Chapter 10-He's Being The Gentleman

60 Days With Mr. Haughty

~Andie's POV~

Seeing Shane throwing his usual smirk with those narrowed blue eyes looking deep into yours, sending some messages I don't exactly know makes me feel uneasy. Yeah fine, I admit that one.

Don't get me wrong. I just feel worried of what he is up to. Upon knowing Shane, he is the person who wants to get things go on his way the way he wanted. And like I said, since he hated me enough, I know he would think of something evil to put-up some reprisal and make me miserable. Spoiled, indeed.

Well, he's not like the usual bad boy you might picture that are seen in movies or chick flicks that wears baggy shorts with loose shirt and big rings or dark pants with black leathered jacket boys on the bike, kind of things. You get me, right?

To describe him, he's some kind of rich jerk who gets all he wanted with cars, house, parties, servants. Or maybe I should add up another. Girls, maybe.

He even does things not for minors without getting punished, like driving cars, taking liquored drinks, etc. Well that's illegal, I know, but he always get himself out of it. Is that even normal? And of course, I shouldn't forget. He loves making people's lives a disaster. Wants example? Well look at me now.

Enough said for him to be called bad boy, right? Pch. Yeah, he makes me nervous at times but I can always guard myself, you know. It's just, you can never really escape those kind of feelings. I'm still a girl. You wouldn't expect when, you know. He might be something.

He then broke the gazes and didn't wait for Mr. Lee to open the door for him as he just opened it for himself. He got out of the car and took some steps away then he paused after turning back facing the car giving me a nice view of him from the window inside.

He's wearing this white Sketchers with black laces paired with his clean white pants while hands inside of its loosed pockets. He wears this gray sleeveless hoodie for top exposing his fair skinned fine biceps. Hmmm, he looked nice. At least I think he did.

'Nice? Just admit it. He looks hot!'

What! Course not. It's just the clothes. He just looked fine wearing it.

'Oh really? Then why are you still sitting here checking him out?'

What! How long actually am I staring at him!

As my eyes traveled on him, my eyes reached his face and saw his eyes looking back at me with an amused grin that's cracked on his lips. Wait. Why is he still standing there?

"Miss Andie, aren't you going out of the car?" a deep voice suddenly interrupted my thoughts making me jump a little on my seat but that didn't made me look away. Seriously. Why does Mr. Lee needed to have that deep voice! I scares me to hell.

"M-uh, yeah?" I stuttered not taking my eyes off of the view

Wait, what veiw? This isn't veiw Andie! Stop it!

"Young Master's seemed to be waiting for you, miss" that got my attention.

I looked at Mr. Lee with confused look while he doesn't give any clue on his face. He's serious most of the time, I guess.

I looked back to the window only to see Shane with his arms crossed on his front looking impatiently waiting with furrowed brows.

As I sent a look Shane, still confused on what on earth is he still doing there, he raised his brows giving me the what-now-look. Well, I did the same.

Yeah, what now? Doesn't he need to go inside already?

Shane let out a deep sigh as he started to walk back to my side of the car looking irritated. Uh-oh

He knocked through the window wildly. Yeah, 'wildly', you heard me. The guy who ones stood there handsomely has now turned into a scary knocking panda. "Hey! Aren't you getting out of there?" yelled from outside.

Wait! Did I just say, handsome? Nuh-uh! Ain't attractive at all.

The door just automatically opened which made me instantaneously looked towards Liam who is now still wearing, of course, his signatured poker face.

Well I guess he opened this freaking door. Now, Shane is to fiannaly get started with his evilness. Yay Liam. Way to go!

"It won't be that bad, Miss Andie" said Liam. Now he's like giving me an assured look.

Did he read my mind? Please tell me I didn't say that out loud. Yeah Andie! Way to go for you too!

I sighed and get myself out of the car. I slightly banged the door shut behind me. Of course not as much as I usually do in shutting doors whenever I get mad. I just got his car destroyed yesterday which I'm now paying and destroying another one just doesn't make a plan. Like, seriously. I'm not an idiot to do that.

"What are you still doing here? Aren't you going to the mall?" I huffed

"You're coming with me."

"What about Mr. Lee? Isn't he coming?"

"No." he answered as he grabbed my wrist leading me away from the car. I shrugged my hands off of his grip.

"What if you needed his help?"

"I won't. Now, just shut up and follow my lead." he said and started marching towards the entrance.

See? Bossy Panda. Told ya!

I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms in front of me. "You coming or what?" he yelled

"I prefer what" I replied before walking towards him.

As we walk into the mall, I noticed he looked calm and easy. Like with no particular plans at all, being the casual Shane with hands inside pockets and everything.

I rolled my eyes and looked away. He's just probably want to waste my time here. So that's it? That's the plan? Pretty disappointing for him, hu---

What the! He suddenly dragged me into the department store and finally stopped in an area, specifically in the camping section.

He pulled a trolly out and we walked towards the tents and he started checking the opened samples out.

