Chapter 9

You Seized My LOVE!
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Chapter 09.






Jiyeon’s POV

Honestly, my fingers were quite hurting when I flicked Sehun’s forehead just now. This wasn’t the first time I tried flicking someone’s forehead, and I swear Sehun got a very hard head. No wonder he is stubborn himself, he got a real stone-head there. How Chanyeol could say I fell in love with that kind of guy? Genius in love your , I got the dumbest brother ever exist in this world. Being a president’s son turned him crazy, seriously. Maybe it’s not love after all, it was just a simple possession over my boss. Who know it might be because it’s my first time working, so I got a bit cultural shock in the office.

“Jiyeon!” Someone suddenly came from behind and patted my shoulder.

“Chanyeol oppa? What’re you doing here? Let’s not be seen together again or my life will be ruined.” I scolded which made Chanyeol huffed annoyingly.

“And you think I wanted to be seen with crazy girl like you? Let’s go Jiyeon, you will be back with father tonight. Only you two, no mother, no me.” Chanyeol explained before he grabbed my hand.

“Me? Father? Why?” I asked confusedly as I never ride a car with father since I was eight years old.

“Let just say it’s because of a personal matter between you guys. But Jiyeon, I beg you, please don’t father this time.” Okay now I really don’t understand what was happening.


Chanyeol dragged me to the back entrance of the mall where no one was there, only a luxurious black car waiting at the corner of the road. I believed that is father’s car. Chanyeol didn’t waste any time, not even a second. He grabbed towards the car, and quickly opened the door, revealing father sitting at the back alone, and also a driver at the front. Chanyeol pushed me in and closed the car door right away. I am now sitting next to my own father, but my mouth is some kind of locked. I couldn’t even blurt out a word.

“Jiyeon…” Father said, taking my hand.

“Yes, father.” I answered awkwardly.

“You do realize we have been apart for so many years, right?” He asked me the first question.

“I do. You sent me to the States when I was nine to live with my aunt, and I never came back until I turned twenty.” I replied.

“Correction. I didn’t send you there, you asked me to do that. Eleven years being apart from you, I felt like losing a daughter. I was so happy when you decided to come back and continue studying in Seoul. But then, I didn’t have that much time to spend with you. I really hope I can protect Jiyeon. You know sooner or later, they will know about my daughter’s existence. You won’t be invisible from the world forever Jiyeon.” Somehow, what father told really bothered me, because he was right.

“It’s okay. I have live here for three years, without any of my friends knowing about my real self. I think I can bear it a little longer. Don’t worry father.” I said assuring father.

“You’re 23 years old this year. You grow up enough to make me proud. But of course you won’t agree to get exposed to the world. You’re so pretty, and charming. Just like your mother when I first met her. Do you have anyone special in your life dear?” I have to admit father is the most gentle-man I have ever meet. It touched my heart when a father which his daughter has dumped, still lovingly treated his daughter like an angel.

“No father. I don’t have anyone special yet. And if I have to get one, I want someone like you.” I sincerely said to him.

“Then… please do me a favor my dear. Please get married to the boy I have chosen for you, which I believe will protect you in behalf of me.” Father persuaded while tightening his grip on my hands.

“No! No you don’t understand father. I can’t get married yet. I got so much flaws within me. You wouldn’t want me to get married father, trust me.” I looked straight into father’s eyes to convince him.

“Please don’t turn me down only this time Jiyeon. I won’t ask you anything else after this. I just wanted you to accept my request this time, only this time. Don’t worry, the marriage will be a secret, no one will know except for us.” By looking at his gaze, I noticed father looked so eager and hopeful.

“Only this time father… but please, I don’t want my soon-to-be husband to know about you and our family. When it times, I will tell him myself. I will follow you, and you have to fulfil my request as well. Deal father?” Of course, I still haven’t ready to tell anyone about my real self, no one.

“Fine. Even if I can’t attend you wedding, I wish you be happy. I did this, not to torture you. It’s to protect you.” Father finalized his words before he kissed my hand lovingly.





Why I couldn’t refuse father just now? I really don’t want to get married, but when I looked into father’s eyes, they melted me. I really love my father. Even though we haven’t interact like father and daughter for so long, I couldn’t refuse his touch. I hate being touched and when people get clung on me, not even Chanyeol, but when father touched me, it warmed me. Until now, only father… and Sehun… didn’t affect me that much when they touched me. I understand if it’s father, but why Sehun? He wasn’t supposed to leave that remarkable feeling. I hate him. Or maybe it happened because I hate him? Ugh nonsense! But when I think back, I realized I have developed weird feeling towards Sehun. It’s neither hatred nor love, it’s something in between. What do we call it? Is it an affection?

Whatever. There’s no need to think of that bloody Sehun. I have wasted too much of my time thinking about him. Now that I got much more important thing to think. How can I live marriage life? How will my husband be? What if I hurt him every time he approached me? What if I accidentally kill him someday?

These what if(s). I need answers.





Finally my wonderful weekend has come it ends. I walked into the office district with no one around here. I guess everyone just hasn’t arrived yet. I got into Sehun’s office room and slammed the door quite hard. Actually, I got a minor headache because I was having hard time falling asleep last night. Luckily I finally managed to sleep while counting the sheep. Yeah, such a classical way, but I had no other choice. I might be a bit drowsy today, so I hope Sehun’s mood is okay, or we might have a war here if I fall asleep. Speaking of Sehun, he’s late again. But if he’s late, the other two will be late two. Well, siblings.

I sit on my chair and rested my head on the table to reduce the small headache I got. But only a few second after I laid down my head, the office door burst open from outside, and none other but Sehun entered the room. I lifted my head and looked at him, but he doesn’t even bother to look back. He slammed the door harder than I did just now, and his face looked tense. What has happened to him? Did some terrible problems hit him? I could see blood-shot in both of his eyes too, probably couldn’t sleep, too? Seeing him walking straightly to the rest area without looking back, I stuck out my tongue furiously at him.

“Park Crazy, can you brew me a cup of coffee. One sugar cube will do.” He suddenly shouted from the couch he’s s

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Chapter 36: finally happy end! <3
Chapter 9: god i really have to sleep but i cant bcs i need to finish this fic
ugh its getting interesting and my eyes are tired TT
jiyeonyesung #3
Chapter 36: i like this story at first but the part he make with other girl and the slap part at the end i didn't like that:(
Babbie #4
Chapter 9: Orange and squeezer!?ok
Babbie #5
Chapter 9: Usually I would've given up here..I'm not against arranged marriage but for a strong willed and free spirit character like jiyeon to agree to this so easily seems plot forced...she's obviously not afraid of hurting her familys feeling so i dont understand. ..but I have faith in I will put this inconsistency in the very dark corner for now and hopefully it's a one time thing.
Chapter 8: Wahhh I'll continue reading this after our examination<3 Author-nim, your story is daebak;D
Roselinavu #7
Great story
Chapter 36: Sehun... it's because of you Jisoo act like that to Woomin haha. Be careful to act in front of your daughter, Seyeon Couple! :)
Ah... When will you update Flowers of Incarnation? I am curious about next chapter >.<
Chapter 34: After all the effort that Sehun did, it turned out Jiyeon still want to divorce. I even forgot about their agreement while Jiyeon pregnant.
Indeed ... the atmosphere was calm before the storm. But the atmosphere will be back calm after the storm
Chapter 12: This chapter make me glad at least Sehun had Jiyeon for being his wife. I hate Sehun's dad so much.