits down, a cup of milk coffee already in front of him. 

"Hi! I didn't know what you'd like so I just ordered for you so you didn't have to wait." Hoseok says. 

Taehyung sends a nod of appreciation at the kind gesture and drinks the warm beverage. 


The two share small talk until Hoseok's phone starts to ring and he picks up, sending an apologetic look to Taehyung who responds with a smile and a shake of his head. 

When he puts the phone down Hoseok stands up to leave, picking up his bag and saying, "Sorry, Tae. I really want to spend more time with you but the school just called me saying that I needed to get back and start practicing for my dance." 

Taehyung looks up and blinks with wide eyes. 

"You dance?" 

Hoseok laughs. "Yeah, I'm pretty good at it if I say so myself." He winks playfully. 

"I'll go watch you sometime." Taehyung says, leaning back in the chair. 

"Oh yeah, the dance studio isn't open today to those that aren't part of any dance courses." Hoseok says, disappointed. 

"I can always come by another day. Work hard on your dance! You better go before you get a second call." Taehyung says. 

Hoseok nods and leans down to give a quick hug to Taehyung. Then he runs out of the coffee shop, waving to a slightly dazed Taehyung. 




Taehyung watches as he leaves the shop and smiles, drinking his coffee. A few minutes later, his mind goes back to Jungkook. He thinks the other is still asleep and a mischievious idea comes to him. 

He takes out his phone and clicks on his contacts. He sees the school contact and he wonders if he should delete it. But then he remembers the school has everyone's contact numbers since it was a boarding school - a unique one - and he just scrolls past it and looks for Jungkook's contact. 


Jeon Jungkook. 

He thinks in his mind as he spots the name and clicks on it. 

Smiling in excitement, he presses the video call button and holds the phone up to show his face in the camera, hoping the call would wake the other. 

It does, and Jungkook answers the call with eyes almost fully closed. Taehyung sees Jungkook's bed hair and his slightly swollen face and he suppresses a laugh when he watches the sleepy Jungkook press the loudspeaker button. 

Taehyung realises the other isn't aware of the video call as he puts the phone face upwards on his crossed legs on the bed. He has a funny angle of Jungkook's face as his head drops down, now with his eyes closed. Biting on his lower lip with a big smile, it looks like Jungkook is making a double chin and his body starts trembling lightly in laughter. 


"Hullo..." he mumbles

Taehyung laughs now, bursting out in little fits of giggles. 

Jungkook's eyes are now open though he's still dazed. He blinks rapidly down at his phone and sees Taehyung's bright face. 

Pretty much awake now, Jungkook stares at his phone in horror as he looks at Taehyung's face through his screen as his gaze travels to his own face on the bottom right hand corner. 


Jungkook almost flips out when he sees the difference in their appearance. 

Mouth and eyes open wide, he throws the phone onto the other side of the bed, the phone almost hitting the edge of his table and falling onto the covers facedown. 

Jungkook reaches out and making sure his face isn't shown, lifts the phone enough to fit one of his fingers underneath and ends the call in a hurry. 

He lets out a large exhale and looks up at the ceiling, trying to make sense of what was going on. 

Quickly clicking on the camera app, he switches to the front camera and looks at himself. He groans and closes his eyes, falling back onto the bed and covering his face. 





"I look like a potato!" 









Taehyung laughs when the phone is thrown and the line gets cut. He puts his phone onto the table and starts drinking the coffee still in his cup. Looking out the window, he enjoys a relaxing time as he watches the cars drive past and the people walk by. 


If he was honest, he'd say Jungkook was rather cute when he woke up. 

He thought that to himself honestly. 


But Taehyung liked to focus on the funny side of that situation and laughed at Jungkook's sleepy face when he answered the call with his slightly puffy red cheeks. 



It's still rather cute, though. 

He thinks as he laughs softly, thinking about how Jungkook would be reacting right now as he decides to go back, standing up and leaving when he finishes the drink. 








Jungkook sits up on his bed, embarrassment now creeping into his body as he recalls what he looked like when he answered the video call. 


He so knew I was still sleeping. How dare he?! He's so going to get it when I see him next. 

Jungkook thinks as he walks into the bathroom, looking at his reflection. 


He prods at his cheeks and taps his swollen face, willing it go back to it's normal size before he saw Taehyung next and washes his face with water. 

The more he thought about it the more embarrassed he got and he felt the heat creeping up his neck. 


"Oh my gosh~!!" Jungkook squeals just thinking about the situation and he jumps up and down, trying to flush away all the embarrassment. 

Exiting the bathroom, he changes into another pair of clothes, fixes his hair and puts on cream on his face, all ready to go out when the door opens to reveal Taehyung as he enters the dorm room. 


All thoughts about wanting to 'get him back' left him and another wave of embarrassment washes over him again. 

Taehyung sends his special box smile at him which does little to calm his quickening heart rate and he tries his hardest to stomp on the embarrassment building up. 

Pursing his lips together, he crosses his arms and turns away in an attempt to look angry and hide his reddening face at the same time. Hopefully the other would take it as anger, but really, he knew he won't. 