"What are you doing?" I asked

"Uhh, checking tents?" he said sarcastically like it's the most obvious thing in the world

"Obviously" I huffed and tilted my head away from his direction. As just when I looked away, I saw some salesladies giggling together with some audible squeaking sounds. Definitely checking Shane out.


"Yeah, they are" he mumbled

Did I say that out loud! Ok, that was weird.

"Hey, which one do you think would fit for us?" he asked

My brows furrowed with 'us'.

"Excuse me?" I asked in disbelief

"Fine, you're excused" he said nodding his head and turned back to the tents.

"Shane, I'm serious" he faced back to me, "I know. I said you're excused", he replied

He's really putting my nerves out of me, huh. Wait unti---

'Whoo... take a deep breath Andie. He's not worth it.'

"What do you mean 'us'?" I said containing myself.

"You know, you and I with luggages and everything, for the camp?"

"For the camp? I'm not even going" I muttered with disbelief

"Plans changed. You have to go with me. Be my camping partner" he calmly said making it sound like it's already planned out

"Wait. Have you even asked my opinion?" my blood's starting to heat up now. I can believe this. This boy is really...

"Eversince you agreed to my rules, yes I already have"

Like, really? Is that even a part of that? I swear I shouldn't have agreed to that stupid rule! I still have no plans on going! And if I'd ever go, I won't go with him! Not him as my partner, not the freaking way!

Wait a sec.

Jaik told me we'll be assiged by partners. Well, obviously, we haven't been assigned yet. Therefore, I have a chance we wouldn't be partners. YAHOO!

"Tch. You aren't that hundred percent sure we'd be partners, Shane" I said throwing him my cheeky grin

He had the same grin and replied, "Of course I'm sure"

"Oh, really? How, then?" I asked teasingly

"I have my ways" he replied imitating my tone.

Of course Andie. 'He have his ways'. How did I miss that one! Stupid! Stupid! Now I would never getting out of this. Like, ever!

He smiled like he won first prize in the lottery. Oh, I would make that smirk disappear, Bossy Panda. Just wait.

"Somebody has no choice, are we, Rams? Now, what size d'you think we can fit with our things?"

Hate admitting it but yeah. No choice at all.

In front of every samples are the folded ones. I poited a finger to the red one which was the medium sized pop-up tent. I think it would be enough for us.

"Good choice" he said with nodding head

At least he finally ageed to me.

Still nodding, he grabbed the green folded tent which was the large sized one and cracked his lips into a wide grin.

I thought he liked my choice! What was that!

He turned to face me, "You made the good choice. Sad I had better" with that, he threw the tent into the cart and walked away. Arrgghh, even his back is shouting in evilness!

I ran to catch-up to him. Wow, he walked fast.

"Hey, I think large tent isn't appropriate" I informed

He stopped looking bit taken back. He tilted his head and faced me with an approving look. "So you think the extra large one's the best fit?"

"No! I mean---" he cuts me off

"Ok, that ends it" he smirked before proceeding to the containers section. Unbelievable. I don't think I could bear the remaining 59 days with him.
He threw things into the cart casually like there's no tomorrow, not taking any of my opinions.

He put two water jags, food containers, disposable spoon and forks. We searched for all important items we can use during the camp such as flashlights, batteries, and many more.

I thought we've got enough but he still insisted to look for something.

He handed me a sealed white case with a red cross in it. I looked at him in confusion.

"First aid kit. Ever heard of it?" he smirked

I chuckled, "Seriously?", I teased

"It's not mine. It's for you. You never know when it comes handy." he defended

For me? So he also cares for someone? Not bad, Shane. Not bad at all.

I don't know but his sudden words made me grin. Maybe because it's another side of him I haven't seen yet.

He took the trolly out from my grip and pull it on himself. I was bit stunned by that gesture of him. Is he sick or something?

'Maybe it's just normal to him'

Yeah, I hope so.

I grinned wider but then I noticed he's out of my sight. I wandered my eyes in every corner but it just made me bit worried. He's nowhere in sight. Yes, 'bit worried'.

I walked quickly further until I saw him checking some clothes out. I sighed in relief. He really is fast. I just stood there briefly but he disappeared that fast.

"There you are" he mumbled

So, he also noticed I was gone.

'Snap out of it Andie! So what?'

"This would fit you, right?" he asked handing me a white jacket with some blue detailed prints. It's a thick soft cotton cloth jacket. Definitely warm. Nice taste, I should say.

I'm still not finished observing the first jacket as he already put another gray one onto my hands.

"Shane, I haven't tried it y---" he cuts me

"It'd fit you well" he said casually. Wow is my size really that easy to be analyzed? I stayed silent as I checked the jacket. I read it 'small'. Wah, it really is my size.

"Beanies, gloves, we're going to need these" he said while throwing them into the cart too.

"Uhm, d-don't worry, I'll... I'll pay for my stuff" I stuttered. Heck, I don't stutter! Not in front of Shane! He only grins at me and shook his head.

