I really don't hate you

Love at First Sight


“Mika-chan? Kira?” Miharu wondered as he saw the two in front of the shop. “Uh...” said Mika, “Mika-nee! Can you believe it? Miharu-kun saved my life from a gang a while ago~” Hana said as she approached Mika, but Mika didn’t reply. Miharu started to wonder what was happening, “Kira... why are you here?” he asked. “Heh, I just bought these...” Kira replied as he showed the box of muffins to Miharu, “Uh?” Miharu wondered. “Let’s go back, they’re probably waiting for us” Kira said as he walked ahead, “Uh, hai” Miharu replied, but before he left, he faced Mika and Hana with a confused look, he also noticed that Mika wore an upset expression on her face. “What happened?” he wondered.

Chapter Ten:

When Kira went outside of the shop, Syuu went back in to check on Mika but as he went inside, Mika was on her way outside. He decided to watch them from the inside and he saw what happened

“Heh, she shouldn’t have said that...” he said, then he saw Hana enter the shop. “Nii-chan! Gomenasai!!” she apologized, Syuu said and he ruffled her hair, “What took you so long?” he asked, “We had a long quiz a while ago and it took me a long time to answer it. T^T” Hana apologized “It’s okay, as long as I know that you’re safe” said Syuu, then

“Hey Hana! Change into your uniform already, we need help” Jun inserted, “Hai~” Hana replied then she went inside the locker room to change. Syuu then looked at Mika who was still outside and she can’t believe that she just said it to Kira.

“Did I just say that aloud? I didn’t mean to say it to him, I mean sure... I get irritated whenever I see his face and that attitude of his pisses me of but to tell him that I hate him? I think that was harsh, but why am I making such a big deal out of it? I mean I’m sure he didn’t take it personally *sigh* what did I get myself in to?” Mika said to herself, after that she went back inside and pretended to be okay but Syuu knows she’s not.

In Kira and Miharu’s case, on their way back to the arcade Kira was very quiet, Miharu was also curious about what happened a while ago

“Kira, what happened?” he asked but Kira didn’t reply. “Did Mika-chan say something to offend you?” he asked and once more Kira didn’t reply.

“Offend? Heh, I don’t care what she said, hate me? Fine. I really don’t care” Kira said to himself. When they arrived at the arcade, “Finally~ what took you so long?” asked Jin but Kira didn’t reply, he just gave Jin the box and sat on the couch near the pool table. “Did something happen?” Jin asked Miharu but Miharu gave him the ‘I-don’t-know look’ “Uh?” Yuki wondered.

Kira can’t seem to get over what Mika said to him, it was bothering him like crazy and he didn’t understand why. He also felt a bit hurt when she said it to him but he tries to disregard the feeling

Kira’s POV

She hates me? She hates seeing my face, heh. Like I care, I’m already used to girls telling me that they hate me because of my attitude but why did I feel a bit hurt when she told me that? I have to admit, I was going overboard a while ago but that was because she called me an egg head. ARGH! Why am I so bothered by this? Darn it, I really can’t understand this feeling and why is it that we always bump into each other? Is fate trying to play with us? Argh, I really can’t understand it =_=
-END of POV-

Back at the coffee shop, when they were about to close...

“Mika-chan, you’re not done yet?” Jun whined, “I’M STILL HUNGRY!” Mika proclaimed as she just finished eating her 3rd plate of food. “EH? You’ve got to be kidding me -_-||” said Jun. “She eats when she’s very upset” said Syuu, “Seriously? Lucky her, she doesn’t need to worry about her figure” said Ami. “M-hm, but I’m a bit worried for Mika-nee” said Hana and they continued to look at Mika eating.

            2 days have passed and whenever Mika and Kira would accidentally bump into each other, they would just ignore each other. Sometimes they’ll pretend that the other one doesn’t exist but even though they were cold towards each other, Mika kept on thinking about apologizing to Kira but she just couldn’t find the right time to do it and she doesn’t have enough courage to do it. The other members also noticed that Mika and Kira weren’t in good terms; Yuki was also a bit worried because his brother wasn’t his normal self.

It was the 3rd day and they were still cold towards each other, Boyfriend went to a recording studio to record their next song and while waiting for their turn, Yuki decided to talk to Kira at the lobby.

