Three Signs

Love at First Sight


When night time came, at Boyfriend’s apartment, the others were doing their own business while Miharu and Kira decided to talk outside the balcony. Miharu noticed that Kira was feeling a bit nervous, but he said that he wanted to talk about something...

“So Kira, what do you want to talk to me about?” Miharu asked

“Uh, well it’s about Ootori” Kira replied

“Uh?” Miharu wondered

Kira closed his eyes for a while, then he remembered Mika. He was really nervous, he wasn't sure if he should tell Miharu about it. He wasn't even sure if really does feel like that but something told him that he should tell Miharu and that what he feels was actually true; he opened his eyes and faced Miharu.

Miharu felt a little bit awkward but he somehow knew what Kira was going to say

"What about her?" he asked

Kira was still nervous about telling Miharu what he's feeling but he gathered a lot of courge and said...

“I... I like her”

Chapter Twenty Two:

Miharu’s eyes widened as a huge grin formed on his face “Uh?” Kira wondered, “You finally admitted it!” he proclaimed. Miharu’s voice was loud that the others can hear it

“Lower your voice!” Kira proclaimed, “Uh, sorry” he apologized, but then...

“Who admitted it and what?” Jin asked as he went to them. Kira and Miharu looked at each other, then
“Miharu admitted that... he likes Takashi-kun’s sister” said Kira
“Yeah, I- WHAT?” Miharu wondered as he turned to Kira with a shocked expression

“Eh? Hana-chan huh, well she is cute, and come to think of it. You two look cute together” said Jin. Miharu suddenly blushed and said “T-thanks... I think” “Heh, oi Kira... Miharu already admitted that he likes someone, I wonder when will you admit that you like Mika-chan, sheesh” said Jin then he went back inside.

When Jin was already gone, Miharu faced Kira with a pissed expression on his face, “What was that all about!?” he exclaimed, “Sorry about that...” said Kira. Miharu released a sigh and said “I’ll let you go this time because you’ve admitted that you like Mika-chan, but... should we keep this as a secret from the others?” “Yes” Kira replied. “Why?” Miharu asked. “Honestly, I’m not yet sure if I like her but I think I do... besides, I don’t want the others to find out because they’ll probably tease me and all and I hate it” Kira replied. “Hmm, okay... but, how about Yuki-nii? Should we tell him?” Miharu wondered. “Leave that one to me” said Kira and Miharu nodded his head.

The next day, when Mika arrived at the dance studio, she accidentally bumped into Kira “Uh, sorry” she apologized when Kira realized that it was Mika he bumped in to, he suddenly turned red and walked away “Uh? What’s wrong with him?” she added.

As usual, Mika’s job as an assistant manager was to get the guys some drinks, towels and extra shirts. She also did the cleaning and all. It was like she was their housemaid instead of an assistant manager but she doesn’t mind. She considers it as a ‘training’ or somewhat. During lunch break, Kira was still acting like he used to but when it comes to Mika, he turns red all of the sudden and would act weirdly “Uh?” the others wondered.

“Okay, time to decide who will go down to get the snacks!” Tanaka proclaimed, they did the rock-paper-scissors thing, then... “AAH! I lost!” Kira whined. “Haha, sorry Kira but you lost! :P” Jin said as he stuck his tongue out. Kira gave him a glare and left the room, on the way downstairs...

“Uh, oi Kira!” Mika called, Kira heard her and he suddenly turned red and walked faster. “UH? Is he trying to run away from me?” she said to herself and she suddenly walked after Kira “Oi Kira!” she called but Kira walked faster, “Argsh...” Mika murmured then she suddenly ran after him and Kira started running, “YAH! WHY ARE YOU RUNNING!?”she  yelled, “Because you’re chasing me!” Kira proclaimed, “I wouldn’t be chasing you if you weren’t running away from me” Mika yelled back. “Uh, She’s right” Kira thought then he suddenly stopped. Mika was shocked when Kira suddenly stopped, she wanted to stop as well but it was too late, she suddenly bumped into Kira really hard and the two of them fell on the ground with Mika on top of him

