Stubborn Egghead

Love at First Sight


On her way there, she accidentally bumped into someone, “Uh... gomenasai” she apologized without even looking at the guy’s face
“It’s oka- uh, Mika-senpai?” said the guy. Mika turned to him and when she saw his face “K-Keita?” she said. Then, “Keita! Hurry up will you?” another guy said, they turned to him and Mika was shocked to see the guy’s face

“S-Satoshi?” she wondered with a shocked look on her face.

Chapter Twenty Five

“Satoshi, look it’s Mika-senpai!” the guy named Keita, proclaimed. Mika widened her eyes as she noticed that the guy named Satoshi was coming their way, she suddenly ran to Kira and woke him up “Yah! Wake up, let’s go!” she proclaimed, Kira slowly opened his eyes when suddenly, Mika grabbed his hand, pulled him up and they hid behind a tree.

“Yah, what are we doing?” he asked “And where’s my ice cream?” he added. “Here” Mika said as she gave the ice cream to Kira then she looked at Keita and Satoshi who were talking.

“Yah, let’s go already” the guy named Satoshi said
“Uh, but Satoshi... I just bumped into Mika-senpai” said Keita. “Heh, Keita... it’s not funny...” said Satoshi “But I really saw her, she’s-” said Keita but when he turned around, there was no one behind him. “Uh? Where did she go?” Keita wondered. “Argsh, let’s go. I’m getting pissed already” said Satoshi then he walked ahead,
“W-wait for me!” Keita proclaimed and he followed Satoshi.

Meanwhile, “Whew, they’re gone!” Mika said as she came out behind the tree. “Do you know them?” asked Kira, “Uh, sort of” Mika replied, “They’re my kohai” she added. “I thought you came from another country?” Kira wondered. “I did... but I studied at a Japanese School along with those two” said Mika, “Sou...” said Kira then, “Yah, it’s almost 4, let’s go to the Dance Studio already...” he said, Mika nodded her head and they left the park.

In Satoshi and Keita’s case, “Satoshi, I’m telling you... it was Mika-senpai that I bumped into!” Keita proclaimed, “Heh, Keita... maybe it was a ghost you bumped into” said Satoshi, “Oi, Mika-senpai is not yet dead. Sheesh” said Keita, then “Uh! Mika-senpai!” he proclaimed as he saw Mika and Kira walking the other way, “Uh?” Satoshi wondered

“Mika-senpai!” Keita called. On the other hand, Kira heard someone calling Mika, he turned around and saw Keita, “Uh, hey... it’s that kid from before and he seems to be calling you” he said, “What? Is he with another guy?” Mika asked and Kira nodded his head. “Darn it. Yah, walk faster!” she proclaimed as she grabbed Kira’s hand and they walked faster. “Heh, Keita... you should stop calling someone who’s not even Mika-senpai... it’s really embarrassing... sheesh” Satoshi said then he walked ahead of him. “M-matte! Satoshi~” said Keita and he followed.

            When Mika and Kira arrived at the dance studio, “Keita, gomenasai... I had to ignore you because I can’t let Satoshi-kun see me. Gomenasai, please forgive your senpai (╥_╥)” Mika murmured to herself then... “Why were you trying to avoid those two? They’re your kohai aren’t they?” Kira asked, “Uhh, yeah but... there’s a reason why I can’t let them see me...” Mika replied “Huh?” Kira wondered. “You see, the other guy who was with Keita, his name is Satoshi and... well... I kind of went on a blind date with him” said Mika. “Uh... heh, I never thought a girl like you would go on blind dates” said Kira, “Yah, my friends were the ones who set us up!” Mika proclaimed, “Tch. So what happened? The date didn’t turn out well?” he asked and Mika nodded her head. “We kind of ended up yelling at each other and after that, whenever we see each other at school, we would just ignore each other and I still get pissed whenever I see his face! (◣_◢)” Mika proclaimed. “Uh?” said Kira, then...

“HASEGAWA KIRA!” Daisuke yelled then he suddenly pinched Kira’s cheeks “AAARRGGH! ANIKI!” Kira cried. “You brat, how dare you go on a date with Mika-chan!” Daisuke proclaimed, “EH? DATE?” Kira wondered. “Don’t act dumb with me brat!” Daisuke proclaimed as he pinched Kira’s cheeks harder and it made Kira cry louder then... “Eh, looks like Kira bought Mika a Pikachu hat... hihihi” said Jin as he saw the hat that Mika was wearing “Uh” said Mika, “Something’s definitely going on between the two of you (¬‿¬)” said Hiro, “(¬_¬) HMMM” said Daisuke then he pinched Kira’s cheeks harder one more time and after that, he let go. Kira’s cheeks were as red as ever, “Ouch...” he moaned. “Ehe (^_^||)” said Mika, then...

