Upset Egghead

Love at First Sight


Mika was about to leave when suddenly, Kira grabbed her hand

“Uh?” she wondered as she turned to him, “Y-yah Kira, let go” she said as she tried to free herself from Kira’s grip but then Kira pulled her towards him and she fell on top of him, Kira suddenly hugged her which made her blush and her heart beat faster than ever

“K-Kira, l...let go” she said as she was trying to free herself, then...

“Ootori Mika...” Kira said while his eyes were closed, “Uh?” Mika wondered as she turned her eyes to him

“I... I LIKE YOU!” he proclaimed and suddenly, Mika went (O_______O)!!!!??!!

Chapter Twenty Seven


Mika was shocked and she spaced out for a while when she heard what Kira told her, when she got back to her senses...

“Heh, this punk is just dreaming. Sheesh” she said as she was looking for a way on how to get out of Kira’s grip. “Oi Hasegawa Kira, can you please let go of me?” she proclaimed, Kira suddenly let go of her “Uh?” she wondered as she stood up “Hasegawa Kira, are you awake?” she asked but Kira didn’t reply, obviously he was sleeping. Mika was a bit confused “Tch, first you kiss me then tell me to forget about it and now, you tell me that you like me. Argsh, if you weren’t sick right now I should’ve thrown you out of the window already! Keh, egghead” she silently proclaimed then she left Kira’s room.

When Mika closed the door, Kira suddenly opened his eyes and looked at the ceiling, then he remembered what he said to Mika...

“Ootori Mika... I... I LIKE YOU!”- Kira

He also remembered what Mika said before she left...

“Tch, first you kiss me then tell me to forget about it and now, you tell me that you like me. Argsh, if you weren’t sick right now I should’ve thrown you out of the window already! Keh, egghead”- Mika

He released a sigh then he went closed his eyes and went to sleep. While Mika was doing the laundry, her phone suddenly rang, “Uh?” she wondered then she answered the call

*Phone Convo*

Mika: Yuki-kun?
Yuki: M-Mika-chan! Hey there, how are things?
Mika: Okay, you guys arrived there already?
Yuki: M-hm. We just got off the plane and we’re on our way to the Hotel, so... how’s Kira?
Mika: Kira? Well he’s sleeping right now, he seems a bit fine already
Yuki: Oh, good to know *looks at the other boyfriend members, then Daisuke grabbed his phone*
Daisuke: Mika-chan!
Mika: Uh? Daisuke-kun?
Daisuke: Mika-chan, Kira didn’t tell you anything... awkward right?
Mika: Uhh, nope
Daisuke: Really? That’s a relief *looks at the other members and gave them the OK sign, then they silently cheered*
Mika: Uh wait, he did say something *blush* awkward...
Daisuke: Eh? What? If it was about me, what he said was completely FALSE!
Mika: Eh? Actually, he suddenly said that he *blush* likes me... but... its ridiculous right?
Daisuke: He said that?
Mika: M-hm. But I don’t think he meant it I mean, he was asleep when he said that so, he was probably dreaming or something
Daisuke: S...Sou, well I’ll call you later Mika-chan to check on things, okay? Bye. Take care *hangs up*

*END of Phone Convo*

“Well? Kira didn’t say anything about us right?” asked Hiro “Yup, but apparently he told Mika-chan that he likes her” said Daisuke “Well that’s not so ba-WHAT!?” said Jin “He told Mika-chan that he likes her while he was sleeping” Daisuke responded “Wait, so he was sleep talking?” asked Miharu and Daisuke nodded his head. “Does he tell the truth when he’s asleep?” Hiro wondered. “I don’t know, but when we get back I’m going to kick his head, I mean... he can’t just tell Mika-chan that he likes her especially when he’s in that condition! When you confess to a girl, it should be in a romantic way, sheesh” Jin complained then all of them gave him a glare saying ‘shut up’ “Fine, I’ll shut up” he said then he kept quiet.