“Ouch...” they both cried, they looked at each other and stared for a while then they suddenly blushed. Mika quickly stood up and helped Kira up “Sorry about that” she apologized while looking away from him. “I-it’s okay...” Kira replied as he looked the other way, Mika noticed that he was turning red. “Are you okay?” she asked as she faced him “U-uh? O-of course I am” answered Kira, “You sure? Your face is turning red” said Mika “E-eh?” said Kira “Darn it.” He thought, “T-this is nothing, don’t worry about me” Kira said as he started to walk ahead, “Uh, matte!” Mika called as she went after him. They arrived at the lobby and the snacks were there already, Kira took the bags but then Mika grabbed the other bag from him

“Uh?” he wondered, “I’ll help you” she said, “No need” Kira said as he grabbed the bag from Mika but Mika didn’t let go of it “I insist” she said “And I insist of carrying them all by myself” he said, “Heh, yeah right” Mika said as she pulled the bag towards her and Kira lost his grip. Then she walked ahead. “Argsh...” Kira said to himself.

When they arrived at the practice room, the members gathered around the two as they picked their snacks and after that they sat on the floor while eating. Tanaka suddenly entered the room and it looks like she was going to make an announcement

“Boys, as you all know... your comeback will be this Friday, that’s why this Thursday, Mika-chan and I will stay in your apartment to check on you guys” said Tanaka “E-EH!?” Mika cried. “Really!? Mika-chan will stay in our apartment for the whole night? HOW GREAT IS THIS!” Daisuke proclaimed. They all looked at Mika and her face was like (O_O)

Moments later, Boyfriend continued with their practice while the Mika decided to talk to Tanaka about what will happen on Tuesday
“Seriously? We’ll sleep in their apartment?! As in OVERNIGHT? (O_O)” she asked and Tanaka nodded her head. “You’re going to upload their Music Video at midnight that’s why you need to be there and I need your help in making sure that they will go to sleep early” she added. “B-but I...” “Mika-chan, remember, you’re my Assistant, so I hope you’ll cooperate with me ^^” said Tanaka. Mika had no choice so she nodded her head in agreement.

When Thursday came...

“What?” Syuu wondered as he gave Mika her order, “You’re going to spend the night there?” he added and Mika shyly nodded her head. “Heh, and is it okay for you?” he asked, “No T_T” Mika replied, Syuu released a sigh and he looked at her, he felt sorry for her and a bit worried. Even though it’s okay with him if Mika went to Okinawa with Boyfriend or when she’s working with them and all but Mika staying in Boyfriend’s Apartment? I mean their territory? Heh, no brother would ever let his sister go to another boy’s territory. Jun noticed Syuu’s worried face

“Hey boss, are you jealous because Mika-chan’s staying in Boyfriend’s apartment tonight?” he asked with a huge grin on his face, “Wipe that grin off. It’s disturbing” Syuu replied then he went inside his office.
He couldn’t do anything, he can’t just tell Mika not to go there, I mean who does he think he is if he told Mika not to go. He’s not Mika’s brother, they’re not related and of course, he isn’t in a relationship with Mika, so... he can’t do anything.

            It was 6PM and Mika was outside Boyfriend’s door. She was thinking if she should knock first or something. Suddenly, “Why don’t you just knock?” a guy said from behind, she turned around and saw Miharu “Uh, Miharu-kun?” she wondered. “I went out to buy some snacks ^^ don’t worry, Tanaka-san’s already inside” he said as he opened the door and let Mika enter. “Uh arigatou” Mika said as she slowly entered the room. The apartment was just like hers, except there were six individual rooms, while she only had one. She looked around when suddenly, “Heh, you look like you just got out of prison or something” Kira said as he came out of the kitchen and tossed Mika a can of cola, she caught it and thanked Kira, “Uh, your face isn’t red anymore” she added, “Uh? Tch” he said then he went inside his room, Miharu slightly laughed and asked
“Was Kira’s face red when you saw him a while ago?”
“M-hm, it’s kind of weird, whenever I see him his face is always red, is he sick or something?” Mika replied
“I’m thinking he’s love sick ^^” Miharu said to himself,
“Eh?” Mika wondered,
“Uh. Nothing, maybe he’s just tired, ah! Mika-chan, I stopped by the café a while ago and bought some donuts. Do you want some?” Miharu offered,
“Okay. Thanks!” Mika proclaimed as she grabbed the donut, she was about to eat it when Jin suddenly grabbed the donut from her.
“No deserts before dinner” he said then he put the donut inside the box and went back inside the kitchen. “Ehe, sorry about that” Miharu apologized “It’s okay ^^” Mika replied.

