Unknown Mistake

Love For The Twinflower
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“Doryeonnim, please don’t run so fast. It’s very dangerous here.” A middle-aged man shouted as he was chasing after his young master along a rolling hill.

Lee Min Ho stopped as he turned around, staring at his father’s secretary, Oh Seung Hoon. “Secretary Oh, I told you a lot of times that I’m not a kid anymore. I’m 14 years old already. I know how to take care of myself.” He said coldly.

Oh Seung Hoon sighed. “I know, I know. But doryeonnim, if sajang-nim knows that I bring you over here, I will lose my job.”

“You don’t need to tell him. He was so busy finding a solution to settle the problem with the new perfume product. He wouldn’t know about it if you keep your mouth shut.” Min Ho said sternly.

Oh Seung Hyun sighed again. “I know you wanted to help sajang-nim to find a special type of flower for the perfume but what can we get here? This is a tangerine farm. We wouldn’t be able to get any flowers here.” He said as he looked around the farm. This place was situated outside of Seogwipo City in Jeju Island.

“You will never know what you can find if you don’t explore.” Min Ho said as he turned around and continued to walk forward or to be exact, running forward.

“Doryeonnim!” Oh Seung Hyun shouted from behind. He took a deep breath before chasing after him again. But just when he walked few steps forward, Min Ho was already out of sight. “Doryeonnim!” He called again.


“Damn it.” Min Ho cursed. He slowly sat down on a big stone at the side and rolled his pant up. The wound on his ankle was not serious but it was still bleeding. Oh Seung Hyun might be right. This place is dangerous and he shouldn’t have run so fast. He took his handkerchief out and dabbed it against the wound to stop the bleeding. He bit his lip when he felt a sting on his ankle.

“Are you okay?”

Min Ho turned around at the voice behind him. His eyes were locked at the girl who was now walking towards him. She is tiny and he guessed she was around 12 to 13 years old or maybe younger. She has a very beautiful angelic face that totally stole all his attention and forgot about the pain he was feeling on his ankle now.

The girl squatted in front of him and looked at his wound. “You fell down?”

Min Ho cleared his throat as he nodded his head. “Hmmm…”

The girl took his handkerchief away and took a closer look. She then pulled her backpack to the front and opened the zipper. She took a bottle of water out from her bag and after she opened the cover, she looked up at Min Ho. “It might be a slight pain.”

Min Ho held her gaze as his heart was suddenly pounding fast and hard against his chest. The pair of beautiful eyes that he was looking now make everything seems to stop moving around him.

The girl tilted her head, looked confused with his stunned expression. “I’m going to wash the wound for you. Can I?” She asked.

Min Ho was cut off from his deep thoughts by her soft voice as he nodded, feeling embarrass. “Thank you.”

The girl smiled as she gently held his ankle and poured the water on it. She looked up when she heard him gasped. His face was twisted in pain as she quickly lowered her head down and blew some soft air directly on the wound, soothing his pain. She lifted her head up at him and asked. “Feeling better?”

Min Ho was taken aback with her action. He just nodded his head again without replying her.

The girl put the bottle on the ground as she took something from her backpack again. She was holding a plaster now. She peeled it off and gently placed it on his wound. She looked up at him with a smile. “Done.”

Min Ho smiled at her too. “Thank you.”

“Are you a tourist?” The girl asked.

“Me?” Min Ho asked her back.

“You don’t look like a local here.” The girl said.

“I came from Seoul. I’m not here for holiday. I just came here to look for something.” Min Ho replied.

The girl tilted her head. “Look for what?”

“Flowers.” He said.

The girl raised her brows. “Flowers? What kind of flowers? There a lot of flowers that you can find in Jeju Island. Magnolia, camellia…”

“No.” Min Ho cut her off. “Not those flowers that everybody could find. I need a kind of flower that is very special that not everybody sees it before. And most importantly, I need a very nice scent of flower.” He paused and looked at her. “I was actually helping my father to find a new flower scent to make perfume.” He doesn’t usually talk that much especially to stranger but she just makes him felt comfortable.

“Special and with nice scent flower.” The girl smiled at him again. “Wait here. I’ll come back shortly.” She said as she took her backpack and ran towards the opposite direction.

After about 10 minutes, the girl came back to him with a flower in her hand.

Min Ho slowly stood up and widened his eyes. He looked at the girl with questions in his gaze. “What is this? I never saw something like this before.”

The girl lifted her hand up and brought the flower closer to him. “The scientific name for this flower is called Linnaea Borealis. It was also known as the twinflower.”

Min Ho took a closer look at the flower in her hand. “Twinflower?”

