Boyfriend in the Black and White Café

Love at First Sight


“What’s wrong?” asked Miharu, “I’ve been receiving a lot of missed calls from Jun, Hana and Ami...” Mika replied. “Maybe they just missed you, I mean you weren’t able to visit them for two days already” said Yuki “Uh, maybe... but I feel like something’s wrong...” said Mika “Uh?” Miharu wondered.

Her phone rang again and she answered it...

“Jun, sorry I wasn’t able to answer your calls” she said

“Mika-chan...” said Jun

“Uh?” Mika wondered “WHAT!? Syuu-nii collapsed!?” she exclaimed

Chapter Thirty

Mika immediately went to the hospital after receiving the phone call, when she arrived there “Excuse me, where is Takashi Syuu’s room?” she asked. “Room 402” the nurse replied “Thank you” said Mika then she went to the room. When she got there, she opened the door and saw Syuu lying on his bed.

He heard her and turned to her “Mika?” he said and he was really happy to see her. “Thank goodness you’re okay” she said as she was panting. She went near him and noticed that he was smiling “Heh, look at you smiling when you’re in the hospital” she said. “How can I not be smiling when you’re here?” Syuu responded, Mika blushed and said “Baka” then... “Mika-nee!” Hana beamed as she entered the room and saw Mika, she ran to her and hugged her “I really miss you Mika-nee~ I haven’t seen you for a while already” she said, Mika patted her on the head and said “Well, you see me now (^^) so, why did your brother collapse?” Hana was about to answer when Jun suddenly entered the room “He collapsed because he hasn’t been eating for two days already” he said. “EH?” said Mika then she turned to Syuu and Syuu just smiled at her. “Heh, you still have the nerve to smile (-_-)” she said “By the way, how long does he have to stay here?” she asked Jun “Well the doctor said he’ll be out by morning on the next next day” Jun replied. “Then what about the Coffee Shop?” Mika wondered as she turned to Syuu. “Jun and Ami will handle it...” Syuu replied. “Uh” said Mika then she thought of something, “Syuu-nii, do you think... you can let me handle the café tomorrow?” she asked. “EH?” the others wondered. “Uh” said Syuu “I promise that tomorrow, the shop will be filled with customers!” she proclaimed, Syuu was a bit confused for a while but then he smiled and agreed to Mika’s request.

            The next morning, “WAKE UP!” Tanaka proclaimed as she entered each and every rooms of the members. They slowly got up and went to the living room. “You guys! Get dressed already, we’re going somewhere!” she announced. Most of them were half asleep, well... Yuki was half asleep while the others started preparing.

An hour later, “Where are we going?” asked Jin, “And why aren’t we taking the van?” Miharu added. “Because we’ll be going to the Black and White Coffee Shop” Tanaka answered. “Uh?” they wondered. Moments later, they arrived there and saw Mika along with Jun and Ami outside waiting for them.

“Mika-chaaaaaaaan~” Daisuke said as he suddenly ran towards her and was about to hug her when suddenly, Mika dodged it and he fell on the ground. “I...Itai” he groaned. “Tch” said Mika, then... “Uh, Tanaka-san what’s happening? Why are we here at the Black and White Café?” asked Miharu “Why don’t we go inside and we’ll explain everything to you” said Mika “Uh?” the others said.

They went inside and Tanaka started talking, “Boys... today, you will work as waiters here at the Café” she said “EH!?” the boys were surprised. “Why?” asked Hiro “Well, this would be your chance to promote your new song to the customers” Tanaka replied, the members were still confused “I bet this will make them understand things” Mika said as she went outside and revealed the sign board. The others followed and when Boyfriend saw the sign. They were shocked to see what it said

“Black and White Café feat. BOYFRIEND. They are here to serve you guys some delicious coffee, and meet them face to face! PS: Their new album is also sold here so come and buy one now!”

“Woah that is so cool” said Jin “Oh now I get it” said Daisuke and the other members agreed. “Told ya” said Mika and Tanaka just smiled at her. “Okay enough with the staring, let’s get to training!” Tanaka proclaimed. “Training?” the others wondered. “M-hm, Jun and Ami here will help you guys make the coffee” Mika added “Uh” they said as they turned to Jun and Ami and they smiled at them.

