After You

Love at First Sight


I just made another Fan Fic starring You, Jo Kwangmin, Gongchan Shik, Jung Jinyoung and the rest of B1A4


Capturing Love ♥

Chapter Forty Five


The other three heard her and they quickly went to her, they were surprised to see Kira lying unconsciously on the ground while Mika was trying to wake him up. “Yah wake up!” she proclaimed. Rui and Yoshiro immediately helped Kira get up and they took him to a guest room inside the house.

“Chizu...” said Mika, “Don’t worry Mika, he’ll be fine” Chizu responded. “Uh” said Mika then she released a sigh.

Back in Daisuke’s case, he kept on looking for Kira even though it was already 7 30 in the evening, “Darn it” he said as he was looking around, then his phone rang and he answered it

“Hello? Yuki?” he said

“Aniki, I think you should stop looking for Kira already” said Yuki

“Why is that?” asked Daisuke

“Because... he went after Mika-chan” said Yuki, “E-EH!? O_o” Daisuke proclaimed.

            Back at the Countryside, Kira was slowly opening his eyes and he saw Chizu in front of him “Urgh, where am I?” he asked as he sat up. “Where are you? Heh, you went all the way here without even knowing you’re location!” Chizune proclaimed, Kira was a bit confused because Chizu seemed angry, “Wait a minute, where’s Ootori?” said Kira “She’s outside, but I don’t want her to see you” said Chizu “Why?” Kira wondered, “Because... I’m afraid that she might get hurt...” Chizu replied as she looked away from Kira, Kira was really confused. “What are you talking about?” he asked “Mika got hurt because she saw you and Konoka-chan hugging, she got hurt because she saw you and Konoka-chan about to kiss... she got hurt because... she’s... she’s a dense girl” Chizu responded, Kira was still confused but he kept quiet as Chizu continued to talk.

“She’s so dense that it was too late for her to realize how she loves you... why is she like that? And you... even though you love her, you still chose to be in a relationship with that Konoka girl... and now that you’ve broken up with her, are you planning to get Mika now and then break her heart later? Are you that kind of guy?” she added, “Uh” said Kira then he lowered his head, “I’m not that kind of guy” he said, “Uh” Chizu said as she turned to him, “You think I intended to break Ootori’s heart? You think I’m some kind of guy who would just break a girl’s heart then go to another girl and break her heart?” he said and Chizu kept quiet

“Heh, well I’m not” Chizu noticed the serious face that Kira was wearing... “Ootori, no... Mika is the most clumsy, gullible, impatient, ungraceful, stubborn and dense girl I’ve ever met but she’s also the most caring, loving, fun, real, forgiving and happy girl that I’ve fallen in love with. Ever since I met her, my world was suddenly filled with all sorts of colors. We’ve fought for how many times but that was because we’re both stubborn, in the end we still learned to laugh about the fight. I’ve never met anyone like her” Kira added then he looked at Chizu “I broke up with Konoka because I couldn’t bear seeing her hurt anymore... so please, let me see her and at least let me tell her how I feel about her” he added. Chizu paused for a while, she was shocked of what she heard from Kira and she just kept quiet. “Chizune-chan?” said Kira, Chizu stood up and left without even looking at him. He released a sigh and brought out Mika’s necklace from his pocket, “This is it... I hope” he said to himself then he placed the necklace next to his chest as he felt his heart beat fast.

            Meanwhile, Chizu decided to go downstairs to check on Mika, she wasn’t aware that Rui was eavesdropping over their conversation, “Uh” he said then he released a sigh.
Chizu saw Mika sitting on the couch and she looked really worried, she half smiled and went near her

“Hey” she said as she sat next to her, “Uh, Chizu! Is Kira okay?” asked Mika and Chizu nodded her head in reply, Mika felt relieved that she leaned back on the couch. Chizu half smiled and said, “Even though he hurt you, you’re still worried about him”, Mika looked at her with a confused look “Where’s Yoshiro by the way?” asked Chizu “He’s outside; he said he needed some fresh air” Mika responded “Sou... I’ll go chat with him for a while, is that okay with you?” said Chizu and Mika nodded her head. Chizu then went outside leaving Mika in the living room; Mika released a big sigh after thinking that Kira suddenly appeared in front of her.

