First Kiss

Love at First Sight


“What happened? We heard someone scream” Daisuke said as Boyfriend immediately ran towards them. “Where’s Ootori?” Kira asked in an angry tone, Rina couldn’t reply because she was so scared, then... “YAH!” Mika cried, they heard her and saw her holding her grip on the branch. Hiro immediately reached out his hand hoping that Mika could reach him but, it was too far. “Darn it” he said, the other members then tried to look for a long stick, “Don’t worry, we’ll help you” he said to Mika. The branch suddenly broke and Mika fell, “Mika-chan!” he cried then someone suddenly jumped from the cliff and they were shocked to see who it was.

(BG Song: Jum Jum Jum by Boyfriend)
He suddenly grabbed Mika’s arm and pulled her towards him; they were in a hugging position until they fell in the water.
“KIRA!” Yuki yelled.

Chapter Twelve:


“Kira...” Yuki said as he was searching for Kira at the waters. He looked around, suddenly he saw Kira rise up from the waters and he was holding on to Mika, Yuki felt relieved, then...

“Let’s meet them at the shore!” Daisuke proclaimed, and they ran towards the shore. In Kira’s case, they were still in the waters and Mika was unconscious, “Yah, Ootori, I’m here. Don’t give in okay?” he said then he started to swim. When the others arrived at the shore, they saw Kira swimming and he seemed tired already. Yuki and Daisuke quickly swam in the waters and they went after him to help him. Moments later, Yuki was helping Kira reach the shore while Daisuke was carrying the unconscious Mika. He put her down on the sea shore, “Mika-chan” he said while waking her up. Kira immediately went near her.

“Yah, wake up!”He said as was patting Mika’s shoulder. Suddenly, “Everyone, move aside!” Tanaka proclaimed as she went near Mika, “Mika-chan, wake up” she said as she was patting Mika’s face. She checked if Mika was breathing, “She’s not breathing properly” she said. “Should we perform CPR?” asked Jin, “Did you call an ambulance?” Tanaka asked one of the staff, “Even if we call an ambulance, it will take them 30 mins. To get here” said Daisuke, “Darn it.” Said Tanaka, they didn’t know what to do, Kira got irritated of the situation so,

“Kira, you’re going to perform CPR on her?” Miharu asked, “What?” the others added. Kira didn’t reply, instead, he performed the CPR on Mika and the members were so shocked. “Yah, wake up!” he said but Mika was still unconscious, Kira performed it again, and Mika suddenly coughed out all the water that was inside her. Her eyes were slowly opening, “I think she’s okay already” said Hiro. In Mika’s case, her body was still weak, she couldn’t see anything clearly; it was all blurry but she knew that someone saved her life. Suddenly, she passed out again

“She passed out again?” Miharu wondered. “Don’t worry, she’s breathing already. Daisuke, bring her inside and let her rest” Tanaka ordered. “Hai” Daisuke replied then he carried Mika back inside the villa (Note: The Villa where they’re staying is just near the beach where they had their video shoot) “Kira...” said Tanaka, “Uh?” Kira wondered as Yuki was helping him stand up “You did a good job” she added, Kira smirked at her then Tanaka decided to talk to the director. “Kira, did you get hurt?” Yuki asked, “No” Kira replied. “Thank goodness, but Kira... why did you jump and save Mika-chan?” he asked again, Kira paused for a while, he didn’t know the answer himself, “Could it be... you-” “H-Hey Yuki, I think I’m fine already, I’ll go back and change clothes” he said as he let go of Yuki and started to walk ahead but then, “Kira-kun!” Rina yelled, both Yuki and Kira turned to her, “Kira-kun, are you okay?” she asked. Kira just gave her a glare and he continued his way. “Uh?” she wondered. Meanwhile, the others saw how Kira treated Rina

“Why is Kira being mean to Rina-chan?” Jin asked, “Maybe because she had something to do with Mika falling off the cliff” Yuki replied. “Huh?” Jin wondered, Yuki then followed Kira back to the villa. “What did he mean?” Jin asked Hiro and Hiro gave him an I-don’t-know face.