"Morning, Jungkook ah~" Taehyung sings teasingly and Jungkook opens his mouth and then clamps his teeth together. 

"Hyung! Why did you call me?" Jungkook huffed. 

Laughing, Taehyung walks closer and pokes at Jungkook's ribs lightly, making the other squirm and he starts to swat his hands away. Taehyung continues to prod lightly and playfully at the other's chest and Jungkook wiggled away. 

"Stop it~!" he whined, jutting out his lower lip and smacking the hands that came closer to disturb him. 

"What? You're not a girl so it's not like you have anything in your chest area, if you know what I'm talking about." Taehyung winks and Jungkook's mouth drops open as he stares at the other in disbelief. 

"You did not just say that to me." Jungkook starts his counterattack, bringing his hands down onto Taehyung's head, making him laugh as he tries to avoid Jungkook's attacks. 

He starts to hit Taehyung's shoulders and chest and Taehyung runs away. 


"I'm kidding!" Taehyung cries out between his laughter. "Stop being so violent!" 

Jungkook scoffs and crosses his arms, pink cheeks turning red as he plops himself down on his chair by his desk. 

"I'm giving you the silent treatment." he states, turning around to face his laptop sitting on the table. 

Taehyung walks over and sits down on Jungkook's bed, leaning over to peer at his face. 

"You can't give me silent treatment, you won't last five minutes." he says. 

"Oh yeah? Try me." Jungkook sticks out his tongue childishly and turns away. 


Taehyung smirks and he shuffles closer. Once he reaches the edge of the bed, he pushes himself up and leans over the desk, placing his lips right next to Jungkook's ear. 

"Jungkookie." he breathes out into the other's ear fast, breathing directly into the other's ear in the first syllable of his name. 

Jungkook jumps in his seat, startled, and starts his feminine hitting attacks on Taehyung again. 


"Taehyung! What do you think you're doing?!" Jungkook screeches. 

Taehyung grins and he replies, "I told you that you wouldn't last five minutes!" 


He gets up and bounds off the bed, running over to his own and grabbing his pillow and placing it in front of him as protection when Jungkook gets up and follows him, still swinging his arms. 

Grinning, Taehyung lifts the pillow and smacks Jungkook with it. 
















It's a shorter update the the past few chapters but I hope you enjoyed it. 

It's just a little filler chapter and I'm wondering about what idea I should write about in the story now and how to introduce my next idea into the story

Thanks for reading and I hope you continue to, I'll add in interesting chapters and I hope you like it

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peggyw #1
Chapter 34: Lol, funny ending. Entertaining story; ty for your hard work.
Chapter 34: HAahahahah Jungkook is such a child! XD How did he even survive when Taehyung was out of picture? That boy made a soft fluff out of Kookie >u< He even freaking cried! What is he, pregnant? XD I'm surprised that Jimin and Yoongi didn't kick him out of their room and took care of him instead. Such a good friends! *o*
Chapter 33: Awwwww, and I love Taekook! They are seriously so adorable! I love it how they're not afraid to hug in public or kiss and udhsasgujyd the feels ^o^Also, Kookie acting childish is so cute~! :3
Chapter 31: Oh my, it was so cool to end this story with THAT sentence! Thank you so so much for doing this *3*
Oww, why did it end? It was so much fun! Jungkook was trying so hard to make Taehyung fall for him and I'm glad he succeed! ^^ It would be such a pity if Taehyung stayed adamant till the very end on being straight. He would probably hurt Kookie so much :< Thankfully, he didn't (too much haha) >3<
It's such a nice story~! <3
Chapter 30: Poor Kiyoung haha the boys are so mean laughing at his embarrassment and cuteness. But Hoseok started seeing him as a potential partner which is jdvidvjdsvk good! ^^
Chapter 29: He finally said it! Yay!
It was kinda cute how Jungkook was jealous ^3^ But they were just talking so I find his reaction a little too much haha lmao I wouldn't be surprised if she had a boyfriend XD and now Kookie's order is probably a disaster! :D
Chapter 28: Jungkook and Taehyung's relationship is seriously so sweet! I love when they're joking around one second and the next one they're all over each other. Isn't it just jugtdytdlh? Aw. And Kiyoung, he seems to have a crush on Hobi already. He better treat him well! >3<
Chapter 26: Kiyoung is so adorable! I hope he and Hoseok will have something going on between them ^u^ Of course only if Kiyoung is good enough for Hobi :3
Jungkookie is such a brat! Using Taehyung like that, tsk tsk, you bad boy! It's good that Tae is such a gold boy and is not easily angry :D
Chapter 25: I'm squealing so hard, this chapter was so adorable! I can't believe that Taehyung and Jungkook just fought over a box of chocolate for like a whole chapter! It was so amusing to be honest and so like them XD
Chapter 23: Well, indeed. It's finally out in the open. Kookie can't backtrack now. Also, dgtrsngrmd they kissed! Kissed!!! jtfkmfkuhg And Tae likes Jungkook omg my taekook feels *o* <333333