Chizu saw Yoshiro sitting on the lawn and he looked lonely so she decided to sit next to him. “Hey” she said, “Uh, Chizu...” Yoshiro said but in a low voice, “Are you okay? You sound sick too” said Chizu “Heh, I wish I was that way Mika would worry about me too” said Yoshiro “Uh, oh I see... you’re jealous because Kira-kun’s here” said Chizu and Yoshiro kept quiet, Chizu then giggled “That guy really ruined the moment, I was planning to ask Mika to be my girlfriend tonight but since he suddenly showed up, I don’t know what to do now” Yoshiro added, “Uh... heh, you sound like you’re so sure that Mika will say ‘yes’ to you” said Chizu “Well, yeah... I mean, we’ve been together for a few days already and it seems like she’s always happy whenever I tell her jokes and stuff” said Yoshiro “Heh, but that doesn’t mean she also has feelings for you right?” said Chizu “Yah, whose side are you on anyway!?” Yoshiro cried, Chizu chuckled and answered “I’m on nobody’s side, okay? Whoever Mika chooses, I’ll be very fine with it. Whether it’s you... or Kira-kun” “Uh, tch” said Yoshiro then he stood up and went inside. Chizu released a big sigh and said to herself

 “I hope things will be over soon, hmmm”

            The next morning, Mika was hesitating if she would wake Kira up or wait for him downstairs. “Maybe I should...” she said as she was about to knock but then, “Or maybe I should just wait for him downstairs” she added as she was about to go down but then, she faced the door again “Argsh, Ootori Mika, why are you acting nervous all of the sudden? It’s not like you haven’t talked with that egghead for ages” she murmured, she was about to knock when suddenly, the door opened, “Uh?” Mika wondered. She slowly looked up and suddenly blushed when she saw Kira only wearing his shorts and he had a towel on his hair. She went O///O
Kira was still half asleep even after taking a bath, he looked down and widened his eyes when he saw Mika in front of him and noticed that she was blushing “Uhh...” he said, he smirked and said “Like it?” Mika raised her brow and glared at him but she was still blushing “Yeah right, who would like that skinny body of yours. Tch, you really are feeling better already” said Mika “Heh, what are you doing here?” asked Kira “Did you miss me already?” he added which made Mika blush and at the same time, feel pissed. “I-I just came to tell you that breakfast is ready” she said as she turned around “Is that all?” said Kira, Mika looked back and said “Wear a shirt or Chizu will kill you when she finds out that a half egghead is walking around her aunt’s house” then she went downstairs, Kira couldn’t help but smile then he went back inside to put a shirt on.

When Mika arrived downstairs, Rui noticed the pissed expression on her face “What did Kira-kun do to you?” he asked “That good for nothing egghead, I regret helping him! We should’ve left him outside!” Mika proclaimed, “Yeah right, last night you were the one who couldn’t even sleep because you were worried sick about him” Rui murmured, “Tssss -_-” said Mika, then “Oh look, here’s prince egghead” said Rui as he saw Kira walking down the stairs. “I think I’m going to leave the two of you alone and help Yoshiro and Chizu do the gardening, jaa~” he added then he left “Yah Rui!” Mika yelled but Rui already went outside, she released a sigh then

“What’s for breakfast?” Kira asked as he sat next to her, Mika moved a few inches from Kira but he kept moving closer.

“Yah, what’s wrong with you? I’m going to fall over here!” Mika proclaimed, “Then don’t move anymore” said Kira, Mika gave him a glare and she continued to eat. Kira released a smirk and started eating as well; the two were very quiet ‘till

“What were you doing here anyway? And how did you find me?” asked Mika “Simple. I just asked directions... I also got tired because I wasn’t able to eat lunch and dinner while I was looking for you” Kira responded and Mika looked at him with an “ARE YOU CRAZY!?” look and he just smiled; Mika rolled her eyes and continued to eat. She wanted to ask Kira more questions but it made her a bit nervous. Kira noticed this and he smiled, then

“Yah, you’re staying too close with my girl!” Yoshiro proclaimed as he entered the kitchen and saw the two “Your girl?” both Kira and Mika wondered “Yah Yoshiro, I’m not your girl, okay?” said Mika “Yeah, because she’s my girl” Kira said as he put his arms around Mika which shocked the two, “Uh” Mika said as she kept quiet then she removed Kira’s arms from her

“I’m not anybody’s girl, okay?” she said then she stood up and left. The two guys looked at her leaving and when she was already gone; they looked at each other and gave each other a glare

“Yah Hasegawa Kira, just because you’re famous and all doesn’t mean that you can just claim Mika to be your girl” said Yoshiro “And who gave you the right to claim her as your girl?” said Kira “Heh, you know you sure have a lot of guts to come here after all that you’ve done to her” said Yoshiro “What are you talking about?” asked Kira “My feelings for Mika are really serious, unlike yours! I bet you broke up with Konoka-chan just to get Mika back and when Mika’s back with you, you’ll just break her heart for another girl” Yoshiro responded. “You guys really think that I’m some guy who would just break any girl’s heart?” said Kira “Looks like it” said Yoshiro “Heh, really?” Kira responded, he was already tired of hearing from others that he was just ‘playing’ around with Mika’s feelings. If they only knew how hurt he was after hearing those statements; he didn’t bother to talk to Yoshiro anymore, instead he went back to the guest room, “Tch” said Yoshiro.