            2 hours later, Mika woke up and found herself inside her room. “Uh?” she wondered, then, “Ah! You’re awake~”Miharu said as he entered the room and he brought some soup for Mika, “Uh, Miharu-kun, what happened?” she asked. “You mean, you don’t remember?” he asked and Mika was completely clueless. She paused for a while then she remembered something, “All I can remember is... I fell from a cliff” she said, “And you didn’t remember Kira saving you?” he asked. “EH?!” Mika cried after hearing what Miharu said, “Kira saved me?” she thought. “Well, I guess you forgot about it. Here, have some soup. I’m going to go out first, Tanaka-san will make an announcement about the music video shoot” said Miharu “Eh?” Mika wondered, “Well, after Kira jumped of the cliff to save you, we couldn’t finish the Music Video shoot since he was all wet and his clothes are ruined” Miharu said while he was standing up, “I’ll be back to get the bowl, until then, I hope you’ll eat your soup^^” he added then he left. Mika felt guilty inside, if it wasn’t for her, they could’ve finished the shooting already. She was also worried about Kira “What if he got injured while he jumped off that cliff?” she said, she released a sigh and started eating her soup.

Meanwhile, at the living room, “Okay I’m here” Miharu said as he sat next to Jin. “What took you so long?” asked Hiro, “Mika-chan already woke up and-” “MIKA-CHAN ALREADY WOKE UP??” the others, except for Kira and Tanaka, asked and Miharu nodded his head. “Calm down guys! You can talk to her after I make the announcement” Tanaka proclaimed and the boys paid attention to her. “Since Kira’s outfit got damaged, we can’t finish the shooting today, so we are going to continue it tomorrow and hopefully, by Monday night we can leave this place already” said Tanaka, “Hmm, it sounds okay...” said Jin and the others agreed. “Can we please go to Mika-chan now?” Daisuke asked, Tanaka smiled and nodded her head. The 5 immediately got up and ran towards her room while Kira rolled his eyes as he stood up.

“You seem to be worried about Mika-chan” said Tanaka, “Uh?” Kira wondered, “I am not” he added. “Tch, if you weren’t worried why did you jump off the cliff and saved her life?” Tanaka asked with a grin on her face, “Well I-” “And might I also remind you, you performed CPR on her” she added. Kira suddenly felt embarrassed when Tanaka told him that “U-uh, I...” “Face it Kira, just like the others, you’re also worried for her” said Tanaka “You even stole her first kiss” she added, “WHAT!? I didn’t!” Kira proclaimed “What I did was absolutely different from k...k...kissing” he added. “Tch, really? Both your lips touched right? That goes the same for kissing, so I think it’s just the same” Tanaka responded with a huge grin in her face. “B-but I... it wasn’t...b-b-b-but...” Kira was definitely lost for words because what Tanaka said was actually true. It was the first time that Tanaka saw Kira losing his cool and she laughed at him, “You know, I hope Mika-chan will stay with us for a long time, seeing you like this is really fun” she added then she followed the others “E-EH (-____-||)” said Kira.

            In Mika’s case, she was done with her soup and placed it on the table, suddenly, “Mika-chan!” they yelled as they entered the room “Uh?” Mika wondered. “Are you okay?” “How do you feel?” “You must be hungry” they said, “E-Eh” said Mika then she saw Kira on the side and he was looking at her in a shy and nervous way, “Uh?” she wondered.

During dinner time, “Okay, let’s eat!” Daisuke proclaimed, “Itadakimasu” all of them said and they started eating. While eating, Kira was having a hard time reaching the rice so Mika handed it to him, “here you go” she said but Kira didn’t say anything. “Uh...” she said. After eating dinner, Mika volunteered to wash the dishes and Miharu helped her. While they were washing the dishes

“Ne, Miharu-kun what’s wrong with Kira?” she asked, “Uh, I don’t know, he seems pretty normal to me” he answered. “Uh” said Mika.

After washing the dishes, while the others were watching Television, Mika decided to go out to the front porch. When she got there, she saw someone on the swing; she realized that it was Kira. “Should I go talk to him and thank him? He’s been acting a bit weird... Argh, what the heck is happening, I’m confused” she said to herself

In Kira’s case, while he was lying on the swing, he looked up at the stars and remembered the CPR thing; he also remembered what Tanaka said

“Tch, really? Both your lips touched right? That goes the same for kissing, so I think it’s just the same” –Tanaka