Moments later... “Good, you’re a fast learner Miharu-kun” Jun complimented Miharu as he did a good job on preparing the coffee. “Arigatou ^^” Miharu responded and Jun smiled at him “My you’re a cute boy~” he said “E-EH (^_^||)” said Miharu. Meanwhile, “How’s this one Ami-chan?” Jin asked as he let Ami taste what he cooked. Ami was overwhelmed because it was really delicious, she let out a huge “YUM~” “Uh” said Jin, “This is very delicious. Keep up the good work!” she proclaimed and Jin smiled at her. After an hour and a half, the boys were ready. Mika checked outside and noticed a lot of customers, especially girl customers, lining up. “Looks like they got the message” she said to Tanaka and Tanaka nodded her head. 3 minutes later, the shop opened and all the customers went inside and started to order.

They were blushing while the members were asking for their orders. “Heh, we just opened and the café is already full” said Jun “This only happens when the boss is around” Ami added. The guys were acting like real gentleman and they prepared the coffee perfectly, “They’re really good” Jun said to himself, “Jun-kun, a little help over here~” said Miharu “Hai” Jun responded.

“Don’t forget to buy Boyfriend’s New Album! The price has been reduced by 10% since you guys came here and ordered something!” Mika proclaimed. A lot of girls suddenly lined up to buy their album, “Looks like Mika-chan’s plan is going well” said Yuki and the others nodded their heads. “But it’s kind of unfair since Mika-chan’s not wearing that cute uniform just like Ami-chan’s. I want to see her wear one” said Daisuke and the others nodded their heads. Kira then remembered the time when he went to eat at the Black and White Café and Mika was there as the waitress, he suddenly smiled. “I was the only one who got to see her wear that uniform (¬‿¬)” he thought to himself, then “Oi Kira!” Mika yelled in front of him and he finally snapped out of it “Uh?” he said “The customers over there are calling you” she said as she pointed at a table, “Okay” he said then he went near them and asked for their orders. “Tch” said Mika, suddenly, “Mika-chan, come here for a sec” Ami called Mika inside the locker room, Mika followed her but when she got in there, Yuki and Hiro suddenly grabbed her “What the?” Mika wondered. “Mika-chan, we demand that you wear this uniform!” Daisuke proclaimed as he pointed at the uniform that Ami was holding “Heh, are you crazy? There’s no way I’m wearing that uniform again. Besides, look at the skirt, its short” said Mika “You have got to be kidding me (=_=) but wait, you’ve worn this uniform before?” asked Daisuke and Mika nodded her head, “Kira-kun was here when Mika was wearing the uniform” Ami added

“Kira!?” said Daisuke and Mika slightly blushed, “That’s it, you’re wearing the uniform. Yuki, make her change!” Daisuke proclaimed, “WHAT!? Me again? Why can’t Ami-chan do it, I mean, she’s a girl” said Yuki “You’re right, Ami-chan, please make her wear the uniform” said Daisuke “Hai. I’ll do my best~” Ami responded, “What the heck? Ami!” Mika cried then Ami grabbed her and pulled her inside the curtains and she started changing her


“Don’t worry Mika-chan, it’ll all be over~”


“I’m a bit worried” said Hiro, “Me too” Yuki added. A few seconds later, Ami was done and she presented Mika to the three boys. They blushed when they saw her wear the uniform “Kawaii...” they said. Mika felt embarrassed wearing the uniform, suddenly

“Guys! We need your help out here, there are a lot of customers” Jun said as he opened the door “Yosh! Mika-chan can help us already, let’s go~” said Daisuke as he pushed Mika outside of the locker room, when she got out, all eyes were on her “Uh?” she wondered. The others started to murmur how cute she was while the others were giving her glares. “Look, I don’t think I need to wo-” “Yah Ootori! Table 10 needs you” Kira proclaimed “EH O_O” said Mika, “Go on~” Yuki said as he pushed Mika towards table 10, she looked back at them with a nervous face and they were like “Get the order already!” she released a sigh then she faced the customers. Surprisingly, she was wearing a bright and happy face

“Welcome to the Black and White Café ma’am, do you have something in mind in our menu?” she said. The customers were shocked but also pleased with her aura and they gave their orders to her. “Your order will be ready in 10 minutes. In the mean time, you can visit our little booth over there in case you are interested in buying these handsome guys’ album ^^” she said, “Since you’re such a nice girl, we’ll buy 2 ^^” the lady responded, “Really? Thank you very much!” Mika proclaimed and the lady smiled at her, Mika turned around to the guys and she gave them a glare “She’s scaring me” said Hiro “But she’s still cute” Jin added and the others nodded their heads.