Back at Tokyo, “Any calls from Kira?” asked Miharu but Yuki shook his head. “Argsh, that guy should really call” said Jin then “Uh? Kira!” Yuki proclaimed as his phone rang and he quickly answered it

*Phone Convo*

Yuki:Yah, why did you suddenly run away like that? Do you realize that-
Kira:I’ve been reported missing, I know
Yuki:Uh, sheesh, where are you?
Kira:I’m with Ootori right now
Yuki:EH!? You’ve found Mika-chan!?
Kira:Yeah, but that’s not the reason why I called, listen... I think I won’t be back for a day or two, I’ll just call you guys... okay?
Yuki:Okay but... Kira... are you planning to... confess to Mika-chan?
Kira:Uh *blush* Mmm...
Kira:I have to go now, bye! *hangs up*

*END of Phone Convo*

“YAH KIRA!” Yuki proclaimed but Kira already hung up, then “So is he going to confess?” asked Hiro “Uh, I don’t know yet” Yuki replied. “Tssss” said Jin.

Kira released a huge sigh after talking to Yuki on the phone, “How did he even figure out that- oh wait, he’s my twin, of course he’ll figure it out sooner or later (-_-)” Kira murmured then he released another sigh

“If you keep on sighing like that you’ll end up sighing for the rest of your life” Rui said as he suddenly entered Kira’s room “Uh?” Kira wondered, “Is it okay if I talk to you?” asked Rui “Heh, are you going to talk about how I ‘broke’ Ootori’s heart?” said Kira, “Actually... no” Rui responded “Uh?” Kira wondered as he faced Rui.

“I never doubted you even for a second” he added as he sat in front of Kira and Kira gave him a confused look. “That time, when I saw you and when you punched me... I knew from that moment on that you really have feelings for Mika but I never expected that you love her already” Rui added and Kira kept quiet, “Yoshiro and Mika are not yet aware of you and Konoka-chan breaking up and the about the whole reason why you’ve decided to date her” he added. “Wait, Mika doesn’t know that I broke up with Konoka?” asked Kira and Rui nodded her head “Chizu wanted to keep it a secret from her but she doesn’t want to get Mika’s hopes up but since you’re here... maybe you should tell her about the break up... I think it’s time for you to stop hesitating and start doing...” Rui added, “Uh, *smile* thank you” Kira said as he stood up and took the necklace from his pocket

“I’m going to give this back to her” he added then he left the room, “Uh!?” Rui was shocked when he saw the necklace, “Mika’s sign...” he said to himself.

Kira went downstairs to look for Mika but when he got there, she wasn’t around. He saw Chizune in the kitchen washing dishes, “Where’s Mika?” he asked “Uh? She went outside with-” but before Chizu could finish what she was saying, Kira dashed out of the house “Uh?” she wondered then she smiled.

Kira looked around for Mika, he reached a few meters away from the house and he saw to figures standing under a sakura tree

“Uh?” he wondered, he slowly went near them to take a closer look and suddenly, he saw Yoshiro kissing Mika on the forehead

 “UH!?” he proclaimed as he suddenly felt his heart being pierced by a sword.

(BG Song: How Dare You by Led Apple)

Author's note: Sorry for the very late update guys! Well, here's Chapter 45~ ^^

Tune in to the next chapter and I hope that you'll look forward to PART 46(◕^^◕)

Comment below if you have any suggestions or reactions about this chapter ^^
Your comments mean a lot to me :****


BTW, sorry for the grammatical errors and the typos. I hope you guys will like this one and please look forward to it. Comments and suggestions are highly appreciated ^.^

please subscribe and comment as well if possible. Teeheehee THANKS! :****

DISCLAIMER: I do not own Boyfriend and any other song/s and Artist/s that were mentioned in this story :)

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Jungkoyoung #1
My Korean name is Jung KoYoung and I live in the countryside of the south…
Kyakyaa~ such a sweet and cute story~
I love this so so so much *u*
So.... Aigoo you really are a great author, thanks! ^o^
I love how Mika and Kira always fight but also feel bed when one of them is hurt >_< but yeay! Happy ending~ hahahah. Adorable xD
Thanks for the story :D :D
Musiclover3132 #3
I love how in chapter 43 you used the name Azuna :D that's my sister's baby's name xD
CkpopL #4
the ending is so cute
CkpopL #5
wow!!! you ended the story well
i really love it
CkpopL #6
wow!!! the story is really great....
rhein19 #7
oh ! this is my first time i wiil read your fanfic .. and the lead girl is rhein19 , same as my account name here in sianfanfics .. hehehehe<br />
<br />
wow i love your first chapter .. :D
ayieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!<br />
lov4ever #9
I love it <br />
BabyKimmy #10