            After dinner, Tanaka allowed the boys to watch TV or do anything they want for one hour but ONE HOUR only and after that, it’s lights off for them. While they were busy doing their own business, Tanaka and Mika decided to have a little chat of their own at the living room’s balcony.

“So Mika-chan, tomorrow your first month will be over. One month to go and your contract is expired. You sure you don’t want to extend?” Tanaka asked her, “M-hm. actually, after working with you guys, I’m planning to go to Paris” Mika replied, “Paris?” Tanaka wondered. “Why?” “My parents already moved there and I’m thinking of studying there as well. I want to study Fine Arts major in Fashion Designing; it’s always been my dream to become a fashion designer” said Mika, “Sou, heh, and I thought those boys have changed your mind about staying for two months only...” said Tanaka “To tell you the truth, I also want to work with you guys for a long time but something tells me that I should go to Paris after this...” said Mika “Uh, souka... but Mika-chan, let me ask you something... are you really sure that Kira is just, I don’t know... a friend to you?” Tanaka asked. Mika was a bit nervous because Tanaka has never asked her something very personal before...

“Uh well...” she said “I... I... actually, to tell you the truth... something inside me is telling me that him more than a friend but I keep disregarding that kind of feeling” she said. “And why is that?” asked Tanaka, “It’s just that... when I first saw Kira and impression of him not believing in love left me and I don’t want to fall for the wrong guy again” said Mika “What kind of impression? And what do you mean by... falling for the wrong guy again?”

 Tanaka has been curious about Mika’s personal life and she took advantage of that time in asking her all sorts of questions

“You sure are asking me a lot of questions right now Tanaka-san ^^ but I’m going to answer each and every question...” said Mika “Good ü” said Tanaka. Mika took a deep breath and said “Back when I was still in High School, I sort of ‘fell in love’ with a classmate of mine. Graduation day and I was about to confess to him, but before I went near him, I hid behind a tree because one of my classmates also confessed to him and it gave me a little pain, but... the worst part was... when he told her that he doesn’t believe in love.  He said that she was just wasting her time confessing to him. He also told the girl how stupid she was for liking him. It hurt me a lot, I also felt stupid and I can’t believe I fell for the wrong guy... ever since then, I’ve been really careful about how I feel towards a guy. I almost fell for Syuu-nii but good thing I didn’t...”

After Tanaka heard her answer, she felt like she was in a drama or something, “I even promised myself to never get involved into a relationship until I meet the right guy...” she added

“But... how will you know if you already met the right guy?” Tanaka asked
“I have 3 signs... first one is that when I see him for the first time, I would suddenly feel butterflies in my stomach. Second one is when I get kissed by him four times. The fourth time will be when he will kiss me at the altar when we get married. And the last sign is that when my necklace will get lost, he’s the one who found it and will give it back to me...” Mika answered “When all these three signs happen to the same guy, then it means that he’s the one for me” she added.
“Sou... but wait, what necklace?” Tanaka wondered as she looked at Mika’s neck but she wasn’t wearing any necklace.
“Ahh... I forgot” Mika said as she brought out her phone and showed the necklace to Tanaka “This necklace” she said as she showed a picture of her necklace on her phone to Tanaka
“Oh, so did one sign happened already?” she asked Mika, Mika was trying to remember everything, then
“Uh, the first sign already happened, when I first saw Kira during their Q&A portion, I suddenly felt butterflies in my stomach” Mika answered,
“Really? Kira huh...” said Tanaka
“But that was still the first sign, I bet the other signs won’t happen with him” Mika said as she started drinking a glass of water. Tanaka thought about what Mika said, then she remembered the time when Kira gave Mika the CPR and how she that it was considered as a first kiss; she also remembered Mika’s second sign.
 “Uh?” she wondered, “Is something wrong?” Mika asked, “Uh, n-nothing” Tanaka replied while she started drinking her glass of water.
“By the way, Tanaka-san, please don’t tell anyone about our conversation, I don’t want anyone else to find out about the reason why I don’t want to fall for someone again and I also don’t want anyone to know about my 3 signs.” Said Mika
Tanaka nodded her head while drinking the water, “Ah~” she said as she gulped it down , “I will not tell a soul” she added. Mika smiled at her and the two girls continued talking.