The girl nodded her head. “Yes. It is named for the paired, nodding, bell-shaped white or pink flowers borne above a mat of small, roundish leave. It’s very rare and you can hardly find it around. Twinflower emits a fragrance that is reminiscent of butterfly orchid or lilac.” She brought the flower closer to Min Ho’s nose. “The scent of twinflower is very fresh and pleasant.”

Min Ho inhaled the scent and smiled. He agreed. It smelled fresh and pleasant, just like her. “It’s really very special. I never see any flowers that come in pair. They looked exactly the same like twins.”

“Nothing is the same.” The girl said.

Min Ho looked up at her, waiting for her to continue.

“Of course it’s identical if you only take a brief look. But if you take a closer look, you will slowly find the differences. Even twin siblings don’t look exactly the same. People have different characters and personalities.” The girl said.

Min Ho narrowed his gaze at her. “How old are you? You don’t sound like your age.”

The girl let out a soft smile as she put the flower into his hand. “You can find the flower in the little forest behind the farm.” She looked at her watch before she continued. “It’s late now. I have to go.” She pointed at his ankle and said. “Take care of that when you get home. Apply some anti-infection cream on it.” She smiled at him and waved her hand. “Goodbye.” She turned around and when she was about to walk away, Min Ho’s voice stopped her.

“Thank you.” He said.

The girl looked at him in confusion.

Min Ho held the flower up and smiled. “Thanks for showing me this flower. I think my father’s problem will be settled soon.”

“You are welcome.” She smiled back.

“May I know what’s your name?” Min Ho asked.

The girl looked at him for a while before she replied. “Just call me twinflower.”

“Y-Yah…” Min Ho called out from behind but she didn’t turn around anymore. “Do you stay here? Can we meet again?”

She didn’t reply him but just continued to walk away from him.

“My name is Lee Min Ho.” He shouted again but she was already out of sight. He let out a deep sigh. “Will I see you again?” He whispered.




5 years later…


“Yoon Suh! Yoon Suh!”

Choi Yoon Suh combed her hair neatly as she smiled in satisfaction, looking at her beautiful self through the mirror in the toilet. Her best friend Kim Ji Won was screaming and running towards her.

“Yah! What are you doing in the toilet for so long? Your dream man is here already.” Ji Won said.

Yoon Suh widened her eyes as she turned to her best friend. “What? He is here already? I thought the competition will only start at 10am. Now is only 8am.” She glanced at her watch nervously. She turned back to the mirror and adjusted her school uniform. “Do I look beautiful? Does my face look bloated? How’s my hair? I bought this hairband yesterday. Does it look good on me?”

Ji Won laughed as she held Yoon Suh’s hand. “Can you stop being so nervous? There are hundreds and thousands of his fans out there. The basketball stadium was already flooded with all the female students. He won’t be able to see you. He came from a well-known expensive international high school. There are heaps of beautiful rich girls in his school. Do you think he will even look at the girls here?”

Yoon Suh pouted her lips. “Even though I’m not rich but I’m beautiful. I have confidence that if he saw me, he will fall in love with me instantly.”

“You are dreaming.” Ji Won laughed at her. “He is Lee Min Ho. The sole heir of Venus Corporation, one of the biggest beauty product companies in Asia. He is smart; he is good in sports and not to mention he is super handsome.”

Yoon Suh smiled sweetly just by thinking about him in her mind. She remembered the first time she saw him was 3 years ago when he came to her school for a basketball competition. He is 2 years elder than her. The high school she was studying now was just an ordinary school for poor people like her but the only thing that makes her like about this school was the basketball team. They play very good basketball and that was why they are qualified to compete with the school that Lee Min Ho was in. She can at least see him twice in a year when he came for the competition.

“Stop dreaming already. If you don’t go out now, you will lose the chance to see him longer.” Ji Won shook her off from her deep thoughts. 

Yoon Suh looked up at her best friend as she nodded. “Let’s go.”


When they reached the basketball stadium, Min Ho was practicing the basketball in the court. Yoon Suh’s heartbeat raced tremendously just by looking at him. She can feel her face burning and blushed.

Whenever Min Ho makes a shot, the girls in the stadium will scream, cheering for him. Every shot that he made went into the hoop perfectly. The confident expression on his face was so charming and every small little movement from him was so perfect for Yoon Suh.


“I’m 300% sure that all the girls in this stadium now are here for you.” Jang Geun Suk said with a big grin on his face.

Min Ho ignored his best friend as he continued to practice.

“I wonder how those guys feel when the girls in their school are here to cheer for the opponents. It must be very humiliating.” Geun Suk continued.

Min Ho glared at him. “I’m here because I like basketball. I didn’t play because I want to get attention from the girls.” He said coldly as he threw the ball to his best friend.

