Chapter 15

You Seized My LOVE!
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Chapter 15.





Author’s POV

Jiyeon and Sehun were now outside the penthouse building eating spicy rice cake together at the small restaurant near the building. Being so hungry after went shopping at the hypermarket this morning, both of them ate a lot of the tteokpokki to fill their empty stomach.

“Sehun, your nose is turning red. Is it so spicy?” Jiyeon said pointing at Sehun’s nose while smirking.

“Kind of. My stomach started burning because of the spiciness.” Sehun replied while rubbing his tummy.

“Who told you to eat a lot when you can’t bear the spiciness of the spicy rice cake? Serve you right.” Jiyeon teased. “So, you’re paying right?” Jiyeon then asked.

“Why always me? It’s your turn. I’ve spent so much money paying your dishware sets!” Sehun refused.

“This won’t do. Let’s play rock, paper, and scissors.” Jiyeon suddenly suggested.

“I don’t want to! I may lose.” Sehun refused again.

“Tch, such a coward. What’s so hard about paying the food you ate?” Jiyeon then insulted.

“I should ask you that. What’s so hard about paying the food you ate? You ate more!”

“I don’t care, you’re paying! I’m going!”

Jiyeon suddenly stood up and ran away leaving Sehun flustered at the table alone. Jiyeon already went out of the restaurant and wait for Sehun out there while teasingly smiling and sticking out her tongue to Sehun from outside. Knowing that he will end up paying no matter what happens, Sehun then decided to give up and pay for the rice cake. Pissed off, Sehun exited the restaurant after paying and just walked passed by Jiyeon without looking at her. Realizing that Sehun ignored her, Jiyeon then ran after Sehun and walked next to him.

“Yah stone-head, are you sulking? You know how to sulk too?”

“Why? You think I have no heart just because I got stone head?” Sehun replied a bit cold.

“Hmm… so you’re mad just because I made you pay again?” Jiyeon asked.

“No.” Sehun shortly replied.

“I know you’re mad. You’re obviously pissed off though. I’m sorry. But seeing you right now, I noticed that you’re really not like what I think you are.”

“What do you mean?” Sehun suddenly stopped walking and pay attention to Jiyeon.

Jiyeon stopped too and explained to Sehun what was in her mind, “My first impression on you was… Oh Sehun is a grumpy and arrogant guy who doesn’t have a dream in his life because he already got everything. He doesn’t have feelings and he doesn’t care about others feeling. But I discovered a lot of unexpected things about you after more than one week living under the same roof with you. Quite impressive right?”

“What did you discover?”

“Oh Sehun is not just stone-headed, arrogant and rude, but also an idiot. I discovered that you do have a dream. I discovered that you do have feelings and you do care about others feeling sometimes.”

For a few seconds, Sehun freeze at his spot after hearing what Jiyeon said. But he then quickly come back to his sense and without saying anything, he just started walking again. Jiyeon didn’t say anything too and just happily follow Sehun went back to the building. Once they entered the elevator, Jiyeon suddenly gasped before the elevator door closed. Surprised by Jiyeon’s gasp, Sehun then asked, “Why?”

“Oh Sehun! I saw your brothers were entering the lobby just now! They must be coming to our apartment!!! What should we do?!” Jiyeon exclaimed.

“What? My brothers?! Luhan and Baekhyun?” Sehun asked a bit confused and nervous.

“Pabo! Do you have any other brothers than them two?” Jiyeon said.

Sehun shook his head and seemed lost again. Jiyeon then sighed to see Sehun acted like a fool again. Once the elevator arrived at their level, they quickly exited the elevator and made their way to the apartment. But before Sehun could key in the passcode, Jiyeon suddenly stopped him.

“Ah why?! We’re going to get caught if we don’t hurry up!” Sehun scolded when Jiyeon stopped him.

“I don’t think we have enough time to go in and hide me inside. They’re probably had took the elevator and they will arrive any second!” Jiyeon said.

“Yeah, I think so too. Let’s go.”

Right after that, they could hear Baekhyun’s and Luhan’s voice talking just at the corner to their apartment. Not wasting any time, Sehun then hurried away together with Jiyeon quickly following behind him. They hide at the other corner to their neighbor’s apartment and slightly peeking from there to see Luhan and Baekhyun has finally arrived in front of their apartment. Thankfully there’s a wall in between both apartment in every level, making it easier for them to hide.

“Ya, what should we do now?” Jiyeon whispered to Sehun who’s looking at his brothers.

“I don’t know. Should we just stay here and wait until they gone? They might end up thinking that I’m not home if no one open the door right?” Sehun whispered back.

“Maybe.” Jiyeon answered.

They could see Baekhyun kept pressing the bell while Luhan only wait at his side without saying anything. “Maybe they’re not at home.” Luhan said making Sehun and Jiyeon nodded a few times at the corner.

“Really? But Sehun is the type that would stay in the house during weekend, remember?” Baekhyun said making Sehun’s and Jiyeon’s hearts started beating faster.

“Maybe he’s out for lunch.” Luhan said again.

“I’m going to call him.” Baekhyun then said and took his handphone.