“Here...” he said as he handed Kira a bottle of water to drink, “Thanks” Kira replied and he started to drink the water. “Kira, can I ask you something?” he asked, and Kira nodded his head in reply while drinking the water. “Kira, what happened to you and Mika-chan?” Yuki added. “Nothing happened” Kira answered as he placed the water on the table. “Kira, tell me what happened. I’m your older twin; you shouldn’t hide things from me.” Yuki said “Heh, fine. I’ll tell you...” said Kira and he told Yuki what happened. After that, “If it just meant nothing, why are you taking the situation personally?” asked Yuki, “What?” Kira wondered. “You’ve been acting, well not like yourself” said Yuki, “What are you talking about? I’m always like this” Kira replied. “You may not notice it, but we do. You know, Mika-chan is a nice person, that is, if you’re nice to her as well. I know that you’re the unfriendly type, but why don’t you try being friendly this time” Yuki suggested, “Heh, it sounds like you want me to be her friend as well. Why are you guys so interested in someone like her? She’s just an ordinary girl” said Kira, “Become her friend and you’ll find out why we’re interested in her” Yuki replied, “Uh” said Kira, after that they went back to the recording booth.

            After recording, they went back to the dance studio to continue to practice when suddenly; Tanaka came and stopped the practice for an announcement. They all gathered while Mika stayed at the side and paying attention to what Tanaka will say.

“I have an announcement to make and it’s all about your music video shoot.” She said
“YAY~~” the others cheered
“The shooting will start this weekend. Since your new song is about saying goodbye to winter and welcoming summer, the location will be at Okinawa. Everyone should come, including you Mika-chan” Tanaka said as she looked at Mika and the other members turned to her.
“YAY~~ Mika-chan’s coming with us!” Daisuke proclaimed, “Eh?” Mika wondered, “It’s going to be a fun shoot ^^” said Hiro and Jin nodded his head.

            After Boyfriend’s practice, Mika approached Tanaka to ask her about the trip

“Is it really necessary for me to go?” she asked and Tanaka nodded her head. “You’re my assistant, remember?” she said. “But I-” “No buts, we already bought a ticket for you” said Tanaka, “EH? Then, I guess I have no choice (-_-||)” said Mika “You’re darn right” Tanaka replied.

Mika went back inside the practice room to get her things, when she entered the room, she saw Kira cleaning up. “Uh?” she wondered but Kira didn’t notice her. She slowly went to the side to get her things and was about to leave but as she was about to open the door

“Uh?” she wondered as she can’t open the door. “Darn it, why won’t it open?” she added as she tried to open the door again. She looked at the door knob and realized that it was the type of door knob where in when the door closes, it is automatically locked and you need a key to open it from the OUTSIDE.

“Oh no...” she said in a worried tone, Kira heard someone talking; he looked back and saw Mika trying to open the door. “Yah!” he called, Mika turned around and felt nervous when Kira saw her. Kira went near her and tried to open the door but, “Darn it. Why did you even close the door? I left it open a while ago!” Kira proclaimed, “It closed by itself, and don’t yell at me will you?” said Mika. Kira released a sigh and said “Okay sorry, sheesh, looks like we’re stuck here until someone unlocks the door from the outside” said Kira. “What? STUCK?” Mika wondered. “Yeah, I just said it, what’s wrong with you?” said Kira. “Darn it, I have to get out soon. I can’t miss one afternoon at the coffee shop!” Mika murmured, “Huh?” Kira wondered, “Uh, forget it. You won’t understand” she added.

 “Heh, why is it that when I’m in a bad situation, you’re always the one I get stuck with?” Kira murmured. “What?” Mika said as she heard what Kira uttered. “Nothing. Sheesh, do you have your cell phone with you?” he asked, “AH! Right~” said Mika then she brought out her phone but when she looked at it, “THE BATTERY IS DEAD O_O” she said. “Eh? How careless of you to not charge your phone every morning -_-” Kira complained, “How about yours?” said Mika “I left mine at the apartment” Kira answered. “BAKA! And you’re the one complaining how careless I am, tch. Egg head” said Mika
“Stop calling me egg head will you?” he said
“Why? Does it annoy you?” she asked
“YES!” he proclaimed “Uh?” Mika wondered then she kept quiet.

They were stuck in the practice room and couldn’t get out because they need someone to open the door from the outside. They tried to cry for help but no one heard them since they were at the top floor and no one usually goes there, especially during the afternoon. The other members already went ahead since Kira told them that he’ll just catch up. Tanaka also left the office after she and Mika talked. Mika looked at her watch and it was already 5 10 PM

“Argh, 40 minutes have passed already T^T” she cried to herself while she and Kira squatted on the floor near the door. “We wouldn’t be in this mess if you hadn’t closed the door” Kira murmured. “Yah! I said it closed by itself okay? And why are you so mad at me? Did you really take what I’ve said before personally?” said Mika. “Uh?” Kira wondered then he recalled what Mika told him.

