
iPod Boyfriend : It's Not Just An App


“Girlfriend, don’t you always score your Mathematics subject?” Kwangmin suddenly asked. You nodded in between your sob. Youngmin pulled you into a hug and your back to coo you down. You couldn’t stop crying as your tears wet Youngmin’s school uniform. Minwoo went closer to you and patted your shoulder a few times.

“Don’t you think it’s weird?” Youngmin stated while still hugging you.

“What?” Minwoo asked.

“That she suddenly got a D. I swore the questions were not that hard” Kwangmin stated.

“I think we should see Mrs. Song for confirmation” Youngmin suggested.

They all agreed. Minwoo took your hand and dragged you to Mrs. Song’s office. She was your homeroom teacher. You didn’t have the will to care about it anymore. You thought all your effort this past week had gone down the drain. You thought that nothing mattered anymore. Minwoo leaded you to the room while the twins trailed from behind. After a while, the four of you arrived at in front of her office. Kwangmin stepped up in front and gave the door a little knock.

“Neh! Come in!” You heard a voice said. Kwangmin turned the knob and pushed the door.

Mrs. Bang was having her lunch at that moment. She was seating behind her desk. She had a smile on her face. She always had been a warm teacher. It’s easy to talk to her, or to negotiate with her. She understood her students very well.

“Yes boys, _____, what can I do to help you four?” She asked.

“Mrs. Song. _____ got a D on her Mathematics” Youngmin spoke on your behalf. Her face changed. She had a cross on her forehead.

“She did? We-well that’s most likely impossible. You never failed to score a minimum A on your Mathematics test before” She said.

“Yes, and that’s why we came to see you. You see Mrs. Song. She’s joining the Audition for the Annual Talent show” Minwoo continued.

“You are? Oh My! You never joined the Annual Talent Show before _____.” She smiled. “This is a good thing”

“But she got a D Mrs. Song. She couldn’t join it if she has a D on her result” Kwangmin responded.

“Right” She paused and stood up. She went to her drawer that was placed on her left and she took out a thick book from it. She placed it on the table. “Shin _____.. Shin _____” She chanted as she traced her forefinger from the top of the page to the bottom, finding your name. “Ah! Here it is” She paused. Her lips curved into a smile. “You got an A+ on my book” She looked at the four of you. You lift your face up as soon as you heard her. “The clerk must have messed up the results. It should be an A+. Not D. My book is correct” She scanned your face. “Now don’t cry _____. You can join the audition. I’ll ask the clerk to correct the board. I shall see you on the audition day. This is your first performance right?”

You nodded.

“I’ll definitely not going to miss it” She pumped up her fist making a fighting sound before she cheered “Fighting” to you.

“Thank you Mrs. Song! Thank you so much!” You ran to her and hugged her tight. You were thankful that you had such a caring homeroom teacher.

The boys bowed to her as a thank you sign and the four of you left her room to let her finish her lunch. Outside the office, you gathered around.

“I knew that you wouldn’t get a D! It’s so not you” Minwoo smiled.

“Gomawo guys” You gave them a big bear hug. “Saranghae”

That was the first time you ever said that word to a boy. Well, three boys to be exact.




OMG!! OTL.. This is so boring! I had no juicy idea on how to elaborate the chapter.. Basically i just wanted to clear the fact that she's still legit to join the audition.. but it turned out to be a boring one.. OTL.. mian.. I promise next chapter would be lovely.. a date coming up!! can you guess who's date it is?? >.<
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Chapter 4: ah, i'm only up to the first few chapters, but i'm loving this so far! it's an interesting concept~
Chapter 65: this is.... ㅡ beautifully written. heehaw. ↖(^▽^)↗
Chapter 40: I'm happy it's kwangmin <3
Chapter 61: if ths was really an app i would make kwangmin lol
Chapter 61: Ok, I'm crying... T__T
Joomin #7
Chapter 61: Omg It made me cryyyyyyyyyyyy QwQ