"I'll pay" he insisted

"I have money" I said

"I know and so do I. Rule number two?"

I can't do anything but to look down on the floor. I surrender. Damn that second rule! If only I didn't acklowledged rule number one, I wouldn't have to follow evertything he said.

"Yeah, 'You should get what you want'" I recalled, nodding in defeat.

He smiled with my response. I blinked my eyes twice not so sure if I'm seeing it right.

Hold it! He did smile. A genuine and real smile from Shane Wilhem! Damn, he's beautiful. Yeah, now I admit that. I just appreciate other's beauty, okay?

"Looks good on you. You should wear that often" I said

He furrowed his brows. "What?"

"Your smile. Looks good on you." I replied.

It takes a while before I have processed what I have just said. It took me back a bit. Ok, this is embarrassing. He's staring down at me.

He smirked, "You should have just said I'm handsome"

Okay, yay! There you go. President Ego is back to earth.

I just rolled my eyes and grabbed the trolly proceeding to the cashier before he grabs something else. I don't have to give him my retort. I would probably be lying if I say he's ugly, and I hate lying. Well, I do lie about shallow things sometimes but I always get caught.

Can't help it. I don't know if they're great mind readers or I really am just the worst liar. Both wins, I guess. Shane really is a handsome guy any girl would desire. Rich, smart, hot and everything. Blue eyes, pink lips...

'Look who's talking now'

Subconscious, stop it would you? Just appreciating the beauty. Relax. He's still the bossy panda. Jerk as always. Pch. I said he's any girl would desire. Well, I'm not 'any girl', okay?

"Hey, missy" a voice from behind. Told you, he's fast. He could be part of 'The Incredibles' or Flash's long lost brother or someth---

Then a thought stopped me. That voice isn't Shane's. I tilted my head to see who's that familiar voice.

Yeah, it isn't Shane. He's wearing white sneakers, a pair of denim shorts, with black long sleeved shirt, sleeves folded up to elbows. He changed his clothes?

"Oh, Matthew. H-hey" I stuttered.

He chuckled,"My friends call me Matt."

My brows raised upon hearing his words.

"Well, are we friends?" I tried to sound nicely and slowly as I could, avoiding he might get me wrong.

He let out an amused sigh,"Why? You still think we're not?"

Why can't he get to his point already! He could just say, 'We're friends. You can call me Matt if you want'.

Well, it's another thing different between him and Shane. Shane's unbelievably straightforward while him, not much. Well, I think he's just shy to say it directly.

"No! I mean, am I your friend?" I asked. This is awkward.

"Uhmm, I kind of helped you. But that depends on your will. Can that make us friends?" he said reaching a hand out

"Well, yeah. Of course. Thank you by the way. Matt." I smiled

"You're welcome" he smiled back

"By the way, what are y---"

"Hey, bro", someone cuts me. Matt and I both turned around to see Shane coming to our direction smilingly from not so far distance. I swear, he's been cutting my sentences a bit often now. Why does he keep doing that!

"Hey" Matt replied with a nod

"What are you doing here" Shane asked with a small grin on his face.

Matthew... I mean... Matt lifted the blue shopping basket he was holding filled with water jag, rain coat, and something else which I conclude is for the camping also.

"Shopping" he replied.

So I guess he's definitely going to the camp too. I think it'd be great if Matt could be my partner. Not that I would love to but I think he would help me with things and stuffs out there. While with Shane, I think it's the other way around. With that attitude? He's not the kind of helping type.

'Of all people, Matthew came first to your mind for partner. Why is that, huh?'

Subconscious! Psshh! I just found Matt gentleman enough to help me out in the woods. That's all!

As I was predicting about things, I started to notice the silence in the three of us. Uhmm, maybe not really. Matt and Shane looks like to be just staring at each other for the past minute, and obviously, I'm not a part of it. So it's an awkward silence with just the two of them.

"Guys?" I tried to break their staring out. It's pulling some craps out of me. But still, none of them moved an inch.

"Guys, I think we should be getting going and pay these stuffs" I don't know but I instantaneously grabbed Shane's forearm and shook him gently.

"I think so too" Matt said. I turned to look at him and see him smirking towards Shane.

Seriously, I can't understand guys' mind. They said they find girls weird. Well news flash, boys. Us too.

So we paid the things. Oh wait. Let me get it right. They paid the things. Shane didn't let me pay a cent. I guess this is what they called, peace offering?

'I don't think so'

Yeah, it'll be too exaggerated if I put it that way. He doesn't think of it like that, of course. He still hates me and same here. Let's just say, he's being the gentleman Shane.

Yeah, better that way.

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congrats :)
Chapter 5: Thank you for commenting a lot Chandyd!
Chapter 5: whoot =! scary that!
Chapter 4: what an interesting updare ^_^ luuuuv it
Chapter 3: fast updates, huh? i like that ^^
Aww thank you ^^
Chapter 2: unni! please make it soon ^^
Chapter 2: wow... please update!!
very cute! totally subscribed ^_^