Making Up

Love at First Sight

Chapter Forty

Mika was surprised to see Konoka, “K-Konoka-chan” she said, “Woah, you look so pretty, I like your hair Mika-chan, it suits you well (^^)” she said “T-Thanks” Mika replied, “Well I better get going now. See you when I see you” said Konoka and she went ahead. “Uh” said Mika then she shook her head and said “No, emotions you’re not controlling me this time” she let out a huge sigh and continued her way to Boyfriend’s dressing room. She arrived there and noticed that the guys were still performing so she decided to prepare their clothes.

            After the boys’ performance, “Mika-chan’s not yet here?” asked Jin and Tanaka nodded her head. When they arrived at the dressing room, “Uh?” they said as they saw Mika arranging their things. They looked at her for a few moments until she noticed them, “Uh, konnichiwa ^^” she greeted, they stared at her for a while then, “M-Mika-chan, are you okay?” asked Miharu “Of course I am” Mika replied then, “Uh? Mika-chan?” said Tanaka wondered as she entered the room and saw Mika “Tanaka-san, sorry if I was late. I kind of overslept, gomenasai! But I’ll pay you guys back, lunch will be my treat” she said but the others just looked at her, they were really confused because they expected to see Mika in a bad mood or something but instead, they saw bright and smiling Mika in front of them

“Yah, are you guys just going to stand there or are you going to start changing so that you won’t be late for your radio show” said Mika and the guys started moving. On the way to their radio show, as usual they let Kira and Mika sit together and all eyes were at the two of them. Though Mika looked perfectly fine, they knew that something was up with her but she’s just smiling to cover it, “They’re still quiet” Miharu whispered to Jin “I got this” he responded then

“Yah Yuki... Mika-chan seems perfectly fine now... you can stop with the silent war with Kira” he said and Mika turned to Yuki “Uh” said Yuki as he looked away, “Did those two fight because of me?” she thought.

During lunch time, Mika took them to a ramen shop, while eating “Thanks for the treat Mika-chan!” Miharu proclaimed, “You’re welcome (^^)” said Mika “Woah, Mika-chan, you look happier today, than yesterday and we’re glad to see it” said Daisuke “Yeah, I mean you even tied your hair up, you don’t look like a ghost anymore, right Kira?” said Jin “Uh” Kira said as he looked at Mika and both of them were looking at each other, then Mika looked away and Kira kept quiet. Suddenly, “I’m going out for a while” Yuki said as he stood up and left the restaurant, “Uh” said Mika as she went after him but she went back inside, pulled Kira out of his seat and dragged him outside

“I have to make these two talk to each other again even if it makes me talk to this egghead against my own will” Mika thought “Yah, where are we going?” said Kira then, “Yuki-kun!” she called but Yuki continued to walk, “GIKEI!” she proclaimed and the twins were shocked of what they heard “Gikei?” Kira wondered, “Did you just call him that?” he added and Mika looked at him and nodded her head, Yuki stopped walking and faced them

“Mika-chan, you just called me that” he said, “Uh” said Mika then she released a sigh and she walked towards him pulling Kira along with her

“Look, I don’t know what happened but I don’t want to see the two of you not talking to each other” she said, “Uh” the twins said as they looked at each other and looked away. “You’re not talking to each other? Fine... let’s make a deal... if you still won’t talk to each other, I’m going to cross that street while the cars are still passing by” she said “What?!” the twins said, “Heh, you’re bluffing” said Kira “Am I?” said Mika then she started walking, “Is she going to do it?” asked Yuki “I don’t know but she has definitely lost her mind” said Kira. Mika was about to cross the street when suddenly “YAH!” the twins proclaimed as they suddenly grabbed her and pulled her back to the sidewalk

“You’re crazy!” both of them proclaimed in unison, “But... I won” she said “Uh” they said then they looked at each other, released a sigh and smiled at the same time. Yuki then faced Mika “You really are something Mika-chan... you risked your life just so Kira and I will talk to each other” said Yuki “I didn’t risk my life, I just trust you guys that’s why I did that” said Mika “Uh?” the twins wondered, then “Since Kira and I have made up already... it’s time for the two of you to talk” said Yuki “Eh?” Mika wondered, “I’ll see you later bro” he added then he went back to the ramen shop and left Mika and Kira at the sidewalk. When Yuki was already out of sight, Mika slowly turned to Kira and caught him looking at her but suddenly looked away. They were quiet for a few minutes, hesitating if they should talk to each other or not then...

