Chapter 3

You Seized My LOVE!
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Chapter 03.






Author’s POV


Luhan who was being busy checking on the reports in his room got distracted after Sehun suddenly barged in shouting at him. Knowing what made Sehun acted so desperate like that, Luhan pretended to not see Sehun in front of him. He kept doing his works like Sehun was invisible. Of course, pissed off Sehun couldn’t accept himself being ignored by Luhan. He advanced and hit the table with his hand hardly.

“Hyung I’m talking to you!” Sehun scolded.

“You’re talking to your older brother with that kind of manner?” Finally Luhan replied him.

“Get that crazy girl out of my room then I’ll talk mannerly to you.” Sehun said staring directly into Luhan’s eyes.

“I won’t. I sent you that girl because I know she can change you.” Luhan said calmly.

“Change what? It’s not that I’m abnormal hyung! Okay… I’ll accept anyone you sent to be my assistant but please get rid of that girl. She won’t help at all! You saw what she did to me this morning right? She’s not a normal girl. I think she can barely do her work anyway!” Sehun kept complaining.

“I saw what she did, that’s why I sent her in as your assistant. Fine, let see if she really can’t do her work in one or two months. If she’s really , then I won’t hesitate to fire her right away. Are you satisfied now?” Luhan asked.

“I’ll show you that you’ve done wrong by hiring her as my assistant.” Sehun rudely told.

“Too bad I got different opinion than you. I believe I made the best choice. Now please go out.” Said wise Luhan.


Sehun frowned at Luhan angrily before he walked away, leaving the big office room with a useless response from his brother. He slammed the office’s door and stood in front of the room with his chest pounding hardly due to his anger towards Luhan. Out of sudden, Sehun heard a small giggle near him, and when he turned to his right, he saw Jiyeon was standing there crossing her arms while smirking irritatingly like usual. Now Sehun’s face turned red as his anger reached his limit.

“What are you Sehun-ssi? Don’t you have respect for own brother?” Jiyeon insulted.

“Who are you to eavesdrop over our conversation? Your presence are ing annoying enough.” Sehun exclaimed.

“Oh really?” Jiyeon said moving closer standing facing Sehun.

“Get lost. Don’t you dare to come again tomorrow. You will never be my assistant.” Sehun kept threatening.

“From now on… you can never escape from me Sehun-ssi. See you tomorrow.” Jiyeon told.

She got closer to Sehun and gently laid her pretty fingers onto Sehun’s face. Sehun just stand still, holding himself from cussing and swearing to the petty girl in front of him. Her eyes directly shot Sehun’s eyes. After that, Jiyeon casually turned around and left happily like little kid. Sehun was watching Jiyeon left with his fiery eyes while rubbing his face furiously, like Jiyeon’s touches gave infection to his precious face.

“Crazy girl.”




Sehun’s POV

The next morning, I entered my office room sneakily, like there was actually ghost in my office. I was just checking if the crazy girl arrived earlier than me and she might set up some pranks on me. In my opinion, she’s unpredictable irrational girl. Normal girl should act feminine and gentle in front of a guy like me, I mean, I have everything. I got beauty and wealth. Girls were chasing after me, they acted fondly so I would fall for them even though I obviously showed them no interest. Honestly this was the first time I met such a whacky girl who showed no respect and concern about my perfect appearance.


She’s not here yet? But it’s already 9.30 am and she’s supposed to be here at nine. Oh! Or she won’t come at all! I knew it, I wouldn’t lose to that kind of girl. She must be feeling so stressed and decided to just quit the job before even started. Now I felt great. I spent one whole night thinking how can I go through the day with that girl around as my assistant. Now go away all the worries because she won’t come. I threw my body onto the comfortable chair and smiled like crazy.

Suddenly, I heard noises outside. Within a minute, the door was opened from outside revealing Luhan hyung entering my room with someone behind him. Seeing a girl with long black skinnies, white blouse, and black high heels carrying a box behind Luhan, I sighed in awe while clenching my fists furiously. I was wrong. My expectation of escaping the crazy girl was wrong because she appeared again with a very big smile on her face, and that smile literally annoyed me more.

“I’m sorry I have to inform something to her just now so she was in my room for almost thirty minutes. You’re okay with that right?” Luhan innocently asked me.