“So how does it feel to be stuck with the person you hate?” he asked.
“What?” Mika wondered but Kira kept quiet. “Heh, I can’t believe you took it personally...” she added but Kira continued to keep quiet.
“Listen... I... I’m sorry” Mika suddenly apologized and it shocked Kira, “What?” he said as he faced Mika
“I didn’t mean to tell you that I hate you, okay? I was just mad and I didn’t realize the words that I’ve spoken to you. I admit, your face and your attitude irritates me a lot but not to the extent that I would hate you... I guess, what I’m trying to say is...I don’t hate you and I’m sorry” Mika added as she looked away from Kira. Kira didn’t know what to say, but after hearing Mika apologize to him, he felt happy inside. “Uh?” he wondered, then...
“I’m sorry too...” he said “Uh” said Mika “It was also my fault because I was too demanding. I admit, I did it to irritate you because I wanted to get back for calling me an egghead but I didn’t realize that I was already getting into your nerves, so... I’m sorry” he added. Just like Kira, Mika was shocked when Kira apologized to her, but then she smiled. The two kept quiet since they were done with apologizing to each other. 30 minutes passed and Kira turned to Mika to see how she was doing, suddenly he saw Mika leaning on the wall and she was sleeping.
(BG Song: Will You Smile For Me by Zia) “Uh?” he wondered. She looked like she was very tired, Kira also noticed that Mika’s position looked a bit uncomfortable so he slowly went near Mika and he let her sleep on his shoulder.

He looked at her while she was sleeping and his heart started beating fast. “I really can’t avoid her can’t I? No matter how I try to stay away from her, fate will always bring us together. Does this mean that I should also treat her like a friend?” Kira asked himself then, he remembered what Yuki said.

“...I know that you’re the unfriendly type, but why don’t you try being friendly this time”-Yuki
“Become her friend...”-Yuki

“Be her friend huh?” he said, suddenly...

“Kira! Mika-chan!” he heard someone calling their names, “Uh? It must be the others” he said then he tried to wake Mika up
“Yah, Ootori, wake up” he said while he patted her on the shoulder. “Uh?” Mika wondered as she woke up, she was surprised when she found out that she was sleeping on Kira’s shoulder. “H...how did I-?” “No time to explain, looks like the others are here” said Kira “Eh?” said Mika. They immediately stood up and started yelling “We’re over here!” Moments later, Yuki heard them and he went to the practice room
“Kira?” he said, “Yuki! We’re inside, open the door” Kira replied “Uh. Right” said Yuki, he called the guard and the guard opened the door, Kira and Mika immediately went out of the room.

“Thank goodness we got out!” Mika proclaimed, “Arigatou Yuki” said Kira. “Heh, why didn’t you call? You could’ve gotten out hours ago” said Yuki, “I left my phone and her battery is dead” Kira replied. “Eh? Good thing your friend called Mika-chan” Yuki said to Mika, “Friend?” Mika wondered. Suddenly, “Mika!” Syuu called as he saw Mika at the hallway, “Syuu-nii?”Mika wondered. Syuu went near Mika and he hugged her, Kira suddenly felt a bit hurt but he didn’t show it.

“I knew something was up, whew! It’s good to know that you’re safe” he said. “Syuu-nii, arigatou ^^” Mika replied, Syuu smiled then he ruffled Mika’s hair. “Baka, don’t you dare make me worry like that again” he said. Mika just smiled at him in reply. Yuki noticed that Kira’s face changed when Syuu hugged Mika, he just smiled at him.

After that, they all went back to their apartments. When Mika arrived at her apartment, she lied down on her bed immediately because she was so tired, suddenly, she remembered sleeping on Kira’s shoulder, she suddenly blushed.

“How did I end up sleeping on his shoulder again?” she wondered.

 The next chapter will be about their trip to Okinawa ((: Tune in to the next chapter and I hope that you'll look forward to PART 11 ^^

DISCLAIMER: I do not own Boyfriend :)

Author's note: sorry for the grammatical errors and the typos. I hope you guys will like this one and please look forward to it. Comments and suggestions are highly appreciated ^.^
please subscribe and comment as well if possible. Teeheehee THANKS! :****

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Jungkoyoung #1
My Korean name is Jung KoYoung and I live in the countryside of the south…
Kyakyaa~ such a sweet and cute story~
I love this so so so much *u*
So.... Aigoo you really are a great author, thanks! ^o^
I love how Mika and Kira always fight but also feel bed when one of them is hurt >_< but yeay! Happy ending~ hahahah. Adorable xD
Thanks for the story :D :D
Musiclover3132 #3
I love how in chapter 43 you used the name Azuna :D that's my sister's baby's name xD
CkpopL #4
the ending is so cute
CkpopL #5
wow!!! you ended the story well
i really love it
CkpopL #6
wow!!! the story is really great....
rhein19 #7
oh ! this is my first time i wiil read your fanfic .. and the lead girl is rhein19 , same as my account name here in sianfanfics .. hehehehe<br />
<br />
wow i love your first chapter .. :D
ayieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!<br />
lov4ever #9
I love it <br />
BabyKimmy #10