            They did a great job and for the entire morning, they were able to sell 400 copies of their CD. “Yosh, I hope we’ll be able to sell more this afternoon ^^” said Yuki. “Okay lunch break guys, Ami and Jun will take over” said Mika and they all gathered in the kitchen to eat. While eating

“Mika-chan, you did great out there. We didn’t expect for you to be so bright and happy” said Jin “Heh” said Mika and she continued eating, “By the way, how’s Takashi-kun?” asked Tanaka “He’s fine now, he skipped his meals for two days already, though I don’t know why. But tomorrow morning he’ll be out of the Hospital already ^^” Mika replied “Good to know” said Tanaka “Takashi Syuu huh? Tch, I don’t care if he’s handsome or not, Mika-chan is for Kira only” Daisuke murmured, “What?” both Mika and Kira wondered as they turned to him “Ah, nothing” he said then he kept quiet. “Hmm, uh by the way, Miharu-kun can you do me a favor?” said Mika, “Sure, what is it Mika-chan?” Miharu responded.
“Hana-chan’s class will end at around 1 30PM so I sent her out for grocery shopping but she can’t do it alone since she can’t carry many grocery bags so I was wondering if you could go fetch her at Tokyo University and do the grocery shopping with her” said Mika
“Hana-chan? Well okay then” Miharu responded
“Thanks!” said Mika and they continued eating.

After eating, they went back to their stations. At around 1 30PM Miharu left the shop to go to Tokyo University “But I don’t get it, why did you send Miharu out?” asked Hiro, Mika was about to answer when Jin inserted “That’s because Miharu likes Takashi-chan” he said “EH!?” Mika cried as she turned to Jin, Jin nodded his head and said “Kira said so himself, that was during the night when~” but Kira suddenly covered his mouth to stop talking, “Ehe, Jin-nii I was only joking” he whispered. “Eh? Then what did Miharu mean when he said ‘You-” Kira covered his mouth again and the others stared at them, “Never mind us, continue doing your work” he said and they went back to their own work.

          At Tokyo University, “Argsh, I can’t believe that grumpy Math Teacher of ours! I WANT TO STRANGLE HIM!” Hana proclaimed as she was walking towards the gates with her friends, Saya and Azuna, both of them laughed at her because of her facial expression, suddenly a lot of girls were running towards the gate “Uh?” they wondered. “Hey, isn’t that Nakano Miharu from Boyfriend?” Saya asked as she caught a glimpse of Miharu being surrounded by girls “You’re right” Azuna agreed. “What?” Hana wondered as the three of them stared at the crowd “What is he doing here?” she wondered, then

“Oi Hana looks like Miharu-kun is waving at you” said Azuna “EH?” Hana wondered then she looked at Miharu as he got out from the crowd and walked towards Hana

“Hana-chan” he said as he was panting, “Uh? You two know each other?” asked Saya “Sort of, ehe” said Hana “Waaah~ You’re so lucky Hana! Miharu-kun knows you” Azuna whispered, “Uh?” said Hana then, “Hana-chan, let’s go...” he said as he grabbed Hana and pulled her out of the University, while they were passing through; all eyes were on them

“Woah look, Takashi Hana is close with Boyfriend’s Nakano Miharu” “They look cute together” “Takashi-chan is so lucky” the crowd murmured and it made Hana slightly blushed. “We’ll see you tomorrow Hana!” Saya yelled as she waved at them, Hana waved back...

At the Grocery Store, “Eh? Mika-nee sent you here?” she asked and Miharu nodded his head, “I thought you already knew” he added, “Nope. I was surprised when you suddenly appeared in Tokyo University” Hana replied “Uh, no wonder you didn’t approach me all of the sudden” said Miharu and Hana gave him a clueless look, “Ah, no matter, let’s do the shopping already” said Miharu and Hana nodded her head. They started with the grocery shopping and every time they would pass by a shopper, they would stare at them because they look cute together and both of them look quite innocent.

After shopping, on the way back to the Coffee Shop they were talking about a lot of things when suddenly, Miharu asked Hana something about Syuu

“Hana-chan, can I ask you something?” he said, “Sure” Hana replied. “Does your brother... like Mika-chan?” he asked, Hana paused for a while and remembered something she smiled and answered “Syuu-nii and Mika-nee have been best friends ever since they met each other. He also treats Mika-nee as his little sister but day by day, I can sense that he’s starting to develop feelings for Mika-nee. Even though he never told us about it yet, he likes Mika-nee more than a friend ^^” “Uh, sou... then I guess Kira has to step it up a little...” Miharu murmured, “Eh? Kira-kun likes Mika-nee?” Hana wondered, Miharu’s eyes widened because Hana heard what he said, “Darn it” he thought, “N-No, I didn’t say that” he stuttered, “Don’t lie, I heard that!” Hana proclaimed and Miharu felt so ashamed of himself, “Kira’s going to kill me... the other guys already knew it and now, Hana-chan? Darn it, I’m dead as dead!” he thought. “But I don’t think Mika-chan will like Kira-kun back, I mean... Kira-kun seems nice but he’s a meanie” said Hana “EH!? Don’t say that, Kira is nice, he’s just not the type of person who would show it to anyone and besides, Kira and Mika-chan already kissed that’s why there’s a big chance that Mika-chan will like him!” Miharu proclaimed, he realized what he said and he covered his mouth “Darn it. The kiss was supposed to be a secret O_o” he thought, “WHAT!? They kissed!?” Hana cried. “Seriously, Nakano Miharu... you need to staple your mouth shut that way you won’t spill secrets like that” he added.