“O-Ootori” Kira was the first one to talk, “Uh” Mika said as she turned to him, “I’ve heard that you broke up with Takashi-kun” he said, “Uh, mm” said Mika “What happened?” he asked “There was really nothing between us, we just faked the relationship so that Syuu-nii won’t attend that marriage interview” said Mika “E-Eh?” said Kira “Wait, I got jealous over a fake relationship so... Ootori doesn’t like Takashi-kun at all?” he said in his thoughts then, “How was valentine’s day with Konoka-chan? I saw the two of you yesterday, you look so good together” she said “Uh, Ootori I-” “Yah Kira... I know that Konoka-chan and I aren’t that close but... I just hope that you’ll take good care of her, she’s a really nice person and she seems like your ideal girl...” she added, “Wait, what are you saying?” said Kira and Mika looked at him “Are you trying to say that Konoka and I are meant for each other or something like that? You say that she’s my ideal girl?” he said and Mika slowly nodded her head.

 Kira suddenly felt upset because he thought that Mika would not give up on him especially when Konoka becomes her ‘competition’ he released a huge sigh and said “Are you just going to give up like that?” “Uh” said Mika as she looked at Kira then she remembered what Yuki said to her

“...don’t tell me that you’ll just give up like that?” –Yuki

“What do you want me to do then?” Mika said as she was expecting for an answer from Kira but... “Just... forget it” he said then he walked away, “U-uh” she said, “I knew it...” she added, she was hoping that Kira would tell her to not give up on him but he didn’t, she felt like crying again but she prevented herself.

In Kira’s case, on the way back to the Ramen Shop; he remembered what Mika said about him and Konoka...

“Yah Kira... I know that Konoka-chan and I aren’t that close but... I just hope that you’ll take good care of her, she’s a really nice person and she seems like your ideal girl...” –Mika

“I can’t believe she said that, who does she think she is to point out who’s my ideal girl? ARGSH! It’s really getting on my nerves, is she really that dense? Can’t she sense that I really really like her? Why is she like that? Does she think that I like Konoka? Heh, I can’t believe this” he murmured.

In Syuu’s case, Jun and Ami heard him talking with his grandfather on the phone

*Phone Convo*

Shinji: What do you mean you two broke up!?
Syuu: Well, we broke up. Not seeing each other anymore, but we’re still friends
Shinji:EH!? She likes someone else doesn’t she?
Syuu: Well, yeah but what am I suppose to do grandpa? I don’t want to force her to like me
Shinji:Hmm... You’re one good man Syuu
Syuu: Thanks?
Shinji: But... since you two broke up, looks like the arrange marriage will be happening after all, that is... if the girl’s family will call
Syuu: Wait arrange marriage?
Shinji: M-hm, but there’s a conflict between the girl and her parents right now. She says that she already has a boyfriend, they’re even known as a couple all around Japan...
Syuu: Uh, what’s the girl’s name?
Shinji:I think it was....

Syuu was surprised when he found out who will he be engaged to

Syuu: Uhh...

When the phone call ended, “No way...” he said.

Back in Mika’s case, when she arrived at the ramen shop, she was still wearing that smile on her face and pretended that she and Kira were okay already, “Yosh, where were we?” she said as she sat next to Miharu “Are you sure you and Kira are okay already?” asked Jin “Uh, of course we are! Right, egg head?” Mika said as she turned to Kira but Kira ignored her. “Uh?” all of them wondered and Mika kept quiet. After eating, “Thanks again for the treat Mika-chan!” Hiro proclaimed, “You’re welcome” Mika replied, then she received a text from Syuu, she read it then...