I nodded uninterestedly, avoiding Luhan’s eyes. I’m seriously mad at Luhan right now. If only he did not bring this girl inside, things wouldn’t be this hard for me. I saw the girl walked to the table prepared near the door. That was my assistant’s table which had been left empty for four months. Now it wasn’t empty anymore, and I wonder how long will it takes until it remains empty again. I sit at my table silently while watching the girl arranging her stuffs on the table. She hasn’t said anything yet. Good then, I don’t wanna hear her nagging either. Now if I stayed silent too, everything will keep being calm like this and this is such a precious time for me.

While she started tidying up her place, I took her resume and document Victoria gave me. I go through the resume to see her details. Who knows there might be something strange about her I can use as an excuse to dismiss her. Name, Park Jiyeon. Age 23, oh just like me. Graduated from Seoul Private College, not bad. Her living place wasn’t stated here, that’s weird. Wait… that’s it? That’s all details she provided? It’s not even complete.

I looked at her a few meters away in front of me, silently arranging her stuffs. So… her name is Jiyeon. When I first met her, she dressed like a wild homeless girl. Yesterday, she dressed cutely. And today… she dressed simply and casually. She didn’t get that certain style. She’s unique… but no! She’s weird! There’s nothing great about her. She might got a slight beauty on that small face, but wait until she open and that was like at the highest peak of her craziness.

“I’m done!”

Exactly like what I said. She just yelled out something unimportant so loudly. Do I really have to work with her? My calm working days will be ruined just like that. I think it would be okay as long as she’s not near me. Maybe I should often visit the stores while she stay in the office. That’s great, because when I am on my mall tour, I won’t have to face this crazy girl. And I can leave bunch of works for her, or all of my works, so she would get all depressed alone and soon after quit the job. I’m so genius! I got up from my chair and quickly made my way to the door, pretended to not see Jiyeon at her table.

“Yah stone-head. Where are you going?”

That rude voice stopped me from walking. Why does every time I hear that irritating voice, my heart started pounding and my face started turning hot? I think it’s because she’s too annoying for me to handle. Within the seconds I stopped, Jiyeon came closer and stood facing me crossing her arms. Should I ignore her and just pass by? I should do that at the first place, why was I being so dumb by stopping here. Now I have to deal with this crazy girl.

“Where else? Doing my work of course.”

“You’re going to visit the stores right? Should bring me along and teach me since I’m your assistant.”

“Forget it. I’m not going with you. My assistant your .”

“Ah why? You’re afraid that I will humiliate you in front of many people Sehun-ssi?”

“You really think you’re bold and I’m a coward, right Jiyeon-ssi? I don’t want to be seen walking with crazy girl. My assistant doesn’t mean to follow me around. Your job is to stay in here until the end of the day. Never cling around me, I hate it.”

“For your information, I hate people clinging around me too. It’s so unfortunate for me to share the same thought as you.”

“You’re crazy. Move aside, I’m going out.”


Talking to her only gave a massive headache. She did not move away fr

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Chapter 36: finally happy end! <3
Chapter 9: god i really have to sleep but i cant bcs i need to finish this fic
ugh its getting interesting and my eyes are tired TT
jiyeonyesung #3
Chapter 36: i like this story at first but the part he make with other girl and the slap part at the end i didn't like that:(
Babbie #4
Chapter 9: Orange and squeezer!?ok
Babbie #5
Chapter 9: Usually I would've given up here..I'm not against arranged marriage but for a strong willed and free spirit character like jiyeon to agree to this so easily seems plot forced...she's obviously not afraid of hurting her familys feeling so i dont understand. ..but I have faith in I will put this inconsistency in the very dark corner for now and hopefully it's a one time thing.
Chapter 8: Wahhh I'll continue reading this after our examination<3 Author-nim, your story is daebak;D
Roselinavu #7
Great story
Chapter 36: Sehun... it's because of you Jisoo act like that to Woomin haha. Be careful to act in front of your daughter, Seyeon Couple! :)
Ah... When will you update Flowers of Incarnation? I am curious about next chapter >.<
Chapter 34: After all the effort that Sehun did, it turned out Jiyeon still want to divorce. I even forgot about their agreement while Jiyeon pregnant.
Indeed ... the atmosphere was calm before the storm. But the atmosphere will be back calm after the storm
Chapter 12: This chapter make me glad at least Sehun had Jiyeon for being his wife. I hate Sehun's dad so much.