
Dude Looks Like a Lady

Baekhyun thought that after Chanyeol's first visit, he would be coming back until Baekhyun was ready to speak to him. At some point he started to build up a cheesy image in his head like in the movies of Chanyeol just coming back and telling Baekhyun that he would keep doing so until the two of them talked. 

Except Chanyeol didn't come back 

Ever since the afternoon that Chanyeol did appear... he hadn't been back since. It shouldn't have bothered Baekhyun, really it shouldn't have, why should he care about whether Chanyeol came back? Why should he care after what Chanyeol had said to him? He wasn't having to act as Bokyung anymore. he wasn't technically married anymore so why should he continue to care? 

"What was that for?" Baekhyun whined, holding his forehead where Sehun had flicked him previously 
"You weren't paying attention to me when I was speaking to you" Sehun replied as Baekhyun let out another whine and rubbed the spot that had been flicked. 

"That hurt!" he complained 
"Well you should know better than to ignore me" Sehun pointed out before sighing "What's wrong anyway? Lately you've been so distracted and so... jumpy whnever you've heard a door shut or a knock from down the hall back home." 

Sehun knew about Chanyeol. The night he found Baekhyun waiting for him to come home and ended up breaking down, he sat his friend down and demanded to know just what was going on. He knew about Baekhyun having to dress up as a girl and how it went down when Chanyeol found out. What he didn't know was that Chanyeol had come over to see Baekhyun, yet his friend was too chicken to open the door. 

"I'm just tired that's all... haven't been sleeping properly" Baekhyun replied which, in his defense, was completely true. All Sehun could do was pat his friend on the back and tell him it would be fine. He was never really good at comforting people, only really improving on the skill when it came to his job, and not really having the experience that Baekhyun had been through, what more could he offer? 



"What are you doing?" 

Having suddenly ducked down to the floor, Chanyeol thought that this would have looked extremely odd to Tao, especially because the two of them were in a public place and would probably have garnered a stare or two from his abrupt actions. 

"Uh, I dropped some money" 

Chanyeol hoped that sounded convincing enough, especially because he was not about to tell Tao that the reason he did it wa sbecause he may or may not had just seen Baekhyun from across the road and panicked at the poosibility of having to speak to him after his first failed attempt. 

"Whatever" Tao said "Come on, before somebdy else cuts in front of us" 

Tao was just willing to believe anything Chanyeol said right now, well, almost anything. If it meant that Chanyeol was much in a much better mood than what he was in previously, he was happy to oblige. 

"Have you spoken to Baekhyun yet?" he asked, just when Chanyeol thought he had forgotten all about it 
"Ah well you see... about that" 

"I'll take that as a no then" Tao answered for himself, tugging Chanyeol forward by the sleeve  
"I did go to where he staying!" Chanyeol defended "But nobody answered the door" 
"Have you been there since?" Tao asked, groaning when he took Chanyeol's following silence as a no. 

What did it matter to Tao? Why was he so interested in what went on with Chanyeol's life anyway? For all Chanyeol knew, this was actually none of his business regardless of whether they were close friends or not. 

"Why do you seem to care so much as to whether I've spoken to Baekhyun?" he asked 
"No offence Chanyeol, but when you were 'married' to him... I don't know, I think your attitude changed. You just looked more relaxed and happy I guess" Tao replied 

"So what, you're saying my attitude was rubbish beforehand?" 
"No I'm not saying that! What I meant is that having someone by your side looked like it was having a positive impact on you. I'm just telling you to speak to Baekhyun because if he was able to have some sort of impact, you shouldn't lose him and just keep him as a friend" 

Chanyeol really wanted to tell Tao to mind his own business, but his friend did have a point. Those times Baekhyun had made him laugh, smile and make him feel genuinely happy, he enjoyed those times. Sure Tao and his grandpa also made him laugh and smile, but the way Baekhyun had managed to do so... it was different he guessed. 

He hated it when Tao made him think like this... 



It took another three days of Tao's constant nagging and for Chanyeol being able to once again muster up the courage to go back over to where Baekhyun was staying. 

Once again Chanyeol found himself going over a possible script in his head which would firstly sound correct when and if he ended up speak to Baekhyun, and secondly not have anybody shut the door in his face when they saw him standing there. 

'Why is this so stressful?' was his final thought, composing himself before he finally proceeded to knock on the door. Waiting for somebody to open the door, Chanyeol began to think that nobody was going to answer like last time. Weren't they ever in? 

Hearing the sound of the door unlocking and proceeding to open, Chanyeol jumped back in surprise and got ready to come face to face with Baekhyun. Revealing the person on the other side though, Chanyeol was quite surprised to see that they weren't Baekhyun and was thrown completely as to what he could say next. 

"Uh... hi... is Baekhyun around? I'm Chanyeol and I ne-"
"I know who you are" the person interrupted and though Chanyeol was not completely sure, it sounded like the person was almost angry at him, and yet they had never met up until that point, and he didn't know why they were angry at him in the firt place... 

Dum, dum, dum 

Oh I've got a great few chapters planned ahead. One of them being the first chapter to pop into my mind since the idea of this fic came to me and I've just been so excited to get it written out already! 

Until the next chapter!! 

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Beau1996 1480 streak #1
Chapter 25: Very fluffy - both sets of parents completely but ended up with two great sons!! Chanbaek forevermore 😉
Chapter 25: the bonus chapter was so cute
Chapter 25: Cuuute
Chapter 13: HAHAHAH
Kkaching #5
Chapter 13: Finally T*T
Chapter 25: Poor chanyeol and baekhyun for having parents like that . but thats their fate . they got married eventhough not as they wanted but yeah .. Got together at the end
emperor_carat #7
Chapter 25: Omg so cuteee
Chapter 13: I snorted louder than I should have at Yeol's reaction to seeing a sleeping Baek instead of a sleeping Bokyung
sikami #9
Chapter 14: Author-nim, just how evil can u get. will there be an accident. will someone die. LIKE, WILL THIS STILL GO DOWN. OR WILL THINGS BE OKAY IN THE END
aarushic_18 #10
Chapter 25: AWW they're so adorable!