“Guys, I’m going to meet up with Syuu-nii right now, I’ll just catch up okay?” she said, “Don’t tell me you’re going on a date again? You just broke up (=_=)” said Daisuke “Heh, don’t worry. It’s not a date; he said that he wants to talk to me” said Mika “As long as it’s not a date then Papa is fine with that!” Daisuke proclaimed, Mika rolled her eyes and said “See you later~” then she left. When she was already gone, they all turned their heads to Kira “What?” he said.

At the coffee shop, “Konnichiwa~” Mika greeted as she entered, “It’s not yet 4 30, why are you here?” said Jun “Why? Just because it’s not yet 4 30 doesn’t mean that I can come here? =3=” Mika responded then, “Mika, you’re here...” Syuu said as he came out from the office

Both of them sat down and started the talk

“So... what do you want to talk about?” she asked, “We just broke up yesterday yet you look so happy today, I guess things went well with Kira-kun huh?” said Syuu “Uh” said Mika then she kept quiet. Syuu was a bit confused, “Why? Did something happen?” he asked but Mika kept quiet “Mika.... tell me” said Syuu but Mika still kept quiet.

He released a sigh and said, “If you won’t tell me, then I’ll ask Kira-kun” and Mika looked at him in a “don’t-do-that” way. “Then tell me” said Syuu, she released a sigh and started telling him what happened. After that, “You saw them hugging and you got jealous?” asked Syuu and Mika slowly nodded her head. “I guess you really are in love with him” he said in a low voice “Uh” said Mika then Syuu turned to her “So are you just going to give up like that?” he said. Mika was shocked of what she heard

“...don’t tell me that you’ll just give up like that?” –Yuki

“Are you just going to give up like that?” –Kira

She realized that the twins already told her that and now... Syuu’s the one telling her that

“That’s the third time already” she said without even looking at Syuu “What do you mean?” he asked. “Yuki-kun told me that, and so did Kira.... should I tell you the same answer too?” said Mika “Mika don’t tell me...” he said “Syuu-nii, after the contract has expired, I’m going to Paris with my parents and study there” said Mika “Uh” said Syuu “I’ll surely miss you and Hana and everyone else...” said Mika “Including Kira?” he asked and Mika just kept quiet then her phone rang “Uh?” she wondered and she answered it. After the conversation,

“Syuu-nii, I need to go already, they’re looking for me” she said as she stood up, “Uh okay” said Syuu and he decided to take Mika to the bus stop. Before Mika went inside the bus, “Yah Mika!” he called and Mika turned to him, “A piece of advice, when you know that someone you love also loves you, don’t let him go, okay?” he said “Uh” said Mika then she half-smiled at him and went inside. Syuu waved her goodbye when the bus was already leaving...

“I think I should do my part as well...” he said to himself. When Mika arrived at the address that Jin texted, she found herself in a photo studio. “Uh?” she wondered. “They’re having a photoshoot?” she added as she entered the studio, when she got there she was shocked to see 6RG taking their photos “What are they doing here?” she asked herself while she was looking at the members and at Konoka then...

“Yo Mika-chan!” Daisuke called, she turned around and was surprised to see Boyfriend wearing suits and all of them looked handsome including Kira who was wearing a black suit. “Uh” she said as she stared at them then “Yah Mika-chan, are you okay?” Jin asked as he went near her and snapped his fingers in front of her. Mika went back to her normal self and faced Jin “I’m fine it’s just that... you guys look great” she said “Eh? Mika-chan are you sick?” said Miharu “That’s right, are you okay?” Hiro added and Mika gave them a puzzled look “It’s the first time you’ve complemented us without being forced by Aniki” said Yuki “E-Eh (^^||)”said Mika then she noticed that Kira was looking at her, she turned to him but he looked away, suddenly...

“Kira-kuuun~” Konoka said as she went near Kira and hugged his arm, Mika felt a little jealous again so she looked away. “Kira-kun, you look so handsome. I’m really happy that we’re going to have this photoshoot together!” Konoka proclaimed while blushing; Kira just nodded his head.