            Meanwhile, they weren’t aware that Miharu was actually listening to their conversation but he only heard the part where Mika was about confessed to her high school classmate up to the 3 signs. He wasn’t able to hear the rest of the conversation because Daisuke suddenly called him to wash the dishes. In Kira’s case, he was already in his room and he looked at the calendar... “Heh, tomorrow will be our comeback... uh, Ootori’s first month with us will be tomorrow. One more month and her contract will be expired, heh... time flies so fast... but... I don’t want her to go” he said to himself as he looked down. He released a sigh and lied down on his bed.

            An hour later, Tanaka and Mika went back inside and were surprised to see the living room all clean. “Looks like they went to sleep early... Mika, you go check the three rooms on the right while I’ll check the three rooms on the left” Tanaka said and Mika nodded her head. Mika quietly opened the first door on the right side and she saw Miharu sleeping quietly like a baby “How cute ^^” she said then she closed the door. She quietly opened the second door and saw Yuki taking up all the space in his bed and he was fast asleep all right, “Ehe” she said then she closed the door. She was about to open the third door but then, she just noticed something

“Miharu-kun and Yuki-kun are staying on the first two rooms then is this... Kira’s room?” she wondered. She slowly opened the door and peaked inside, when she noticed that no one was inside, she suddenly panicked. “Where is he?!” she thought. She went inside Kira’s room and started searching for him, she looked under the table, under the bed, she even checked Kira’s balcony to see if he was there, but he wasn’t.

“I wonder where that egghead went?” she said as she was walking backwards towards the door, she was still looking around before she would leave the room but as she turned around, she was shocked when she saw Kira in front of her and was even more shocked when Kira’s lips were touching hers.

Kira was a bit sleepy that time but when he suddenly felt someone’s lips, he widened his eyes and was shocked to see Mika and realized that they accidentally... KISSED (O_O)

 (BG Song: Kiss by Rainbow)


Wahaha XD They kissed :))))))))))))

Comment below if you have any suggestions or reactions about this chapter ^^
Your comments mean a lot to me :****


Tune in to the next chapter and I hope that you'll look forward to PART 23 (◕^^◕)


DISCLAIMER: I do not own Boyfriend and any other song/s and Artist/s that were mentioned in this story :)

Author's note: sorry for the grammatical errors and the typos. I hope you guys will like this one and please look forward to it. Comments and suggestions are highly appreciated ^.^

please subscribe and comment as well if possible. Teeheehee THANKS! :****

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Jungkoyoung #1
My Korean name is Jung KoYoung and I live in the countryside of the south…
Kyakyaa~ such a sweet and cute story~
I love this so so so much *u*
So.... Aigoo you really are a great author, thanks! ^o^
I love how Mika and Kira always fight but also feel bed when one of them is hurt >_< but yeay! Happy ending~ hahahah. Adorable xD
Thanks for the story :D :D
Musiclover3132 #3
I love how in chapter 43 you used the name Azuna :D that's my sister's baby's name xD
CkpopL #4
the ending is so cute
CkpopL #5
wow!!! you ended the story well
i really love it
CkpopL #6
wow!!! the story is really great....
rhein19 #7
oh ! this is my first time i wiil read your fanfic .. and the lead girl is rhein19 , same as my account name here in sianfanfics .. hehehehe<br />
<br />
wow i love your first chapter .. :D
ayieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!<br />
lov4ever #9
I love it <br />
BabyKimmy #10