“Okay guys, get in the van... it’s time for us to go...” said Tanaka, “Okay” the guys replied. Moments later, they went inside the van but... “Uh? Mika-chan’s not coming with us?” Yuki wondered. “It’s almost 4 30” said Tanaka, “Uh” said the others then the van left. “Argsh, too bad we weren’t able to spend time with Mika-chan... and it’s all Kira’s fault” Daisuke whined and Kira ignored what he said.

            At the Black and White Café, “Konnichiwa minna~” Hana greeted as she entered the shop “You’re early...” said Syuu “M-hm. Our Math Teacher wasn’t able to come to class, apparently, she had an urgent meeting to attend to so, we were dismissed early” Hana responded. “Sou” said Syuu. Hana went inside the locker room to change, after changing, she went to her station

“Mika-nee’s not yet here? I want to congratulate her for making an awesome music video” said Hana, “Don’t worry, she’s on her way here...” said Syuu. Moments later, “Hi people, did you miss me?” Mika said as she entered the café, “Uh?” they wondered as they turned to her and noticed that she was very happy

“My my, looks like someone’s happy” said Jun
“And wearing a Pikachu hat?” Ami wondered as she saw Mika still wearing the hat “Uh?” said Mika then she took the hat off “Ehe, I can’t believe I walked all the way here wearing that hat (=.=)” she mumbled then she went to her seat.

“Mika-nee, congratulations on making Boyfriend’s Music Video awesome; it already reached up to 2 million views in just one day already” said Hana, “Really? Two million views?” Mika wondered then she turned her laptop on and viewed the video “You’re right” she said then...

“Okay miss film editor, here is your order” Syuu said as he placed the tray on the table “Arigatou Syuu-nii!” she said. “Hey Mika, are you busy this Saturday? Hana and I are going to watch a movie... do you want to come?” he invited. “This Saturday? Gomen Syuu-nii, I can’t. we’re going to Singapore” Mika replied. “Singapore!?” Jun and Ami inserted. “Uh?” they wondered as they looked at them “Sorry for inserting” they apologized and went back to work

“My job as a film editor may have ended but I’m still the assistant manager *unfortunately*” said Mika, “Sou... for how long will you be gone?” asked Syuu. “Two to three days” Mika replied. “Sou... well, I hope you’ll have a safe trip” he said but not in a cheerful way, he was about to go back when...

“But... I’m free on Friday night” said Mika, Syuu smiled then he faced Hana, “Hana... let’s move it to Friday night” he said “Uh, sure thing Syuu-nii!” Hana replied then she continued doing her work

“Friday night it is...” said Syuu and Mika nodded her head then she started eating her food while Syuu continued doing his job. In Boyfriend’s case, while waiting for their turn to perform

“Uh, a text from Mika-chan?” Yuki wondered as he looked at his phone. “Eh?” the others wondered and they gathered around him. He opened the message that read...

Hey, good news, your music video just hit 2 million views in one day already. Keep up the good work guys! Gambatte~ - Mika

“Seriously!? Woahh~~” said Jin, “I can’t believe it!” Hiro added. They were so happy, even Kira himself was happy but then... “Uh...” he said as he felt like his head was starting to hurt. “Are you okay?” asked Miharu “Yeah, I’m fine” Kira replied. Suddenly, “Guys, get ready... you’ll perform in 3 minutes” Tanaka proclaimed and the guys got ready.

            For the next few days, Boyfriend has been busy promoting their new Album “L.O.V.E. U” and as usual, Mika’s job as an assistant manager is quite similar as being their housemaid but there would also be times wherein she’s doing some serious work. The boys are also working very hard on their promotions but sometimes Kira would suddenly feel like he’s about to fall or his head really hurts but still he manages to hide the pain especially when he’s performing.

When Friday came...

“Mika-chan, hurry up or we’ll leave you~” said Hiro “I’m coming, sheesh. Your bags are so heavy” said Mika, “Let me help you with that” said Jin as he helped Mika carry the other bag “Arigatou” she said and Jin smiled at her in reply, then she noticed Kira inside the car and he kept on massaging his forehead “Is he okay?” she asked. “I don’t know, he says he’s okay but sometimes we hear him complain that his head hurts” said Jin “Sou...” said Mika then she and Jin went inside the van.