Boyfriend and 6RG were going to have their photoshoot in a bridal theme and as expected, Kira and Konoka were paired up. While the two were taking their pictures together, Mika wasn’t paying attention to them; instead she went inside Boyfriend’s dressing room and stare at an empty space there. She recalled what Syuu, Yuki and Kira said...

“They’re asking me not to give up? I want to but... I think I can’t do it. How can I not give up when Kira...” she said as she remembered what Kira said

“Just... forget it” Kira said then he walked away

“He just said to forget about it” she added then she released a sigh, suddenly... “Thirsty?” someone said as he offered her a drink, Mika turned to him and she saw Daisuke

“Daisuke-kun?” she said “I told you to call me papa (=3=)” he said “I’d rather eat a bowl of nails (-_-)” Mika responded and Daisuke chuckled then he sat next to her and gave her the drink “Arigatou” she said and opened it and started drinking, there was a silence between them then...

“I’m sorry” Daisuke suddenly apologized and Mika turned to him, confused. “I’m sorry for this whole photoshoot thing; I didn’t expect that this would happen” he added “Why? What do you mean?” asked Mika “Seeing Kira and Konoka-chan together during that photoshoot... it hurts right?” he said and Mika just kept quiet “Especially when you and Kira still haven’t made up” he added. “H-How did you know?” she asked “Please, even though you said that you guys are okay already, it’s pretty obvious... besides, Kira seem pretty quiet” Daisuke replied and Mika just nodded her head. “Mika-chan, please understand why Kira is like this... I’m pretty sure that he absolutely has no feelings for Konoka-chan” he said but Mika just kept quiet then...

“Mika-chan, someone’s here looking for you” Miharu said as he entered the dressing room, both Mika and Daisuke stood up and went outside. When they got there, they were surprised to see the other 5 members of 6RG surrounding a guy “Uh?” they wondered “Miharu-kun, who’s looking for me?” Mika asked Miharu and Miharu pointed his finger at the guy who was being surrounded. The other members cleared their way and when Mika saw the guy, her eyes widened she was shocked to see...

“Y-Yoshiro!?” she exclaimed

“Mika!” Yoshiro proclaimed as he went near her and suddenly kissed her on the forehead. All of them were shocked of what he did “E-EH!?” all of them cried.

(BG Song: Hug me once by Girl’s Day)

Author's note: A new competitor? XD Sorry if I keep on adding Characters Lol XD

Tune in to the next chapter and I hope that you'll look forward to PART 41(◕^^◕)

Comment below if you have any suggestions or reactions about this chapter ^^
Your comments mean a lot to me :****


BTW, sorry for the grammatical errors and the typos. I hope you guys will like this one and please look forward to it. Comments and suggestions are highly appreciated ^.^

please subscribe and comment as well if possible. Teeheehee THANKS! :****

DISCLAIMER: I do not own Boyfriend and any other song/s and Artist/s that were mentioned in this story :)

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Jungkoyoung #1
My Korean name is Jung KoYoung and I live in the countryside of the south…
Kyakyaa~ such a sweet and cute story~
I love this so so so much *u*
So.... Aigoo you really are a great author, thanks! ^o^
I love how Mika and Kira always fight but also feel bed when one of them is hurt >_< but yeay! Happy ending~ hahahah. Adorable xD
Thanks for the story :D :D
Musiclover3132 #3
I love how in chapter 43 you used the name Azuna :D that's my sister's baby's name xD
CkpopL #4
the ending is so cute
CkpopL #5
wow!!! you ended the story well
i really love it
CkpopL #6
wow!!! the story is really great....
rhein19 #7
oh ! this is my first time i wiil read your fanfic .. and the lead girl is rhein19 , same as my account name here in sianfanfics .. hehehehe<br />
<br />
wow i love your first chapter .. :D
ayieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!<br />
lov4ever #9
I love it <br />
BabyKimmy #10