            Back at the café, “Here’s your order” Mika said as she placed the tray on the table, suddenly a group of guys entered the coffee shop “Yah! Where’s the hot waitress?” their leader proclaimed, they all turned to them as they went to their seats. Mika was the only waitress left that’s why she was the one who took their orders

“Your orders sir?” she said with a ‘mean’ look. The guys looked at her from head to toe and they wore their erted faces, “How about a slice of you instead” their leader said, Mika rolled her eyes and replied “We don’t have that here” “Well I’ll just have to-” their leader was about to touch Mika when suddenly, Kira grabbed Mika’s arm and pulled her behind him “Uh?” she wondered as she looked at Kira “Please order something from the menu, our waitress here isn’t someone you can play around here. If you are not interested in our menu, then I suggest that you leave” he said, “Oi you, who the heck do you think you are? We want the waitress to take our order, not some guy!” their leader proclaimed as he stood up, the other members felt like a fight was about to start, Mika also noticed that Kira wants to punch the guy so badly, “Yah Kira, don’t start a fight here...” she whispered. “I’m not going to” Kira replied, suddenly the leader punched Kira and he fell on the floor

“Kira!” said Mika as she went near him and helped him up, the others started to gather around that table where the troublemakers were, Yuki went near Mika and Kira to see if Kira was okay, “Please leave this café right now” said Daisuke “And what if we don’t?” the leader said as he walked towards him, “The police are on their way here, do you still suggest to stay here and wait for them to arrest you?” Tanaka inserted as she went out of Syuu’s office. The leader was a bit nervous already, “Tch. L-Let’s go guys, this place is a dump!” he proclaimed and he started to leave, when they were already gone “Your face is a dump!” Jin proclaimed and Hiro covered his mouth, “Shh” he said, Yuki turned to Tanaka and asked, “The police are coming?” “Nope, I said that to scare them, I’m a great actress right?” said Tanaka “Tch, those idiots were probably gullible” Jin whispered to Hiro “I heard that! Now get back to work, Mika-chan you go to the locker room and fix Kira’s face” Tanaka proclaimed and they did what she told them to.

            At the locker room, “O-ouch...” Kira groaned as Mika was putting medicine on his wound on the upper lip. “That guy sure has gorilla fists, I mean... he punched you real hard” she said, “Gee, thanks for saying that. I feel real better now!” he proclaimed in a sarcastic way, “Tch” said Mika. She was staring at his lips for a few seconds then she remembered the kiss “Uh” she said then she moved away, Kira wondered why she did that then he remembered the kiss as well, “Aha~ you still remember the kiss don’t you?” he said with a grin on his face, “What? I forgot about it already but now thanks to you, I remembered it” said Mika “Tch. Liar” Kira murmured.
“Hmm (=_=||) but... Kira, thanks for protecting me” she said looking at the other way.
“I had to do that because I don’t want anyone else to touch you, especially those gorillas” he thought, “Heh, that’s how a guy should suppose to act right? I mean, those guys were already acting in a erted way and you don’t have the strength to handle them” he responded, “WHAT!? Are you saying that I’m weak?” Mika cried,
“I’m not saying that you’re weak, I just don’t want you to get hurt if ever they hit you just like what happened to me” he thought. “Yep” he said.
“ARGSH! You’re really full of yourself, I’m out of here!” Mika proclaimed, “Matte~” Kira followed. When they got out of the locker room, they saw Hana and Miharu entering the shop

“Hana-chan! Uh?” Mika said as she saw the two looked awkward and their faces were red, “Are you okay?” she asked as she approached Hana “H-Hai” Hana replied, “We’ll put the groceries in the kitchen” Miharu added and the two went to the kitchen. “Kira, are you okay?” Yuki asked as he went near his twin “I’m fine” Kira replied and Yuki showed a relieved expression. After that, they all went back to work.