When they arrived at their destination, “Okay guys, you have 30 minutes to get dressed and prepare, speed it up okay? Mika-chan please help them” said Tanaka “Hai” said Mika and she went to the dressing room with the guys while Tanaka started making calls for their Singapore visit the next three days.

While the guys were preparing, Mika noticed something was wrong with Kira... he just sat on the corner while continuing to massage his head “Are you okay?” she asked as she approached him “I’m fine” Kira replied but it didn’t look like he was. “Uh...” said Mika. 30 minutes later, they started with their performance. As usual, Mika and Tanaka were watching them at the side...

“Tanaka-san, did you notice that Kira’s acting strange these past few days?” she asked. “Strange? That kid is always strange, he even bought you that Pikachu hat and claimed you as his Pokémon, Mikachu~” Tanaka replied
“(=_=||) Ehe... I mean, is he okay? It seems like his head hurts all the time” said Mika
“Oh, Yuki also told me that. We told him to go to the doctor to get it checked-up but that stubborn punk doesn’t want to, sheesh” said Tanaka, “Uh” said Mika.

After their performance, Kira suddenly went to the bathroom “He really needed to go that badly?” said Daisuke. When Kira got out of the bathroom

“Are you okay?” asked Miharu “I’m fine” Kira replied. “No you’re not” said Yuki, “Yuki I’m f-” but before Kira could finish what he was saying, he felt like throwing up again and he went back to the bathroom

“Uh? What’s wrong with him, why does he keep throwing up like that?” asked Hiro “Maybe he’s pregnant” said Jin. All of them looked at him with a you-have-got-to-be-kidding-me look. “I’m just guessing, sheesh” said Jin. A few minutes later, Kira went out of the bathroom. He was wondering why everyone was looking at him

“Uh?” he wondered. Moments later... “I am not going to the doctor!” Kira protested. “YES YOU ARE!” Tanaka proclaimed, “Kira, just this once... don’t be so stubborn and go to the doctor” said Yuki, “No. I’m fine okay? I just ate something bad that’s why I threw up” said Kira, “But-” “Argsh, if you won’t go to the doctor then I have no other choice but to send you back to the apartment and rest” said Tanaka “EH!? You can’t do that, we’re suppose to perform at Club Shounen tonight!” Kira proclaimed. “Miharu will do your part, you need to rest. We don’t want you to suddenly collapse during the performance, Mika-chan...” said Tanaka “Uh, hai?” said Mika “You’re going to take him back to the apartment after this” she said “Uh, hai...” Mika replied “But-” “No buts! My decision is final, you’re not performing tonight!” Tanaka proclaimed then she left the dressing room.

On the way to Boyfriend’s apartment, Mika and Kira decided to ride a taxi...

“I’m fine you know” he said
“Heh, fine my foot. You threw up two times already!” Mika responded. “It doesn’t mean that I can’t perform” he said. “Tch, oi Kira... you should really stop being so stubborn before you kill yourself” said Mika then Kira kept quiet. When they arrived at the apartment, Mika made sure that Kira will be resting in his room

“Stay here, okay?” she said “Like I have anywhere else to go” said Kira, “Hmmm...” said Mika. Suddenly, she received a text message from Syuu...

Mika, don’t forget... Movie tonight at around 6PM. Meet us in front of the movie theatre and oh... you should bring an umbrella, it’s going to rain soon. See Ya – Syuu

“Ah! Darn it, I forgot about the movie, argsh...” Mika mumbled then she peeked into Kira’s room and noticed that he was sleeping “Uh... Kira, I’m going to go watch a movie with Syuu-nii and Hana-chan right now but I’ll be back right away, so stay put and don’t go anywhere, okay? Please stay here...” said Mika then she quietly left the apartment. In Kira’s case, he heard Mika leaving and he suddenly stood up

“I told you, I’m perfectly *about to fall* no, I’m perfectly... fine” he said then he got dressed and left the apartment. “Heh, Tanaka-san shouldn’t have left me with a clumsy girl like her” he mumbled and continued his way.