Seeing Baekhyun took out his phone and about to call Sehun, both Jiyeon and Sehun then looked at each other blankly, like there’s something in their mind right now. While they’re still looked lost right now, Sehun’s handphone suddenly rang making they realized what’s bothering them now is that the fact that Baekhyun and Luhan might find out if they heard ringing sound from the corner.

“Hyung, do you hear that?”

Once they heard Baekhyun’s voice said that, they quickly regained their sense and prepare to run away from the corner. Couldn’t think properly because of too nervous, Jiyeon just jumped onto Sehun’s back without warning and hung there making Sehun surprised. But without saying anything, Sehun just piggyback Jiyeon and tried to run as fast as he could behind the wall before Baekhyun caught them. Sehun just ran to the emergency exit and carefully walked down the stairs with Jiyeon still on his back. Once they arrived at the level below them, Jiyeon then jumped off Sehun’s back while Sehun kept panting after running.

“It has been a while since I run like this. And you, you should warn me first before jumped onto my back like that! I thought there’s a rock just fall on me and almost collapsed just now you know!” Sehun started complaining.

“Am I that heavy? Rock? I’m sorry okay. I afraid you’ll leave me behind because you’re a fast runner so without thinking I just jumped on you.” Jiyeon said while pouting.

“How did you know I’m a fast runner?” Sehun asked quite suspicious.

“Err… it’s… my instinct. Girls’ instinct is scary you know.” Jiyeon lied because she couldn’t tell Sehun about Luhan.

“Whatever. What should we do about my brothers now?”

“I think you should just ride the elevator from this level to upstairs and pretended like you’re just come back from somewhere. Just put an act and don’t be too obvious, that’s all.”

“What about you?”

“I think I’ll just go down and chill at the swimming pool for a while until they’re gone. And don’t forget to not let them go into my room. Good luck.”

“It’s not that I’m doing something so important that you have to wish me luck. I’ll go now.”




Sehun’s POV

I left Jiyeon at the emergency stairs and just ride the elevator while thinking about any excuse to tell my brothers later. Ah just why they have to come at this time? And why must they visit me? We don’t have good relationship anyway, are they trying to act caring right now? When I will be able to get rid of this miserable life? So depressing, seriously.

“Ya, Sehun! Here you are!”

Right when the elevator arrived, Luhan’s and Baekhyun’s faces popped right in front of me. Seems like they’re about to leave. I should have just stayed downstairs just now. “Luhan hyung, Baekhyun hyung, you guys are here?” I said pretending to be surprised.

“Where are you going? We’ve been waiting. You didn’t even pick up my call.” Baekhyun hyung then told.

“I was having my lunch at the nearby restaurant. There’s no reason I should pick up your call.” I coldly replied.

“Yah! I’m your hyung. Why are you being so disrespectful to me? Aren’t you going to invite us into your new apartment?”

“Wait Baekhyun, I don’t think we can stay here longer. I got a message from dad saying that he needs us at home right now. We can come again next time, right Sehun?” Luhan suddenly butted in. I don’t know if I’ve seen wrong, but Luhan hyung looked a bit anxious and his voice sounded rushed too.

“Seriously?” Baekhyun then asked, sounded suspicious.

“Yeah seriously. Now go go go.” Luhan hyung then shoved Baekhyun hyung into the elevator.

“We’ll come next time Sehun!” Baekhyun told.

“Take care.” Luhan told too.

I didn’t response and just looked at them emptily. Such a relief they have to leave now. Having them inside the apartment will just give me headache to find excuse about so many things inside there. Should I tell Jiyeon to come up now since they’ve left? But then… I think I need to get some rest after everyth

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Chapter 36: finally happy end! <3
Chapter 9: god i really have to sleep but i cant bcs i need to finish this fic
ugh its getting interesting and my eyes are tired TT
jiyeonyesung #3
Chapter 36: i like this story at first but the part he make with other girl and the slap part at the end i didn't like that:(
Babbie #4
Chapter 9: Orange and squeezer!?ok
Babbie #5
Chapter 9: Usually I would've given up here..I'm not against arranged marriage but for a strong willed and free spirit character like jiyeon to agree to this so easily seems plot forced...she's obviously not afraid of hurting her familys feeling so i dont understand. ..but I have faith in I will put this inconsistency in the very dark corner for now and hopefully it's a one time thing.
Chapter 8: Wahhh I'll continue reading this after our examination<3 Author-nim, your story is daebak;D
Roselinavu #7
Great story
Chapter 36: Sehun... it's because of you Jisoo act like that to Woomin haha. Be careful to act in front of your daughter, Seyeon Couple! :)
Ah... When will you update Flowers of Incarnation? I am curious about next chapter >.<
Chapter 34: After all the effort that Sehun did, it turned out Jiyeon still want to divorce. I even forgot about their agreement while Jiyeon pregnant.
Indeed ... the atmosphere was calm before the storm. But the atmosphere will be back calm after the storm
Chapter 12: This chapter make me glad at least Sehun had Jiyeon for being his wife. I hate Sehun's dad so much.