Chapter 20

You Seized My LOVE!
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Chapter 20.





Author’s POV

When weekend comes, Sehun left the apartment early in the morning because he was told by Victoria that the cooking class she registered him in started at eight in the morning and finished before lunch time. With full determination, Sehun drove to where the place Victoria informed him. Once he arrived there, Sehun then looked for the room where the cooking class is held. But when he arrived in front of the room, he got surprised to see Victoria is standing there looked like waiting for someone. Sehun approached while staring at her weirdly before he started asking numerous questions.

“Noona? What are you doing here? Why are you here too? Do you come to check on me or what? Do you think I won’t adapt here because it’s cooking class?”

“Yeah… that’s one of the reason. You’re the only guy so… yeah. You’ve been acting so weird lately. You make me feel worried. And why cooking? Who do you cook for? I thought you’re living alone. You can just go and buy the food.” Victoria then started questioning.

“I just wanna learn to make something special for someone special. I’m not weird.”

“Omo! Someone special? Seriously? So you start falling for Jessica now? I thought you don’t like her.”

“Don’t joke around noona. It’s not Jessica. Anyway… maybe you can go now because the class is going to start soon.”

“I can’t go… actually… I registered my name as well so…”

“You wanna learn cooking too noona? For who? Luhan hyung?”

“Why should I cook for Luhan?”

“I thought you like him. Okay then, I ain’t have time to care about other people. I’m going now noona.”

“Yah! Wait for me Sehun!”



Sehun and Victoria then entered the room with a few women inside there. Being the only guy, everyone inside there started staring weirdly at him like there’s something wrong about him. Sehun felt kind of nervous but he kept pretending to not see them all and walked to the back with Victoria and took their own position. Soon after, a lady walked in while sweetly smiling at all the participants in the big kitchen. There are about ten people in the room and Sehun is the only guy present. The lady then started talking after confirming everyone has taken their position.

“Anyeong. My name is Kahi and I’m your teacher for today. Before starting, I’m going to call out everyone’s so please answer when I call your name okay.” The cooking teacher then said, still smiling sweetly.

“Ah . It’s going to be awkward when she calls my name.” Sehun then whispered to himself.

Kahi started calling all the names on the paper on her hand. When it’s Sehun’s turn, she stopped for a second before started calling his name, “Oh Sehun?”

“Here…” Sehun answered and pretended to ignore all the eyes in front of him.

“You’re the only guy in here. Interesting.” Kahi said and smiled at Sehun before continuing calling the names.




“Today I want to see how far you can do in cooking, so there’s no theme. Just cook whatever you want and I’m going to walk around and check on each of you.”

Hearing the instruction, everyone then started going to the pantry to look for the ingredients needed. Sehun who knows nothing then started looking around in panic, doesn’t know what to do. Seeing Victoria walked to the pantry, Sehun then called and stopped.

“What are you going to cook noona?”

“Hmm… chicken stew?”

“You know how to do it?”

“No. But I’ll try. What about you Sehun?”

“That’s the problem. I don’t even know what to cook.”

“Start thinking and stop talking. I’m going.”


Victoria left Sehun and went to the pantry to get the ingredients. Sehun stayed at his table and looked a bit lost. But then, the cooking teacher approached him and started talking to him.

“Sehun-ssi. Can I help you?”

“No. It’s okay.” Sehun answered sounding arrogant.

“You’re the only guy in here and I know you don’t know anything. So… why are you here if you’re not going to follow my instruction?” Kahi then started complaining.

“I don’t know anything, that’s why I’m here. I just wanna learn how to cook. I want to know how to cook something. Only one meal can do. But you want us to cook right away.” Sehun complained back.

“You don’t look like someone who’s struggling for living. But you sounded desperate.”

“I just wanted to impress someone with my cooking because I’ve made a horrible soup before this. I want her to know that I’m not a spoiled-brat that don’t know anything other than working. I just wanted to… change.”

“Why do you suddenly becoming so emotional young guy? So, you’re just in love I reckon. Should I help you?”

“Yes? What do you mean?” Sehun asked in disbelieve.

“Think about a menu you want to cook. I’ll come back in five minutes and help you cook it deliciously. Now think.”

Kahi then walked away leaving Sehun at the table alone, still couldn’t believe what he heard. He’s still speechless and impressed to the fact that the cooking teacher actually offered to help him achieve what he wanted. He started thinking about the food he wanted to make, and Jiyeon’s image started appearing in his mind. Sehun unknowingly smiled thinking of Jiyeon and he just couldn’t hold the smile at all until Kahi appeared again.