            Back at the Apartment, while Mika was cleaning the living room, her phone rang again and she answered it

*Phone Convo*

Mika: Hello?
Syuu: Mika, how was the flight?
Mika: Syuu-nii? Ah, I forgot to tell you, I wasn’t able to go to Singapore
Syuu: Eh? What happened?
Mika: Well, Kira got really sick and he can’t perform at the concert, so we stayed behind so that he can rest and I will be the one to look after him
Syuu: R-Really? Then, should I stop by later to check on you? Maybe you need some help with him...
Mika: Really? Wow, that’s so nice of you Syuu-nii! Okay... okay then, see ya, bye *hangs up*

*End of Phone Convo*

“So how’s Mika-chan?” Jun asked as Syuu put his phone down. “She’s with Kira-kun right now, apparently, he got sick and wasn’t able to come... she’s taking care of him right now” Syuu replied. “Eh? Really!? Then you have to step up your game boss!” Jun proclaimed, “What?” Syuu wondered. “*sigh* Boss, you’re one handsome guy but when it comes to making the ‘move’ you’re pretty slow” said Jun, Syuu finally got what he was saying then he released a sigh and said “For the last time, I only see Mika as a little sister, okay?” then he went back inside his office “Don’t try to run away from your feelings boss, they will soon be discovered!” Jun proclaimed “Yah Jun! Get back to work” Ami proclaimed and Jun continued doing his job.

In Syuu’s case, while he was inside his office, he kept thinking about what will happen between Mika and Kira... “Will she be okay? She’s staying inside a guy’s territory, what if something bad happens to her?” he wondered as he started to imagine something then he shook his head “No, it can’t be... besides, Mika knows how to protect herself and Kira won’t stand a chance since he’s sick” he said. He continued to focus on his work when he was again disturbed by the fact that Mika and Kira are all alone inside that apartment. “I can’t take this, I’m going there to check things out” he said as she stood up, grabbed his coat and left the coffee shop.

            It was lunch time already and Kira suddenly woke up. “Argh...” he groaned. He was suppose to stand up but he can’t because his head still hurts “I better stop forcing myself to stand up” he said then, Mika opened the door and saw him standing up. “Argsh, Kira what do you think you’re doing?” she said as she went near Kira and helped him sit down but he didn’t say a word to Mika

“Uh?” she wondered. Kira lied down again, “Are you hungry? Lunch is almost ready” she said as she sat on Kira’s bed but Kira turned the other way “Uh?” she wondered. “Oi Hasegawa Kira, are you being stubborn again!?” she proclaimed but Kira didn’t respond. “Tch, seriously...” she murmured then she left the room. In Kira’s case, he wasn’t talking to Mika because he was still upset about what happened when he said that he likes her

“Tch, baka” he said, he turned to the door and noticed that it was slightly open. “She forgot to close it properly, sheesh” he whined. Suddenly, DING DONG, the doorbell rang, “Uh?” he wondered. “I’m coming~” Mika said as she went to the door to open it. Kira sat up to see who the visitor was, then

“Syuu-nii!?” he heard Mika say his name in a surprised way. “Yo Mika~” Syuu greeted “What’s that guy doing here?” Kira wondered. Mika let Syuu come inside and he made him sit in the living room which was in front of Kira’s room “Where’s Kira-kun?” Syuu asked “In his room sleeping I guess” Mika replied “Sou, ah, I brought some herbal tea for him. Maybe he’ll feel better when he drinks this” Syuu said as he gave the paper bag to Mika, “Woah, arigatou Gozaimasu Syuu-nii!” she said then she placed the bag on the counter.

“Tch, I hate drinking bitter teas” Kira murmured to himself, he was still looking at Syuu and Mika. “She seems so happy all of the sudden? Tch, that girl...” he added, suddenly he felt like he was about to fall again “Arggh!” he groaned, the other two heard him and they decided to check on him. Kira was panicking at that time because he doesn’t want them to find out that he was already asleep. When Mika turned the knob and opened the door, they were surprised to see Kira lying on the floor ‘sleeping’

“What the?” she wondered and Syuu quietly laughed at him because of his position. Mika released a sigh then she went near him “Oi Kira, get up from there!” she proclaimed but Kira didn’t move, “Argsh, do I also have to get you back on the bed? Sheesh” Mika murmured as she suddenly grabbed Kira’s arm and started to pull him up “You’re pretty heavy for someone who is skinny” she said, Kira wanted to give her a glare but he was still pretending to be asleep, suddenly...