Geun Suk scoffed. “The way you shoot, the way you talk, the way you act, it was more than enough to kill all of the girls here. You just don’t know how strong your charm is.”

Ignoring what he said, Min Ho walked passed him towards the back door.

Yoon Suh who never stops looking at Min Ho saw him walking towards the back door of the stadium. She bit her lip as she stood up from her chair.

“Where are you going? The competition is starting soon.” Ji Won asked.

“I’ll come back in a while. Just wait for me here.” Yoon Suh said as she walked away.


Yoon Suh was right; Min Ho really went to the toilet at the back of the stadium. She was lucky that nobody saw him here. She was here alone waiting for him outside the male toilet. She combed her hair with her fingers and looked down at her uniform to make sure she looked good and neat. When she heard footsteps coming out from the toilet, she pretend to lose her balance and fall down in front of the toilet. As predicted, before she landed on the floor, a pair of strong arms wrapped securely around her waist and held her back in place.

“Are you okay?”

A deep and manly voice filled Yoon Suh’s ears as she smiled slightly. She slowly looked up and she bit her lower lip when she met Min Ho’s gaze. She shook her head softly as she let out a shy smile.

“I’m okay. Thank you.” She said with the sweetest and softest voice ever.

Min Ho looked deep into her eyes for a long while without taking his hands off her. “Y-You…” He couldn’t find the right word to finish his sentence. But looking at the girl in front of him now, the memory of what happened 5 years ago suddenly creep into his mind. “Twinflower.” He uttered softly.

Yoon Suh looked at him in confusion. “Meo?” She asked.

The startled expression on Yoon Suh’s face woke Min Ho up from his deep thoughts. He realized that he was still holding her close in his arms as he quickly pulled away. He ran his fingers through his hair and smiled at her awkwardly. “Hmmm… be careful. The floor is very slippery.” He said.

Yoon Suh blushed as she looked down. “Thank you.”

Min Ho narrowed his gaze at her. Although it has been 5 years already and the girl that was standing in front of him now has grown up to a beautiful young lady but she looked exactly the same when he first saw her 5 years ago. He was very sure it was her but he doesn’t understand why the feeling is slightly different. Maybe because it has been a long time.

“Do you… still remember me?” Min Ho asked.

Yoon Suh looked at him with a surprise gaze. Her heart was pounding very fast. He asked her whether she remember him or not. Of course she remembered. She was there watching each and every competition in her school for the past 3 years just to look at him. But what surprised her was he did notice her. He seems to know her.

“I… of course I remembered.” Yoon Suh said softly.

Min Ho smiled. “It has been a long time. I thought I wouldn’t see you again. I went back to the place where we first met but I couldn’t find you. I didn’t know you were studying in this school.”

Yoon Suh was confused with what he was saying. “The place that we first met?”

Min Ho nodded. “The tangerine farm in Jeju Island.”

“Tangerine farm?” Yoon Suh did go to Jeju Island for once when she was a kid but she doesn’t remember she went to any tangerine farm before. She hated those place the most.

A slight disappointment crossed in Min Ho’s eyes. “You… don’t remember?”

Yooh Suh parted her lips as she smiled awkwardly. “I remembered a little bit but…”

“It’s okay.” Min Ho cut her off with a smile. “It has been 5 years already and it’s normal that you can’t remember. But I still need to thank you for the twinflower you gave me. It helped and settled the problem that my father was facing at that time. Thank you.”

Yoon Suh’s brows slightly creased as she looked at him confusedly. He must have recognized the wrong person. But who cares, Yoon Suh thought. Most importantly she found a good opportunity to

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Hey guys...I just finished my class n I hv a dinner appointment later.I only wrote half way of the next chap so I'll be updating slightly late today.


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22 streak #1
Chapter 28: You are making me cry again.
etiket #2
Chapter 28: reading it again n still make me cry??
ShinHye24 1340 streak #3
Here again reading this amazing story
Chapter 4: why are you so good author-nim! You're doing it again. Its 2 in the morning and I'm still up reading your story rather than studying for my midterm
anejae #6
Chapter 28: Re reading this
Story again
crazyforkdrama #7
Chapter 28: Read again. No matter how many times I have read your stories they still give me the feeling I had when I was reading them for the first time. Really amazed with your talent. God bless you.
mspandora #8
Chapter 28: I just finished reading this for the 2nd time and I cried a bucket. Daebak Jasey!
22 streak #9
Chapter 28: I don't know which ending really works, though the 1st one seems more realistic, even though it's really the definition of heartbreak and pain. (The Journey is also painful, though it's just a montage of things) 2nd Epilogue is to appease the broken hearts.

A WOW story!