“I guess you’ve decided what to cook, looking at your smile.”

“Yeah. Please teach me how to make a scrumptious Spaghetti Carbonara.”





Jiyeon’s POV

Where’s Sehun? He’s been missing so early in the morning yesterday and today too? He didn’t even tell me anything and came back at three when the lunch time had passed. Yesterday I have to eat the snack I found in the refrigerator for lunch. I guess today I have to eat the snack again because he’s missing again. Shouldn’t I be happy that he’s not here? So I can conquer the whole apartment. But then… it feels weird when he’s not around though. I’ve been wanting him to always be in front of my eyes lately. Ahhh it’s all because of that freaking night, I just can’t forget the Kiss! That Idiot Oh Sehun! Should have waited for me to be ready before kissing. Why am I thinking about that anyway? My god…. Why can’t I erase the thought?

Ding! Dong!

Oh! That must be Sehun! I hope he brought back some delicious food for lunch because I’m tired of eating the snacks. It’s weekend and I’m not supposed to starve in the apartment alone. I heard the sound of someone’s opening the door so I rushed to the front and quickly approached Sehun who is busy taking off his shoes. I saw he got flustered for a second to see I suddenly appeared while running towards him. Sehun emotionlessly looked at me, while I started checking if he actually brought something home. He’s bringing a bag of something with him and it looks like something to cook because I thought I saw some vegetables in there too.

“What’s that?” I curiously asked while pointing at the bag.

“Why?” Sehun asked back looking at me strangely.

“Is that something to eat because I’m really hungry right now! Show me show me!”

“Ya… why are you suddenly depending on me? It’s not like you can’t go out to eat alone even if I’m not at home.” Sehun started complaining.

“I’m just lazy. So… can you show me what you brought?”

“Can’t you let me go to the kitchen first?”

“Sure sure let’s go.”

Sehun then walked to the kitchen while I’m following closely behind him. After putting the stuffs on the dining table, Sehun took off his jacket and sweater. I started looking through all the stuffs he bought. What is this? Eggs, bacon, garlic, black paper, parmesan, fresh parsley leaves, and… pasta? It’s indeed food, but these are the ingredients for cooking pasta. But why?

“Yah stone-head, what are these for?”

“Can’t you see? It’s the ingredients for making pasta.”

“Who’s cooking? Me? But I’m lazy! I want to eat right away because I’m hungry!”

“Tsk, I’m going to cook now to feed you, big-eater.” Sehun said confidently making me almost choked on my own saliva.

“Wait who? You? Are you joking?”


After shortly replied to my question, Sehun then took the ingredients one by one and started working on them. I saw Sehun pour something into a pot before filling it with water and boiled it. He put the pasta into the pot and then started doing something else. I was standing still near the dining table watching what he does because I just still couldn’t believe he’s attempting to cook again after making a pot of disastrous vegies soup before. Sehun then started whisking together eggs and parmesan in a small bowl and he really looked determined right now. What has possessed this arrogant guy?

“Can you handed me the bacon? I’m going to cut it now.”

Sehun suddenly said making me stop thinking about how weird is the situation ri

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Chapter 36: finally happy end! <3
Chapter 9: god i really have to sleep but i cant bcs i need to finish this fic
ugh its getting interesting and my eyes are tired TT
jiyeonyesung #3
Chapter 36: i like this story at first but the part he make with other girl and the slap part at the end i didn't like that:(
Babbie #4
Chapter 9: Orange and squeezer!?ok
Babbie #5
Chapter 9: Usually I would've given up here..I'm not against arranged marriage but for a strong willed and free spirit character like jiyeon to agree to this so easily seems plot forced...she's obviously not afraid of hurting her familys feeling so i dont understand. ..but I have faith in I will put this inconsistency in the very dark corner for now and hopefully it's a one time thing.
Chapter 8: Wahhh I'll continue reading this after our examination<3 Author-nim, your story is daebak;D
Roselinavu #7
Great story
Chapter 36: Sehun... it's because of you Jisoo act like that to Woomin haha. Be careful to act in front of your daughter, Seyeon Couple! :)
Ah... When will you update Flowers of Incarnation? I am curious about next chapter >.<
Chapter 34: After all the effort that Sehun did, it turned out Jiyeon still want to divorce. I even forgot about their agreement while Jiyeon pregnant.
Indeed ... the atmosphere was calm before the storm. But the atmosphere will be back calm after the storm
Chapter 12: This chapter make me glad at least Sehun had Jiyeon for being his wife. I hate Sehun's dad so much.