They were able to sell 600 copies in the afternoon since they were a lot of students (girls to be exact) who came in the afternoon. They closed the shop at around 6 30PM since they were able to do a great job. “Mika-chan, are you going to come along with us?” Daisuke asked, “Nope, I’m going to the hospital with Hana-chan to visit Syuu-nii” Mika replied, “E-eh? Then... Kira, you go with them!” he proclaimed, “What?” all of them wondered, “We can’t let these two girls go to the hospital alone. You go with them!” Daisuke proclaimed, “*Sigh* Fine” Kira responded. “Eh?” Mika wondered. “Then I’ll come along too” Yuki added, “Good, Miharu will go as well” said Daisuke “What?” Miharu said as he turned to him. “Hana-chan also needs someone to protect her” he said and it made the two blush. “Well go on now, Takashi-kun is waiting for you~ see you later kiddos!” Daisuke proclaimed as he pushed the five on the way.

“Aniki’s acting pretty strange” said Yuki; “I thought he was always strange” said Mika and the twins slightly laughed. Miharu and Hana were very quiet, “Did something happen between the two of you?” asked Mika “E-eh? N...No, nothing happened” Miharu replied “T-that’s right” Hana added and the two faked a laugh, “O-kay” said Mika. On the way to the hospital, it wasn’t a really quiet one since Yuki did most of the talking and sometimes Kira and Mika would insert and say something.

When they arrived there, “You guys stay here, okay?” said Mika and the three nodded their heads as they waited outside of the room.

Mika and Hana entered the room and they saw Syuu watching TV, “Nii-chan, we’re here~” Hana said as she and Mika walked towards him. Hana hugged Syuu while Mika placed the fruit basket on the table, “Don’t I get a hug too?” he asked Mika, Mika smiled at him then she gave him a hug “Happy?” she said after hugging, “Very (^^)” Syuu replied, “Oh brother” Hana murmured as she rolled her eyes and smiled at them, “By the way Nii-chan, Mika-nee’s plan worked! A lot of customers really came and we were able to sell 1000 copies all in all!” she proclaimed “Really? Well that’s great, did those guys from Boyfriend did a very good job in being a waiter?” he asked, “M-hm! They were like Pros” Hana replied “It’s good to hear that ^^” said Syuu and Hana smiled at him, then he looked at Mika who was looking around the room

“Hana, can you leave me and Mika for a while, I need to talk to her about something” he said, “Okay ^^” Hana responded then she left the room. When she got out, “Where’s Kira-kun?” she asked. “He went to the a bathroom, why are you here?” said Yuki “Syuu-nii’s going to tell Mika-nee something” Hana replied, “Sou...” said Yuki

In Kira’s case, on the way back to where the guys were, he passed by Syuu’s room and noticed that the door was slightly open, he looked inside and saw Syuu and Mika “Uh?” he wondered.

Inside, “Why did you let Hana-chan leave?” asked Mika “I need to tell you something” Syuu replied in a nervous way “Uh?” Mika wondered, Syuu turned to her and said

“Please be my girlfriend.”

“EH!?” Mika cried.

“Uh?!” said Kira.

(BG Song: Love Is by Lee Seung Gi)

Ohohohohohoho~~ Syuu just asked Mika to be his girlfriend, he really doesn't want to lose to Kira huh? 

Well I wonder what will happen? Kekekekekeke~~

Tune in to the next chapter and I hope that you'll look forward to PART 31 (◕^^◕)

Comment below if you have any suggestions or reactions about this chapter ^^
Your comments mean a lot to me :****


DISCLAIMER: I do not own Boyfriend and any other song/s and Artist/s that were mentioned in this story :)

Author's note: sorry for the grammatical errors and the typos. I hope you guys will like this one and please look forward to it. Comments and suggestions are highly appreciated ^.^

please subscribe and comment as well if possible. Teeheehee THANKS! :****

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Jungkoyoung #1
My Korean name is Jung KoYoung and I live in the countryside of the south…
Kyakyaa~ such a sweet and cute story~
I love this so so so much *u*
So.... Aigoo you really are a great author, thanks! ^o^
I love how Mika and Kira always fight but also feel bed when one of them is hurt >_< but yeay! Happy ending~ hahahah. Adorable xD
Thanks for the story :D :D
Musiclover3132 #3
I love how in chapter 43 you used the name Azuna :D that's my sister's baby's name xD
CkpopL #4
the ending is so cute
CkpopL #5
wow!!! you ended the story well
i really love it
CkpopL #6
wow!!! the story is really great....
rhein19 #7
oh ! this is my first time i wiil read your fanfic .. and the lead girl is rhein19 , same as my account name here in sianfanfics .. hehehehe<br />
<br />
wow i love your first chapter .. :D
ayieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!<br />
lov4ever #9
I love it <br />
BabyKimmy #10