“Mika, why don’t you go see if the food is ready, I’ll handle Kira” Syuu said as he grabbed Kira from her “Uh, okay. Thanks for the help Syuu-nii!” she said then she went outside, when Mika was already gone, Syuu placed Kira on his bed

“You can stop pretending to be asleep now, she’s already gone” he said but Kira didn’t move. “What the? How did he know that I was just pretending?” Kira said to himself
“You can fool Mika but you can’t fool me Kira-kun, now wake up. Lunch is almost ready” Syuu repeated then Kira sat up. “Get Ootori here” he said but he wasn’t facing Syuu
“Why?” Syuu wondered. “Just tell her to come here” said Kira, Syuu shrugged then he went outside to get Mika. Moments later

“Kira, you’re finally awake. Do you want to eat already?” she asked and Kira nodded his head but he wasn’t looking at Mika...

“Uh?” Mika wondered. She went out to get Kira’s food then she went back in and started feeding him, Syuu peeked inside Kira’s room and saw the two “Heh, what a fellow” he said to himself. While Mika was feeding Kira, she noticed that he was very quiet. The silence was a bit awkward so she decided to break it.

“Kira, I’m going out to the convenience store later, do you want me to buy you something?” she asked but Kira kept quiet. “Are you okay?” she asked but still Kira didn’t reply. She decided to check Kira’s temperature and “Uh! It’s higher than before” she proclaimed and it surprised Kira, “What?” he said. He didn’t believe Mika at first since he feels pretty fine but when he saw Mika’s expression, he was starting to worry, “Yah, are you sure?” he asked. Mika looked at him then she smiled “Just kidding” she said while sticking her tongue out. Kira felt relieved then Mika started to laugh “Yah, Ootori Mika! What’s wrong with you?!” he cried “Uh? Sorry, I was only kidding around” said Mika, “Well it’s not fun, especially when you’re trying to fool around with a sick person like me. Argsh, I’m going back to sleep” he said while he lied back down “But you haven’t finished eating your lunch” said Mika “I’m not hungry anymore” Kira replied then he covered his face with the blanket. “Eh? Argsh, I hope you stop acting like a kid already, it’s annoying... sheesh” Mika murmured, she was about to stand up when Kira suddenly grabbed her hand “Uh?” she wondered.

“Act like a kid huh?” Kira said as he turned to her, Mika turned around and noticed that he had a serious face on. “K-Kira, are you okay?” she asked. Kira suddenly pulled her towards him then he placed himself on top of her.

Mika’s heart was beating fast, “W-what the heck are you doing?!” she proclaimed. “You said to not act like a kid, heh Baka” he said then he smirked at Mika and leaned closer to her, she shut her eyes close and she was really scared about what was going to happen “Is this another kiss? No, I think this is different, this is worse than a kiss... this is... HEEEEEELPPP!!” she yelled in her thoughts.

(BG Song: I hate you by G.Na)

BTW, Sorry for making this chapter short T_T I'm having writer's block right now, but I hope I'll be able to think of more ideas for the next chapter ^^ hihihihi

hmm, What is Kira doing!? O__O Well, it's not something serious really XD
Don't worry, I don't put 'that' kind of stuff here in my stories ^^ if you're really curious, just  tune in to the next chapter and I hope that you'll look forward to PART 28 (◕^^◕)

Comment below if you have any suggestions or reactions about this chapter ^^
Your comments mean a lot to me :****


DISCLAIMER: I do not own Boyfriend and any other song/s and Artist/s that were mentioned in this story :)

Author's note: sorry for the grammatical errors and the typos. I hope you guys will like this one and please look forward to it. Comments and suggestions are highly appreciated ^.^

please subscribe and comment as well if possible. Teeheehee THANKS! :****

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Jungkoyoung #1
My Korean name is Jung KoYoung and I live in the countryside of the south…
Kyakyaa~ such a sweet and cute story~
I love this so so so much *u*
So.... Aigoo you really are a great author, thanks! ^o^
I love how Mika and Kira always fight but also feel bed when one of them is hurt >_< but yeay! Happy ending~ hahahah. Adorable xD
Thanks for the story :D :D
Musiclover3132 #3
I love how in chapter 43 you used the name Azuna :D that's my sister's baby's name xD
CkpopL #4
the ending is so cute
CkpopL #5
wow!!! you ended the story well
i really love it
CkpopL #6
wow!!! the story is really great....
rhein19 #7
oh ! this is my first time i wiil read your fanfic .. and the lead girl is rhein19 , same as my account name here in sianfanfics .. hehehehe<br />
<br />
wow i love your first chapter .. :D
ayieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!<br />
lov4ever #9
I love it <br />
BabyKimmy #10