He suddenly blushed as he touched his lips, “Was it really considered as a kiss?” he wondered. He continued thinking about what happened, “Come to think of it, why did I save her in the first place? Do I really care for her? Argh, I can’t understand myself already!” he said to himself, suddenly,
“Yah Kira...” Mika said as she appeared in front of Kira, it shocked him and he suddenly fell on the ground.
“I...Itai” he cried.
 “Are you okay?” Mika asked as she offered her hand to him. Kira looked at her hand and decided to take it; she helped him get on his feet.
“Sorry if I startled you” she added me.
“You didn’t startle me” Kira replied as he was dusting off his shirt.
“Yeah right” Mika murmured
“Uh, why are you here?” he asked.
“Uuh...W-well” Mika said as she was blushing. Kira just stared at her
“Umm actually, I...I just want to thank you for saving my life” she added, Kira remembered the CPR thing again
“Wait, you’re not mad at me?” he asked
“Why would I be mad at you? You saved my life” said Mika
 “B-but” said Kira, “Wait, she doesn’t remember the CPR thing, better not mention it to her” he thought “O...oh right, was no big deal” he said while facing the other way and he was blushing
“Hey are you okay?” asked Mika, “E-Eh? Of course I am, why would I not be okay?” said Kira, “You sure? You know, I have to admit, I actually thought that you’re the type of person who doesn’t care about anything or anyone but...after *blush* saved my life, I really think that you’re a nice guy” said Mika.
 “Uh?” Kira wondered, he felt happy when Mika said that to him
“But... I still think that you’re annoying so don’t think that I’m going soft on you, got it?” she said
 “Uh, heh... I’m not expecting your kindness” he replied. “Sheesh, you really are an egg head” Mika murmured, “what?” said Kira. “Nothing ^^” Mika replied, “Tch. Hey, a piece of advice, don’t come in contact with that Fujioka Rina, she’s-” “I know, she’s a wicked person...” said Mika. “Uh, heh” said Kira then he went inside the villa. Mika suddenly smiled and she followed after him.

In Yuki’s case, he was watching Kira and Mika talk, he suddenly smiled while he was looking at them. “Kira, I hope that you will continue to really open up to her” he said to himself. Kira went inside his room and he lied down on his bed...

Kira’s POV

Another bad situation wherein that girl is involved, sheesh...
Heh, but I can’t believe we actually had a real conversation a while ago. She even thanked me, uh, why am I so happy about it anyway? Argh, am I really starting to like her? Wait, I never said I’m planning to like her, I mean, GAAAAAAHH!! O_____O|| Seriously! This girl is trying to change me >_<  Even Tanaka-san said that I was losing my cool already, sheesh. Tanaka-san, uh?
*remembers the CPR then his heart started beating fast*darn it, why did Tanaka-san have to bring that up? It wasn’t a kiss, it was just... well, it was something else! ARGGGH!!
But I can’t believe it, that girl didn’t even remember that I gave her CPR, what am I saying? I’m lucky that she didn’t remember that whole scene; it would’ve been really embarrassing. -__-Really,
*sigh*but... I really feel happy that she’s fine... I hope tomorrow, I’ll forget about the whole kiss... darn it, I said kiss (=___=||)
-END of POV-

Tune in to the next chapter and I hope that you'll look forward to PART 13 ^^

DISCLAIMER: I do not own Boyfriend :)

Author's note: sorry for the grammatical errors and the typos. I hope you guys will like this one and please look forward to it. Comments and suggestions are highly appreciated ^.^

please subscribe and comment as well if possible. Teeheehee THANKS! :****

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Jungkoyoung #1
My Korean name is Jung KoYoung and I live in the countryside of the south…
Kyakyaa~ such a sweet and cute story~
I love this so so so much *u*
So.... Aigoo you really are a great author, thanks! ^o^
I love how Mika and Kira always fight but also feel bed when one of them is hurt >_< but yeay! Happy ending~ hahahah. Adorable xD
Thanks for the story :D :D
Musiclover3132 #3
I love how in chapter 43 you used the name Azuna :D that's my sister's baby's name xD
CkpopL #4
the ending is so cute
CkpopL #5
wow!!! you ended the story well
i really love it
CkpopL #6
wow!!! the story is really great....
rhein19 #7
oh ! this is my first time i wiil read your fanfic .. and the lead girl is rhein19 , same as my account name here in sianfanfics .. hehehehe<br />
<br />
wow i love your first chapter .. :D
ayieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!<br />
lov4ever #9
I love it <br />
BabyKimmy #10