On the other hand, at the movie theatre “Did Mika-nee say she was coming? Maybe she’s busy with all the promotions and stuff” said Hana, “Don’t worry, she’ll come” said Syuu “Uh, hmm, nii-chan, I’m starting to think that you like Mika-nee” said Hana “Huh? How can you say that?” asked Syuu “You always miss her a lot and I noticed that whenever she says that she’s with Kira-kun, you make that jealous face of yours” said Hana “Eh? Oi Takashi Hana, don’t say things that aren’t true” said Syuu “But they are true (:P)” Hana replied then she laughed “Argsh, you little...” said Syuu “Oh look, there’s Mika-nee... I’ll go ahead inside nii-chan, hihihihihi” she said then she went inside. Syuu released a sigh then “Syuu-nii!” Mika called as she ran to him “Uh, Mika, I’m glad you didn’t ditch us” said Syuu “Heh, sorry if I’m late... let’s go in?” she said “M-hm” said Syuu then the two went inside of the movie theatre.

            In Kira’s case, he decided to rest at a waiting shed first because he suddenly felt like he was about to fall “Darn it... I thought I was okay already” he mumbled as he started to massage his head again “Argsh, seriously... it hurts” he added. Suddenly, it started to rain “EH!?” he cried “WHY DID IT RAIN ALL OF A SUDDEN!?” he added then he started sneezing and he suddenly felt cold “Argsh, seriously... tch, I shouldn’t have left the apartment...” he added. He released a sigh then his head started to hurt again, “Maybe I should call Ootori” he said as he brought out his phone and decided to call Mika...

In Mika’s case, while they were watching the movie she felt her phone vibrating, she looked at it and Kira was calling her “Uh?” she wondered then she suddenly answered it.

*Phone Convo*

Mika: Kira?
Kira: Yah, where are you? Can you come get me and bring me back to the apartment?
Kira: Uh, well err, long story
Mika: BAKA! You really are stubborn! Argsh, where are you? I’m coming to get you
Kira: At a waiting shed near the bus stop, in front of me is a Music Store
Mika: Okay2x, I’m going to get you. Wait for me, don’t go anywhere or you might kill yourself *hangs up*

*END of Phone Convo*

“Seriously, what a stubborn egghead” Mika murmured, then... “Mika is something wrong?” asked Syuu “Uh, Syuu-nii, I need to go there’s an emergency...” Mika replied “Uh, really? Okay... be careful” said Syuu “Hai. I’ll call you later” said Mika then she quietly left the movie theatre “Where’s Mika-nee going?” asked Hana “She said there was an emergency and she needs to leave” Syuu answered in a bit upset way “Uh” said Hana.

When Mika got out, it was still raining “Eh?! Argsh, Kira... you’re trying to commit suicide” she said then she brought out her umbrella and went to the said location of Kira.

She was looking around while walking when she spotted someone on the street; he was lying down and was all wet. Mika noticed that he was at a waiting shed.

“Uh?” she wondered, “Nah... it couldn’t have been Kira... he just called and he seems fine” she said to herself as she tried to ignore the guy but when she looked at the other street, she saw the Music Store “Uh?” she wondered, she turned to her right and saw the bus stop then she remembered what Kira said...

She widened her eyes and yelled “K-K-KIRA!”

Tune in to the next chapter and I hope that you'll look forward to PART 26 (◕^^◕)

Comment below if you have any suggestions or reactions about this chapter ^^
Your comments mean a lot to me :****


DISCLAIMER: I do not own Boyfriend and any other song/s and Artist/s that were mentioned in this story :)

Author's note: sorry for the grammatical errors and the typos. I hope you guys will like this one and please look forward to it. Comments and suggestions are highly appreciated ^.^

please subscribe and comment as well if possible. Teeheehee THANKS! :****

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Jungkoyoung #1
My Korean name is Jung KoYoung and I live in the countryside of the south…
Kyakyaa~ such a sweet and cute story~
I love this so so so much *u*
So.... Aigoo you really are a great author, thanks! ^o^
I love how Mika and Kira always fight but also feel bed when one of them is hurt >_< but yeay! Happy ending~ hahahah. Adorable xD
Thanks for the story :D :D
Musiclover3132 #3
I love how in chapter 43 you used the name Azuna :D that's my sister's baby's name xD
CkpopL #4
the ending is so cute
CkpopL #5
wow!!! you ended the story well
i really love it
CkpopL #6
wow!!! the story is really great....
rhein19 #7
oh ! this is my first time i wiil read your fanfic .. and the lead girl is rhein19 , same as my account name here in sianfanfics .. hehehehe<br />
<br />
wow i love your first chapter .. :D
ayieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!<br />
lov4ever #9
I love it <br />
BabyKimmy #10