
iPod Boyfriend : It's Not Just An App


The application finished processing your final boyfriend and as usual, it direct you straight to the entry page.


You smiled at the view of the completed entry page. Maximum boyfriend 6, boyfriend created 6. You made each of the boyfriends with different personality that balanced one another and be complete boyfriends as 6. Without further delay, you tapped on Minwoo’s thumbnail. A few seconds later, the screen brought you to the empty room that everybody had before you decorate their room. One thing that was not the same that was he was not even in the room. You dragged the screen around but still no sign of him.

“Oh? Where did he go?” You asked to yourself. Right at that moment, somebody jumped in front of you startling you half to death.

“Hi girlfriend!!!” He yelled to you while cupping his mouth so he would sound louder and his voice bounced inside the room.

“Yah! Neollatjanha!!! (You scared me)” You pouted while you flails your hand in front of the screen expressing how angry you were. He chuckled to your action brightly.

“Sorry girlfriend” He bowed a bit and he looked back at you. “Anyeonghasaeyo! Boyfriend number 6, last boyfriend No Minwoo imnida! Thank you for creating me girlfriend!” He beamed towards you.

“Anyeonghasaeyo. Shin _____ imnida! Nice to meet you” You introduced yourself to him next.

“Uwah!” He clapped his hands excitedly. “How old are you girlfriend?” He asked.

“17, but I’m older than you!” You grinned.

“Jinjjayo? Than…. Should I call you noona?” He giggled lightly.

“Should you?”

“Neh!!! Noonaaa!!!” He stretched both of his arms towards you while he called you cutely. Then he would chuckle with both of his fist balled and he put under his chin for more cute effect.

“Aigoo! You’re so cute!” You giggled.

You chatted unusual things with him, like can a bird fly but an ostrich cant, why did they call a marshmallow, marshmallow instead of soft candy or something and some other things that never came across your mind. You thought he really was odd. But then again, you liked him from being odd. Slightly different than the rest of his hyung.

After that, you told him that you would make him a room so you asked him to join his hyung so you could work on the room. You always ask them to meet other people first while you work on their room so they wouldn’t be bored while waiting for you. You see, your boyfriends are very loyal to you. If you ask them to wait, they would wait even if they had to face rain, lightning, storm or more whatsoever. They were created to make you happy, not pooling tears inside your eyes.

So you proceeded in decorating his room. Since he like pastel color, you painted his wall with pastel pink and bright pink wallpaper. Instead of seemed somewhat girly, you painted the wall with some boyish mural that you picked out from the store. Then you put on mirrors across his wall so he could dance inside his room. You made his room a slightly spacious than the rest of the boys with less furniture. Since he liked to dance unlike his hyung. His bed was decorated with black Mickey Mouse coverlet and a Mickey Mouse plushy sat on his bed. You put all surround system in his room so he wouldn’t have to use small radio to dance. Just like how your room was, complete for everything.

After you were done, you called him in. You loaded his room, and he smiled in delight. To thank you, he even dance ily for you. With a little y strip going on. He kept on pulling up his shirt to show you his body. You can’t help but shriek like a fan girl.

I’m glad I made you. I’m glad I made all of you. You smiled as you spent more time with them, you grew attached to them. If you were given a choice, you would never want to lose any of them.


A/N : Waiting for my bro so I thought I would update first.. GUYS!! IMA MISS YOU!! I LAV YOU!

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Chapter 4: ah, i'm only up to the first few chapters, but i'm loving this so far! it's an interesting concept~
Chapter 65: this is.... ㅡ beautifully written. heehaw. ↖(^▽^)↗
Chapter 40: I'm happy it's kwangmin <3
Chapter 61: if ths was really an app i would make kwangmin lol
Chapter 61: Ok, I'm crying... T__T
Joomin #7
Chapter 61: Omg It made me cryyyyyyyyyyyy QwQ