Chapter 21- Surprise Surprise!

60 Days With Mr. Haughty

***Andie Rams' POV***

Shane led the way knowingly and I just followed his back still distracted by the thought of the hug back there. Something feels like my chest's being pressed, I cannot breathe. I don't know why I'm suddenly feeling like this, I don't even know what's this thing but I've got to admit; it felt good.

I know I should have been mad by now. I know I should've done something back there but what can I do! His oh so soft hair that thouched my temple, his mild and playful scent of spring, and of course the comforting warmth of his body as he wrapped me around in his arms. Yes, I've tried to fight back but I didn't succeed. I felt like I'm a poor ice cream melting under a pleasant hot sun.

Wait, did I just actually thought that Shane's hot? What the heck is happening to me!

I'm not like this! I've never been more ignorant in my life. Okay, just now. I'm just totally not used to these kind of things.

Especially to with the fact that I'm actually Shane's fake girl---

"You listening to me?" said a voice making me jump a bit

I lifted my head and saw Shane hanging his head. He was studying me letting some strands of his hair fall freely on his forehead partly blocking his deep blue eyes that shots me a scrutinizing stare.

"What?" I asked

"I was talking to you but you obviously aren't with me"

He was talking to me? Wow that's weird. I didn't even noticed him. I was so lost in my train of thoughts.

"Oh, sorry. I was just thinking about... uhh, about something"

"Fantasizing about me, huh? Sweet" he smirked

Inside, I was definitely taken aback but of course I've covered it immediately as I matched his annoying smirk.

"Yeah, sure. Keep dreaming, Wilhem" I acted as if it wasn't true

"You too, princess" he chuckled

"Oh, burn" I huffed making him chuckle again but this time he went behind me and covered my eyes with his palms.

"What are you doi---"

"Just shush-up and follow my lead"

"I've been following your lead for the past freaking minutes. Why still have to cover my eyes?"

"I said shush-up" he warned

I stubbornly sigh and just do as he said so. I mean what else can I do to stop him. This idiot obviously isn't taking no for an answer. I can even picture him wearing his evil smirk on his face right now.

I mumbled profanities as I was keep on getting tripped. You don't know how hard it is to climb the stairs with no sight at all. Plus, having Shane as my guide isn't making it any better. He's covering my eyes and kept on laughing every time I fall like he's actually doing it on purpose.

"You're so clumsy, we could have gotten there if you aren't falling for every step" he said between his chuckles

"You're so lame, we could have gotten there if you aren't covering my eyes" I retorted and falling for another step. Again.

Lucky he has always have his hands on me for my support.

"Oh come on. Please show you can do better than that" he complained

"I could have, if I don't have you as my companion" I wittily retorted

He sighed, "You talk too much"

I stumbled again

"That's cause you kept on asking", I said while getting back on my feet

"Well, you kept answering"

"I'm just not the rude type" I said proudly

"Oh yeah?"

"Oh yeah..." I repeated in a tone of statement

I heard him chuckle again then we stopped in our tracks, "We're here", he said

My muscles tightened.

I got excited.

He removed his hands and I took a deep breath first...

Let it out before opening my eyes...

And there is the...


I furrowed my brows in confusion, "What is this?", I asked

"Uhh, it's a door", he said in his 'duh' tone

I rolled my eyes, "I know that, idiot. I mean why am I standing in front of it?", I asked stubbornly

"Normal people used to open it"

I huffed controlling my temper and about to complain again but I turned around to face Shane and realized it really wasn't the best idea.

He was standing close me. Too close for my liking. So I backed off of him and he smirked. He's totally finding this amusing, huh?

"And why would I actually want to do that?"

Something's isn't right. I can smell that.

He chuckled again and crossed his arms, "If you're a normal person, you would. Why, is there other things you make use of it?" he said in obvious tone

"Never tried anything else. But sure I can pull that thing out of there and would totally love to hit your -head with it if you wouldn't tell me the truth"

"Was that supposed to be a threat?" he simply smirked not showing any intimidation

"Are you threatened?"

"Nope, but keep going. It's working" he teased.

He's so annoying! Am I really not that scary?

"I'm serious, Shane."

"Why? I'm not joking"

"Tell me what's in there or I leave.", I said firmly

He let out a heavy sigh surrendingly. Hmm, that went well. I guess I should've just done that little bit ealier.

"It would ruin everything if I tell you now. Come on..." he complainingly said but I just stood still, calm, and patiently waiting for him to say something or I'd really leave. I just gave him my I-don't-give-a-crap look and stared right through his soul.

"Tsk, I've made a surprise for you" he mumbled almost inaudible for me to hear. He looked embarrased. So cute!

"A surprise?" I asked making sure if I have heard it correctly.

"Do I really always have to repeat things to you?"

"You don't have to if it wasn't only your who can hear what you're saying" I said rolling my eyes away.

"Fine! Just leave like everyone else do"

My heart clenched and I don't know why, but I suddenly felt sorry for him. Maybe it's just me, but it feels like his words says something more about his past. Though I don't know any of those, I feel responsibile for making him say that and reminding him about his history.

I didn't bother to fight back or leave like he said so. Instead, I just lifted my head to check up on him. He was looking away, disappointment evident in his eyes.

Maybe I was wrong. Maybe he wasn't planning something bad at all.

Wow, so I'm the one feeling guilty now. Great. Just great.

I should say something! Think Andie... think! Before everything gets more uncomfortable.

I cleared my throat, "So uhh, is it... is it safe?" I stuttered awkwardly

He looked back at me with a small but genuine smile making my heart flutter in delight.

Okay fine! That's just gorgeous, okay! Happy?

"Well, would you still come if I say it isn't?"

"Of course not" I said without a second thought. The bright atmosphere was back again.

He chuckled, "You're really funny. Don't worry, it's perfectly safe. I made sure no one would be bothering us so we can talk things out clearly in there", he finished with a wink

So it's just me and him?

"Well, Liam would still probably be out there. But he wouldn't bother" he smirked

What? Did I just said that out loud! I think not. Gosh that would be really embarrassing if I did!

"Uh, that's great but what's with the eye-covering,foot-tripping game back there, huh? My knees freaking hurts right now!", I complained

He smirked noddingly, "Exactly", he said making me scoff in amusment as I gape at him opening the door. I knew he was doing that on purpose! Argh, he is so getting a payback.

He grabbed my wrist and dragged me into the garden.

My palace!

Wow. Just wow!



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congrats :)
Chapter 5: Thank you for commenting a lot Chandyd!
Chapter 5: whoot =! scary that!
Chapter 4: what an interesting updare ^_^ luuuuv it
Chapter 3: fast updates, huh? i like that ^^
Aww thank you ^^
Chapter 2: unni! please make it soon ^^
Chapter 2: wow... please update!!
very cute! totally subscribed ^_^